#Zigi fake
insomniziam · 11 months
Love that Zayn is actively showing on Instagram that he's in the UK and not with G's daughter on Father's Day, utilising an app he barely ever uses but he knows he can get 2mil likes in a matter of hours😏
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chaudhavi-ka-chand · 2 years
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arandu-juky · 4 years
Veo que demasiada gente esta corriendo de Twitter y me parece algo SUPER normal debido a la toxicidad que manejan en dicha plataforma.
Por que digo que es tóxico?? Por el simple hecho de que no podes expresar tu opinión sin ser juzgado ya que directamente pasa las siguientes cosas:
Te empiezan a insultar y a decirte cosas hirientes
Te llegan a los Dm privados a pedirte que te mates
Te agregan a listas de bloqueos y te denuncian la cuenta
Eso les parece normal o sano??? No!!!
Bueno... Siguiendo el tema veo que muchas Twarries estan llegando a Tumblr ya que quieren informarse Y ME PARECE PERFECTO.
He creado este blog en español con la finalidad de poder informarles y ayudarles, la mayoría de blogs que hay acá con buena información son en ingles aunque hay alguno que otro en español muy buenos como:
En este blog mio NO CREEMOS EN EL BBG de ninguno, osea que no creemos que ningúno sea padre, 0/3 son padres, si creemos en Ziam y no como un shipp, lo creemos como que son, 2 adolescentes que se enamoraron y que hasta el día de hoy siguen juntos a pesar de toda la mierda que sufrieron.
Si creemos en Larry pero no como un shipp, creemos que son jovenes que se enamoraron en su adolescencia y hasta el día de hoy siguen juntos hasta puede que casados.
Creer que son un simple shipp y ya es nefasto y una falta de respeto a todo lo que pasaron ya que son seres humanos reales con sentimientos.
También en este blog exijimos respeto.
Esta estrictamente prohíbido que compartan mi contenido sea dándome o no creditos, solo pueden compartirlo si YO lo autorizo.
Si ven que alguien comparte algún post mío por favor me avisan y a compartir no me refiero el link, sino a capturas o plagiar directamente mi contenido.
No creo en ninguna Barba o stunt/pr
No creo en el baby gate
No creo en cuentas de predicciones
No idolatro a las novias como Eleanor, Gigi o Maya
No tengo problema alguno en responder sus dudas, pueden depositarme todas sus dudas en la opción de pregunta anónima o no en la parte de arriba, pero admito que no quiero responder preguntas acerca de "Crown dijo esto" o "fulana dijo esto" "salió tal rumor de x cosa"....
Este Blog que he creado es para que puedan informarse y educarse pero no me vengan con estupideces.
Que es Tumblr??
Tumblr es una plataforma de microblogueo que permite a sus usuarios publicar textos, imágenes, vídeos, enlaces, citas y audio a manera de tumblelog.
Algo que amo de tumblr es que podes editar TODO tu perfil, desde colores hasta tipos de letras.
Acá nadie te va a juzgar por el tipo de contenido que subas, se libre de publicar lo que quieras, siempre con respeto.
Algunas cosas basicas que recomiendo hacer:
Hay muchisimas Larries y directioners Antiguas por lo que si se encuentran con sus blogs y desean hacer una pregunta POR FAVOR preguntenles si es que les incomoda responder a x pregunta ya que aveces molesta que nos pregunten sobre cosas que pasaron en el 2012 y actualmente YA NO TIENE IMPORTANCIA.
Siempre mantener el respeto para que te puedan respetar.
Usar la lupita para buscar distintos temas y que les sea mas fácil.
Si una cuenta habla de algo que no te gusta o incomoda la mejor opción es bloquear y ya.
Si te molesta cierto tipo de contenido ignoralo o bloquea.
No teber miedo de publicar lo que quieras, de hecho se va a respetar tu opinión y te pueden ayudar.
Cosas que NO recomiendo hacer:
No compartir post de cuentas que NO autorizan a que puedan ser compartidas, verán... Acá en Tumblr hay muchas cuentas que no autorizan que su contenido sea difundido por otras redes sociales sea dando o no derechos de Autor, asi que si una cuenta dice que no compartas su contenido NO lo hagas.
NO amenaces a cuentas por privado o en las preguntas ya que te molesto algo que dijo.
Acá JAMÁS van a ver que alguien use los típicos términos INMADUROS de Twitter como "Dropealo mongolica" "Tu ídolo te odia" "matate y graba" "suicidate" "borra eso down irrespetuosa" y demas términos que son muy comunes en Tw por la gente inculta e inmadura que no sabe que NO se debe de usar una enfermedad como insulto.
No preguntes sobre cosas de las que no quieren hablar y si no quieren no insistas.
