#Winx Club was the foundation for many things wrong with me
iho6hi · 2 months
Bloom and Icy were actually insane for this...
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elby-manga-addicted · 7 years
Tag Questionnaire!
Tagged by: @the-frustrated-muggleborn
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke
2. Disney or Dreamworks: I CANT. CHOOSE.
3. Coffee or tea: Tea
4. Books or movies: books, even though movies can have amazing visuals and music, the fact that you can choose how to imagine the much richer story in a book wins me over :p
5. Windows or mac: Windows, duh!
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel
7. X-box or Playstation: I don’t have either, but I think that what I used to play on at my cousin’s house was a Playstation, so...
8. Dragon age or Mass effect: YOU EXPECT ME TO CHOOSE??! I suppose I’ve played dragon age a lot more hours than mass effect but that’s just because Mass Effect is so heavy on my emotions... In terms of story, worldbuilding and characters I literally could never choose between these two! D:
9. Night owl or early riser: Night owl, hoot hoot!
10. Cards or chess: I’ve always liked the aesthetic of chess but even though my brother once tried to teach me, I couldn’t play it to save my life, so... cards! XD
11. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate!
12. Vans or converse: Converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I’ll have to go with Adaar because qunari are just too cool and I was beyond excited to hear we’d get to play as one :3
14. Fluff or angst: Angst with fluff on the end. I won’t settle for one without the other!
15. Beach or forest: Forest
16. Dogs or cats: CATS!!! I love dogs too, but nothing can ever beat cats :p
17. Clear skies or rain: depends... If the sky is truly clear then I prefer that, but if there are clouds that are reflecting the sun I’d like dark rainclouds better. (Because I’m super sensitive to light and get migraines from white skies D: )
18. Cooking or eating out: cooking
19. Spicy food or mild food: mild food
20. Halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Christmas!
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Too cold, then I’d have an excuse to cover myself in blankets 24/7!
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be: stopping time for everyone except myself. God knows I could use more time.
23. Animation or live action: as an animation student I feel obligated to say animation XD
24. Paragon or renegade: I’m like... 80% paragon but when my morals are challenged I can turn full on renegade.
25. Baths or showers: Showers
26. Team cap or team ironman: Team cap
27. Fantasy or sci-fi: FANTASY IS LOVE, FANTASY IS LIFE.
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: “No one is you and that’s your power” -Dave Grohl, “rock bottom became the solid foundation upon which I rebuilt my life” -J.K. Rowling,  “ When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can’t eat money.” - Alanis Obomsawin,  “I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" Death thought about it. CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.” -Terry Pratchett
29. Youtube or netflix: Youtube (I do wish I had netflix though...)
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter
31. When you feel accomplished: When I’ve made strides towards my ambitions and have something to show for it.
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Another impossible choice! Star Trek is so nostalgic for me and it always reminds me of quality time spent with my family, but Star Wars is more actively present in my life right now...
33. Paperback books or hardback books: Hardback! They’re not at all as practical as paperbacks but OH MY GOD THE AESTHETIC! It’s so satisfying to hold those books~
34. Horror or rom-com: rom-com! (when will I be able to see queer romcoms???)
35. TV shows or movies: I’m gonna go with tv shows, there’s more to savour and usually more in-depth storylines and characters.
36. Favorite animal: CATS. After that tigers, pandas, butterflies and possibly squids. I’m also quite fond of majestic birds like peacocks, ostriches, eagles and small ones like nightingales :3
37. Favorite genre of music: uhhh my taste in music is so widespread and random! I love some punk, some pop, some metal, a lot of soundtracks and instrumental music and kpop as well!
38. Least favorite book: “Geen wonder dat moeder met de goudvissen praat” by Ed Franck and equally horrible is “Doornroosje’s honden” bij Willy Spillebeen . I had to read these like 5 years ago for school and I still haven’t gotten over the trauma. (In case you’re wondering, the titles translate to “No Surprise Mother Talks To The Goldfish” and “Sleeping Beauty’s Dogs”. The first is the diary of a teenage boy who’s vulgarly in love with his female teacher and it has the most distasteful illustrations. The Second book is about a little girl who’s mother is in a financially sticky situation and the child is confused about everything and eventually kills herself by taking a dozen of her mother’s sleeping pills so that she can be like sleeping beauty but be awoken by her dad. Both were an absolute pain to read.)
39. Favourite season: winter, but only if it snows. Otherwise autumn. (I mean I like them all but summer is too warm and sunny so it gives me headaches and in spring I sneeze all the time due to hay fever. Sure there’s less animals in the other two and the white clouds give me headaches as well, but it’s pretty and it gets darker doon :p)
40. Song that’s currently stuck in your head: “Shiny”  from Moana XD
41. What kind of pyjama’s do you wear: My Totoro onesie! Or equally fluffy hp PJs. Or when it’s hotter I wear adorable shorts or baggy PJ pants and a top. (I get excited over PJ’s. I have waaayyy to many of them but it just makes me eager to go to bed and it’s so cosy and everything!)
42. How many existential crisis do you have on an average day: Like... 6?
43. If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be: Either “I Was Here” by Beyoncé or “What Do I Know” by Sara Groves
44. Favourite theme song to a TV show: the first Winx Club into!!
45. Harry Potter movies or books: Books! The movies are great but there’s so much depth that they’re missing! And some of the characters are just portrayed completely wrong (*cough* Ginny *cough*)
46. Favorite traditional food from your family: Either fries with roasted chicken and loads of veggies, or the family recipe cake that my mother taught me when I was 5!
47. Favorite decade from 1900-now: Uhhh how should I know? I’ve only lived in 2 decades! :p I suppose the now is best for me since equal rights and mentally ill people are no longer put in asylums and stuff.
48. Worst habit?: Putting off important things because of my anxiety or thinking “oh, I’ll respond to this later” and then never doing it.
49. Teach an old person to use the internet or stay for a week with a kid stuck in the “why” phase?: both could potentially be adorable and loads of fun! So it doesn’t really matter to me. 50. Who’s your favorite painter?: My grandpa! I’ve looked up to him all my life and not a single painter who’s work I’ve encountered in art history or musea can compete! (I’m biased, I know). If I had to choose someone else I’d either say René Magritte, the Van Eyck brothers or Kinko White (If you’re a Tolkien fan and like aquarel paintings, GO LOOK THESE UP!). 51. Favourite flower?: Wisteria and water lilies.
52. Boots or sneakers?: Boots~
53. Abroad or at home?: Home is where the cat is, so HOME.
54. Three places that you want to visit in the world: In this world? Japan, The Niagara Falls and somewhere I can see the northern lights!
My question: 55: If you were immortal and could choose one person to spend eternity with, who’d you choose?: I’d pick my cat!
Tagging: I’m not about to tag 55 people, but I’ll tag a few~
@zuzumi @x-ello-x @leftski @definitelynotclayface @thelargemagellaniccloud @bellatrixstolethetardis @momo-tan @virtualtaleinternet @nathankoekenpan​   @karelopteynde​ @that-one-asexual-fangirl​ @captainthingsandstuff​
(you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to though! I don’t want to pressure
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