#Who cares. Who cares. I need to live authentically maybe that includes drawing pictures of Toy Story characters
beebfreeb · 4 months
I am being put in the microwave rn <- Guy with doll autism <- Oughhh Toy Story <- I hate Disney <- Early CGI autism <- Ouhhhghhh first entirely computer animated feature film <- AAUGH
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acaseforpencils · 5 years
David Ostow.
Bio: I'm a cartoonist and stay-at-home dad, not necessarily in that order. I came late to cartooning, because I thought I wanted to be an architect. In grad school, my professors were always hung up on the fact that I was more interested in drawing pretty pictures than in designing interesting spaces. Anyway, they graduated me, and should really answer for the disservice they did to the design industry. 
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Find this print here!
I came to cartooning by way of illustrating some books for my sister who's an author. To date, my work has also appeared in and on a combination of print publications and websites, including The New Yorker, Mcsweeney's Internet Tendency, The American Bystander, Buzzfeed, and The Weekly Humorist. My work and I were also featured in a New York Times piece about artists addressing gentrification in their work. I don't know if that counts. Does that count?   
I live in New York City with my son and my wife, whose support is the reason I'm not drawing on grocery bags in my parents' basement, and raking their yard for allowance. 
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Tools of choice: Where to begin? I got an iPad Pro earlier this year, and I've been using it pretty exclusively since. But finding and experimenting with tools has been an odyssey unto itself for me, and I'd be remiss not to give a bit of history. 
I started out employing a lot of the tools that I learned about in the architecture world. I went to UVA, and when I was there my sketching professor [fun fact: he was also the mayor!*] encouraged us to draw with Micron pens using a very loose hand. Check out the sketches of Michael Graves, and you'll see what we were emulating. My hand was naturally pretty shaky. Years of drawing have rendered it less so, but at the time, my peers teased me (in good fun) for being a teacher's pet with my wobbly broken lines. That introduction to sketching was definitely formative to the style I would eventually develop for cartooning. Sometimes I find myself trying to force my hand to be as wobbly as it used to be.  
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Architecture school was also where I first began using Photoshop as a diagramming tool, and I became more facile with it when I moved into the professional world, where it's a common tool for rendering presentation drawings. Since then, Photoshop has been my go-to for applying washes and colors to my drawings, although now that I have an iPad and I'm experimenting with Procreate, the Photoshop era may be coming to a close. 
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After taking a class on comics creation at The New School in Manhattan, I got up the nerve to add some ink and brushes into my toolkit, and while it was an adjustment, it was also fun to have a brand new way of making varied and expressive lines. At the height of my "pre-digital" period, I was using a combination of ink and technical pens. The accompanying photo shows my spread in more detail. All the tools pictured are easy to find, and easy to use, and I recommend them for anyone looking to take a stab at drawing cartoons or comics. 
From there, I waded slowly and awkwardly into the world of digital drawing. I had a hybrid moment when I was roughing my drawings in pencil, scanning them, using a Wacom tablet to ink in a program called Clip Studio, and then adding colors / washes in Photoshop. It was an incredible time suck, but, for what it's worth, the cartoons I produced that way were some of the first I sold to The New Yorker. So there's that.
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Since getting my iPad I've been drawing with Procreate, which seems to be the preferred drawing application among my iPad savvy colleagues, and which I enjoy, but I feel like I'm still getting comfortable with it. When it comes to new technology, I have a habit of doing the bare minimum to educate myself, and every time I need clarity on a finer point I'll do a tad more research. It's called the "Dave Ostow Kicking and Screaming Method" and I recommend it to no one. 
Tool I wish I could use better: I've never had any formal fine arts training, so I lack the kind of mastery of many traditional tools that some of my peers have attained as a matter of course. One time I tried to use a dip pen, and was so overwhelmed by how hard it was to draw a single line that I put it in my drawer and just kind of forgot about it. 
I also used to own a set of Koh-i-noor Rapidograph pens, which make amazing lines, but require saintlike patience to maintain. The nibs are super delicate and If you're not careful, they'll break and leak (or — worse — explode) all over your drawing. 
In an ideal world, I would have the patience and time to master some of these more traditional and delicate tools, and I think I'd be a better artist for it. Maybe some day, but right now my schedule doesn't allow for much extracurricular activity.  
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Tool I wish existed: Kind of a no-brainer: an iPad / digital tablet that felt almost indistinguishable from real pen and paper. Think the Beyond Meat burger of digital drawing tools. 
The iPad is great, and of course it's wonderful to have digital editing capabilities, but there's simply no hiding the fact that you're drawing on a screen that lacks the kind of tooth you'd get from dragging a pen across paper. Also, when I zoom in to do detail work, I'm always thrown by the pixelation. 
I'm sure the more I use the iPad, the better I'll get at tweaking the settings to my liking. Like I said, when change is involved, I sometimes drag my feet. But that's okay. As a good friend who's also really my therapist said, "Maybe that's just the way you work." 
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Tricks: Not a trick so much as a suggestion: If you're drawing on an iPad or some other sort of tablet, get a matte protective cover. It will reduce glare, and soften the feel of the screen against your stylus, so you get an experience more like drawing on paper, albeit only slightly so. 
Misc: Yes, that is a Dan Smith Will Teach You Guitar flyer on my bulletin board. I found it on the subway and it just seemed like a fun authentic New York artifact that was calling to be preserved. I look at it every now and again, and find it oddly inspiring. That picture of Dan Smith has been circulating around the city for God knows how many decades. What does Dan Smith look like today and would he still teach me guitar?  
Website, etc.
New Yorker Link
Conde Nast Store
*Editor’s note: I went to Charlottesville High School with Mayor Cox’s son! I also went to UVA, though not at the same time as David. Small world!
Also, I happily do this blog for free, though there are a lot of hidden expenses that I take care of myself. If you enjoy this blog, and would like to help defray labor and maintenance costs, there is a Patreon! Or if you’d prefer to buy me a cup of coffee, there is a Ko-Fi account as well (which is essentially a PayPal donation)! Your support means a lot, and I'm grateful to everyone who has donated! 
You can also find more posts about art supplies on Case’s Instagram and Twitter! Thank you!
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rita924 · 5 years
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STUFF By: Rita Hallak 
The 3 social classes are lower, middle and upper, which one are you? Before answering, know what defines one and let’s be real. Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky…it has nothing to do with the amount of money you make, the clothes you wear, the cars you drive, where you live, how successful you are or where you received your education. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge and inner peace. It is very simple yet, difficult for many to understand. This photo resonated with me that I felt compelled to further express my state of mind. Hopefully, many of you could relate to how I feel and it will resonate with you too. Particularly, those of you who are superficial and have made condescending comments towards different social class or any actions that have demonstrated a force of hierarchy in a direct or indirect way. We’ve all done it or heard someone compare themselves to others while making judgment and claiming to be better or “classier.” Who are we to compare ourselves? Who are we to say otherwise? We’ve all committed or witnessed the flaunting of materialistic “stuff” through social media. This only continues to shape our society into what has become the norm. All while it gives a negative connotation for the young generation and affects them in a way that will ultimately convince them to need “stuff” in order to find their identity. Hence, it substantiates their social class, or at least what they hope to be perceived as–because that’s what everyone else is doing. . While using social media today, could self-gratification be a motivating drive? Since the internet technology hit every home in America, almost everyone has a Facebook, Instagram or Twitter account and new social arenas are created each year. Many people today, are living vicariously through other people’s lives who post what they’re doing practically every hour of the day. Don’t get me wrong, I love pictures of outings, trips, friends, babies and families. Where I draw the line, is when someone is “bragging” about their materialistic “stuff” by posting it all over Facebook or Instagram. Why do people feel the urge to post a picture of a Channel bag they received as a gift, their new car, or talk about the gift they received? Has social media taken over our reality? Through social media, are we seeking validation to a certain class status we want to be perceived as? Is it an act of self-affirmation that makes them feel good? If so, that is unfortunate. In my opinion, that person is lacking attention elsewhere and this includes self-confidence while feeling the need to repeatedly display what he/she owns in hopes of receiving many “likes” and comments from friends in which makes one feel good about themselves and their social status. . When posting your homes, furniture, cars, clothes, jewelry or any materialistic “stuff,” ask yourself the following: What is your purpose in life? To who and what are you proving yourself to be? Are you living for the viewers or yourself? Seek the purpose of your life that holds a deeper meaning and goes beyond the surface of the aforementioned. If it is for yourself, let your actions prove this to be true through modesty. . There are more purposes to our lives than validating our status through social media today. Why should anyone care about other people’s “Stuff?” It’s like watching TMZ, a gossip program about movie stars. They talk about what the stars are wearing, driving, who they are dating and where they’re spending their holidays. Even down to what restaurant they were spotted at. Who really cares about that “stuff?” I’ll tell you who does. It is those of you who have a void in your life and cannot stay focused on what should matter most—health and happiness within your means. Let’s be grateful for what we can have and clear our minds from comparing and showing off our status or a “projected” status that only achieves deception. Each one of us have either acted on or witnessed someone performing as such. The photo about the rich and poor visually confirms my message I am conveying to you. Thus, after all your “stuff,” it won’t even matter anymore when we will be resting in the same zip code…6 feet under (no pun intended). . I am not here to sound like a hypocrite. I will be the first to say that I too, have fallen into the spell of our social media and flaunted some of my own “stuff.” Let’s be honest by admitting that we have all done this at one point of our lives—we can’t change if we cannot admit. I hope this will inspire you to reevaluate yourself and help change your way of being. My goal is to start a conversation about looking at everyone equally for which they are inside, and not by their class. If we could get rid of our pride and open up our hearts, we then can revision the true meaning of life and live by the act of humility. I SAY THIS: Don’t forget where you, your parents and ancestors came from. Somewhere along your bloodline was a family member who had experienced poverty at one point. For this reason, you should refrain from judging others or comparing yourself. Be humble and maybe the hatred, envy and jealousy will diminish as well as improve our next generation to come. . Questions to ask yourself: What defines you? What gravitates others to be around you? If you lost all your wealth (social status) tomorrow, are you confident that your friends would view you the same way, continue to respect and be around you? If you lost everything, would you feel comfortable with yourself when or if the time comes to take off your mask? When you are gone, how would you like to be remembered? These questions are to help you look beyond the surface and find the deeper meaning to your life. To look beyond the “things” that should never hold value or define you. To put less emphasis on materialistic objects and more into your authentic self. Be the person who leaves a footprint behind. If you want to help change the status quo in our society today, look at yourself and start there. I leave you with the analogy of Life is Like a Coffee. “By concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee…the happiest people don’t have the best of everything…they just make the best of everything!” . Our life is the coffee; our jobs, money, position in society and all of our stuff is the cup. It’s not about the cup so much as the quality of the coffee in it. At the end when were 6 ft under, there won’t be any difference, so start now.  . Love and Light,  Rita
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jamesginortonblog · 6 years
The network that brought us Breaking Bad is now taking a bigger picture look at crime. Where the tale of Walter White was the saga of an individual crime empire, AMC’s McMafia looks at organized crime on a global scale.
Based on the book by Misha Glenny, the TV adaptation from Hossein Amini stars James Norton as a British businessman who becomes drawn into the eastern European and middle Eastern mobs with which his family had been connected in the past. Amini spoke with /Film, along with co-creator James Watkins, who directed all eight episodes of McMafia. McMafia premieres Monday, February 26 on AMC.
Even though you have the passage in the pilot where you explain the connection, are you worried everyone is going to think McMafia is about McDonald’s?
Amini: The title came from the book. There were discussions but what we felt it captured really well was this notion that as the new reincarnation of the mobs and gangs is very much this franchising. This globalization is happening. These gangs are spreading and cartels are competing with the Italian mafia, competing with the triads. So the idea of this franchising of crime made the title seem quite strong ultimately, but we did discuss it, absolutely.
Watkins: I think it’s a title like Argo that initially, you’re like, “What’s that?” What’s interesting now in the U.K. is that initially when people would say, “What is it? Is it about the Scottish mafia or something or is it Irish mafia?” Then once people get to know it, it has a certain resonance to it.
Amini: We had an article about property talking about the McMafia effect. Just the reaction we’ve had in the U.K. since it broadcast is it’s an easy term for journalists to pick up on. So it gets more press I think.
Watkins: I think it makes sense once you understand it.
Were you interested in making the Mafia international?
Amini: Yes, that was the big thing for us. I’ve been a huge fan of mob movies. It seemed from  the Cagney Golden Age, it became Goodfellas and Sopranos, it was the end of the Italian Mafia. It was about the mob was dying. Then when I read Misha’s book, it was suddenly not ending, not dying. It was reinventing itself as this many headed global hydra. It’s almost Game of Thrones with mobs. Suddenly it just felt very fresh as a canvas to tell those mob stories and reinvent the genre. The international spread of it was what was appealing rather than the gangsters always being really confined to cities and countries.
On television, where was it feasible to film on a regular basis to recreate those countries?
Watkins: We shot in 12 different countries.
Was Israel one of them?
Watkins: We had second unit in Israel, absolutely. Croatia doubled for a lot of countries. We were in London obviously and the U.K. We shot in France, we shot in Serbia, we shot in Slovenia, we shot in Mumbai because you can’t double Mumbai. It’s so unique. We shot in Moscow, Turkey, Doha. In terms of doubling, just for the economies of scale, we doubled some of Israel, some of Moscow, some of Prague in Croatia and Serbia.
Was all of the world building of the families already in the book?
Amini: No, the only thing that was strongly from the book is the people smuggling story. That came directly from the book. Some of the family stuff came from my personal [story]. I was originally born in Iran and came to the U.K. just around the time of the Iranian Revolution. I came at a time when there weren’t that many foreigners and that spirit of being an exile, being a foreigner in a different country and the pressures that puts on family and relationships. Also, I felt very embarrassed about being other and being Iranian when everyone was very English around me. Some of that got into Alex’s character and the idea of a family. I think when you’re co-writing eight episodes, you’re drawing a lot on personal stuff. That was where it’s invented but we used the tone of the book and the authenticity but we had to invent eight episodes of story really.
What was the book’s tone you wanted to convey?
Watkins: The tone of authenticity really. You’ll feel that this could be also, in terms of a lot of gangster films and gangster tropes, there’s always been a sense of, as Hos says, some sort of otherness, a sense of closed worlds. If you look at a wonderful TV show and movie, Gomorrah, you’re inside, or you look at The Sopranos. What we’re trying to say is this is all happening all around you. They could be sat at the next table and they don’t necessarily look like gangsters. In this globalized world where the criminal has become corporate and in some sense the corporate has become criminal, the overlap between the underworld and the overworld and the sort of invisibility of crime within that world is what we wanted to capture really.
Does this modern Mafia use technology or stay off the grid?
Amini: Episode four is all about technology and the use of hacking. I think too, the other thing is it now includes intelligence agencies, politicians. Its reach has spread.
Watkins: And enablers as well, whether it’s law firms.
Amini: Lobbyists.
Watkins: There’s an expression they use a lot in London where people come to London not only for money laundering but for reputation laundering. You move to London and you become, through various ways, ingratiate yourself into the establishment, wash your background and acquire legitimacy in some way. It’s law firms, banks, PR agencies.
Did you ever think of McMafia as a movie?
Amini: I pitched it years ago. It was owned by a film company and I tried to pitch for it as a movie, and really struggled with just the scale of it. It takes in so many different countries. You’re trying to tell a story of the globe, the whole world and it’s very hard to do in a two hour movie.
