#Yugioh Polyship Week 2021
the-kings-of-games · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week 2021 - Day 5
Thursday = Triad Thursday! The media’s favorite non-monogamous representation! Show us your favorite ships that involve exactly 3 people! Open or closed! Destroy love triangles!
Kizunashipping! They're my most favorite OT3 and most favorite YGO ship ever. :) I love each and every one of them so much.
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ygotplusweek · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week 2021
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Yugioh Polyship Week is a week to celebrate Yugioh ships that involve more than 2 characters. From September 12th to 18th please contribute your contributions to the event and tagg “#Yugioh Polyship Week” or this blog. As Yugioh has grown so much we are going to be a little more flexible with the themes this year.
Sunday = Introductions! Tell us how you got into Yugioh. Tell us which non-monogamous ships first caught your attention and just which ones are your favorites. And just anything else interesting about yourself to build the community. 
Monday = Anime Rainbow! Duel Monsters, GX, 5Ds, Zexal, Arc-V, Vrains, and now Sevens! Pick your favorite anime or run through them all and tell/show us your favorite non-monogamous ships from each! 
Tuesday = Yugioh Beyond! Do you have think a series of characters from the card game have an interesting dynamic together? Does your favorite character only exist in the manga and not in the anime? Is the Red Hat Vagabond or some other Video Game original character your self-insert character into a couple? This day is dedicated to all the Yugioh content outside the anime so get wild and crazy with it!
Wednesday = Alternate Universes and Crossovers! Is your favorite Polycule going to enter a Pokemon tournament, start a Super Sentai team, or build a Gundam together? Is there a character from a different franchise that would be a perfect fit for certain Yugioh characters? Show us that love has no bounds!
Thursday = Triad Thursday! The media’s favorite non-monogamous representation! Show us your favorite ships that involve exactly 3 people! Open or closed! Destroy love triangles!
Friday = Geometry Madness! Show us your favorite ships that involve more than 3 characters! Be it quads, solo polyamory, or just harems. If really ambitious draw a polycule map such as this example from Kimchi Cuddle  
Saturday = Free Day! Are catching up from a day you missed? Do you want to repeat a day? Or just do something totally different and make up your own prompt!
Alternate prompts!
@jujyfru1t sent in some great prompts! I’m just going to use them all here! Feel free to replace any day with art (of any kind) inspired by these prompts! If anyone else sends more prompts before September 11th, I will add them to the list!
Day off Reunions Negotiations Social Media Bad Night Domestic Favorite things Separate Competition Learning something new
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kuriboo · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week - Day 5
Thursday: Triad Thursday Social Media
Honestly, Yusei didn’t know much about social media until Jack told Yusei to follow him on Twitter.
Of the three of them (Yusei, Jack, and Crow), Yusei was the best with technology, so he was surprised to be the last to hear about Twitter. But, he did have to admit (once he knew better) it made sense within context. Jack and Crow both used Twitter as part of their pro dueling careers, while Yusei was so busy with his own career dealing with duel energy that he was often behind on other news. 
Yusei didn’t want to let his friends down, so when he had a free night, he sat down at the computer and directed all his energy into learning what Twitter was. As it turned out, it wasn’t that difficult. He just had to make an account, and then he could post ‘tweets’ that his followers could see, while Yusei could see the ‘tweets’ the people he followed made. Armed with knowledge, Yusei made his own account, found the account Jack said was his, and followed it.
Easy. Job done.
As simple Twitter was to use itself, however, one thing was stumping Yusei: what should he tweet about? What did anyone tweet about? It was a strange concept. Before he knew he was a Signer, Yusei was used to hiding what he did from the world so that Sector Security wouldn’t find him and arrest him. Now he was suddenly expect to share it all? That was kind of a leap.
Well, at least he could learn from the only other user he knew of. Yusei scrolled down Jack’s account page, checking out Jack’s tweets.
Jack’s account seemed to be largely career related. Letting his followers know when his next duel was, bragging about winning his last duel. Yusei didn’t need a twitter account to tell him that when Jack himself kept Yusei updated. It was useful for people that didn’t know Jack personally, though.
