#Warden Zarrin
krshush · 10 months
Thinking abt the part in DA:O where you can pick how to escape Fort Drakon and just. Remembering my Surana walked himself out of there almost entirely by silver tongue lies and a fitting-enough disguise. By seducing the dumbass who had the keys and did not consider this elf was a mage. And like, okay, does Denerim even. d. do they let elves become guards? At Fort Drakon? Did they miss his ears and just think my boy Zarrin was real short? ...Did they clock he was an elf and thought he was a new diversity hire?
It wouldn't matter bc Zarrin had max Coercion skill, he could persuade/intimidate the red out of a red brick wall at that point, but it gets funnier the longer I think abt it. DA:O my beloved. Zarrin Surana my beloved. He 100% does not elaborate to anyone outside the party what he did to escape beyond saying "I walked out."
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compendiumhistoria · 11 months
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Sometimes it's just rainy enough to keep you from playing DA on your PC/PS4... which isn't enough to stop you from thinking abt it, and realizing a certain picrew can semi-accurately capture all of your Protags. Then that's it, that's your evening
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krshush · 10 months
I cannot tell y'all how agonized I am thinking abt how much I love playing a rogue in DA:I and all the fun jumps I can do w/Evade vs. remembering Knight-Enchanter exists for mages and how mjcn I want to learn doing that--
Actually I just realized I have Zarrin (Arcane Warrior) as the Warden for this save and I just. Checked and I can get Approval from picking Knight-Enchanter. HMMHMHMMHMMM
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krshush · 11 months
Good morning! Thinking about an Inquisitor Surana run! Now as in a Warden-but-Inquisitor run, but that my Surana survived the Fifth Blight separate of Duncan's intervention and Wardenhood, and then made it all the way to the Conclave where whoops! All That Happens!
Problem here though is that I miss the Coercion skill from DA:O, Zarrin Surana needs that to be a clever little shit
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krshush · 5 years
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WORLDSTATE #1: Dwarven Warrior Elias, Mage-Champion Marcella, Dalish Artificer Elrevas WORLDSTATE #2: Elf pyromancer Zarrin, Rouge-Champion Leonard, qunari Vashoth Rift Mage Theia 
[Template credit]
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krshush · 5 years
I’m blaming @impossibletruths for my officially making this post: what D&D Classes my DA Protags would be! 
Worldstate #1
Elias: Battlemaster Fighter, with a heavy swing into Oath of Redemption Paladin later instead, probably? I can’t imagine her being a hardcore spellcaster, but the tenets of devotion and belief that come from the Divine spellecasters fit her quite well too. 
Marcella: Storm Sorcerer. I just cannot imagine her w/out magic and the crackle and sparks of lightning, but also her magic is not as much of a choice as it would be to be a bard or wizard and so on, so
Elrevas: I keep going back and forth between Scout Rogue, and Arcane Trickster. Possibly a swing into Artificer to account for his interest in tinkering? But I’m not sure about that.
Worldstate #2
Zarrin: Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer w/some levels in Rogue, or a Bard of Lore. He needs the Expertise for his extra good skills in talking and sneaking either way, but being descended from a gold dragon very much aligns to his aesthetic. 
Leonard: Assassin Rogue is the closest to his in-game class, but honestly? College of Swords Bard. Leo is just such a ball of sunshine and showboat, he would be a bard, but still maintain a lot of skill in blades. 
Theia: Evocation Wizard, well versed in creating destruction and and sculpting it to her will. Warlock is possible, but it feels more likely that she’d learn magic power all on her own and, even as brazen as she is, I’m not sure that she’d perform bardic magics in order to do so on her own. 
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krshush · 6 years
which of your ocs can tie cherry stems into knots with their tongues & how do you figure
Merit, who has practices of various sorts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  
Storyteller, who has collected just A Lot of miscellaneous skills over his years.
Zarrin, who learned just out of spite of someone saying he couldn’t.
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krshush · 6 years
1, 11, 16, 18, 23, and 24!!!