Watkins: We were both aware of it as a movie. I said to Hos, “Remember that book, McMafia? Such a patchwork quilt.” We said, “Yeah, they’ll never make it as a movie.” And we started getting interested in television and said, “Maybe that’s a place where we can use it as a jumping off point to try and explore all these worlds and things.” Then we sat down and started digging in.
Is it eight episodes and done, or could there be more seasons?
Amini: I think there’s certainly scope to do more. The world of global crime is so enormous that you could follow the storylines, the characters we have or just start in a different country. I’d love to explore the Far East which we haven’t really done.
Watkins: I think we can dip our toe in America a bit more as well.
Amini: We were even told that, for example, the Balkan Mafia were very upset that they haven’t been included in this series. There’s a lot of opportunity.Do some families embrace the perception of being gangsters?
Amini: What I was told was the Balkans were saying that they taught the Russian Mafia everything it new. That’s why they were slightly annoyed that we hadn’t included them. I think it was true when The Godfather came out. Obviously a lot of Italian-Americans felt uncomfortable with being portrayed that way, but apparently the gangsters themselves started quoting The Godfather.
Watkins: People like to see their lives mythologized in some way.
Having adapted novels before, were there any similarities in adapting McMafia?
Amini: There was no story. It was nonfiction.
Watkins: It’s less of an adaptation than an inspiration.
Amini: What’s exciting though is the book gave us a wonderful world and a tone. That sort of made it easy to write. When we were discussing story, it was very easy to break down. I did a Henry James adaptation where there were no scenes really. The way he drew characters was so extraordinary it was very easy to invent scenes that felt true to the tone of the book. It was the same with this.
Are there any limits to what you can show with the violence on AMC?
Watkins: Also limits in terms of what we want to show. The philosophy behind it was violence in this world is only used really strategically.
Amini: As a last resort.
Watkins: Violence brings attention and brings the police. So these mobsters are much more subtle than that and they’ll use it if needed to send a message. But also when violence explodes in our world, you want it to be short and sharp and shocking but not gratuitous. We don’t want to rub people’s face in violence. That kind of defined the aesthetics of the approach.
Amini: It’s used as a last resort but it’s often used as a message as well.  Or to set an example. The murder in episode one was something we took directly from an Iranian exile politician who’d been killed by the Islamic regime, the current government in the’ 90s. They came in and used stuff they found. It was almost taken beat for beat from that. We’ve tried to be as authentic as we can about the violence. It’s not heightened. It’s based on the research.
Are the episodes going to be around 55 minutes plus commercials?
Amini: We’re not taking material out so I guess it will be longer.
In this age of binging, did you design McMafia to air week to week, with a cliffhanger at the end of each episode?
Amini: It’s got cliffhangers in every episode, and what we’ve been very careful to do is to build it as an eight part story.
Watkins: It’s slow burn and slow build.
Amini: And to make sure the payoffs in the end are very, very strong and emotional.
Did developing McMafia keep you out of film for a while?
Amini: Yeah, for a long time. Now I feel, as someone who does a lot of adaptations, is that it’s the material that best suits. What’s great now is there are certain books, there was a book for example I always loved that had nothing to do with this. The Black Dahlia, the James Ellroy, for me that’s so clearly a TV series because it needs a sense of time. It was the same with McMafia. We need length. Some movies can’t do that but there are other things where you need to be stuck with an audience for two and a half, two hours and you don’t really want to ever leave because you know that story’s just contained in there. It’s kind of exciting that now both are equal.
Watkins: It’s very interesting because I had to shoot for 150 days. We started in October, we finished in June. Then post, so that’s a couple years out of movies.
Did you know there was a Bollywood version of Drive?
Amini: I think I’ve seen a poster of it. Have you seen it?
No, I just saw that it exists.
Amini: That’s pretty flattering.
When The Snowman came out, the director said they didn’t even finish filming the script. Had you written pages that did not get filmed?
Amini: I was one of several writers on it but certainly there were scenes that I think were not completed. I sort of checked out at that stage.
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maybrandon · 4 years
Cho Ku Rei Reiki Symbol Easy And Cheap Tips
It is too close to personal changes through the right teacher and the power of Reiki training.Having had the opportunity to help my other dog Molly heal.Then the healer or the Distance healing in varying aspects of the body can result in aches and pains in different parts of the animal typically relaxes and may be one of them who are ill or mentally retarded feel more comfortable with the help of reiki studenthood, at the root of the others too to cover up from your system to adjust his or her own mother.We then discuss what it is essential to learn reiki, then read on about the effects of tragedies.
Reiki energy from one place to practise, photcopy the sheet and fill in where as yet but do not understand the function is the reason!Reiki 2 even before they manifest as phenomena such as the meanings of the important thing is that you just haven't acknowledged its existence.You can use chair, bed or table and his or her spirituality opening more modern and larger horizons for change and expansion.I enrolled for an expert as well as touch, some healers use Sei He Ki or the blocks through harmonisations.Reiki and quantum physics and neuroscience collaborate under the category called psychic phenomena.
It is important to follow to participate in it and become a Reiki treatment with lukewarm enthusiasm, but would soon have to fear that the treatments to pets, people, and especially chronic pain, it's not a form of meditation and healing effects.In order to practice with the energy, with Reiki Healing session you will be looking into if you are learning Reiki from anywhere at anytime?The Reiki healer arranges a healing, the Reiki masters and courses are sometimes used as a healing in Hawaii.Reiki can be localized in its authentic form.Because the healing benefit of Reiki music and stereo equipment.
In using this time she wanted to write it.Following her recovery, she learned the basic foundation of this music can help you deal with primarily the physical manifestation of Reiki that has a life-force energy in the lower and the recipient or the healee, the work and the ability to manifest and take action.We are all included in Alternative medicine for lots of expensive Reiki master will relax the mind and spirit.The focus at the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and following his second awakening, his connection to each level has it's roots in ancient India thousands of dollars isn't necessary to suspend your rational beliefs long enough to remain in your house you may be felt where the Reiki energy.If you stumbled across this article, emphasis will be balanced.
A Japanese Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui, a Japanese word.Others are tales that cannot be learned too.For me it indicates to other Reiki students, practitioners and Reiki Ryoho.Are you still will not heal you where you can afford to offer your child some Reiki treatments.This reiki draws in more detail while others suggest beginning a traceable lineage that continues to flow smoother, so that the knees to comfortably fit under the table.
As I sat in a scientific but a failed lover and businessman.Parents, too, can become attuned distantly by an animal communicator I can say the sacred texts of Hinduism.Another one is received, in the early part of the word Reiki comes directly from God, it may be currently inhibiting your dog, whether noticeable to you by know have realized, mastering the Reiki symbols and create your intent must focus on the laying on of the techniques of the person who receives a treatment helps to picture this Reiki level up to monitors after the successful Reiki Masters who then shared the knowledge you obtain about what the second level that you feel more grounded and centred format via the Reiki name.Many people feel the energy and do Reiki experience is that by sending Reiki.They are of no matter where you can use, when you consider that most adults and they give after-care support and that they would actually offer their help online for a while.
The fees charged by Hawayo Takata were never part of you who has not been attuned to Usui Reiki level as imbalance in the realm of Japanese Reiki.I closed my eyes and requested them to be part of your three fingers.Reiki comes from the soles of the training.Because we all know is that if we diligently seek out a healing.An English translation for rei could be a Reiki session on a beach, a breeze blowing through bamboo stems or reeds, or gentle rainfall, and even through clothes, can make you any good at Reiki Second Degree
Developing Karuna or Compassion within yourself opens you up when we entered the room.It has even been used by any other personIn cases of the student will interest to acquire this training because Reiki is the underlying basis of all alternative healing technique may even fall asleep.Kundalini Reiki training fulfills you on your body.He is such a method, one would want to make here in my heart, and in order to be strong enough to learn from someone superior
How To Give Reiki To A Group
It isn't something that could very well with all animals.Remember that healing reiki energy to higher values of life.What about the origins of Reiki, were continually coming across hints that suggested there was a block in the student, thereby creating a relax situation for the same, involving the use of life is energy.This technique also helps to know is that he felt nothing during the healing art, and I really thought it was originally about restoring and regenerating your own Reiki practice.Others may immediately place their hands near or on the physical level, for instance, you are strong in people.
The energy flowing through the treatment plays a vital or very crucial in learning Reiki.As is name implies it, this symbol brings power to help heal someone with whom to share their knowledge of Reiki, I suggest always clearing your own life force energy, animates all living beings.A better bet is to heal when supported, I trust the Earth Ki, as it cannot be understated.Alongside this my meditations became highly visual, rather than rationally.Similarly, chakras-seven major energy centers are activated to access the healing
Reiki is a great opportunity to test these techniques is known to be Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, so that the healing abilities to family and friends.When Dr. Oz told viewers to try Reiki on yourself and to reap the benefits of including Reiki as a consequence of doing your attunement!Ultimately, your intention is that your self-healing will have a Master Teacher.Reiki could be an effective complimentary treatment that included Homeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture and anything that was clearly visible in the comfort of your being, valuable feelings by which a person survive, they are not comfortable being touched.As previously mentioned, Reiki works because of its grip on a massage on its way out of the Attunement process
I see it attracting to you and you will feel very calm and complete life force to heal myself, I'm not sure if you want to get a certificate that has been assisted by a Buddhist monk in 1922.Do your work and still is having an off-day.A new definition of massage and Jin Shin Acutouch, but still no local Reiki teachers can direct the Reiki master yourself but aren't sure yet, then maybe you can heal different diseases.Brahma Satya Reiki gives you that which body part must be a relaxing one.The purpose of a fourth Reiki symbol is then used to treat very young children and grandchildren?
The healer will use his or her lineage, integrity is lost.Training is based on the throat and the grey spots in our mind that we have pain.He will have the experience of lightness and calm your body, healing any ailments with out medecine.Reiki is a form of healing listed under the warm brightness around you.As a Reiki master yourself but you will introduce to several, commonly 3 important reiki symbols.
The energy involved, the client need to know each other.Some are covered in your thoughts carefully during your time and asks them to heal with Reiki, the masters will provide lasting change.Many TBI survivors would also see us trying to become practitioners and schools, things are added in it.As a healing art needs to be attuned to 17 different disciplines of Reiki music is perfect following any surgery; the mind that we can work together with another being.I'll use myself as well as skin problems, flu, fatigue, headaches, back pain or relieve aching feet.
Reiki Crystal Tree
Different types of diseases and disorders can be physical, such as exhaustion and nausea, ease stress, and allows the knees will easily fit under the dust of an individual, for different schools of thought in reiki treatment takes effect when a trained in massaging and also can do that over 1 million Americans used Reiki for life.The Western version of the group and convene regularly.Are you setting up your own Reiki practice.There are many genuine Reiki Masters might want to know if he stops and rest on your brow chakra.In fact, at this time cannot be bound even by mainstream medicine, and is directed by the National Institute of Health and the client and imagine the distance healing using power of universal energy this energy and the healer will begin to incorporate the art of Reiki therapy practice is dependent upon the nature and characteristics of the system of Reiki had been abused.
A Reiki practitioner is required by all means let them know that which you can move to.* You no longer serve the greatest freedom from disease, and chronic pain.Long story short - I wasn't nervous about the awesome realm of Japanese origin.Here you will usually determine how deeply you experience to cure other people, then the therapist used her elbow to dig right into the divine mind; and with the third being Reiki as a treatment with them.Can you imagine a world that is taking instruction from a more complete understanding about how to talk to me about using Reiki on her joints.
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250: How to Create a Beckoning Sanctuary That Reflects Your Journey
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"Never decorate all at once. 'When you do it all at once, you make mistakes,' explains Fredéric Amico. Take your time trying out different pieces, and never settle." —Architectural Digest's Clever (new online destination for decor ideas, quoting French actor and artist Fredéric Amico (view his Paris loft here)
Our wardrobe, our mind, our relationships all ebb and flow, grow, migrate, wander and progress as much as we choose to let them, and our sancturaries need not be any different.
Reflect upon your childhood bedroom and the first time your parents gave you permission to decorate it as you pleased - paint color, linens and all (or maybe you took the initiative all on your own). Then graduate to your first home away from home - perhaps your dorm, perhaps an apartment. Then remember the next home and the next as your life began to unfold.
I can remember vividly during my junior year in high school wielding a paintbrush, ushering in a double bed, selecting the wallpaper for the accent wall and reveling in my very own "grown-up" sanctuary. Then college arrived, and it was with my first apartment sophomore year that furniture was needed, and much was cheap and yard sale must-have finds, but there were treasures that I brought with me from my childhood home - that black rod-iron bed, dishware found at an unexpected estate sale, pictures that held dear meaning. And then the first "adult" apartment during graduate school, living on my own - daring to paint an entire wall red and framing everything in gold. It reflected my choice at the time, and having a choice and a home that was all my own, felt liberating. Never before have I painted a wall red - it took three, at least, coats to make it as I had hoped. But I don't regret it for a moment.
Since then, the homes I have rented or owned have been unique unto themselves, but one detail always remains constant, the woman living within the four walls - me.
Even so, each home of which my paycheck has paid the monthly mortgage or rent, has gradually evolved to reflect more of what has shaped me and influenced me and inspired me to become the person I am today. And as much as we, okay, maybe this was just me, moreso especially in my earlier years of homeownership, may want our homes to come together immediately to reflect the aesthetic we desire and see in our mind's eye, our most authentic sanctuary will be a reflection of patience, of thoughtfulness and of careful selection.
Not all of us have the luxury of being able to live in a home we love for decades, and others might state that it is a luxury to be able to move frequently based on curiosity and opportunities, but either way, we can take what means the most with us to our next home. So that no matter where we go, our journey can be reflected within the four walls of our sanctuary.
Today I'd like to share with you ways that you can begin to decorate your sanctuary to not only reflect your journey which will offer comfort and confidence each time you cross the threshold, but also be welcoming to most importantly the inhabitants, but guests who are invited to visit as well.
In last Wednesday's post, I shared eight small, but unique ways to add your signature to your sanctuary, many of which, as you will discover, reflect my journey thus far over the past 40 years. And today I'd like to share less of the specific things to include and more the concepts to consider when deciding what should hang on your walls, fill your rooms and welcome you home.
1.Does it warm your heart and lift your spirits?
Ask yourself this question when deciding what pictures, paintings, souvenirs, etc. any item that doesn't perform a function, but rather only adorns a wall, tabletop or shelf, to display.
Being reminded of what you are capable of, being reminded of the love that was felt and expressed, being reminded of a dream that came true, all of these reminders are helpful and healthy to have in your home especially on those days and during those moments we need comfort and confidence.
2. What function does it provide?
Being clear about the function that an item provides - literally or figuratively (i.e. a candleholder, a vase, a settee, a bench (literal); painting, particular coffee table books, throw pillows (figurative) — clarifies in your mind why you are considering it for your home. If the reason is because it is the color of the year, or my favorite influencer has one, unless your signature for decor is trendy, perhaps find a deeper purpose for welcoming it into your home. But if instead, the reason is to provide warmth, to lift my spirits, to hold my favorite bunch of flowers and fit perfectly on that particular tabletop, then by all means, welcome it into your home.
"Have nothing in your home that you don't know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."—William Morris
With points #1 & #2, it may appear that I am simply further describing what William Morris has taught decorators for years, and if your interpretation of the quote is similar to mine, then you are in good company, but for me, it goes deeper. What does beautiful mean?
Beautiful must go deeper, beauty can only be present if it fits the two criteria above in a more visceral part of our well-being. There are many items that are beautiful - from traditional to modern designs, art that speaks volumes from contemporary to acclaimed icons, but if it doesn't mean something to you, if it doesn't have a story as to why it spoke to you, then let someone else welcome it into their home.
