#Virtu Super
virtusuper · 4 days
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Retirement Planning Brisbane | Virtu Super
Virtu Super's Retirement Planning Brisbane service is benefiting the people of Australia. Our experts make you aware of the expenses and problems that may arise after your retirement and advise you to invest in a good plan so that your future goes smoothly.
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pianokantzart · 4 months
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Look, I'm not saying that Game Luigi isn't cute, but it is amazing what some eyelashes, a slightly more defined chin, a mouth moved up a few millimeters, and an ever so slight adjustment of face shape will do to a guy.
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trashsketch · 8 months
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been watching Prozd and Steve play Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward these days, and I really had to draw Phi cause she's the best! collecting fascinating and edgy white-haired characters is my passion apparently
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theworldlookswhite · 5 months
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big ole virtue for an art collab aka i Really wanted to draw those fancy wings again
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gt-daboss · 6 months
GT Writing/Reading Question
Ive been writing GT stories for some time now, and reading them for much much longer, so I'm curious what the consensus of this topic is (my opinion and reasons in the tags if you're curious)
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vinnigami · 2 months
doodle your favorite demon :0
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I have too many ‘favorite demons’ to choose (Amanozako, Norn, Fionn mac Cumhaill, Kushinada-Hime, Bai Suzhen, and way too many more..) but i’ve been on an smt angels kick as of late. So I just drew Virtue
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pinkhairswagtourney · 7 months
Not-Pink-Enough Tourney, Bonus Round
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Chiaki Propaganda: 1.): “i think it is pink but it is too desaturated/brown for some people to consider it so” 2.): “HER HAIR IS PINK! IT’S JUST A DULL PINK!! YOU CAN LITERALLY COLOR DROP HER HAIR AND IT’S A VERY DESATURATED PINK!!!” 3.): “if her hair isn’t pink then idefk what color it is” 4.): “Chiaki's hair is fucking grey and this is definitely a colour theory thing with the surrounding pallette but.     thats grey.    maybe a twinge of some pinkish warm tone to make it look..not even strawberry blondish?? it looks more like if you saturated it, it would be a blonde if anything” Clover Propaganda: 1.): “I think I remember you saying people complained about her hair before? Omg I love her even if it's kinda red” 2.): “Red in 999, Pink in VLR” 3.): “i was extremely taken aback by how many people complained about her hair in the first tourney, i’ve just always kinda seen it as pink?” 4.): “This Clover person absolutely has red hair idk what y’all are on about”
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anotherprofessional · 10 months
What do these four protagonists have in common?
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randomnameless · 28 days
Thinking about the general hypocrisy of "might/muhrit makes right" characters, I noticed something.
Ashnard brags about his vision to Ike'n'pals and dies to someone who is stronger than him, so in his mind, strength > everything :
Ashnard: I do. Oh, how I do… It’s true. The world may be destroyed by the coming of the dark god. Then again, it may not. I question the way in which our society is designed. No matter what strength a person has, it is the station he is born into that controls his destiny. And you cannot control where you will be born. Do you believe that a person of low birth should simply endure the curse of his station? I think not. If you are stronger than those around you, you should benefit from your strength. This is why I will use my strength to remake this world. Class and rank will not matter. Human and sub-human will not matter. The strong will possess everything. The weak will submit to their will. Is this not the meaning of peace?
But isn't the biggest slap in his face the realisation that the man who was behind him and played him, at least for this war, like a fiddle, was the weakest subhuman ever, a heron, who even lost his magical subhuman powers?
Might makes right and all, but who is the last man standing in this entire mess?
A powerless heron.
In a way, Ashnard himself, unknowingly, submitted to the will of that heron, who was willing to rob everyone of their everything.
Just for shit'n'giggles, I wonder what would Ashnard have to say if he ever realised, or maybe had a FB in FEH, that Sephiran, a powerless heron, had been the one who instigated his war, his "discovery" of the medallion, was one of those weaklings he loathed and wanted to submit.
Oh well.
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niqaboy · 21 days
i love seeing other muslims in public cause like. even if we cant say our salaam's for whatever reason, we just kinda look and nod and smile at each other. solidarity
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virtusuper · 4 days
Setting Up A SMSF Brisbane | Virtu Super
Setting Up A SMSF Brisbane with SMSF experts. Virtu Super delivers all types of SMSF setup services in Brisbane. We provide reliable Self Managed Super Funds services in Australia. We give proper advice to our customers to avoid falling into any trap so that they can utilize their super fund properly.
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bloodyodyssey · 1 year
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quickly drew a clover vlr redesign before her visage leaves my head forever
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jinxed-ninjago · 1 year
Okay, I’ve posted this clip from Virtues of Spinjitzu before BUT something just occurred to me so naturally I have to talk about it.
This is the clip I’m talking about. Last time I talked about this clip, I mentioned that since Zane was the Ice Emperor, it doesn’t make sense for Kai and Jay to act like he was pretending to be the Ice Emperor (granted, Jay does also say "You're the Ice Emperor!" but my point stands).
It occurred to me maybe 15 minutes ago that Kai saying "Why are you pretending to be the Ice Emperor again?" is indicative of denial that Zane was ever the Ice Emperor in the first place, and, by extension, trauma from that specific event happening (and given he was literally incapable of using his powers or the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu at the time of Zane's banishment, it doesn't surprise me that he'd have trauma associated with Zane's banishment and subsequent rule over the Never-Realm).
Idk. Analyzing Ninjago is super interesting to me lol
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
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Day 3! Largest Mer
Look look new mer just dropped - who I think Imma have a consistent factor in all Mer Aus because I fell in love with their design and personality :)
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goldenkid · 6 months
people comparing wild blue yonder to midnight like yeah they're both good scary and unsettling BUT the huge fundamental difference between them is that wild blue yonder is about being trapped in a huge empty space with your friend and this scary thing that wants to kill you and not recognising your friend/your friend not recognising you, whereas midnight is about being trapped in this tiny space with a group of strangers and an unknowable entity and instead of fear of not knowing your friend the fear comes from the doctor not having ANY friends there, from the paranoia and mob mentality. it's a very group-focused story as opposed to wby which is only really commenting on the doctor and donna and their relationship.
there are obvs lots of similarities: twisted reflections, a monster that we never truly see or understand, a 'bottle episode' set in one location, unease and building tension and fear, paranoia, but to me at least wild blue yonder is about friendship and being with your friend but also maybe not with them, and worry that maybe you don't know this person that you love as well as you wanted to think you did...but midnight is very much about not having any friends or allies, and how groups can dissolve into paranoia and blame. wby has no 'one-off' characters whereas in midnight the one-off characters are everything. in wby you're alone in this maze of rooms and corridors...in midnight you're trapped with other people in this tiny little shuttle
tldr midnight is very mob mentality/'little pocket of humanity' focused whereas wby is all about the doctor and donna's relationship, and the different sets - one small and crowded, the other huge and empty - show this off pretty well
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tricitymonsters · 4 months
Why are happy trails hot.
Personally speaking I love body hair in general, I like the unique look of it on each individual person and the kind of natural/not over-groomed kinda vibe it gives off if that makes sense.
Happy trails are special cause really its like a little tease of pubes on a part of the body that's already super sexy. Seeing a little bit of hair on the lower stomach or navel trailing downward just makes me wonder what's below the waistband, you know? It's a little built in sexy mystique.
Also like the lower abdomen is very attractive ANYWAY now its just got a little deco that draws my eyes down.
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