A notification on the screen surprised Yusei and distracted him from his thoughts. Jack followed him back.
How many people did Jack follow anyway? Curious, Yusei checked, since Jack’s following list seemed to be public. Jack only followed two people. Crow, and now Yusei. Apparently being followed by Jack Atlas was a high honor. Yusei could feel his face get warm. Quickly, he followed Crow as well, and Crow followed him back, too.
Yusei was surprised again when he received a direct message. Crow asked him when he made an account, and Yusei told Crow that he just had.
This Twitter thing was fun, it turned out. Yusei hoped he figured it out soon.
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voicesofchaos · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week 2021 - Day 2
Monday = Anime Rainbow! Duel Monsters, GX, 5Ds, Zexal, Arc-V, Vrains, and now Sevens! Pick your favorite anime or run through them all and tell/show us your favorite non-monogamous ships from each!
Like always, I’m late on fanweeks but it has been an awfully busy stressful week. So let’s name through them!
DM = Probably due my best friend’s influence I have grown attached to Jounoichi-Seto having a purely sexual relationship with no romance while Jounoichi has a committed romantic relationship with Yugi. Possibly Jounoichi has a relationship with Mai, either romantic or purely sexual. As well if Atem is around then Seto having a complicated relationship with him.
GX = Judai-Yubel-Yohan. A lot of this speaks for itself but Judai-Yubel is obviously as is Judai-Yohan. But Yubel also possessed Yohan for a fair bit of time and she would need to deal with her jealousy of Judai’s feelings for Johan. Creates a problematic but enduring triad.
5Ds = So I know Yusei-Jack-Crow is a super popular ship here. But strangely I see Jack’s relationship to Yusei as much more platonic than other main character-rival relationships. I can’t really explain why. And Aki is one of the stronger main female lead romances. So I really like Aki-Yusei-Crow. Probably a ‘V’ but I could see Aki and Crow having some chemistry for each other too possibly. Then Kiryu is Yusei’s comet relationship whenever he is in town. While we are at it, just give Jack a full-on Harem with Carly, the blue-haired assistant lady, and the coffee woman. Just because I find it funny.
Zexal = EVERYBODY WITH YUMA! Ok I joke but seriously Zexal could just be a giant polycule with Yuma at the middle. Shipped with Shark, yeah super popular. Shipped with Kaito, it has its chemistry. Shipped with Kotori, nearly canon and fully wholesome. Shipped with Cathy, she is forgettable to most but I love them together! Shipped with Anna, she matches great with Yuma! Shipped with III, is super cute and wholesome. Shipped Alit, is hot (throw in Kotori to that threesome). Shipped with Vector, you want problematic we have that too! Shipped with Tetsuo and probably other characters you have never heard of, sure let’s do it! Honestly Zexal is just so full of love! I also really like Durbe dating both Kamishiro twins.
Arc-V = So Yuya-Yuzu-Masumi was on of my first ships but also I have really come to like Yuya-Yuzu-Sora a lot too! Also Yuto dating both Shun and Ruri. Since the series has so many characters I like seeing all the crazy possibilities you can come up with here.
Vrains = Ehhh I don’t have much going on here honestly. But I do think Revolver, Specter, and the 3 Hanoi lieutenants all have a very closer than friends or family kind of relationship together.
Sevens = I think the 4 main characters have a real deep platonic friendship!
Please feel free to send me an ask about any of these ships for more details or other multiperson ships and I will give a grade or rating to them!
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merryfortune · 3 years
Vrains edition Triad Thursday blathering:
Rainwatershipping | Aoi/Aqua/Miyu
I truly think this is the ideal combination for all three of them. I love, love, love Ignis/Origin ships and Aoi is so precious to both Aqua and Miyu that it just feels right to have all three of them together like this 🥺
(also yes, that’s just what I’ve dubbed them, don’t @ me)
My favourite headcanon for this ship is the slumber parties they absolutely host together. Aqua typically has to stay over at Aoi’s because Miyu’s mother doesn’t approve of the Ignis but having their own sort of space together, even if its just Aoi’s bedroom, makes them so happy.