No faltes el respeto y siempre pregunta si podes hacer x pregunta ya que hay cuentas que te pueden bloquear por el simple hecho de no preguntar antes.
No vengas a esta plataforma a intentar "investigar e informarte" para luego ir a Tw a decir que somos unas enfermas y demás.
No unlarreamos por fotos/videos o cualquier contenido que suba eleanor.
Aquí NO se cree en ninguna barba o stunt, NINGUNA, ni Camille, ni Kendall, ni Eleanor, NADA.
Acá NO se cree en el bbg (Louis NO es padre)
No creer todo lo que sale y siempre tener base y fundamentos válidos.
Mis publicaciones.
Ziam closeting parte 1, parte 2, parte 3, parte 4.
Laya Fake, joyería ziam, Análisis de I won't mind
Time line 2013, Análisis de otras canciones y coincidencias ziam. Liam Attitude. Rbb y Sbb ziam.
Bbg Liam, ilustrador de Zayn confirmando Ziam, extra.
En Tumblr no somos ningunas enfermas o locas, la gente aqui se dedica a investigar y a analizar todo, con pruebas y fundamentos, sin mas bienvenidos a Tumblr, disfruten su estadía, investiguen mucho, mantengan el respeto y nos vemos pronto amores❤️
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fingersxfearless · 4 years
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Liam Payne <3
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ziamscolours · 4 years
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Is she that sick for attention? Poor Zayn, girl let him breathe😩
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tenminalltoowell · 3 years
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hate that they always drag his name through the mud but at least he’s done with that family now
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redyellowberry · 3 years
Almost a year ago g*gi posted that picture which was grained and reeked of photoshop.
Looking at it something seems off (like in any other picture where Zayn and his beard are together).
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Most people thought that it was Zayn who was photoshopped into this photo but what if it was g*gi and she has never belonged to that picture?
The answer lays in the hand holding Zayn's face.
G*gi has very thin wrists, and in the picture with Zayn, the hand holding Zayn's face has anything but a thin wrist.
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These two pictures were made in the middle of the gogo's pregnancy (around the same period), and you see, the size and form of wrists completely differ.
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But guess who has the identical hand?
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Moreover, as you see, the hand has dark spots in the exact places where Liam's tattoo are located:
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gogo has a pointed chin, and even though the picture with Zayn is grained you still can see the outline of a jawline. Chin of the person in the picture doesn't have a pointed tip:
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The person kissing Zayn has a jawline that resembles Liam's one.
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And the cherry on top is Adam's apple:
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Special filters on these pictures show that Adam's apple throws a shadow:
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Do I think that it was Liam kissing Zayn in the picture, and he was just replaced by this woman? Yes, hell I do. All these proofs confirm that we were robbed of a domestic Ziam picture, and here is to the future where Liam and Zayn will post the original photo.
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unfuxwitable · 2 years
aight, hi. im gonna say it-
bare w me PLEASE.
call me delusional or whatever, couldn't care less, the zouis fight is the fakest shit they've EVER pulled. there's no fucking way they would just go on twitter and randomly start fighting.
and then, not going to his performance. hear me out-
there's two possibilities, he wasn't allowed to go by tptb, OR he did go, we just didn't see him :')
i think he wasn't allowed to go, to fit into the narrative they were building.
whatever it is, are y'all sure zayn is AS insensitive to not go to his best friends performance when he needed it, when all of them went?
of course, this only made the management more money, AND it also helped push the bad boy narrative they were building for zayn at the moment. just open your eyes and notice the pattern.
isnt it interesting how in an interview in 2019 louis says he doesn't miss zayn cuz he still keeps in contact
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and then a few interviews later, IN THE SAME YEAR, they're too immature to have the chat? and they won't talk?
make it make sense???? to end, i just wanna say its on you if you wanna believe what the media shows you, but i'll say this, I KNOW they're alright and they're friends <3
thank you if you read till the end, have a good day ♥
oh and happy 2 years to Heartbreak Weather. what a beautiful album Niall blessed us with, and it really deserves a lot better. im so proud of him and cant wait for nh3 <3
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quietzap · 3 years
is zayns tweet about yolanda??? also the combination of partner and co-parent has me 👁👁
I wonder if he tweeted this to defend himself from yolanda's allegations... I didn't think they'd go so far in making Zayn look bad. I hate this family. Can the breakup be announced already ugh
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insomniziam · 1 year
Hey, I tried to look at the zerrie and sophiam is fake masterpost you reblogged but it was "keep reading" and the blog which made it is deactivated. Ik you probably can't do anything about it but one thing that caught my eyes was that Perrie didn't even know Zayn's ethnicity and zerrie was for whitewashing him, so can you explain that in short?