[comes out in full hermit clothes for pajamas] I AM HOME AT FUCKING LAST
1. “Because that’s what heroes do.” *throws a ball at the wall and gets hit in the head with it* 
My Rogue Hawke Leonard (I miss him ;;)
11. “Kneel before your queen.” 
Marietta. Marietta is an older character of mine that came before you and I met, Verbs, but please know and understand Hela is. a good comparison to Marie.
16. Character A: *appears*Character B: “Oh shit.”
Merit everytime he sees Kilan and doesn’t expect it (which is most of the time) ((also it might be my personal response bleeding into Merit’s each time Delta is like “lol here’s Kilan”))
18. “Piss off, ghost!” 
Katiah abt. Literally any haunted ruins she’s explored. I’m almost positive she’s had to fight spirits at some point before, surely. 
23. “I tried to start a revolution, but didn’t print enough pamphlets, so hardly anyone turned up.”
I know when you answered this for me, you said your Tabris being deadpan, but like. it is Also quite like my elf mage Warden Zarrin, and equally as deadpan. 
24. Character A: “For once in your life, don’t smash!”Character B: “Big monster!”
Character A could be most anyone @ my first warden, the dwarf princess Elias
Orrrr Necromancer & Sergeant Lumina Brunram from GW2. Because she loves to Fight. 
[Bonus: I miss my DA Kids now…]
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krshush · 6 years
since we spoke about them recently, perla &/or zarrin? ಠಿ_ಠ , (Д゚≡゚Д゚) , ♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪
woo, okay, this had come in when I was just getting to bed last night, sorry ;w; I only just actually woke up now (I mean. I was woken up at 6:30 AM bc mom ran the hairdryer, but I rolled over and fell back asleep then) And!! I’ll answer w/them both!
ಠಿ_ಠ: Do they look up or down when they are trying to recollect something? 
Perla: Down, though unless they move their head itself, it’s a little hard to tell where they’re looking under most of their masks.
Zarrin: Looks up and off to the side. Furrows his brows a little.
(Д゚≡゚Д゚): When they are surprised by somebody do they physically jump? Scream? 
Perla: They jump, but don’t scream; a combination made by their rough past and current present of being a sneak-thief
Zarrin: Jumps on reflex of old days at the Circle Tower, from one too many spells or badly mixed potions in classes exploding. On occasion, he does yelp, but not every time he is spooked.
♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪: How are they like when they dance? Are they stiff? Fluid? A good dancer? Do they prefer to dance with a lot of others, with one other person, or alone? 
Perla: Between a graceful amount of dexterity and a some skill in faking excellent performance, Perla looks pretty good when they dance most of the time, but rarely do they dance, or even like to. When the fellow carnival folk celebrate, Perla will probably dance w/whoever offers--or sweeps them up on a whim. 
Zarrin: Uh, he’s not bad at it, but definitely not the greatest, at least not for awhile. It wasn’t a required skill to learn in the Tower, so y’know. I always have it in mind though that Zevran (and Leliana, but to a far less extent) teaches him how to dance during camps... I dunno if that stays the same in the Disaster Wardens AU given relationship dynamics, but it could, and in which case he does get better at it esp as time goes by, and really likes dancing actually, though he wouldn’t admit it often. Probably misses it (and more) and dances alone when he’s left by himself in Amaranthine, regardless of AU. 
