agnisleftpec · 2 months
neflix's atla for me is just "wow! that idea's cool! i hope someone writes a fanfic with that but good :)"
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x-ceirios-x · 1 year
Basic Data
Name: Shouichi 
Nickname/s: Shou
Age: s1 - 17
Gender: cis guy, he/him 
Occupation: bounces around a lot. pao family tea house employee as of s2
Nationality: fire nation
Non bender Picked up a lot of street fighting tricks in his teen years and doesn’t exactly know how to fight ‘fair’. Then again, when you’re fighting for the ability to eat the next day, fair doesn’t quite matter. He had quite a bit of natural strength from working on a farm as a kid (and all the manual labor that comes with that) and learned to use that to his advantage pretty early on. 
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Physical features: (hair, eyes, skin, build etc) really choppy cut, curly, med. brown hair, black eyes, pretty thin build
Height: i don’t have a number because none of them do but. A little taller than zuko (as of s2)
Standard clothing: i have a sketch of this somewhere i need to find it.
Defining features: (scars, burns, piercings, tattoos, signature accessories etc) killer burn scar he gets on his stomach during the final battle
Other outfits: some formal fire nation stuff he gets from zuko eventually, but he still prefers his stuff from the earth kingdom
On the surface, everyone thinks he’s a good kid that just keeps to himself. While it’s true, it goes a little deeper than that. He intentionally doesn’t get to know people better than basic small talk and keeps them an arm’s length away at all times. He’s well-mannered and polite, making him a customer favorite at the tea shop, but he’s incredibly independent (to a fault) and insists on doing everything himself.  Emotional vulnerability isn’t his strong suit by any means, but he takes time out of his day to make the kids he sees on the street smile (whether it’s with leftover food or a joke someone told him). 
Likes: country scenery, animals, kids (major soft spot there), flowers
Dislikes: city life, crabby & entitled adults
Strengths: friendly, relaxed, observant, resourceful, independent
Weaknesses: stubborn, reckless, also independent
Fears: time passing, dependency
Affiliations/Alliances: team avatar, the white lotus league, iroh, zuko
Family: unnamed father (deceased), unnamed mother (deceased)
Friends: toph beifong, sokka, momo (specifically them, he gets along with the whole gang)
Romantic Interest/s: Zuko
Shou grew up on a ranch on the outskirts of the fire nation, pretty far from any close city. His dad raised him since his mom died from an illness when he was a kid, and the two lived a pretty quiet life. The war finally reached the furthest parts of the fire nation (not like it hadn’t before, but things got worse), so the two decided to sneak out and hope to restart their lives in the safe city of Ba Sing Se. When he was about 12, they left for (what was supposed to be) a well-covered dock for refugees to leave the country, but it was run through by fire nation soldiers the night they tried to escape. The boat left with only half of the passengers it was supposed to. His father didn’t make it on the ship. Later, he learned his father died in prison. 
Across the sea and through a long trek on land, he made it to Ba Sing Se. He began working as much and as hard as he could—most places, however, wouldn’t hire a 12-year-old. This led to stealing food to survive, despite how badly he didn’t want to. He learned he had to do what he could to survive rather quickly. The older he got, the more money he could make at formal jobs, so by the time he was 14 (and looked a little older), he was able to get something steady. 
However, in the meantime, he got involved in a lot of back-alley, pretty shady ways to make a little extra: he started in fighting rings where people usually felt bad for the scrawny underdog, but not enough to throw the fight. He learned how to dodge and throw punches pretty quickly (considering there were some nights his life almost depended on it) and eventually started winning. The older he got, the easier it was, but the harder opponents he was thrown in with. Most of the reason he couldn’t hold down a job for very long was that he’d come in so bloodied up he’d get fired. He couldn’t leave, however, because a lot of the other guys had bets in on him. The time he tried, he ended up fighting off a couple of (slightly drunk) guys with knives. 