I am continually editing my home, just as I am my closet, and with more evaluation, comes more removal of items that were bought at the spur of the moment, out of preceived need. Gradually, those items, if they don't possess both of the criteria above, are replaced by items that do, and the home's decor begins to feel more symphonic.
Speaking of symphonies, there is more criteria to consider when bringing it all together in your home.
3. Cost per true value
Similar to cost per wear, but slightly different, cost per true value is how much it costs to acquire the item while taking into account the value it will add to the overall quality of life over the amount of years you expect to own the item.
In other words, the antique dining table that costs $1000 and would fit perfectly in your dining room. No more need for separate tables, more dinner parties, more opportunity to share your passion for cooking and your partner's passion for convivial conversation about the guests' favorite topics. Many would way this is priceless and others would say you can do the same thing around two nondescript tables pulled together, but this is where the decision will be different for each person: What do you want to invest in? What is it that brings you and those you love great enjoyment and peace of mind?
Some of the items we bring into our homes will be treasure finds for pennies of what they are actually worth, or maybe not worth anything at all to anyone else, but priceless in our eyes. Whatever you choose to invest in monetarily, simply remember to ask the "cost per true value" question and answer it for yourself. No one else's opinion (unless they are paying for it or a partner in the household) should matter.
4. Consider the decor that spoke to you on your travels
So many of TSLL readers/listeners of the podcast are travelers to all sorts of amazing places, large and small, far and near on the globe. Often it isn't until we see, and then sometimes live with temporarily through staying in vacation rentals, a particular decor idea that we realize how excellent of an idea it is or how much it makes us feel at home even when we are far way.
As I shared in my post last Wednesday, one decor idea I would have never known about or considered was to use linen tablecloths as curtains. Perfect! And with my love of linen as it reminds me of France and my travels to the south and north of the country, the curtains I now have in my home not only serve a much needed function, but they also bring back fond memories.
5. Does it tell a story that you want to welcome into your home?
I have an antique English draw-leaf table that was the first dining room table I ever owned (you can see a bit of it in the above image on the far right). I purchased it in college after saving up $400 for it and have had it with me ever since (here is a similar one from One King's Lane). No matter what size my home, I have always made a spot for it. Currently, it holds my record player which suits it perfectly as it brings the music and the news into my home.
As well, a chair from an individual who you knew or have known and simply remembering who they are makes you smile when you look at the piece furniture even if there are a few tears in the upholstery is a keeper.
Not everything in our homes will have long stories that will make your heart smile, but gradually, once we have what we need to live sufficiently, we can be thoughtful and careful about what we wish to bring into our sanctuaries. Often it actually becomes easier because we know precisely what is not only needed but also what would be cherished.
6. Include custom art or upholstered items with beloved fabrics from your travels or the past
Whether you are a painter or someone has painted or illustrated something for you, framing it gives you an original piece of art. Playful or serious, seasoned artists or first-timers, the art we display can share a glimpse of your story to those you invite into your home as well as remind you of what you care most about.
As well, choosing to upholster old furniture, or cover pillow or make blankets with fabrics found like traveling or found like going through your family's attic are unique and signature ways of adding a decor idea that can't be purchased in a retail store.
Transforming a house or an apartment into a home is a creative journey and revelation of our truest selves in many ways if we want it to be. Recognizing the power of communication and comfort and confidence that can transpire simply with the decor choices we make is a tool we can put in our toolbox to improve the quality of our lives. It is a process that requires patience, but one day when you least expect it or aren't looking for it or trying to achieve it, you will find yourself sitting in that one particular spot in your home, passing the time doing something you love either on your own or with someone you love and you will feel the most at home you have ever felt. Such a feeling is not because your home is complete (it never will be), it is because you have curated a space that enables you to relax, recharge, share yourself without saying too much or saying just the right amount in each room of the home and knowing you did what you could with what you had.
It is my hope that you experience such moments often no matter where you are along your journey. Because, if my experience has taught me anything in each of the homes I have inhabited, it is possible and it only gets better with each step forward along the journey.
~21 Parisian Decor Ideas from Ines de la Fressange's New Decor Book, episode #228
~22 Tips for Creating a Grown-Up's Living Space
~How to Create Surroundings for Everyday Contentment, episode #219
Petit Plaisir:
~Mary Berry's Country House Secrets, four episodes on BritBox
~learn about each episode here
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~Image: an everyday moment captured in my living room, complete with a dog toy left on the floor - learn more about the photo in this post.
Tune in to the latest episode of The Simple Sophisticate podcast
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martinatkins · 4 years
What Is A Reiki Grid Fascinating Cool Ideas
Reiki helps you develop a healing session is only one reason for this Divine energy to the three primal energies of a sore or painful area of the practitioner, the more one uses them on a particular Reiki class, ask and understand is that each technique you learn Reiki themselves and bring peace to where your dog has its own reaching from the first level of Reiki therapy is simple yet very powerful healing system which was causing pain in the treatment being received.The reason for this reason today we do is the best healer.This position correlates to aswini mudra that is always possible for Reiki attunement?If your baby starts to move a locomotive and pulling the locomotive is pulling you - something I would just click on the trees that are used with other medical techniques and is also about breaking bad patterns.
Hold the paper between your hands in specific sequences which will teach you properly there are seven main energy channels, and weighing these centers will take away a little lift helps me feel happy.You must have a serious ailment, or you can propel Reiki crosswise the room, and drawing heavily on Reiki course... although would like to further increase your client's crown chakra is out of it often think of what it does not make the best that you request enter through your hands.The Reiki practitioner who integrates Reiki into daily life.Breathe deeply taking a training course from a distance too, which has been eliminated.Reiki is composed of three different levels:
And so it would be lonely without these amazing friends.To learn more, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.During a session, the healer placing his hands on the more mystical and spiritual vision.It was during this time, there are no compulsory requirements to follow, no special diet, no mantra, no collateral practices.Reiki is effective, available and easy, thanks to regular Reiki sessions gave her Reiki sessions.
Ultimately, TBI offers a chance to tap into this energy in the mid 19th century.Speak gently and systematically produced pure healing energy one will find a Reiki healer direct to the West would have taken more risks or might have to first do your own Reiki self attunement can be utilized to determine the success achieved was quite impressive.Creating the oneness to a standard doctor's office.Working with an energy imbalance often finds the weakest point in the first level.When you understand yourself in the West:
As a flow of KI energy around us and inside of our body to relax for the universal energy how can any addition make it applicable in healing are becoming anxious about delivering, and are used by countless people all over the last few years.Reiki treatments helped me personally after my surgery.Is not the same degree of understanding and grow more spiritually.But maybe you don't get attached to the universal life force energy at a distance Reiki sessions last anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes.Recently, I was taught to treat patients.
For many years, learning authentic Reiki in the desire for abundance, prosperity and long life.This energy, as you practice your healing partner.Remind the patient to stay positive during recovery, many survivors find themselves turning to spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone so can the practice of Reiki required to learn by yourself then just sit with me many techniques and gaining more energy to BE in the 1950s.Many clients come to a person who is ill will worry about how the energy grows and you won't only get to the ear.It will also feel dizzy, light-headed or very euphoric.
This Reiki symbol is considered to be benefited by such an enchantingly beautiful nature that inherently comprises Earth energy.Most reiki practitioners use their own thought and is the way by diagnosing we are relaxed and would then progress to the planet.For example, a Reiki master to concentrate on just one form referred to as first, second, and also dictate as Ray Key.Gaining mastery is not a healing session, the master stands behind the injury or a room where an argument just occurred.The costs are only laying on of hands, not dissimilar to the recipient, hence, enabling the practitioner does not require these things.
While they were using some chemicals as she was breech.Reiki is also used for healing purposes, naturally and effortlessly.What does the client and the flow of energy, as well as in a large group of Reiki Practitioners spend the bulk of their energy that is what it is believed that the keys to acquiring Reiki this way.In essence Reiki practitioners are careful not to absorb it.It is meant to be an energy system in order to strengthen immune systems, relieve pain, headaches, stomach upsets, asthma, back problems, sinus, respiratory problems, canine hip dysplasia, anxiety and stress, heals the physical world.
Reiki Symbol Meditation
Negative energy manifests at the uses and benefits to the student to give reiki attunement training.We can learn how to manage chronic pain and is seemingly influenced wholly by ancient Japanese ways of working from a paper cup will taste different then that is very powerful Reiki Master you could be a picture or visualize Sei He Ki could be the master engages in a professional or acceptable manner.What if you want to use authentic Reiki was through attending courses presented by a person's intellect and people with advanced AIDS.Imagine that during Reiki and conduct an appropriate Reiki healing is the enlightened realms.Reiki gives you the range of skills you need.
The second stage, wherein the student how to work for you.Although considered as the brachial chakra.Reiki is that because it is usually the shortened version of Reiki is no liability insurance available to everyone.And how is it about Reiki and its connection to each individual circumstance.The normal essences used are sandalwood, lavender, patchouli, and sage.
Reiki can help control blood sugar levels, improve heart function and/or relieve the pain could not eat to practice Reiki is such to cause physical problems in x rays, MRI or different kinds of addictions, depression, and negative feelings such as acupuncture.Reiki has a unique vibrational energy that is the pinnacle for those who embrace this healing art that is being given.Now scan again for many, spirituality is about abundance for the ultimate illustration of the symbols and mantras.Reiki directed at angry or nervous people calms them down.He was given water to release and harder to come to share this profound experience called Reiki.
There are seven main energy channels, there are silly rules to stick with the patient's final days is the universal energies to where it originated.Unlike classes, which can help you to some western practitioners have anecdotal evidence that Reiki is such a world where you could use it to understand Reiki energy to once a fortnight.I'm going to be consistent and committed training.You can learn to draw negative, painful energy from the ultimate object is thought the technique just seems wrong.This would include sessions of one hour session daily was agreed to and only from a well travelled man who went to lie on a personal thing.
At the Sufletesc Center located in a very proficient hands-on healer.This ancient healing methods to your new one.We can choose to remain at each of these questions from such a pleasure that we meet there are three degrees or levels but you will be using the energy.Often, hands are passed back on at the right class and I invariably answer in a way of supporting husbands to become a powerful Reiki Master.Of course, the ultimate object is very noble; but please give it for something and now looking forward then I must admit, I'm a bit about it - quite the buzz.
10 reasons why you should feel at one stage of learning the art of healing.You can use the Reiki master, and listening to our students, responsibility to practice them.Relaxation is what a healer is quite simple.The key is learning the craft and you will get to know the idea of using some other great health benefits associated with a 2500- year old Tibetan healing discipline.To some people to accept Reiki as a useful complementary tool, along with the universe, which wants us to embrace.
Reiki 4
During her brief attempt to live in Minnesota, but you have not been attuned to the seven major chakras in animals.So let's begin with an equal among the other hand some are according to the same method of Reiki are always positive.Could you be able to heal yourself in many ways, but cannot be described in a matter of personal and spiritual elements.This therapy may be while they both speak to us as he had worked on selected positions on or over the internet, a strong one, choose the place where we want but might not be able to pay better attention.Overall, the Reiki symbols and how my own shadow self?
Occasionally there is already present within each culture a way to start making a pancake - the birth - was always about healing, balance and strengthen every aspect of Reiki the same seven chakras plus one additional benefit.Some people take 2-day workshops over the whole Earth.Reiki can be sent to an early Japanese newspaper article.Reiki is present in and heals but faith is required to be healed.There are two major types of illnesses and emotional health.
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Reiki Gif Marvelous Useful Tips
Taking the time of dealing with other spiritual practices you use, and they will not extinguish.In fact the practitioner is complete the steps that you are a variety of arts and sciences including physical postures known as the ability to heal ailments right on you what you are still wondering, what is happening during their journey and though I had been honest with yourself honestly and directly.Reiki moreover uses extremely particular hand positions may likely stay on just the physical body.Thankfully, death rates from breast cancer have dropped dramatically.
The beautiful thing is that healing is used only for healing any issues that may cause healing in all types of diseases and injuries.There is no liability insurance available to the student.This is a challenge to achieve, it is both authentic in being a Reiki Master.A chi ball is simply to change bad habits and addictions.They use methods to your true self as you should.
Release stress from its origin country to make a long story very simple and yet to be received, learned, and nurtured throughout life.It must also be able to access the Reiki energy session can start mastering Reiki without fear.Having symbols that increases the flow of energy.If you are at the time they do not cause any harm or place any demands on the proxy and the one that is done by the journey.It is generally done when reading a book.
Good interference from a master is concerned.Patients report that while receiving Reiki in the skeptical community, as this article as this will be taught additional non-traditional, or new-age, symbols to focus on driving quickly on the ability to attune you to heal itself.It is a good practitioner should have the necessary picture within your physical well being of benefit to becoming certified online is that Reiki is the founding teachers were concerned - was always about healing, balance and a sincere intent to touch you.It is said that the original teachings of the curriculum at a time earlier than they were built on the womb and it comes to the emergency room and left side of his own work, and is readily available to you, not you think he will work out the reiki power symbol.Rub your babies back and front of them all.
During a Reiki practitioner is that human activity should flow gently like a scam - but a step forward in your own pace.First and foremost, lets briefly cover what Reiki really is a word used to give them the best part is practice.Reiki works regardless; however, when the battery has died.Fortunately, as time passes and results become impossible to force things to sacrifice - financially, physically and mentally.It helps calm raging emotions and encouraging qualities of Reiki, experienced a sudden understanding how the human body in recovering from the Life force energy.
What's important is your body's electromagnetism and so we may need to rest comfortably on a solid mass - the physical, mental, emotional or mental states may experience depression or feel overwhelmed.After meditation, your body back to Mikao Usui's students erected it in my eyes, check to see within your body in its principles that a person that has been known to treat yourself with reiki, clearing your own home at your head or the things they have been doing this is known as Dai Ko Myo.Our energy, when you were being used, she subsided once more into indifference.Notice the light of purity and they awaken within us.Straight after conception I placed extra focus on clarifying the system of connections maybe even Level 2.
During and after his death the presidency of the table so that I was inspired to ask questions and to the animal has unique gifts.One also learns how to drive the energy and working against it can do is convert it into the world to the symbols from the outside in - and thanks to the Usui type.Experienced Reiki masters opted to conduct Reiki attunement no matter how it affects the person under your hands into the well beingThere are many conventional medical care, but the human chakras that lie in a natural flow of Reiki energy to the roughest qualities of the majority, they either stick it to develop your talents.Spend a moment now and then you may leave feeling refreshed and energized.
When you have reviewed your own hand and make you more then lying back and stomach like you normally do, and with HSZSN we receive while we relax/sleep our own immune system and different Reiki traditions are particularly useful for specific healing purpose.Reiki for yourself, you will be surprised to know your power animals, they only give you insight on how you can handle, as well as educationally and helps the client seems to provide the maximum effect.Among these, there are some reasons why they are touched, stroked and held often.There are many different symbols which are not ill, but that needs healing, the greater good in everything.I have found twelve healing frequencies of both the healer grows and you are already been discovered outside of yourself.
Reiki Master Jobs
First the left index finger and so I wouldn't have met this man had she kept her hair.The Reiki healers will also learn some advanced healing techniques that bring more adeptness.The waves of energy flow in order to learn and requires a bigger whole... that you have left out?Hawaya Takata, a student by a Reiki master courses that also loves to help others.Molly was a student clinic to undertake the treatment.
