#Winnipeg Car Rental
towncarrentals · 3 months
Long-Term Car Rental in Winnipeg - Town Car Rental
In the dynamic landscape of transportation, convenience and flexibility have become paramount. Whether it's for business trips, leisure travels, or day-to-day commuting, having access to a reliable vehicle can significantly enhance one's mobility and overall experience. For individuals seeking extended use of vehicles in Winnipeg, long-term car rental services offer a practical solution. Among these providers, Town Car Rental stands out as a reliable partner, offering a seamless experience tailored to diverse needs and preferences.
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Understanding Long-Term Car Rental
Long-term car rental refers to the provision of vehicles for extended periods, typically ranging from weeks to months. Unlike traditional car rental services, which are often geared towards short-term use, long-term rentals cater to individuals who require a vehicle for an extended duration. 
This option appeals to various demographics, including professionals on extended business trips, tourists exploring a new city, individuals awaiting repairs on their personal vehicles, and temporary residents in need of transportation.
Benefits of Long-Term Car Rental
Flexibility: Long-term car rental provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing customers to choose vehicles based on their specific requirements. Whether it's a compact car for urban commuting or an SUV for family outings, rental providers offer a diverse fleet to accommodate various preferences and needs. This flexibility extends to rental durations, with options ranging from weeks to months, providing customers with the freedom to tailor their rental period according to their schedule.
Cost-Effectiveness: Despite the extended duration of rental, long-term car rental can be a cost-effective option compared to other alternatives. For individuals facing short-term transportation needs, such as tourists or temporary residents, opting for a long-term rental can be more economical than purchasing a vehicle or relying on ride-hailing services for an extended period. Additionally, long-term rental agreements often include benefits such as discounted rates, maintenance services, and insurance coverage, further enhancing their cost-effectiveness.
Convenience: Long-term car rental offers unparalleled convenience, eliminating the hassles associated with vehicle ownership. Rental providers handle maintenance tasks, including regular servicing and repairs, ensuring that customers enjoy a hassle-free driving experience throughout their rental period. Moreover, rental agreements typically include roadside assistance services, providing customers with peace of mind in case of emergencies or unexpected incidents on the road.
Variety and Accessibility: With a diverse fleet of vehicles ranging from economy cars to luxury sedans, long-term rental providers cater to diverse preferences and budgets. Customers have the freedom to select vehicles that suit their specific needs, whether it's fuel efficiency for long commutes or spacious interiors for family travels. Additionally, rental locations are conveniently situated across Winnipeg, ensuring easy accessibility for customers seeking to rent vehicles for extended durations.
Town Car Rental: Your Trusted Partner in Winnipeg
Among the various long-term car rental providers in Winnipeg, Town Car Rental stands out for its commitment to customer satisfaction, reliability, and affordability. With a reputation built on years of excellence in the industry, Town Car Rental continues to be the preferred choice for individuals seeking extended transportation solutions in Winnipeg.
Extensive Fleet Selection: Town Car Rental boasts an extensive fleet of vehicles, ranging from compact cars to premium SUVs, catering to diverse preferences and needs. Whether you require a fuel-efficient vehicle for daily commuting or a spacious SUV for weekend getaways, Town Car Rental has the perfect vehicle to meet your requirements. Each vehicle in their fleet is meticulously maintained to ensure optimal performance and safety, providing customers with a seamless driving experience throughout their rental period.
Competitive Pricing and Flexible Terms: At Town Car Rental, affordability meets flexibility, with competitive pricing and flexible rental terms designed to accommodate various budgets and schedules. Whether you need a vehicle for a few weeks or several months, Town Car Rental offers customized rental solutions tailored to your specific needs. Additionally, their transparent pricing structure ensures that customers know exactly what to expect, with no hidden fees or surprises.
Exceptional Customer Service: Town Car Rental takes pride in delivering exceptional customer service, going above and beyond to ensure a positive rental experience for every customer. Their team of knowledgeable and friendly staff is dedicated to assisting customers at every step of the rental process, from vehicle selection to drop-off. Whether you have questions about rental terms, need assistance with vehicle features, or require roadside assistance during your rental period, Town Car Rental is always just a phone call away.
Convenient Locations and Online Booking: With multiple rental locations conveniently situated across Winnipeg, Town Car Rental offers unmatched accessibility for customers seeking long-term rental solutions. Whether you're arriving at the airport or need a vehicle near your hotel or residence, Town Car Rental has you covered. Additionally, their user-friendly online booking platform makes it easy to reserve your vehicle in advance, allowing you to skip the queues and paperwork upon arrival.
In a bustling city like Winnipeg, where mobility is key, long-term car rental services offer a convenient and cost-effective solution for individuals seeking extended transportation options. Whether you're a business traveler, tourist, or temporary resident, long-term rental providers like Town Car Rental provide the flexibility, affordability, and reliability you need to navigate the city with ease. With an extensive fleet of well-maintained vehicles, competitive pricing, exceptional customer service, and convenient locations, Town Car Rental remains the go-to choice for long-term car rental in Winnipeg. Experience the freedom of hassle-free transportation and unlock endless possibilities with Town Car Rental today.
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pennylanefics · 17 days
Tree House - Seth Jarvis
a/n: this turned out so much longer than i was expecting but ahhhh i love it!! it's so soft and some parts hurt my heart, and i finished it at like 1:40 in the morning when i needed to be sleeping but oh well !!
summary: seth takes you back to winnipeg for a visit and you come across an old tree house he spent a lot of time in
word count: ~2.3k
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Ever since you first started dating, Seth wanted to take you back to Winnipeg with him for a week, just to show you where he grew up and the places frequented up until he was drafted. It was a dream of his to be able to share that side of him with you, and finally, the time had come.
With the offseason just starting, and in the only bit of free time that he had until he had to start practice every few days, he booked a trip up to Canada, renting out a nice little Airbnb in a location he knows pretty well, that’s slightly secluded with a beautiful view of the mountains in the distance.
He had the entire trip planned, even down to where you’d be having dinner each day, one of which he was taking you to his parents house, since his mom wanted to cook for you, and a couple days you would be going to his favorite restaurants; other days included ordering in and having a romantic date night inside.
It was a smooth trip so far, the flight was longer than you were expecting, Seth let you sleep on his shoulder for a majority of it, but when you finally landed, you were in awe of the sights already.
It was a country you’ve always wanted to visit, and now, you were right in the heart of Winnipeg, your boyfriend’s hometown, which made it all the more special.
“That over there is where I was skateboarding with some friends and wiped out. Got a nasty scrape on my elbow,” Seth points out to a spot in the middle of a park. He had ordered an uber to drive you to his parents house, who would then drive you out to your rental for the week.
They offered you to stay with them, but Seth was insistent on having time with you, alone, something he didn’t really want to tell his own mother. So he played it off as best as he could without being too over-the-top, basically explaining the simple version, that you were on a vacation together and wanted a space to yourselves.
When you arrive at his family’s house, his mother welcomes you in with open arms, asking how your flight was and wondering if you needed anything. You’ve met her plenty of times already, but this was a first, to be meeting her at her home; it felt different, but a good different.
After lots of conversations and catching up between the five of you, his dad loads your suitcases into their car, Seth’s brother hopping in his own and following behind; since you were borrowing their car for the week, his dad would need a ride back
A couple hours later, you and Seth have finally settled into bed, a movie playing in the background on the tv, but neither of you paying a single ounce of attention to it.
“What kind of plans do you have for us tomorrow, huh?” You ask, tracing your finger along his bare chest. He laughs softly and trails his own hand up and down your back.
“I thought we could do some sightseeing, you know, driving around to see my old schools, the rink I used to play at, maybe even pay the kids there a visit.”
“That sounds lovely,” you sigh.
“And I’m gonna take you to my favorite restaurant I always have to eat at when I’m back home,” he adds. “So we’ll go there for lunch after we wake up, and then drive around. There’s not really a ton to do, but it’s beautiful.”
“It has been so far, I can imagine what it’s like during the winter.”
“Gorgeous. Maybe we’ll come back for Christmas, it’s a magical place around then.”
You continue talking until you end up falling asleep before Seth, who remains awake, scrolling through his phone, his usual night owl tendencies not changing one bit.
The following day, after having a lovely lunch at Seth’s favorite restaurant, which you very much enjoyed, Seth exits the parking lot and starts driving around, knowing the area like the back of his hand, navigating so easily.
“So, over there,” he points to a small ice cream shop, “is where I was punched by some kid in seventh grade. He was saying all kinds of shit about me and my friends, so I stepped up, and he ended up socking me. The owner of the shop banned him for life from the premises, it was really fun to watch.”
“Oh god,” you laugh, looking at the shop a little closer now that you are stopped at a red light near it. “Is it any good?”
“They’re the best, they have the smoothest concretes. We’ll go there later today. Right now, we’re gonna head to the rink and surprise some kids. I hope that’s alright,” he looks over at you, a hint of worry evident in his tone and his expression.
“Yeah, it is. I can skate around for a little bit on my own while you teach them your great wisdom and knowledge.” Seth laughs and shakes his head, making a left turn into a parking lot.
You follow him inside and head right over to the skate rental booth, quickly getting into your own skates. Seth helps you tie yours, as he’s mastered the art of doing so, and helps you stand, walking over to where the entrance is.
Immediately, he is recognized, kids skating over to him, their eyes blown wide with shock and awe. Seth’s smile was so huge, greeting all the kids around him and giving all of them high fives. You grin a little and skate off in the opposite direction, giving him time to meet with them and allow them to pick his brain on certain things.
You make a couple trips around the rink, humming quietly to yourself to the music that was playing over the speakers not too loudly. Seth, even while talking to the kids and listening closely to them, still managed to look over at you every once in a while, wherever you were on the ice, just to make sure you were doing okay.
