#Viking Sushi
eaglehobo · 2 years
#PartnerPenn to #WellingtontheLawyer “Oh Wellington! You are an expert on all things Cuisine de Nipponese are you not? Come over here. This article will interest you”
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He read it
“The Viking Sushi
Listening to a podcast featuring James Delingpole and Toby Young, the unlikely story of the Viking Sushi of Iceland was told and heard. And what a remarkably absurd combination this thing is. Thing might be too strong a word. It is a “product", and one designed for know no better tourists, that has to possess some of the most half-baked (if not entirely raw) branding ever encountered outside of the "American Burgers!" thing that the Japanese sometimes do, making something like an American burger, but always not quite.
You don’t want to read this if you are someone known as a weaboo who is a person prepared to bend reality for a higher, dreamier world. But it might be time to say it. Put simply there is nothing complex at all about sushi in any of its forms, despite the kabuki like rituals and all deference for them displayed for the bleary eyed "gaijins" to swallow up on their tour of the far east.
"Look, it's raw fish on a small plate that goes around in circles, and it's even open until midnight, and these Orientals do speak English so well", except they usually don't. Similarly, there is little complexity to the ancient "Viking" art of taking fish from the sea when needing it, and eating it, whether raw or cooked, or whether with a pot of stewed root vegetables and beans or oats, or without, little difficulty indeed when compared to what Europeans were doing elsewhere, and what Scandinavians themselves were doing with other foods at the time on higher and dryer shores away from the immediate urgencies of their long (or short) ocean voyages. The fare of the Viking "Grautar-Halli" was complex indeed, and growing wheat and barley was an art in and of itself.
So to read of Viking Sushi is horrifying at least to those who might know better and who have actually left their bedroom sometime in the past few years. To equate the Japanese and their "complex cuisine" of fish on a piece of soured rice, with that of even the smallest bakery or bistro in the remote reaches of Europe is to compare the Japanese trains of the early 19th century with the European “Snake” and *Viper” British locomotives - the Japanese simply didn't have anything like trains at all, unless you count a wooden cart with steel straps some kind of "train" and in its defence it does look like an oversized Rick-Shaw. Well they didn’t have any until much later when they stole this marvelous invention from Europe, along with printing presses, modern gunpowder and weaponry, shipbuilding, postal services as we known them, and electricity, the radio, satellite communications, the telephone, the light bulb, modern medicine, aircraft, motors and vehicles, modern steel technology (which didn't need to be folded 10,000 times because it was, well, already quite good) and just about everything else - the list would take some years to read out. And it continues to grow: it's a sorry practice of wholesale theft and "borrowing with a polite bow" that continues to this day. To compare any French, English, German, Austrian, Russian or other complex cuisine - even Danish or Swedish - to that of the Japanese whether a soup, a piece of fish, or the very very complex "gyoza" with a dash of "wasabi", would to rid the Japanese themselves of any dignity - "bish bash bosh put a bit of fish on the rice - and very nice photos in magazines innit!"
After all, when visiting Tokyo, or living there, their French and Italian and British restaurants are considered to be at the height of their eating culture, attended well by local businessmen and "wannabe CEOs", and they would be begging on their knees were these institutions to depart their slightly presently overheated shores (although they don't often even appreciate some of the best and more complex dishes, such as the Salon Beuschel, a hearty Italian Ragout, or Profiterole, Eclair, Millefeuille, Souffle -- even the grand Beef Wellington itself). Before entering such an establishment, and sometime after getting of the plane, you might wish to ensure to bring your dosimeter (another European invention they borrowed) because of yet another technology these nice people couldn't quite use properly, or foresee the apparent dangers of as it seems. “Take another look will you! It's a set of volcanic and tectonically active islands you noddies!” was the cry of 2011. Of course, mentioning that such a possibility of contamination exists is itself something considered haram - open and honest conversation is one technology they have decided not to pilfer from the wandering round-eyes, even if they do like to wear our style of clothes (especially favoring the three piece suit with vest) and thereby hope to pretend to be "western" even if only in some small manner.
So, in summary “Viking Sushi” smushi" Just call it what it is - "Viking style fish. And, raise a glass of Moet or any one of the Rhenish wines while appreciating what we already have. Forget the cries "But but I added the word sushi because I am so international, aren't I?" - the Vikings invented such a thing on the way to Greenland and Sicily and thought naught of it - when the Japanese were still losing their boats in the Yellow Sea to a 2-point squall. They had no need to promote it to being their existential cultural focus. Or otherwise, be ready to live in a world beset with "Oh-golly-gosh, look! A 'European train'! I cannot believe it ! Oh my! It's like the Europeans actually invented it themselves without the assistance of the head-choppers eating raw fish on the other side of the world!" Frankly speaking, I shall be content in good company with a long glass of Bolly to wash down the Capozzelli di Agnello.”
What say you Wellington? Wait a second. You say you haven’t spent fourteen years studying it so you don’t even know sushi? But you’ve been to Japan three times have you not? Oh you only went to Cairns? My goodness. Philistines. Philistines everywhere.”
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[Back here, we got a sushi cart, I think we got a bar cart, and for dreams that never die before. How about Scandinavian? This is Viking Soul Food. ♪♪]
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Vikings Luxury Buffet🧡
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splatoonpolls · 2 months
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part 1. 6/4 1pm CET
Dapple by @jesterjamz vs Fisbowl by @batjokes-yaoi
Muffin by @demi-s-fucked-up-dog vs Skittles by @mothlight-hours
Adam J Moreno by @shadow3142 vs Trito by @toldentops
Mitski Pincilpusher by https://novae-viking.tumblr.com/ @novae-viking vs Mako by @hightide-eraa
Moon by @ace-octo-pix vs Lin by @corn418
Sicily Dyerize by @ghosthoodie vs Jett by @calicocoffee101
Static & Specter by @princess--bongwater vs Talia Yareli by @gingergari
Tami by @wyrm-in-a-closet vs Nixie Gill by @salt-pile
part 2. 6/4 7pm
Sushi & Bayo by @turtle-trash vs Big Swig by @libbecnoir
Keen Eye For All That Glitters, Hand of the Storm Surge (or Surge for short) by https://shadowlugia711.tumblr.com/ @shadowlugia711 vs Maddy Medusa by @anemonequeen
Axis by @lynxz-studios vs Musa by https://gogogo956.tumblr.com/ @gogogo956
Robin & Ivy by @possiblycringe vs Crimson & Carmen by https://mirruno-zelia.tumblr.com/ @mirruno-zelia
Typhoon by @nylonvintage vs AStra by @scales-in-sweaters
Elky by @the-knowable-enitity vs Berkut by @trickyhofnarr
Ally by @frippp vs Bingo by @razzafrazzle
Pumpkin by @judithan-xing vs Kelsie by https://rosegolddoodle252.tumblr.com/ @rosegolddoodle252
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istorkyou · 1 year
The Price Of Love (Modern!Ivar AU)
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Modern!Ivar x Female reader
Warnings - Strictly 18+ NSFW. Language. Smut smutty smut.
Synopsis - Money isn’t everything.
Word Count - 3361
Note - This is the second fic I ever wrote and I’m not sure why I never posted it. I think I started writing The Arrangement not long after and kind of fell out of love with this one. Still, it’s been festering in my completed docs for well over a year so I figure I might as well post it 😬 It’s fluffy, and maybe a little cheesy (and by a little I mean a lot!) so if that’s your bag I hope you enjoy it!
