#Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year
kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 23
Idea: (Continuing from THIS one. @gettiregretti wondered what happened next and I had three scenarios in mind and I was going to put all three scenarios in one post but I'm struggling to write and it looks like I'm just gonna have to post them one at a a time.)
Scenario 1: Bar fight
 “I said, face me. Coward.”
Zeb’s ears flattened to his head and he held his hands up in a placating gesture. “Look, I’m sorry for staring. You’re very um-“
The human’s ire seemed to cool a fraction as Zeb tried to find the right words, one elegant brow lifting in skepticism. “Staring is the least of it. Isn’t it? Having me followed, scaring off clients, attempting to tamper with my accounts…”
“If you have a problem with me then you should just face me. Whatever your issue is, we can have it out right here, and then, you’re going to crawl back into whatever low self-esteemed hole you crawled out of and leave me be.”
Is he drunk?
“Look, I don’t know what you’re talking-”
Suddenly, the human is pulled around roughly, away from Zeb.
Something is said in Huttese before the first punch is thrown.
The human dodges the hit and lands a beautiful punch to the attacker’s jaw, sending them reeling.
The human backed up to give himself space between his attacker and Zeb, keeping them both in sight. The human eyed Zeb looking for an attack.
Zeb held both his hands up again to show he wasn’t gonna fight. He couldn’t help a smile and gave the human a thumbs up. That was beautiful well-practiced punch.
Zeb wouldn’t have expected a pretty face like that to actually know how to fight.               
The human smirked at Zeb a little before their assailant came at him again. The crowd was paying attention and there were some murmurs and some mild laughter as the fight went on, the human maintaining full control.
The human only ever threw a few punches after one of each of his assailant’s. He could clearly beat this guy to a pulp easily, but this was about teaching some sort of lesson.
Zeb was just thinking about offering to buy the man a drink after his victory when some curses were shouted a few gasps from the crowd went up.
Three people from the crowd rushed out to the fight and were aiming to attack the human. They were back up for their friend it seemed and decided to step in.
Well that just wasn’t fair.
Zeb reached for the one closest to him before they could reach the human, turned him around, and knocked his head into the nearest table.
The human noticed one of the runners from the crowd and managed to dodge his blow while backing away from assailant one, but was caught in the side of the face by assailant three.
The human’s grunt got Zeb’s attention and he jumped in to assist.
The two of them took care of the three remaining assailants easily, Zeb knocking the first two’s heads together and the human turning to take down the one that hit him in the face, not showing any mercy this time.
Once the last attacker was down, there were cheers from the crowd!
Zeb turned to smile at the human who returned it while wiping a bit of blood from his lip.
The two men clasped hands.
“Can I buy you a drink?” they both asked. They laughed.
The human recovered first, “No, truly, allow me. It’s the least I could do after accusing you.”
“No worries. I was gonna offer you a drink for that beautiful punch you threw. I have to admit I didn’t think-“
“That a pretty boy like me could actually fight.”
Zeb scratched the back of his head, chuckling nervously. He’d been caught. “Uh, yeah.”
They moved towards the bar where the human had been seated before. The crowd parted for them and some security had come to take out the bodies lying around, cluttering up the place.
The human settled in on his bar stool and gestured to the bartender, signaling for two drinks. Probably two of his usual.
“Well, as you can see, I’m more than capable of handling myself. Thank you for the assist, by the way, I think I owe you a drink for that too.”
“Don’t worry about it. It was my pleasure. I love knocking heads together. Usually bucket heads but any couple of assholes will do.”
(not sure how to continue this one. Do they just become friends or do re-enforcements show up. I had the idea that Zeb and Kallus would be alone in the bar with a huge fight break out and then it turns out Kallus’ stalker (that he mistook Zeb for) is more powerful than he assumed and he has to go on the run. Zeb takes him with him and the rest is history.)
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greatunironic · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
approximately twenty years late for these twenty questions, but i'm here now so that counts rights? thank you to @aidaronan for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 40
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 711,322
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently stranger things, but i've got star wars (prequels + rebels) w.i.p.s in the google docs that i'd still love to see the light of day
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? steddie overtook my oldest fics, so most remarkable thing is my number one, with two other fics in the same universe behind it (frozen with joy and the world throws its light), followed by all the missing girls and brutalist masterpieces
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try to respond to all of them because i'm trying to be more outgoing in fandom spaces; i also feel very humbled + touched by the response to my steddie stories so i try to stay engaged there when i can
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i don't think anything is particularly angsty from stranger things -- i try to lean into optimism and hopeful endings when i can, even if something tragic happens with the story; so i would have to say the untitled companion kallus au out of rebels fandom, since part two ends on a bit of a downer.
(though various stories out of the eating in the underworld series probably qualify, especially when you're reading them chronologically...)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i like to think the whole of most remarkable thing, and other b-sides and rarities as the happiest, i would say? mainly because the idea of steve + eddie, alive in 2023 and thriving with their family, careers, and marriage is very dear to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not really
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes; allow me to be pretentious and say that it's typically serving a plot purpose, and often tender, sometimes silly, sometimes spicy
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? i like a good fusion, mainly; i think the only crossover i've written + published is an ancient avengers and battlestar galactica fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! remarkable has french + spanish translations, and crozen with joy also has a french translation
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no; i'm a solitary creature by nature, and also anxious to a fault so i've never felt it was something i'd be able to do + do right by my co-author.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? i love steddie but i gotta be honest here on tumblr dot com: kalluzeb
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i pray every day that i'll finish all my wips; but my greatest fear is that i'll never conclude the star wars f+f au, even though the google doc is halfway written
16. What are your writing strengths? once again imma be a little pretentious and say crafting the story itself; i think i'm a really solid plotter + have good outlines that allow me to tell the story i want to tell
17. What are your writing weaknesses? probably being too wordy, and having a hard time trimming + cutting things; i have a whole google doc devoted to passages i've loved that i've excised from stories but just couldn't get rid of entirely -- i'm definitely a director's cut bitch
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i've encorporated mando'a into a handful of star wars stories, and used a few russian terms of endearment for at me too someone is looking (rebels) -- so i think if it serves a purpose to the story, you gotta do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? star trek, i think?? maybe stargate: sg1??
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? i love all of my children equally but differently, but gun to my head? dogfish or the other hand knocking, because both were so interesting + challenging to write in very different ways
not tagging anyone because i'm so late to the game, but if you wanna play just say i called your name!!
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apocrypha73 · 9 months
Fic stats game
Tagged by @gekidasa (Thank you, love!)