Deep down, he felt terrible for parting from you like this, but he always had to give back to the community that helped him get to where he was at, and he was very thankful that you were understanding of it all; in the back of his mind, he had ideas on how to make it up to you later tonight.
His little impromptu question and answer-mixed-meet and greet came to an end about an hour later, and you had been waiting in the stands for him, having left the ice halfway through, opting to read a book on your phone while the sounds of sticks smacking the ice and pucks hitting the boards filled the air.
Seth returns his skates and finds you, taking your hand and helping you up.
“Ready? I believe we have plans to find a secret spot that I haven’t visited in years,” he says, leading you out of the building and to his car.
“And where would that be?” You question, sliding into the passenger seat and buckling up.
“My old treehouse.”
He starts driving back near his house, turning into his subdivision and driving a little ways past where his house is. He comes up to the end of the street and parks on the side of the road, no houses around the space.
“Uh, are we going into the woods?” You ask, stepping out of the car and around to his side.
“Oh no. It’s just right on the edge over here. It’s not even woods, it’s just a small clearing that then leads to more houses in the back. No one owns this area, so my dad helped me and my friends build this little hideout, because we all lived on this street.”
He guides you through a little patch of trees, stopping at what appears to be a small hut in the middle of them. And he was right, because through the trees in front of you, you could clearly see another part of the subdivision, what appears to be someone’s backyard fence.
“This is where we’d come on bad days at school, or after tough losses at our games, we’d come and play video games on our DS’s, or we’d talk shit about people.”
“Ever gossip about girls you liked?” You nudge him playfully, and his face turns red, giving his answer away instantly, even if he tried to lie.
“We were boys, of course we were going to talk about that kinda stuff.” A gleeful laugh escapes your lips as Seth steps inside, sitting down on the ground. He pulls you down to sit between his legs, your back resting against his chest, his arms around your midsection and holding your hands in his.
“I tried not to be out here at night because it scared me, but some days, when I needed to get away from everything and everyone, I’d come here.” His tone was very soft and reminiscent of his childhood safe space. Looking around, you notice a ton of writing on the walls and ceiling, getting lost in all of the print from him and his friends.
“It seems like a great place to clear your mind,” you comment, chuckling as you find Seth’s large handwriting on the ceiling. Upon realizing what it says, your heart soars and you smile widely, feeling proud of your lover.
In his handwriting, it reads, ‘I will be in the NHL one day’. He sees you reading it and looks up with you, sighing a little.
“We all wrote our dreams up there. Mine was to be in the NHL, Darryl’s was to be a firefighter, Reese wanted to create a video game, and Matty wanted to become an FBI agent.” Your eyes scan over the four names and wishes written around Seth’s.
“Did they all achieve what they wrote?” Your eyes flicker to his brown eyes, pausing your reading of all the silly stuff him and his friends wrote every time they were in there.
“Darryl did become a firefighter, Reese, I believe, is still in college for game development and design, as well as animation, and Matty went into the military after high school. I forget which branch, but I do know he’s been rather successful there.”
“So writing your dreams out led them to becoming real,” you state, looking back up at it. Seth was overcome with emotion, tears filling his eyes as he thinks back to the moment that he wrote that. He never once believed it would actually happen, but here he is.
“Yeah,” he chokes out, clearing his throat a little.
This was a whole new side of Seth. He’s always been the funny one, cracking jokes or flirting with you, or his friends in a playful manner, but there are times where he lets his guard down, and for some reason, being back in this space has brought back so many memories and feelings.
“I remember being in here countless days by myself, laying on the ground, staring up at the ceiling; that was the first thing we wrote in here. So every time I saw it, I would imagine what it would be like to score the game-winning goal of the Stanley Cup. Every move I would make, even thinking of players I’d dreamed of playing with, what kind of passes I would make with them. Scoring that final goal that would give us the lead and secure the win. And…now I get to live that dream every day. Well, not in the Stanley Cup, however, hopefully sometime during my career. But I still get to have those moments, just in less high-stake games.”
You listen to him as he speaks, gazing up at him as he does. He was staring straight forward, his fingers playing with yours as he speaks, a comforting action he does when he gets nervous.
“And it led me to you,” his head turns down to catch your eyes, one of his hands coming up to cradle your cheek. “Another thing I wrote on the wall was finding the love of my life.” He pauses to adjust his body a little, and you wait to settle back down in his arms. He clears his throat and prepares to open up even more once you get comfortable again.
“When my girlfriend broke up with me my junior year of high school, after two years of dating, I spent hours in here that night. My dad had to bring me dinner because I refused to leave, I didn’t want to see anyone. I cried and cried and cried, because being naive, I thought she was it for me. I wanted the whole highschool sweethearts thing, but I got a little ahead of myself. So that’s when I wrote that down, to have hope that I’d find my person and the one made for me. Because in that moment, I was broken. I didn’t want to believe in love, but I knew I couldn’t keep that mindset, I knew someone would be out there in the world, waiting for me to give my love to them.”
In the middle of speaking, he sticks his arm out and his hand lands on the words written in red, his fingers gently grazing over the rough wood permanently marked with his writing. Sitting up to get a better look at it, you see Seth’s chicken scratch, but are able to make it out just enough. ‘Find my soulmate. I know she’s out there’.
Seth’s expression changes again, his eyes filling with adoration and love for you, a small, thoughtful grin on his lips. His tongue darts out to swipe across his bottom lip, his hand returning to your face to gently caress your cheek.
“And I found her.”
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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New Rule: Whoa, Canada | Real Time with Bill Maher
And finally, New Rule. If we want to save our country, we should follow the advice good liberals have given for decades and learn from other countries.
Especially those beacons of progressivism like Canada, England, and Scandinavia, and I agree we should, as long as we're honest about the lessons we're learning. And as long as we're up to date on the current data. Such as, the unemployment rate in the US is 3.8 percent. And in Canada, it's 6.1. And of the 15 North American cities with the worst air pollution, 14 are in Canada.
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I'm not citing these stats because I have it out for Canada. I love Canada, and its people, and always have, but I hate zombie lies. Zombie lies. That's when things change but what people say about them doesn't. Yes, for decades, places like Vancouver, and Amsterdam, and Stockholm seemed idyllic, because everything was free and all the energy we needed was produced by riding a bike to your job at the windmill. Canada was where all the treasured goals of liberalism worked perfectly. It was like NPR come to life but with poutine.
Canada was the Statue of Liberty with a low-maintenance haircut and cross-country skis. A giant idealized blue state with single-payer health care, gun control, and abortion on polite demand. Canada was where every woke White college kid, wearing pajama pants outdoors who'd had it up to here with America's racist patriarchy, dreamt of living someday. I mean, besides Gaza.
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There's only one problem with thinking everything's better in Canada. It's not. Not anymore anyway. Last year, Canada added 1.3 million people, which is a lot in one year. The equivalent of the US adding 11 million migrants in one year. And now, they are experiencing a housing crisis even worse than ours. And we're sleeping in tents. The median price of a home here is 346 grand, in Canada, converted to US dollars, it's 487. If Barbie moved to Winnipeg, she wouldn't be able to afford her dream house and Ken would be working at Tim Hortons. And because of mortgage debt, Canada has the highest debt to GDP ratio of any G7 nation. I don't know what that means, but it sounds bad.
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So does their vaunted health care system, which ranks dead last among high income countries in access to primary health care and ability to see a doctor in a day or two. And it's not for lack of spending. Of the 30 countries with universal coverage, Canada spends over 13 percent of its economy on it, which is a lot of money for free health care.
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Look, I'm not saying Canada still isn't a great country. It is, but those aren't paradise numbers. If Canada was an apartment, the lead feature might be "America adjacent." And if America was a rental car, Canada would be "America or similar."
And again, honestly, Canada, I'm not saying any of this 'cause I enjoy it. I don't, 'cause I've always enjoyed you. But I need to cite you as a cautionary tale to help my country. And the moral of that tale is, "Yes, you can move too far left." And when you do, you wind up pushing the people in the middle to the right. At its worst, Canada is what American voters think happens when there's no one putting a check on extreme wokeness.
Like the saga of Canadian shop teacher, Kayla Lemieux, whose pronouns are she/her and those. Kayla is now back to being a guy named Kerry, but two years ago when "they" showed up to teach children, the progressive high school "they" taught at said that they-- They, the school, not the person. Really? You couldn't have found another word? We were using that one. Anyway, okay. They were committed to a safe environment for gender expression. Safe for who? What about the children? What about the equipment in that shop class?
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You know, there was once a weirdo D-list movie producer in the '60s named Russ Meyer who made low-budget B movies like Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! And Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Always featuring women who look like this. His movies played in porn houses and were featured in Hustler and Playboy. Okay, fine, but who says, "No, when it comes to huge, ridiculous tits, let's save that for the kids."
And this is why people vote for Trump. They say in politics, liberals are the gas pedal and conservatives are the brakes, and I'm generally with the gas pedal, but not if we're driving off a cliff.
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On the trans issue, America is no ands, ifs, or buts about it, absolutely alone in the world now. An outlier country. Last month, England's National Health Service announced that there's "not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness" of puberty blockers for third graders, and that they were going to stop fumbling around with children's privates, because that's Prince Andrew's job.
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So too with all the other good place countries in direct opposition to America's choice to affirm children's wishes on switching gender, no matter the age or psychiatric history. The Far Left, which always like to use, "Well, Europe does it." Yeah, no, that doesn't work on this one anymore.
