#Wei Wu Xiang
Character, book, and author names under the cut
Chester Sibley- Holly and Oak by R. Cooper
Wei Wuxian- Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Little Ash- When The Angels Left The Old Country by Sacha Lamb
Wu Xi- Lord Seventh / Qi Ye by Priest
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kdram-chjh · 7 months
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Cdrama: Scent of Time (2023)
Young Master Zhong is starting to get interested in Hua Qian?? #shorts #thescentoftime
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/88iVDnZVqbk
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poimandresnous · 8 months
The Drunk and The Perfected One.
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Reading chapter 19 of the Zhuangzi 達生, Understanding Life, we come across a story of a drunk man riding in a carriage, he then proceeds to fall out of the high-moving carriage. However, when he fell out, he was not aware of such an occurrence. He did not fear for his life, nor was concerned with dying. Though he has the same joints and bones as the next person, he does not fear getting hurt. All of this was achieved thanks to the booze.
Now, this is not an excuse to be constantly drunk all the time. The drunk's lack of awareness (being drunk) was brought about by externals; not becoming unselfconscious spontaneously.
Here is the exact quote from Zhuangzi 19.5.1-2:
"When a drunk falls out of a carriage, though it is going fast, he does not die. He has the same bones and joints of others, but when it comes to getting hurt, he is different from them, for his spirit is perfectly whole. He was not even aware he was riding in a carriage, so when he fell out, he was not aware of that either. Alarm for life and death did not enter his breast, which is why such a one could be so at odds with things and yet feel no fear. Since he could achieve such perfect wholeness thanks to drink, how much better could he achieve such perfect wholeness from Heaven?! The Sage hides himself in Heaven, thus no one can harm him."
The one who abides in drink or drugs to achieve this state of "wholeness of spirit" will ultimately fail, once the bottle or baggie runs dry. Yet in those drunken states, they appear very similar to those who abide in Heaven to become whole. The bottle or baggie will always run dry, but Heaven is eternal. The one hiding in the bottle is like the one hiding in Heaven. Because when you get drunk or high, there is no care for the self, body, or life or death. Where they differ is the substance of achieving this notion of discarding the body and distinctions. For the drunk abides in the limited amounts that are contained in their bottle, the Sage abides in Heaven which is boundless, and limitless.
This is the comparison that Master Zhuang is trying to make with the Drunk and The Perfected One. The Drunk and Perfected One achieve similar states of "wholeness" by different means. Though the drunk will become dismembered once the bottle empties, Heaven never runs dry for the Sage or Perfected One. This is why the Perfected One never fails to be Whole, all the time. They abide by a substance that is not a substance. The Sage becomes whole in their extreme sobriety via abstinence and fasting.
The drunk cast away worldly concerns at the cost of his body and mind. The Sage casts away worldly concerns and distinctions by letting go, and letting Heaven take the reigns. Thus, the Sage preserves their material body by discarding the world and its distinctions; and by abiding in Heaven's natural distinctions. In 19.2.1-2, we see this:
"If one wishes to avoid tending to the body, nothing is better than to abandon worldly concerns. Once worldly concerns are abandoned, one is free of entanglements; once free of entanglements, one is true and equitable; once true and equitable, one is reborn therewith; once reborn, one is almost complete. But why is it worthwhile to abandon worldly affairs, and why worthwhile to discard concerns for life? Once one has abandoned worldly affairs, the body is no longer strained; once one has discarded concerns for life, the vital essence is no longer depleted."
All this means that when we abide in Heaven and not the bottle to achieve a wholeness of spirit, we can be reborn or renewed daily. As for why we abandon worldly affairs and distinctions, we do this because they are not Heaven's distinctions, to put it plainly. Master Zhuang says in Chapter 2.14.1 齊物論, "The Dao has no boundaries." Meaning just that, The Dao has no distinctions or things that bind it to one "thing." Later in 2.14.11, Master Zhuang says, "Therefore in such "division" there is a failure to divide; in such "distinction" there is a failure to distinguish."
