#Vil! DekuXReader
dorki-c · 3 years
Map of her body
Characters: Vil! Deku and (reader)
Relationship: Vil! Deku and (reader)
A/n: My first shot at trying to write a sort of spicy (????) scenario. I think I did good? Well that’s up to you guys I guess lol, remember to reblog, like, and enjoy the ‘story’. (This is a drabble! But does anybody get the feeling that drabbles are better than their own 2k or more word fics? Is that just me? Hmm, I guess so lol!)
Tw: Nothing really, just some fluff, some spiciness, and angst if you squint.
All sensations just stopped.
The fingertips that you relied on were practically useless.
The taste of him just vanished.
The aroma of mint shampoo was washed away.
All she could feel was his ministrations ghosting, digging, and marking the map of her body.
Laboured breaths from behind, spread from the tiniest corner crammed with nerves melting in bliss at the purely warm muscle slathering itself across the prickly, bumpy road of the rim where previous violet wildflowers blossomed down the thickly layered cement of her body where her lover etched into the road cracks of dead yellow weeds curling in on each other alongside the fresh green weeds that arose to attention after being watered.
The location still stung of passion hidden with possession that not even her bodies road repair system could swiftly rebuild the damaged skin causing the weather to brew a storm above the hills, it always resulted in the harshest storm upon who bear witness to it- and he was the prey whom you were hunting- whether he knew or not, the boy should that he was walking in a forest of nowhere, just waiting to be pounced on and attacked if he keeps doing this to you.
You don’t leave marks on trees if you don’t want to be caught.
Tight his grip was, he never knew what the environment could throw at him; like take for example if poison ivy rubbed against the explorer’s arm, would he still love you if you hurt him?
Yet here Izuku is tainting (Y/n), ghosting, digging, and marking the map of her body.
He is sinful of destroying the beautiful landscape that is you.
He didn’t reply to her, instead his greedy hands continued their business. Was she too quiet? Was the force of nature not strong enough for somebody as hungry as he?
She loved the attention she was gaining, but it was becoming too painful to bear.
It was if he wanted her body to him, to his filthy but satisfying needs.
However, the moment he thought he was safe in the environment, was the moment the hands of your own claimed his own back and pinned him forcefully.
This traitor of nature gleamed at the change of pace.
However, remember the forecast earlier? A storm was thumbing its feet against the clouds, allowing the precipitation that’s been building up like the physical pain welling across your precious skin to finally collapse.
Worried eyes widened at the damage they blinded themselves to.
“Hey, hey. Come ‘ere.”
Surrendering the axe, the explorer left the forest landscape alone.
“Are you okay?”
She shook her head in his chest.
He knows she’s a storm, so he doesn’t prod at the lighting threatening to shoot down on him.
Izuku Midoriya is a villain, a sinner of society, but when he’s ruining the beautiful landscape of your body, when he’s lost the map to paradise- there will be repercussions he has to pay.
Running a calloused hand through the jungle vines he finds in this new landscape; the explorer decides not to destroy it like he previously did.
Instead, the explorer decides to nurture it.
“Do you want me to run a bath?”
Providing water always helps plants grow, but its best not to overwater them.
A singular nod provided his answer.
“Okay, I’ll be back.”
Doesn’t he prove that sinners can be good?
@miriobaby, @sweater-weather-seven, @quietlegends, @glitterfreezed, @haredabi, @orenjineki
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dorki-c · 3 years
The three cups; ‘Cup of Curiosity’.
 Characters: Vil!Deku, (Reader), Brief mention of; Dabi, Mr.Compress, Shigaraki, Toga, and Kurogiri.
Relationship: Villain Deku X (Reader)
A/N: SO, now that this whole shit storm of a year is coming to an end, I decided to celebrate it by making a three part series of Villain Deku, because somebody (who ilsm) relates to me when its that time of day and we have Villain Deku brain rot. But this three part series was actually inspired by my own actions, so I gotta blame myself! XD
TW: Alcohol, intimidation tactic (If ya squint!), and lots of swearing (But this is me for crying out loud...)
[Next Part: --->]
It was strange to be called upon by Deku.
Sure, Shigaraki called (*cough* *cough* bribed *cough*) you to his ‘meeting’ room to inform you of the following ‘errands’ you had to do- it’s mostly going to several over secret hideouts and torturing small-town gangsters who thought it was funny to fuck around with debts they owed to somebody who asked or hired (you didn’t pay attention to what it was called) a person from the LOV to ‘rough’ up the victim - but every now and then, it would be to go to GIran with Dabi, also known as telling Dabi not to be a fucking prick to our most trustworthy broker.
But the likelihood of Dabi not being a prick is below negative one hundred percent. So, don’t have anybody start on any solution to stop it, because you certainly don’t want any participation in the patchwork villain’s business.
Though, a clicking sound that vibrated and bounced off of the vacant corridor walls had reminded you where you were headed; Deku’s room. The room of a gentlemen (asshole), who commands us alongside Shigaraki (a wannabe leader compared to Shigaraki), and helps us get our weapons to assist our quirks (that’s actually Mr. Compress’s job in reality).
