moonofatallon · 1 year
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them them them them them them
i started reading the Dawn of the Jedi comics and .,,,,,,,,,, yeah
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And so the first casualty to the Legends declaration has been finished... </3
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Finished reading Dawn of the Jedi: Force War issues #1 - 5, and kriff, I wish we had gotten more.
This was my favorite of the three arcs, and I feel like it had actually started to find its legs (or balance, ironically) with this one. Alas, this was the last arc due to the shift from Dark Horse to Marvel after Disney's purchase of Star Wars in 2012 ending the series. The creators did their best to wrap things up in a mostly satisfying way, but we close out this first era of the Legends timeline confirming what I had expected going in: It had a lot of potential, and ultimately just not enough time to spread its wings.
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(Couldn't believe no one has made this meme before, at least that I can find so I made a crappy one on my own lol)
I will be turning to AO3 as soon as I finishing typing out my thoughts. If you have any recs, please do let me know :P
Issue #1 of Force War takes place a full year after the end of Prisoner of Bogan, which places it in 25,792 BBY. The series was published in 2013 and ended in March 2014, a month before the Legends Declaration. (Which I just now realized happened 10 years ago yesterday. What is time. Help.)
Gonna put the rest of my thoughts beneath a read more because there shall be spoilers.
Alas, no OT4. Not even a platonic OT4. That's probably my biggest disappointment of the series, honestly. Sek'nos gives into the dark side and carries Trill's body? corpse? off into force knows where mid battle, Tasha turns into the moon
that's rough buddy
...Tasha dies surrendering her body to the Force to protect Tython. And we don't get to see whether Shae or Tau give a kriff about either. :|
Like I said in some of my previous posts, I was mostly joking re hoping for an OT4 in a shippy way. But I wanted more platonically between who were supposedly the four main characters, or the four that were at least presented as such at the beginning of the series.
Tasha kind of got sidelined a bit, and I found I wasn't really sad at her death because we never really got the chance to know her as a character. She was super cool, and very powerful, and we knew there was tension between her family ties and her Je'daii ties... and then that storyline kind of just fizzled out.
Likewise with any sort of relationship between Tasha and any of the other characters, and any sort of relationship between Sek'nos and Shae.
I feel like this arc finally hit its stride in that the characters clearly knew each other more, but I really missed getting any sort of build up or development. What happened to the force bond that Sek'nos and Tasha had with Xesh/Tau? I really wanted to see more between everyone who had the force bond, but all we really got in the end was Shae and Tau.
Which, to be clear, I did very much enjoy. I really liked both of them as characters and felt they had a lot of potential. I liked seeing Shae use her anger but refuse to be consumed by it in the end. I thought that was really interesting to see in a Star Wars story.
Likewise, I enjoyed the relative nuance to Xesh/Tau's story. I like the balance it struck where yes, he had done terrible things, and he isn't innocent. But he was also forced into it, not given a choice, but ultimately it is his choice to sever the ties that bound him that gives him the choice to heal and grow. I would have liked to see that story progress.
Also. This line? So damn good.
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All in all, Dawn of the Jedi was an interesting story that was ultimately just not given the time it needed to truly explore its era, which is a shame, because it had such potential.
And thus ends the era I labeled "Before the Old Republic" on my timeline. Next up, a 500 year jump into the Old Republic era which I will be in for much longer, lol. I think this was the shortest era on the timeline by far.
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skydalous · 5 months
I'm almost at the middle of reading the dawn of the jedi comics and oh my how much I love shae koda and I love xesh and I love daegen and I love tasha is not written
I have also loved lanoree while reading into the void I only wished this era had more love from the fandom I almost see no one talking abt the history or the characters
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blackkatmagic · 2 years
Ask meme:
"And the stars feast (our bones turned dust"
*scrounges in corners to pull up my favorite obscure bastard by his scruff*
The Rakata Infinite Empire isn't satisfied with conquering all of known space. They have grander plans, and technology far beyond most species in the galaxy. And, in service to these plans, they select one of their most accomplished Force Hounds, Xesh, and send him spinning forward through a hypothetical branch of hyperspace, thousands of years into the future, to plant seven beacons that will guide their fleets into the future.