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
Most hits: No es la sangre (13.966 hits) A thorki fic, written in Spanish. To this day I'm still amazed at how much love this fic received (and still does every once in a while)
Second most kudos: A Blind Goddess (640 kudos). This was my second kalluzeb fic ever, and I'm incredibly grateful that people are still reading it these days. The Rebels side of the SW fandom is so nice, I love you all!
Third most comments: Under the Spotlight (58 comment threads). This is the English version of Bajo los Focos, a songxiao modern AU that I wrote during lockdown and which helped me keep my sanity during those days. I am very fond of this fic because I met a lot of wonderful people thanks to it.
Fourth most bookmarks: Again No es la sangre, (98 bookmarks).
Fifth most words: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy (52,831 words). A destiel fic, also in Spanish. It's an AU based on the movie Enchanted, and it was a lot of fun to write.
The one with the fewest words: Contacto Humano (712 words). I'm gonna be honest with you all, I just had to come up with a title for this one right now because it has been sitting on my AO3 page as "Untitled drabble" for almost twelve years.
Tagging @heyholmesletsgo @snarkivistfic
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laurenmm62017 · 3 years
Kalluzeb Appreciation Week Day 5!
Prompt: Soulmates
I may continue this at a later date cuz I had so much fun writing this! Maybe from Kallus' POV or post S3? Who knows!
This was inspired by When you Pry it From My Cold Dead Chest by @anathtsurugi
Word Count: 1.3K
Soulmates work differently for many different species. Most humans see black and white until they meet their soulmate. Twi’leks stop aging at 20 years old until they meet their soulmate.
For Lasats, they receive the same injuries as their soulmate until one of them dies. However, they heal after a few hours, while their soulmate has to suffer the regular healing process.
Zeb knew from personal experience that his soulmate was a tough bastard. When he was only about 15 years old, his soulmate bruised their ribs so hard the Zeb could not attend training that day. At 21, he was promoted to lieutenant in the High Honor Guard of Lasan. During his ceremony, his blasted soulmate broke their leg, and Zeb collapsed in front of his family and his commanding officers. At 25, his soulmate was caught in some sort of explosion and burns showed up all over Zeb’s face and body. At 27, he became the youngest Captain in the Honor Guard in Lasan history and he was grateful that his soulmate decided to wait until after the ceremony to break their left arm.
Zeb often wondered if his soulmate was also a Lasat, and if his injuries showed up for them. He knew that his sparring injuries and his childhood injuries were nothing they couldn’t handle. He hoped that he hadn’t been detrimental to any missions that his soulmate ever had to do.
At 30, he was charged with the Royal Family’s safety and he moved out of his family home and into the Royal Palace. During his move, his soulmate was electrocuted over and over, causing Zeb to spasm on the floor of his new quarters for 15 minutes before a servant found him and brought him to the infirmary. He wondered if his soulmate even knew that he got the same injuries as them.
At 34, the Empire invaded Lasan, and Zeb lost all hope of ever meeting his soulmate. The Imperials were using T-7 ion disruptors to execute every Lasat that crossed their path. The Royal Family were taken to the underground safe room while he stood guard in the throne room to keep the Imperials at bay. Suddenly, he felt the familiar zaps of a bo-rifle and saw familiar burn marks blossoming on himself.
Several things happened at once: 1. Garazeb realized his soulmate was here on Lasan. 2. He realized that they were an Imperial fighting a Guardsman. 3. A huge explosion ripped through the throne room and knocked him out.
When Zeb woke up, everything was silent. He dragged himself to his feet and sprinted to the safe room, but he was too late. The Royal family, as well as the guards he had ordered to stay, had been completely disintegrated.
Horror filled his heart. The Empire destroyed Lasan. His soulmate had participated in this. Bike threatened to swell up in his throat but he forced himself to keep it together.
He sprinted over to his family’s home across the city. He didn’t see a single person or Lasat. He burst into his family home, yelling for his mother, father, any of his family. He found his grandmother hiding in the secret room; she was the only one left. He was able to smuggle them off planet, but she had already not been doing well. She passed away only a few days after they escaped and he was again, completely alone.
At 39, he finally met his soulmate, at Vizago’s base of operations. The T-7 ion disruptors were already weighing heavy on his mind, but feeling the zap of his own bo-rifle on his shoulder when he hit the ISB agent really took the cake.
“You…” It hit him that this Imperial was also wielding a bo-rifle, which should have only been used by a Lasat in the Honor guard. He found out that his soulmate really had been on Lasan all those years ago, he had been the one to order the use of the ion disruptors, and that he had won the bo-rifle by the way of the Boosahn Keeraw. It was obvious that his soulmate trained hard with the weapon. He got past Zeb’s defenses again and again. When the ion disruptors overloaded, he took the opportunity to bring Zeb to his knees and was about to deal the final blow, but was thrown into one of the rocks by the Force, knocking him out. Of course, this also led to Zeb passing out as well.
When he woke, he was surrounded by his crew. Kanan said that Ezra had been the one to save him from… his soulmate.
They encountered his soulmate (he learned his name was Kallus) many more times, before that fateful day on the ice moon over Geonosis. Kallus broke his leg on the way down to the surface, causing Zeb’s leg to throb with pain, but he could ignore it after all the crap his stupid soulmate has put him through. However, Kallus seemed much more affected this time, for some reason.
Zeb discovered a peculiar meteorite that seemed to radiate heat and light, so he tossed that to Kallus to hold while he fashioned an improvised homing beacon so that they could be found.
They talked for a long time, all while plotting a way out of the ice cavern they crashed in. Zeb talked about Lasan, how Hera and Kanan found him at his lowest point, and dragged him back up by the ears to begin fighting for something bigger than himself. That had always been his goal, after all. To make a meaningful difference in the galaxy, even in small ways.
Zeb explained the Boosahn Keeraw to Kallus, and that he had earned the borifle. Kallus seemed guilty for not understanding the significance but Zeb brushed him off. How could he have known, after all?
Kallus told Zeb of his childhood and early career, the awful events of Onderon and the Lasat who worked for Saw Guerera.
“Well, you can’t judge all Lasat the same.”
“Does that include Imperials?”
He even told Zeb of that first time he saw Zeb, when color had filled his once black and white world. On the surface of the mining planet when the Ghost crew were freeing the Wookiee from slavery. The first color Kallus saw was purple, the color of his soulmate, and color seemed to ripple out like waves from where Zeb was.
“Objectively, it was magnificent, but I was rather horrified that my soulmate was a Rebel.”
