#Why is the lego show based off of journey to the west so good
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"You really think the universe still wants anything, from any of us?"
 "Don't you?"
"Ah, I try not to think too hard."
"So it would seem. Know this monkie, you and I are not so different. We both fight for what we think is right—that pursuit only leads to one thing."
"Hmmhm. To destiny, right?"
"No. To pain."
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fictionalstoryteller · 11 months
Rating the Celestial Beings from LMK Based on How They’d Babysit Your Kid
Fandom: Lego Monkie Kid
Characters: Monkey King, Nezha, and Chang’e
TW: nothing but fluff! ☁️
Genre: Implied platonic relationships 
Extra: I’ve been most excited for this list since it has some of the most iconic characters in the show. But small problem… I haven’t seen season 4 yet… so that means Nezha and Chang’e might not be totally accurate since I haven’t seen if they get more characterization in season 4. Hopefully that isn’t an issue! Anyways let’s continue with the list down below ⬇️
Monkey King:
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Monkey King would be happy to help you out by babysitting, and also SUPER overconfident. After all, what kid wouldn’t want to hang out with the legendary Sun Wukong? 🤩 
He’d also be a little bit nervous, but either he’d be too prideful to show it or more self assured than nervous. It all depends on the situation.
You’d have to drop your kid off at Flower Fruit Mountain, which would be hard to get to… and even if he met you somewhere and took your kid to Flower Fruit Mountain himself, you’d still have to go pick them up.
If your kid does somehow make it through the trip to Flower Fruit Mountain they’ll have a multitude of places to play. After all, it’s a big island with a lot of cool locations to explore!
Monkey King has only two types of food on the island. Peaches, and peach chips. Hopefully your kid likes those-
Despite being irresponsible at times, your kid will be 100% safe due to Wukongs powers.
Wukong is such an attention seeker, but because of this he’d be great at entertaining your kid! He could show them some basic training moves, let them explore the island, play with them using his powers, and so much more. (Anything to make them think he’s just the coolest dude ever)
I get the impression that he would interact with your kid the same way he interacts with MK. Lazy, teasing, warm and protective. 
I can’t see why he wouldn’t be a good babysitter in all honesty. He has a personality kids would be drawn to, and literally nothing would be able to harm your kid when they’re with Monkey King. And he lives in such a cool place! I refuse to believe your kid would be bored with all the animals and hidden temple stuff. My only complaints are about the transportation and food situation… how do you plan to drop off or pick up your kid? I mean I’m sure you could find some work arounds, but it sounds like such a hassle. And we’ve only ever seen Wukong eat peaches and peach flavored chips while on the island, which leads me to believe there isn’t much else there to eat. But you could argue we only see him eating the same type of food because he’s a picky eater, and that there’s other type of food elsewhere on the island, so I’m not deducting too many points for that. Overall he’s getting a 8.6/10!
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I’ve been doing some research on the lmk characters recently, mainly the celestial beings, to understand the Journey to the West better. While digging around I learned that in China it’s commonly believed that Nezha was a patron god to children and teenagers. No wonder he’s so patient with MK! I think it’s safe to say he knows how to deal with kids
You won’t have to worry about Nezha slacking off, if anything he’d take his job SUPER seriously. 
Though, I can see this being a problem for some kids considering children usually hate serious adults.
He’ll have to take your kid out to town since taking kids to heaven to hang out is probably a no go. 
I’m not sure how well versed Nezha is in the modern world, so he might need some help figuring out certain things. Which, let’s all be honest, would make for a hilarious comic! Wouldn’t you agree Tumblr Artists? Hint hint wink wink 
Based on his mythology, I can totally see him having a soft spot for kids. Nezha would probably give even the most rebellious kids the benefit of the doubt because, in his eyes, they still have a lot of growing up to do. 
If they’re fans of Monkey King he’s going to be so mad XD 
He probably won’t have much of a plan for the babysitting session, and will rely on your kid to decide what they want to do (though, their options might be limited if you don’t give Nezha some money)
If Nezha is in a good mood, and if your kid is convincing enough, he might even show off his awesome fire wheels. Don’t worry, he’ll be sure to take them a safe distance away from the city
Nezha is amazing, and he totally has this in the bag! He’s got his mythology, patience, and powers working in his favor. He might be a bit out of touch with the modern human world, and some kids might hate him for being super serious, but both of these things are fairly navigable. As long as you give them enough money for lunch, everything will be fine. That being said, because of his limited knowledge and his unlikeliness to his powers if he deems it too risky, most kids might find him a bit boring… I’m going to have to deduct some points for that sadly TvT. 8.6/10! 🩷 
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I feel like Chang’e would be SUPER excited to babysit, but I’m just guessing based off of her overall cheerful attitude.
