bluerose5 · 2 years
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The Dark Wolf, The Blue Wraith, & The Black Shadow.
A lot of people in Thedas are going to have to sleep with one eye open with these three around. 😂
A commission of Zevran, Tabris, & Fenris by the extremely talented @zwierzodudle. I cannot recommend their work enough. AHHH!!! Look at these three! I am blown away by how perfect this came out! 🥺💖
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wildercrow · 2 years
Arlathan Treat by Nuri
I whipped up a treat for the @arlathanxchange like... the day of author and artist reveals, because I like to live life on the edge! (I do not, in fact, like to live life on the edge. I just didn’t get inspiration until the silliest moment imaginable dshfkjhg)
Distraction for @barbex
Rating: Explicit Ship: Fenris/Zevran Word Count: 1065 Content Warnings: Explicit sex, Brief references to anxiety and past trauma Summary: Zevran helps Fenris take his mind off of his anxiety. Fenris mostly just wants Zevran to feel good. AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39320634 Excerpt:
“You, my dear, need to relax,” Zevran declares, dangling his head over the edge of the bed.
Fenris, who is currently sitting cross-legged on the floor beside the bed instead of actually using the furniture in the room for its intended purpose, looks up from his book and into his partner’s upside-down eyes. “I’m perfectly relaxed.”
“You’ve been angrily hyperventilating at your book for at least half an hour. Breathe, Fen.”
Fenris mutters a complaint under his breath but obediently takes a deep breath in through his nose, releasing it slowly through his mouth. He feels some of the tension leave his body with the breath. Tension he wasn’t fully aware was even there. He takes and releases a couple more breaths for good measure.
“See?” Zevran says with an upside-down grin. “Much better, right?”
“Yes,” Fenris admits, reaching over to ruffle his partner’s cascade of blonde hair. “Much better.”
“What are you reading about that has you so riled up, anyways?”
Fenris sighs and tucks a bookmark between the pages, then closes the book and holds it up.
“A History of Slavery in Tevinter, eh? Well, that explains some things.”
“It’s… poorly written,” Fenris grunts, setting the book aside.
“Want to come up here and take your mind off of it for a while, perhaps?” Zevran asks with a waggle of his eyebrows which makes Fenris laugh.
“Are you propositioning me for sex right now?”
“No. I’m offering you sex. There’s a difference.”
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cuddlingdragons · 7 months
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I finally feel up to posting doodles from last month with Mr. Jamfoot. Lots of experimentation with what felt good or wrong- more anthropomorphic directions, fun things like a tail, hair... The top one really hit the ideal of drifting from the original style while still feeling familiar and comfortable to draw. Pure SCRUNGLY.
One with mild blood (nosebleed and implied injury) under the cut.
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situation where he got roughed up! :o(
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jenevipcoraz · 5 months
(Zevry owned by @cuddlingdragons)
he very eepy
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wild-houseplant · 1 year
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Love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling.
Huge thanks to @chimeowrical for the genius work in capturing Rhodri and Zevran! You’re a joy to work with and I love this so much! :D :D If you’re looking for a terrific artist, look no further than Chime ^_^
Context headcanon and image description below the cut!
HC for context: Feet are considered a dirty part of the body in Tevinter, Antiva, and parts of Rivain. Consequently, in these regions, the custom of washing someone’s feet in water with fragrant oils is considered the highest display of reverence, devotion, and deference. In ugly contexts: it’s a display of forced servitude. In wholesome ones: it’s cherishing. Hopefully it’s obvious that Rhodri washes Zevran’s feet for the latter of these reasons.
/image description: Zevran, a tan-skinned blond elf is sitting on a stool. His head is tipped back in a joyful open-mouthed laugh. He is holding the head of Rhodri, a tall, muscular human, who is burying her open-mouthed smiling face into his neck. She is on her knees, leaning into him with her arms around his waist. Beside her knees on the floor is a basin filled with water and a cloth hanging out of it. It is night-time and there is a little light on Rhodri’s back. Both of them are barefoot. end id/
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au-ra-babygirl · 1 month
Warning Masa
Zevri normally wasn’t one for butting into people’s business. In fact, she preferred to avoid doing that very thing. However, she was concerned about Sholi and Masa. Masa seemed like a sweet kind, a little too eager and excitable for her taste, but sweet and kind all the same. As such, she feels the need to warn them about Sholi’s… tendencies.
