uchiyaandeewaran · 1 year
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“Lisani Khichri, or linguistic hopscotch”
I’m in love with this writer btw—
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mh28vee · 2 days
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ciara-clycone · 7 years
UnDead Set- one shot {Undertale Zombie AU drabble piece}
UDS/ZATale- Zombie Apocalypse AU for Undertale
Very Heavily Based on @13thcat​ / @selamat-mencari​ ‘s  / @13thdoodle comic which was inspired by my Zombie Apocalypse AU.
Asks/Comments/Likes/Reblogs are welcome, and help fuel my creativity.
If you see any errors let me know.
Summary: Frisk has been underground for a while, and hasn’t attempted to get back to the surface, Flowey comes to ask why. 
This causes Frisk to remember the horrors behind their actions.
Frisk sits in the Wishing Room, looking up at all the false stars in the ceiling. The quiet murmurs of the monster's wishes creates a relaxing white noise for them as they try to forget about their problems.
I thought I had escaped all my problems by falling underground long ago.. Frisk sadly thinks. If only that was the case... if only...
The soft sound of someone digging in the ground next to them disrupted their thoughts, and they looked beside them to see a little yellow flower pop up out of the ground.
"Howdy!" Flowey chimes pleasantly.
Frisk stares coolly at Flowey. They remember what he was capable of at the end of the Perfect Pacifist Route- how he was able entangle their friends and absorb all the monster souls...
"You know,” Flowey says, interrupting Frisk’s thoughts, “it's been three months and you haven't even been trying to advance through here like you normally do.. " He gives them a questioning look. "Why is that?"
Frisk wraps their arms around themselves and tries not to listen to the question. Because that would make them remember. And they don’t want to remember. They try desperately to distract themselves so they won’t think about it. But it all comes flooding back to them...
They found themselves back in that old house on the surface. They huddled in a corner, shielding their eyes with their arms. They tried to mentally block out everything they had seen... all the blood and dust everywhere...
They’re dead... all of them dead... except Sans and Papyrus...why... how...?
Their thoughts were interrupted by the lifeless moans of undead surrounded the building they were in, and dull thuds were frequently heard as the zombies tried to force their way in. With each attempt the horde made, Frisk shuddered.
Why... Why does it always come to this... there has to be a way right? A way for us all have our happy ending... I didn't struggle and fight so hard to dodge all those attacks for this... not for this...
When Toriel and Alphys were killed, they had tried to RESET, but they found their nerves were too shot to be able to turn back time. Since then, they had tried on several other occasions, but each time they had, nothing happened. They feared that they were stuck in this nightmare.
A loud bang caused them to curl up even tighter. Frisk trembled, not knowing what they should do.
Sans walked over to Frisk and gently put a hand on their arm, trying to give the small human some comfort.
"hey, kiddo, it's gonna be ok, we're not gonna let any of em harm you, alright?" Sans said, trying to reassure them. 
Despite giving his usual pose and sounding confident, Papyrus felt very much the alarmed and frightened. But he had to keep an eye out on Frisk and watch out for his brother, he did only have 1 HP after all. So he had to put on a brave front for both of their sakes.
He saw the human child peer out from their arms and chuckle a little bit. Success!
Sans bent down near Frisk and gave them a soft hug. 
“don’t worry kiddo. papyrus and i have been talking. we’ve got a plan. when this all started we decided that heading back underground would be safest thing to do. so before the internet died, i did some research on ways to reach the moutain, and this house came up in the search results. seems like it has some secret underground tunnels, and one of those tunnels leads back to the base of mt. ebott.. so at least that means we’re close to being back home.”
Frisk gave the two brothers a weak smile. “Yeah...yeah you’re right.” They said, trying to sound more relieved than they actually felt.
Sans grinned at Frisk, and gave them an affectionate pat on the head. “don’t worry bud, it’s all worked out. i found the tunnel to lead us home and told papyrus all about-”
He was interrupted by a horrible noise. The door shrieked as it was ripped from its hinges and smashed down onto the floor.
Frisk bolted up from their spots, as panic filled their heart.
The ghastly moans of the undead filled the house as did the horrid smell of decaying flesh. The zombies shuffled into the house, their dull lifeless eyes looked about for their prey. As they sniffed the air, they suddenly turned to the room where the three were in, and headed toward them.
Sans glanced at the zombies and then at his brother and Frisk. If he had more energy, he'd teleport them all away to safety, but he hadn't eaten anything in about a week, and his magic levels were dangerously low. 
Sighing sadly, he put himself in between the others and the horde.
i don’t want it to end this way....but i can’t just run and hide...not any more...i don't want any more deaths on my conscious, he thought as he faced the undead mob. He glanced back at his brother and Frisk.
"go! i'll hold them back!" Sans told them. 
"But...!" Frisk started to protest.
"Now!" Sans's said with urgency in his voice.
Tears filled the taller skeleton's eyes as he nodded. He took Frisk by the shoulders and hurried them down the hallway.