Things started becoming a little more interesting when he started working at a tea shop around 17. He hadn’t been there long when a rather odd pair (father and son, he originally guessed) showed up. The older man, whose name he later learned was Mushi, was the talk of the city when word got out about how amazing his tea was. As much of a pain he was, always nagging about injuries or offering to help him with things, he was the reason he was getting more money. The guy couldn’t be that bad, right?
The other of the two, a boy about his age named Lee, was a different story. At first, he treated him like any other person he’d worked with—basic small talk was fine, but he tried not to make any meaningful attachments. However, one evening he offered to close with him, so he “didn’t have to be alone all that time”, and he found out he was seriously funny. And he had some of the strangest stories to tell—whether it was about his uncle, his younger sister, or even just the things he’d seen in his travels. He talked more than he expected considering how quiet he was when they were working with others around and Shou didn’t want him to stop. 
Over time, they grew particularly close. Rather than just working together, he surprised himself and called Lee a friend. Mushi seemed to enjoy that either of them had someone to talk to and began spending quite a bit of time together, even outside work. They went for lunch on a day they both had off and he showed him some of the prettier places in the city that they could get into without trouble. (Which also meant getting into a little trouble here and there.)
Their bond turned into something slightly more than friendship shortly afterward—at least from Shou’s perspective. Even before going to Ba Sing Se, he’d never felt so strongly for someone and slowly began to realize things were different with him. He was happier than he’d ever been before and he wanted to tell him that. 
Never a master at words, he wrote him a letter instead of verbally telling him—it was much easier when he could plan everything out before he wrote it down. He offered to meet him that night if he wanted to talk and asked Mushi (who he’d warmed up to a little) to give it to him.
He waited from a half hour before, till hours after they were supposed to meet. It took a long time of denial and several ruined dishes he’d tried his best to cook himself for him to realize he wasn’t coming. The next day at work, neither Mushi or Lee showed up—when he tried to ask the owner, he said he wasn’t given a reason and hadn’t spoken to either of them since the evening before. 
Things became dull again. There was no one there to make him laugh and get the chores done just a bit faster. Despite how much he didn’t want to admit it, he missed Mushi’s songs and stories as well. Whatever happened to them was far outside his control and nothing he could be bothered by anymore. He went back to keeping his head low and guard on, preferring not to let himself get hurt again. It wasn’t fair that they—specifically Lee—left without another word, and it reinforced his already rather draining idea that most people he cared about ended up leaving or being separated from him after a while. 
He heard nothing from either of them for months, until one evening he came home to find Mushi sitting at his dining room table, drinking tea and watching the world go by. After almost throwing the closest thing (probably his shoe) at him, they sat down and talked over tea. 
Mushi explained his name was not truly Hong Mushi, but he was a fire nation general named Iroh, and Lee was Prince Zuko, the fire lord’s son. That should have taken longer to sink in, but he was throwing so many details at once that he had no choice but to follow along. He learned that there was a (now) secret organization of bending and weaponry masters meant to protect and train the avatar (who was very much alive and trying to stop the war) known as the Order of the White Lotus. With the avatar’s help (which he didn’t know he was helping yet), the order was attempting to take back Ba Sing Se the same day the avatar faced Fire Lord Ozai. Iroh very quickly emphasized that he expected him to keep this secret unless he took him up on his offer: come with the white lotus and have a chance to "change his destiny".
That was something where he and Lee (technically Zuko, he guessed) differed—he wasn’t a big believer in destiny. But if it meant out of his run-down one-bedroom and a chance to see more than just the world directly around him, he’d take it. 
They left soon after—he dropped off a letter at the tea house letting the owner know he would be taking an "extended leave of absence" for reasons he wouldn’t discuss and figured he could deal without half a week’s pay with Iroh. They got in touch with other masters who agreed to help and eventually arrived at their camp a few miles outside the city. In the meantime, Shou began asking questions—all of which Iroh would answer with patience. Why did they lie? Why were they not in the fire nation? What happened that he was an apparently disgraced general when he seemed like he’d be perfect in leadership like that? He explained what happened to his son, to himself in the passing of the crown, to Zuko (although he tried not to dwell on that, saying it wasn’t his story to tell), and how they ended up in the situation they were in. He took the time to answer everything and tried to pass on some wisdom through his stories while he was at it. Shou didn’t realize it for a long time, but many of those stories stayed with him far into his adult life. 
