#a principe like pikuash nefesh
bookofjudith · 2 years
my last rant ab Catholics trying to get religious exemption from the vax is that their common argument against it is that it was developed using a fetal cell line taken from an aborted fetus in the 70s. Which. The absolute mental gymnastics and willful ignorance to get there. How many other medical advancements were tested using that cell line that you had no fucking issue with, because abortion is only a talking point when it’s convenient for you, and pro-life has nothing to do with anyone else. including the tens of thousands of drugs developed using a cell line unethically taken from a poor black woman with cervical cancer named Henrietta Lacks, who never knew it was taken and died having not seen a penny of the millions of dollars that were made off of her cells. It drives me up a goddamn wall how selective they are. It only matters when they say it matters.
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