Hey nonnie!
Wow, those names are taking me back quite a few years, talk about a blast from the past 😅
As for your question, in an interview back when they will still playing at the very obvious untruth (I don't know if that's even a word but I am sticking with it) that Zayn was determined to marry a woman conveniently in another musical group under the same management team as him despite the fact that he looked anything but happy about the situation (same could be said about Liam, but I digress), Perrie had this to say about they're never-actually-happening-wedding:
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Anyone who has known Zayn for any amount of time - most of all the woman he apparently wanted to spend the rest of his life with - knows that he's not Indian, his Pakistani 💀. What makes this even funnier is Gigi pulled the exact same fail years later and claimed he was middle eastern:
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You seriously can't make this shit up.
As for the other part of your question, I can't speak too much to it because I'm not 100% sure. But from what I understand, there was a theory that they brought in a blonde hair blue and wide eye girl because they thought it would help to clean up his image and make him appear more "white".
Hopefully this helps!
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ziamouterspace · 3 years
g*g* stood up for zayn when the "jake paul drama" happened just because liam was in the same place as zayn and ziam was trending on twitter, but where is she now that zayn needs support?
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arandu-juky · 3 years
No es tal cual pregunta pero viendo como va todo en este punto zigi de todas las "relaciones" es la que vende más, y me da la impresión que será a la que le den el mayor alargue depaso que ahora está como en su "punto máximo" como de apogeo, sinceramente espero que no sea así :(
Hola amor, tenés razón, ves como a nadie le importa laya? Ni a laya mismo, yo veo que terminan ya ahí por agosto, pero zigi no, zigi le proporciona demasiada atención a jelena, además de que "tienen una bebe" y le dejarían muy mal parado a zayn si terminan ahora, seguramente van a alargar zigi hasta el año que viene, ojalá todo termine antes :(.
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fingersxfearless · 4 years
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habit-sweetcreature · 3 years
Hola, esto no tiene mucho que ver con la cuenta pero les quería comentar que recientemente me informe un poco y empeze a creer en ziam, no va a cambiar nada de la cuenta ya que este no es el contenido que yo hago, pero voy a dejar un poco de información acerca de ziam para quien quiera informarse un poco, la mayor parte está en inglés pero igual espero que sirva.
Morado= español
Azul= en inglés
Rojo= en inglés pero se puede traducir directamente
Las diferentes estrategias de closeting de larry y ziam x x
Ziam is as real as Larry x x
Ziam masterdoc x
Ziam masterpost (reasons to believe in ziam) x x x
Gigi being racist/problematic x
Zigi timeline x
Zayn’s babygate x x
Zerrie was pr x
Maya being problematic x
Laya is pr x
Chiam debunk x
Liam’s babygate x
Ziam twitter timeline x
Rbb&sbb ziam x x
Ziam tattoos x x x x x
Liam queercoding x x
Zayn queercoding x
Ziam mirroring x
Ziam numbers x
Ziam 2020 x x
Ziam timeline (YouTube) x x x x x x x x x
Song and music video interpretations x x x x x x x x
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redyellowberry · 3 years
I really dont get gigi obsession with hiding that baby face. Ok for privacy but girl you are legit walking up and down NYC after calling paps... we know she loves attention as much as the Kardashians. If this kid was really for zayn we would have seen her face from day one
Sometimes it seems that her life purpose is to get as much attention as possible because without it the fast-changing world would immediately forget about that "super" model whose career was built due to her rich parents.
Funny how she is obsessed with hiding her baby's face when she not only "accidentally" leaked the photo of khai's face on Instagram, but also keeps posting baby's pictures taken from every angle and in different sorts of brand clothes (because without it you won't get any new contracts to be signed).
And she is the one who calls pap agencies when she goes for a walk with the baby because her career still needs to be promoted as well as her new magazine covers.
*The pap agency admitted that it was actually her who called them to take pics of one of her walks:
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Yesterday gogo announced that a new magazine cover with her is coming and in a few hours we got new pap pics of her and khai (and she obviously had to keep a stroller top opened because that's how she respects her own principle to protect her child's privacy).
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And not forget how she went and wrote a lengthy letter where she asked everyone to hide baby's face and keep it private:
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And right after she ran and posted a new picture of the baby:
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Nothing related to gogo makes sense, and it's impossible to find something reasonable in her actions. This woman feeds on all that attention people keep giving to her, but dear nonnie, you are right, if it was really Zayn's child then nothing would stop her from sharing it everywhere.
I do hope that the end of that shitty circus is coming and that Zayn will be finally free
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tenminalltoowell · 3 years
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So z4 lead single on November 27?
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