Moodboard - The beautiful moodboard is made the magical, amazing @serasvictoria. Thank you so much xxxx
This was beta read by my aussie wife who has left Tumblr. All love, all the time Lou x
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @bragisrunes​​@noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​ @meandmycherrytree @wonton-wrappers​ 
Your taxi pulls up outside a huge glass building that looks full of swanky apartments. Of course he lives somewhere like this. You walk in through the massive doors and there is a man at the front desk who looks up at you with a big smile on his face.
“You must be Miss Y/L/N. Mr Lothbrok has been expecting you.”
“Hi Sir. What’s your name?” You ask him.
“I am Preston, Miss Y/L/N,” he replies.
“Can I call you Preston? Nice to meet you,” you shake his hand and he nods at your question. “Please just call me Y/N, I feel like an old lady when I get called by my surname!” You laugh.
“Y/N it is then,” he smiles “Mr Lothbrok lives in the penthouse.” He gives you a card key “swipe that in the elevator and it will give you access,” he says.
“Penthouse? Of course he does,” you roll your eyes slightly and look at Preston, “without wanting you to be indiscreet, Preston, am I one in a long line of girls you have given these key cards out to, just between us of course,” you wink at him.
A smile creeps over his face as you ask the question. “You are the first,” he tells you.
Your eyes narrow at him, you don’t believe that. The look he has on his face is one of pure honesty “I don’t say anything I don’t mean, Ma’am. I mean, Y/N.”
He points towards the elevator. You smile at him and head over.
You swipe the card and start to ascend. When the elevator dings and the doors open Ivar is standing, an arm above his head leaning on the wall next to the doors, eyes at the floor, his eyes travel up your body. You can't help but laugh when you see him in the same position as in his office, he laughs as well.
“Y/N, I am so happy you are here, thanks so much for coming,” he pulls you into his arms for a big hug. He smells amazing. He grabs your hand and leads you through his penthouse.
It’s gigantic. The furniture is very minimal and there are black and white photos and colourful abstract paintings all over the walls. There is an amazing view of the city out of the massive windows.
He leads you to the kitchen which is open plan with massive ovens, a huge fridge, super modern and impressive.
The whole place is intimidating.
“I ordered us some sushi, shit, do you like sushi?” He turns to you with a panicked expression. You smile and nod at him. “Thank god, I thought I screwed up again! Sushi is my favourite food ever. Are you sure you like it? I will get you anything you want if you don’t,” you can feel the nervous energy emanating from him.
You watch him faffing around his kitchen getting plates, tiny bowls for soy and chopsticks ready. He reaches for some wine glasses, then stops.
“Do you want wine? Red or white? I’ve got beer, or anything really. Or do you want a soft drink? Coke? Lemonade? Orange juice? Water?” He is rambling anxiously.
“Ivar?” His head whips around to you.
“Calm down,” your voice is soothing.
He huffs out a laugh then looks at the floor.
“Sorry, I’m just really nervous,” he admits, barely catching your eye. “I’m petrified I’m going to fuck up again.”
He is adorable like this. A complete change to the cocky guy that turned up at your house joking about your dress being easy access. A change from the confident kisser. A change from the relaxed guy he was over dinner.
“I will have a glass of white wine, please.”
You are leaning against the fridge enjoying watching him. He reaches for the wine glasses and his shirt rides up, exposing his stomach slightly.
Your resolve has gone already.
You wanted to talk everything through with him, make sure he understands how he made you feel, but watching him bumble around his place, how nervous he is around you, how sexy he looks in his casual clothes and remembering the way he kisses you is making your mouth water and heat grow between your legs.
You want him, you want to feel him against you. He glances at you and does a double take, searching your face.
“What is it?” He asks you, his brow furrowing.
“Where is your bedroom?” Your voice is low.
“What?” He chokes out.
“Is it this way?” You ask as you push off the fridge and head away from the kitchen.
He watches you walk away from him. “Yeah.” He breathes out shakily and puts everything down hurriedly to follow you.
By the time he reaches the bedroom you are sitting on the edge of his bed taking your shoes off and then your jacket. He watches you from the doorway, a look of disbelief on his face.
“Are you coming over here? I haven’t stopped thinking about how good you said you are with your tongue,” you tell him, eyes full of lust.
You stand up, undo your buttons and let your trousers fall around your feet. You take off your top and you're standing in your lacy red underwear. Waiting for him to come over to you, you sit on the edge of his bed again.
He hasn’t moved an inch. He is just staring at you, mouth wide open, eyes travelling all over your body.
“Hello? Are you ok?” You ask him, with your eyebrows raised and you scoot back so you are propped up on his pillows.
“Is this a trick? Because it’s a very cruel one if it is.”
“No trick, now come over here and make that pretty mouth useful,” you purr at him.
He is on his way before you finish your sentence, he peels his top off before crawling up over you and starts kissing you frantically. You melt at the feel of him. God, what is it about this man's kisses?
“I did not see the night going like this, Y/N. I am not complaining though. Fuck you look smoking in this underwear.” He starts kissing your neck and quickly travels down your chest and stomach, trailing his tongue down you.
He settles between your legs, you can feel his hot breath fanning over the crotch of your panties. His eyes see the bows on the side of your underwear and slowly pull on the silk ties as he looks into your eyes. When the first side is open he runs his tongue over your hip and down into the crease of your thigh. He pulls the other side open and does the same with his tongue. You can’t take your eyes off him, he is so fucking sexy, and his slow pace is setting you on fire.
You lift up your ass a bit and he reads your movement and slips your underwear out from under you, tossing them on the bed.
Your legs drop open fully and he takes a beat to appreciate the view before his tongue gives a tentative lick of your clit, making your head drop back in pleasure. More small soft flicks have you moaning, he flattens his tongue and licks stripes from your clit down and eventually pushes his tongue into your pussy.
“Oh fuck, Ivar that feels amazing,” you tell him between moans and you can feel his mouth smiling against you.
“Use your fingers,” you tell him with a shaky voice and he starts to rub your clit. His tongue moves in and out of you then he switches quickly, his tongue back on your clit and his fingers are inside you curled up on your G spot.
“Oh god.. fuck Ivar.. so good.. your tongue.. fuck.. don’t stop,” you moan at him.
Ivar carries on at the exact right pace and pressure until you are almost falling over the edge.
“Ivar.. fuck I’m going to cum” you tell him, he doesn’t speed up at all, just stays at the same pace until you are screaming his name, fingers in his hair bucking onto his tongue to ride it out your orgasm as long as you can.
You eventually let his hair go and he crawls up, face slick from your orgasm, you rub your hand over his mouth and he kisses you, you can taste yourself in his mouth and you both groan and he collapses down next to you.
“Jesus Christ, I haven’t cum that hard in a long time. Thank you,” you tell him. He gives you a deep kiss and you pull away so you are eye to eye. “I want you to cum in my mouth.”
“Are you even real?” He huffs out in shock but not wasting any time unbuttoning his jeans and pushing them and his boxers down to his mid thigh.
“Do you mind if I leave them on?” He asks almost shyly. You shake your head and kiss him before heading down.
You waste no time with teasing, you just take him into your mouth as he gets fully hard on your tongue. You immediately deep throat him, letting saliva dribble down his shaft, you swirl your tongue around over and over until you pull your mouth off him knowing you will leave a string of spit attached to your lips, his face priceless, disbelief and lust. You let more saliva dribble onto the tip before you slide him in all the way into the back of your throat, gagging around him. The noises coming from him are turning you on so much you wrap your hand around the base of his cock and jerk him off as your mouth sucks him hard. You hear his noises getting higher so you pull your mouth and hand away before he reaches release. His head snaps up to you and he groans at the loss of feeling.
“I haven’t finished, I just don’t want you to cum yet, I’m enjoying this too much,” you tell him and travel up to kiss his mouth.
“Shiiiiit,” he breathes out as you move down again.