She gets their inn room number from Colette, and makes her way to the given location. She knocks on the door, but after not getting an answer, she decides to lean against the opposite wall and wait to see if anyone came later. She probably should’ve foreseen that Masa might not be here, but she’d hoped. It would’ve made things a lot easier. 
Just over an hour passes according to her watch when Masa finally makes their way down the hall, a small carbuncle at their side. She stands, dusting off the back of her pants. “Hello, Masa.”
Masa startles. That probably wasn’t a good sign for an adventurer who needed to be on their toes at all times, but given how disheveled they look, she supposes it’s been a long day. “Hi. Zevri, right?”
Zevri nods. “It is.”
“What can I do for you?”
She blinks. “Aren’t you the least bit concerned that I’m here? Waiting on you?”
They shrug. “Not really. You’re Sholi’s friend, so I doubt you’d have reason to hurt me.”
That… is decent logic, but what if she were someone else? She might be Sholi’s friend, but the next person to wait outside their door like this might not be. That’s probably a concern for later though. “...Right. Uh, about why I’m here. Do you mind if I come in?”
Masa opens the door then stands aside, allowing Zevri to enter. It’s about what she expected from an inn room. Fairly small with a desk off to the side and a wardrobe opposite the bed. Clothes are scattered around from where Masa had likely thrown them in the middle of trying to decide what to wear. They reminded her of Sholi in that way. “Is everything okay? We, uh, haven’t talked much. Not that I mind your presence, I just-”
“Masa,” Zevri cuts them off before they can fully start rambling. “Everything’s okay. I just… You’re dating Sholi now, right?” Masa nods. “Right. I just… wanted to warn you, I guess.”
Masa blinks. “Warn me? About what?”
“Mind if I sit?”
Masa startles. “Oh! Right! Of course. Um,” they fumble around, pulling clothes off the desk chair and tossing them at the wardrobe. Zevri can’t help but be amused at the sight. Definitely similar to Sholi in that regard at least. “Here. Sit. Please.”
She takes a seat on the newly cleaned chair and crosses her legs. “Sholi’s a good person. She’s friendly and smart and good at recognizing what other people need. She, however, isn’t so good at recognizing what she herself needs.”
Masa sits on the bed halfway through Zevri’s words, crossing their legs in front of them. She can’t help but notice they have really nice legs. “She’s told me this before,” Masa says. “Says you broke up with her because of it.”
Zevri can’t tell if that’s meant to be insulting or not. “I didn’t… not important.” She was tired of defending herself in some regard on this matter. Sholi often made her feel defensive when this subject came up, and she doubted it was intentional, but it was still annoying. “Look, I just want to make sure you know what you’re getting into. I like both of you, and I don’t want to see either of you get hurt.”
“I don’t think we will,” Masa says softly. “I like Sholi, and I’m prepared to help her however I can.”
“That’s just it,” Zevri comments. “I don’t know if you are. Sholi seems strong and confident and all those other things, but it’s really just extroversion hiding a deeper insecurity. She needs someone who can help her see that she doesn’t need to please anyone to be happy. She just needs to be herself. Can you be that person?”
Masa looks down thoughtfully. Zevri can’t help but be grateful they’re taking this seriously. “I think so. I’d like to be at least.”
Zevri sighs, crossing her legs the opposite way. “So did I. I saw all those insecurities hiding beneath the surface, but I didn’t always recognize when they were coming to the surface. I tried, sure, but I ended up failing her and ultimately felt like I had no choice but to break up with her. I didn’t want to, but I needed to. For both our sakes.”
They seem to seriously consider her words, which is reassuring. It meant they really were taking this seriously. “What else can I do but be there for her?”
“That I don’t really know. I just wanted to be sure you knew what you were getting into.”
“And I appreciate that,” Masa says, sounding genuine. “I just don’t think it’s necessary. I may not necessarily understand everything Sholi’s been through, but I want to help her. I want to be there for her.”