Xesh isn't fully Xesh, though - he's also Tau, a secret name he chose for himself, and when he lands in the middle of the Clone Wars, he's taken in by other men who are used as soldiers for terrible people, who've given themselves names and a purpose out of nothing. They take Tau in, adopt him, rely on him, and it's like nothing Tau has ever known, even as he travels with them so he can fulfil his mission.
But there are seven beacons to plant across the galaxy, and with each one he leaves, Tau's doubts about his own place in the Infinite Empire grow. Whatever decisions he intends to make, though, he needs to make them quickly, because he's caught the eye of a Sith Lord who's eager to use the old Rakatan technology for his own purposes, and Tau is the only one who knows how.
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tx-828 · 2 years
clone oc reference post
bc a post is easier to edit than a blog page and i’m going to end up editing this a lot probably. it’s bare bones rn bc this is all i have energy for! writing is hard
i’m going to make a separate one for the non-clone characters and have it linked here. it just doesn’t exist yet
these are all part of anais’s unit (which is a brigade or a battalion. idk. i need help) except miles and the pilots. miles died before it was formed and the pilots belong to the navy. 
cdr herald
surepp squad
this is the squad anais ends up working with most often. they’re not elite or anything, she just made friends with them incidentally
sgt agate
(she/her/hers or they/them/theirs)
cpl klaxon
squad medic. close with her remaining batchmates klaxon and skip but does her best to uplift the younger clones too
02 (”ohtoo”)
(she/her/hers or any)
she’s here and she’s probably listening. she’s not gonna say any words though
(they/them/theirs or he/him/his)
glint’s twin. mildly force sensitive and keeps having prophetic nightmares. prayer circle for dizzy
bantha squad
lucasfilm has forsaken bantha squad so i’m adopting them. they’re a specialized squad for scouting and taking out hailfire droid tanks so they are some jetpack scouts and heavy cannon operators. i might change the name of the squad and also they have a captain instead of a commander
cpt wake
(he/him/his or they/them/theirs)
the kind of guy with stylized flame tattoos on the side of his face
jetpack scout. hold her beer
cannon crew. usually an asshole for no reason
jetpack scout. cheerful baby bro with dermatillomania
sniper. black lipstick and zero tolerance for sawtooth’s bs
(he/him/his or she/her/hers)
squad leader. kind of a grump and is probably going to punch anais in the gut if she doesn’t stop being friendly all the time
stereotypical superstitious pilot who needs all his amulets and rituals before he goes anywhere. his astromech is a patchwork nightmare but he’ll die before he accepts a new one
space waffle
yes that’s his name he thinks it’s hilarious
watch out he’s a hugger
(he/him/his or they/them/theirs)
flight crew. the only person who can contain charms’s deeply disturbed droid. also the only mf on this venator that auro respects
agate’s best friend, who rescued her on geonosis.
corrie deserter who lives in the lower levels with a few others and is building a network to smuggle clones into hiding on safe worlds. also spreads anti-war and clone rights messaging wherever he can
corrie. fell in love with a local and needs beacon’s help now that their partner is pregnant and all they want is to start a life together somewhere safe and peaceful
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sauntering-down · 5 months
In deference to the commander’s delicate sensibilities, Cal jumps off the railing and lands lightly in the road.  The squad catches up, Arson taking Cal by the shoulder and not being especially gentle in urging him into the center of the group.  Shep and Xesh form up on either side of Cal, Noble at his back, and Arson finally steps in front of him.  “If something happens and I hit any of you with my lightsaber,” Cal says, glancing at Xesh, “it’s his fault.”
@breakfastteatime it's your birthday! have a chapter of 'insomniac'. :D
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verical · 5 months
: Xesh :
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knightotoc · 2 years
Of all the edgelord horndog specialest magic boys of Star Wars I have encountered in my travels, Elzar was the most ... horny.
Yes even more horny than Xesh, Ulic, Revan, Anakin, and Kylo. Elzar is so constantly down bad for random women + his true forbidden love that he cannot think straight, ever. Do not attempt a mind meld with this man unless you're cool with that
Also shoutout to Darca Nyl for being an edgelord horndog who is NOT the specialest magic boy and Aleema Keto for being the edgelord horndog specialest magic WOMAN
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RPG Character Set 32 by Ernesto Irawan
Mailana Wasanthi, Half-elf Ranger.
Kemet, Khenra Grave Cleric.