They decided the best way out was for Kallus to piggyback on him while he climbed the pillars that held up the cave. Zeb could feel the slight warmth of Kallus through his jumpsuit as he climbed the pillars. A few harrowing minutes later filled with cracking ice and horrifying bird-beaked creatures, Zeb threw Kallus up and out of the cave and Zeb scrambled to get out as well. As he reached the opening he saw Kallus aiming Zeb’s own borifle at him. Kallus’ gaze then drifted slightly to the side and fired at the creature that had tried to follow Zeb out of the cave.
Zeb felt relief and something he wasn’t quite sure of fill his chest as Kallus held his hand out to help him climb the rest of the way.
The rest of the night was spent in the cover of a shallow cave they found, huddling around the warm meteorite they found in the cavern.
Kallus admitted that Lasan was not supposed to end like that, and that he wasn’t actually the one to give the order to use the ion disrupters. In exchange, Zeb offered his name to Kallus.
“Zeb. Short for Garazeb. I know. My name is Alexsandr Kallus.”
After what seemed like forever, the storm cleared up, and gave a perfect view of the Ghost flying above them. Zeb wanted Kallus to come with them. They’d treat him fairly, allow him to atone for what he did. However, Kallus admitted that he needs answers now, and the only way he can get them is to stay with the Empire.
Before Zeb left Kallus, he said “When you find your answers, I’ll be there.”
Then Zeb turned to the Ghost and went to greet his family.
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viraaja · 3 years
Yeeahhhh hit me!!!! Fortnight, February, July and Minutes~
fortnight: what wip do you plan on posting next, if at all?
TOS16 is halfway written and I hope to have it posted later this week! It’s been delayed because of my other WIP which won’t leave my brain alone and will hopefully be posted shortly after TOS :)
february: have you ever written and/or a holiday-centric fic?
Yes! The Things We Deserve is my Star Wars Life Day/Christmas holiday fic and is also probably one of my favorite things I have ever written ♥ 25k of gingerpilot fluff and angst with a happy ending and all the feels. You can read it here ♥
july: what’s the hottest fic you have written and/or posted if you write smut at all?
Considering that I almost exclusively wrote smut for a long long while...I really do have a soft spot for my kalluzeb fic What We Want. It was the first and only time I have ever written a scene including a non-human which, tbf, is in general not my thing (obviously I have nothing against it!). Kallus and Zeb just have such a great dynamic which made it so much fun to explore :) Read it here!
minutes: how long does it normally take you to complete a fic?
Anywhere from two weeks to ten years. I have a chapter of a FF7 fic which I still poke at every few months that is a decade old. Other things I can knock out in days. 2020-2021 has been a Time, I’ve written 300k in the last year which is...absurd. Absolutely more than the previous decade combined. Ah well, stress does some crazy stuff to a person!
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thedistantstorm · 4 years
Tribute: A Kalluzeb Story (pt 3)
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Pairings: Kallus/Zeb (kalluzeb)
Chapter: 3 of 3 (maaaaybe I’ll write an epilogue, if there’s interest)
AO3 Link Here
Summary: Zeb works on a gift for Kallus, to replace something he’s lost. It’s a gateway to a conversation Zeb wants to have in the future, but there’s something a bit more urgent they need to talk about first.
Notes: Welcome to this monster of a chapter of (almost) 3k words. I haven’t written a good confession fic in probably 10 years. I’ll be over here cringing at how corny I am, let me know if I should write more of them.
<< Previously
The hottest part of the day on the jungle moon is the early afternoon, which seems to drag on for hours longer than the day itself. Most of the rebellion’s techs cope by slinging tarps between the wings of their ships or by dragging their toolkits and benches to rest among the shade provided by the trees, anything to escape the heat and humidity if they are not needed inside the repurposed temple.
Someone had commandeered a large fan, likely one that helped paint dry, and propped it up so that it would circulate air through Ghost's galley and hold, venting it outside more efficiently than the exhaust and creating a bit of a breeze. Zeb knew Kallus was likely responsible for it, and if not directly, he was at least responsible for making sure it stayed put when it was brought to someone's attention that Chopper had stolen it.
Otherwise, Hera would most assuredly return it and suffer in silence. Kallus still frightened enough of the recruits to get away with forcing them to share when it was feasible, but was smooth enough to manage to do so in a way that didn't warrant leadership's negative attention.
Not that Zeb thought anyone would begrudge Hera a fan, once they knew. Though, once everyone finds out about her condition, Hera will likely be so concerned with not showing weakness they’ll have to coddle her extra subtly. She’ll hate every moment of it, but she’ll put up with it from them more than the rest. He’s already resolved not to take any extended missions away while she’s with child. Where she goes, he goes. He doesn’t have the most tact, and he’s no covert operative like Kallus. But he’s a good bodyguard, and a pretty decent-sized shield, should she and the baby need.
The sound of measured boots coming up the ramp tip him off, and he looks up to see Kallus headed towards him. He looks better than last night, despite the absurd heat, he manages to look cool and collected in his jacket, hair swaying slightly in the breeze from the fan as he rounds it to head into the galley where Zeb sits at the round table. He looks good, Zeb thinks. Earthy colors suit him far better than Imperial black and grays.
Kallus strips the jacket the moment he sees Zeb, the freckled skin of his arms immediately visible, catching Zeb’s eye. There’s a wry smile on his face, a little crooked - bashful and unassuming, as if he’s apologizing for his happiness (though that’s diminished a lot over time) - but genuine.
“You’re late,” Zeb drawls, without any heat to it.
He scoffs, the sound disbelieving. “I did not know we had an appointment,” He quips lightly.
The Lasat rubs the back of his head. “I just figured your debrief would’ve been done a while ago. Hera’s already come and gone.”
“Mon Mothma stopped me. She noticed Hera looks a little…” He gestures to his stomach.
“Ah,” Zeb winces. “Y’didn’t-”
“Of course not,” Kallus replies indignantly. “I suggested that if she had any concerns about Ge-” A look stops him in his tracks, there are rules about formality aboard this ship, “about Hera, that perhaps it would be a good idea to go to the source.”
Kallus nods. “So. You wanted to show me something?” His eyes narrow, focusing on Zeb’s yellow-green ones. “I realize I’m late now-”
“Ha ha,” Zeb interrupts. “I was... workin’ on somethin’ for you. Well, us,” He amends, having to look away under the intensity of Kallus’s baffled gaze, “But… Anyway, I got somethin’ for you. A gift.” The earnest look in his eyes betrays him as he rises, ears tucked back in embarrassment. He jerks the human equivalent of a thumb back towards the crew quarters. “Be back in a second. Don’t leave.” He makes a staying motion with both hands, and Kallus stares after him as he goes, he can feel that amber gaze on his back.
There’s hardly a chance that Kallus will leave unless they wind up under attack, but the words tumble out against Zeb’s wishes, choppy and uneven.
