inglesfantasma · 4 months
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#WEBruary 12/ 28
Betty Brant, JJJ's long-suffering secretary.
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inglesfantasma · 4 months
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WEbruary 2024 continues with a work in progress. I'm having a tough time with the anatomy on that screen-right arm.
Try again tomorrow.
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inglesfantasma · 4 months
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WEBruary 2024 continues!
While I'll never make a professional painter, this was fun to do.
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inglesfantasma · 4 months
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#WEBruary day three and I've already broken Jazzy John Romita's cardinal rule of no vertical centre line on the mask! This was a full body wall-crawling shot but it needed a full background to make it work....ain't got time for that today! I can work up to full BGs later in the month.
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inglesfantasma · 4 months
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#WEBruary begins anew!
The month-long celebration of all things Spider-Man kicks off with something less taxing than usual: a redraw of a teeny-tiny Mark Bagley transition panel in Amazing Spider-Man 374.
I always loved these small figures. The famous big pin-up panels are all great but these tiny figures can be so charming. I love them.
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Once you start to look at this panel, you can see that everything Bagley did was planned for clarity. Spider-Man's in the void created by the buildings, of course. He's not completely in the void. The front hand overlaps the building to create a feeling of depth. The perspective lines lead your eye from left to right. The solid black shadow on the building stops your eye where you to bounce back to the figure. The one hatched building in the far background also helps draw your eye to that area because of the contrast. And just in case you only follow the smoke trail that also leads you to the figure! And the verticals being off-kilter keeps it from being stale and boring.
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