Saviorshipping | Ryoken/Spectre/Yusaku
I just think it would be superb character development on all sides. My favourite dynamic is Spectre and Yusaku getting along in any capacity and Ryoken getting the doki-dokis for it. They’re both so special to him and he’s so special to them. I adore this ship. Yusaku deserves two reformed/redeemed supervillain boyfriends and I will die on this hill.
My favourite headcanon for this ship is that Yusaku starts to absorb Spectre’s mannerisms - namely the gesture he makes before duels - and it delights Ryoken to no end. And also that Spectre loves being middle spoon.
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are non vr ships allowed for the headcanon requests? for now could I request Aoi x Miyu x Aqua?
I think it would depend on the ship, I might be pickier about non-vr ships but I tend to be pretty people please-y so your more likely than not, gonna get something even if its through the skin of my teeth.
That being said, I love these three so here's a selection of things from off the top of my head:
Aqua tries to spend time with both girls equally by switching up who she's staying with for a couple days at a time
I think Miyu is the biggest mover and shaker between them, organising dates, getting them there, so on and so forth. Aoi is low maintainence in that she prefers to keep things lowkey and Aqua is more or less experiencing it for the first time, at least from a "human" perspective
Aqua loves to take care of her girls! She's learning cooking for them; or at least baking because I think Miyu is a huuuuuuge sweet tooth and Aoi likes the occassional treat of cake or biscuits fairly regularly too, just not as openly/making it a personality trait as Miyu
I like thinking about three way kisses between them, ngl, i just think its cute no matter who you put in the middle (ignis!Aqua is especially cute in my opinion, getting kissed from either side by her two big human girls is a favourite but I also really love Aoi and Miyu in the middle, I just love how reciprocal these three are, or can be)
I love the idea that Aoi and Miyu helped Aqua a lot with creating an avatar/appearance for her SOLtiS body and the final product was basically Ever After High Doll but Make Her Yu-Gi-Oh!
leaping off that point, there is a parallel in my mind that I choose to invent about Miyu sharing her dolls with Aoi as a child and then this as teens/young adults and what is a robot if not a grown man's dolly?
- Mod Playmaker
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higuchimon · 3 years
[GX Month!]
Okay, GX Month has begun! I am going to strive this year to only post one-shots for this. Whether I succeed or not remains to be seen, but I am going to try! Here we go!
There will also be fics for GX Rare Pairs Week and (possibly) YGO Polyship Week. I can't make any major promises there, but I will strive!
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ygotplusweek · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week 2021 - Day 1
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Welcome to Yugioh Polyship Week 2021! Please tag this blog or hashtag “#Yugioh Polyship Week” so we can reblog your content.
Sunday = Introductions! Tell us how you got into Yugioh. Tell us which non-monogamous ships first caught your attention and just which ones are your favorites. And just anything else interesting about yourself to build the community.
Alternate Prompts
Day off Reunions Negotiations Social Media Bad Night Domestic Favorite things Separate Competition Learning something new
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the-kings-of-games · 3 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! Polyship Week - Day 1
Sunday = Introductions! Tell us how you got into Yugioh. Tell us which non-monogamous ships first caught your attention and just which ones are your favorites. And just anything else interesting about yourself to build the community.
Covid hit, and I was curious about 5D's in particular. I ended up watching all of the them up to Sevens (not yet kept up though). I didn't watch them in order, lmao, and didn't finish all of them, but I'm immune to spoilers. xD
The polyship I fell for is Kizunashipping (Jack/Crow/Yūsei)! I'm easy, and I absolutely love the childhood friends trope. ^^ And those are my three most favorite YGO characters, Crow my number 1. I've written about 50 fics for 5D's with at least of these characters alone within the last year, and with some help from my friends, Kizunashipping has topped Scoopshipping for the Jack Atlas tag and 5D's tag on Ao3. (I'm coming for Faithshipping next.)
My other favorite YGO polyship is Stolenshipping!!