 Were you in trouble? There was no plausible answer to this sudden announcement. Though, what is surprising is that it’s probably the second time- in a month- this has happened to you.
Who even cares at this moment? Besides the main factor that everyone (besides you) knows the green-haired villain has a crush on your cold-hearted attitude and your mouth-watering body, it isn’t a surprise that he wants a bite outta you- considering the high frequency of times, you have felt somebody’s ‘laser’-eyes burning judgement and criticisms into your back every goddamn minute- as you swirl a shot glass of tequila when sitting in the bar area of the base, it all pointed back to a green-haired villain as Toga would gush over how he seems distracted because of somebody’s revealing outfit....
(I’m sure you can figure out who’s outfit it might have been.)
Creep. Hissed the back of (y/n)’s mind, when she sees those polished and distinguishingly clean silver door handles jutting out from the jet-black door. “Here we go again.” She muttered under her breath when grasping the unusual- is it even wrong to call it ‘unusual’- cold door handle and pushing it open.
There, he relaxed under the glamorous illuminations that spiced the boring white walls of his room- acting like a spoiled fucking brat. (You wished that you had a teleportation quirk like Kurogiri at this moment.)
Green bangs were swooped backwards to reveal a pair of verdant emerald eyes- where they had a thin line of twinkling smugness- as the top two buttons of his ‘designer crafted’ white blouse scantly reveals the edge of his collar bone alongside seeing a faint trace of the skin on his waist as his black trousers lightly tugged downwards helping the white shirt pop out ever so slightly from the waistline.
Even if he looked handsome, there was always a hint of jealousy and hatred for him. There was always going to be that hiss or venomous snap of your voice when you spoke to him because he had so much more than you or was it the power he held?
Nonetheless, with one of his legs crossed over the other one as it was held up by an armrest, Deku’s back hit the other armrest where his attention was gathered at a newspaper article and the simple curved glass of deep crimson liquid pooled peacefully at rock bottom.
As half of his body was covered by the shadow of his chair- which he arrogantly claims as his ‘throne’- the sleek black leather was delicately shined to his appropriate standard, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at Deku’s ridiculous sitting position. It's like he wants to be seen as an adult but instead ruins that image by acting like a child.
It’s not like he’s noticed you yet, maybe you should time how long it takes for the boy to see your impatient form tapping the lacquered brown floor with only the tips of your boots alongside hearing the metallic objects jingling- more like clanking, however, who gives a shit?
You didn’t have time for this, the mission that both you and Twice had to leave for was starting tomorrow and with all of your weapons needing a really good clean after last nights turn of events, Deku could really make effective use of his eyes to notice that somebody is waiting for him to speak.
Maybe it has been five or ten minutes? Maybe you should leave or maybe he finally noticed you. (Y/n) was already becoming annoyed with the sudden announcement, but now this shit? Does she need to call the manager or something- it's like she is receiving crappy service at a restaurant, which isn’t good.
The subtle- and very lazily- toss of the flimsy newspaper didn’t distract you from eyeing the male’s actions. Tilting his head towards the wine glass he was holding, an eyebrow quirked up in fascination of (y/n)’s impatience with a steady scowl crawling slowly against her lips- she just needs to stay calm and respectful- however, it’s becoming ever so difficult by each millisecond. 
“What do you want, doll?” Furrowed eyebrows created creases in her skin, “I should be asking you that question, sir.” He smirked, took a dainty sip from his wine, and moved his body into a normal sitting position.
God, she’s so enticing to anger and manipulate, it’s becoming more than a drug for him- its steadily on the route of becoming an addiction.
“My, my, doll face- I never knew you were feisty!” As he took another sip out of his glass, his head shook in amusement of your response but as well as in curiosity of your next response. “So what? I never knew you were an alcoholic,” Placing a hand on your hips, you continued, “yet, you have at least seven empty bottles of red wine- all of them being the same brand.” His, on cue, falsely offensive gesture- where he places his free hand on the crest of his chest and gasps- was presented to you as a way to ‘let go’ on him.
Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean- you have no sympathy for him. “Now, are you going to tell me why I’m here?” Snapped (y/n), as Deku really knows how to push her buttons. He really does.
“Aww, that won’t be necessary…” Again, that smile of white but deadly opaque canine teeth was used against you as those broad shoulders curled inwards allowing a darken gaze of predatory domination where a thick glob of colourless liquid pushed against (y/n)’s throat to force itself backwards.
“I’m not playing your game, Deku.” A staggering step backwards betrayed your brave tone as you saw the last of the drinkable liquid pour downwards and a loud crash of glass elegantly shattering against the floor similarly to the elegance the man in the room carries around like a trophy.
Shaking his head in disbelief, it wasn’t till then that you swore you needed first aid assistance due to your heart bashing against each singular rib bone as it held a deadly sledgehammer. “I never said you were, doll face.”
Although he tried to get closer to you, the moment he placed both of his feet down on the floor is when your feet took you outside of the room and away from his reach.
“She’s so cruel…” Murmured the green-haired villain as it piqued his curiosity. 
@orenjineki, @haredabi, @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku, @glitterfreezed
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