Dulrak Ironcrusher, Dwarf Barbarian.
Narvas, Dragonborn Oath of Conquest Paladin.
Xesh, Tiefling Rogue.
Bakul, Dragonborn Wyvernrider.
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ladypepsfanart · 3 years
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The Dawn of the Jedi comics are some of my faves, so here’s a lil tribute to Troubled Boy, Force Hound Xesh :)
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dswcp · 3 years
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Presenting the most tormented man in all of Star Wars comics: 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤𝕏𝕖𝕤𝕙, 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕕🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
“Dawn of the Jedi: The Prisoner of Bogan,” issue 1. Dark Horse. November 28, 2012. Writer and co-plotter: John Ostrander. Penciller and co-plotter: Jan Duursema. Inker: Dan Parsons. Letterer: Michael Heisler. Colorist: Wes Dzioba.
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Hello there! I am alive!
Health issues kicked my butt last year, hence my not updating (or continuing) this challenge in a really disappointingly long time. But, the fog seems to be clearing, and I am once again able to focus on things I enjoy, so I am very happy to get back into this.
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Entries 7 - 10 of my Star Wars Legends challenge are Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm issues #2 - 5, written by John Ostrander and art by Jan Duursema, Dan Parsons, and Wes Dzioba. All four issues take place in 25,793 BBY, and were released in 2012.
Thoughts and images beneath the cut so as not to flood your feed.
Issue #2 introduces (who I assume will be) our main cast of characters from here on out - Shae Koda, Tasha Ryo, and Sek'nos Rath, all three Je'daii Journeyers from Tython.
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Is it just me or do all three of them have maaaaaajor OT3 energy. I desperately need to see the three of them… er, kriff. And as I am assuming this is not going to happen on page, I WILL be turning to AO3 when I am done reading this series and y'all had better not let me down.
Willing to extend that to OT4 and let Xesh in on the kriffing as well.
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(This part of the post is not getting posted on instagram xD for the most part what I post there and post here will be the same but people I know follow me on instagram xD containing the horny posting to tumblr for now bc I am not brave enough to… the mixed metaphor that popped into my head was "put my pussy where my mouth is" but that sounds like a physical impossibility and now I've gotten confused and distracted.)
Sexual tension between Shae, Tasha, and Sek'nos is palpable. All three having a tense force vision about a mysterious, dangerous bad boy dark force user? I am restraining myself from looking on Ao3 until I've finished reading this arc to avoid spoilers, but y'all I am going to be so kriffing mad if you disappoint me on the fic front. PLEASE tell me there is fic here. I DON'T want to be the one who has to write it.
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For the most part, I am engaged with the three (four if you count Xesh) main characters. Their dynamic is engaging (yes, beyond just sexy lmao) and each of them are interesting on their own as well. I am looking forward to seeing them continue to develop over the course of the series.
Then, let's see. Things that annoyed me...
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Boob armor is always annoying. Jedi Emma Frost has some incredible shoulder armor but the boob top is sigh. She must be using the Force to keep her titties from shooting out the gaping hole in her shirt. Like. I love good cleavage as much as the next bisexual, but c'mon, man.
On the other end for costumes that make me happy, I'm in love with Tasha's look. It is one of the few not over-the-top sexualized twi'lek costumes I can think of, and that is a breath of fresh air on top of just being a really cool skirt that I would absolutely wear.
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I think that's it for now. Hope to read more of the series this week and will continue to update as I go! I might start posting reactions as I read here? Not sure yet. Sometimes it can be fun but sometimes it can distract from the actual reading xD
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star-wars-comics · 4 years
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Dawn of the Jedi: Force War #1 (2013)
written by John Ostrander & Jan Duursema art by Jan Duursema, & Dan Parsons, & Wes Dzioba
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
Hi Kat! There are just about a million characters in SW, and it feels like I'm always learning about more, even after being in the fandom for years. That in mind, are there any characters out there who haven't/don't tend to show up in your writing but you're still pretty fond of?
A bunch, especially because I'm really fond of the more obscure comics. Xesh is one, and Eldra Kaitis, and Antares Draco.
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Hi I want to talk to people so what's your favorite niche nerdy fact? Or like just any fact that you like lol I'm not picky
Favorite niche nerdy fact: hmmm I assume you want something irl but I have no interest in its stuff so you get a Star Wars fact.