You curl your finger around his hard cock, sliding your mouth back onto him, using your hand and mouth to push him to the edge again.
“Stick your ass up in the air more, such an amazing view” his breathing is shallow. You do as you are told and he groans out again.
You deny him his orgasm three more times before you can’t hold off any longer, the need to see him come takes over. You up the speed of your hand and mouth movement and suck harder with each pass, his voice turning the air blue with obscenities.
He grabs your head and starts to thrust up into your mouth, you take your hand away and let him take what he needs from you. The noise he makes as he cums down your throat turns you on so much you are moaning in between swallowing his load. His hips stop fucking into your mouth and his hand leaves your hair, your mouth leaves him and you lick him clean.
“You enjoy that?” You purr in his ear.
“No words,” he manages to get out between heavy breaths, laying back on his pillow looking up at the ceiling. You let out a little giggle.
You find your underwear and put them on, doing up the ties on the side.
“Shall I go and get us some drinks and the sushi?” You ask him.
He is staring at you now, his post orgasm eyes are heavily lidded and he nods.
“Still no words, huh?” You laugh as you pad out into the kitchen.
You come back with two plates full of food and drinks for you both, he has pulled his jeans back up.
“Can I borrow a tshirt?” You ask him “don’t think I’m going to feel too sexy with my bloated food stomach on display in this underwear.”
He laughs and points towards some drawers you go over and pull the first one you find over your head.
“That was the best blow job I’ve ever had in my entire life,” he finally says.
“Words!” You laugh at him as you crawl up into the bed and settle next to him sitting on your knees. You start dipping some sushi in soy and eating a roll. He laughs at you.
“Do you know you do a little happy jiggle when you eat?” He asks, smiling at you.
“Do I? I fucking love food,” you say before popping another sushi roll in your mouth. He is watching you eat with a massive grin on his face.
You hear a faint ding and Ivars eyes swivel to the bedroom door.
“What the fuck? That's the elevator” he says with a look of confusion on his face.
“Ivar!” A woman’s voice is calling him from inside his apartment.
He grabs his phone and checks it.
“Fucking shit! Please stay here,” he can see your face has dropped “it’s not what you are thinking, I promise it’s not. Please believe me”
He swings his legs out of bed and quickly straps his braces on, hand finding his walking stick.
You watch him lurch unevenly out his bedroom
“There you are, Ivar! Something has come up and you are needed at an event. It’s a perfect photo opportunity,” the woman says.
You know who it is now. It’s Freydis.
“How the fuck did you get in here? You can’t just come up to my place, for fucks sake” Ivar says in a hushed tone.
“The doorman gave me a card. He really didn’t want to, I basically threatened to get him fired if he didn’t and told him you would be furious if he didn’t let me up. He tried to call you a bunch of times and told me it was a bad time. Stupid old man, does he not know who I am?” The voice asks, dripping with contempt.
“How the fuck would he know who you are? You’ve never been here before! I’m not going anywhere tonight. I’m busy.” Ivar says.
“No you aren’t, you are in jeans, come on where's your bedroom I will pick you out something to wear.”
You can hear her heels clicking on the floor getting closer to his bedroom.
“Can you just leave? Don’t go in my bedroom, for fucks sake!!” Ivar's voice is full of anger. “What makes you think you can just barge in here?”
You pick up your glass and clothes so there is no evidence of you and quickly run into his en suite, closing the door quietly and locking it. You don’t know why but he doesn’t want her to know you are here, and you aren’t in the mood for confrontation, hiding seems the best option.
You have heard everything he has said to her and it’s left you no doubt at all that there is nothing going on between them.
“Freydis, I’m not coming out with you. I am eating dinner and want to relax. I think we’ve been photographed together enough.” His voice is a bit frantic.
As they enter the bedroom you can hear a sound of confusion from Ivar.
“Ivar, my darling. Why must you deny the chemistry between us? We would be a great match if we dated properly. We would be the new power couple, I know my father would approve. I’m not going to wait around for you forever,” she says with a sulky tone in her voice.
“Freydis, I’ve told you many times. I’m not ready to settle down. I’m enjoying being young, free and single,” he says, his tone is sweet like honey. You don’t recognise his voice at all when he speaks like that.
“Well I suppose you must sow your wild oats, but I warn you Alfred Wessex has showed a great deal of interest in me, he bought me a sapphire necklace last week, so you will have to up your game when you decide to pursue me, I will be expecting bigger and better things from you,” she giggles.
“Fine, don’t come out tonight, I will tell the paparazzi you are too busy working. Don’t eat all that sushi, white rice will make you fat. Ciao darling, see you soon.” The sounds of her clicking heels gets quieter until you hear the elevator ding again.
“Y/N?” Ivar asks. You unlock the bathroom door and stand there for a second.
“She’s a charmer isn't she?! Give Preston a call and let him know he isn’t fired. Seriously, Ivar.” He looks puzzled but does as you say.
“Honestly Preston, it’s not your fault. I had my phone on silent, just please don’t let anyone up again.”
A strange look crosses over his face and he turns to look at you.
“Yes, she’s still here. Ok, I’ll put her on,” he hands his phone to you with a mix of amusement and confusion on his face.
“Hiya Preston, I know, she’s a gem hey?! Not a problem, I believe you, honestly. See you later, or in the morning, I haven’t decided yet. Bye!” You hang up and give Ivar the phone back.
“How are you on first name terms with him?!” Ivar asks with a curious look on his face.
“Preston and I are buds, my guy,” you shrug. He laughs at you then his face turns serious.
“I’m so sorry about her, she’s honestly never been here before.” Ivars tone has a hint of panic again, like he thinks he’s just blown his last chance with you.
“I heard everything, no big deal. I hid because I didn’t want anything messing up your business shit. I don’t usually say this but I don’t like her very much. I wonder what she is expecting you to buy her?” You laugh.
“I need you to know that I’m not sleeping with anyone, I know I implied to her that I was, but it was just to get her off my back. I haven’t slept with anyone for over a year. Just so you know.”
“Well I’ve only slept with your close blood relative, no one else in the last year” you look at him through your eyelashes and you both start laughing.
“Let’s get back to the food, I’m starving!” you giggle as you head towards the bed.
After the sushi is finished Ivar puts on a film and you snuggle together in his bed. Ivar sits up suddenly, turning to you and pulls you up to sit, facing him.
“Y/N. I want you to know how sorry I am about the last few weeks. I am so ashamed of myself. The way I treated you is unforgivable. I want you to know that I’m very aware how lucky I am that you are here with me. That you have allowed me to try and make it up to you.” His eyes have the most sincere look in them you’ve ever seen.
“Listen, Ivar. I think I’ve been very clear about how you made me feel. I’m a strong woman but what you did cut me deep.” His face is so hurt and his eyes drop to his hands. “Hey, I’m not saying that to make you feel bad, that’s just the reality of it. I’ve chosen to open up to you, to give you another chance. I’m trusting you to treat me better this time, OK? Please don’t keep apologising for the past, just focus on doing better in the future,” you give a one shouldered shrug and place your hand gently in his cheek. He turns and kisses your palm.
“Oh I will. I promise. Do you want to stay over?” He asks quietly.
You give him a squeeze. “It depends, will you be here in the morning?” You tease him.
He kisses the top of your head and tickles your side playfully. “I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you. Cancel your plans, you are mine for the rest of the weekend!”
Chapter 9
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woefully-devoted · 1 year
Tagged by @trekkitkat . Thank you!
Rule: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: Single
Favourite colour: Tie between blue and yellow
Song stuck in my head: The theme song to "Clueless: the series"...no idea why but I'm not complaining lol.