I hope to make more Kizunashipping friends! I welcome all combos of this polyship. ^^
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kuriboo · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week - Day 3
Bad Nights
Takeru, Aoi, and Yusaku each have bad nights, either unable to sleep or dreams filled with nightmares. 
Takeru’s dreams remind him how he lost his parents, about the incident. He dreams about losing Flame from Windy’s curse. Dark shadows come after him. And he dreams about Yusaku’s disappearance, too, directly after Ai’s defeat. In his dreams Yusaku never comes back, Flame blames him and tells him he’s not good enough. 
Aoi dreams about the time she lost her brother to Ai, and the time her brother lost her to Hanoi. She dreams about Miyu and her being pulled apart and in her dreams they never reunite, Miyu never waking up from her coma. For a long time Aoi only had her brother, so her memories of being separated from him hit hurt hard and keep her awake. She also dreams about her defeats, where her brother feared for her safety and was right that she never should have gotten involved.
Yusaku’s dreams are filled with duels. Duels where he’s punished for losing, of course, but also duels where it’s impossible for him to lose. Duels where he wins but the cost is too great, losing the people he’s finally allowed into his life. The duel where he lost Kusanagi, the duels he watched helplessly where Go and Aoi and Takeru and Revolver lost and paid everything for it. His duel against Ai. Yusaku used to love dueling but he never regained that love after the incident because it only ever brought him more pain, and now those duels haunt him.
But they have each other. They have each other to talk about it with and to help each other through it, and just having each other there makes it easier to bear.
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kuriboo · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week - Day 1
Hi! My name’s Sam, and while I’m, 25, I’ve been a yugioh fan since around the age of 4. I used to watch Duel Monsters air on TV Saturday mornings with my brothers! We were also really into the card game and dueled against each other a lot. As time passed and life got busy I kind of lost track of both yugioh itself and the card game, I saw bits of Gx And 5D’s back then but couldn’t keep up. Around the end of high school, however, Arc V started airing so I tried to keep up with Arc V and binge watched GX. After that I went through 5D’s and Zexal and kept up with Vrains, and here I am! I’ve only seen one episode of Sevens so far, though.
The first non-monogamous ship that ever caught my attention was competitorshipping in GX. Jaden/Chazz and Jaden/Jesse are two really big ships in GX, but you know what? Both is good. I also got really invested in Chazz/Jesse because they have a lot of potential that is never really explored in canon, which brings us around full triangle to Chazz/Jaden/Jesse. Around this time I started writing the fic Return to the Different Dimension which largely focuses on competitorshipping, and then that whole thing sort of spiraled into a huge AU I love with my whole heart, but competitorshipping is still a huge part of it to this day.
Competitorshipping is still very much my favorite poly ship. However, writing Return to the Different Dimension gave me a different perspective on the whole thing since it’s post-canon and I started featuring Yubel more heavily into story. Now I also like to think of it as Chazz/Jaden/Yubel/Jesse, where Yubel is a big part of the relationship overall but is for the most part only in a relationship with Jaden. Yubel’s dynamic with both Chazz and Jesse is also super interesting to me, though.
Once a competitorshipping fan, always a competitorshipping fan, I suppose.
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kuriboo · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week - Day 4
This is a crossover and AU day!! I’m not a person who thinks much about crossovers, so I think this is a fun day to explore that a little!
I think Riku from Kingdom Hearts would have an interesting dynamic with Jaden (GX) and Yuya (Arc V). Riku’s a character that fell deep into darkness, later saw the light, and spent every second since proving himself and atoning for his wrongs. I feel like he has a lot in common with Jaden and Yuya in that way. Jaden and Yuya became antagonists in their own series’, after all, and they both have their own ties to darkness. Both Jaden and Yuya are ‘Supreme Kings’, which is really fun for me to play around with in either writing or my own imagination. Riku himself isn’t really any sort of king, but he’s friends with a king, which is close! I think the three of them could all help each other heal. Thinking about it, Riku also got possessed... Maybe Jesse from GX or Ryou from DM should also be added into the mix. This is getting to be a handful. Well, the more the merrier!