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Or on immigration. Sweden opened its borders to over a million and a half immigrants since 2010. And now 20 percent of its citizens are foreign-born and its education system is tanking, and it has Europe's highest rate of gangland killings. And one result is that the far-right parties are in the government now there for the first time.
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To which liberals say, "Blaming immigrants for the rising crime rate is racist." Yeah, but is it true? Of course, it's true. It's not a coincidence. The quality of life went down after the Somali gangs started a drug turf war using hand grenades.
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Calling it "racist" doesn't solve the problem. It hands future elections to someone who will solve the problem, and who, I promise, you're not going to like.
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For the record, I've said literally all of this, including making the comparison of flying off a cliff if you rely entirely on the gas pedal. Just saying.
When Trump takes office again, and he will, people will act stunned and ask, "how could this have ever happened?"
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americanclouds · 1 year
What the Thunder Said
It began the way all dangerous things do; it crept in on silent feet, tested its claws on small, unseen corners, and briefly reveled in its strength before it sought out larger prey.
It ended the way a tree falls--with a sigh, a hush, and the distant ache of uprooting your bones from the earth. 
The way a tree falls--if no one is around to hear it, did it make a sound?
For all the jokes made at his expense, Freddy was more than capable of loading chains on his tires and bulldozing his way through snow-laden streets. 
(Or so he claimed: either way, this car was a rental from the airport and the roads had been cleared.)
“Fucking Manitoba,” he said bleakly, squinting out into the dark as he took a turn a little too sharply. “Fucking Canada.”
He thought wistfully of his brother’s cabin and its central heating and its goddamn beds where he could be horizontal for the first time in what felt like fucking centuries--and it was, of course, in the outskirts on the other fucking side of the city.
“Fucking Winnipeg,” he muttered, drumming his fingertips against the steering wheel as he stared up at the traffic light’s angry red eye.
It’d been a while since he’d graced his older brother with his presence for the holiday season--too long to really excuse with any degree of dignity, but running a nation--being a nation was never an easy task. They understood that. Understood each other. So the final warning signs that Freddy had let his absence stretch too long was an unfamiliar pang in his back, one that usually meant Matthew was overextending himself (too) and Freddy had to go step in to be the voice of reason. The stolen vacation time was never a bad trade-off. 
Then again, love was a much more vicious motivator.
He spent the rest of the drive thinking very pointedly of nothing, taking the route by rote muscle memory until he was pulling down a lane lined with familiar night silhouettes of rangy firs. He idled in front of the driveway, glancing up at his brother’s cabin contemplatively before pulling the rental forward and backing in at just the right angle to make Matthew’s next commute really fucking difficult. 
Freddy-1, Mattie-nil point.
He turned the car off and rested his forehead on the wheel, letting his eyes drift shut in fatigue for a brief moment.
The exhaustion was seeping in bone-deep, like he’d always been promised it would, like he always swore he’d never let happen. 
So he sighed and opened the car door, his traveling duffel slung over one shoulder. No--no matter how much they aged, he was never going to let them get that old. That resolution firmly in place, he whistled a few jaunty bars as he took the steps up to the front door two at a time, his stolen-without-necessarily-express-permission house key already in hand.
The foyer was dark as he forced the door open with a shove of his hip. 
“Matt?” Freddy called out absently, letting the bag drop to the floor. “Your stupid door’s sticking again--”
He glance sideways to catch sight of a pair of acid-green eyes watching him calmly from the darkened den and did not (did not!) scream like a little bitch.
“Goddamn fucking bear, Jesus fucking Christ, I swear to God you almost gave me a heart attack---what the fuck are you doing, you fat ass, you know you can’t be on the couch--chesterfield, couch, sofa, whatever, beat it.”
The polar bear (Freddy was also pointedly not examining how weird his daily life was that running into his older brother’s miniature polar bear or whatever the fuck it was was a normal occasion) leveled Freddy with a look that could only be labeled as “unimpressed”, but lumbered off the sofa obediently enough before disappearing...somewhere else.
“Matt? Mattie! Yo!” he called again, halfway up the creaking stairs already. “C’mon dipshit, you asleep?”
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towncarrental1 · 7 months
Cars For Rent in Winnipeg and Brandon
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Cars for rent in Winnipeg and Brandon, both located in Manitoba, Canada, offer convenient access to diverse vehicle options for various purposes, catering to the transportation needs of residents, tourists, and businesses in these regions.
In Winnipeg, the capital and largest city of Manitoba, Cars for rent in winnipeg thrive to accommodate the diverse needs of its residents and visitors. Winnipeg boasts several rental agencies, including both local establishments and internationally recognized chains. These agencies provide a wide array of vehicles, ranging from compact cars suitable for city driving to spacious SUVs, vans, and luxury cars, catering to different preferences and requirements.
Rental agencies in Winnipeg are strategically situated across the city, with prominent locations at the Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport and downtown areas. This accessibility ensures that travelers arriving by air or seeking rental services within the city have convenient options available.
The process of renting a car in Winnipeg involves a straightforward procedure. Customers typically need to provide valid identification, a valid driver's license, and a credit card for the rental transaction. Rental agencies offer a variety of services and additional features, such as insurance options, GPS navigation systems, child safety seats, and roadside assistance, allowing customers to tailor their rental experience according to their specific needs.
The rental rates, availability of vehicles, insurance coverage, and additional charges may vary among different agencies in Winnipeg. To aid customers in making informed decisions, various online platforms and comparison websites allow for easy exploration of these variations, enabling them to select a rental service that aligns with their preferences and budget.
In addition to serving the transportation needs of residents, car rental services in Winnipeg are particularly beneficial for tourists. Renting a car provides the flexibility to explore the city's attractions at their own pace, allowing visitors to create personalized travel itineraries and venture beyond the city limits to explore the scenic beauty of Manitoba.
Moving westward to Brandon, a city located in southwestern Manitoba, car rental services also play a crucial role in providing mobility solutions to its residents and visitors. While Brandon might have a slightly smaller range of rental agencies compared to Winnipeg, it still offers a variety of vehicle options, including compact cars, SUVs, and sometimes specialty vehicles, to meet the diverse needs of its clientele.
Similarly, rental agencies in Brandon typically require standard documentation, such as valid identification, driver's license, and a credit card, for the rental process. While the range of services and additional features might vary compared to larger cities like Winnipeg, agencies in Brandon strive to provide reliable and well-maintained vehicles to ensure a positive rental experience for customers.
Brandon, known for its agricultural prominence and cultural attractions, benefits from car rental services by providing tourists and locals with transportation options to explore the city's offerings. Whether it's visiting historical sites, enjoying outdoor activities, or attending local events, renting a car in Brandon offers convenience and flexibility in travel plans.
Cars for rent in Brandon emphasize the importance of customer satisfaction in the car rental industry. Agencies prioritize vehicle maintenance, cleanliness, and customer support, ensuring that customers receive well-maintained, clean, and reliable cars while experiencing a seamless and hassle-free rental process.
In summary, car rental services in Winnipeg and Brandon cater to the transportation needs of their respective communities, providing a diverse fleet of vehicles and additional services to ensure convenience and flexibility for residents, tourists, and businesses. Whether in the bustling capital or the cultural hub of southwestern Manitoba, these rental services play a pivotal role in facilitating mobility and enhancing the overall travel experience in these regions.
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youngclemons · 2 years
Car Service Reading Things To Know Before You Buy
When likely house by educate, be sure you go away at the least one hour to receive towards your teach from the Pageant web site exit gate. “The hearth was brought below Handle in just quarter-hour of the main device’s arrival and extinguished inside of an hour and 30 minutes,” in accordance with the news launch. “No injuries had been claimed plus the autos involved ended up harmed further than mend.” Many insurance policies businesses, like Insurance Navy, offer free of charge motor vehicle insurance policies quotations. Getting the cheapest car or truck insurance policies quote are available both on the web, in man or woman at a firm's storefront, or around the phone. It is extremely proposed that you just carry properly past the essential liability insurance policies coverage. Other sorts of insurance policies you must think about buying are uninsured motorist coverage and private injury protection. Strengthening Cheap Car Service Reading may well acquire some time but could get you bargains in your insurance policy quality. Insurance for motorists which has a lousy credit history score pay out far more for their auto insurance premiums. It truly is Actually difficult for me to think about something I preferred. The Woman who picked us up with the airport was awesome. General it had been Terrible. I had no difficulties within the travel from Vancouver to Calgary (and the many sightseeing journeys in between). Once i dropped off the car the staff even gave us a journey to the hotel, conserving us cab or Uber fare. Many thanks!! Brokers are used given that they have access to freight load boards, in which they might post The task and come across carriers which have transportation means in the region. By increasing your credit score, you might look far more economically dependable to your insurance company by getting significant credit rating-dependent insurance plan scores and obtaining far more reasonably priced auto premiums. Dayinsure is a great possibility when yearly insurance doesn’t Supply you with the pliability you will need, irrespective of whether you wish automobile insurance plan for daily or month. Really Welcoming practical employees in Winnipeg, nonetheless the van we rented was not up to highway criteria. the back wiper didn't get the job done thoroughly. Not really worth the value we paid. There was no staff members to return the motor vehicle to, was difficult to come across return place. i truly declined and cancelled the vehicle rental on that working day, i went to a different company and have An additional auto for unrestricted mileage almost a similar selling price. Steer clear of this company ! Gear-obsessed editors choose each and every merchandise we evaluation. We may gain Fee if you buy from a link. Whichever you could possibly want help with, we are confident that you could locate the responses on this web page. However, if Car Service Reading you want even more assist, remember to don’t wait to acquire in contact with us by using e mail on [email protected].