Last song I listened to: #1 Crush by Garbage
Three favourite foods: Lasagna, homemade turkey cheeseburger, sushi
Last thing I googled: 'salt in coffee grounds'
Dream trip: Scotland in the fall or Florence in the spring
[No pressure] Tagging: @quarterpastmidnight @teardropsinhereyes @lilyroseluthor @viking-raider @leopard-skin-pillbox-hat-ok @lepuffpuff @madamedepp @sullxo @words-of-holly @countesscuriosity
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ritual-unions · 1 year
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Archive of Our Own to see everything I’ve ever written for the Vikings fandom.
** = denotes explicit and/or implied sexual content, please use discretion
Ubbe / Original Character(s)
Sleepy Mornings **- multi chapter, complete, entire fic posted on Ao3. Winnifred lives the sheltered life of a Christian woman in King Alfred’s court. Not truly understanding the meaning of sexual pleasure her new husband, Ubbe Ragnarsson, is more than willing to show her the path.
Green Ivy **- one-shot, Ubbe has been married to Avaritia for many years but she still struggles with his heathenism and the way it creeps into her daily life and that of their children. A thunderstorm one night sends her running to Ubbe’s bed, the family bed he has been trying to convince her to sleep in. She finds not only Ubbe but their two children fast asleep. Ubbe in his tempestuous ways convinces Avaritia to find safety in his arms. (I may continue/add more fics with Avaritia at a later date)
A Feast for You **- one-shot, The Great Army finds themselves at the deserted villa of King Ecbert and Ubbe, feeling the full fervor of battle, takes his Sami consort, Verdandi, again and again, until she can no longer handle his advances. To distract him she tries to scrounge up enough food to hopefully satiate his beastly desires. (I may continue/add more fics with Verdandi at a later date)
Gatekeeper **- one-shot, Ubbe is forced to punish his Sami consort, Verdandi, after she mistakenly reveals the secret entrance into Kattegat to the enemy. Also known as sex-on-a-throne cause I can.
Northern Lights - one-shot, ficlet
Twice Now - multi chapter/complete, entire fic posted on Ao3. For years Ubbe has been promised to the same Saxon girl from his childhood, Avery. He is reluctantly waiting for the day when he will marry Avery, until then the gods will find their entertainment by placing the wilding Saxon, Kara, before him. She is unlike any he has met before, drawn to her though she does not want his help. She is determined to meet her lover, Ceol, on the coast of England before the year ends. Unwillingly she travels with Ubbe and his brother, Hvitserk, in a journey that may just leave them all a little mad.
Wolf Like Me - multi chapter/on going, Ylva Ragnardottir is used to getting what she wants. As the only daughter of the great Ragnar Lothbrok and the famous Princess Aslaug she wants to marry Haakon, the bastard son of King Harald Finehair but Ubbe, forced into a position that should be their missing father's, will not allow it.
Ylva isn't the only one whose hand is being forced, Eir, daughter of the King of Sweden finds herself betrothed to a man she wishes to never see again, Ubbe Ragnarsson.
Hvitserk / Original Character(s)
Hours & Hours ** - one-shot, Hvitserk proposes “Naked Sushi Night” at The Valkyrie Gentlemen’s Club, the strip club owned by the Ragnarssons, just so he can see his favorite employee covered in food.
Touch Me ** - one-shot, Ubbe solicits Hvitserk into having sex with his girl, Dusty, so that he can watch, things don’t go as planned when Hvitserk’s new girlfriend, Honey, walks in on the three of them mid-coitous.
A part of my "Broken Clocks" series, in which the sons of Ragnar own a strip club, The Valkyrie Gentlemen's Club, located in England, much to the annoyance of the Christian council, Ecbert, and his son, Aethelwulf.
Misunderstandings ** - one-shot, Sigurd brings a new American friend to hang out with his brother. She speaks little-to-no Norwegian and Hvitserk takes advantage of her lack of mastery on the language in the form of a bet.
Halfdan the Black / Original Character(s)
Marks ** - anon requested/drabble, Halfdan does not share and he is willing to let everyone know.
2022 Ao3 End of the Year Review
Requests are open, see this post for more info. Also my inbox and dms are always open, I may not get to them right away but I’d love to talk to you about my fics & ocs and/or Vikings characters in general.
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dreamskug · 1 year
Tag People You Want to Get To Know Better!
Tagged by @therealnightcity and @elmknight, thank you! 🖤 Favorite color:
Ohhh I LOVE black color and earthy colors - gray, olive (I see you Cid), brown, stuff like that.
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Currently reading:
Re-reading The Lord of the Rings.
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Last song:
The Wanderer - Errrilaz
Last Movie:
Recently rewatched In Bruges - really love this movie so much. McDonaghs - 🖤
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Last series:
Rewatching Vikings rn - FAV shit, I have no words, fuckin fight me on this 😈
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Sweet, Savory, or Spicy:
Oh oh OH it's absolutely savory or spicy, mostly savory - salty, actually - I'm a HUGE FAN of salty popcorn, can eat it till my lips go numb lmao.
Sushi, still craving sushi. Gotta do smth about it.
Tea or Coffee:
Both. I really like herbal tea, especially with Alpine flowers or something like that, aaand I like coffee, too!
Currently Working On:
Custom pumpppeeddd body and textures for my boyo Ivarrr (all my love to @depyotee beloved for doing god's work 🖤)
Tagging: many people got tagged already I'm sure, so feel free to ignore it :D @faepunkprince @cyberpsycho-for-eurodyne @depyotee @wraithsoutlaws @drunkchasind @kittenchrissy @nervouswizardcycle @chevvy-yates @miss--river @halsin
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agoraphobiclapine · 1 year
⚠️THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN WEIGHT GAIN AND FEEDISM KINK/FETISH CONTENT. IF THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. UNFOLLOW. If you see your content reblogged here and want it removed, I will remove it⚠️
Skip to the next set of ⚠️ if you are purely interested in kink stuff
Sprinkled in will also be plenty of Peaky Blinders, Watership Down, and other things that bring me immense joy.
25 || He/Him || gay || trans || ace || Taken by the very handsome and amazing piggy @girthleng
My name is Xander, you can use it, my username, or Xan to refer to me. I am autistic and have other disabilities as well that I prefer not to disclose. This as well as my transness are NOT to be sexualized or fetishized please.
• Shows: Peaky Blinders, Bob's Burgers, Money Heist, Stranger Things, Queens Gambit, Vikings, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Watership down.
• Movies: Watership down, anything Ghibli (fav is Nausicaa)
• Music: variety of stuff but right now IDLES, The White Stripes, Grandson, Black Pistol Fire. Big fan of Corpse Husband, Doja Cat, and Eminem. Also been listening to a lot of Billie Holiday and Peggy Lee.
• Books: Watership Down (if you have not caught on Watership Down is my biggest autistic special interest)
• Videogames: Divinity: Original Sin 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, Stardew Valley, Hollow Knight, Slime Rancher, Rusty Lake/Cube Escape Games, Final Fantasy XIII, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
• Food: Sushi/Sashimi, especially if it is Salmon/Ikura/hotatekai, most seafood, Udon, Miso, Brussels sprouts, and anything involving fish paste. Ice cream is great, and so are vegan mini marshmallows (im not vegan, but I am allergic to gelatin)
• Animals: Otters, Rabbits, Frogs, Capybaras, Horses, Seahorses, and Poodles.
⚠️kink stuff⚠️
- I am currently taken and not interested in teasing/talking to people about kink anymore UNLESS it is in the form of interacting with my art/writing. I will gladly talk to you about my characters. I am still interested in friends that may want to talk about kink in general (i.e. hear me gush about how cute it is that a certain guy stuffed himself silly at the buffet but then wanted ice cream himself after when I went through McDonald's to get an ice cream for the dog as a treat) but I will not be teasing/encouraging anyone but my very VERY amazing boyfriend
- I am autistic and often abrasive because of it. I require boundaries to be placed by both parties and to be respected. Communication should be clear and intentional. If it seems like something is flying over my head, it is. Be direct, please, because I will do the same.