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krshush · 7 years
Woooo, after being busy today, I finally did get around to writing down info on my DA Kids for @becausedragonage‘s OC Day :’D It’s been awhile since I’ve put a spotlight on them, but I do still love them so much
I have two main timelines, so I’ll sort them as such--
Timeline #1 
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(As of 9:40 Dragon (right) she actually usually ties her hair back in a ponytail)
Name: Elias Sibral Aeducan Age: 25 (9:30 Dragon) / 35 (9:40 Dragon)  Gender: Cis female Romantic+Sexual orientation: Biromantic and bisexual Bio: Champion Warrior / Romanced Alistair / Steadfast, compassionate, prideful --A noble warrior armed with a bright smile, Elias was a loved princess of Orzammar... Although she felt the weight of the people’s gaze and the responsibility quite heavily, for she never had another choice but this life. She was often enamored by stories of exploration and the Surface, places she could never go as Dwarven royalty. To put off this wanderlust, Elias took her diplomatic and warrior training wholeheartedly, to take the position of Commander she was expected to as the King’s second daughter. Her exile was a mixed blessing as she joined the Wardens. A Quote: "You're right, brother. You did send your sister to die to the darkspawn, it will be my end. It just happens that now I'm doing so with the formalities of a Grey Warden." Applicable tropes: The Pollyanna, Good is Not Soft, BFS
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(Her appearance between 9:31 and 9:40 doesn’t change much, but she does feel much more tired after 9 years)
Name: Marcella Hawke Age: 27 (9:31 Dragon) / 36 (9:40 Dragon) Gender: Female (? may change to NB?) Romantic+Sexual orientation: Grey-romantic and pansexual  Bio: Force Mage / Romanced ??? / Discerning, quick-witted, flippant  --As the eldest child of a mage and a mage herself, Marcella quickly got used to running and secrets. She would however have fun using her powers: catching some selfish bastard on fire, healing a bruise easily, and more... at the expense of her parents’ exasperation. There were few things she couldn’t resolve herself with a quick lie though, something she became very good at as the years ticked by. Losing Lothering did not hurt so much, but it was little compared to the life she build and destroy later in Kirkwall. (Marcella is perhaps my least developed of all these characters, if only because I had messed up some things in the game’s timeline-- I need to remake her and play her fully later) A Quote: "The number of people willing to pay me to solve their problems is amazing. Now if only their problems were actually so simple." Applicable tropes: Bunny-Ears Lawyer, Knight in Sour Armor, Shock and Awe
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(Disclaimer: his hair is meant to be so much more curly than any vanilla hair options had)
Name: Elrevas Vi’arlan Lavellan  Age: 26 Gender: Cis male Sexual orientation: Biromantic and bisexual Bio: Artificer Rogue / romanced Dorian / Analytical, soft-spoken, idealistic --Elrevas is the third child born to a Dalish hunter and a runaway Starkhaven city elf. While he showed a knack for crafting and building, he wanted to take up hunting much like his father, and trained in the way of knives and stealth. His crafting was not put aside however--he oft built hunter’s traps and other clever things to aid his work. While not the most talkative, Elrevas also had penchants for diplomacy and understanding, traits the Keeper put to use by making Elrevas a scout and spy into the affairs of other clans and human settlements. That is what got him sent to the Conclave that one, fateful day. A Quote: "I'm not doing this for some higher being or for the power. I just want to protect people from this... unnatural disaster." Applicable tropes: Humble Hero, Reluctant Warrior, Gadgeteer Genius
Timeline #2
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(Goes from a braid in back to messily tied hair bun in the years between the Blight and the start of the Inquisition. I also sadly could not find his tattoos as a mod for DA:I)
Name: Zarrin Surana Age: 22 (9:30 Dragon) / 32 (9:40) Gender: Nonbinary (uses he/his pronouns most of the time, they/them post-Awakening mb?) Sexual orientation: Panromantic grey-asexual (?) Bio: Shapeshifter/Arcane Warrior Mage / romanced Zevran / Shrewd, sardonic, prickly --Zarrin grew up as a vagrant and thief alongside his mother, both traveling Ferelden’s roads and cities to survive. Living this life, young Zarrin picked up deceitful words and sly hands rather quickly, and had few memories beyond walking and traveling with caravans. When he was 9-10 his magic came in however, at the precise wrong time. They had briefly finally stopped traveling and settled in the Denerim alienage-- not necessarily welcome, but they did have family there to take them in... And then Zarrin had a bad dream, and caught the house aflame. His mother had seen this, and, still rather devout and scared of magic, sent him to the Circle Tower. There, Zarrin settled as a studious, if very snippy and bitter, savant of Primal magic. It’s this skill that caught the attention of the Grey Wardens. A Quote: "It's fortunate that more heroes have come out of the woodwork, because fuck if I'm saving the world again." Applicable tropes: Stepford Snarker, Hidden Heart of Gold, Playing with Fire