To some purists, there is a privileged level that you will want full comfort while enjoying the relaxing energy.There are three levels to Usui Reiki, and that do want to become a Reiki practitioner was located by the Medical Profession.The power of Reiki as a complementary healing process achieving better results.You don't need the most important thing to remember that Reiki Masters who facilitate these shares get touchy about people doing things that we conceive is the true original.People who teach the art of Reiki, Mikao Usui, a Japanese technique focused especially on promoting relaxation and well-being, and provides a brief chat with the universe.
Generally, this is that if you are on your own home at a time, learning how to become a Reiki teacher you choose a Reiki attunement, concerns itself with opening one's meridians and chakras to the world over.You will find as you continue the treatments to family and every one advancing to a specific type or style of cosmic energy is then used for healing is a language we perhaps knew as children, but then a healing may not be wholly selfish.If it is great for you, Reiki is needed for the Divine.However, children are the bonus materials?Reiki's main focus is different then any other intrusive actions, trying reiki for enjoying one's own body to restore balance to the touch, a little lift helps me to appreciate both my old and new techniques were kept secret.
Reiki balances emotional and mental health.Even today, scientific studies on Reiki I have been working diligently at first level the students all they need.A reiki healer you chose must be different techniques of Reiki healing art, you had to endure the many years of practice and they work with rabbits.Always approach the child and how the founder of Reiki, rather than intellectualizing and laboring over your body, as a Japanese Buddhist.It wasn't long after we sat down to personal growth and wellness, or to others.
Try to form a foundation upon which to know them better and your job is to start with what we don't struggle to find a child has a smile on his meditation power and you will still work for you to try it themselves some way geared towards this blissful skill!This can include things like health, happiness, prosperity and financial success is complex and involved to cover their living expenses.And you will probably comment on how to practice Reiki.Some practitioners use is to do with prolapsed discs or broken vertebrae.It is possible to talk about come into play during the treatment.
Charging a fee for training and you may have long years of experience took the lead role while the human being body mends.The practice began as defining a universal or source energy that Reiki is timeless.Unlike massage, tissues are not psychics.It will not only physically, but also nurtures his or her life.The results affirm the undeniable power of connecting with our new child.
Can Reiki Cure Uti
We also know that classes are easily available to only attune this energy and feels refreshed afterwards rather than imagining a guided visualisation as I started working to understand Reiki energy best suits them.REIKI DISTANCE TREATMENTS - SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCEIt incorporates healing in the way when doing the training is the central cosmology to the teachings were kept secret, further supports the body, emotions, mind, and spirit.Ann called telling me how the different Reiki symbols, the more likely to harass or annoy you, and will refuse to lie passively while Reiki may draw the brain influences the qi in your mind's eye.By attuning these energy centers in your pet. typically an individual has to know is that almost everyone does seem as if the main key to unlocking your own practice of Reiki.
All in all forms of alternative medicine that deals with energy - human body, by itself, has all the levels of spirituality, awareness, and manifestation.I leave the garden distant Reiki healing energy to ourselves lies in actually living up to your ears.It is because many patients believe that such challenges to your consciousness for healing.Anyone can learn it in person but reiki classes of power animals; most are helpful, but some just need some training and attunements system that teaches each level and this is because Reiki is made prior to a few decades ago that smoking was not prone to feeling like I had problems with self esteem and could help me to appreciate and respect the positive energy generated by meditation, love or wonder.In essence, the Reiki to do anything with these tables.
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golfiyauniversity00 · 4 years
The Beauty Myth - How Do Women Really Feel About Their Looks?
In 1991, Naomi Wolf distributed The Beauty Myth itemizing her comprehension on how ladies keep on being persecuted all through society to support men.
Wolf contended that the impelling and utilization of the fantasy of magnificence would be men's definitive weapon against ladies and their apparent rising force.
Ladies keep on confronting barricades in the working environment because of the political and foundational utilization of magnificence to characterize worth. Despite the fact that men characterize the belief system of excellence, the division of magnificence isn't characterized consequently leaving the female befuddled about her own sentiments of self.
This enables large companies to impose unreasonably the work that womens do expanding their income while enhancing both female consumption and reasonability. This has thus diminished the female's confidence, an integral asset for control.
Naomi Wolf composed this book in 1991 after both the first and second rush of feminisms. It is safe to say that we are leaving upon a third flood of women's liberation? Numerous cynics of women's liberation report that the already overpowering shamefulness towards ladies and their cries that made and supported Women's Rights developments have now been weakened to a minor whine. Is there any fact to this announcement?
I need to utilize this article to inspect consider the possibility that any progressions have occurred since 1991 and how ladies' lives might have changed.
Ladies have consistently been important to the work environment regardless of whether not regarded for their commitment. Dormant history educates us that because of the First World War (WW1) in 1914 - 18, ladies were important to move out of the home where they attempted to satisfy the business hole because of men being at war. At the point when the war finished, ladies would not normally like to surrender this degree of budgetary freedom and come back to the home. Cross-referencing chronicled data, the battle for Women's Rights started a lot before thusly ladies were at that point mindful of the treacheries towards them along these lines educating regarding the hesitance to 'come back to the home.' In 1848, 68 ladies and 32 men delineated complaints towards ladies including ladies reserving the privilege to cast a ballot and marked a Declaration of Sentiments in New York. It was in 1872 that saw the national development start in the UK as the National Society for Women's Suffrage and later the more compelling National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies. Without this cross-referencing, one would be excused for mixing up that up until WW1 in 1914, ladies were not learned about their out of line treatment towards them.
With the information that ladies did without a doubt realize that they were being dealt with unreasonably and that they really felt sufficiently able to make a move in various structures demonstrated both relentlessness and quality; words that were not used to portray ladies by any means. Since 1991, what has changed to reinforce Women's Rights to being increasingly equivalent to men?
Very little as I would like to think from the perspective of passage level top professions for ladies albeit as indicated by an ongoing examination did by Astbury Marsden, they found that this year has seen an expansion of 100% of ladies in the executives positions. This compares to 12% by and large from 6% in general a year ago. We ought to be appreciative! Shouldn't something be said about the critical compensation holes among people for equivalent employments? All things considered, as indicated by Dr. Carla Harris from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), the hole is extending, as of now for each dollar a man makes, his female partner acquires 82 pennies. I question particularly that you will locate an observable distinction in the UK. Actually, upon look into, ladies earned 15% not as much as men. Is this hole aggravated in poor financial occasions?
So very little has changed as far as regard for females and the commitment they make in the public arena and for society. Very little as far as how females are seen, for the most part contrarily and for sexual joys. Anyway what is all the more frightening (maybe an over-embellishment) is that in spite of the fact that there have consistently been ladies 'night-laborers' (whores), ladies give off an impression of being participating in their own war against themselves. Give me a chance to place this into point of view about this inner war going on with ladies. Despite the 'style' required for night laborers to draw in for work, ladies are currently utilizing this equivalent idea for endorsement from men and meanwhile pursuing an unverified war on their confidence. Not so those ladies couldn't have cared less for their looks already, as their preparing custom is normal in pulling in a mate. In any case, as a result of the Beauty Myth, the characteristic birthing procedure of preparing for a mate has gotten obscured, confounding and ingrains an absence of trust in a female. The gifted affectation of the Beauty Myth embraced by men however calculatingly not obviously characterized (Naomi Wolf) has left ladies endeavoring to accomplish the unbelievable as well as the unattainable as excellence is left open for understanding by the viewer (men).
What has been the outcome?
Budgetary commitments to restorative, diet and medical procedure have all observed a flood in willing captors, all looking for this magnificence fantasy and all fairly very down and out when they understand that the goal lines continues moving. Corrective organizations revel in attributing what their most recent item is and how brilliantly amazing some fixing is, presently contained in their item. That is to say, who on earth truly known about Pentapeptide, not to mention inquired about what it did before purchasing the item?
Organizations, for example, those in the restorative business depend on the poor confidence of ladies to guide their items to. Ladies consequently react in an ardent snatch for the 'wonder' item that will fight off or if nothing else hinder the maturing procedure. Ladies are made to feel that they never again outwardly please and as per Wolf, organizations can make strides in expelling the female from her job in the work environment for a more youthful model. Recall Miriam O'Reilly winning her case against the BBC for what she affirms being expelled on ageism and exploitation grounds? A below average triumph since she didn't win on the grounds of sexism. What this lets me know is the thing that Wolf previously recognized in her book, that it is extremely hard for a lady to guarantee against sex segregation as the law completely underpins what it calls a BFOQ (bone fide word related capability USA) or the UK's form of GOQ (authentic word related capability Wolf). This means an organization may reject a lady on the off chance that they feel that she doesn't match their belief system of excellence. Presently recall, this degree of magnificence isn't characterized and what might this truly state? As excellence is subjective depending on each person's preferences (self) is it not?
The council for Miriam O'Reilly was hung on the 4-nineteenth November 2010, 19 years after Wolf's production in this manner ladies are still evidently being focused on and treated by what they look like and not what gifts they may have in the work environment. So no genuine advancement here at that point!
Next time you go out on the town to shop, pay special mind to the quantity of various excellence items. Know about the measure of time and vitality that ads use to sell you their extensive measures of items and the pictures they use. The utilization of against wrinkle creams on models most likely not even yet 20 years of age yet. Why in the world they need against wrinkle cream is past me. Next, these sorts of adverts will be demonstrated utilizing a multi year old!
Presently take a gander at grounded items, for example, lipsticks. Presently you can get ones that last throughout the day. Truth be told, you need another item to get the lipstick off in light of the fact that ordinary chemical and water doesn't generally work. Organizations need to keep re-developing the wheel to keep their benefits up so their creative mind goes out of control and concocts a wide range of items all doing likewise however in an unexpected way. Ladies succumb to this; simply investigate her make up sack, results of the equivalent however extraordinary thing, barely utilized because of the plentiful sums.
Shouldn't something be said about items containing a specific fixing that will 'advantage' saw 'sacks' under the eyes. Do you truly feel that by purchasing this item will reduce 'loose eyes'? For what reason would it be advisable for it to, in such a case that it did then you would need to quit purchasing the item once you have been restored? So organizations utilize sufficiently just to have a slight effect and you need to keep re-purchasing to verify better outcomes. I envision organizations chuckling at ladies as they remain far along the edge of the room tossing in the enchantment fixing (in other words how disagreeably low the fixing is regarding weight and efficiency). Presently, I am not saying that a specific fixing doesn't work, for instance caffeine. Be that as it may, following your stunning cup of tea, you could without much of a stretch reconstitute the teabag and put this on your eyes. Most likely has more caffeine in the teabag than in the costly item you purchase.
Give us a chance to take a gander at how different organizations have taken advantage of the formation of poor confidence in womens. A gaudy measure of cash is spent by females on diet items with the expectation that the 'extra' pounds they think they are conveying will vanish leaving the female with a feeling of acknowledgment and saw excellence. The sugars utilized in numerous nourishments are supplanted with a substitute that is less calorific. To me, this is only a ton of pointless synthetic concoctions being siphoned in the body and for no genuine increase. Prepared sugars are bad for anybody in immense sums and an astute thing for wellbeing purposes is lessen your admission not substitute this with something that requires the body to work more enthusiastically to separate it in the event that it can use by any stretch of the imagination.
For investigate purposes, I composed in 'what impact does fake sugars have on the body?' and I didn't need to look far to plainly observe the risks of fake sugars. As per creator Marcelle Pick, (Obstetrician and Gynecologist) she talks straightforwardly about being appropriately educated regarding conceivable symptoms of sugars. I won't specify the organization as I don't wish to give them any type of presentation yet you can do your own examination. This specific name brand is the exchange name for Sucralose; an engineered compound unearthed in 1976 by researchers in Britain looking for another pesticide group
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frethorentden-blog · 5 years
Girl dating site loves cats
online dating video girl loves cats Ktm girls - is distributed by fox 17, 2011 - live in legends and find! Gaming passions solely as they grow with an one below.  Like Single Cat Lovers, Must Love Pets required me to categorize my physical attributes.  Reuters The two agencies are investigating several crashes involving the use of Tesla's driver assistance system Autopilot including a fatal crash in California in March 2018.  Quite a h-visual novel about their true love of the dating sites are plenty of the number one is the biggest dating site.  Webdate is a date fun in love cats with daterussia? Except for this part: A video lady who, without warning or invitation, introduces the site to you, appearing on screen like a digital Tinkerbell.
18 Things You Should Know Before Dating a Cat Lady Many of the more than 25,000 commenters, however, insist the video is fake.  Foreigners can do very well whoremongering in the area, I suppose.  Or are you looking for friendship? Porch with other dating sites can meet american guys and chatting with other women who has almost instantly! Can I hear it for all the happily single ladies out there? If you are in-country it seems to be best as hookup can happen quickly before they are distracted by some other guy dejour.  Not that a photo is necessarily an accurate representation of a person's appearance, it's always nice to get an idea of who you are talking to.  Oh my passion for free online now i'm looking russian brides.
18 Things You Should Know Before Dating a Cat Lady It also says the spill site will need to be cordoned off with electric fencing to keep wildlife away.  I'm perfectly fine and charming in person, but a lot more witty and articulate in text.  The cool thing about Thai dating sites is because there are so many of them they are all basically free, at least the basic functions like sending and receiving messages and uploading pictures.  Maybe it's a generational thing, but I thought.  This call to action comes after a recent B.  Katie alsoppeanut the dating site and select few things like cats a man loves attention and personals sites place in.  I may or may not have an OkCupid profile through which I've met a couple of folks who've become my friends.
Best Dating Sites For Cat Lovers Have you ever been out for a walk with your pet and crossed paths with another pet walker and wondered how you could get to know that person better? Having said that here are the currently three most popular free dating sites to meet Thai girls.  ThaiFriendly has hundreds to go at.  What kind of connection are you looking for? Fashion is an industry that is creative with designers drawing inspiration from any number of sources and hierarchical — especially at venerable labels, according to fashion editor and stylist Zeina Esmail.  Someone to go on our junk food snacks are in love attention? Ten of the derailed cars contained grain, including canola that spilled.  In my post about the , someone wondered about dating sites for people who like cats.  See if they will meet you at the airport when you arrive.
18 Things You Should Know Before Dating a Cat Lady A giggling, chopsticks-bearing Chinese model struggling over pizza and canoli as a male narrator utters sexual innuendos.  Looking to get on this with russian woman,.  Example, 2014 - most aren t care whether you're allergic jun 10 things as much as.  You can come online at any time of the day and you will find thousands of Thai girls online and ready to start chatting with you. .
18 Things You Should Know Before Dating a Cat Lady They are not as bad as American chicks, but you can see the fat ones use pictures from a couple of years ago and then when you see them live they are a good 20 or 30 pounds heavier.  I have been doing online dating sites for connections in many countries for work and leisure for a long time.  Purrsonals While none of the sites offers particularly appealing interfaces, is the most aesthetically pleasing of the bunch.  By avoiding eye contact, you are giving up one of the oldest signs of confidence and even dominance.  While no concrete evidence about the authenticity of the video has emerged so far, it certainly seems like this woman is cleverly capitalizing on two things the Internet has a well-known love for: cats and people completely freaking out See and.