He opens the door to Sabine’s room, a place Kallus would never enter without the Mandalorian’s express permission, and therefore the perfect place to make sure both weapons fully cure unseen. He’d retracted his back to its most compact form already, but Kallus’s would need to be as well. He does so, and the sleek, matte black of the brand new J-19 bo-rifle lines up parallel to his, the engravings painstakingly aligned despite the differences in weapon design.
Fleetingly, he wonders if he shouldn’t have talked himself out of the jaig eyes that had adorned Kanan’s mask, but a moment of clarity strikes, reminds him that the best way he can honor Kanan’s memory - and his sacrifice - is to take care of Hera, to make good on their commitment to this rebellion. To keep moving forward.
He squares his shoulders, slings his weapon across his back and plucks up the one meant to be a gift. If he doesn’t get a move on, Kallus is bound to start getting anxious.
True to form, the rebel captain is pacing.
"And here I was, figurin' I'd be the nervous one," Zeb tries to joke. He laughs, a short sound from the second exit to the galley from which he'd come, keeping the gift out of sight.
"In my experience, a gift isn't always that," He murmurs, inspecting Zeb. "Though… I don't think you'd try to hurt me," He clarifies, softer, ducking his head before looking up, embarrassed. "Old habits," He offers meekly.
"S'ok, Alex," He smiles at the human, who never finds this particular expression to be malevolent or frightening, like a lot of others do. Apparently, to humans, Lasat have a default setting of frightening. Or, at least, Zeb does.
But not to Kallus, who tilts his head to the side, stepping back in what's meant to be a welcoming gesture. "So," He begins, and immediately trails off.
"So," Zeb rubs the back of his head with his free hand, his encumbered one holding the gift inside the doorway, out of view, "I, uh," He winces. Now he's nervous. He shouldn't be, he thinks. It's just Alex. Alex who knows him, sees through all his gruffness, usually knows what he's trying to say better than he does himself. He could just downplay it to practicality if he needs to, he supposes. "Well," He decides, after a five-count of the other man starting to look rather concerned, "Here."
Their gazes meet once more. "Zeb, what-"
The rest of his words get stuck, lodging in his throat as he admires the weapon. Of course, Zeb sees that flicker in his eyes, the self-doubt, the way Kallus believes himself unworthy. "It's not your old one, so you'll have to mod it again, but-"
Kallus finds his voice all of a sudden. It rises sharply in pitch. "Do you have any idea how much these go for on the black market?" He gestures at it, innocent and gleaming in the yellowish lighting of the Ghost's galley. "What am I saying, of course you do," He continues, frantically pacing to subvert some of his nervous energy, biting back what is likely a slew of self-destructive commentary. "Zeb, I-" He swallows. "This is too much. It must have cost a fortune. It's practically brand new!"
Quiet, still holding the weapon out with both massive paws, he waits. Kallus doesn't say anything more.
"It is," Zeb tells him, speaking slow, words carefully measured, as if trying not to send Kallus into a tailspin. When he stops, blinks back, Zeb continues. "New, that is." And then, before Alex can launch into another tirade about costs and how he's likely spent his life's savings on a weapon, he cuts him off. "It's not black market. Some friends a'mine were able to help get parts for my rifle, so I asked out they could help me replace yours."
"I-" His eyes blown wide considering the implications, "What?"
"I paid a fair price, if it makes ya feel better," And then, holding up a hand, he continues, firm, "And no you're not payin' me back."
Zeb pads across the room in two big steps, thrusting the weapon against his chest, so that Kallus takes it without thinking, if only to prevent it from clattering to the durasteel floor.
"It's yours," He says, looking down at the shorter man. "I got it for you."
"Garazeb, I truly don't know what to say." He looks down at it, in wonder. "I have so many questions. How did your friends manage to find one so-" He pauses, finally seeing Zeb's handiwork. "Is this?" His eyes find Zeb's, blown wide in surprise, and maybe a little awe. "Did you do this?" He motions to the stock and the symbol etched there. "The detail is incredible."
His ears pull back in self consciousness, a tell arguably more noticeable than a blush in his eyes. His body isn't capable of the same color changing reaction his furless friends are. "Yeah," He says. "That one wasn't too difficult to stencil, it's a flatter surface, and the lines are neat 'n even." He pulls his own weapon over his shoulder. "This one," He says, gesturing to the right side of the concealed staff on Kallus's weapon, while holding his out to show how they match, "Bit more difficult. The curve is tricky, an' all the tails get…" He realizes he's rambling and stops, watching Alex's look of amazement crumple into something still composed, but right on the brink of emotional.
"Purrgil," He breathes, tracing his fingers across the design, eyes flicking over to Zeb's. By design, they look as though they're drifting towards each other. Perfect mirror images. "Zeb, I-" He shakes his head, swallowing thickly. "I really am at a loss for words."
"I was worried it might be a bit too much, but," He exhales, deflating just a bit. "I know you miss 'im too, and even if he joked a lot about how you might still be out to get us-"
"We came to understand each other," Kallus says, "Jabba and I." His laugh is short but fond at the nickname the child had given himself, years ago. "And I do miss him, strangely enough."
"Yeah," Zeb agrees, one finger ghosting over the engraving on his ivory staff. "Thought you might."
A sad smile lifts the corners of Kallus's lips. "You do know me far better than most," He admits. "I admit, I'll never be able to give you more than what you've given - and continue to give me." In the Lasat's eyes, Kallus's irises seem to shine as he continues. "What I mean to say is thank you, Zeb."
"Ah, well, uh, you're welcome," He answers back, rendered momentarily stupid by a combination of attractive ex-imperial and enough sincerity to sink a star destroyer. His blasted hand finds the back of his head to scratch at his fur, self conscious. "I mean, you know me pretty well, too," He supposes, trying to sound collected. "Y'know, how I feel about you and all that." Setting his bo-rifle on the circular table, he's able to gesticulate vaguely.
"I do?"
With perfect timing, Hera strides in, Mart and Hobbie on her tail, and Chopper bringing up the rear. One quick sweep of the room later, the rifles on the table, Zeb looking sheepish Kallus frozen, their hands gesturing towards each other in mutual confusion as a result of what can only be the conversation, Hera turns on her heels.
"Back outside," She orders them.
"But you said you needed your-"
"It can wait," Hera says, trying not to draw Kallus's attention. Chopper whirls the top of his frame around excitedly, and Hera bonks him once with a gentle fist before he can say anything. "One word from you and you'll be powered down." The manipulators don't stop waving chaotically, even as Hera pushes him back down the ramp. The boys follow along dutifully but confused, laughing nervously. Hers chances a glance back at Zeb and flashes a thumbs up before disappearing out of sight.