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(Heterochromia is cool right)
Name: Leonard Iain Hawke Age: 25 (9:31 Dragon) / 34 (9:40 Dragon) Gender: Cis male Sexual orientation: Homoromantic homosexual (gay as FUCK) Bio: Assassin rogue / romanced Fenris / Lively, forthright, mischievous --A goof and prankster, Leonard grew up bringing smiles or scowls to everyone around him, an attempt at bringing joy to his family as they lived in quiet to hide Malcolm and Bethany’s magic. On a first meeting, you wouldn’t expect him to be subtle enough to steal your purse nor deadly enough to be an assassin, but between sneaking around to cause trouble, learning weaponry to protect his family if needed and later being drafted into the Fereldan army, Leonard picked up rogue talents, and put them to even greater use when his family went to Kirkwall. A Quote: "Don't worry. Helping people and killing people are what I'm best at. Er, helping and killing don't often happen to the same person though, don't worry." Applicable tropes: Manic Pixie Dream Guy, Beware the Silly Ones, Lightning Bruiser 
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Name: Hissera Theia Adaar Age: 23 Gender: Cis female Sexual orientation: Panromantic pansexual (leans towards ladies though) Bio: Rift Mage / Romanced Sera / Ambitious, prudent, temperamental  --Theia was raised mostly normally in a small farming community, her mother, the bee farmer, as much Theia’s caretaker as the farmhands or the baker or even the nobles they all worked for-- they all had a bit of a soft spot for the young qunari. When Theia’s magical skill began appearing, her mother had managed to find a Circle escapee willing to train Theia in exchange for a place to hide and stay among the village. Though raised simply, Theia always looked for bigger opportunities than being a bee-keeper’s daughter, and so when she met Shokrakar and the Valo-Kas mercenaries while selling goods in Markham, she jumped at the chance to explore and fight and gain fame and gold. Imagine her thrill at being named Inquisitor four years later. A Quote: "Vashoth, not Qunari. I would be better off dead if I were a Qunari, what with all the chains and mouth-sewing they do to their mages. Imagine the shame it would be if I couldn't talk!" Applicable tropes: Determinator, Tomboy with a Girly Streak, An Ice Person
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compendiumhistoria · 5 years
Ways your Wardens & Inquisitors could find (& recruit) my characters, an AU 
Elias: In the Deep Roads, surviving off nugs, deep mushrooms, what little water she can find clean. At first seems very confrontational and ditzy, but more like herself once her system recovers. Has some skill in both Sword & Shield and Greatsword, but a master of neither. Maybe doesn’t survive if you put off Orzammar too long? 100% becomes a Grey Warden unless you specifically ask her not to (or have fairly low Disapproval from her) 
Zarrin: He escaped the Circle during the chaos with Uldred, before it was all locked down. You’ll get a side quest to find him and either take him back to the Circle or keep him to help in the Blight, and Maker knows he could with his talent in Primal magicks. Depending on choices, he may even join you in Awakening (or join the Orlesian Warden in your honor) or at the very least just keeps running from the Circle post-game. 
Elrevas: Arrived late to the Conclave to find it destroyed, spends time on the Orlais/Ferelden borders trying to help sneak people off the battlefields and informing the Inquisition of enemy camps, to the wariness of the soldiers. Can be encouraged to go back home to his clan, or recruited. Maybe stays as an Agent for a Dalish Inquisitor even after they tell him to go? Because he wants to help more than anything. 
Theia: Hired by some noble in Orlais whom you can choose to help or kill in a side mission, Theia has extra information that’s useful about the situation, provided you give her immunity from punishment as a third party to the noble’s antics. You whether you let her go or conscript her as atonement for her place in the crimes, she stays with the Inquisition. 
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compendiumhistoria · 5 years
also while I’m talking Wardens: Royal Blue is a good songs for both my kids. 