Each of the masters arrived and each had their own way of asking “who’s the kid?” And each time was a little easier to not snap at anyone and say he wasn’t a kid. Something about patience and open-mindedness Iroh was trying to teach him. Along with teaching him morals (and begrudgingly accepting that all these old guys were now honorary dads), he started picking up on several fighting techniques. He never got formal training, but picked up on things quickly and tried his best to mimic them. Piandao was even nice enough to teach him how to use a sword—or, at least, how to keep the other guy who’s got one from killing you. 
With time, the stories and lessons sunk in, and he was a lot less conflicted regarding Zuko and everything that happened between them. Iroh reassured him not all hope was lost on him and he hoped to see him again. Somehow, he managed to work in several jokes about how oblivious he was whenever this was brought up. He refused to admit those feelings he had for Zuko might have been reciprocated despite how badly he wanted them to be. 
He got the opportunity to find out not long afterward—one morning, he was practicing reading the maps Pakku allowed him to borrow (and ensured he took very good care of them) when Iroh came into the tent and told him he had a visitor for him. He prepared for the worst and hoped for the best when Zuko walked through the entryway. After a much-too-long and painfully awkward conversation, he found out he’d kept the letter. A million times over, he apologized for not coming despite the fact he wanted to. Too many other things happened and it led to them not seeing each other for months. After clearing the air of any and all confusion, frustration, and anything related to their relationship, they finally kissed—Shou didn’t think he’d been that happy in a long time. 
The final battle was quickly approaching, however, so that happiness didn’t last long. As soon as they were together again, they had to be separated—Zuko and Katara were going to the palace to challenge Azula, the other three (whose names he’d just learned, along with Katara’s), Suki, Toph, and Sokka, would be trying to take out the fire nation airships. Everyone was hoping Aang, the avatar (apparently) would show up at some point during this whole mission, considering he’d been missing for a few days before that. He seemed to be the only one concerned about that aspect of the plan, so kept his mouth shut about it. 
Later, he learned that the avatar was a twelve-year-old kid with a pet flying lemur. And a flying bison. Because all of that made complete sense to any ordinary person. Appa was cool, though. 
When everyone left for their missions, he kept to the promise he made to Zuko: he’d stay with Iroh the best he could and ensure he made it out of the fight okay. They talked for a while at sunrise and Shou took the opportunity to thank him for everything. The stories, the learning opportunities, and simply someone being there was more than enough for him. Since he got to Ba Sing Se, he’d been on his own, and it was nice to have someone to rely on. To Iroh’s surprise, he actually hugged him before they charged in. 
He very quickly learned how important all of those lessons were. He’d missed the adrenaline of a fight (when the tea house got popular he was able to get a little more distance from the rings he usually fought in), but this time he wasn’t facing half-drunk idiots who didn’t know how to fight but could hit hard. He was fighting trained, human-weapon fire benders who got some extra gas power from the comet.  
Again, he picked up on things fast. While the lessons were important, nothing would prepare him for the excruciating pain a fireball to the stomach would feel like. He caught on just in time, too; if he hadn’t jumped in the way, Iroh would have taken that blow to the back. Luckily, this was the tail-end of the fight, and they secured the city not long afterward. 
The rest of the team met back in Ba Sing Se at the request of Iroh—he stressed that Katara, at least, had to come back because some injuries required the healing powers of water bending, and Earth Kingdom medicine didn't cut it. Shou, despite being stuck in bed, asked him not to name him specifically in the letter. She would come to help where she could, they both knew that. He didn’t want to worry Zuko more than he had to. 