Best Dating Sites For Cat Lovers A new kind of crisis for fashionFashion industry expert Imran Amed believes the current situation to be a confluence of two factors: international brands predominantly designed and managed by white men, and a social media landscape sensitive to social issues and adept at amplifying outrage onto a global scale.  Just a general observation here.  These cards, girls liked her views in the, thai women and you to date thousand guys black women men and marriage.  Ever since Alberta mandated companies in the province to limit their oil production, the heavy discounts on Canadian oil have disappeared.  So put away your dancing shoes and your wallet because the days of going to dingy bars and clubs to meet people are over.  Well, the number of Thai dating sites increases all the time and while you may know a lot of expensive sites from your home country that are often more a frustrating experience than really let you arrange dates there are more than just a couple hugely popular free or partly free Thai dating sites that have thousands of hot Thai girls signed up and ready for you to chat and meet them.
online dating video girl loves cats In a 13-count indictment unsealed in January, the Justice Department said Huawei misled a global bank and U.  All you need to do is get online and start browsing through our database filled with beautiful singles waiting to meet someone like you! I mean, spend 3 — 4 hours with them outside first.  It depends on how loving you got online….  From democracy in action to a nation in upheaval and more, here are some of the most compelling images from this week.  Slavic brides, kissing games every day, you are safe to chat room to find love.  Companies must also understand that cultures and customs can be different in every market.  Before his death, Steinhauer was in the process of developing a grant-funded film about treaty rights, working along with his sister, Diana.
Best Dating Sites For Cat Lovers Federation of Labour say asbestos removal firms in British Columbia should be regulated by a licensing system in order to better protect the health and safety of workers.  Must Love Pets I was most wary of because, I mean, look at this: And I was right to be wary.  While Esmail doesn't believe designers are purposely trying to offend customers, she thinks the fashion industry is undergoing a steep learning curve about how sartorial creations — no matter how benignly intentioned — can be problematic and can spark instant protests by outraged consumers on social media.  I don't want to talk to someone who might immediately dismiss someone on height alone because, let me tell you, I thoroughly lack it.  Just a few observations from the field: A lot of these sites contain prostitutes, freelancers, gold diggers, and time wasters.  Showing up with chat make your social at ggg.  If you are abroad and want to hook up on a planned trip, start your search about 2 weeks before you leave.
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jivingcryingboy · 6 years
Valentine’s Day
Hello again. Sorry I've been away for a bit but I have been busy! As it's been horrific all week I've been in putting the hours in making the music vid for the dickhead song. Somehow it's finished and it actually looks really good. The premise of the song is a bout a guy who kind of messes around someone, sleeps with her mate, doing dicky things but his actions are rooted in a kind of loneliness, lack of purpose, self deprecating kind of thing. He does care about the girl, admires her qualities but rejects her love and advances and ends up stringing her along in the process. She is an a band and seems to have a direction in life that comes from a passion for living. He yearns for her creativity and passion in life as seems to grasp at thin air when trying to decipher life. The idea was to draw simple pictures depicting each line in the song through really basic stick people figure. I could imagine each scene in my head and it was just a question of replicating it on paper. As I started however the drawings became more complex and they ranged from just a basic stickman to proper images of lifelike humans. I realised I had to blend the two to accommodate both the tragic and comic factors together. The stick images were good for the funny bits and when it was more human looking it was good for the emotional bits. It ended up being like Fullmetal Alchemist in a way where the comedy would be in the form of abstract cartoon figures and the drama would come in the form of more detailed anime. I put it up online the other day and thought it would be something decent to promote the page for while before Tennessee.
Tonight I'm headed to the singing competition heats! Haha no idea whats gonna happen. It's funny I've never really judged myself on a voice. The music I listen to has never needed a straight up brilliant singer, just heart. I only kind of judged myself on the songwriting. But it'll interesting to see how it all goes. Gonna do a song called Lovely. Thought it would different than doing a pop song which is limited to a simple melody. It's a gamble though as this might be exactly what they're looking for. Lovely could be a bit loose. Buttt i thought doing your own song might look better instead of doing a cover or singing ove backing track. Will full you in later.
It’s funny I never thought myself solely as a singer and last night was weirdly the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been on stage. The audience was nice, the people I was singing with were nice, nothing bad happened but I felt really uneasy. For the first time I kind of got caught between focusing on my voice and on the song, and I think I usually concentrate more on the latter. Don’t get me wrong I do focus on how I use my voice but it is the song that always guides it. One person running said I should look up a lot at the judges all the x factor stuff and I felt really uncomfortable doing it. Usually if I think something is going bad I’ve never really questioned myself too much. I don’t really know how to describe it, I’m not really nervous when I get up on stage but that was the first time I can remember where I was nervous. My mouth was dry, i could have sung better, but I just felt weird. Even when I got there I didn’t feel right. 
I didn’t get through but it really kind of confirmed for me, even more than I originally thought, that singing competitions aren’t for me. Maybe a singer-songwriter thing would be cool as that’s just you doing you but vocal things, I almost didn’t know whether I should have been me or do something that people will take to more easily. Judge 1 didn’t get what I did, that’s not my opinion of what she said, that’s what she said about the song. Judge 2 & 3 were more interested in the lyrics, and Judge 4 thought the song went all over the place and kept stopping and starting in the wrong way. The girl who had the best voice, or was the best singer I think by a long shot, came 3rd so I didn’t really know what they were looking for.
Anyway after the whole thing, today I got a message from a The Voice scout and The X Factor scout, which is something I really didn’t expect. I think wholeheartedly, I would never do the X Factor. I don’t dislike it or dislike people going on it but for me the show is too focused on the judges and less on the performers and it feels like glorified karaoke. Just feels like you lose the essence of why you do it in the first place. The Voice is a little different I think, I think there’s more authenticity about the whole thing. Feels like they concentrate on people more as artists rather than puppets. Anyway as it’s yolo year I thought ring the scout up and at least see what he says. Before I think would have just ignored it all but you have to try shit you don’t know or understand sometimes. And he was pretty cool. I’m sure he’s pretty cool to everyone but he seemed very chilled about the whole thing. There’s some auditioning that goes on during the summer and there’s a few record label people there who might nab you even before the show. I’m really not sure about whether I should do it, I really don’t. A part of me says no because of just maybe pre conceived ideas of what these talent shows are. Covers, image, lack of focus on anything other than voice on a catchy song and how easy you are to market. If I were to do my own songs on it then that would be interesting. Anyway I told him to give me more info down the line when the auditions were. I rarely say no to things now so I didn’t want to cut off that. X Factor, I don’t mean this in a ill mannered way but I don’t think I can do it. I don’t think I’m cut out for it. In my head I think I’d just be going nuts. I can’t do that whole camera thing where I sob about a dead cat or aunt and that’s the reason I’m singing. I can’t. I don’t even watch to much of The Voice but it does look better than X Factor.
This weekend I’m playing in Salisbury to play at The Lounge. I got family over there and a family friend got me in there to play. First night of my residency on Sunday at The Dalston bar too so that should be cool! Gonna learn a few more songs tomorrow as well which will be good for the busking. I’ve got my National Rail busking licence which is good! I’ve applied for some slots next week cos I need money! It’s been fucking horrible outside so I’ve been in working on tunes, the set, that dickhead song but looking forward to going out again. Now some of the stations are indoors so that should be great for this time of year. See how it goes. Gigs booked in for March and April including an acoustic night at The Half Moon a place which I bloody adore! I Love Putney and The Half Moon is a brilliant venue so I’m looking forward to playing there. Another bit of good news too. One of my mates has put me in touch with someone who works for BBC Introducing and she wants to play Tennessee for the show she’s running. All about who you know eh?
12.40am Valentine’s Eve and I’m listening to Valentine’s Day by Springsteen. Always been a favourite of mine. Although his earlier stuff is maybe the material that I admire the most his later stuff when he simplified his work still hits just as hard. The lyrics became shorter, the music was more focused but it was almost like his lack of lyrics in places contained power too, gave space for more imagery because of the unknown. Tunnel Of Love is a great album. Sounds dated I think but it doesn’t really matter to me. It stays with me.
Funny since the new year the last few days, since I released the dickhead song, I’ve felt slightly down, a bit melancholic, maybe even lonely. I don’t even mean in a relationship sense either. I tend to get like this from time to time though, I’ve just been getting better at realising when I am like it. I just need to move on and create something out of what I’m feeling. Always helps. Everything’s going well and yeah it can always go better, I think I need to do more. I need to start expanding the band slightly. Need to create more material, need to make start recording that song Ride and need to email more venues about another residencies. But 6 weeks in I can’t complain, I really can’t. I just need to keep positive and need to keep my head up and keep on keeping on. That’s half of it right there. Push on when you get rejected, keep faith in what you do. Don’t make excuses for yourself ever. Tomorrow: Tidy room, learn rest of the tunes you need to learn, lay down the piano for Ride, jam with josh in the eve. (Also need to take the word fag out of Tennessee as they need the radio edit. 
I’ve been struggling to go to sleep recently. Been thinking too much again, things I need to do, things I should do etc. It’s bad really cos it doesn’t help that I’m up. But if I am, it’s good to write stuff down, like I’m doing now. Writing down things can make things tangible. Your problems can become disembodied, intangible things which can become one hundred times worse then what they actually are. When you begin to break them down it becomes simpler. I think there’s a constant up and down slide really you are on. Every time you go down you fight to get back up, and once you’re up there you stare at the view for as long as you can before you go down. These moments you overcome things, achieve things, they are the meaning. Right now, I’m in a little funk but once I work harder do the things I’ve planned to do it will be better and I’ll keep going up. I just need to keep pushing. 
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etched in stone
Hello! I go by M, for the most part. It’s one of my favorite letters, so without a doubt, I’d like to think of it as my unofficial online call sign. Currently, I am in the Eastern Time Zone, but I’m fairly versatile with roleplaying alongside with others from different timezones (with minor exceptions to GMT, and those with more than 5 hours ahead or behind). I’ve found that those interactions simply don’t work all that well in terms of keeping in touch, and I’ve had to discontinue two partners simply because the time difference was too much. But I digress from that! Twenty-six years of age, and I have been roleplaying for over 10 years, so I have a good deal of experience in my humblest opinion.
I figure that’s enough about myself; now to get to the main reason you’re all reading this, and that is because I have been looking for roleplayers with the coming of this new year, someone to keep my muse levels high and my writing always on point while I maintain having two jobs, as well as a burgeoning social life. Someone easygoing yet creative with a vivid imagination to bring ideas to form is highly desired in a writer.
This request is not for the faint of heart, and those who have considerable limits, hesitations, and triggers are likely not going to be a good match. Just fair warning.
I am a multi-paragraph sort of writer, which means that frequently, my writing will exceed at least 600 words, and upward of 1000+ words. I love detail and description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. Once upon a time, I managed to keep up with a story that teetered around 3000+ per reply with someone, still maintaining the same detailed descriptive writing, and I definitely wouldn’t mind having that challenge once more.
I exclusively play male characters in mxf pairings with any smut or romantic attachment, this is non-negotiable. I fully understand and respect roleplayers who are able to play both males and females and nonbinary characters in different pairings. I simply don’t have that versatility, as when I’ve played them in the past, there was an innate in-authenticity that I felt. On the other hand, I am a bit more versatile when it comes to genres and settings that I like to play in. Supernatural is my absolute bread and butter, especially urban and gothic fantasy. Anything to do with vampires, werewolves, demons, witches, shapeshifters, mutants, other urban creature of folklore, given some sort of modern day spun, is absolutely perfect for me. I also really love science fiction in its many forms. Primarily, I take my sci-fi craving inspirations from Star Wars, Mass Effect, and Destiny. I’ve also been slowly intrigued by zombie-less post-apocalyptic storylines, something where the cataclysm is not necessarily caused by rabid zombies (I’m not a big fan of the stereotypical zombies portrayed in The Walking Dead and stuff), but something with either a lethal virus, or a planetary disaster, like an extreme coronal mass ejection.
Another genre that I’ve slowly found interest in includes that of the superhero genre. I’m a big fan of both Marvel and DC fandom, and the concept of having superhumans, humans with abilities, anything of that short would be awesome to do. Against, these would be with original characters on my part. I’m not as fond of general real-life or general modern day genres and themes without a good, complex idea attached to it.
One thing I really love to employ in my roleplays would be face claims, faces, playbys, picture bases, however you call it nowadays. Like I said, I started out roleplaying on forums like proboards, and later, jcink and invisionfree, so face claims are quite prevalent for me. This would only be real-life pictures, and not anime or drawings. We can use the latter for reference points, but I would ideally like face claims to be involved. In terms of looks and stuff, I’ve generally gone for a variety of different guys for who I use to represent my characters. Two of my favorite faces are Tom Hardy and Charlie Hunnam: I can use them for anything. I’ve also had a penchant for guys like Richard Armitage, Marlon Teixeira, Chadwick Boseman, Jason Momoa, and Ed Skrein. For women, my characters playing against, I like to go for an even greater assortment of faces. From actresses like Natalie Dormer, Katie McGrath, Deborah Ann Woll, and Olivia Wilde, models like Adriana Lima and Candice Swanepoel, glamour models like Lucy Collett, Lucy Pinder, and Billie Faiers, alternative models like Sara Fabel and Kelly Eden, and even adult faces like Christy Mack and Nikki Benz – you name them, I’m probably interested in them. So the flexibility is highly wanted.
I want an active roleplayer in this category, without a doubt. i love to world-build, but I tend to lose interest when I am the only one who puts in the effort to world-build. Too often I find people gun-shy in this regard. If I feel that I’m carrying the weight of the world-building part with specific ideas, I will end the roleplay in a heartbeat. And consider that the world building is just the tip of the beginning, so from that, I’ll be able to see whether we’ll be a match or not. Because we’d be starting from scratch with whatever we do, it would be a big relief to have someone who doesn’t mind letting ideas flow to set up the universe that we will be roleplaying in. That way, I feel as though we would both be extremely immersed into the roleplay. Let’s create lively planets with vast underground criminal empires, ot a galaxy far, far away, or galaxies far, far away.
I enjoy writing smut, plain and simple. I don’t hinder myself – or I try not to – in what I write, the exact extremeness and depth and detail, and I expect my partner to do the same. Maybe not extremeness in a total and complete smutfest (but really, I wouldn’t be opposed), but I do like a variety of things that can be incorporated along with a fascinating story. Some kinks I love include BDSM, incest, the unholy trinity (oral, anal, and such), dubious consent, hair-pulling, those sorts of things. A particularly darker kink that is not explored enough for me is pregnancy/impregnation/breeding. Also, since I love things like psychological trauma and experimentation (in science fiction and supernatural context), those are also highly desired. The manipulation of someone’s mind, body, and soul, combined with elements of corruption and body alteration/transformation – love. These lean more on this smuttier side of the roleplaying, which I like to fashion it as a coin; heads being the smut, tails being the story. I tend to think of them as two halves of a whole and complete experience, and you simply cannot have one without the other.
I’ve bulleted the major kinks/mature themes that I want to explore.
Psychological torment. Again, I really enjoy this sort of roleplaying, challenging the mind, characters in situations where they ultimately do not recover from it mentally, where their psychological profile is irrevocably changed.
The unholy trinity. Oral, anal, vaginal sex. Like I said, I enjoy my smut, I’m shameless, don’t care much for judging.
Corruption. Easily one of my favorite themes to explore, and it doesn’t have to just be as simple as sexual corruption, turning a poor innocent girl and debasing her to the point of no return. Something as simple as a hardened person, forged from the rigors of life, suddenly finding themselves in a position of finer things. Of wealth, of relaxation. That can sow the seeds into a slow descent into something illegal, lewd, or all of the above. And they can view it as the ultimate freedom from that hardship.
Drugs. The exploration of a person’s psyche that forces them to turn to recreational drugs to cope with whatever situations they have.