The sounds of gaster blasters lasers being blasted nearly overcame the sound of the zombies.
As Papyrus and Frisk headed toward the house's secret exits, they heard Sans cry out. 
Their feet slowed to a halt, and they glanced back in his direction. They quietly waited to see if they could hear anything else from Sans-either from him, his movements, or his blasters. 
But there was nothing. 
Blinking back tears, Papyrus turned back to the destination. He gently placed a hand of Frisk’s shoulder, and gently prodded them to continue. 
As they ran through the derelict house, the floor boards underneath them creaked. 
Frisk leg’s felt like they were on fire from all the running they had been doing the past few days. This was worse than when they were underground. They could at least stop and rest there and grab something to eat.
Their legs started to cramp up and they found themselves slowing down.
Papyrus saw this and hurried over to them.
“Y..Yeah... just tired.”
Frisk nodded, and struggled to keep on running. They followed closely behind Papyrus and winced each time the boards beneath them moaned.
Was it all really worth it though?
To get to the Mountain when everyone else was dead?
Suddenly the floor boards underneath Frisk gave out. They found themselves falling backwards toward pitch black hole where the floor once was.
“HUMAN!” Papyrus grabbed onto one of Frisk’s outstretched hands.
 But their thin arms slid out oh his gloved hands. 
They felt themselves falling down.
Down into the darkness of the depths below the house.
The sound of Papyrus calling out to them grew fainter.
With the last bit of their determination and concentration, they summoned up the red button with the bold letters that read:
Frisk jumps, waking up from their terrible memories. They look at Flowey who huffs at them.
“Finally,” he says. “I’ve been yelling out your name for a while now. You’ve been sitting there all zoned out like a zombie for several minutes not saying a single word to me. Hmph.” He tilts his head at Frisk. “So, are you finally spill it? What’s your reason for not reaching the surface?”
Frisk averts their eyes. “No reason. No reason at all.”
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thepallas · 5 years
“Zatal kraibag*, so many tongues had faded through the years.. Not many used to speak the dark languages, yet it is still a pity. I wonder, if there’s still anyone who would understand it in these lands.. Izg hush za.**”
*So sad
**I doubt that
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stephanmartins · 4 years
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flis zatal batblz Vem, 2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6wsZffHzCs/?igshid=tbu0fz3b7orh
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rafaelsdesouza · 6 years
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ORAÇÃO MAIA CUT IP´IL K´INE C´K´AMIC A THAN YUM Ao nascer o Sol recebemos tua palavra, Senhor TUMEL YETEL U ZAZILE C´AHAL C´PATIC TU LACAL BAAL Porque com sua luz despertamos e contemplamos tudo C´ILICBA XANTUMEN PALALOOB XAN Contemplamo-nos também porque somos teus filhos LEBETICO CU ZAAZTALE C´K´UBCA TECH Por isso, ao amanhecer, nos entregamos a ti TIAL CA CALANTON. YETEL TOONE CANZAH TECH MIATZIL Para que aproximes de nós e nos ensines tua sabedoria A UICH CU PACTICON CU YILCOOM. YUM É teu rosto que nos olha e nos contempla, Senhor LEBETIC C´K´UBICBA T TECH TAA YETEL YUM HUNAB K´U Por isso, nos entregamos a ti, Pai e Senhor Hunab K´u YETEL TECH CU CU K´UBIC C´PALALOOB E te entregamos nossos filhos HEBXTU K´UBAHOON C´YUMOOB TI TECH Como nossos pais nos entregaram a ti YUM HUNAB K´U A UOHEL BAAX CA BETIC TETEL Senhor Hunab K´u, tu sabes o que fazes conosco TOONEC C´K´ATICTECH YUM HUNAB K´U CA A CANZAHOOB LE BEHO Nós te pedimos, Senhor Hunab K´u, que nos ensines o caminho ANTON YUM HUNAB K´U U TIAL CA ZUTNAG LE IN LAK´ECHO Ajuda-nos, Senhor Hunab K´u, para que retorne esse amor fraterno C´K´ATICTECH C´YUM HUNAB K´U TIAL MA ZATAL. Te pedimos, Doador de Movimento e Medida, para não nos perder. OH! YUM HUNAB K ´U! Oh! Senhor Hunab K´u
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nicklovesthesoldier · 6 years
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Dona Yollanda e eu fizemos juntas a guirlanda pra aproveitar as luzinhas roxas. 💜 Madam Yollanda (mom) and I made this flower crown together as an excuse to use the purple Christmas lights. #natal #natau #zatal #christmas #lights #handmade (em Curitiba, Brazil)
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kayawagner · 6 years
FMA1 Fires of Zatal (2e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
This first game adventure for the Maztica campaign setting comes from the conclusion to the Maztica novel trilogy. The fate of the Maztica hangs in the balance as gods struggle for mastery of a shattered island. A few heroes must penetrate the great volcano, Zatal, to break the power of the god of war.