In Star Wars legends, there are several comic series called Dawn of the Jedi that show the beginnings of the Jedi order from the Je’daii order, and one of the main characters of that series, Xesh is a Force Hound of the Rakata Infinite Empire, and as a child, since he was force sensitive, the Rakata used him (and other force sensitive slaves) to power their machines using the dark side of the force, which stripped him of his empathy, leaving him unable to use the light side, which means that the force reacts with emotions and not intent, and I think that’s really cool.
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foxpawsandywings · 3 years
Reading Dawn of the Jedi, pt. 2
Next up is the second issue of Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm, with a pretty sick cover.
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I’m not sure if that’s a Rancor falling from the sky or a Rancor with wings, but I’m hyped either way.
This issue opens up at Fury Station, a space station in the Tython system that sleeper ships use as a launch point on their journey out to colonize the stars. Seems like hyperspace hasn’t been invented yet, at least not by the Tythans. I wonder if the Rakatans have.
Either way, no starships have ever returned to Fury Station, and no foreign ships have ever come to meet the Tythans, up until today. Something showed up on the station’s sensors, before disappearing. Fortunately, the Je’Daii Ranger Hawk Ryo is on the case. 
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(and he’s kinda hot honestly)
The scene cuts to the Je’Daii temple of Anil Kesh, which hangs precariously over some sort of evil Force chasm. The Je’Daii at Anil Kesh practice Alchemy, blending science and The Force to create wild shit. Je’Daii Alchemist Shae Koda works at Anil Kesh, and is trying desperately to get her giant flying Rancor under control. Honestly, if you’re going to make a giant flying Rancor, you should be more prepared for the very real chance of it escaping and throwing a tantrum.
Turns out that the Rancor-Dragon is getting angry because Tython itself is out of balance for some reason, and a Force Storm is brewing. I have to assume that a Force Storm is one of those disaster storms that were mentioned in Issue 1.
Either way, Shae’s Rancor-Dragon plummets into Anil Kesh’s chasm, and she goes after it to save it. While she’s down there, she catches a vision of our good friend Xesh, and has to be saved by another one of the Je’Daii.
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Apparently Shae’s vision was some sort of summoning, and her Je’Daii friend sends her to go after it, Rancor-Dragon in tow. The Rancor-Dragon’s name is Butch, by the way. Well, now I want to know what a Femme Rancor would look like.
Next up, we visit the planet of Shikaakwa, where clans of crime lords rule from great strongholds, such as Ryo Fortress. Some dude wearing a kabuto helmet, called Jaris Kan shows up to Ryo Fortress, looking to assassinate Baron Volnos Ryo. I guess Hawk Ryo must be related to these guys.
Tasha Ryo is the daughter of Volnos, and the two of them are having a fight. He wants her to stick around and join the crime business, but she feels that her place is with the Je’Daii. Can’t say I blame her, honestly. Either way, their little meeting gets interrupted by Jaris kan, but Tasha and her dad make quick work of him. While she’s fighting him, however, Tasha also gets a vision of Xesh, mistaking him for a second assassin.
Apparently Clan Ryo, and Volnos in particular, is in deep trouble with another of Shikaakwa’s crime families, Clan Garto. Volnos thinks that having a trained Je’Daii warrior around will make other clans fear and respect them, but Tasha just isn’t having it.
Next up, we visit a temple in the Silent Desert on Tython, where some Je’Daii girls are thirsting over some guy called Sek’nos.
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(Personally, I don’t get it.)
Sek’nos also gets a vision of Xesh while he’s practicing his Force Lightning, and nearly gets himself killed from losing his focus. He pulls himself back from the brink though, and walks away with only minor burns. Not before getting a good scolding from his grandmother, though. Apparently Force Lightning is taboo among the Je’Daii, because it draws only on the Dark Side of the Force, and that’s bad. Sek’nos ignores his grandmother’s warnings, and rides off on his hoverboard.
For one page, we also get a look at this dude. No idea who he is yet.
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Tasha, Sek’nos, and Shae all meet up, having been drawn to the same place by their visions of Xesh. Their meeting is cut short by a flaming spaceship suddenly crash landing right in front of them. They search the wreckage for survivors, and they run into the man himself, ending this issue on a cliffhanger. 
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Timothee Chalamet-lookin ass. 
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