- Not into being a feedee/gaining/mutual gaining. This is final. No joking about it, no negotiations. I love contrast. Let's keep it that way. If you disrespect this boundary, you will be blocked.
- I have a BS in animal science and wanted to be a farmer before my physical health declined. This being said, I have two decades of farm experience and love to bring that into kink talk. Let's just say I'm great at helping you grow.
- I want to get to know the people I talk to about kink. I'm not gonna just jump right into it. That doesn't appeal to me. I'm looking for friends and that is it. It won't break my heart if that isn't for you, but don't let it break yours when I don't reciprocate.
- open to role-playing as OCs or existing characters. I will only role-play MxM as I'm strictly attracted to other men. I'm more into the sensual side of things as an asexual person, and thus, extremely explicit content isn't something I will typically engage in. Talk to me about what we both expect and we will see. No mpreg. No death feedism. No long-term immobility. Not currently open to RP
- my transness is not to be the main topic of discussion in any way shape or form. I'm a dude. Treat me as such.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hello ! How are you ? It's me again (hope I can ask a second time, because I really liked it the first time - if I can't feel free to ignore this post).
I was wondering if I could have a level 3 ship with DC universe, Stranger things and Vikings if that’s not too much trouble ?
So about me :
Age : Early 20s
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Demisexual heteroromantic
Height : 175cm
Body Type : Pear/A type (I'm a bit on the curvy side)
Hair : Short, Dark brown and really curly (3a/3b/3c)
Eyes : Almond shaped, black
Style : casual chic, tends a bit toward preppy sometimes
Zodiac signs : Scorpio Sun, Taurus Rising, Gemini moon
Mbti : INFP
Hogwarts House : Ravenclaw
Favorite food : Sushis
Hobbies : reading, martial art (I just started so I'm not very good but I keep trying), writing, baking cookies, walking, listening to music, surfing on tumblr (obviously XD).
Personality : I'm a introvert, and I may seem a bit closed off at first, but I'm fun to be around once I feel comfortable being myself around you. I'm really sarcastic, and sometimes I put myself in ridiculous situations because I'm a dumbass. I hate confrontations, from the bottom of my heart, and most of the time I'm more of a diplomatic person. But if I have to stand my ground for someone or something I care about, I will. I'm a really loyal friend, so long as you show me that you "deserve" my loyalty (ex : being there when I need you, Not ghosting me XD). I'm an eldest, and I love my siblings, even though they drive me crazy most of the times. I love learning new things, reading new things.
And I think that's it ^^. Thank you so much for your time and have a nice day :)
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
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I ship you with Ubbe! Bjorn and Ivar are too ... brazen, Hvitzerk is too immature. So I went with Ubbe; who is a mixture of fun and responsibility. He can get down to business and be a leader, while keeping other people safe. 
・Begs you to braid his hair and to have a matching braid in your hair
・Gives the best hugs: he’s usually the one to initiate hugs. Ubbe will come up behind you and sweep you into his strong arms, squishing you to his chest
・For affection, Ubbe likes to bite - he’ll nip at your earlobe, or nose, even in public
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I ship you with Dick Grayson! Um, so I hope you’ve seen Titans? I haven’t seen a whole lot, but I get the gist of each character. I sense that Dick Grayson has a good heart, but will do what needs to be done. I think you work well with a partner who has a soft side, a kind side - one where you know they have your best interest at heart. 
・Doesn’t want you in danger or the firing line - so he’s often adamant that you can’t fight. You’ve had a few fights about it, but he finally relented. (You would have joined anyway, no matter if he gave ‘permission’ or not)
・He’s actually really clean when you live together. Always picks up after himself, and if he’s making a drink or food, he automatically makes enough for you as well. He’ll just bring the plate over and silently set it down in front of you while you’re watching tv
・Loves when you read to him, especially if it’s a classic novel like Lord of the Rings or IT
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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(Um can we just appreciate this gif for a second? Imagine him LOOKING AT YOU LIKE THAT OMG) I ship you with Steve Harrington! I think you need someone to balance out your chaotic side. When you get yourself into sticky situations, Steve would always be there to get you out of it. 
・He is so soft with you! He always makes sure you’re fed, you’re hydrated, and content. Steve will go to the ends of the earth to make sure you’re happy
・Calls you “sweetheart,’ “honey,” “honey-buns,” he just loves calling you lovey-dovey nicknames. Being in love makes Steve sickly sweet. 
・You guys go to the drive ins a LOT!!! You’ll get popcorn and lay down in the back of the wagon, with blankets and pillows
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cuddlytogas · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me better
tagged by @bookshelfdreams (thank you!) uh...... nearly two weeks ago, which is actually less than i thought! >.> so, not just shows i like, but shows that encapsulate my personality... hmm... let's see.....
okay i mean obviously we've gotta start with Our Flag Means Death. period piece (and EARLY C18th, that's less common than i'd like!), mundane comedy, pirates, queer as hell, lots of body and accent diversity (accent diversity!!! in a period piece!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)... if it was just a bit more accurate about boats, it'd just be my brain on the screen XD
I'm putting Elementary on here, because it's definitely in the top three Sherlock Holmes adaptations, and you can't understand me without understanding my preoccupation with early detective fiction and queer history and adaptation analysis. but Elementary specifically has Lucy Liu and a Sebastian Moran plot, which are also dear to my heart :)
Stellar Firma. weird british improv. sci-fi comedy that if you think about it too long turns sharply into existential horror. anarchist anti-capitalism. an interesting and complicated sentient computer. also i love everything Tim Meredith does, so, jot that down
on the note of sci-fi comedy that's secretly existential horror: Red Dwarf, maybe? even when it's bad, it makes for a FASCINATING encapsulation of, like, the inevitable entropy of the classic sitcom format, or late 80s/early 90s homophobia, and god knows I love to over-analyse that shit
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme. not JUST season 9, although season 9 is also Everything To Me (queer characters! ACE CHARACTER?? complicated but generally very sweet family dynamics!! interesting format and structure!! lawry lewin is there!), but the whole show is just whimsical and silly and full of puns and historical jokes and... it's just so fucking refreshing, and Finnemore's such a good writer it makes me angry
Good Omens s1 is actually an extremely good encapsulation of my existential outlook (through the lens of christianity rather than atheism, but like... well, yeah). also: those bitches gay, and indulging in earthly delights like oysters and sushi and old books is Very Important
I really liked bookshelf's idea of putting in something you hate (and Vikings was an excellent fucking choice there), so it's gotta be Sherlock. what a wild disappointment that show was, for so very many reasons, all encapsulated by the hbomb video essay <3
Hornblower. what can I say? I watched it way too young and imprinted on the boats and learned a lot about personal and political structures in closed societies. also, Ioan Gruffudd and Paul McGann are hot.
there's probably something huge I'm forgetting about, but oh well, it's a sunday, i'm allowed to slack off XD
not tagging anyone because I'm lazy, so consider this your excuse if you want one! <3
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dreamwreaver · 9 months
Every time I see Chloe salters use the excuse of "she's a racist" as part of why Zoe sue is better than her, I want to point out several things.
1. That episode is in season 1, we never see or hear of her doing anything like that until the retooling from s4 where she doesn't even resemble s1 chloe.