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adsthumbsblog · 2 years
Classified Ads and Convenience
Advertising is a powerful means of communication and can be traced back to the Egyptian Civilization, where ads were done on papyrus. The impact of advertising is well known; a good ad means better sales. Ads are designed to boost sales and to coax customers into buying commodities - products or services, and to create brand image and loyalty. But not all ads are meant to be promotional. Some are social ads, meant to deliver a message, and some are just to provide information about something. Classified ads are one such.
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Classified ads are those that are placed by people or business firms, to let others know that there is something available for sale, or the availability of job etc. classified ads provide a very wide spectrum of information that include real estate, jobs, rentals, for sale, wanted, lost and found, products and services.
If you've lost your puppy, or you've found something that doesn't belong to you, the simplest thing to do would be to place a classified ad in the local paper or on a good website that is accessed by a lot of people. Now that the internet is accessed by almost everyone around, it's much easier to just put an ad online.
Classified ads are simple and to the point, which makes them very effective. They are free on many websites and are one of the most effective tools to get information across to a large number of people. Classified ads help most if you are a business person. Whether you deal in real estate, or in transport, or offer any kind of services, a classified on the internet is a crisp effective device, enabling you to reach your target audience without having to bother about models and shoots. If you have anything that you want to sell, or you are having a garage sale, placing a classified is sure to get you customers. Placing an ad for an upcoming event, say a play, is again, a good way to reach a wide array of customers.
If you are on the lookout for something to buy, a cycle or a second hand car, a house to take on rent or maybe a day care centre for your baby, get onto one of these sites and you'll find what you need. Websites organize ads in alphabetical order and have separate links to everything that you can possibly advertise for, making them user friendly. You find what you need in a jiffy and can even post what you want to just as quickly. The thing with websites for classified ads is that they don't display ads just of that day; you can look at ads that were posted a while back too, sorted by date.
Classified ads can be posted for almost anything; pets, musicians, artists, roommates, design, legal stuff, internet services, security services, beauty saloons, TV, video, writing, editing, arts, crafts, finance, jewelry, electronics, books, magazines, just about anything. The power of advertisements spreads far and wide, which is why you can put in an ad specifying the kind of partner you would want too.
If you have anything you need to get across to a large number of people, without having to spend lavishly, you are just a classified ad away.
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willexxmercer · 3 years
Willie’s Backstory
We don’t know much about Willie’s life, but here’s my take on it for Willie Appreciation Week - Day 2.  It’s not so much a fic as it is a series of headcanons written in prose, which is why i’ve opted to post it here on tumblr instead of ao3.  You’ll find it under the cut below!
Warnings: mentions of Willie’s canonical death, implied car crash, implications of Willie having (undiagnosed) ADHD
Taglist: @screamin-amuseum @thedepthsofhell @iridescentkippen @owenmercers @oldsmobile-hotdogs @phanhowell @williexmercer @lyxchen @chickwiththepurpleguitar @sk8rwillie @mynameisntluke @julieandthequeers @fairylightsandrainydays @burntchromas @itsthebooks @fireflyingaway @sunsetcurbed @thegirlfulloffandoms @bluedarkness @themongosianhorse @angelofarts  @kikikiwi27498 @imratking @21st-century-sweetheart @bowtiesareavenged
A Life Before
Life at the Hollywood Ghost Club wasn’t so bad.  Willie had a place to live and people to talk to.  More than that, though, Willie felt a sense of belonging.
Growing up, Willie didn’t have it bad, necessarily.  His father wasn’t in the picture, but his mother more than made up for it.  He was her little duckling growing up; they did everything together and Willie never felt like he was necessarily lacking anything.  In the best way Adele Ortega knew how, she loved her son.  It was hard to find work, though, especially as a single mother, and they weren’t able to keep a steady home.  Willie grew up living out of a suitcase, moving between motels and short term rental apartments in the dingiest parts of town, never having a place to call his own.
One of the bonuses of moving around so much was that Willie learned very quickly how to make friends.  He had a natural talent for convincing even the surliest of truckers at the motel to talk to him and show him the inside of their cab.  The employees all loved him, and he loved them back.
See, his mother raised him to be open and welcoming and kind.  No matter what, he would use his manners and be respectful, and that was what he did.  At school, Willie was friends with everyone, including the teachers, even if he didn’t get the highest grades.
After all, it’s hard to do homework while a drunk couple screams at each other in the next room.
When he was eight, his mother introduced him to painting one night.  They were in a new motel, and Willie couldn’t sit still no matter how hard he tried.  After he came in from running around the building, she had a canvas and some paint set up.  When he questioned it, she merely smiled and sat back on the bed, telling him he could paint whatever he wanted.
His first painting was a collage of colours that covered the entire canvas.  They hung it in every room they stayed in after that.
Art quickly became something Willie loved.  He would spend hours with a piece of paper and markers, or canvas and paint.  His mother would spend her spare change getting him new art supplies.  It kept him calm; it gave him something to do when all he wanted to do was bounce around the room.  It became his happy place.
It was a teenager who introduced him to skateboarding when Willie was thirteen, rolling along the sidewalk outside the motel.  Jake was fifteen, with shaggy hair.  He wore a muscle shirt, and a ripped denim jacket, and he was cool.  Willie spent every evening outside with Jake the entire week he stayed at the motel, learning how to skate.  More than skateboarding, though, Willie learned something possibly even more important about himself.
He had always considered the girls in his school to be nice, but he never liked to talk about them the way the other boys in his school did.  In fact, he usually joined the girls in gossiping about other boys.  It wasn’t until he was standing on the pavement, though, watching Jake explain how to do an ollie with his hair moving a bit in the wind and his muscles showing, that Willie realized he wasn’t even listening to the older boy’s explanation.
Nothing came of his crush on Jake, of course.  When the older boy’s family left, Willie stared longingly at the RV as it pulled out of the parking lot.  His mother asked him why he was so upset, since seeing people come and go was so commonplace, but Willie didn’t have an answer.
Thinking she understood, his mother got him a skateboard for Christmas that year.  Willie gladly accepted it as a memory of his first crush.
By the time Willie reached high school, Adele finally got a permanent job at an office in Winnipeg.  They moved into a quaint little mobile home on the outskirts of the city, and Willie was looking forward to being able to live a more normal life.  As a teenager, he was excited to do the things Jake had talked about.  Teenager things.  Staying out late, going to the drive in with his friends, that sort of thing.
It was as if a switch was flipped.  The rules changed.  Now that Willie was a teenager, Adele seemed terrified that something would happen to him, so she started putting restrictions on him.  It started with a 10pm curfew, then he couldn’t go downtown unless he let her know exactly where he was at all times.  It was as if she realized he was getting older and had more options open to him; it was probably even perpetuated by her coworkers at the office.  Willie wasn’t a kid standing outside a motel talking to a trucker, anymore.  Willie was fifteen.
It was suffocating.  There was so much Willie wanted to do, and his mother wouldn’t let him do any of it.
Their relationship suffered as a result.  Willie challenged his mother every chance he could, pushing the boundaries.  He stayed out past his curfew, and at seventeen, he came home on Saturday with a tattoo.  A small one, mind you, a skateboard on his wrist, but a tattoo nonetheless.  It was art, Willie argued.  It was just another way to express himself.
His mother disagreed.
His grades kept slipping at school not because he didn’t know the material, but because he couldn’t focus long enough to complete assignments or tests.  That was another point of contention between him and his mother, who tried to take away his skateboard when he failed grade 11 Math for the second time in a row - their argument lasted over an hour, and Willie avoided his mother for a week afterwards.  The only class he seemed to thrive in was Art, of course, but now Adele was looking for him to decide on a career path.  Art wasn’t a career, not in her mind, even if it was one of the things Willie was really good at.
At the age of eighteen, Willie spent most of his time hanging out at the skate park with a group of older boys.  He had learned very quickly that it was best not to mention that he was gay, given the political climate, and that it was better to play along when the boys started whistling at girls.  He hated it, but it was the only way to protect himself.
And then it happened.
Willie was heading home from the park late at night, helmet loose on his head, the strap undone, when a car came out of nowhere.
The last thing he remembered was the screams from the driver as she realized she had hurt someone.
So yeah, the Hollywood Ghost Club, in all honesty, was one of the best things that could have happened to Willie, given the circumstances.  Caleb found him about a year after his death and lured him in with the promise of a community.  He visited his mother a few times, but it was always too hard.  It was easier to spend his time with Caleb and the other ghosts, with whom, of course, he immediately become friends.  He learned to dance with Tatiana, a cute blonde who quickly became one of his best friends.  Diana, Tatiana’s other best friend, was a little less sure about him.
Honestly, though, that was fair.  Willie took a while to warm up to Diana too.  It wasn’t until he showed her the tattoo on his wrist and told her why he had gotten it that she opened up.  While Tatiana and Willie could chat for ages about the silliest things, he talked to Diana about the serious topics in his (after)life.
He had mixed feelings about Caleb at first.  He was the man who had found him, who had explained everything there was to know about being a ghost.  At the same time, though, there was something about him that was unsettling.  Willie pushed those thoughts aside, though.  As the years went by, he grew to trust Caleb more than anyone else at the club.  He was positive there was nothing that Caleb could do wrong.
A place to live, people who cared about him, and a sense of belonging.  That was all Willie could have ever wanted.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Positive || Kevin Hayes
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So here’s another new piece (because I can’t seem to finish any of my existing series). Fair warning this one is a little rough emotionally, so you know...take a moment to prepare yourself and then let me know how much you want to kill me after. 
Warnings: light smut, ANGST
Word Count: 3,502
Sitting on an unfamiliar couch with tears streaming down your face was the last thing you wanted to be doing. The next five minutes were going to change your life forever, one way or another. Just the thought of that made it impossible to breathe, your chest tight as you buried your head between your knees. It was only the touch of a soft feminine hand that kept you even a little bit grounded, though that touch could only do much to console you as your world crashed and burned around you. 