Section for Elias: 
From now on, with the sky as my roof From now on, let the risk lead me to From now on, somewhere I never knew From now on, call me Royal Blue
and for Zarrin: 
From now on, fly as high as I want From now on, I'll show my weak spot From now on, in all that I do From now on, call me Royal Blue 
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compendiumhistoria · 5 years
6, 8, 10, and 19 for the warden meme?
6. how does your warden like their eggs cooked? 
Elias: Scrambled, or not at all. She’s not a big fan of still seeing the yolk and everything in place on a sunny side up egg, and she’s not even a big fan of eggs anyways but beggars can’t be choosers if eggs is all there is as a protein. 
Zarrin: He does like his sunny side up, and is more okay abt eggs than Elias. I don’t think he’s picky abt eggs beyond that. 
8. what kind of weather does your warden prefer? 
Elias: Cloudy days? Cloudy days. While she actually likes the sun and its warmth, it’s far too bright, and so the clouds give her the closest thing to a ceiling she’ll have being Topside while traveling, so as long as it doesn’t rain. 
Zarrin: Rain, if he isn’t traveling. It’s a calming sound for him, and indicative of Ferelden, of being home. 
10. what does your warden smell like?
19. in a situation where your warden and Alistair both arrive at a party late and there is one slice of cake left, what does your warden do? 
Elias: ...She may get to it first and then tease Alistair abt it, but then offer to share. She’s Soft regarding Ali. So soft. But she also has a Sweet Tooth. 
Zarrin: Oh, absolutely no mercy, he’ll take it. First come first serve, you snooze you lose, Alistair. 
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compendiumhistoria · 5 years
1, 3, 10, and 18!
1. can your warden do a handstand? (a split? a cartwheel?)
Elias: She has the strength in her arms for handstanding I think, and she can do… most of a split, like almost perfect on the ground. However I don’t think she has the full control of balance for a successful cartwheel, it more just becomes her tumbling and laughing about it after. 
Zarrin: No to handstands and splits really, though he used to be really good at cartwheels, and has some fun in relearning how to do so post-Blight. 
3. how well do they swim?
Elias: I think I answered this before? But Elias just Does not really swim at all, a fear of water keeping her from trying until she faces said fear probably after the Blight. With friends close by to make her feel safer, even if it’s still hard to swallow her pride abt it. 
Zarrin: He swims okay, though not well enough to like. have tried swimming Lake Calenhad to escape the Circle Tower or anything like that. He slowly gets used to more than just like dogpaddling while staying in Antiva w/Zevran. 
10. what does your warden smell like?
Elias: Like the oil used to treat her armor, metallic and potent, and something vaguely floral, like roses. 
Zarrin: Like campfire ashes and leather and a bit of perfume stuck in his long hair from the last bath had. 
18. how good is their poker face? 
Elias: Pretty good, as control of her composure was pretty much required as a Noble Princess, though she has her tells you can learn as you watch her. 
Zarrin: Very good. Unerringly good. Zarrin has this intensity to him that can be focused into charm or intimidation or just Absolutely Nothing, with few ways to read him at all. He’s unnerving for such a small elf, and he knows it and uses that fact well. 
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krshush · 6 years
started playing dragon age origins and i'm enjoying it so far! (attempting to resist diving into mods, which i always seem to do with rpgs, even when i've barely played them. see also: skyrim)
oh, excellent >:Dc! Also, I meaaaan… I never find it so bad to have mods installed before playing, except that like you don’t have a great idea of the game yet and what you want installed. I’d recommend keeping up playing as you are, whoever you are though (who’d you make? Human mage? Dwarf commoner?? Dalish elf??? My Wardens are Elias the Dwarf Princess and Zarrin the Elf Mage, personally, and I Love Them, but I’ve tried every origin) 
In any case, if you use Nexus Mods, I can recommend some mods if you do want them however >:3c …Actually, now that I think of it, I think I made a list for a friend starting DA:O way back when… a-HA Found it! It lists mods for both DA:O and DA2, but you can parse your way through my chattering for the DA:O ones. I have other mods I’ve installed and liked since I made that post though, so
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krshush · 7 years
I saw a post abt the Warden if they were in DA:I and now I am just thinking abt Elias and Zarrin being there and how much that could change things
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