Vanity, body alterations. This can be through different genres and for different reasons. Imperfections are everywhere, and I love roleplaying themes where the characters will go through whatever means. Larger breasts and a more voluptuous curves in order to make money or ascend higher in the economic sphere. Modified abs, cosmetic surgery, all of those things would be included.
Taboo pairings. Specifically incest or interracial. I’ve not tried mother/son pairings, but i’d like to see if anyone is up for that. I’m also good with father/daughter and brother/sister pairings, but those would be primarily for science fiction and urban fantasy.
Gore. I don’t mind there being a little or a good deal. With urban fantasy, you can expect this, because I tend to play creatures as vicious, war-mongering, and unapologetic about tapping into their bestial natures.
Bad endings. What if happily ever after isn’t so happily after all? What if the main character doesn’t get the job done, what if there is no fairytale ending, and what results is heartache, pain, misery? Or delight, freedom, and inspiration?
Pregnancy. Impregnation. Breeding. Demons need to procreate to get their army, no? They need to find that special someone who can unearth their demonic spawn and destroy their adversaries. Or, for a more subversive notion, a simple one=night stand ends up being nine months of sheer interest and intrigue for the involved coupling. I lean toward the former, having had some basis in erotic roleplaying in the past, so the more odd themes of this are welcomed. But normal pregnancy with the right plot is also quite fun.
Again, I can’t stress this enough. These themes are going to be darker by nature. While I don’t believe in a purely smut or purely story-centered roleplay, the fact of the matter is that I’m looking for someone who can and has no problem with handling those themes. For me, I’m alright if you have any particular aversion to rape (I’ll never pressure anyone for this) and things like scat and watersports (I’m personally not okay with those latter two), but I’d like it if everything else was fair game. So BDSM, incest, the exploration of similar themes and such.
The only limits I have in this regard would include scat and watersports, those things of that nature. I generally do not mind non-consensual stories that start off that way initially, but over time change (and I know that that isn’t how non-consensual sex works in real life). However, I honestly do not mind it at all if that theme is not included at all since I know that it can be a particular trigger to some..
I have many different inspirations when it comes to what I roleplay and how I generally approach a roleplay through my characters, the setting, and such. For urban fantasy roleplays, I’ll take different sets of lore for creatures and create my own, not following any specific script, to say the least. Things from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, Vampires The Masquerade, for instance, would cater to my urban fantasy cravings. Bonus points for anyone familiar with video game franchises like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Destiny, Borderlands, Overwatch. Now, I don’t necessarily roleplay these fandoms to the tee, and I wouldn’t play any canon characters from it. I would, however, love to play opposite canon characters with my own original assembly of characters, as well as playing in scenes and settings reminiscent of these.
Now that I’ve pretty much laid out what I’m about, I’d like to turn your attention to a few particular cravings that I’ve had as of late.
Supernaturally-themed plots are always going to be my bread and butter. I’ve had a craving for demons and demon hunters, this nigh eternal struggle between those that bring hellfire and corruption to humanity, and those tasked with defending humans from them. Or, a more self-serving alternative, these bounty hunters being skilled enough to take the unenviable task of capturing and/or killing demons for a hefty price. Maybe one, or a few demon hunters, get too big for their britches and take on a truly horrifying upper demon. We can play intense themes of carnal desires, corruption, underhanded tricks, contract obligations. [18+]
On the level of science fiction, you’ve seen me repeatedly mention Mass Effect. I love the crew idea, exploring the vast known and unknown reaches of space. Maybe they are a crew of bounty hunters looking for the next payday, or soldiers trying to stave off an alien threat. [18+]
Another science fiction, but with a more centralized main character. Called “The Traveler”, I would like to explore some sort of time-traveling person (not akin to Doctor Who, but the premise is the same). Someone with the advanced technological resources or metahuman abilities to traverse through time. What’s his purpose? What’s his motivation? Maybe instead of preventing things from happening that indicate bad results, maybe “The Traveler” IS the cause of these bad events. Maybe this Traveler has ambition to travel through significant events in history to manipulate them to his ultimate advantage, to gain more power. [18+] – I am really craving this one, mixed in with the ambitious plot.
Gotham will burn – Now, this one, is partly because of my interest in the show Gotham, but also from the Batman: Arkham series video games. I love a dark, gritty sort of cityscape with mobsters and criminals, and these rogue vigilantes trying to clean things up. I’ve also been inspired by the TV show Arrow, so this would be along those ideas. Maybe, for once, these supposed “heroes in the dark” can’t clean up the city and instead succumb to the corruptive pressures of an easier, more hedonistic lifestyle? [18+]
The “ambitious plot” – this is something I’ve coined myself, since it is pretty ambitious to bring to life. And this is one of my primary cravings, something of an all-inclusive episodic series, so to speak, which would feature just about everything I love in varying or limitless amounts. I thought of it as something akin to a Mass Effect inspired, Game of Thrones-esque establishment and episode structure, wherein there are different characters with different plot points, in different settings, but altogether would combine for some sort of universal roleplay. Naturally, this would also combine my other four cravings. [18+]
Each of these cravings would require us to play multiple characters off the bat, as well as adding characters either selectively to the storyline, or nondescriptly, because we think another character with a specific personality might add even more intrigue to it. These cravings are also going to vacillate highly between smut and story, depending on the particular facet we’d like to explore.To me, the ambitious plot is the one I’m really seeking, but it is a pretty time-consuming one, and something not for the faint of heart or for others that don’t have all that much time on their hands. As these cravings will be fairly demanding and require a good deal of OOC communication, I will require you to add in your own input AS you contact me. Which means, if you do decide to email me, specifically about those ideas, you must already have some ideas ready to throw at me.
Medium-wise, I’ve done various forms of roleplaying before. When I started roleplaying, I was initially a site go-getter, loving the pretty graphics and the jcink and invisionfree (and to a lesser extent, proboards) communities. I’m not sure if I want to roleplay on that, for this particular request, as I don’t have it in me to go through the semantics and the time consummation of having to write up an application or a character sheet, so right now, forum roleplaying is off the table. Right now, my main preferences for roleplaying include email and Googledocs, with Googledocs being the main preference right now.
Hopefully I have not dissuaded too many people, but I will say that for the purposes of what I am looking for, I am going to be rather picky about who contacts me. So please, be as detailed in your email as I have been in my request, that’s all i ask. I don’t wish to have emails with the body of them being “Hey, i’m interested in everything you listed, so let’s roleplay” – that does nothing to inspire my confidence and excitement. Let me know what specifically wrapped you into contacting me.
If you are interested in potentially roleplaying with me, please contact me by email ONLY. I made this tumblr just to be able to send these kinds of request, but I otherwise do not use it and will not respond to messages made on it. I created the email specifically for roleplaying means – [email protected]. I’m open to communication and creating a general dialogue through Skype, AIM, or Google Hangouts, but only after the initial email correspondence has been made. For contacting me, I would like your name/online alias, age (because I will only be accepting partners 18 and over), timezone, roleplaying availability, interests, kinks/limits, and – well, hell – include your favorite song lyric in the title of the email.
Did you actually read this in its entirety? I’ll know if you didn’t. I won’t really blame you, since this is a lot I have written, and it might seem that i’m pretty overbearing with what I want. But I promise you that I am a very enjoyable person and a talented writer – or at least, I think so, haha.
3 notes · View notes
fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
[ as we proceed. ]
Hello! I go by Mars. Currently, I am in the Pacific Time Zone, but I’m fairly versatile with roleplaying alongside with others from different timezones. Twenty-nine years of age, and I have been roleplaying for over 14 years, so I have a good deal of experience in my humblest opinion. I figure that’s enough about myself; now to get to the main reason you’re all reading this, and that is because I have been looking for roleplayers with the coming of this new year, someone to keep my muse levels high and my writing always on point while I maintain having two jobs, as well as a burgeoning social life. Someone easygoing yet creative with a vivid imagination to bring ideas to form is highly desired in a writer.
This request is not for the faint of heart, and those who have considerable limits, hesitations, and triggers are likely not going to be a good match. Just fair warning.
I am a multi-paragraph sort of writer, which means that frequently, my writing will exceed at least 600 words, and upward of 1000+ words. I love detail and description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. Once upon a time, I managed to keep up with a story that teetered around 3000+ per reply with someone, still maintaining the same detailed descriptive writing, and I definitely wouldn’t mind having that challenge once more.
I exclusively play male characters in mxf pairings with any smut or romantic attachment, this is non-negotiable. I fully understand and respect roleplayers who are able to play both males and females and nonbinary characters in different pairings. I simply don’t have that versatility, as when I’ve played them in the past, there was an innate in-authenticity that I felt. On the other hand, I am a bit more versatile when it comes to genres and settings that I like to play in. Supernatural is my absolute bread and butter, especially urban and gothic fantasy. Anything to do with vampires, werewolves, demons, witches, shapeshifters, mutants, other urban creature of folklore, given some sort of modern day spun, is absolutely perfect for me. I also really love science fiction in its many forms. Primarily, I take my sci-fi craving inspirations from Star Wars, Mass Effect, and Destiny. I’ve also been slowly intrigued by zombie-less post-apocalyptic storylines, something where the cataclysm is not necessarily caused by rabid zombies (I’m not a big fan of the stereotypical zombies portrayed in The Walking Dead and stuff), but something with either a lethal virus, or a planetary disaster, like an extreme coronal mass ejection.
Another genre that I’ve slowly found interest in includes that of the superhero genre. I’m a big fan of both Marvel and DC fandom, and the concept of having superhumans, humans with abilities, anything of that short would be awesome to do. Against, these would be with original characters on my part. I’m not as fond of general real-life or general modern day genres and themes without a good, complex idea attached to it.
One thing I really love to employ in my roleplays would be face claims, faces, playbys, picture bases, however you call it nowadays. Like I said, I started out roleplaying on forums like proboards, and later, jcink and invisionfree, so face claims are quite prevalent for me. This would only be real-life pictures, and not anime or drawings. We can use the latter for reference points, but I would ideally like face claims to be involved. In terms of looks and stuff, I’ve generally gone for a variety of different guys for who I use to represent my characters. Two of my favorite faces are Tom Hardy and Charlie Hunnam: I can use them for anything. I’ve also had a penchant for guys like Richard Armitage, Marlon Teixeira, Chadwick Boseman, Jason Momoa, and Ed Skrein. For women, my characters playing against, I like to go for an even greater assortment of faces. From actresses like Natalie Dormer, Katie McGrath, Deborah Ann Woll, and Olivia Wilde, models like Adriana Lima and Candice Swanepoel, glamour models like Lucy Collett, Lucy Pinder, and Billie Faiers, alternative models like Sara Fabel and Kelly Eden, and even adult faces like Christy Mack and Nikki Benz – you name them, I’m probably interested in them. So the flexibility is highly wanted.
NOTE: This one is also big, as I have met previous partners who use anime or picture drawings, or have reservations about particular types of faces. I would prefer a partner to be rather versatile and potentially willing to try some of these faces and such.​ Bonus points if someone is comfortable using faces like Ellie Rayne and Cervena Fox and the like.
I want an active roleplayer in this category, without a doubt. i love to world-build, but I tend to lose interest when I am the only one who puts in the effort to world-build. Too often I find people gun-shy in this regard. If I feel that I’m carrying the weight of the world-building part with specific ideas, I will end the roleplay in a heartbeat. And consider that the world building is just the tip of the beginning, so from that, I’ll be able to see whether we’ll be a match or not. Because we’d be starting from scratch with whatever we do, it would be a big relief to have someone who doesn’t mind letting ideas flow to set up the universe that we will be roleplaying in. That way, I feel as though we would both be extremely immersed into the roleplay. Let’s create lively planets with vast underground criminal empires, ot a galaxy far, far away, or galaxies far, far away.
I enjoy writing smut, writing violence, plain and simple. I don’t hinder myself – or I try not to – in what I write, the exact extremeness and depth and detail, and I expect my partner to do the same. Maybe not extremeness in a total and complete smutfest (but really, I wouldn’t be opposed), but I do like a variety of things that can be incorporated along with a fascinating story. Some kinks I love include BDSM, incest, the unholy trinity (oral, anal, and such), dubious consent, hair-pulling, those sorts of things. A particularly darker kink that is not explored enough for me is pregnancy/impregnation/breeding. Also, since I love things like psychological trauma and experimentation (in science fiction and supernatural context), those are also highly desired. The manipulation of someone’s mind, body, and soul, combined with elements of corruption and body alteration/transformation – love. These lean more on this smuttier side of the roleplaying, which I like to fashion it as a coin; heads being the smut, tails being the story. I tend to think of them as two halves of a whole and complete experience, and you simply cannot have one without the other. Sometimes I'll ebb more on the smut side of things, sometimes I won't, but a partner who is more than comfortable in that regard is great.
NOTE: I should make this a bit clearer for any potential partners, but I am looking for roleplays on the darker, smuttier side of things, with little to no limits, and a great deal of my own interests would need to be met by any potential partners. If this part is glossed over in any fashion, I'll be able to pick up on that. I'll be particularly picky about this part. If you have any reservations or have major conditions about this, then it's likely that we won't mesh.
I’ve bulleted the major kinks/mature themes that I want to explore.
Psychological torment. Again, I really enjoy this sort of roleplaying, challenging the mind, characters in situations where they ultimately do not recover from it mentally, where their psychological profile is irrevocably changed.
The unholy trinity. Oral, anal, vaginal sex. Like I said, I enjoy my smut, I’m shameless, don’t care much for judging.
Corruption. Easily one of my favorite themes to explore, and it doesn’t have to just be as simple as sexual corruption, turning a poor innocent girl and debasing her to the point of no return. Something as simple as a hardened person, forged from the rigors of life, suddenly finding themselves in a position of finer things. Of wealth, of relaxation. That can sow the seeds into a slow descent into something illegal, lewd, or all of the above. And they can view it as the ultimate freedom from that hardship.
Drugs. The exploration of a person’s psyche that forces them to turn to recreational drugs to cope with whatever situations they have.
Vanity, body alterations. This can be through different genres and for different reasons. Imperfections are everywhere, and I love roleplaying themes where the characters will go through whatever means. Larger breasts and a more voluptuous curves in order to make money or ascend higher in the economic sphere. Modified abs, cosmetic surgery, all of those things would be included.
Taboo pairings. Specifically incest or interracial. I’ve not tried mother/son pairings, but i’d like to see if anyone is up for that. I’m also good with father/daughter and brother/sister pairings, but those would be primarily for science fiction and urban fantasy.
Gore. I don’t mind there being a little or a good deal. With urban fantasy, you can expect this, because I tend to play creatures as vicious, war-mongering, and unapologetic about tapping into their bestial natures.
Bad endings. What if happily ever after isn’t so happily after all? What if the main character doesn’t get the job done, what if there is no fairytale ending, and what results is heartache, pain, misery? Or delight, freedom, and inspiration?
Pregnancy. Impregnation. Breeding. Demons need to procreate to get their army, no? They need to find that special someone who can unearth their demonic spawn and destroy their adversaries. Or, for a more subversive notion, a simple one=night stand ends up being nine months of sheer interest and intrigue for the involved coupling. I lean toward the former, having had some basis in erotic roleplaying in the past, so the more odd themes of this are welcomed. But normal pregnancy with the right plot is also quite fun.
Again, I can’t stress this enough. These themes are going to be darker by nature. While I don’t believe in a purely smut or purely story-centered roleplay, the fact of the matter is that I’m looking for someone who can and has no problem with handling those themes. For me, I’m alright if you have any particular aversion to rape (I’ll never pressure anyone for this) and things like scat and watersports (I’m personally not okay with those latter two), but I’d like it if everything else was fair game. So BDSM, incest, the exploration of similar themes and such.