Zeb sighs, exasperated.
"What was that?" It's said with a touch of suspicion, though it has that slightly disbelieving breathy tone Kallus doesn't realize he has. "Hera was acting like she'd intruded on us-" He blinks, eyes widening in realization. "Oh," He says, dumbly, cheeks flushing a rosy shade or two darker than usual.
"Yeah." Zeb winces.
"I think I need to sit down," Kallus admits quietly.
"Sure." Then, realizing he'd be looming over the table or sticking to the perimeter of the room like he's try to escape, Zeb adds, "Can I, I mean, d'ya mind if I join you?"
Kallus waves at the open space in the booth closest to Zeb. He's not frowning, so Zeb supposes that's a good thing, as he says, "By all means."
"So," The ex-imperial echoes.
The table is small and their knees bump together. Both of them flinch away, as if burned on contact.
"We are not very good at this," Kallus ventures a brave smile. "You were saying something about-"
"Yes." Thar hushed, breathy tone is back, and his cheeks have only gotten more red since he'd put the pieces together.
"We've, uh, been kinda dancin' around it - er, them - for a bit now, Alex, and-"
"Have we?"
Zeb pulls back, startled. Kallus reached out, almost like he's going to take one of his hands but stops as if thinking better of it. "Karabast," he says, and he can feel his ears prickled by his fur they're pressed down so far. "It seemed to me like you-" He deflates, curling in on himself ever so slightly. "But if you don't," He scrambles, rising, trying to salvage even some scrap of his pride, "Karabast, nevermi-"
On the tail of a big inhale, likely for strength, Kallus does actually make contact, thumb and index finger not quite entirely encompassing Zeb's wrist. "Sit back down!" He admonishes, sharply, pulling him back. He's very red-faced now. "Of course I do!"
"You do?"
"Did you suspect otherwise?"
"Well no," Zeb supposes out loud, "But you said-"
Kallus hangs his head, and everything quiets. "I did. I didn't mean it like… that." He releases Zeb's wrist, only so his fingers can instead fan over the Lasat's clenched fist. "I didn't want to be presumptuous and yet at the same time we're rather… open, with our affections towards each other." He sighs, tilting his head to look at Zeb clearly. "I realize in hindsight that it is a terrible contradiction."
"Yeah, okay," Zeb presses. Beneath Kallus's hand, his fingers unfurl and flip, their fingers meshing together. "Is this-"
Zeb exhales, squaring his shoulders. Resolved. Ready. "Alright then. Let's start this over."
Whatever he's about to say is interrupted by Chopper, wheeling up the ramp.
"Bah bwaaaah," The droid mocks, looking between the human and Lasat as if disappointed. "Bah bahbah bahbahba!" He extends his manipulators to accentuate what was a very direct just kiss him already!
"Gee, thanks, pal," Zeb snarls heatedly. "I hadn't thought of that!"
"Buah bo," The droid swivels around, looking frantically for a place to hide. Despite him deserving it, the tone of Hera's voice makes both men wince.
"Leave them alone!" She crooks a finger at the menacing astromech and he comes, arguing with her about how they just need to get on with it already, why are organics so awkward when they clearly know what they want already.
"That was-"
"Did you maybe want to-"
They stare at each other.
"You first," Zeb offers, cringing.
"Perhaps maybe you should-"
They sigh.
After a moment, when the general awkwardness seems to bleed into something that might be almost comfortable, given any other situation, Kallus's fingers gently trace the inlaid design of the purrgil. "It is beautiful," He says, reverent. "Your craftsmanship. I didn't know you did such detail work."
"Surprising, right? I can follow a design, I'm not like Sabine or nothin'," He traces the fulcrum symbol. "Jus' wanted you to have something custom. Figure it's not gonna replace what you've lost, but we can remember that stuff and move forward."
Zeb looks at him, green-gold eyes bright. "Yeah." Then, bold and enthused, he adds, "I mean, I've basically been trying to tell you that- mmph!"
Kallus looks smug, despite the very obvious blush and the way his fingers err on the side of caution, not quite wanting to dig into the fur on Zeb's arm as he pulls back from a very chaste, lightning-quick kiss. "You haven't told me much of anything," He quips smartly. "Most of this I've had to gather by context."
"I'll give you context," The Lasat roars, wrapping a muscular arm around Alex's shoulders and pulling him in. "C'mere, you."
He goes easily. This time, the kiss is only slightly less chaste, and ends with their foreheads pressed gently together. "You still haven't told me anything," Kallus reminds him, though he's smiling.
"You just want to hear me say it," Zeb grouses.
Laughing, almost giddy, Kallus admits, "I suppose I do."
"Fine. I've got feelings for you, Alex. Romantic ones." He squints. No, that doesn't sound right. "Er, well, they're more than just feelings, like-" He casts a helpless look up at Kallus, just as he begins to laugh.
"Oh, Garazeb," He says, unbelievably fond. "I love you, too."
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mightylauren · 5 years
April Writing Recap
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Alright so it was a rough month. I didn’t meet my word count goal. I didn’t get the chapters posted I meant to even though one is completely written.
Honestly I’m tired and maybe spread a little too thin. We’ll get into that at the end first the WIP rundown.
Need the Sun to Break
Words Written: 1,974
Status: I actually finished writing the chapter and mostly edited it but haven’t gotten it posted. It’s top of my list this week.
Womb with a View
Words Written: 348
Status: *hides face* Couldn’t get this in gear this month which is a shame because I have a nice juicy Dirty Bits chapter to post after the chapter and it’s been so long since I’ve posted smut.
Let Your Heart Hold Fast
(Previously Untitled Kalluzeb)
Words Written: 8,845
Status: This ship continues to hog my attention and as you see I picked my title and I have two chapters ready for Saturday’s launch.
Overall Stats
April Word Total: 11,167
Year Word Total: 43,303
April Days Skipped: 2
Year Days Skipped: 8
Aaaand let’s see I didn’t make my April goals like at all.
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Ugh. It was a rough month. My baby girl got her first ever cold on my birthday. I also was trying to rewatch every Marvel movie. Work went haywire. April was just a long long tiring month and as I write this I am just very exhausted. Sooooo I am not issuing myself a word count goal for May. I came up 4000 shy last month. Stressed myself out too much trying to reach it. Didn’t post a chapter that was already written because I wanted to write to meet wordcount and let’s be real quantity isn’t everything so here’s my May goals.
May Writing Goals:
Finish editing and post NtStB chapter.
Post 2 chapters of new Kalluzeb fic on May 4th.
Post the 3rd chapter two weeks later.
Somewhere among that write and post a WwaV chapter.