After quite a bit of healing, Doctor Katara (he started calling her that) insisted that he stay off the muscles as much as possible, and getting a lecture about him not taking time to heal past broken bones either, she handed him off to Zuko. He got yet another lecture about how he should have been more careful and how he was terrified for him and he was right to be. Through a lot of tears and several punches to his shoulder, he finally convinced him to take a breath and sit with him for a while. The two ended up falling asleep (the best they had in days, maybe weeks) and didn’t live it down from Sokka, Aang, and Toph for several days. 
Afterward, things went as smoothly as they could. Rebuilding a nation (and the world, really) after a hundred-year war wasn’t easy, but Zuko seemed to handle it well. Still having complicated relationships with the fire nation, Shou decided to head back to Ba Sing Se and help manage the Jasmine Dragon with Iroh. They visited each other when they could and communicated mostly through letters for a while. 
After a long time in this process, he finally left the Earth Kingdom and decided to stay with Zuko at the palace. They got married (there was no rule against it but many probably wouldn’t accept it) and eventually adopted a little girl named Izumi. 
Their adventures don’t necessarily end there. Things still happen and Shou made friends with someone else from the fire nation—a girl not much younger than himself named Kiui. 
Extra Information:
Main goal: Live to the next day and figure out what to do when that happens. 
Hopes/Dreams: Not having to survive one day to the next, go back to the country and live on a ranch. 
if you made it this far ily. lmk what you think about him <3
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theyarerealtome · 4 years
Avatar tla - first watch brain dump 1/2
I’m finally watching Avatar (currently about halfway through s2) so get ready for A BRAIN DUMP OF FEELINGS
(I did go in spoiled about some major things: I knew Zuko’s backstory & that he gets redeemed, the whole Zuko/Katara ship, that a blind earthbender was going to join the Gaang and something vaguely about a girl turning into the moon. (Which at the time was like ??? wtf is this show??) So, it’s been funny to see how things have played out. 
Ok, - 
Jesus christ the show does not pull its punches – episode 3 literally throws you into how the Fire Nation committed genocide and wiped out every single Air Nomad. And Katara and Sokka are so exhausted by the war and their own tribe is on the brink of destruction and they’re barely teenagers. Just like – what the hell.
I fucking love Sokka. I love that 50% of his dialogue is “....food?” I love that there’s a character is going “Yes we will take money as a thank you for saving your village, we can’t survive off water & air alone, ffs guys.” 
Also, that he starts out as this sexist dudebro, then gets his ass kicked by a girl and rather than that making him more defensive and resentful he turns around and asks her to train him??? And straight-out acknowledges that he has a lot to learn and was in the wrong?? And goes on to appreciate all women – not just Suki, but Katara, Yue, Toph – as independent and capable human beings?? #YesCharacterDevelopmentThankYou.
Plus he turns out to be this giant, engineering nerd and I AM HERE FOR IT.
He deserves more love. And a girlfriend who doesn’t turn into the freaking moon.
I just love Sokka ok.
My baby.
She takes the weight of the world on her shoulders and looks after everyone and carries so much. I want to give her a break and a cup of tea and ten years to nap.
She’s so multi-talented – like, water-bending, healing, baby-delivering, cooking, navigating, all-round diplomat and team mum. A legend honestly.
Also, she forges the way for girls to become water-bending warriors and that’s some good shit right there.
Kinda struggled with Aang at first.
I didn’t dislike him, but there was a definite clash between his naivety vs. Katara & Sokka’s weariness from having lived their whole lives in the war. And it was kinda grating that he started out so reckless.
That said, the whole point is that he’s maturing and growing into the Avatar, and he’s just such a sweet, smol bean who loves everyone
Also, holy shit that poor kid literally has the fate of everything resting on him, and it’s probably good he’s naturally such a chill dude and able to roll with things, because the pressure of that would crush most people
 Basically he didn’t deserve any of this
 I have More Thoughts but this is getting super long so I’ve split it. Second part here.