Zevri isn’t sure they’re truly understanding her, but she’s made her point. “Very well. Just… be careful, okay? Like I said earlier, I like you, I like her, and I don’t want to see either of you get hurt.”
Masa nods. “Thank you.”
She stands. “Well, I suppose that’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening and actually considering what I had to say.” She hadn’t expected Masa to dismiss her based on what she knew about them already, but she’d been ready to be shoved out the door and dismissed entirely just in case. “I truly do want what’s best for both of you.”
They stand as well, both walking toward the door. “I believe that.” And Zevri believed them. It was a little weird if she were being honest. She wasn’t used to genuine people who didn’t play mind games or make her feel like she had to be several steps ahead of them at all times. “I want things between us to go well too. And I understand what you’re saying. I’ve been warned, by you and Sholi, and I appreciate the honesty and concern. I’m not quite sure how necessary it is, but I appreciate it.”
Zevri nods. “Right. I hope things go well for you.” She steps into the hallway and turns to face Masa. “Take care.”
“You too.”
With that, Zevri begins the way back to her own apartment, hoping this wasn’t a mistake. She doubted Sholi would be angry with her for trying to warn Masa, but she didn’t think Sholi would be happy about it either.
Oh, well.
That was an issue for later. For today, she’d done what she intended and wanted nothing more than to return home, change into her pajamas, and relax with a nice glass of wine. It felt like a rose night.
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lifblogs · 1 year
🔥 on modern-day fandom in general
I think almost everyone (myself included) in modern day fandom needs to take a chill pill. There are too many rules, too many things we expose ourselves to that makes us upset. I think people also need to be nicer to each other, or need to know when to leave if they're not happy. Modern day fandom is great in a lot of ways because of the things that we create, but we need to chill and remember that the other people we're interacting with are actually people just like we are.
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asofterwaystar · 2 years
Hey I didn't know other people made a softer world succession edits, let me know if you want me to take mine down, I didn't mean to copy
Oh no you're 100% fine! Even before I made this blog, other people had made edits, I just happened to get the URL lol. I like to reblog other people's a softer world/succession edits to this blog to support them! I haven't had a ton of time recently to make new edits anyway, so I appreciate people like you carrying on the tradition <3
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comfycel · 1 year
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loganrhea/shivlukas parallels
tagging @zevri because you get it!
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ustalav · 5 months
WIP Title Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
ty @shivunin for the tag!!
titling is the Last thing i do lmao so these will be very generic lmao
Zevris Smut
Reworked first time
maybe redo this idk
Young Gideon
Cassandra rejection
kinktober day 1 & 17
I no pressure tag @transprincecaspian @cetra @amatres @foxboyclit
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bluerose5 · 1 year
Fenris reading at night. Zevran’s stretched out, his head in his lap. Fenris holds his latest book in one hand, combing his fingers through Zevran's hair with the other. Darrian’s snuggled up to his side. His eyes follow along on each page as Fenris reads aloud, his voice soothing as Darrian fights the urge to doze off.
And when they eventually do fall asleep, Fenris settles in for the night, wrapped up in their warm embrace.
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wildercrow · 2 years
Received Arlathan Gifts
we also received two wonderful fics  via the @arlathanxchange, which we would like to share so you all can have the opportunity to experience them with us. both are modern au kitchen disasters featuring isabela/zevran/fenris, which i thought was a very amusing coincidence. we are an easy audience to please, hah. and pleased we are -- both fics have brought us a great deal of joy.
Un, Deux, Trois, Sway. Clap Your Hands, Do the Flambé by Elviah
Rating: Teen Ship: Isabela/Zevran/Fenris Word Count: 2043 Content Warnings: Mild sexual themes Summary: Fenris is trying to cook dinner for Zevran for their anniversary, but Isabela would rather do something else, at the cost of the smoke alarm going off. AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39253437
Something is burning! by Mimidae
Rating: Mature Ship: Isabela/Zevran/Fenris Word Count: 1047 Content Warnings: Allusions to trauma Snippet: 
“What in the fuck are you doing, Squiggles?” She wasn’t really annoyed, just mildly worried. Zevran stood on a chair, fanning the smoke alarm with a cookie sheet. He didn’t falter.