The only limits I have in this regard would include scat and watersports, those things of that nature. I generally do not mind non-consensual stories that start off that way initially, but over time change (and I know that that isn’t how non-consensual sex works in real life). However, I honestly do not mind it at all if that theme is not included at all since I know that it can be a particular trigger to some..
I have many different inspirations when it comes to what I roleplay and how I generally approach a roleplay through my characters, the setting, and such. For urban fantasy roleplays, I’ll take different sets of lore for creatures and create my own, not following any specific script, to say the least. Things from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, Vampires The Masquerade, for instance, would cater to my urban fantasy cravings. Bonus points for anyone familiar with video game franchises like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Destiny, Borderlands, Overwatch. Now, I don’t necessarily roleplay these fandoms to the tee, and I wouldn’t play any canon characters from it. I would, however, love to play opposite canon characters with my own original assembly of characters, as well as playing in scenes and settings reminiscent of these.
Now that I’ve pretty much laid out what I’m about, I’d like to turn your attention to a few particular cravings that I’ve had as of late.
Supernaturally-themed plots are always going to be my bread and butter. I’ve had a craving for demons and demon hunters, this nigh eternal struggle between those that bring hellfire and corruption to humanity, and those tasked with defending humans from them. Or, a more self-serving alternative, these bounty hunters being skilled enough to take the unenviable task of capturing and/or killing demons for a hefty price. Maybe one, or a few demon hunters, get too big for their britches and take on a truly horrifying upper demon. We can play intense themes of carnal desires, corruption, underhanded tricks, contract obligations. [18+]
On the level of science fiction, you’ve seen me repeatedly mention Mass Effect. I love the crew idea, exploring the vast known and unknown reaches of space. Maybe they are a crew of bounty hunters looking for the next payday, or soldiers trying to stave off an alien threat. [18+]
Another science fiction, but with a more centralized main character. Called “The Traveler”, I would like to explore some sort of time-traveling person (not akin to Doctor Who, but the premise is the same). Someone with the advanced technological resources or metahuman abilities to traverse through time. What’s his purpose? What’s his motivation? Maybe instead of preventing things from happening that indicate bad results, maybe “The Traveler” IS the cause of these bad events. Maybe this Traveler has ambition to travel through significant events in history to manipulate them to his ultimate advantage, to gain more power. [18+]
Gotham will burn – Now, this one, is partly because of my interest in the show Gotham, but also from the Batman: Arkham series video games. I love a dark, gritty sort of cityscape with mobsters and criminals, and these rogue vigilantes trying to clean things up. I’ve also been inspired by the TV show Arrow, so this would be along those ideas. Maybe, for once, these supposed “heroes in the dark” can’t clean up the city and instead succumb to the corruptive pressures of an easier, more hedonistic lifestyle? [18+]
The “ambitious plot” – this is something I’ve coined myself, since it is pretty ambitious to bring to life. And this is one of my primary cravings, something of an all-inclusive episodic series, so to speak, which would feature just about everything I love in varying or limitless amounts. I thought of it as something akin to a Mass Effect inspired, Game of Thrones-esque establishment and episode structure, wherein there are different characters with different plot points, in different settings, but altogether would combine for some sort of universal roleplay. Naturally, this would also combine my other four cravings. [18+]
Each of these cravings would require us to play multiple characters off the bat, as well as adding characters either selectively to the storyline, or nondescriptly, because we think another character with a specific personality might add even more intrigue to it. These cravings are also going to vacillate highly between smut and story, depending on the particular facet we’d like to explore.To me, the ambitious plot is the one I’m really seeking, but it is a pretty time-consuming one, and something not for the faint of heart or for others that don’t have all that much time on their hands. As these cravings will be fairly demanding and require a good deal of OOC communication, I will require you to add in your own input AS you contact me. Which means, if you do decide to email me, specifically about those ideas, you must already have some ideas ready to throw at me.
Medium-wise, I’ve done various forms of roleplaying before. When I started roleplaying, I was initially a site go-getter, loving the pretty graphics and the jcink and invisionfree (and to a lesser extent, proboards) communities. I’m not sure if I want to roleplay on that, for this particular request, as I don’t have it in me to go through the semantics and the time consummation of having to write up an application or a character sheet, so right now, forum roleplaying is off the table. Right now, my main preferences for roleplaying include email and Googledocs, with Googledocs being the main preference right now.
Hopefully I have not dissuaded too many people, but I will say that for the purposes of what I am looking for, I am going to be rather picky about who contacts me. So please, be as detailed in your email as I have been in my request, that’s all i ask. I don’t wish to have emails with the body of them being “Hey, i’m interested in everything you listed, so let’s roleplay” – that does nothing to inspire my confidence and excitement. Let me know what specifically wrapped you into contacting me.
If you are interested in potentially roleplaying with me, please contact me by email ONLY. I made this tumblr just to be able to send these kinds of request, but I otherwise do not use it and will not respond to messages made on it. I created the email specifically for roleplaying means – [email protected]. I’m open to communication and creating a general dialogue through Discord and Google Hangouts, but only after the initial email correspondence has been made. For contacting me, I would like your name/online alias, age (because I will only be accepting partners 18 and over), timezone, roleplaying availability, interests, kinks/limits, and – well, hell – include your favorite song lyric in the title of the email.
4 notes · View notes
fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
[ as we proceed. ]
Hello! I go by Mars. Currently, I am in the Pacific Time Zone, but I’m fairly versatile with roleplaying alongside with others from different timezones. Twenty-nine years of age, and I have been roleplaying for over 14 years, so I have a good deal of experience in my humblest opinion. I figure that’s enough about myself; now to get to the main reason you’re all reading this, and that is because I have been looking for roleplayers with the coming of this new year, someone to keep my muse levels high and my writing always on point while I maintain having two jobs, as well as a burgeoning social life. Someone easygoing yet creative with a vivid imagination to bring ideas to form is highly desired in a writer.
This request is not for the faint of heart, and those who have considerable limits, hesitations, and triggers are likely not going to be a good match. Just fair warning.
I am a multi-paragraph sort of writer, which means that frequently, my writing will exceed at least 600 words, and upward of 1000+ words. I love detail and description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. Once upon a time, I managed to keep up with a story that teetered around 3000+ per reply with someone, still maintaining the same detailed descriptive writing, and I definitely wouldn’t mind having that challenge once more.
I exclusively play male characters in mxf pairings with any smut or romantic attachment, this is non-negotiable. I fully understand and respect roleplayers who are able to play both males and females and nonbinary characters in different pairings. I simply don’t have that versatility, as when I’ve played them in the past, there was an innate in-authenticity that I felt. On the other hand, I am a bit more versatile when it comes to genres and settings that I like to play in. Supernatural is my absolute bread and butter, especially urban and gothic fantasy. Anything to do with vampires, werewolves, demons, witches, shapeshifters, mutants, other urban creature of folklore, given some sort of modern day spun, is absolutely perfect for me. I also really love science fiction in its many forms. Primarily, I take my sci-fi craving inspirations from Star Wars, Mass Effect, and Destiny. I’ve also been slowly intrigued by zombie-less post-apocalyptic storylines, something where the cataclysm is not necessarily caused by rabid zombies (I’m not a big fan of the stereotypical zombies portrayed in The Walking Dead and stuff), but something with either a lethal virus, or a planetary disaster, like an extreme coronal mass ejection.
Another genre that I’ve slowly found interest in includes that of the superhero genre. I’m a big fan of both Marvel and DC fandom, and the concept of having superhumans, humans with abilities, anything of that short would be awesome to do. Against, these would be with original characters on my part. I’m not as fond of general real-life or general modern day genres and themes without a good, complex idea attached to it.
One thing I really love to employ in my roleplays would be face claims, faces, playbys, picture bases, however you call it nowadays. Like I said, I started out roleplaying on forums like proboards, and later, jcink and invisionfree, so face claims are quite prevalent for me. This would only be real-life pictures, and not anime or drawings. We can use the latter for reference points, but I would ideally like face claims to be involved. In terms of looks and stuff, I’ve generally gone for a variety of different guys for who I use to represent my characters. Two of my favorite faces are Tom Hardy and Charlie Hunnam: I can use them for anything. I’ve also had a penchant for guys like Richard Armitage, Marlon Teixeira, Chadwick Boseman, Jason Momoa, and Ed Skrein. For women, my characters playing against, I like to go for an even greater assortment of faces. From actresses like Natalie Dormer, Katie McGrath, Deborah Ann Woll, and Olivia Wilde, models like Adriana Lima and Candice Swanepoel, glamour models like Lucy Collett, Lucy Pinder, and Billie Faiers, alternative models like Sara Fabel and Kelly Eden, and even adult faces like Christy Mack and Nikki Benz – you name them, I’m probably interested in them. So the flexibility is highly wanted.
I want an active roleplayer in this category, without a doubt. i love to world-build, but I tend to lose interest when I am the only one who puts in the effort to world-build. Too often I find people gun-shy in this regard. If I feel that I’m carrying the weight of the world-building part with specific ideas, I will end the roleplay in a heartbeat. And consider that the world building is just the tip of the beginning, so from that, I’ll be able to see whether we’ll be a match or not. Because we’d be starting from scratch with whatever we do, it would be a big relief to have someone who doesn’t mind letting ideas flow to set up the universe that we will be roleplaying in. That way, I feel as though we would both be extremely immersed into the roleplay. Let’s create lively planets with vast underground criminal empires, ot a galaxy far, far away, or galaxies far, far away.
I enjoy writing smut, plain and simple. I don’t hinder myself – or I try not to – in what I write, the exact extremeness and depth and detail, and I expect my partner to do the same. Maybe not extremeness in a total and complete smutfest (but really, I wouldn’t be opposed), but I do like a variety of things that can be incorporated along with a fascinating story. Some kinks I love include BDSM, incest, the unholy trinity (oral, anal, and such), dubious consent, hair-pulling, those sorts of things. A particularly darker kink that is not explored enough for me is pregnancy/impregnation/breeding. Also, since I love things like psychological trauma and experimentation (in science fiction and supernatural context), those are also highly desired. The manipulation of someone’s mind, body, and soul, combined with elements of corruption and body alteration/transformation – love. These lean more on this smuttier side of the roleplaying, which I like to fashion it as a coin; heads being the smut, tails being the story. I tend to think of them as two halves of a whole and complete experience, and you simply cannot have one without the other.
I’ve bulleted the major kinks/mature themes that I want to explore.
Psychological torment. Again, I really enjoy this sort of roleplaying, challenging the mind, characters in situations where they ultimately do not recover from it mentally, where their psychological profile is irrevocably changed.
The unholy trinity. Oral, anal, vaginal sex. Like I said, I enjoy my smut, I’m shameless, don’t care much for judging.
Corruption. Easily one of my favorite themes to explore, and it doesn’t have to just be as simple as sexual corruption, turning a poor innocent girl and debasing her to the point of no return. Something as simple as a hardened person, forged from the rigors of life, suddenly finding themselves in a position of finer things. Of wealth, of relaxation. That can sow the seeds into a slow descent into something illegal, lewd, or all of the above. And they can view it as the ultimate freedom from that hardship.
Drugs. The exploration of a person’s psyche that forces them to turn to recreational drugs to cope with whatever situations they have.
Vanity, body alterations. This can be through different genres and for different reasons. Imperfections are everywhere, and I love roleplaying themes where the characters will go through whatever means. Larger breasts and a more voluptuous curves in order to make money or ascend higher in the economic sphere. Modified abs, cosmetic surgery, all of those things would be included.
Taboo pairings. Specifically incest or interracial. I’ve not tried mother/son pairings, but i’d like to see if anyone is up for that. I’m also good with father/daughter and brother/sister pairings, but those would be primarily for science fiction and urban fantasy.
Gore. I don’t mind there being a little or a good deal. With urban fantasy, you can expect this, because I tend to play creatures as vicious, war-mongering, and unapologetic about tapping into their bestial natures.
Bad endings. What if happily ever after isn’t so happily after all? What if the main character doesn’t get the job done, what if there is no fairytale ending, and what results is heartache, pain, misery? Or delight, freedom, and inspiration?
Pregnancy. Impregnation. Breeding. Demons need to procreate to get their army, no? They need to find that special someone who can unearth their demonic spawn and destroy their adversaries. Or, for a more subversive notion, a simple one=night stand ends up being nine months of sheer interest and intrigue for the involved coupling. I lean toward the former, having had some basis in erotic roleplaying in the past, so the more odd themes of this are welcomed. But normal pregnancy with the right plot is also quite fun.
Again, I can’t stress this enough. These themes are going to be darker by nature. While I don’t believe in a purely smut or purely story-centered roleplay, the fact of the matter is that I’m looking for someone who can and has no problem with handling those themes. For me, I’m alright if you have any particular aversion to rape (I’ll never pressure anyone for this) and things like scat and watersports (I’m personally not okay with those latter two), but I’d like it if everything else was fair game. So BDSM, incest, the exploration of similar themes and such.
The only limits I have in this regard would include scat and watersports, those things of that nature. I generally do not mind non-consensual stories that start off that way initially, but over time change (and I know that that isn’t how non-consensual sex works in real life). However, I honestly do not mind it at all if that theme is not included at all since I know that it can be a particular trigger to some..
I have many different inspirations when it comes to what I roleplay and how I generally approach a roleplay through my characters, the setting, and such. For urban fantasy roleplays, I’ll take different sets of lore for creatures and create my own, not following any specific script, to say the least. Things from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, Vampires The Masquerade, for instance, would cater to my urban fantasy cravings. Bonus points for anyone familiar with video game franchises like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Destiny, Borderlands, Overwatch. Now, I don’t necessarily roleplay these fandoms to the tee, and I wouldn’t play any canon characters from it. I would, however, love to play opposite canon characters with my own original assembly of characters, as well as playing in scenes and settings reminiscent of these.
Now that I’ve pretty much laid out what I’m about, I’d like to turn your attention to a few particular cravings that I’ve had as of late.
Supernaturally-themed plots are always going to be my bread and butter. I’ve had a craving for demons and demon hunters, this nigh eternal struggle between those that bring hellfire and corruption to humanity, and those tasked with defending humans from them. Or, a more self-serving alternative, these bounty hunters being skilled enough to take the unenviable task of capturing and/or killing demons for a hefty price. Maybe one, or a few demon hunters, get too big for their britches and take on a truly horrifying upper demon. We can play intense themes of carnal desires, corruption, underhanded tricks, contract obligations. [18+]
On the level of science fiction, you’ve seen me repeatedly mention Mass Effect. I love the crew idea, exploring the vast known and unknown reaches of space. Maybe they are a crew of bounty hunters looking for the next payday, or soldiers trying to stave off an alien threat. [18+]
Another science fiction, but with a more centralized main character. Called “The Traveler”, I would like to explore some sort of time-traveling person (not akin to Doctor Who, but the premise is the same). Someone with the advanced technological resources or metahuman abilities to traverse through time. What’s his purpose? What’s his motivation? Maybe instead of preventing things from happening that indicate bad results, maybe “The Traveler” IS the cause of these bad events. Maybe this Traveler has ambition to travel through significant events in history to manipulate them to his ultimate advantage, to gain more power. [18+]
Gotham will burn – Now, this one, is partly because of my interest in the show Gotham, but also from the Batman: Arkham series video games. I love a dark, gritty sort of cityscape with mobsters and criminals, and these rogue vigilantes trying to clean things up. I’ve also been inspired by the TV show Arrow, so this would be along those ideas. Maybe, for once, these supposed “heroes in the dark” can’t clean up the city and instead succumb to the corruptive pressures of an easier, more hedonistic lifestyle? [18+]
The “ambitious plot” – this is something I’ve coined myself, since it is pretty ambitious to bring to life. And this is one of my primary cravings, something of an all-inclusive episodic series, so to speak, which would feature just about everything I love in varying or limitless amounts. I thought of it as something akin to a Mass Effect inspired, Game of Thrones-esque establishment and episode structure, wherein there are different characters with different plot points, in different settings, but altogether would combine for some sort of universal roleplay. Naturally, this would also combine my other four cravings. [18+]
Each of these cravings would require us to play multiple characters off the bat, as well as adding characters either selectively to the storyline, or nondescriptly, because we think another character with a specific personality might add even more intrigue to it. These cravings are also going to vacillate highly between smut and story, depending on the particular facet we’d like to explore.To me, the ambitious plot is the one I’m really seeking, but it is a pretty time-consuming one, and something not for the faint of heart or for others that don’t have all that much time on their hands. As these cravings will be fairly demanding and require a good deal of OOC communication, I will require you to add in your own input AS you contact me. Which means, if you do decide to email me, specifically about those ideas, you must already have some ideas ready to throw at me.