Thinking back, you wished you could change the events that had led up to this moment. 
You’d met Kevin through Jimmy Vesey and the two of you had become fast but casual friends. With you living in Boston while he played in New York and then Winnipeg and then finally Philly, you really didn’t see much of each other during the season. Phone calls were your most frequent form of communication and Kevin regularly called just to check-in or when he wanted to hear your voice after a bad game. 
So when Kevin insisted that you join his family on vacation over the all-star break you were shocked. That seemed like a gesture that breached the ‘just friends’ relationship you had. You’d tried to insist that he should just enjoy his time with his family, but Kevin wouldn’t take no for an answer, threatening to fly to Boston to put your ass on a plane himself. 
With your own commitments, you’d only been able to take a long weekend off and so you’d flown down to the tropics on Thursday evening, arriving sometime in the early morning hours Friday morning. As soon as you’d reached the front door to the beach house whose address Kevin had texted you, the door was pulled open and a pair of warm and strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you tightly to a muscular chest. 
“Y/N! You made it!” Kevin greeted happily, his voice signaling that he had been sleeping until you’d texted him that you were in a cab on your way over. “I’m so glad you’re here.” He added. 
“Hey, Kev…” You replied, a yawn slipping from your mouth as you spoke. It had been a fairly long flight but you hadn’t been able to sleep at all so now you were exhausted. 
“Come on. I’ll show you to your room.” Kevin stated, clearly picking up on your fatigue. Walking up a set of stairs you were led into an empty bedroom, where Kevin placed the bag he’d taken from you onto the bed. 
“Thanks, Kev…” You murmured, yawning once more. You watched him as Kevin draped one arm around you, pulling you into his side as he leaned down to kiss the top of your head. 
“You’re welcome.” He assured you. “We don’t have any plans tomorrow so feel free to sleep in.” He insisted, pulling away from you and running his fingers through his hair. “Sleep tight. We’ll talk tomorrow when you’re actually awake.” He teased, walking across the room where he pulled your door shut behind him. 
With little to no energy left in your body, you’d simply stripped down to your underwear before crawling into bed, sleep overtaking you the moment your head hit the pillow. 
Friday had passed by in a bit of a blur...mostly because you’d spent half your day in bed. Sleeping until your body awoke naturally, it was almost 1 in the afternoon when you glanced at the clock next to your bed. Immediately your bladder signaled its needs and your stomach growled for food, so you pulled yourself out of bed and quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top before slipping out of your room in search of a bathroom and then food. 
The moment you’d descended down the stairs, a flurry of activity reached your ears, as did Kevin’s booming voice. You’d just reached the bottom stair when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and suddenly you were being swung around. 
“She lives!” Kevin exclaimed and once he put you down you smacked him gently for scaring you. 
“She needs food.” You informed him, only to have him nod and drag you to the kitchen where his mom and sister were making either a late lunch or working on the preparations for dinner. While introducing you to the women in the kitchen, Kevin poured you a bowl of cereal, placing it into your hands before disappearing. 
He’d returned a moment later, his nephew in his arms and it was only then that he took a seat across from you at the small table and started chatting away, insisting on hearing about everything you’d been up to since you’d last talked. 
The rest of the day was much the same, Kevin introducing you as one of his best friends to his entire family before pulling you from one thing to the other around the beach house. You’d gone swimming, played cornhole with the men, and helped his sister and sister-in-law clean up after a delicious dinner. 
Though it had been a very low key day you’d learned one important thing: your attraction to Kevin grew tenfold watching him with his family. 
Saturday morning had you up at a fairly normal time but when you’d gotten downstairs it was much quieter than it had been the previous day. You’d quickly learned from Kevin’s sister-in-law Kristen that the guys had gone to the golf course and had taken the kids with them and that Kevin had scheduled a spa day for all of the ladies, including you. 
After eating a quick breakfast you’d gone to get dressed and ready to leave. It wasn’t until the group of you was in a car headed to the spa that Kevin’s sister had asked what was going on between the two of you. You’d protested, claiming that you and Kevin were just friends but it was clear that his family wasn’t buying it and honestly you couldn’t blame them. It had been one of the many reasons why you’d protested coming on this trip. This was a trip for Kevin and his family and the fact that he’d insisted you join them seemed to scream that he viewed you as more than just a friend. At the same time, as much as you wanted that to be true you knew that it wasn’t and never would be. 
Eventually, Kevin’s family had dropped the inquiries about your relationship with him and instead just asked questions wanting to get to know you. It wasn’t long into your spa session before you were laughing with the ladies in Kevin’s life as you got manicures and pedicures. Your individual massage session left you feeling utterly relaxed and by the time you rejoined Kevin’s family after your facial, you were feeling completely spoiled. 
It wasn’t until you were being dragged into another room and shoved into a chair to have your hair and makeup done that you realized the true spoiling was only just beginning. 
Kevin was taking you out to dinner tonight. 
He’d told his family that it was just because he hadn’t had the chance to spend time with you just the two of you but just like this vacation as a whole, it was starting to feel like his explanations were merely thinly veiled excuses. And while you weren’t sure how you felt about all of this, you weren’t about to turn down some time alone with Kevin as it had been months since you’d had any with him in person and not over the phone. 
Arriving back at the house with your hair and makeup done professionally, you felt more beautiful than you could ever remember. Kevin had texted you that he’d be back at the house to get you in half an hour and so you rushed up to your room to change into the gorgeous sundress you’d brought with you. You’d brought it with you figuring that it could serve as a cover-up if nothing else, but now it was the only thing that was even semi-appropriate to wear out to dinner. Settling the fabric over your hips, you gazed at yourself in the mirror, smiling at the woman staring back at you. It wasn’t often that you got dressed up to go somewhere and it was a nice feeling. While you knew that you really didn’t have anyone to impress, you were hoping that you’d get a reaction out of Kevin nonetheless. 
You’d just finished hyping yourself up for dinner when you heard Kevin’s booming voice calling your name. Slipping your feet back into your sandals, you started down the stairs, finding Kevin waiting for you in the entryway. 
“How was golf?” You asked him, missing the look of awe on his face as he took in your appearance. 
“Golf was good.” He responded, his hand drifting to your lower back. “You ready?” He asked and when you nodded, he guided you out to the rental car, helping you inside before slipping around to the driver's seat. “How was the spa? Hopefully, my family didn’t give you too much trouble?” He asked, glancing over at you while at a red light. 
“It was incredible. Thank you, Kev. I feel beyond spoiled. And your family was great. I had a lot of fun.” You assured him, relaxing back into the seat of the car. 
“Good.” Kevin mused. “Though you don’t have to thank me. You deserve it.” He’d added in a whisper and for a pause, it felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
The restaurant Kevin had taken you to was gorgeous and the food was absolutely amazing. You had really missed spending time with Kevin like this and you enjoyed catching up with him. Hours had passed without you even realizing it and sadly before you knew it, it was time to return back to the house. 
Arriving at the beach house, you were taken aback when you walked into the middle of an intense board game session, one which Kristen dragged you into declaring that they needed more players. It wasn’t until the early morning hours that every one trickled off to bed, a little tipsy, having spent hours laughing and carrying on. 
Sliding between the sheets you thought about today’s lesson: you felt like you belonged while with Kevin’s family and maybe “just friends” was more blurred than you had thought. 
Sunday was your last full day of vacation, your flight home scheduled for lunchtime Monday. You’d been woken up by a large body bouncing onto your bed and you groaned, shoving Kevin in the chest, still half asleep. 
“C’mon Y/N...we’re spending the day on the beach.” He insisted, once again not taking no for an answer. 
“Fine. Leave so I can get up and get dressed.” You murmured, having slept half nude the night before which was something you didn’t need Kevin to see. 
“You have five minutes.” Kevin declared and though he didn’t say what would happen if you took longer, it was certainly implied that Kevin would drag you out of this room in whatever state of dress. 
Laying in bed for another minute, you finally pulled yourself up and rummaged through your bag for your swimsuit. Sliding it on you then threw on shorts and a t-shirt before throwing your hair up in a messy bun. After grabbing sunscreen and your phone you slipped your shoes on and made your way downstairs to find Kevin goofing off with his niece who was bouncing around excited to head down to the ocean. 
Your day was spent in the sun and sand and waves, as you switched between working on your tan, playing with Kevin’s niece and letting Kevin drag you into the ocean. You’d stayed on the beach until the sun had begun to set. Returning to the house, the men worked on grilling up dinner while the rest of you settled into chairs surrounding a fire pit. 
After enjoying dinner and changing into some actual clothes instead of a damp suit, you’d settled back into the chair, glasses of wine and bottles of beer floating around never to be emptied without being replaced. With the moon high in the sky, you enjoyed the evening with Kevin’s family, his nephew eventually being settled onto your chest, the little boy cooing as he snuggled into you. 
Within ten minutes of being handed the baby, Kevin had come over and taken him from you, handing him back to his brother. Raising an eyebrow at him, you watched as he reached a hand out to you, pulling you from your seat.
“Come take a walk with me.” His words signaled that it was more of a demand than a request and though you were confused, you nodded, slipping off your sandals as you reached the beach to walk barefoot along it with him, nothing but the moonlight guiding your way. 
“Kev...what’s going on?” You eventually asked him, the silence between you becoming overwhelming. Kevin didn’t stop until you had tugged on his arm, forcing him to look at you. When he did it was with eyes that were stormy and your heart picked up speed at the sight of them. 
“Kev…” You repeated. “Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?” Kevin had never acted like this before and it was something that concerned you. 
