#a very general answer uwu since i dont keep up with contemporary art enough to form any opinions on trends or whatnot
lenskij ยท 1 year
โ˜•๏ธ on contemporary art (in general or you can pick a trend you have strong opinions about) love you (:
Thank you for your question, dear! ๐Ÿ’š
I love visiting contemporary art museums, to take a slow stroll through it and look at all the pieces. Only problem is that they tend to be on the expensive end for museum tickets, so it's not a frequent treat for me....
Contemporary art, just like art from any other time period, is incredibly varied and there's lots to explore. I don't like all of it, of course, but I'm very peeved when people swipe it all under the rug for being "boring" or "nonsense" or whatever else they call it, and thereby demonstrating that they simply haven't taken other than a surface look at any contemporary art.
I have seen a couple of exhibitions that make me go "humph, this is stupid!" and leave, while other exhibitions stay with me for a while. I can never tell which it's going to be in advance! (Last time I went to a contemporary art museum, my experience was very much clouded by the very expensive ticket I had to buy to see it. Which is unfair to the art! But it be like that sometimes).
As you can tell by the answer, my preferred way of experiencing art is through museums :) I like to see the piece in the flesh, to be able to look at it from different angles and better gauge its size, and also to have the "mindset" that comes from actively choosing to go to a museum specifically to look at art - in contrast to, say, looking at pictures on my laptop.
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