“Cooking. Thought you could use a breakfast in bed.”
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39253437
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cuddlingdragons · 2 months
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Two Zevry sketches I liked!
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meowdejavu · 5 months
yesterday i replaced the name "theo" with "zev" in my rough draft WIP because i'm indecisive on that character's name, and today!!!!!! i opened my doc and realized that i should have put a space after "theo" when i find/replaced........because!!!!!!! my many instances of the word "theory" had become ZEVRY
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wild-houseplant · 2 years
ZevWarden Week 2022- Day 1
I can’t believe it’s that time again! Thanks again to the amazing Zevraholics mods (and volunteers) who put this amazing event together <3 Day 1: Culture- Cultural exchange. In which Zevran and Rhodri attempt to touch on cultural differences regarding honeymooning. Rated T because it’s laden with raunchy innuendo but nothing actually happens. Link to the AO3 here if you fancy language notes. Otherwise the story is here with the rest under the cut :D :D Happy ZevWarden Week to us all!
Zevran looked over at Rhodri. Her arm was half-extended toward his shoulder, hovering in mid-air, and she was watching him with a careful, neutral expression.
He smiled. “Oh, I think we can do even better than that, don’t you think?”
“... Better?” she echoed blankly. “How–?”
“I’m glad you asked!” With a little strategic shuffling, his own spot beside Rhodri on the lounge had been abandoned in favour of her lap.
Rhodri grinned and put her book down, wrapping her arms around him. “You’re right, you know,” she murmured warmly. “Brilliant idea on your part, dulcis.”
“Oh, I know, believe me.” He let out a luxuriant sigh and curled into her embrace. “Wasn’t it a stroke of genius on my part, my love, suggesting we take a honeymoon?”
Her chest rumbled in his ear as she hummed in agreement.
Zevran chuckled. “Truly, I am still shocked your countrymen do not believe in them. Of all the people not to have one…”
“Mmm, so am I. You’d think the workshy Tevinter Altus would leap at the chance for a getaway, wouldn't you, even if nobody really cares much about marriages. Though…” she frowned softly. “Does this count as a honeymoon?”
“Hmm? Why would it not?”
“Well, we’ve been married for years now, haven’t we? Isn’t it a bit late for one?”
He kneaded her waist with his fingers. “Is there a deadline for taking a honeymoon, my love?”
She shrugged. “There might be? But maybe Tevinters just don’t know the real reason Antivans do that sort of thing. You know, not having it ourselves. We think we know, but perhaps we’re just living off a popular rumour at this point.”
Zevran bit his lip. “Well, now. I would be very interested to know what rumour Tevinters have subscribed to on this matter.”
His wife eyed him archly. “I think you know perfectly well what that rumour is, dulcis.” 
“Do I, though?” He gave a flourished one-handed shrug. “I am no mind reader. How can I be sure unless you tell me what it is?”
Rhodri tsked playfully. “My stars, but you’re brazen this evening! All right, all right… as I understood it, the married couple uses the short period after the wedding to… well, spend time together alone.”
“Mmm…” Zevran hooked a finger under Rhodri’s jaw and guided her head until her ear was by his mouth. “And what is it they get up to alone, hmm?”
“Aeya-a-a-a… truly?” 
He pressed a kiss on the soft spot under her earlobe and was rewarded with the sound of her swallowing thickly. “Mmm, truly,” he purred. “Don’t spare the details, my love. We are sharing our cultures, and I intend to fully integrate into my new homeland.”
After a short sequence of laughingly exasperated sighs, Rhodri’s arms curled in to bring him firmly up against her torso. She cleared her throat.
“As you wish. Well, they use that time to reveal things to each other, is the idea. Most people do these things, but even so, the individual usually considers them very private, very personal." Her voice dropped to a murmur, "And very enjoyable, you understand.”
“I have an idea of what you might mean…” he took one of her hands and guided it onto his belt buckle. “But tell me a little more, just so I can be certain.”