2. How is her confusing Marinette's great uncle for a sushi chef any more racist than a: gabriel in universe making him look like this
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Or b: the writers and designers taking elements that are not associated with Chinese elements but are vaguely Asian and sticking them on a Chinese character? The goku uniform isn't Chinese (even if sun goku was inspired by sun wukong who is from a Chinese story) the pizza final fantasy sword isn't a Chinese weapon, I'm a bit iffy on the face makeup being culturally accurate but it still feels very uncomfortable to look at. Like most akuma's appearance are based on either the object they're holding or them as a person. Aside from the chef hat what does anything in this design have to do with him being a cook?
You know what makes this worse? Bakerix
How come the French guy who in his debut episode was far more racist than Chloe ever was gets to resemble something that's his passion?
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This is the best gif I could find forgive me. How come the French white guy gets to be a bread Viking but the Chinese chef is a mishmash of "Asian" stuff?
Or heck, anyone remember that infamous ml comic where Marinette is the racist one? Like to every Chloe salter out there, please if you can provide any more evidence about her being racist I'd love to see it. You can absolutely say she's an elitist I won't argue on that, but everyone takes a s1 episode where the show was still figuring stuff out as gospel of Chloe being a racist when every episode thomas wasn't involved with after that has her being mean to people for... still stupid reasons but never because of their race. She doesn't hate Kagami because she's Japanese, she hates her because she was a rival for Adrien's affections!
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promiseiwillwrite · 2 years
Getting to know You Ask Game
Tagged by @a-witch-named-crow - thank you so much! I've never gotten tagged in one of these before!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag nine people you want to know better.
Favorite Color: Green. But not just Green... The color of moss after months of steady rain. The color of THRIVING Life.
Currently Reading: I am currently between books. I was Thinking about reading this anthropological deconstruction of the Northern European Bear Cult that pre-dated the Viking era, but I am not sure I have the bandwidth. Maybe I will read something silly next. I know there are multiple "Adventures of Ms. Pollifax" books, and if you've not read one, go Look her up. They are novels about an old widow who becomes a successful spy.
Last Song: Not sure. What I am sure is that there is a Non-zero chance that it was "Show Yourself" from the Frozen II soundtrack. Otherwise it was some random crappy country song that was on in the carpool I was riding with out to the place where we went hiking yesterday. Not sure that counts for these purposes.
Last Series: Locke and Key, Season Three. They rounded out the cosmology, tied up the loose ends, and threw away the key. At least it got an ending... Many Netflix Series aren't so lucky. (squints in Netflix's general direction with consternation for having failed to mention whether or not they will Bother with more Sandman) I have Also recently concluded watching "The Orville" and if Hulu doesn't make more of that I may go burn something down. Guilty Pleasure, and series still in progress, "Gargoyles". They never let me watch as a kid, and now no one can stop me. Some of it is AWFUL. (should have remained in the 90's) Some of it is surprisingly well done for a Kid's show of that era... (lots of crazy pagan magic stuff in there, no wonder I adored my sneak peeks as a kid)
Last Movie: Soul. Yes. Disney. I watch by myself in my basement where no one else is harmed by this destructive habit.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I Love Flavors. It is Impossible to innumerate them all. Much shorter list of things I hate: Steamed Artichoke Leaf, Sea Urchin Sushi, and Kababoli Relish. These foods, in my opinion, taste like wet cardboard, the layer of fish poop at the bottom of the rocks in a dirty fish tank, and vomit, respectively. I felt very seen when they talked about the combinations of flavors that created synergistic enhancement in Ratatouille.
Currently Working On: Therapy and the development of skills involving coping with anxiety and managing trauma while moving toward successful task management and task conflict tolerance in relationships and at work. This blog. Learning about Foraging. Getting my Master Sergeant Stripe. A Gardening Project 7 years in the making. I've honestly written a lot of things... But most of them have involved the voices in my head, and I'm pretty sure my therapist is dead set against this as maladaptive daydreaming, and does not consider it a legitimate coping skill. I am not so sure. At very least, I think abandoning it entirely feels like leaving a lot of creativity on the table. I will still likely eventually end up writing one of the ideas, if I can convince myself they are unique enough. The Tree and Door stories seemed pretty solid to me... maybe I will get those together one day. At least, if nothing else, I am pretty sure it would make a Rad D&D game.
Tagging: @solostinmysea @sickened-things
Sorry, I don't really know very many people here that might answer a silly thing like this. Most of the people I follow are kind of doing their own thing and don't interact with others personally...
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istorkyou · 2 years
A Situationship (Modern!Ivar AU)
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A Modern!Ivar x OFC
Warning -  STRICTLY 18+. Language. Alcohol use. Angst
Synopsis - No strings attached. What could go wrong?
Word Count - 4503
Big thanks to @punkrocknpearls​​​ for cheerleading, laying her beta magic all over this and the AMAZING moodboard. Look at it. Look at it now. None of my bullshit would see the light of day if it wasn’t for her, so she’s to blame!
Tag List - Let me know if you want on or off :)
@smears-and-spots @punkrocknpearls​​ @youbloodymadgenius​​ @momowhoo​​ @zuxiezendler​​ @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog​ @ivar-s-my-brat-tamer​ @pieces-by-me​ @heavenly1927​​ @berryonasummerevening @synnersaint​​ @out-of-the-box-and-into-alchemy​ @petite-hime​​ @serasvictoria​​ @mimiiinspace​​ @itsmysticalmystery​​ @lonewolf471​​ @mylifeisactuallyamess​​ @draculasbride-blog​​ @love-all-things-writing​​ @southernbe​​ @redhead7799​​ @kaybee87​​ @ivarlover​​ @ivarhoegh​​ @idgafiamallthefandoms​​ @darkphoenix5037​​ @profoundtyrantharmony​​ @snarling-through-our-smiles​​ @crazyunsexycool​​ @xceafh​​ @bragisrunes​​@noway4u @batmandallyboy​​ @complicatedbutrare @readsalot73​​​​
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Her workforce is young. She is the oldest by eight years, at least, but at least four of her employees are exactly half her age. So when the half yearly night out rolls around and it’s organised this time by one of the youngest, she contemplates not going. The restaurant is a good choice, a sushi place that she loves so that’s fine, but the bar and the club they’re going to afterwards she’s never even heard of. When she googles the club, she realised it’s one she used to frequent at least five refurbishments ago. 
Still, she will go out for the whole night; she knows how much the girl who organised it looks up to her, as both a woman in business and as a mentor, and she’ll be damned if she discourages any of her staff in any way at all. 
The food is great, it’s an upmarket place and she picks up the bill, to much genuine protest, and she is promised by them she won’t buy a single drink for the rest of the night.
The bar is fun, a good mix of people, and she is able to stay at the table for most of the night, discussing the love lives of her tipsy employees and shelling out advice to her much more inexperienced crew. 
“He just can’t get me off! Oh fuck, I’m so drunk! I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have said that to you! I will hand in my resignation on Monday,” Lindsay says dramatically, covering her face in shame. 
“Don’t be a knob, Linz!” she reassures her, laughing. “I distinctly remember you wiping puke off my chin the last night out we had. These nights out have nothing to do with work. This is just a bunch of people who spend nine hours a day together letting off steam. I’m not your boss on these nights, just a friend. Anyway, back to your guy. He doesn’t make you cum?” 
“Not once,” she says regretfully. 
“He doesn’t listen to you?” 
“What do you mean?”
“When you tell him what he needs to do, does he listen to you?” 
Lindsay scoffs at the question. “I don’t tell him. Surely he should just know. He’s been with women before!”
She stares at the younger woman, incredulous. “What? You never tell him? Maybe he’s been with women and that’s how they liked it. But everyone is different. One woman’s slapped ass is another woman’s neck bite, we all like different things. You are allowed to tell him what you need from him, you are doing both of you a disservice by allowing him to carry on doing shit that doesn’t work for you, Linz. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over my years is that men fucking love direction, and the ones that don’t are the ones you discard very quickly.” 