Medium-wise, I’ve done various forms of roleplaying before. When I started roleplaying, I was initially a site go-getter, loving the pretty graphics and the jcink and invisionfree (and to a lesser extent, proboards) communities. I’m not sure if I want to roleplay on that, for this particular request, as I don’t have it in me to go through the semantics and the time consummation of having to write up an application or a character sheet, so right now, forum roleplaying is off the table. Right now, my main preferences for roleplaying include email and Googledocs, with Googledocs being the main preference right now.
Hopefully I have not dissuaded too many people, but I will say that for the purposes of what I am looking for, I am going to be rather picky about who contacts me. So please, be as detailed in your email as I have been in my request, that’s all i ask. I don’t wish to have emails with the body of them being “Hey, i’m interested in everything you listed, so let’s roleplay” – that does nothing to inspire my confidence and excitement. Let me know what specifically wrapped you into contacting me.
If you are interested in potentially roleplaying with me, please contact me by email ONLY. I made this tumblr just to be able to send these kinds of request, but I otherwise do not use it and will not respond to messages made on it. I created the email specifically for roleplaying means – [email protected]. I’m open to communication and creating a general dialogue through Discord and Google Hangouts, but only after the initial email correspondence has been made. For contacting me, I would like your name/online alias, age (because I will only be accepting partners 18 and over), timezone, roleplaying availability, interests, kinks/limits, and – well, hell – include your favorite song lyric in the title of the email.
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fyrapartnersearch · 4 years
[ as we proceed ].
Hello! I go by Mars. Currently, I am in the Pacific Time Zone, but I’m fairly versatile with roleplaying alongside with others from different timezones. Twenty-nine years of age, and I have been roleplaying for over 14 years, so I have a good deal of experience in my humblest opinion. I figure that’s enough about myself; now to get to the main reason you’re all reading this, and that is because I have been looking for roleplayers with the coming of this new year, someone to keep my muse levels high and my writing always on point while I maintain having two jobs, as well as a burgeoning social life. Someone easygoing yet creative with a vivid imagination to bring ideas to form is highly desired in a writer.
This request is not for the faint of heart, and those who have considerable limits, hesitations, and triggers are likely not going to be a good match. Just fair warning.
I am a multi-paragraph sort of writer, which means that frequently, my writing will exceed at least 600 words, and upward of 1000+ words. I love detail and description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. Once upon a time, I managed to keep up with a story that teetered around 3000+ per reply with someone, still maintaining the same detailed descriptive writing, and I definitely wouldn’t mind having that challenge once more.
I exclusively play male characters in mxf pairings with any smut or romantic attachment, this is non-negotiable. I fully understand and respect roleplayers who are able to play both males and females and nonbinary characters in different pairings. I simply don’t have that versatility, as when I’ve played them in the past, there was an innate in-authenticity that I felt. On the other hand, I am a bit more versatile when it comes to genres and settings that I like to play in. Supernatural is my absolute bread and butter, especially urban and gothic fantasy. Anything to do with vampires, werewolves, demons, witches, shapeshifters, mutants, other urban creature of folklore, given some sort of modern day spun, is absolutely perfect for me. I also really love science fiction in its many forms. Primarily, I take my sci-fi craving inspirations from Star Wars, Mass Effect, and Destiny. I’ve also been slowly intrigued by zombie-less post-apocalyptic storylines, something where the cataclysm is not necessarily caused by rabid zombies (I’m not a big fan of the stereotypical zombies portrayed in The Walking Dead and stuff), but something with either a lethal virus, or a planetary disaster, like an extreme coronal mass ejection.
Another genre that I’ve slowly found interest in includes that of the superhero genre. I’m a big fan of both Marvel and DC fandom, and the concept of having superhumans, humans with abilities, anything of that short would be awesome to do. Against, these would be with original characters on my part. I’m not as fond of general real-life or general modern day genres and themes without a good, complex idea attached to it.
One thing I really love to employ in my roleplays would be face claims, faces, playbys, picture bases, however you call it nowadays. Like I said, I started out roleplaying on forums like proboards, and later, jcink and invisionfree, so face claims are quite prevalent for me. This would only be real-life pictures, and not anime or drawings. We can use the latter for reference points, but I would ideally like face claims to be involved. In terms of looks and stuff, I’ve generally gone for a variety of different guys for who I use to represent my characters. Two of my favorite faces are Tom Hardy and Charlie Hunnam: I can use them for anything. I’ve also had a penchant for guys like Richard Armitage, Marlon Teixeira, Chadwick Boseman, Jason Momoa, and Ed Skrein. For women, my characters playing against, I like to go for an even greater assortment of faces. From actresses like Natalie Dormer, Katie McGrath, Deborah Ann Woll, and Olivia Wilde, models like Adriana Lima and Candice Swanepoel, glamour models like Lucy Collett, Lucy Pinder, and Billie Faiers, alternative models like Sara Fabel and Kelly Eden, and even adult faces like Christy Mack and Nikki Benz – you name them, I’m probably interested in them. So the flexibility is highly wanted.
I want an active roleplayer in this category, without a doubt. i love to world-build, but I tend to lose interest when I am the only one who puts in the effort to world-build. Too often I find people gun-shy in this regard. If I feel that I’m carrying the weight of the world-building part with specific ideas, I will end the roleplay in a heartbeat. And consider that the world building is just the tip of the beginning, so from that, I’ll be able to see whether we’ll be a match or not. Because we’d be starting from scratch with whatever we do, it would be a big relief to have someone who doesn’t mind letting ideas flow to set up the universe that we will be roleplaying in. That way, I feel as though we would both be extremely immersed into the roleplay. Let’s create lively planets with vast underground criminal empires, ot a galaxy far, far away, or galaxies far, far away.
I enjoy writing smut, plain and simple. I don’t hinder myself – or I try not to – in what I write, the exact extremeness and depth and detail, and I expect my partner to do the same. Maybe not extremeness in a total and complete smutfest (but really, I wouldn’t be opposed), but I do like a variety of things that can be incorporated along with a fascinating story. Some kinks I love include BDSM, incest, the unholy trinity (oral, anal, and such), dubious consent, hair-pulling, those sorts of things. A particularly darker kink that is not explored enough for me is pregnancy/impregnation/breeding. Also, since I love things like psychological trauma and experimentation (in science fiction and supernatural context), those are also highly desired. The manipulation of someone’s mind, body, and soul, combined with elements of corruption and body alteration/transformation – love. These lean more on this smuttier side of the roleplaying, which I like to fashion it as a coin; heads being the smut, tails being the story. I tend to think of them as two halves of a whole and complete experience, and you simply cannot have one without the other.
I’ve bulleted the major kinks/mature themes that I want to explore.
Psychological torment. Again, I really enjoy this sort of roleplaying, challenging the mind, characters in situations where they ultimately do not recover from it mentally, where their psychological profile is irrevocably changed.
The unholy trinity. Oral, anal, vaginal sex. Like I said, I enjoy my smut, I’m shameless, don’t care much for judging.
Corruption. Easily one of my favorite themes to explore, and it doesn’t have to just be as simple as sexual corruption, turning a poor innocent girl and debasing her to the point of no return. Something as simple as a hardened person, forged from the rigors of life, suddenly finding themselves in a position of finer things. Of wealth, of relaxation. That can sow the seeds into a slow descent into something illegal, lewd, or all of the above. And they can view it as the ultimate freedom from that hardship.
Drugs. The exploration of a person’s psyche that forces them to turn to recreational drugs to cope with whatever situations they have.
Vanity, body alterations. This can be through different genres and for different reasons. Imperfections are everywhere, and I love roleplaying themes where the characters will go through whatever means. Larger breasts and a more voluptuous curves in order to make money or ascend higher in the economic sphere. Modified abs, cosmetic surgery, all of those things would be included.
Taboo pairings. Specifically incest or interracial. I’ve not tried mother/son pairings, but i’d like to see if anyone is up for that. I’m also good with father/daughter and brother/sister pairings, but those would be primarily for science fiction and urban fantasy.
Gore. I don’t mind there being a little or a good deal. With urban fantasy, you can expect this, because I tend to play creatures as vicious, war-mongering, and unapologetic about tapping into their bestial natures.
Bad endings. What if happily ever after isn’t so happily after all? What if the main character doesn’t get the job done, what if there is no fairytale ending, and what results is heartache, pain, misery? Or delight, freedom, and inspiration?
Pregnancy. Impregnation. Breeding. Demons need to procreate to get their army, no? They need to find that special someone who can unearth their demonic spawn and destroy their adversaries. Or, for a more subversive notion, a simple one=night stand ends up being nine months of sheer interest and intrigue for the involved coupling. I lean toward the former, having had some basis in erotic roleplaying in the past, so the more odd themes of this are welcomed. But normal pregnancy with the right plot is also quite fun.
Again, I can’t stress this enough. These themes are going to be darker by nature. While I don’t believe in a purely smut or purely story-centered roleplay, the fact of the matter is that I’m looking for someone who can and has no problem with handling those themes. For me, I’m alright if you have any particular aversion to rape (I’ll never pressure anyone for this) and things like scat and watersports (I’m personally not okay with those latter two), but I’d like it if everything else was fair game. So BDSM, incest, the exploration of similar themes and such.
The only limits I have in this regard would include scat and watersports, those things of that nature. I generally do not mind non-consensual stories that start off that way initially, but over time change (and I know that that isn’t how non-consensual sex works in real life). However, I honestly do not mind it at all if that theme is not included at all since I know that it can be a particular trigger to some..
I have many different inspirations when it comes to what I roleplay and how I generally approach a roleplay through my characters, the setting, and such. For urban fantasy roleplays, I’ll take different sets of lore for creatures and create my own, not following any specific script, to say the least. Things from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, True Blood, Vampires The Masquerade, for instance, would cater to my urban fantasy cravings. Bonus points for anyone familiar with video game franchises like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Destiny, Borderlands, Overwatch. Now, I don’t necessarily roleplay these fandoms to the tee, and I wouldn’t play any canon characters from it. I would, however, love to play opposite canon characters with my own original assembly of characters, as well as playing in scenes and settings reminiscent of these.
Now that I’ve pretty much laid out what I’m about, I’d like to turn your attention to a few particular cravings that I’ve had as of late.
Supernaturally-themed plots are always going to be my bread and butter. I’ve had a craving for demons and demon hunters, this nigh eternal struggle between those that bring hellfire and corruption to humanity, and those tasked with defending humans from them. Or, a more self-serving alternative, these bounty hunters being skilled enough to take the unenviable task of capturing and/or killing demons for a hefty price. Maybe one, or a few demon hunters, get too big for their britches and take on a truly horrifying upper demon. We can play intense themes of carnal desires, corruption, underhanded tricks, contract obligations. [18+]
On the level of science fiction, you’ve seen me repeatedly mention Mass Effect. I love the crew idea, exploring the vast known and unknown reaches of space. Maybe they are a crew of bounty hunters looking for the next payday, or soldiers trying to stave off an alien threat. [18+]
Another science fiction, but with a more centralized main character. Called “The Traveler”, I would like to explore some sort of time-traveling person (not akin to Doctor Who, but the premise is the same). Someone with the advanced technological resources or metahuman abilities to traverse through time. What’s his purpose? What’s his motivation? Maybe instead of preventing things from happening that indicate bad results, maybe “The Traveler” IS the cause of these bad events. Maybe this Traveler has ambition to travel through significant events in history to manipulate them to his ultimate advantage, to gain more power. [18+]
Gotham will burn – Now, this one, is partly because of my interest in the show Gotham, but also from the Batman: Arkham series video games. I love a dark, gritty sort of cityscape with mobsters and criminals, and these rogue vigilantes trying to clean things up. I’ve also been inspired by the TV show Arrow, so this would be along those ideas. Maybe, for once, these supposed “heroes in the dark” can’t clean up the city and instead succumb to the corruptive pressures of an easier, more hedonistic lifestyle? [18+]
The “ambitious plot” – this is something I’ve coined myself, since it is pretty ambitious to bring to life. And this is one of my primary cravings, something of an all-inclusive episodic series, so to speak, which would feature just about everything I love in varying or limitless amounts. I thought of it as something akin to a Mass Effect inspired, Game of Thrones-esque establishment and episode structure, wherein there are different characters with different plot points, in different settings, but altogether would combine for some sort of universal roleplay. Naturally, this would also combine my other four cravings. [18+]
Each of these cravings would require us to play multiple characters off the bat, as well as adding characters either selectively to the storyline, or nondescriptly, because we think another character with a specific personality might add even more intrigue to it. These cravings are also going to vacillate highly between smut and story, depending on the particular facet we’d like to explore.To me, the ambitious plot is the one I’m really seeking, but it is a pretty time-consuming one, and something not for the faint of heart or for others that don’t have all that much time on their hands. As these cravings will be fairly demanding and require a good deal of OOC communication, I will require you to add in your own input AS you contact me. Which means, if you do decide to email me, specifically about those ideas, you must already have some ideas ready to throw at me.
Medium-wise, I’ve done various forms of roleplaying before. When I started roleplaying, I was initially a site go-getter, loving the pretty graphics and the jcink and invisionfree (and to a lesser extent, proboards) communities. I’m not sure if I want to roleplay on that, for this particular request, as I don’t have it in me to go through the semantics and the time consummation of having to write up an application or a character sheet, so right now, forum roleplaying is off the table. Right now, my main preferences for roleplaying include email and Googledocs, with Googledocs being the main preference right now.
Hopefully I have not dissuaded too many people, but I will say that for the purposes of what I am looking for, I am going to be rather picky about who contacts me. So please, be as detailed in your email as I have been in my request, that’s all i ask. I don’t wish to have emails with the body of them being “Hey, i’m interested in everything you listed, so let’s roleplay” – that does nothing to inspire my confidence and excitement. Let me know what specifically wrapped you into contacting me.
If you are interested in potentially roleplaying with me, please contact me by email ONLY. I made this tumblr just to be able to send these kinds of request, but I otherwise do not use it and will not respond to messages made on it. I created the email specifically for roleplaying means – [email protected]. I’m open to communication and creating a general dialogue through Discord and Google Hangouts, but only after the initial email correspondence has been made. For contacting me, I would like your name/online alias, age (because I will only be accepting partners 18 and over), timezone, roleplaying availability, interests, kinks/limits, and – well, hell – include your favorite song lyric in the title of the email.
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