The drunk achieve their wholeness of spirit by means of initiating the human distinctions, for they are only truly joyful while drunk. The Sage or Perfected One achieves a wholeness of spirit by means of initiating the natural, thus, they invest in life with virtue (19.6.1-3). The drunken one does not abide by their natural principle, and thus, they have to overconsume drink to achieve states similar to the Sage or Perfected One. The Sage abides in nothing of the sort. They abide or hide in Heaven. To "hide" in Heaven means, according to Guo Xiang, "He does not sneak looks out from within his own natural capacity, which is why the text says "hide." The drunk uses conscious knowledge to get drunk and thus achieves a "wholeness of spirit," but this wholeness of spirit is an illusion, and the illusion fades ever away as they sober up. I imagine this character who fell out of this high-moving carriage was pretty sore once he sobered up. Though the Perfected One abides in no such conscious action or knowledge; instead abides unconsciously with Heaven and its natural distinctions, and no such conscious use of knowledge, and thus is never harmed. This is why the Perfected One may maintain such a state of pure Joy as described in the previous chapter of the Zhuangzi, 至樂 Perfect Enjoyment. The Sage, being One with Heaven and Earth and not with human things such as drugs or bottles of booze, can be truly joyful. Which has nothing to do with happiness or sadness, but more on that can be read up here on my Twitter.
So, in conclusion, the point here is that while the Drunk and The Perfected One may appear to achieve similar states of being, one is obviously an illusion brought about by conscious effort and knowledge (The Drunk). While the Perfected One achieves their wholeness of spirit through unconscious effort, wu-wei 無為. The Perfected One abides in the unknowable bounds of Fate and Heaven. And is thus able to not be harmed by anyone or anything.
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lantianlong · 10 months
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The Danmei Altar…still in progress. All I need now is some Baihe novels (English editions) to start a Baihe altar.
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aketan · 2 years
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A couple of couples... Two very  happy very wholesome phoenixes, Wei Xiang and Hyun Wu ( @mallizard ) and then a very reserved storm dragon Xyrsanth and a very colorful phoenix Matlalihuitl ( @mallizard ).
So, so in love.
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sevengardens · 6 months
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nemainofthewater · 6 months
This poll might look a little familiar.... Due to a timing mix-up yesterday, I am proud to present the 'Best Non-Sword Weapon' poll take 2: Electric Boogaloo!
This time I've chosen to group the options by weapon with wielders in brackets*. Due to space issues, the media that each of them come from is under the read more, and this is definitely a non-exhaustive list!
*Except Xie Lian, who by virtue of winning the previous poll has been brought straight through to part two!
Thank you to everyone from the NiF discord and the watch party discord (and especially @shadaras) who have been amazing at suggesting characters with non-sword weapons! Couldn't have have done it without you! Also thank you to @thebansacredbanned who looked up the names of various obscure characters for me.
Propaganda, examples, and write-ins absolutely welcome!
Fan Wen Kexing (Word of Honour) Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS) Qing Ming (Yin Yang Master)
Umbrella Lord Grim (The King's Avatar) Chu Xuanji (Love and Redemption) Zhan Shiqi (Ancient Detective) Su Muyu (Blood of Youth)
Musical Instrument The Lan Sect (The Untamed) Wei Wuxian (The Untamed) Huang Yaoshi (Legend of the Condor Heroes)
Gun Wang Zhi (Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty) Fan Xian (Joy of life, novel)
Spear/Staff Sikong Qianluo (Blood of Youth) Hong Qigong (Legend of the Condor Heroes) Sun Wukong (Journey to the West) Guan Yu (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) Wu Zhu (Joy of Life)
Knives/Other Bladed Weapon Tang Lian (Blood of Youth) Yang Lu (A Journey to Love) Xiao Mei (House of Flying Daggers)
Whip Chu Wanning (Erha) Gu Xiang (Word of Honour) Jiang Cheng and Yu Ziyuan (The Untamed)
Bow and Arrows/Crossbow Bo Ya (Ying Yang Master) Yan Xiaoyi (Joy of Life) Mei Changsu (Nirvana in Fire, Novel) Xiao Yao, Fangfeng Yiying, and Fangfeng Bei (Lost You Forever) Strip of cloth Xie Lian (Heaven's Official Blessing)
Needles Gong Yu (Nirvana in Fire) Wen Qing (The Untamed)
Giant Bell Wu Xin (the Blood of Youth) Demon Monk (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
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dangermousie · 1 year
In support of Hot General Summer (tm)
I realized that my recent poll not only lacked visual support but also left out a lot of my fave cdrama generals. So, in support of my Hot General Summer agenda:
Xiao Qi, Rebel Princess
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Wei Wu Ji, Sound of the Desert
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Ling Buyi, Love Like the Galaxy
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Zhousheng Chen, One and Only
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Zhao Yun, God of War Zhao Yun
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Sima Yi, Secret of Three Kingdoms
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Han De Rang, The Legend of Xiao Chuo
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Zhan Beiye, Legend of Fuyao
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Gao Chang Gong, Lan Ling Wang
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Xiang Yu, Story of Han Dynasty
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Cao Pi, The Advisors’ Alliance
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Meng Tiang Fang, Ancient Terracotta War Situation
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Chu Bei Jie, General and I
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Zhu Zan, Jin Jiu Ling
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Wolfie, The Wolf
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Xiang Yu, Legend of Chu and Han
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Cheng Yi, The Promise of Chang’an
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Liu Xiu, Singing All Along
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Huo Xin, Painted Skin the Resurrection
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Meng Qi You, Glamorous Imperial Concubine
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Yang Bros, The Young Warriors
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Weng Gui, Princess Jieyou
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Xiao Ping Zhang, Nirvana in Fire 2
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Pei Zhao, Maiden Holmes
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Ji Ye, Novoland Eagle Flag
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Zhu Qi Zhen, Imperial Doctress (it’s a reach he’s an emperor. But he leads his force in battle and I wanted Wallace Huo there so...)