Her thoughts turn to Ivar for the millionth time this week. The guy who takes direction like an absolute champ. She hasn’t messaged him like she said she would and she almost pulls her phone out before she is distracted. 
“Really? So you just come out and tell them straight up when they aren’t doing it right for you?” Lindsay asks in amazement. 
“Well, I’m usually a bit more encouraging. Something like, “I like that but can you do it to the left a little?”, or “Oh fuck, that’s amazing, go harder/faster/slower”, or “please pull my hair, please I really like that, will you do that for me, please?” She giggles at Lindsay’s face. “Stuff like that, encouraging but instructive. And you have to be open to them doing the same and don’t take it personally. Fucking someone new is a chance to expand your sexual repertoire.” 
They are pulled out of their conversation by Amelia ushering them to drink up and go to the club. 
Lindsay shares her well imparted wisdom with the rest of the cab on the way to the club and it’s like she can see light bulbs going off in their heads. It makes her laugh out loud but she also feels sorry for them, and a little exasperated.
“Guys, Jesus fucking Christ!” She throws her hands in the air, shaking her head. “Take charge of your own pleasure! Do not allow yourself to suffer through years of mediocre sex because you are too shy to say anything. Own. Your. Shit. I say that in the office, but that also applies in the bedroom.” 
They skip the line at the club, thank God; it’s cold and her feet are aching from the ridiculous heels she’s wearing. They are shown to their table by a hostess and looking around the place she can see absolutely not one single person over the age of 30 in here. Still, they have their table and table service so she will only have to venture into the crowd when she needs to pee. 
She orders bottles of liquor and champagne to the table, she can treat them, they keep her business successful after all. She doesn’t know any of the music but Amelia assures her that the music goes “old school” after midnight and she will enjoy it. 
She enjoys the company for an hour before the music switches and she is in her element. What’s old school to them is just her jams and they manage to persuade her on to the dance floor. It’s been a hot minute since she danced in a club but the music and the alcohol soon trick her brain into believing she’s twenty five again, and she’s shaking her ass without a care in the world. 
As she raps along to the music, she spins around and her eyes catch him at the side of the dance floor. 
In this fucking club. Staring at her like a predator stares at their prey. 
She stops dead still staring at him. She doesn’t mean to but she’s never seen him in this context before, not since the first night they met at a pub. This is different. He knows nothing about this side of her. The drunk woman letting her hair down, he only knows what she allowed him to know. This is new. She feels totally exposed to him at this moment and she doesn’t know what to do. 
His face is neutral, despite his eyes not leaving her. His gaze is hypnotic, making her skin break out in goosebumps and the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. 
A jealous buzz courses through her when she watches a very pretty blond girl walk up to him, snake her hand over his shoulder and rise up onto her tiptoes to whisper something in his ear. She doesn’t know what to do with the feeling so she shoves it low, ignoring it completely. Ivar glances at the blonde quickly then shakes her hand off his shoulder, his eyes back on her. All of a sudden, she’s grabbed by Lindsay and spun around to dance again and when she looks back, he’s gone. She starts to wonder if her drunk brain has made it all up. 
On her way back to her table she passes a rowdy group and Ivar is on the edge of it, laughing. She almost walks by him without saying anything but then she rethinks; is it too rude to just ignore him like that? They have been fucking for months, spending loads of time together and it seems wrong to just walk past as if they are strangers. So she stops just next to him and taps his arm. 
“Hey! Are you having a good night?” she asks jovially, happy in her decision until his face turns to her and it’s nothing short of thunderous. 
“What?” he retorts harshly, as if she’s interrupted the most important moment of his life. “Do I know you?” 
It’s dark so the fact a blush immediately floods her face is imperceptible, thank God. She feels shocked and disappointed, but overall she just feels pissed the fuck off. She isn’t trying to bring their thing out into the open, expose it to his friends; that’s the last thing she wants, but she isn’t an asshole who just ignores people either. 
He, on the other hand, clearly doesn’t have a problem with being an asshole. 
“Really?” she asks with raised eyebrows and an amused smile on her face. She observes his group: some look at her, some don't. “Not even a civilised hello, hey?” 
“Let’s not “pretend” shall we?” he retorts, and continues to stare at her. 
“It’s okay, I’m sorry, I must have been mistaken, I thought you were someone I knew. Clearly not.” she says coldly, nodding firmly and walking back to their table. She sits with her glass of champagne for a minute, stewing over the coldness he’s shown her. Not six days ago that man was treating her like a Queen, and even though she left abruptly that night, she thought he understood why. The same man who has been in her bed almost every weekend for months couldn’t even say hi. Now, apparently, in an unexpected social meeting, he turns into a completely different human. 
She drains her glass and shakes the funk off, allowing herself to be dragged back out onto the dance floor where she doesn’t even look over at him once.
His eyes are on her, though. He knows he shouldn’t have been so rude, but everyone is there. He can’t explain her to anyone, nor does he want to. He’s hurt by the way she left last weekend and she hasn’t messaged him like she said she would so that just adds salt to his wounds. 
She is his alone. The one thing in his life he doesn’t have to share with anyone and that changed last weekend when Hvitserk barged in. Ivar doesn’t blame his brother – there was no way he could have known, given the circumstances – he’s just pissed off that the moment he invited her into his life everything unravelled. 
He should have just gone to hers like always. 
He is also in shock that she came up to him. She had been clear about wanting their…whatever this is… to be a secret, so he just assumed she would keep her distance. Typical of her, direct as always. 
Why the fuck was she in this club anyway? Who the hell were all those people she was with? She was the last person he thought he would see tonight, in this club anyway. 
He had planned on texting her for a hookup so he could get out of this shit early. She’d already told him she had plans tonight, but he was hoping she would have let him come over when she got home. And he was hoping she didn’t have plans tomorrow so he could stay at hers overnight, like he usually does. He loves waking up at her house. It’s peaceful and calm and she is there. 
Now he’d fucked it with his shitty attitude, his immature reaction to her. 
Hvitserk catches his eye and shakes his head slowly, looking disappointed at his brother. Ivar points his finger at him, as if daring him to say anything. 
Ivar tries to pluck up the courage to go and speak to her for the rest of the night, but as he watches her dancing, drinking and laughing with her friends she appears to be totally unbothered by their encounter and he just can’t bring himself to do it. She obviously doesn’t give a shit so why should he?
She leaves at 2am. Straight into a cab, home, into the shower and into her bed. She has no plans tomorrow, thankfully, because she’s already got a headache developing. While she showers, she ponders what happened with Ivar and puts her feelings down to lack of common courtesy, nothing more. She downs some water and two preemptive ibuprofen, and falls asleep in no time.
Her phone ringing wakes her up. She reaches for it and sees Ivar’s name on her screen. The time is 3.30am. She is definitely not interested in a hook-up tonight, so she turns her phone off mid ring. 
The doorbell ringing wakes her again. She suddenly has a panic that Steven could have been trying to get in touch with her about the children and she drunkenly turned her phone off. She runs to her window and opens it, looking down over her driveway and her front door. It’s not Steven. 
It’s Ivar. 
She tries to close her window quietly but he’s already seen her. 
“Open the door, let me in. Please!”
Fuck! She can just imagine Nicole serving this piping hot tea up in their group chat right this minute, giving their boring lives some much needed drama. 
She leans out the window. 
“Shut the fuck up!” she whispers through gritted teeth. 
He whisper-shouts back. “Let me in!”
“Oh for fucks sake, Ivar!”