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E14
quarantine diaries: june 14 2020
season 2 episode 14: “Bodyguard of Lies”
dude got jokes. but they are not funny. oh that guy went boom
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but i wasnt that surprised. this is nothing new in the show. after the biological warfare and the human trafficking nothing has really been that crazy or surprising
“those kids are dangerous.” ummm are they listening to themselves if anyones dangerous its these people
lexa is jealous about bellamy?? i mean she should be cuz bellamy be fine as hell
wow thats cold lexa. but you know what im looking at you right now and telling you “go die” cuz i really dont care for you rn.
those longing glances between lexa to clarke... ship?
was clarke born for this tho? she really isnt that great of a leader
the hat fall down. ahh so poetic. goodbye sean malto. may we meet again
bellamy took down that guy so easy. i also like that bellamy didnt kill the guy tho. what a stand up guy bellamy is.
wick got rid of the stash!!!! he cleaned up for raven didnt he? he reminds me of flynn rider
that hand touch. this is such a ship. way better than finn and raven. also that was the most ship look yet
“lets get our stoichometry on”.. finn who??
how are you alive octavia??? also never pegged octavia to be much of a thinker. so idk why she be think about clarke and how shes alive.
octavias hairstyle really looks like a mullet. ngl kinda reminds me of tiger king
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clarke would fit in so well in the council. ooo and clarke really asked octavia to be lowkey. 
idk about that octavia. shes kinda an idiot like she really jumped into that river day one not even worried that the water might be poisonous or if there would be a creature to eat her
ooo lexa wants to kill octavia. i would be so for that if it werent for bellamy
that grounder with that nose contour
i thought i was a one night thing/fling. apparently not... vincent and bellamy a ship??
bellamy has been moving and working. has he even slept?? like bitch i could never.
how did clarke creep on him?? like this grounder must be the worst assassin if clarke creeped on him 
“sand it blows” thank you murphy for your wisdom
jaha is such a hippie rn. but i guess if you survive a on a missile you can survive anything
idk about that clarke bc i 100 believe that octavia would choose lincoln over bellamy. like she does not listen to bellamy whatsoever but lincoln. it seems like she’ll do anything for him despite the fact that hes like 40 and shes 16.
woah clarked really backed lexa up against that table. and lexa said not you. clarke is confused. clarke you idiot she likes you 
 lexa had to do a breather. ooo and so did clarke. definitely a ship.
yeah you do need a shower murphy you look crusty af
watch the city of lights be a gay night club and thats why everyone is welcome
“i have great follow through” wicks flirting game is strong
i love how we have this fluff then cut to bellamy going full die hard and doing the heavy lifting
“hows my boy monty doing.” wick KNOWS. wick just when up on my list. 
that is pretty trusting to believe that just because of a sign that the mine field is done. like it could just have been a lie
but that looks like a city for me. whats wrong?? im so confused. 
wick and raven trying to help bellamy is so much like young people helping an old person with technology
woah if youre going to go for the kiss GO FOR THE KISS. 
wow this progressed fast. did not expect a kiss between them so soon. she said not yet...leading lexa on smh.
back to back kisses ok. you go raven.
wait waht??? wicks first name is kyle?? wick is a kyle?! oh my gosh did not expect this at all.
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aww bellamy. all that work but i guess that would have been too easy 
bellamy with those two guns!! nice!
bellamy is smarter than i thought. damn ok. who knew??
that could have been the opportunity for the zuko scar but they didnt take it. fine ok.
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but also all that fire but his hair is fine? whatever i guess i love bellamys hair too much to care about logic
raven you need to focus. bellamy cant do this all by himself.
wick said im not here to play games. ok wick. ill try to forget that youre first name is kyle
you are not indestructible octavia. also that was a weird war cry octavia
i still really dont like octavia. maybe its just because i really dont by her as a grounder.
oh. theyre solar panels but from afar it really looked like a city. 
thats amazon prime my boy.
wow jaha really dropped his staff. that was a good question murphy because jaha really be crazy rn.