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Yuan Ling, Lost Love in Times
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Yi Xiao Chuan, The Myth
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Gu Tingye, The Story of Ming Lan
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Lu Bu, Three Kingdoms 2010
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Xu Lingyi, The Sword and the Brocade
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Yue Fei, Patriot Yue Fei
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Xiang Yu, The Myth
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Ping Zhang, Nirvana in Fire 2
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Guo Jing, Legend of Condor Heroes 2008
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Xiang Yu, The Legend of Qin
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bizarrequazar · 9 months
Cnovels I've Read
I'm in the mood for making a list and @danmeiljie's danmei list has inspired me, so ~enjoy~ if you care. I'm classifying "cnovels" in the broad literal sense of novels written in Chinese by Chinese authors, so this is not limited to just webnovels.
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★s are my personal rating, ❤ denote favourites. I'm aware that there's zero consistency in this list between use of Chinese vs English titles, I'm just going by what I usually refer to them as.
Advance Bravely by Chai Jidan ★★ Read Sept-Oct 2022 Comment: Is it good? No, absolutely not. Is it AMUSING? Yes.
Beijing Comrades by Bei Tong ★★★★ Read July 2023
The Easter Egg Game by Bo Mu Bing Lun ★★ Read Dec 2020-May 2021
The Easter Egg Game II by Bo Mu Bing Lun ★★ Read July-Sept 2021
The Easter Egg Game III by Bo Mu Bing Lun ★★★ Read Sept-Oct 2021
Fantasy Farm by Xi Zixu ★★★ Read Dec 2019-Feb 2022
Guardian by Priest ★★★★ Read July 2019-March 2020
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat ★★★★★❤ Read Aug-Dec 2019; currently rereading via Seven Seas tl
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu ★★★★❤ Read June-Nov 2019
Mo Dao Zu Shi by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ★★★★★❤ Read Aug 2018-Feb 2019; currently rereading via Seven Seas tl
Mo Du by Priest ★★★ Read Jan-Nov 2020 Comment: Really liked the first two books, after that I kind of lost interest tbh.
Qi Ye by Priest ★★★❤ Read June 2021
Saye by Wu Zhe ★★★★★ Read Nov 2019-Aug 2020
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ★★★ Read Nov 2018-May 2019; Jan-Dec 2022
Spring Trees and Sunset Clouds by Wei Liang ★★★ Read Dec 2019
Tian Guan Ci Fu by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu ★★★★★❤ Read Nov 2018-Mar 2019; currently rereading via Seven Seas tl
Tian Ya Ke by Priest ★★★❤ Read June 2021; currently rereading
The Way of Evil by Priest ★ Read Mar 2020-May 2021 Comment: Very interesting if you look at this as an earlier draft of Mo Du.
Welcome to the Nightmare Game by Bo Mu Bing Lun ★★★★❤ Read July 2019-Nov 2020; Nov 2020-Apr 2021
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II by Bo Mu Bing Lun ★★★★★❤ Read Nov 2020-Apr 2021 Comment: Easily one of the most devastating endings I've ever read (compliment).
Welcome to the Nightmare Game III by Bo Mu Bing Lun ★★★ Read Aug 2021-Jan 2022 Comment: Would be 4 stars if BMBL hadn't split it into two, ie. it doesn't have a proper ending since it's continued in IV.