Get some rest.
Allow myself the time to read one of the two books I have to read. (THRAWN or MASTER & APPRENTICE)
Otherwise I’m gonna burn out entirely. I need to ease off the gas and allow myself some breathing room. I can actually accomplish the writing goals here in <5000 words since there’s so much of the Kalluzeb already written. It’s time to give myself a break.
It’ll still be a good month because I’m letting a new WIP out into the wild which is always stressful but also always rewarding and my versions of Kallus and Zeb are ready to see the light of day.
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 16(ish)
Idea: (How could I not write SOMETHING about THIS!!!!! Thank you @gettiregretti you bless us, and SORRY IT'S NOT FINISHED. I had to run to meet with friends real quick but I wanna come back tot his one)
Karabast, he was here again!
That really eye catching courtesan with the facial hair, ridiculously distracting body, and even MORE ridiculously distracting outfits.
And what an outfit THIS time. From behind he was wearing a very long sleeved high cut top with gold chains draping one end from one upper arm to the other behind the back, pants that were being held up with nothing but "hope" because there was no way the thin straps on the lower hip cut outs were holding them on and the two parts of fabric that came up to just under the navel were decorated with metal "buckles" but no belt. Unless there was some anti-grav tech in the gold on his "pants" there was just no damn way those could should stay put. His signature gloves were still in place, as usual.
Of all things to have a signature look why gloves? And why those gloves, they covered his hands about as much as his outfits did.
Regardless, this didn't bode well for Zeb. He knew how to focus on a mission, he could do this, it would be fine, but after Kanan pointed out his fascination with the guy the other day he couldn't help being self-conscious and...well... distracted by his own distraction.
Why did Kanan have to point it out? Just WHY?
Zeb tried to focus back on his drink but he caught the courtesan's movement out of the corner of his eye and the change of color and just had to know what the rest of his outfit looked like and ASHLA his TITS ARE OUT!
And what a sight to behold, all those muscles rolling and rippling like planes of an untouched field planet. It was probably superficial muscle, for looking good, but... damn did it look good.
Also, his hair is slicked back and he has a slightly angry expression on his face. Sure he kept up the spacey-pretty-thing face up but there was definitely a closeness of the brows that hinted at some hidden anger.
Shame about the hair. Zeb has seen him with his hair free all the time. This was a new look and... it worked but he preferred the look from before.
He thought running his fingers through it would feel like butter or silk.
The courtesan's anger sharpened suddenly...directly at Zeb.
Uh oh, he'd been caught staring.
The Courtesan put his drink down hard and strode towards Zeb.
"You, Lasat!" he said loudly, getting everyone's attention.
Zeb ears dipped, not sure what to do about this sudden aggression. He should apologize, of course, and he was sorry for staring but this much anger seemed... a bit much.
Does this guy NOT expect to be stared at?!
The human stood firm about a pace from Zeb, fist clenched and his other hand beckoning Zeb toward him. "Face me!"
... WHAT!?
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 28
Idea: (February Writing Challenge 2023: Day 10 – First Drink)
Zeb didn’t know why he felt so nervous. It was just drinks.
But he was.
It was finally happening, Zeb and Kallus were going to sit down together, alone, and talk for the first time since Bahryn.
No ice moon, no hostile creatures, no truce for the sake of survival, no political barriers, no competition, no…any of what was tangling them before.
This was going to be a defining moment either way it went. He was excited and nervous.
In a way, he was going to meet Kallus again for the first time.
What was Kallus like with people he was on the same side with? What did he like to talk about? What was his sense of humor? What were his interests and his focus outside of missions?
What was his idea of a warrior? Did he think of himself as a warrior? How would he feel if he told him about the prophecy and his part in it? Nah, best not broach that subject.
 He was a strong fighter who valued a fair fight in hand-to-hand combat. He was a commander who didn’t leave everything to his underlings. He took part. He had some sense of honor and responsibility.
Zeb…really wanted to know more, and that was probably what worried him.
He looked up to check the tapcaf entrance just in time to see Kallus come through.
          He looked nervous but he hid it well. Zeb could see it in the way his eyes scanned around checking peoples’ positions and finding gaps/exits and the pinching around his eyebrows.
It was nice to know Zeb wouldn’t be the only one on edge, even if its for a different reason.
Zeb made sure to smile big and waved him over.
Kallus spotted him and the pinching around his eyes relaxed a little. He returned a small smirk (is that all he knows how to do? Does he ever smile? Must be all the imperial training) and strode over to Zeb like he’d been coming here all the time.
“Garazeb,” Kallus greeted and took a seat.
“Just ‘Zeb’ is fine, Kal. Here,” Zeb handed him one of the two drinks sitting in front of him.
Kal took it and without hesitation. It was nice to see the ex-agent trusted him so much.
“Thank you. How are you?”
“I’m good, a little sore from work. They got me working with he mechanics. They say they value my skills but I think they just like to rope as many of the biggest rebels into doing the heavy lifting.”
Kal huffed a laugh. “Glad I wasn’t tapped. Command has decided that they want me in Intelligence.”
“Hey, congrats! You don’t seem to be thrilled.”
“I’m not unhappy just… surprised.” Kal set his drink down. “I didn’t expect to be trusted in that area for quite some time, if ever. I thought once I was done as Fulcrum I’d either be released on my own in the galaxy or simply left to float around doing grunt work.”
“You did good work for us and you came through every time. Why wouldn’t they trust you?”
“Communication was one way. I gave information and received nothing, not even support, and I was fine with that.
I was surprised to even see Bridger come to extract me on the Rebellion’s behalf.”
It was Zeb’s turn to huff a laugh.
“Didn’t know you were so self-sacrificing, is all. You didn’t seem that way in the Empire.”
“That depends on your definition I suppose. I did always try to make sure I faced you lot head on myself, and keep you and the jedi occupied so you didn’t bash my men’s heads in.”
Now that Kal mentioned it Zeb though back to some of their encounters. Agent Kallus always did seem to single Zeb or Kanan out. He thought it was just because they had shared history with Lasan, and when he wasn’t around, Kanan was usually the biggest threat. Zeb thought it was about the glory but now that he thought about it, Kallus took a lot of big hits, being knocked unconscious even, and he kept coming back after them.
It didn’t occur to him he was trying to protect anyone, that he was throwing himself into harms way.
“Because of Onderon.” Zeb stared straight at Kallus who wasn’t looking at him at the moment. Kallus froze, his cup halfway to his lips.
"Yes," he answered quietly.
Zeb’s ears drooped a little as all the puzzle pieces slipped into place.
“So you’ve always been this way… just on the other side of things.”