Unlike Nezha and Wukong, Chang’e would be able to babysit your kid at her place or out on the town. This is because she probably knows at least a little about mortal customs considering she has a phone (which is good considering not many people can go to the FLIPPING MOON)
If she babysat at her place she could teach your kid some new recipes, show them her bunny robots, and so much more!
Because she has a phone an a TV show, I’d say she’s fairly adapt with how the human world works. She’d have no trouble fitting in with mortals if you’d prefer her babysitting on earth
Chang’e totally packed homemade lunches that are both nutritious and delicious. She’d also bring at least one sweet snack for later on as a reward of sorts.
Chang’e has shown that she’s willing to hear people despite misunderstandings or previous mistakes, which is an incredibly useful talent when dealing with kids.
Honestly? She hasn’t been in enough episodes for there to be any MAJOR negatives I can call out. In fact, she seems perfect! Unlike the others on this list, she can be flexible with where she babysits. And she has a naturally cheerful demeanor, which most kids would absolutely adore. Also there’s no way your kid is going hungry! Because of this I am happy to say that Chang’e, the underrated queen, is the second character in this series to get a 10/10! WOOOHOOO 👑🍜
[Wow that took way longer than expected. Sorry for the wait! But while I still have you here, who should I rate next? The spider gang or the demon bull family?]
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fairyhaven13 · 3 years
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This picture is SO wonky, the hands are AWFUL, the line angles all look weird, and I will definitely be redoing this at a later date. HER HAND IS NOT BACKWARDS THE SHADING JUST MESSED IT UP!!! But, I just started watching the Lego Monkie Kid (why is it spelled like that?? why not monkey?) and I was expecting to hate it because all the other Lego shows have been corny and unenjoyable. I like the Lego Movie and I really, really like the Lego Batman movie, but the shows? No. A few friends on here really like Monkie Kid, though, and I do love Journey to the West, mostly for Sun Wukong who is amazing. So, I gave it a try.
It’s. So. Good.
Still definitely a kids show, still definitely somewhat corny. But the animation is gorgeous, the colors are gorgeous, the characters are mostly all great, especially Sun Wukong and his “darker” rival, Macaque. I love their designs so much, and their voices, and their personalities, they’re just chef’s kiss. This isn’t even the story I’m working on this month, but I had to make fanart. I had to. Which is why this picture is so rushed and wonky. I did try to do research on their outfits and on making my OC, so I hope she’s respectful to the Chinese culture. Please let me know if I made a mistake and need to fix something.
Further description under the cut.
This is Tao, which supposedly means Peach. Because, you know, Sun Wukong. I haven’t fully decided on her backstory yet. I kind of want to go with my usual base to work off of, which is someone from our world. But the problem is, I just don’t know enough of Chinese culture and the foundations of how that effects mindsets and worldviews, which would form all of Tao’s decisions from the get-go. 
The rough draft I’m thinking of is a side story separate from the show, because I also can’t choose exactly when in the show to place Tao in. Maybe I’ll figure that out as I watch more, but it has to be at a point where Mac can reasonably at least somewhat be redeemed as a villain without it being confusing if he goes back and suddenly is evil again. I don’t want to make Tao overpowered, because this is a show about world-ending heroes and villains, so she has to be an ordinary girl with a winning personality. But, that mean I need to put Mac and Sun on her level to even be willing to get to know her.
So, what I’m thinking is this: maybe there’s an alternate world where MK never existed. DBK rose thanks to his wife and son, like in the show, but without MK, used the staff immediately and quickly laid waste to the world. I don’t now if that world’s Sun didn’t get there in time or died or was captured or what, but he’s not there to save the day. DBK became too powerful and became a vacuum, a black hole, and swallowed himself, his family, and all the energy left on the planet. Or something like that. Something that will make it so if our Mac and Son got teleported there, they suddenly find themselves powerless.
Tao would be along for the ride, somehow. I don’t know why she’d be there, too. Maybe she got caught in whatever blast sent them there. Maybe Red Son made an invention to send them “where they couldn’t win” or something vague like that, the show tends to have gimmicks like that, like having DBK be powered by “rare and expensive things,” which is pretty arbitrary. This means we have powerless Mac and Sun, and a normal human, and they all have to survive together and get back to their own Earth. This leads to them becoming very close.
I haven’t developed Tao much either. I’m thinking maybe a naturalist, like a gardener or something. Someone to appreciate life in all its forms. Definitely streetwise, hence the street clothes. Overdramatic flairs to mesh with Mac and Sun’s own drama. Lots of patience to get through their thick skulls. Very trustworthy. But I don’t have anything less vague yet. I know I want their relationships to end up with her and Sun being romantically involved and Mac being her platonic soulmate, so they’re both equally close to her in slightly different ways. That’s all I have for now.
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