Yuwu by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat ★★★★ Read Dec 2019-June 2022 Comment: My own enjoyment suffered greatly from the long break I took from it. I'm planning to reread it altogether once the Seven Seas tl is complete.
Didn't Know the General was Female by Rong Qing ★★ Read July 2020
Female General and Eldest Princess by Please Don't Laugh ★★★★❤ Read Sept 2019-Jan 2020
The General's Manor Young Concubine Survival Report by Wind's Little Bell ★★ Read August 2019
I'm More Dangerous Than You by Ande ★★ Read May 2023
Jing Wei Qing Shang by Please Don't Laugh ★★★★ Read July 2020-June 2021 Comment: Should have been at least fifty chapters shorter imho.
The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin ★★★★★ Read April-May 2023
Current / On Hold
Antidote by Wu Zhe
The Dark Forest by Liu Cixin
Di Huang Shu by Xing Ling
Golden Terrace by Cang Wu Bin Bai
Legend of the Condor Heroes by Jin Yong
Little Mushroom by Yi Shi Si Zhou
Ruzhui by Please Don't Laugh
Sha Po Lang by Priest Comment: Planning to try again at some point. The yifu thing turned me off, but I think I wouldn't be bothered by that now.
The Universe Jumper by Hao Jingfang Comment: Fuck her. 🖕🖕
The Villain's White Lotus Halo by A Big Roll of Toilet Paper
High Priority
In the Dark by Jin Shisi Chai
Welcome to the Nightmare Game IV by Bo Mu Bing Lun
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memorydragon · 4 months
Yup, still on my gay coproganda bs.
One of the more interesting things about Jiang Ting's character is how much he doesn't actually want to be a character. His defense mechanism is to turn the question around. We first see this when Yan Xie confronts him the first time about being 'Captain Jiang'. He asks Jiang Ting what he has to say about all of the things he'd uncovered about Jiang Ting's past, and Jiang Ting's response is "What do you want 'Captain Jiang' to say? Tell me and I'll say it."
And he does this so often. He could lie, he could tell a half-truth, instead he asks what the other person wants to hear. What they want him to be.
And guess what? I'm totally normal about that. XD
The earliest memory we have of him is as a child, cleaning his father's body and being grateful that he wasn't beaten today. He's too young to understand that his father overdosed (we get no information about his mother) and is already dead. He's too young to realize that the majority of the people in his small village are either addicts or dealers, that it's a miracle he was born without HIV. When he's sent to the orphanage, he's isolated and bullied, internalized that he's unclean and unlovable when he looks in the mirror. When Yan Xie gets angry at the corruption in the orphanage Bu Wei grew up in, he just replies that 'It's like that, in places like these.'
When Ma Xiang confronts him, asking him who he is really. Is he the mole that got Yan Xie shot and nearly killed, lying on an operating room table while they waited for news? Jiang Ting says it himself, he's the most suspicious out of all of them, because even swept under the rug, the rest of the division Knows something is off about their 'Consultant Lu'. Jiang Ting doesn't define himself. He says "I'm who your Yan-ge thinks I am."
Yan Xie listens to the half-truths he's spun about himself after he dragged Jiang Ting out of the river, and Jiang Ting tells him: The safest thing for you is to hand me over to the police. I can't make myself believe you, because I have nothing now. I can't respond to this feeling, because I don't want to lie to you. Whether you hand me in or not is up to you.
He even does this to Wen Shao, when his loyality is probed. "What do you want me to say?" Except Wen Shao thinks he understands Jiang Ting the best, that only Jiang Ting understands him. Jiang Ting tells the truth then, that the one who understood his reasons wasn't him. Yan Xie was the one who correctly guessed the motives.
Because Jiang Ting has never been wanted as himself. He was the child of drug addicts, tossed into a orphanage where the corruption was rampant and money went into the adult's hands more often than not. When he finally found a friend, someone who liked him and didn't chase him away, his first thought is of saving his friend. Wen Shao has money and a family who loves him, so it's okay if he dies as long as Wen Shao lives. When his friend betrays him, saves himself first, Jiang Ting is happy.
Except his first friend, the person who says now everything I have is yours and you will be my only brother, the one person who likes someone like Jiang Ting, is the son of a drug lord. He forces the kidnappers who hurt them to take heroin, then turns to Jiang Ting and asks if he's happy now.