Rhodri’s low chuckle was enough to prompt his hips to curl encouragingly into her hand. Her fingertips slipped far enough under his shirt to stroke the skin above his waistband. “They’re pastimes many think of constantly. Plays on their mind all day.”
She pressed him to her a little harder, coaxing a shudder out of him as she ghosted her mouth up his neck and along his jaw. “And it means a lot to them, sic?,” she whispered. “Brings them great pleasure, and it feels good to have someone to share it with. Lernis? Comprendis, mi Zevran?”
He sighed and nodded. “Sí, sí.”
“And so when they’re away from prying eyes for a few weeks, they can take the time to thoroughly divulge these things to each other.” She nipped his cheek, thumbing at his belt buckle. “Indulge themselves, indulge each other. Combine their passions, even.”
Zevran swallowed back a moan. “More.”
“More?” Rhodri husked. “What ‘more,’ hmm? Is it examples you want, my love? Of what they share? I can oblige there, let’s see… The first that comes to mind is warm-water fish.”
“Oh-h-h— eh?” He squinted at her. “Did I hear you correctly? Warm-water fish?”
She grinned, watching him like she had just swallowed a bowlful of explosives. “Oh, yes. You know we Vints love our tropical fish. We could spend all night showing our aquariums to the special people in our lives. And for the very close ones, we might even combine them to build one big aquarium.”
Her smile began to wobble. A soft wheeze leaked out of her and rapidly crescendoed into a loud, bell-clear laugh forceful enough to bounce him against her rib cage.
Zevran let out a long, loud groan. With two fingers, he took the hand that sat on his belt buckle and unceremoniously dropped it down by her side. 
A panting Rhodri wiped her eyes and pat his back. “Ah, dulcis. No good? You don’t want to go to some secluded, dark place with me and see my fish collection?” She sucked in her cheeks and puckered her lips at him, guffawing again as he rolled his eyes and– gently– pushed her face away.
He smiled in spite of himself, making sure to tut with enough force that she could hear it. “And you think me incorrigible.”
She beamed. “I do! Ah, Zev. Tesorus. Oh my word, I do love honeymoons. We should take one every year.”
Zevran chuckled. “If only, mi sol. Unfortunately, only one per marriage.”
“Ah? Truly?”
“Unless you wish to divorce and then remarry.”
She shuddered. “Certainly not. But that’s terrible logic! People celebrate their birthdays every year even though they were only born once.”
“Mmm… I suppose we need some sort of anniversary honeymoon, no?”
Rhodri eyed him hopefully. “... I don’t suppose that’s an Antivan custom, is it?”
“If it isn’t yet, I think it certainly should be.”
“Then it’s settled?”
He smiled and nodded. “It is. Well, my love, in case we are too late for a honeymoon: atiya aniversario.”
“Atiya aniversario,” she echoed through a smile before looking around. “Mm, no drinks to clink glasses with– ah, I know! If I could just borrow your head a moment…” 
Zevran blinked in astonishment as his wife took hold of his head and carefully bumped it against hers. “Ah… what was that about?”
She smiled like she had found the cure for the pox. “Well, our heads hold water, you see, around the brain. So knocking heads is like clinking two glasses together, don’t you think? Ah… Zev?” He heard her fingers rub intently against each other. “You… don’t think so?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Rhodri, you will recall that it’s custom to take a drink from the receptacle that was just clinked, yes? Where will we drink from, my love?” Zevran folded his arms and watched her expectantly. 
“Well, we… ah. Hmm.” She chewed her lip. “We could– no, that’s too violent… and cannibalistic… oh, dear…”
Zevran sighed a laugh and tapped her cheek. “Amore? I’ve no wish to be unadventurous on our honeymoon, my darling, but perhaps we could eschew the toasting and tropical fish and you could just… take me to bed?” He caught her eye and nodded emphatically at the enormous four-poster behind them. “Antivan style honeymoon, no?”
Rhodri followed his gaze to their bed and joined in with a round of her own fervent nodding. She shot out of the couch with him in her arms. 
“Praise be,” she burbled, “that topic was getting odd. Kick your shoes off and let's go. Maker bless Antiva...”