“I… suppose so. It just makes sense. I’m bigger and well trained than most. And more than I was since Onderon. I can take a hit.”
“Well then, I think you answered your own question of why Command trusts you to be in Intelligence.”
Kallus blushed. “I suppose I have.”
Zeb lifted his cup. “Here’s to trust.”
Kallus smiled and knocked his own cup against Zeb’s.
They both took a long swig, ordered some more drinks, and kept talking long into the night.
(I just love the phrase “meet again for the first time”. It’s an oxymoron that is so poignant and full of potential to me.)
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 27
Idea: (February Writing Challenge 2023: Day 9 – First Flight)
          Alexsandr’s first flight into space was shortly after joining the Imperial Academy. The cadets were being taken off world to another facility for two weeks to expose and familiarize them with operations in other outposts. To get used to the idea of transition and adaptation in a short time period.
Many of the cadets like Alex had never left the Lower Levels of Coruscant, let alone the planet.
          Alex tried not to be too obvious about wanting a closer position to the view-ports but he wasn’t the only one subtly fighting for a position.
          He felt the transport lift off and his eyes snapped to the nearest view port, Jovan’s condescending chuckle next to him.
          “Calm down, Kallus. You act like you’ve never been in a transport before. It’s no different.”
          But it was different. Jovan didn’t understand.
Yes, the sensation was the same, but the view was different.
He watched as the buildings, the Upper Levels that once towered over him and his kind, were falling away beneath him. He was leaving behind the, supposedly, untouchable and unreachable and going even higher.
All the corruption and indulgence of the upper classes were falling away from beneath his feet and he was going somewhere higher. Somewhere bigger and greater than all of them.
He was going somewhere clearer and with greater meaning.
Kallus’s eyes shone with determination as the atmosphere of the planet faded away to the dark and light spotted expanse of space and his path into a greater galaxy.
Garazeb’s first flight into space was the day after Lasan fell.
There was fire and rubble, screams and crying, the palace was gone and so were the people he’d sworn to defend.
His people were destroyed, his planet was dying.
And he meant to die with it. To die with honor taking as many of the enemy out with him.
But the explosion had knocked unconscious. He wasn’t there to defend anyone. He failed.
A few other survivors had grabbed him in his shock and grief and dragged him to a transport. Some wookies had come around and assisted on taking them away, to retreat.
Zeb hated every second of it.
He gripped his hands into fists, claws digging into the flesh of his palm. His head spun from the strange movement and possible head injury.
He was leaving, he was retreating, he was running away, and it was all they could do.
Garazeb looked out the nearest view port at the devastation below.
He’d never seen his home from so high up, had always meant to, to see the sprawl of beauty that was his home and his duty to protect. Now he was seeing it and it was all gone. Blackened, smoking, and scarred.
His vision blurred and his eyes burned. He couldn’t look anymore at his failure.
He fell back against the bench of the transport staring at nothing, his head spinning with loss and uncertainty of what to do now, of what was to come.
His eyes vaguely registered the change from atmosphere to the cold, star-speckled, dark expanse of space for the first time.
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 26
Idea: (February Writing Challenge 2023: Day 8 – First Bite)
Kallus didn’t answer Zeb for a second…. still contemplating the taste.
“Is it good? Bad? What?”
Kallus swallowed the bite he’d taken, paused, then handed the fruit over to Zeb.
Zeb looked at the fruit and then Kallus with distrust.
“I want your unbiased opinion,” Kallus stated.
Zeb hesitantly took the fruit from Kallus hand, sniffed them, then took a small bite.
His face immediately scrunched up, his fur stood on end, and he shook his head violently.
“Yes I thought so too.” Kallus said trying not to laugh and sipping his tea to clear the taste.
Zeb groaned, glaring daggers at his husband.
(One of the results of Kallus meiloorun attempts. XD)
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 7
Idea: (write anything no matter how crappy just to stay in the habit of writing everyday: touch)
They were lying in bed dozing one morning when Kallus caught himself "stimming", as Sabine called it, by rubbing his hand through Zeb's fur back and forth and vaguely wondered if it the act was actually irritating to Zeb.
He couldn't recall if he'd done it before and he immediately stopped. Now he had to deal with the irritation of finding a new outlet. His breathing was suddenly VERY attention grabbing and awful. Too deep, too stuttery, and it bumped his chest against Zeb too much. If he started wiggling his foot the vibration might irritate Zeb and he cound't have that. He could practically feel his blood thrumming through his whole being like a bundle of energy desperate to fine a release and couldn't think of a viable outlet.
Thankfully his inward spiral was interrupted.
"Mmm, keep going," came Zeb's mumbled voice.
Kallus's whole body released a breathe he didn't even know he was holding, his whole body relaxing and his hand returning to running through Zeb's fur in any direction that pleased his senses until the tingly numbness set in.
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 11
Idea: (Stealing the 'bride')
(I had several ideas for this one soooo, here's a bunch of notes. This has mpreg, if that not your jam sorry. or just pretend it's not happening.)
Kallus stole a ship with a hyper-drive and escaped the Atollon assault that way and wasn't heard from the Rebellion for a long time, even assumed dead.
He laid low in the mid rim gathering information as best he could to send information tot he Rebellion one last time.
He and Zeb had hooked up a few times before Zero Hour but he hadn't realized he was pregnant until he got away. He sent one last message out for the Rebellion and then started building a life away from the war, not a much of one but he was working on it.
The Rebellion traced his message back to him and Zeb was eager to see him again so he goes to find him. When he does he tries to convince Kallus to come join the Rebellion properly with him on-
Kallus refuses to even know where the base is. He has to stay out of the fight.
Zeb asks why Kallus didn't tell him about the child. Kallus explains:
He didn't know he was pregnant until he was away from the Empire
He didn't want to burden the Rebellion or Zeb with his presence, let alone a child's. It felt like asking to much.
The child will be a hybrid. He wasn't sure Zeb would even want anything to do with it. (Didn't want him to feel obligated either)
He didn't want the child near a war if he could help it
There is still a war to fight and Zeb already has a family in it.
(Kallus doesn't know about Lira San)
Zeb starts to leave it at that and head back to Yavin alone but then (after a conversation with Chava) he turns around a kidnaps brings Kallus to Lira San. (Not sure if they both stay or not. Possibly, Zeb sets up Kal and explains that he doesn't EXPECT anything but if he makes it through the war and comes back to Kal here...maybe they can build a life...together?)
Zeb figures out Kallus is pregnant before he does and kidnaps extracts him from the Empire himself
(Not mpreg)
Kallus is betrothed to an Imperial Officer and Zeb is just.... not having it.