“I want to have a baby with you.” Kevin eventually spoke and your jaw dropped as you froze, just staring at him. 
Eventually you found your voice again and were able to stutter out, “You what?” 
“I want you to have my baby,” Kevin repeated. “You’re my best friend. My family loves you. And seeing you holding Beau. Fuck Y/N I need that.” 
“Kev…” You breathed, unable to form any words other than his name with the way your head was suddenly spinning. Staring at him for a moment longer as he just stared back made it hard to breathe and after a moment you turned. “We should head back.” You said softly. 
Kevin didn’t protest, instead linking his large fingers with yours as you walked, only dropping them just before reaching the eyesight of his family. Settling back into your chair you forced a smile onto your face and joined the ongoing conversation, accepting the fresh glass of wine you were offered. 
Not long after, the kids were taken up to bed and the rest of the house slowly moved to follow them. Still, Kevin didn’t move from his spot and neither did you until the two of you were the only ones left out by the dying fire. Watching the flickering flames cast shadows on his face, the only thought that would come to mind was how handsome he was. 
And you weren’t sure whether it was the fire, the wine, the earlier baby snuggles and playtime with Kevin’s niece, or the feelings for Kevin that you’d been suppressing for so long but something pushed you to your feet and over to stand in front of Kevin and it was only once he was looking up at you that you nodded. 
Without a word, Kevin nodded back, reaching up to take your hand before guiding you inside and up to his bedroom which was settled the farthest away from the bedrooms where the rest of his family was staying. It wasn’t until the door was closed behind the two of you and the lock flipped into place that Kevin pulled you close, his lips dropping down to yours as his hands wrapped themselves around your waist. 
Everything after that felt like it happened in slow motion. Kevin’s hands were so gentle as he stripped you out of your clothing before lifting and gently laying you back on his bed. His accent was heavy as he slowly murmured about how much this meant to him, how beautiful you were, and how he couldn’t wait to see your body swell with his child. His touch and his kisses were slow and lingered, working your body close to the edge of orgasm not once but twice before finally making you fall apart. It was only then that Kevin pressed inside of you, his mouth silencing your screams as you cried out for him. The sound of your bodies rocking against each other was the only thing filling your ear until Kevin hissed and grunted and suddenly you were filled with a warmth as he spilled inside of you. 
Sleep followed not long after but it wasn’t until you stirred early the next morning that you realized your next lesson of this trip: that you had made a massive mistake. 
Tears formed in your eyes as you slid from Kevin’s arms and worked on silently gathering your clothes. After stopping to use the bathroom, you slid back into your room closing the door behind you. It was only then that you really started to cry as you worked to throw on proper clothes before packing your bag up to head home. 
It wasn’t like you were going to leave before talking to Kevin, but...knowing that said conversation was likely going to turn into a fight, well, you wanted to be able to make a quick escape if need be. 
Your stomach twisted as you made your way downstairs, and you forced a smile onto your face as you sat down to eat the eggs that Kevin’s mom was making. Hearing Kevin’s footsteps on the stairs, you got up to intercept him, pulling him outside. 
“We need to talk.” You murmured, watching as Kevin eyed you anxiously. 
“Okay.” He conceded, sitting down on the front porch step of the beach house. 
“Last night was a mistake.” You started and immediately Kevin opened his mouth to protest, an action which you stopped with a shake of your head. “Kevin I’m sorry but it was. I can’t have a baby with you.” You whispered, afraid that someone would overhear you. “I was overwhelmed by the mood of vacation, the moon, the fire, the alcohol, you...but none of that is real Kev. What’s real is that I’m going back to Boston today and you’re going back to Philly and this…” You gestured between the two of you. “This won’t work. And it certainly wouldn’t be fair to even think about bringing a baby into.” It hurt you to see Kevin’s shoulders slump, but this was something that had to be said. 
“Y/N please...we could make it work.” Kevin murmured and you shook your head, tears prickling in your eyes. 
“No. No, we couldn’t.” You insisted, moving to head back inside. “I’m sorry Kev...but I’m gonna grab my bag and go to the airport. Thank you for everything.” As you started to walk past him, Kevin reached out catching just the tips of your fingers. 
“Why?” The word slipped from his mouth without further context and you tugged your hand away from him, brushing the tears from your face. 
“Because you don’t love me the way that I love you.” 
Once back in the house, you grabbed your things before stopping to say a quick goodbye to the rest of Kevin’s family, making an excuse as to why you needed to leave for the airport early. You had a feeling they knew that something was up, but no one said anything and you thankfully didn’t see Kevin again before climbing into a cab. Your heart ached because last night had been so perfect. The problem was that it wasn’t real and you needed something that could be real. Sadly perfect….perfect wasn’t real. 
The steady tic tic tic of the kitchen timer finally sounded, causing you to jump. A glance over at Kristen revealed a concerned but supportive look as she nodded at you. You hadn’t known where else to turn, but you couldn’t do this on your own. You weren’t sure if she knew the details of what had happened or not, but the moment you had messaged her asking for her help she was quick to assure you that you had it. It had been six weeks since you got on a plane and left Kevin behind. Six weeks without a peep from him and you knew it was your fault. All of this was your fault. 
“It’s time to look Y/N.” She whispered. “Take a few deep breaths.” She added, her hand rubbing over your back as you tried to get the courage to flip over the tiny plastic sticks. “Here. Hold my hand.” She insisted. With her strength flowing through your joined hands you took one final breath before reaching over to the coffee table and turning each of the three sticks in turn. 
‘+ ‘
And two pink lines. 
It had been one night. One mistake. And now you couldn’t deny it any longer. 
You were having Kevin Hayes’s baby. 
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carsforrentinwinnipeg · 2 months
Car For Rent In Winnipeg- Book Reliable Vehicle
When planning a trip to Winnipeg, Manitoba, having reliable transportation is essential for exploring the car for rent in Winnipeg. Renting a car offers flexibility, convenience, and freedom to travel at your own pace. In this guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about renting a car in Winnipeg, ensuring you can book a reliable vehicle for your journey.
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Why Car for Rental in Winnipeg?
Renting a car in Winnipeg offers several benefits for travelers:
Freedom to Explore
With a rental car, you have the car for rent in Winnipeg surrounding areas at your leisure. Whether you're visiting popular attractions in the city or embarking on scenic drives in the countryside, having your transportation allows you to customize your itinerary and make the most of your trip MPI rental cars.
Renting a car provides convenience and flexibility, allowing you to travel on your schedule without relying on public transportation or ridesharing services. You can easily access remote destinations, shopping centers, and dining establishments without the constraints of fixed routes or schedules.
Comfort and Privacy
Having a rental car offers comfort and privacy, allowing you to travel with your companions in a private and intimate setting. You can enjoy the journey without the crowds or inconveniences often associated with shared transportation options.
How to Book a Car for Rental in Winnipeg
Booking a car for rent in Winnipeg is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Choose a Rental Company
Start by researching and selecting a reputable car rent in Winnipeg. Look for companies with positive reviews, a wide selection of vehicles, and competitive pricing. Popular rental companies in Winnipeg include Budget, Enterprise, Hertz, and National Car Rental.
Key Considerations:
Reputation and reviews
Vehicle selection
Pricing and fees
Rental policies and terms
Determine Your Rental Needs
Car for rent in Winnipeg travel requirements and preferences when selecting a rental car. Determine the size, type, and features you need for your trip, such as compact cars for solo travelers or SUVs for families or groups.
Rental Needs to Consider:
Number of passengers
Luggage capacity
Fuel efficiency
Additional features (e.g., GPS, child seats)
Make a Reservation
Once you've chosen a rental company and vehicle, car for rent in Winnipeg by phone, or in person. Provide your pickup location, rental dates, and any additional preferences or requirements. Be sure to inquire about any available discounts or promotions for added savings.
Reservation Process:
Provide rental details
Confirm availability
Review rental agreement
Make payment or deposit
Pick Up Your Rental Car
On the day of the car for rent in Winnipeg, visit the designated rental location to pick up your vehicle. Bring along your driver's license, credit card, town car rental Winnipeg. Complete the necessary paperwork, inspect the vehicle for any pre-existing damage, and familiarize yourself with its features and controls.
Rental Pickup Checklist:
Driver's license
Credit card
Rental agreement
Vehicle inspection
Return the Rental Car
At the end of the car for rent in Winnipeg period, return the car to the designated cars for rent in Brandon as per the rental agreement. Ensure that the vehicle is returned in the same condition as when you received it, with a full tank of fuel. Complete any final paperwork and settle any outstanding charges before departing.
Rental Return Checklist:
Fuel level
Return location
Final inspection
Tips for a Smooth Car Rental Experience in Winnipeg
Here are some additional tips to ensure a smooth car rental experience in Winnipeg:
Book in Advance:
Car for rent in Winnipeg advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to ensure availability and secure the best rates.
Understand Rental Policies:
Familiarize yourself with the rental company's policies regarding insurance coverage, fuel refueling, mileage limits, and additional fees to avoid surprises during your rental period.
Inspect the Vehicle:
Thoroughly inspect the car for rent in Winnipeg for any damages or defects before accepting it. Take note of any issues and report them to the rental company to avoid being held responsible for pre-existing damage.
Plan Your Itinerary:
Plan your travel itinerary in advance to optimize your rental period and make the most of your time in Winnipeg. Research attractions, dining options, and accommodations along your route for a seamless journey.
Drive Safely:
Observe car rent near me and regulations when driving in Winnipeg. Be mindful of road conditions, weather hazards, and pedestrian safety to ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience
Renting a car in Winnipeg offers convenience, flexibility, and freedom to explore the city and its surroundings at your own pace. By following the steps outlined in this guide car for rent in Winnipeg considering key factors such as rental company reputation, vehicle selection, and rental policies, you can book a reliable car for your journey and make the most of your time in Winnipeg.