"On the Night of Wailing, when the creatures of Viperhand come to life, when the great Maztican gods Qotal and Zaltec battled, the great Cloak of One Plume - a magical item of great power and a token of great authority - was believed lost forever.
Such was not the case.
Rumors fly that the Cloak was rescued that night, and hidden away in a safe location. Now a petty noble of New Amn plans to recover it, and is looking for brave young souls who can bring it back to him. But other players are invovled in the chase, trying to recover the lost Cloak.
Fires of Zatal spans the great continent of Mazticafrom the new colony of Helmsport to the Valley of Nexal, at the foot of Mt. Zatal itself. It is the first adventure for the new Maztica campaign setting in the Realms; DMs wishing to run this need theMaztica Campaign Boxed Set. This module serves as an introduction to this new world of adventure, a land of wise and savage empires and growing, monstrous threats.
Welcome to Maztica. This is not the Realms you're familiar with!"
Product History
FMA1: "Fires of Zatal" (1991), by Jeff Grubb & Tim Beach, is the first Maztica adventure. It was published in August 1991.
About the Module Code. This module code is listed as "FMA-1". The use of a dash is quite unusual. Its only D&D predecessor was XL-1: "Quest for the Heartstone" (1984), though TSR used the dashes somewhat more regularly in their Star Frontiers and Marvel Super Heroes lines. FMA2: "Endless Armies" (1991) would match this usage.
Origins (I): Return to Maztica. The Maztica Campaign Set (1991) introduced a new subsetting for adventure in the Forgotten Realms. TSR quickly followed that up with an adventure.
Origins (II): After the Novels. Maztica was introduced through a trilogy of novels that brought adventurers from the Heartlands to the New World: Ironhelm (1990), Viperhand (1990), and Feathered Dragon (1991). The Maztica Campaign Set correctly noted "The land of Maztica, introduced in the Maztica trilogy of FORGOTTEN REALMS® novels, undergoes convulsive forces in the telling of those tales — forces that change the world, for good or for ill, in many significant directions. Therefore, the choice of timing is very significant regarding the setting of the game." It opted to place itself "after its most cataclysmic moments".
"Fires of Zatal" doubles down on this idea. Its whole plot in based on the search for a magic item originally thought lost in the climactic battle of the novels. It also visits the Nexal Valley, one of the places most affected by the "Night of Wailing". The Maztica line was never deep enough to support a true metaplot, but this is the closest approximation, as the story continues on from the events of the Maztica trilogy.
Adventure Tropes. Appropriately, this first Maztican adventure is an introductory adventure for low-level characters. The actual plot is quite simplistic. It's a macguffin quest. However, much of the adventure is spent on travels through wilderness and cities, complete with both random and set encounters. The volcano crawl that ends things is relatively brief.
Exploring the Realms. Maztica is an immense land, so the geographic descriptions of Maztica Campaign Set were all pretty big picture. "Fires of Zatal" makes up for that with maps and important site listings in Helmsport-Ulatos (in Payit) and the cities of Azatl, Nexal, and Tezat (in the Nexal Valley). There are also plenty of ideas for wilderness travel between these locales.
Monsters of Note. Tim Beach was the Maztican monster master, having previously created most or all of the New World critters in the Maztica Campaign Set. He adds to that in this volume with a Maztican dragon (the Tlalocoatl) and two more Maztican peoples: the gator-men Ahuizotl and the jaguar-men Tabaxi.
Surprisingly, the tabaxi originated in the Fiend Folio (1981), the creation of none of than Lawrence Schick. However those cat-people have been reinvented for their usage here. They've also proven long-lived, recently appearing in Volo's Guide to Monsters (2016).
Future History. Monster master Tim Beach says that he had "a full list for a Maztica [Monstrous Compendium] at one time". He would have included all his original monsters plus "stats for some variants that I would have seen as semi-iconic for the setting, such as the winged bu[l]lette". Alas, it never came to be, as the Maztica line was shortlived.
About the Creators. Though a busy creator at TSR, Jeff Grubb would go on to author FMA2: "Endless Armies". These were just two of a half dozen books he wrote for 1991 release. Meanwhile, Tim Beach was just starting his career at TSR in 1991 by designing monsters for Maztica Campaign Set, FMA1: "Fires of Zatal", and MC11: "Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix" (1991). He'd return to Maztica with some of the companies for FR15: "Gold & Glory" (1992).
About the Product Historian
The history of this product was researched and written by Shannon Appelcline, the editor-in-chief of RPGnet and the author of Designers & Dragons - a history of the roleplaying industry told one company at a time. Please feel free to mail corrections, comments, and additions to [email protected].
Price: $4.99 FMA1 Fires of Zatal (2e) published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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uchiyaandeewaran · 1 year
Zatalli. Babbler of nonsense.
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uchiyaandeewaran · 1 year
Imma die now someone google Zatalli JALDI SEEEEEEEE
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uchiyaandeewaran · 1 year
Aakhir kar.
Me bhi toh bad Zatalli hi hu.
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