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zutaralesbian · 6 years
Top 5 favourite characters: Zuko, Katara, Azula, Toph, and AangOther characters you like: Sokka, Iroh, Suki, Ty-Lee, YueLeast favourite characters: Ozai, Zhao, and even though I don’t hate her, i’m pretty disinterested in Mai as a character. Oops.Otps: Zuko/Katara, Sokka/Suki, Aang/TophNotps: Aang/Katara, Zuko/MaiFavourite friendships: The GaangFavourite family: Zuko/Iroh and Sokka/Katara. I also think the relationship between Zuko and Azula is really interesting, but it’s toxic and not at all positive, so idk if I can say that it’s one of my favorite family dynamics lolFavourite episodes: “The Southern Raiders”, “The Crossroads of Destiny”, “The Storm”, “Zuko Alone”, “The Chase”Favourite season/book/movie: S2Favourite quotes:
“Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don’t see our greatness. They hate us! And we deserve it! We’ve created an era of fear in the world. And if we don’t want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness.” - Zuko  
“You can’t knock me down!” - Katara
Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel, you can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place. - Iroh
Best musical moment: SECRET TUNNEL
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Zuko finally deciding to join Aang. I was like “it’s about time.” 
When it really disappointed you: When it ended with Zuko asking Ozai where his mother was, only for us to never get an answer. Saddest moment: Iroh singing “Leaves from the vine” in memorial to his dead son. I still get teary eyed when I watch that scene. Most well done character death: Eh…there wasn’t very many major deaths in ATLA in general. Even Ozai survived at the end. Maybe Yue? She went out like a hero. Favourite guest star:Favourite cast member: Dante BascoCharacter you wish was still alive: I was pretty okay with the deaths that happened, even though I felt sad for Yue :/One thing you hope really happens:Most shocking twist: Finding out that Zuko was Avatar Roku’s grandson. I’m still mad that wasn’t explored more??? It could have provided some interesting material for Zuko and Aang. 
When did you start watching/reading?: Almost from the moment it first started airing. Best animal/creature: Appa and MomoFavourite location: Ba Sing SeTrope you wish they would stop using: Nothing in particular comes to mindOne thing this show/book/film does better than others: Story-telling and redemption arcs. There’s a reason everyone wants their favorite villains to get an arc “like Zuko’s”. It’s because it’s one of the best. Funniest moments: Secret tunnel and Sokka with the cactus juice. Couple you would like to see: Zuko/Katara *a thousand sighs*Actor/Actress you want to join the cast:Favourite outfit: Katara’s water tribe outfitFavourite item: IdkDo you own anything related to this show/book/film?: I own all three seasons on DVD.What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Eh….Water tribe maybe?Most boring plotline: I can’t really think of a full arc that bored me but there were certain episodes. “The Great Divide” comes to mind.Most laughably bad moment: All of the “romantic” scenes between Katara and Aang lolBest flashback/flashfoward if any: The flashbacks in “Zuko Alone”, even though they were sad.Most layered character: Almost all of the main characters on this show are pretty layered??? But i’ll go with Zuko, just because he’s my son.Most one dimensional character: I wouldn’t say she’s one-dimensional but I feel like the writers weren’t really sure what they wanted to do with Mai at times. Scariest moment: The entire duration of “The Puppet Master” Grossest moment: IdkBest looking male: Zuko (in my lesbian opinion)Best looking female: KataraWho you’re crushing on (if any): None akndkndkjfn. They’re all children.Favourite cast moment: Every moment where Dante Basco voices how much he ships Zutara lolFavourite transportation: Appa? Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): I’m sure there is one but I can’t think of it.Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Zuko’s mother. And yes, it’s still a question for me because I refuse to acknowledge those awful comics as canon.Best promo: IdkAt what point did you fall in love with this show/book: After “The Southern Air Temple” aired, I knew it was going to be a deep show. 
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