Q1: What types of rental cars are available in Winnipeg?
Ans: Rental car options in Winnipeg vary widely and typically include compact cars, sedans, SUVs, minivans, and sometimes specialty vehicles like trucks or luxury cars. The availability of specific types of cars may vary depending on the rental company and location.
Q2: What documents do I need to rent a car in Winnipeg?
Ans: To rent a car in Winnipeg, you typically need a valid driver's license, a major credit card in the driver's name, and proof of insurance coverage. International renters may also need a valid passport and an International Driving Permit (IDP), depending on their country of origin.
Q3: How old do I need to be to rent a car in Winnipeg?
Ans: The minimum age requirement to rent a car in Winnipeg is usually 21 years old, although some rental companies may impose higher age restrictions, particularly for certain vehicle types or rental conditions. Drivers under the age of 25 may be subject to additional underage driver fees.
0 notes
towncarrentals · 4 months
Winnipeg Car Rental: Exploring Convenience with Town Car Rental
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Are you planning a trip to Winnipeg and wondering how to explore the city hassle-free? Look no further than Town Car Rental, your ultimate companion for convenient and comfortable transportation. In this article, we'll delve into the world of Winnipeg car rental, highlighting the benefits of choosing Town Car Rental for your travel needs.
Introduction to Winnipeg Car Rental
When visiting a vibrant city like Winnipeg, having access to reliable transportation is essential. Whether you're a tourist exploring the sights or a business traveler navigating meetings, the freedom of mobility enhances your experience.
Exploring Winnipeg's Attractions
Winnipeg boasts a plethora of attractions, from historical landmarks to cultural hotspots. With a rental car from Town Car Rental, you can effortlessly navigate your way to popular destinations such as The Forks, Assiniboine Park, and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
The Benefits of Renting a Car
Renting a car offers unparalleled flexibility and freedom to customize your itinerary. Unlike relying on public transportation or rideshare services, having your own vehicle allows you to explore off-the-beaten-path locations at your own pace. Additionally, car rental can be a cost-effective option, especially for group travel or extended stays.
Introducing Town Car Rental
Town Car Rental is a trusted name in the Winnipeg car rental industry, known for its exceptional service and diverse fleet of vehicles. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, they strive to make every rental experience seamless and stress-free.
Why Choose Town Car Rental in Winnipeg
What sets Town Car Rental apart is its dedication to providing affordable rates, transparent policies, and top-notch customer service. Whether you need a compact car for city exploration or a spacious SUV for family adventures, they have the perfect vehicle to suit your needs and budget.
Exploring Town Car Rental Fleet
From economy cars to luxury sedans, Town Car Rental offers a wide selection of vehicles to cater to every preference. Each vehicle is meticulously maintained to ensure reliability and comfort throughout your journey.
How to Rent a Car from Town Car Rental
Renting a car from Town Car Rental is simple and straightforward. With an easy online booking process and flexible pickup and drop-off options, you can reserve your vehicle with ease. Plus, their knowledgeable staff is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns. Click Here
Tips for a Smooth Car Rental Experience
To ensure a hassle-free rental experience, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the rental agreement, insurance options, and any additional fees. By preparing necessary documents and choosing the right coverage, you can enjoy peace of mind on the road.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it – hear what our customers have to say about their experiences with Town Car Rental. With countless positive reviews praising their professionalism, reliability, and exceptional service, you can trust that you're in good hands.
Safety Measures and Cleanliness Standards
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Town Car Rental has implemented rigorous safety protocols and enhanced sanitation practices to prioritize the health and well-being of customers and staff. Rest assured, every vehicle undergoes thorough cleaning and disinfection between rentals.
Additional Services and Amenities
In addition to standard rental services, Town Car Rental offers a range of amenities to enhance your driving experience. Whether you need a GPS navigation system to navigate unfamiliar roads or a child safety seat for your little ones, they've got you covered.
Promotions and Discounts
To make your rental experience even more rewarding, Town Car Rental regularly offers special promotions and discounts for new customers. Keep an eye out for exclusive deals and take advantage of their loyalty programs for added savings.
In conclusion, renting a car from Town Car Rental is the ultimate way to experience the convenience and comfort of exploring Winnipeg and beyond. With a diverse fleet of vehicles, competitive pricing, and outstanding customer service, they're your go-to choice for all your transportation needs.
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tavi-hayes · 4 years
background fic ~ the truth
((hello! i wrote this way before the oc even properly started, but i feel like now is a good time to post this. so if you would like to know what really happened with tavi’s dad then maybe read this ;) some characters from the previous background fic make an appearance so i’ll leave a quick little list of the most important ones below. if you’re going to read this then enjoy (it’s really short i promise)! ps. ignore the spelling/grammar errors. tw: little mention of blood and violence))
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((list of names: - Caspar Hayes: Tavi’s dad - Jimmie Davis: Caspar’s friend, they perform jazz music together - judge Laurenson: he’s the one who gave Caspar his jail sentence - Wilfred Wallis: the mayor of Winnipeg))
[2nd of April 2084]
“Please, please! I beg you,” Jimmie Davis is on his knees on the floor, his hands clasped together. “I can’t leave my wife. She needs me.”
Judge Laurenson sighs. “Listen Mr Davis, I am willing to help you but only under one condition.”
At that Jimmie opens his eyes and looks up hopefully. He would do whatever is asked of him, everything for his wife. “Anything! I will do anything.”
“I need a name.”
“A name? Name for what? What name?”
The judge sighs again, “you know very well what I mean. Someone needs to take the blame for this.”
There is only one name that pops up into Jimmie’s head. But no. He can’t do that.
“Why not just let the case disappear?” he asks, desperately trying to find a way out. “You must have the power to do that!”
“Listen, you came to me. You need my help,” the judge speaks without any emotions. He must have done this more often, let an innocent person take the blame for something they had no part in. It doesn’t even matter whose name Jimmie is going to say, an innocent person will be brought into this mess. “We will play by my rules, or we won’t play at all.”
A couple of weeks ago, the first letter had arrived.
Dear residents,
Winnipeg is a city that focusses on the future. I, Wilfred Wallis, think it is time to stop procrastinating and start the future today. The City Council and I put a lot of value in offering all citizens the best living circumstances as possible. To realize this the Council has come to the decision to buy all the land, starting with the district that is Maybank.
The residents of this district are asked to visit City Hall on the time and date specified below. Please bring the following documents to the appointment: this letter, identification papers of all residents living on your address, and your current lease contract.
Your appointment is: 11.05 AM on March 17, 2084
We would like to underline that the consequences for you, the residents, will not be major.
Let us build the future together.
Wilfred Wallis, mayor of Winnipeg
A letter full of meaningless words and empty promises.
Jimmie had gone to the City Hall on the day of his appointment, feeling like there was nothing to worry about. But when he saw the new lease contract, he had almost shat his pants.
The letter had promised no major consequences would come of this. A rental increase of 250 percent may not be a major consequence for the higher and richer Castes, but for everyone who didn’t have a lot of zeros in their back accounts, a rent of 3500 dollars a month meant financial suicide.
When Jimmie saw that number, he had stormed out of the City Hall. He would never sign such a lease contract. Not even with a gun pressed against his forehead.
More letters arrived in the following weeks, but it had been easy to ignore them. They were shoved into the garbage container, never to be spoken of again.
Until one day.
Jimmie had returned home after a performance in a jazz venue. All the lights in his house were out, despite it being well past midnight. He usually found his wife watching the tv, waiting for him to come home.
He found his wife shivering in a corner in the kitchen, her face wet from tears. Jimmie hurried towards her, pulling her into his arms. “Sharon, what’s wrong?”
She pointed to the front door, “so-o-ome men.” Her lip started to quiver, tears again spilling from her eyes. “They knocked, and- and I opened the door. But then they- they.”
Anger, white hot anger. That’s what Jimmie felt.
His wife tried again, “They- they were so strong. They pushed me aside and came in.”
“Who were they, Sharon? What did they do?”
She swallowed once. Tears were still running down her cheeks. “I-I don’t know, they said it was our own fault-t. Be-because we hadn’t signed a contract.” Her shaking intensified and she had trouble breathing, “Jim, I was so scared.”
“Honey, shush, I’m here now.” He tried to calm her, brushing her hair out of her face. “What did they do?”
“They- they. Took some of-of our posse-si-ons.” A loud sob left her body, “and all of our savings.”
Jimmie directed her towards a chair. One of the few things left in their living room he realized.
“I’ll be right back honey.” He planted a kiss on her forehead, “lock the door and don’t let anyone in, okay?”
His wife didn’t seem to fully take in what he had said. Her blank eyes didn’t leave his face.
He lifted one of the floorboards and took out the gun.
He made it all the way to the door when his wife called out, finally realizing what was about to happen. “Jimmie, where are you going? Please don’t leave me!”
But Jimmie didn’t answer. No. He jumped into his car and drove all the way to the other side of town.
All the windows of the mayor’s house revealed dark rooms. Except for one.
Jimmie climbed over the fence and walked across the lawn to that one window.
He bashed it open and jumped inside.
The mayor didn’t have the time to around before a gun was pressed onto his temple.
“You are a scumbag. The filthiest there is,” Jimmie hissed, his spit flying everywhere.
The mayor, frozen from fear, said, “take everything you want.”
Stupid fool. Jimmie wasn’t after money or valuables, there was only one thing he wanted in that moment.
The person who had caused all of this, deserved to suffer.
“Your men scared my wife,” he pushed the gun a little harder onto the mayor’s temple.