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au-ra-babygirl · 2 months
Sholi and Zevri
Sholi takes a deep breath as she approaches the stairway entrance to Zevri’s apartment. As much as she didn’t want to have this conversation, she knew she needed to. It didn’t have to be tonight though…
Oh, yes, it did. If she didn’t do it tonight, she’d find ways to keep convincing herself not to do it ever, and Zevri would never forgive her for screwing up their relationship (okay, that last bit might be an exaggeration, but she wasn’t entirely sure).
She forces herself to knock on the door and wait for an answer. “Come in!” Zevri calls from inside. Sholi opens the door, mildly surprised to find it unlocked at this hour, and finds Zevri sitting in a chair, legs curled under her as she nursed a glass of what looked like wine. “Sholi?”
“Hi.” She waves. Zevri sits her glass of wine down and rises. Her tunic barely covers her ass, and Sholi tries not to be distracted by it seeing as that and her small clothes are the only things Zevri is currently wearing. “Were you expecting someone? I can go if you were.”
Zevri shakes her head. “No. Just me and a bottle of wine,” she replies. She walks into the adjacent kitchen and grabs a second wine glass and the bottle. She holds the glass up. “Want some?”
“Uh…” She knows she should probably be sober for this conversation, but the idea of drinking wine with Zevri just like they used to sends her heart aflutter. “Sure.”
“You can say no, you know?” Zevari teases even as she pours the glass of red wine.
“I know.” Sholi takes the glass when offered to her. “I just want to drink with you tonight.”
“Does that mean the date went badly?”
Sholi shakes her head, sitting down on the lounge opposite of where Zevri’s chair is. She’s tense and awkward and hoping the wine will help with both of those things. “No. No, it went really well, I think.”
“Good, good.” Zevri resumes their previous seat in the chair, legs curled up under them. “So why are you here then?”
Sholi takes a moment to answer, staring down into her wine glass as if it offers the answers she seeks. “I… I realized something.” Zevri arches an eyebrow but doesn’t speak. “I… I know now that I wasn’t a very good girlfriend, and I didn’t communicate my needs well enough for you to understand what I wanted and didn’t want. And I pressured myself into doing things I wasn’t ready for. Things you may not have even been ready for. For that, I’m very sorry.”
Zevri doesn’t speak for a long moment, taking a sip from her wine glass instead. “It’s not that you weren’t a good girlfriend,” Zevri corrects. “It’s that you didn’t communicate things very well. You’re a great speaker, great at realizing things that others need, but poor at recognizing what you yourself want. Did you want to kiss me that first night?”
Sholi continues looking down at her glass, swirling it around a little. “Yes and no. I… I definitely wanted to kiss you, but-”
“But it was too soon?”
She glances up and nods. “I think so. You… you were the first person kind of like me that I’d ever dated. I wanted you to be happy, even at my own expense. That’s not a good partner. That’s a doormat.”
Zevri chuckles softly. “I wouldn’t say you were a doormat. You just weren’t good at articulating what you needed and wanted. That’s okay. It’s just something you need to work on.”
“It feels different now. I feel different now,” Sholi says. “I think Masa will be different.”
“Is it? It’s not been that long,” Zevri warns. “Are you sure you’re not jumping into things too fast?”
“I don’t think so. I want things to be different, that means they will be… right?”
Zevri swirls her glass around. “Doesn’t mean they will be. Have you actually worked on not being a people pleaser?”
Sholi scowls. “Must you word it like that?” Zevri shrugs. Sholi sighs heavily. “Not… kind of? I dunno. How does one work on something like that?”
“Having confidence in yourself is a good place to start.” Sholi looks up, confused. It’s Zevri’s turn to sigh. “Look, I know you have confidence in your bow and I know you think you’re good at talking to people, but those things aren’t confidence in yourself. They’re confidence in things around you.”
“My bow is me.”
“Not really. Your bow is a skill you’ve acquired through years of training and effort. It’s a start to being confident in yourself, but it’s not quite entirely there.” Zevri takes a sip of the wine. “You need to learn how to verbalize what you need. Don’t assume someone can read your mind. None of us have the Echo, that I know of at least, so you need to verbalize your needs.”