The child who watched his father overdose and has finally learned to understand what drugs are, is forced to watch more people die the same way by the one person who was supposed to love him.
He's happy. He's very happy. (The lie is so weak - he's ten years old and he's never had to hide himself like this before, despite everything. He's only just realizing that his first lie was already made, because he can't be loyal to Wen Shao, not like this. But he lies, because what else can he do? )
Wu Tun adopted him to keep his son, Wen Shao, in check. He's a pawn, put into a good school and groomed to be a policeman with padded pockets who will let the drug cartel off. He hates - hates - that he has no choice in this, he just has to become the pawn Wu Tun wants.
Wen Shao returns and he's brought new, even worse drugs with him. He wants his Red Queen on his side, gives Jiang Ting an apartment to rest in, to take care of things that would be 'inconvienent' otherwise, and Jiang Ting hates and hates even more.
So he plans to kill the King of Spades, then take out the Ace of Clubs. It can't erase what he is, but maybe he can move forward. All the over time, the stress, the loneliness will be worth it. (I'm so very very Normal about how he can't just agree to hanging out with his coworkers, how he over thinks and decides half way to take the agreement back and say 'let's talk about it tomorrow'. Because he wants to go, for the first time in his life he wants to do something as simple as going out with coworkers - possibly friends.)
Except he's been sold out. His plan falls through. His team dies and he'll never be able to talk about it tomorrow, and when he runs into the fire, all that's left for him is three years of being comatose and the King of Spades going free.
When he meets Yan Xie, he hides. He wants to be what Yan Xie wants him to be, but he can't. He's still tied as the Queen of Hearts, haunted by the sins he's committed and the people who died. He comments that Yan Xie is blind falling for someone like him, calling him beautiful all the time. That this crush that he'd never allowed himself to pursue has come back into his life and wants to be picked by him.
The Red Queen's heart that was so full of hate now has something else. But even if Yan Xie was blind now, would he still love Jiang Ting when he saw the truth?
He hides and he hides and lies, and when the cards are drawn, he finally tells the truth, finds something to define himself by. "I love you, Yan Xie."
Yan Xie's faith in him is already broken. It has to be broken further. The best lie is the one that is the truth that no one believes.
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nachotrash · 11 months
未定的注定 (Undecided Fate) --LYRICS RETRANSLATION + NOTES
A/N: finally, after all these years, I post something that isn't a shitpost. Was chatting with discord friends while playing ToT episode 9 and that one line by luke made me wanna translate this. Uhh, translation notes at the end. Have fun reading and geeking out with me. This is a personal translation of the lyrics of ToT's official theme song
曾是我 寄身在黑暗中 Ceng shi wo ji shen zai hei’an zhong I used to be stuck in the dark 走尽夜路也盼有灯属于我 zou jin ye lu ye pan you deng shuyu wo Walking the night path with a lamp/light of mine 是否等候我的窗将有微光涌动 shifou denghou wo de chuang jiang you wei guang yong dong Whether a (soft) light shimmers through my windows 绽放成你 温热在我手 zhanfang cheng ni wen re zai wo shou Gently blooms into you in my hands
你是未定的希望 ni shi weiding de xiwang You're the undetermined hope 却是注定的光芒 que shi zhuding de guangmang Yet the fated light 照引我的心 zhao yin wo de xin Light up my heart 到黑夜退去 dao heiye tuiqu Retreat into the night
愿我也能温暖你 yuan wo ye neng wennuan ni Hope that I can also warm you up 走向未定的真相 zouxiang weiding de zhenxiang Walking towards the undetermined truth 解除命运的捆绑 jiechu mingyun de kunbang Untie the restraints of life's path 无所畏惧和你相倚 wu suo weiju he ni xiang yi Fearlessly lean on eachother with you
在余生每个黎明 zai yusheng mei ge liming At dawn, for the rest of our lives 你是谜 封锁住我眼眸 ni shi mi fengsuo zhu wo yan mou You're the riddle that locked my eyes shut 你是意义占据我所思所有 ni shi yiyi zhanju wo suo si suoyou You're the reason occupying all my thoughts 你是未定的美好我开始猜不透 ni shi weiding di meihao wo kaishi cai bu tou You're the indetermined perfection that I can't figure out
