#Who Do You Think You Are?
iamdangerace · 5 months
Lords Of Acid, Who Do You Think You Are? from Expand Your Head (1999).
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thecrownnetflixuk · 1 year
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All hail Queen Claire Foy (& her Dad)
Who Do You Think You Are?
BBC, June 2023
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joeythephatone · 1 year
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Jason Sudeikis in "Who Do You Think You Are?"
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quotessentially · 8 months
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From Alice Munro’s Who Do You Think You Are?
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vividvexations · 11 months
people here applauding the 1975 for doing what they did in malaysia is honestly so ignorant. no way you came to the country without knowing what's wrong and what's right? no way you came to slander the govermment and basic rules of the country? that isn't "iconic" or "life changing" they're just blatantly stupid. them and their white saviour complex is NOT needed in our country thanks. before that, matty h*aly was unprofessional on stage as well for spitting and breaking the drones, being pissed drunk and all in all, a cunt. malaysia doesn't need you to come and start acting like you know everything to "save" us?? we are AWARE. organisers invited you to sing, not to start something. now the festivals cancelled, artists wasted their time and effort, people wasted their effort on getting tickets and saving money for it, fans getting let down for not seeing their favs. all because of matty healy. you won't get it. malaysia doesn't get opportunities when it comes to concerts, now with this, the likelihood of artists to come is even lower. so, yeah, thanks a lot. fuck you matty healy. bodo gile la sohai.
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justisco · 1 year
can the rat with no drivers license keep his hands off luka
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pointyfruit · 8 months
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I was getting ready to go see the fnaf movie and when I tell you I tore my entire room apart lookin for this mf
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baynton-nation · 2 years
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Mathew Baynton as Thomas Thorne in every ‘BBC Ghosts’ cold open (Series One)
‘BBC One’
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yogurttechnology · 5 months
hey fuckers
So I guess I'm back on Tumblr after about a decade.
Reddit is and always has been exclusively for arguing and ol' Musky laid pipe on Twitter cos his wife left him for a government whistleblower trans girl, so I'm back home.
I'm sure Tumblr has changed a lot since 2014. Well, I'm certain of it. Me coming back to this website involved an esoteric conversation about "Horse Plinko," "Boymilfs," and "Fandom Moms." To my understanding, there is only one reference in there that you won't understand, and frankly that one is the most self explanatory. So you're welcome I guess. I don't really understand any of it, myself. (Okay I guess Horse Plinko is pretty easy to understand once you've seen it.)
Anyways! In summary, Elon Musk bad. Horse Plinko good. Boymilfs best? I'm a being frozen in time from 2014 Tumblr soon to be lifted out from under a rock and exposed to new and upsetting stimuli. Come along for the ride I guess.
Oh yeah, and talk shit, get hit. I fire back.
Much love <3
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d0rky-0utfits · 4 months
No no no no you're not that guy I'm that guy and I'm gonna prove I'm that guy
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littlequeenies · 5 months
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Left) Ca. 1972 photo from a very young Bebe Buell.
Right) Bebe Buell and Steven Tyler in Sunapee, New Hampshire, in 1976.
These 2 heavily watermarked photos (but otherwise the best quality I've ever seen) come from NTB scanpix and both have the #wdytya hashtag, maybe from the Genealogy TV show "Who Do You Think You Are?". Their daughter Liv featured in season 9, in an episode that was focused on her father's ancestors (but surely they talked about Bebe even if they just mentioned her as being Liv's mum?).
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'I love a good Doctor Who needle drop. Most of the time, they come out of nowhere, remind you of a song you haven’t heard in ages, and add just the right amount of camp to any given scene or episode. They are a joy to behold, and the one included in “The Giggle,” the last of Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary specials, is no exception.
Now, the Toymaker, perhaps better identified as the Celestial Toymaker, is a terrifying villain. He’s essentially unstoppable. His powers are unknown but seemingly limitless, the Timelords had no idea where he came from, and yet, despite all this potential, all he really likes to do is ensnare and torture his targets by playing silly little games. So, naturally, to make Neil Patrick Harris’ horrifying version of the Toymaker even scarier, his grand entrance in UNIT’s headquarters involved him dancing and lip-synching along to the Spice Girls’ iconic number “Spice Up Your Life.”
I mean, really, what else was he expected to do?
Of course, this isn’t the first time a Doctor Who villain has brightened up our lives while performing a choreographed routine to a popular song, or used music to destroy the world. The Master, especially, is a big fan of pop music. Who can forget the time he used “Voodoo Child” by the Rogue Traders to rain destruction down on Earth? Or, just after that, when he danced to the Scissor Sisters’ “I Can’t Decide” just to torment his captives? (Though, sadly, this sequence seems to have been removed from the streaming version of the show in the U.S.) Of course, one can’t ignore the Master’s iconic dance to Boney M.’s “Rasputin” during Jodie Whittaker’s run as the Doctor, either. There’s just something so deliciously twisted and messy about a villain dancing along to pop music that gets me every time.
And, before anyone thinks I’ve forgotten, a special mention must go out to Doctor Who’s use of “Toxic” by Britney Spears in the first season of NuWho. I’m still not sure the show will ever be able to top that moment, though it’s certainly come close.
The song choice is what makes the scene—and “Spice Up Your Life” was definitely the right choice for “The Giggle.” The Spice Girls are a British institution, and any song by them is bound to fit in with Doctor Who, but “Spice Up Your Life” has long been a personal favorite of mine. Like millions of others, I was obsessed with the Spice Girls when I was a kid. As a five-year-old, “Wannabe” was, predictably, my favorite. But now, as a somewhat wiser adult woman, I can recognize that “Spice Up Your Life” is just so much fun. Despite some rough lyrics, the song’s energy is unmatched, and it immediately makes you want to dance. The Toymaker clearly agrees with me.
I just love the idea that this all-powerful being enjoys the Spice Girls as much as the rest of the world; enough to know the lyrics and choreograph a violent dance to one of their songs. He has good taste and a great sense of rhythm. Who knew you could twirl someone into a wall with enough force to practically knock them out and time it perfectly? This was the best way to showcase the Toymaker’s astounding abilities and his unnerving personality. An excellent performance, to be sure.
Now, if Russell T. Davies ever wants to include another Spice Girls song in a future episode—perhaps when the Master makes their inevitable return—might I suggest “Who Do You Think You Are”? That disco-inspired bop is sure to make any scene with a Doctor Who villain just as memorable as the one in “The Giggle.”'
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fyeah-olivia-colman · 2 years
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Olivia Colman /  Who Do You Think You Are? S15 E2
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timeforkisses · 1 year
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theworkprint · 2 years
Who Do You Think You Are? - Zachary Quinto Review
Who Do You Think You Are? – Zachary Quinto Review
The Season Finale of Who Do You Think You Are? Covers Pittsburgh and Italy for Actor Zachary Quinto Well folks, we’ve reached the end of this season of Who Do You Think You Are? Though I would have loved a few more episodes, I’m pleased with this one and feel it ends things on a high note. They do so with an actor I’ve known since the early 2000s, none other than Zachary Quinto. There were a lot…
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allaboutbethsblog · 1 year
I know I can't take one more step towards you
'Cause all that's waiting is regret
Don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore
You lost the love I loved the most
I learned to live half alive
Now you want me one more time
Who do you think you are?
Runnin' 'round leaving scars
Collecting your jar of hearts
Tearing love apart
You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
So don't come back for me
Who do you think you are?
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