Sholi takes a long drink from the wine glass and sits it down a little rougher than intended. “And just how do I do that, huh? How am I supposed to do that?”
Zevri raises her wine glass and gestures to Sholi. “Like this right here. Tell Masa what you need and don’t need. I doubt they’ll know any better than you from what I’ve seen of them, so you need to talk to them. Figure this shit out together.”
“I should be able to figure it out by myself.”
“But you have a partner now. Talk to them. Tell them what you’re afraid of doing, and they can help you avoid it.”
“I’m trying to do that. I already told them about us and why you dumped me.”
Zevri sighs heavily. “I didn’t dump you. We broke up mutually. You said you understood.”
“And I do,” Sholi protests. “I do understand, and you were right to do it. Doesn’t mean I know what the fuck I need to be doing or how the fuck to go about a new relationship without screwing it up in the same way.”
“That’s your problem,” Zevri argues. “You think you understand everything everyone wants and how best to please them, but you don’t. You don’t know everything, and making yourself a godsdamned door mat doesn’t help anyone. Take charge in your relationship this time. Tell Masa what you need, what you want. Don’t make them second guess every move you make like I had to.”
“I wasn’t trying to make you second guess anything,” Sholi says, a little louder than intended. “I just wanted you to be happy.”
“And I would’ve been a hell of a lot happier if I didn’t feel like I had to be three steps ahead of you at all times,” Zevri argues, slamming her glass on the coffee table. “Sholi. I… I love you, I do, but you’re a godsdamned handful sometimes. You want people to be happy at the expense of yourself, and I get it. I get that being abandoned and the failed adoptions fucked you up, but I care about you. I want you to succeed with Masa where we failed. And to do that, you need to fucking speak up.
“Tell her when something isn’t right. You’re not ready. Whatever the case may be. Just talk to them the way you wouldn’t talk to me.”
“I’m talking to you now, aren’t I?” Sholi replies, significantly more bitterly than intended.
“You are, and I’m proud of you. I still think you have a lot to work on though.” Zevri grabs her wine glass and rises to refill it in the kitchen. “I don’t doubt that you’ve made some progress, but it’ll take time and effort to really get to the level you need to be at. Are you sure you’re ready for that? Are you sure Masa knows what they're getting into?”
Sholi feels tears blossom in her eyes and tries to blink them away. She would not be so useless as to cry during this conversation. She wouldn’t. Hopefully. “I’m trying. What more do you want from me?”
“I don’t want anything from you.” Instead of going back to her chair, Zevri settles on the couch beside Sholi and wraps an arm around her waist. “I never wanted anything from you that you weren’t ready to give. I still don’t.”
“They know I’m polyamorous,” Sholi says, trying to focus on anything other than how good it feels to have Zevri’s hand against their side. “They’re okay with it.”
“That’s a start,” Zevri replies. They move their hand and settle it back on their lap. Sholi suddenly feels cold. “Now, keep doing that. Keep being honest about your intentions and what you need. I’m sure good things will come from this if you do. And if you hurt them, I can kick your ass.”
Sholi laughs despite herself. “You barely even know them.”
“Yeah, but I know you. I know how you behave. If you hurt them the way you did me, I’ll kick your ass for repeating the same patterns.”
She leans against Zevri’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
“For being honest with me. I needed that.”
Zevri smacks her lightly across the back of the head. “Any time, babe.”
“They think you’re cute, by the way.”
“Hm? Who?”
“Masa. They think you’re cute.”
Zevri hums thoughtfully. “Yeah, they were kinda cute. I dunno if they’re my type or not though.”
“I, uh, thought maybe we could all be polyamorous together,” Sholi says weakly, hoping this isn’t a mistake. She’s made a lot of those with Zevri already and would hate for Masa to lose a chance to get to know this beautiful woman because of it.
Zevri snorts. “How about you two focus on each other for the time being. If your relationship seems to be going better than ours did, maybe I’ll give you both a chance to woo me.”
Sholi’s ears perk up and her tail begins waving against her will. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
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