The mayor let out a snicker. He found the situation quite amusing, not fully realizing the danger he was in. “I’m guessing you’re the idiot who refuses to cooperate with us.”
“You have ruined our lives.” With all the calmness he could muster, Jimmie said, “the only idiot in this room is you.”
Red stains were scattered all over Jimmie. His face, his neck, his arm, all covered with blood. The metalic smell filled his nose as soon as the bullet went through the mayor’s skull.
The body stayed in the chair, almost like nothing was wrong. Like the man wasn’t dead. But then it started to lean sideways, and with a loud thud it hit the ground.
He had already been out of the window when a scream pierced through the silence, “No! Willie!”
Jimmie didn’t turn around. He didn’t see the young female clutching the dead body of her husband close to her chest. The gun shot must have alarmed her. Blood was pooling all around her, turning her satin pyjamas bright red. 
But she didn’t let go of her husband. 
Not once. 
Not even when the housekeeper found her the next morning and called the police.
“Mr Davis, you’re wasting a lot of my time.” Judge Laurenson sighs, bringing Jimmie back to reality. “If you’re not going to give me a name, take your money and ...”
“Caspar Hayes.”
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tricksforclicks · 6 years
Round 1 of Toss'n'fetch league last night was a very weird wind. It basically turned into chuck and pray since it would swirl and gust randomly. Once I have disc funds again I want to grab a smaller disc for Prowl when playing in conditions like that. The second round was calmer, but we were rushed since there was a thunderstorm in the distance. We still put up a good enough score that it won't be our mulligan week. I'm hoping that I'll hang onto a top 30 expert spot, though I probably won't keep the top canuck expert that I had in week 4. 
Also I'm super proud of all my club. It looks like 80% of us will be getting a magnus patch and everyone has improved so much since we joined the league (our first full-weeks league only had 20% of folks getting the magnus). Of course that is going to disappear next league since we usually only get one or two weeks in during winter season. It kind of sucks since it is my friend's dog on the patch next season. 
In car news, I only have one kennel left in Kelly to pick up today, then it is officially signing her over to SGI and then doing all the pre-pickup paperwork. I also have to clean and return my current rental and pickup the one I'm driving to Winnipeg. I'm so happy that I get to drive a little subcompact again - I miss driving tiny clown cars. Though my new car will be so much more comfortable to drive. I'm still going to need a new name for the car. I'm thinking "Reginald the Rover <R-something-related-to-traveling> Rondo" but I'll see what fits the car. 
I've also started telling all the folks I dealt with last weekend that were still searching for me. Mom's Honda guy and the lady from KIA handled it great so if anyone is looking for a new car in Edmonton or south Saskatchewan, LMK and I can pass on their info. 
That being said, it felt damn good telling the condescending Subaru guy that yes, I did find a smaller car that works for me (like honestly. I told him the crosstrek worked except for the limited storage which i could work around. WTF). and NGL, i def ran my email to the local KIA past a couple people to make sure it had just the right amount of salesman-directed snark. 
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towncarrental1 · 7 months
Winnipeg: Your Complete Car Rental Guide
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Free and flexible Cars for rent in winnipeg are excellent for seeing Winnipeg, a city with a rich cultural heritage and active arts scene. This complete guide covers Winnipeg vehicle rentals, the benefits of owning a car, and how to have a smooth rental experience.
Winnipeg Car Rental Benefits
Explore Winnipeg's Diversity: From historic areas like The Forks to the Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg offers a broad choice of attractions. Renting a car lets you explore these cultural wonders at your own time.
Rental cars offer convenience and flexibility, freeing you from public transportation timetables. You can stop at interesting places as you please.
Beyond City Limits: Winnipeg boasts amazing natural splendor, including adjacent national parks like Riding Mountain. Escape the city and explore Manitoba's natural beauty with a rental car.
For families or groups, renting a car may be more cost-effective than acquiring transit passes or private transportation.
Winnipeg Car Rental Options
Winnipeg has many local vehicle rental firms that provide individual attention and cheap rates. These agencies frequently know the area well and can make advice.
International automobile rental chains such as Avis, Enterprise, and Hertz are well-established in Winnipeg. They have many vehicle selections and handy airport pick-up and drop-off locations.
The use of online automobile rental platforms such as Expedia, Kayak, and Rentalcars.com allows users to compare costs, read reviews, and book directly through their platforms.
Tips for An Easy Winnipeg Car Rental
Consider booking your rental car in advance, especially during peak travel seasons. This gives you more vehicle options and possibly a better pricing.
Check Rental Requirements: Agencies may have different restrictions, including minimum age, driver's license, and credit card policies. Avoid surprises at the rental counter by familiarizing yourself with them.
Insurance Options: Rental firms often provide supplemental insurance coverage. Your existing insurance may cover rental automobiles, but you may want extra protection for peace of mind.
Before leaving, thoroughly inspect Car rental in winnipeg for any pre-existing damage. To prevent liability, write down any scratches, dents, or other defects on the rental agreement.
Plan Your trips: Learn Winnipeg's roads and plan your trips in advance. This simplifies city and neighboring navigation.
Car rental in Winnipeg opens up endless exploration and adventure. Discover the city's hidden secrets, explore Manitoba's natural beauties, and enjoy personalized transportation with a rental car. A well-planned vehicle rental experience in this exciting Canadian city will enrich your visit, whether you choose a local agency, a national chain, or an internet platform.
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lilygirl08 · 3 years
Timeline Terry Fox Day August 3, 2021
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Terry Fox Day timeline
The run goes global
After its success in Canada, the Terry Fox Run launches around the world in the following countries: Australia, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, USA, and Zimbabwe.
May 26, 1988
The Terry Fox Run becomes official
The Terry Fox Run becomes a Trust under the organization name, The Terry Fox Foundation
February 1979
Let the training begin
The training for his Marathon of Hope 14a run across Canada with the hopes of raising money for cancer research and awareness 14begins.
March 9, 1977
Terry discovers his tumor
Terry is diagnosed with a malignant tumour in his right leg. The leg is amputated 15 centimeters above the knee.
July 28, 1958
The world welcomes Terry Fox
Terry Fox is born in Winnipeg, Manitoba as Terrance Stanley Fox.
On August 3, honor a great man, a great foundation and a great cause by celebrating Terry Fox Day. After discovering a malignant tumor on his knee and undergoing surgery which removed 15 centimeters of his leg, Terry Fox pursued on a cross-Canada run that lasted 143 days and 5,373 kilometers 14all to raise money and awareness for cancer. So on Terry Fox Day, get involved: run a race, donate money, raise money 14however you choose to participate on August 5, just be sure to pay homage to this incredible individual.
Special deals to celebrate Terry Fox Day!
Car Rentals Promotion: Amman Only! 9% Off Your Car Rentals - Get 9% off your car rentals in Amman.
Entertainment Offer: Up to $40 Off Tickets For School of Rock Discount Tickets For on Broadway - Save up to $40 on tickets for School of Rock Discount tickets for On Broadway
Water Sports Discount: Up to 28% Off Select Windsurf Wetsuits + Free Shipping - Save Up to 28% on RRP Select Windsurf Wetsuits + Free Shipping
Knives Promotion: 5% Off Sitewide - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Bathroom Promotion: Find Printable Kleenex Coupons Here - No coupon required. Shop in-store to save.
Workwear Discount: Extra 15% Off Cafe Menu Covers - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Home And Garden Coupon Code: Find Printable Kleenex Coupons Here - No coupon required. Shop in-store to save.
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willaha · 3 years
Timeline Terry Fox Day August 3, 2021
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Terry Fox Day timeline
The run goes global
After its success in Canada, the Terry Fox Run launches around the world in the following countries: Australia, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, England, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, USA, and Zimbabwe.
May 26, 1988
The Terry Fox Run becomes official
The Terry Fox Run becomes a Trust under the organization name, The Terry Fox Foundation
February 1979
Let the training begin
The training for his Marathon of Hope 14a run across Canada with the hopes of raising money for cancer research and awareness 14begins.
March 9, 1977
Terry discovers his tumor
Terry is diagnosed with a malignant tumour in his right leg. The leg is amputated 15 centimeters above the knee.
July 28, 1958
The world welcomes Terry Fox
Terry Fox is born in Winnipeg, Manitoba as Terrance Stanley Fox.
On August 3, honor a great man, a great foundation and a great cause by celebrating Terry Fox Day. After discovering a malignant tumor on his knee and undergoing surgery which removed 15 centimeters of his leg, Terry Fox pursued on a cross-Canada run that lasted 143 days and 5,373 kilometers 14all to raise money and awareness for cancer. So on Terry Fox Day, get involved: run a race, donate money, raise money 14however you choose to participate on August 5, just be sure to pay homage to this incredible individual.
Special deals to celebrate Terry Fox Day!
Auto Promo Code: 3% Off Your Order When Payment Made Through Money Order Or Cashier Check - 3% Off Your Order when payment made through Money Order or Cashier Check
Workwear Discount: Extra 15% Off Cafe Menu Covers - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Theater Tickets Promotion: Up to $40 Off Tickets For School of Rock Discount Tickets For on Broadway - Save up to $40 on tickets for School of Rock Discount tickets for On Broadway
Sports Nutrition Discount: 10% Off $75 Order - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
E Books Coupon Code: 20% Off Education, Food And Wine & More - Get 20% Off Education, Food and Wine, Philosophy, Photography, Self-Help
E Books Coupon: 20% Off Education, Food And Wine & More - Get 20% Off Education, Food and Wine, Philosophy, Photography, Self-Help
Car Rentals Deal: Amman Only! 9% Off Your Car Rentals - Get 9% off your car rentals in Amman.
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