现在我才懂 为何萦梦 xianzai wo cai dong weihe ying meng Only now have I realized why we dream 你是未定的希望 ni shi weiding de xiwang You're the undetermined hope 却是注定的光芒 que shi zhuding de guangmang Yet the fated light 照引我的心 zhao yin wo de xin Light up my heart
走向未定的真相 zouxiang weiding de zhenxiang Walking towards the undetermined truth 解除命运的捆绑 jiechu mingyun de kunbang Untie the restraints of life's path 无所畏惧和你相倚 wu suo weiju he ni xiang yi Fearlessly lean on eachother with you 在余生每个黎明 zai yusheng mei ge liming At dawn, for the rest of our lives
已注定 yi zhuding Already fated
你是未定的希望 ni shi weiding de xiwang You're the undetermined hope
却是注定的光芒 que shi zhuding de guangmang Yet the fated light 照引我的心 zhao yin wo de xin Light up my heart 到黑夜退去 dao heiye tuiqu Retreat into the night 愿我也能温暖你 yuan wo ye neng wen nuan ni Hope that I can also warm you up
走向未定的真相 zouxiang weiding de zhenxiang Walking towards the undetermined truth 解除命运的捆绑 jiechu mingyun de kunbang Untie the restraints of life's path 无所畏惧和你相倚 wu suo weiju he ni xiang yi Fearlessly lean on eachother with you 在余生每个黎明 zai yusheng mei ge liming At dawn, for the rest of our lives 已注定 yi zhuding Already fated
绽放 specifically means the opening of the flower petals when a flower blooms Also MC is very flower-coded (rosa) So i thought that was a nice detail
Now the "warming up" specifically means the type of comforting warmth that campfires or torches will give you on a cold dark night
解除 (untie) could possibly be a reference to how the NXX investigation gets more and more complicated, with an overwhelming amount of cases practically "tangled up" in eachother, so you're slowly picking it apart one by one with the team (aka your soulmates)
Also I specifically used "lifes path" for 命运 because that phrase is only used to talk about the course of a persons life, aka the events/path that life has laid down for you (your canon events, if you will)
意义 means like, the significance, meaning or reason/motivation behind someone's actions, but idk how to translate that
黎明 was hard to translate, cause it can mean both dawn and dusk, or any time of day (altho dawn and dusk are the most used, hehe crepusculum and diluculum) but it basically mean that the two relies on eachother every single day for the rest of their lives
A/N: That's it! Hope this was comprehensible to read
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the-monkey-ruler · 5 months
Lotus Lantern (2005) 宝莲灯
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Director: Yu Mingsheng Screenwriter: Nine years Starring: Jun Cao / Shu Chang / Enjun / Jiao / Lin Xiangping Yuqiao / Liu Liu Liu Xiaoqing / Yan Danchen / Xie Ning / Wang Weiguo / Chen Chuang / Ding Jian / Xiaofeng Luo Wei / Pu Shiyan Zhang Zhichao / Tian Erxi / Wu Zhou Jie / Guohua You Benchang / Wang Yonggui / Li Baocheng Zhao / Shujun / Li Jianxun Zhu Yaying / Li Liu Jie / Jiayi Ye Yina / Ma Liqing / Yang Si / Wang Wensheng / Ma Jielin / Tian Xuemin / Zhao Qi / Zong Fengyan / Wan Luo Guangyue / Li Dou / Ying / Tang Nien / Liu Shuxing / Shi Liang / Cheng Sudong / Lu Bing / Wang Xiang / Yao Changjiang / Xi Xianfeng / Yuan Han / Shen Jie / Deng Jia / Guo Ye / Wang Jiayu / DuduMore Genre: Drama / Fantasy / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2005-10-04 (Mainland China) Number of episodes: 35 Single episode length: 46 minutes Also known as: New Lotus Lantern / 新宝莲灯 IMDb: tt4776994 Type: Reimagining
Chen Xiang (played by Cao Jun), a young man in a small town, and his father Liu Yanchang (played by Liu Xiaofeng) have been living a peaceful life until one day, Chen Xiang accidentally discovers that he actually contains "magic power" in his body and could pass through walls effortlessly. After his father learned about it, he told Chen Xiang the fact that he had hidden for many years, that is, Chen Xiang's mother was actually the San Sheng Mu (played by Park Meixuan) in heaven. Because she violated the rules of heaven and married herself as a mortal, she was captured by heaven to an unknown destination. Chen Xiang was shocked to learn the truth and decided to overcome all difficulties to rescue his mother. Er Lang Shen (Jiao Enjun), who sees everything in his eyes, is Chen Xiang's uncle and decides to stop Chen Xiang's journey to save his mother. Thus, this difficult trip to save the mother kicked off with the interference of Erlang Shen. During the journey, Chen Xiang met many kind-hearted people and spirits, encountered various resistances, and even wanted to give up. But in the end, it was no match for his determination to save his mother...