(If Riku were in Yugioh he’d definitely be a duelist but I think he’d actually work best in 5D’s. When it comes to his skills and strengths he’s all self-taught, which fits the tone of 5D’s really well I think. He’d probably be a Dark Signer turned good guy!)
Riku might find Ryou a bit strange, but I think they’d get along great. I think hearing about Riku’s adventures is right up Ryou’s alley and he’d love to hear stories. With Jesse, Riku’d probably get a bit exasperated by Jesse’s tendency to get lost but I think he’d be really fond of Jesse. 
To be honest, Riku would probably be as fond of Jaden if not moreso. Jaden has proven he can change destiny just by being himself and Riku’s best friend is a lot like that, too. I think the performance Yuya puts on would annoy Riku but once he got to know Yuya better he’d warm up to him. 
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kuriboo · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week - Day 2
Day 2′s the Anime Rainbow! I guess I’ll run through each show I have polyships for
DM: Atem/Yugi/Kaiba/Joey, Yugi/Ryou/Marik/Joey, any combination of 3 from those two. Marik/Ryou/Yami Bakura. recently fandom’s really warmed me up to Kaiba/Joey and Ryou/Joey parts of these polycules, and I appreciate it so much
GX: Chazz/Jaden/Jesse, Chazz/Jaden/Yubel/Jesse, Bastion/Jim/Axel. Please consider Bastion/Jim/Axel. It’s important to me. Let Bastion and Jim bond over paleontology and chemistry and science in general. Let Jim hold Bastion and Axel in his arms.
5D’s: Jack/Yusei/Crow. Early season 3 was probably my favorite part of 5D’s, just shenanigans of these 3 living together.
Zexal: Astral/Yuma/Shark. I really like the dynamics between all three of them.
Arc V: Yuya/Yuzu/Sora. Yuzu/Serena/Masumi. Serena/Yuya/Yuzu. Yuya/Yuzu/Yugo.  Yuya/Yuzu/Sora is my favorite for this series though. I’m soft for Sora teaching Yuzu about fusion summoning and Sora barging into Yuya’s life unannounced. 
Vrains: Yusaku/Takeru/Aoi is the main one, but I also like Yusaku/Takeru/Ryoken. I really enjoyed both duels between Soulburner and Revolver!
I have barely seen any of Sevens and only remember that Blue Eyes White Dragon was in it so I guess I ship Blue Eyes White Dragon/Blue Eyes White Dragon/Blue Eyes White Dragon in order to fuse them and summon Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.
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voicesofchaos · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week 2021 - Day 1
Introduction! One of the most important events in my life was realizing I was polyamorous in 2015. But even before that I was starting to understand that I enjoy ships with more than 2 people when I was looking at all the characters in Arc-V that someone could ship Yuzu with and I decided in the end I liked Yuya X Yuzu X Masumi best! Even since becoming polyamorous it massively opened my eyes to shipping; beyond just shipping wars being ridiculously stupid. There were just so many possibilities with shipping once non-monogamy was involved. Of course the all so popular triads were there. But I actually liked “N” configurations where ‘A’ dates ‘B’ but also ‘A’ dates ‘C’ and ‘B’ dates ‘D’ a whole lot too. And then from there it just expands more and more. Since I didn’t know that non-monogamous relationships were valid for so long in my life I have strived for better representation of non-monogamy so that others know sooner that it is valid and they don’t need to suffer. So now when I write fanfics I strive to include non-monogamous ships. I am happy that I am not the only one.
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ygotplusweek · 3 years
Yugioh PolyShip Week 2021 is September 12th-18th!!!
Please feel free to send me prompts you are interested in seeing!
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ygotplusweek · 3 years
Yugioh Polyship Week 2021 - Day 7
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Thank you to everybody who participated.
Saturday = Free Day! Are catching up from a day you missed? Do you want to repeat a day? Or just do something totally different and make up your own prompt!
Alternate Prompts
Day off  Reunions  Negotiations Social Media Bad Night Domestic Favorite things Separate Competition Learning something new
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