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 2
(Idea: the crew stumble on Lasat!Kallus and Human!Zeb from another universe)
"No kriffing WAY!"
"Ezra, language!" Kanan scolded.
"But look!" Ezra pointed down the ramp as the last two arrivals of their alternate counterparts made their way into the light.
The shorter stature but no less tell tale facial hair of a human Zeb was shocking enough (and he's wearing SHOES!) but the real surprise was the blond fur of a very lasat Kallus that got everyone's attention.
It was weird and impressive how their version's muttonchops lent themselves to his copy's furry face.
Hera kept the calmest but her eyes betrayed her surprise. Kanan couldn't help a double take. Ezra's face was turning red holding in laughter. Sabine bolted towards the ladder. "I'm gonna go get them," she said conspiratorially to Ezra.
"Well this should be interesting," Lasat Kallus said in his overly polished Coruscanti accent.
"Heh, what are the odds we're just swapped species?" Human Zeb laughed.
"No bet," Lasat Kallus responded with an affectionate grin.
That got the crews attention.
"I bet I make a handsome lasat too," Human Zeb said arrogantly, stretching his arms over and behind his head to flex his muscles to his lasat counterpart. "You're finally gonna know what a catch of a human you got; fall in love with me all over again."
"Love!?" Ezra nearly screeched.
The rest of the crew openly gaped at the new pair.
The clanking of shoes and the sound of Chopper's wheels heralded Sabine's return with their two soon to be surprised crew mates.
"Make sure your recording Chop. Ta da!" Sabine gestured her hands out over the railing while looking back to get Zeb and Kallus' reactions as they came into view.
Human Kallus' eyes were perpetually trained to seek out lasat shaped figures and landed on his counterpart immediately. His face fall into a look of melancholy. "It would be my fate to meet myself as something I destroyed."
Lasat Zeb's eyes trained on the alternate Kallus as well and held there. "Woah," he whispered, almost reverently.
Lasat Kallus had found the Lasat Zeb on the balcony and held there as well. His ears perked up, his eyes widened, and (damn his light fur) he blushed.
Human Zeb hadn't taken his eyes off his companion and caught the reaction immediately. "Ah HA! I knew it."
The blond lasat's ears fell down and back, shoulders hunching in, and eyes looking anywhere else. "Sh-shut up!"
Human Zeb: "You're so short."
Human Kallus: "We're the same height!"
Lasat Kallus: (blush)
Lasat Zeb: (blush)
Human Kallus: :(
Human Zeb: :D
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 8
Idea: (another idea from a friend:: What would Zeb and Kallus do at the Star Wars equivalent of the DMV or court house.) ((a friend of ours went through some BS to get legally married in Texas))
Kallus understood the need for regulations and the bureaucracy from a security point of view, but admittedly, his experience from a high ranking position expediting everything he would ever need and then as a rebel who didn't give a kriff made the entire experience seem quite fast and inconsequential to the bigger picture.
With no war to worry about and being on a planet entirely separate from any Galactic government he or Zeb had ever known.... well.
Zeb's head touch down on his shoulder for probably the hundredth time in the last 30 mins before bolting back up right. They hadn't moved from their seats in the last hour and were torn between giving up on the entire Lira San marriage license and making sure that this was the LAST time they would have to do this shit.
It was a debate whether someone cancelling their appointment was a windfall or not. They were happy to get this over with but also it was a shame to get it... over with.
Kallus sat in the office chair in his gardening clothes, covered in soil, sweaty, and reeking of fertilizer and that sour human sweat he'd been made aware of. Zeb wasn't as sweaty but he was frumpy enough to make the occasion seem... less than special for the both of them.
Kallus didn't want o admit that when he imagined marrying Zeb he thought Lira San would have a whole elaborate culture for him to learn and grand ceremonies with deeper meaning that would lend a gran air to the whole thing. A sort of elaborate project he could put his whole heart and soul into to let Zeb know the depth and dedication he felt for him.
Turned out Lira San DID have an elaborate marriage culture but it was entirely separate from their legal system that insisted on very thorough records but only in a very short and exclusive time frame.
They needed this marriage license to go through to make taking care of their children much easier.
As of now, Alex was barely recognized in their system as a citizen let alone a legal guardian with any ability to access records or make decisions regarding the children in real time. As everything stood now, everything had to be check through Zeb first before any action could be taken and that was a perilous situation that neither Zeb or Alex wanted to tempt fate on.
It was also just... the principal of the thing.
Marriages on Lasan were so meaningful and elaborate for Zeb and Alex wanted nothing more than to fully embrace that for him.
But this legal crap made everything so... matter of fact and inconvenient.
Whatever, when it was done, it would be done and things would be easier.... right?
(They get to the JOP and they have to recite vows, Kallus does the standard that the Judge guides him through, but Zeb pulls out his own vows he's had written down in his back pocket for ages.
Kallus feels a bit like a heel not having his own vows at the moment but Zeb mentions in his own vows about celebrating their marriage as many times as it takes and Kallus resolves to have his own written and ready for their next one, and the next, and as many times as they can and will have to do this.
In the end Zebs reminds him of what is really important and he's gratful to have that in his life for as long as they both shall live.)
((I want to come back to this one to do it justice for my friend who went through such hell for her marriage))
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 17 (ish)
I'm gonna circle back to some other stories I started but I need to dedicate some time to them .I have a bad habit of making 3 or 4 scenarios for each story and I can't just throw my notes at y'all, it kinda ruins the surprise of each one.
So here's a quick little something else
Idea: (Zeb notices Kallus' little desk plant)
"Heh, cute plant. Didn't take you for the type," Zeb said companionably.
He was carrying a small container through Intelligence and was surprised by the intense purple out of the corner of his eye. He was more surprised to see it on Kallus' desk, of all places.
It was a small thing, the post easily fitting in one hand, and the bundle of flowers even smaller as they bouquet-ed out from their main stalks.
Kallus' blushed at Zeb's notice. "Yes, well. I couldn't help indulging a whim recently. Plants were very rare on Coruscant. Reserved for the wealthy and elite. And then in the military they were entirely frivolous and distracting. But, now..."
"They're a reminder of life in the galaxy." Zeb smiled. "I get it."
"Indeed. I also like the idea of cultivating something for a change, instead of finding ways to seek out and destroy."
"It's a good color, too. Really pops."
Kallus smiled. "Yes, I quite liked the intensity of it. It's very strong and eye catching."
"Yeah, heh heh," Zeb gestured to himself. "I can appreciate that."
Kallus blushed and shook his head at Zeb's antics. "Anything I can help you with while you're here."
"Nah. I'm good. I'll see you later at the tapcaf, yeah."
"Of course."
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