Source: https://tv-1.chinesemov.com/tv/2005/Lotus%20Lantern
Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL10scWhSJdfGojWzhbiYNBCM9KgZi1sk_
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kdram-chjh · 4 months
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Cdrama: Scent of Time (2023)
[Promo] SCENT OF TIME | HBO Original On HBO GO
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGUjuYhbmGg
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shookethdev · 1 year
a o e i i er ai ei ao ou an en ang eng ong i ia iao ie iu ian in iang ing iong u ua uo uai ui uan un uang ueng ü üe üan ün a o e er ai ao ou an en ang eng yi ya yao ye you yan yin yang ying yong wu wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng yu yue yuan yun b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi biao bie bian bin bing bu p pa po pai pei pao pou pan pen pang peng pi piao pie pian pin ping pu m ma mo me mai mei mao mou man men mang meng mi miao mie miu mian min ming mu f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng fu d da de dai dei dao dou dan den dang deng dong di diao die diu dian ding du duo dui duan dun t ta te tai tei tao tou tan tang teng tong ti tiao tie tian ting tu tuo tui tuan tun n na ne nai nei nao nou nan nen nang neng nong ni niao nie niu nian nin niang ning nu nuo nuan nü nüe l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng long li lia liao lie liu lian lin liang ling lu luo luan lun lü lüe g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng gong gu gua guo guai gui guan gun guang k ka ke kai kei kao kou kan ken kang keng kong ku kua kuo kuai kui kuan kun kuang h ha he hai hei hao hou han hen hang heng hong hu hua huo huai hui huan hun huang z za ze zi zai zei zao zou zan zen zang zeng zong zu zuo zui zuan zun c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng cong cu cuo cui cuan cun s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng song su suo sui suan sun zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhei zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng zhong zhu zhua zhuo zhuai zhui zhuan zhun zhuang ch cha che chi chai chao chou chan chen chang cheng chong chu chua chuo chuai chui chuan chun chuang sh sha she shi shai shei shao shou shan shen shang sheng shu shua shuo shuai shui shuan shun shuang r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng rong ru rua ruo rui ruan run j ji jia jiao jie jiu jian jin jiang jing jiong ju jue juan jun q qi qia qiao qie qiu qian qin qiang qing qiong qu que quan qun x xi xia xiao xie xiu xian xin xiang xing xiong xu xue xuan xun
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dailyasiandramas · 1 year
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
Danmei Character Tournament Bracket Placement
The Danmei Character Tournament will be divided into two brackets: popular and less popular. The following will have polls posted on Friday, June 2nd, 2023, at noon CST to determine their bracket:
Guardian - Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan
Qiang Jin Jiu - Shen Zechuan, Xiao Chiye
Stains of Filth - Gu Mang
Thousand Autumns - Yan Wushi, Shen Qiao
Yan Zhengming from Liu Yao
TYK - Zhou Zishou, Wen Kexing, Gu Xiang
Please let me know if you'd like a poll to determine bracket placement of the following:
2ha - Chu Wanning, Shi Mei
MDZS - Jing Guangyao, Wen Ning, Xue Yang, Bichen
SVSSS - Liu Qingge, Luo Binghe, Mobei Jun, Shang Qinghua, Shen Jiu / Original Shen Qingqiu, Shen Qingqiu / Shen Yuan, Six Balls, Tianlang Jun, Yue Qingyuan, Zhuzhi-lang, Sha Hualing
TGCF - Hua Cheng, Quan Yizhen, Xie Lian, Mu Qing, Feng Xin
Less Popular
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know - Yin Hanjiang, Wenren È
Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish - Li Yu
Fourteenth Year of Chenghua - Wang Zhi
Little Mushroom - An Zhe
Lord Seventh / Qi Ye - Wu Xi, Helian Ye
Mistakenly Saving the Villain - Yue Wuhuan, Song Qingshi
Peerless - Cui Buqu
Vicious Male Counterpart Isn’t Competing Anymore - Yan Hao
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