She doesn’t even bother to pull on her dressing gown. She flies down the stairs before he starts making any more noise and opens the door in a bralette and matching tiny shorts. 
“What the fucking hell are you doing here?” she fumes. “You can’t just turn up on my doorstep unannounced. It’s inappropriate. Shouting up at my fucking window? Who the hell do you think you are? Romeo?” 
“I wanted to apologise.”
“Oh yeah?” She pushes him into the living room, closing the curtains. 
He walks up to her with his hands facing her. “It was weird.” 
“Was it?” she asks incredulously. “It actually wasn’t until you made it weird.”
His eyes glide down her body, to her tits covered in black lace and the tiny satin shorts which are slit up the side to the waistband.She watches him physically shake his head and she can see the pictures in his mind as clear as if the were being projected out straight from his brain. He’s so easy to read and she would usually take advantage and tease him, a small move of fabric against her skin, a well timed lip bite, a few small steps towards him making her tits bounce. But not tonight. Tonight she isn’t interested in that. 
He hurt her feelings. 
He runs his hands over his face. “Why the fuck were you in that club?”
“Probably for the same reason as you, Ivar. To have fun,” she scoffs. “I exist out of this house you know? I have a life that carries on when you aren’t around,” she says sarcastically.
“Who the fuck were you with?” His tone is aggressive, as if she’s personally offended him by socialising with people. 
She narrows her eyes at him. She won’t put up with this bullshit. “It’s none of your business, Ivar! Do you even realise how rude you were to me tonight?” 
“This shit between us is secret right?! That’s the deal, we fuck, we spend time together but we don’t get involved in each other’s lives. Then you just rock on up to me in a nightclub and expect me to act normal towards you?” 
“You got me involved in your life last weekend! You rocked the boat. And tonight, did I come up to you and make a scene? Did I demand you introduce me to all your friends? No I didn’t. All I said was hey, are you having a good night? You could have just said yes thanks, and I would have been gone.” 
“I was just shocked. I didn’t think you would come up to me in front of everyone. Fuck, do you know how embarrassing that was?!”
“Embarrassing? Embarrassing?? I embarrassed you by saying hello?!” 
“Ugh, you know what I mean.”
“You are too embarrassed to even say hello to me. I’m that mortifying to you you can’t even extend to me the most basic of human courtesy?” She feels her cheeks grow hot but she can’t do anything to stop that. 
“Shit, stop putting this all on me! You aren’t embarrassed by me? You’ve made it abundantly fucking clear you don’t want people to know we are together.”
“Together?! We are not together. And no, I haven’t told anyone about us fucking. That is not out of embarrassment. My life is complicated, Ivar! I have children who are old enough to understand what fuck buddies are. I have a cunt ex-husband who wants nothing more than some shit to Lord over me. All my friends are happily married, they wouldn’t understand the age gap.” She stops to take a breath and swallow back the tears that are threatening to burst forth. “I don't tell people because of my circumstances. You don’t tell people because apparently you are embarrassed by me. As much as I hate to admit it, that fucking stung tonight, Ivar. That hurt my feelings.”
“Oh god this is all wrong. Not this.” He gestures between them when he sees her face. “I’ve explained it all wrong! Look, I just don’t want everyone having access to us. It’s special to me and I don’t want it to be scrutinised.”
She throws her head back and laughs at him. “Special to you? Sure it is, Ivar. I don’t even know you! I thought I did, but was what I saw tonight the real you? Because I’m not interested in that at all. I fucking hate rudeness and you were beyond rude tonight. Get out now. I’m exhausted.” 
The hurt on his face lasts for three seconds before anger replaces it. “If I walk out here tonight, I won’t be coming back.” 
A flutter of fear dances across her chest but she does what she does so well, pushes it away. “Oh well. Life goes on. Everything is replaceable, Ivar.” she replies in the coldest voice she usually reserves for Steven. 
The mix of emotions across his face is so hard to watch. She waits for his nasty response, sure it is going to be as hurtful as hers was, but all he does is turn around and leave with an almighty slam of the front door. 
She picks up the remote control and throws it into the wall and wipes tears of frustration from her eyes. 
When Steven drops the kids back on Sunday evening, she can see from the minute he gets out of the car that he’s pissed off. She assumes one of the kids has been a pain in the ass but he gives them both warm hugs and kisses goodbyes. 
They are safely stowed in their rooms before he addresses her coldly.
“You’ve moved on then?” 
She knows what he’s getting at but she is going to play dumb.
“I bumped into Nicole from over the road this morning. She was more than happy to fill me in on what’s been happening in my house every weekend.”
“This isn’t your house, it never was,” she scoffs. “Bye Steven, thanks for dropping the kids back. Next Friday okay still?” 
“Okay for what? So you can go out and spread your cunt all around town?”
It wasn’t so long ago that this would have sent her over the edge into a spiral. She knows he’s using the most provocative language he can to get under her skin. 
But now is now, and she will never give him any of herself again. 
“Don’t be a pig, Steven, that's low even for you. I meant is it okay to pick up the kids,” she replies neutrally. 
“If you are bringing men around my children I should meet them. Don’t you think?” 
“When that happens, I will make sure you do. Goodbye, Steven.”
“Who the fuck was the guy leaving here in the middle of the night on Friday?!“
“Goodbye.” She starts to close the door on him, but he pushes it open again. 
 “Do you know I’ve been fucking Nancy for the past three months?!” The shit-eating grin on his face almost tips her into a rage. It’s got nothing to do with the information – she genuinely could not give a shit who he is sleeping with – it’s just that she can’t stand his stupid fucking face and his stupid bullshit attitude.
“Goodbye, Steven,” she says, pushing hard against the door. Once again he stops her. 
“Who is he? You better fucking tell me now!”
A clearing of a throat comes from behind Steven and when you both look behind him, you see that Ivar is standing behind him on the driveway, with a look on his face that can only be interpreted as murderous. 
Steven falters and he looks back at her, then Ivar. “Excuse me, can you fuck off, I’m having a conversation with my wife.” 
“Ex-wife,” she and Ivar say in perfect unison.
Steven continues to stare at Ivar, who stares at her as she tries to keep her mouth set in a straight line at their synchronicity, but the hurt she feels from Friday night helps to do so.
“Goodbye, Steven,” she repeats for a fifth time. 
“Is this him?“ He looks Ivar up and down. “The guy you are seeing? Jesus Christ, what are you, mate? Twelve years old?”
They are all interrupted at that moment by one of the children coming downstairs. 
“Bud,” Stevens says quickly as the child walks to the front door. “Is this Mum's new boyfriend?” 
“Steven!” she shouts angrily. 
“Mum doesn’t have a boyfriend. I don’t know who this guy is,” is the reply. “Mum, I’m hungry I’m getting a snack!” the kid calls out, stomping towards the kitchen.
She’s almost shaking with rage, but she keeps her voice level, calm. “Steven. Don’t ever…EVER do that again. You aren’t entitled to any information about my private life anymore. We communicate about the children only and if you ever use them to try and manipulate information about me, I will march you to fucking court about proper visitation and I promise you, you won’t find them as accommodating as I have been. Don’t ever use my children like that again.”
Steven has the good grace to look ashamed and turn away. Ivar and him have a silent pissing contest as her ex-husband walks past him to the car. As he gets into his car and drives away, both her and Ivar stand and watch him leave, before turning their attention back to each other. 
“I’ve had enough bullshit for today, Ivar. What are you doing here?” She knows she sounds exhausted, fed up, but she can’t be bothered reining it in anymore. 
He walks into her personal space and she almost pulls away but doesn’t. “I’m sorry. I just wanted you to understand how sorry I am,” he pleads with her. 
“Got it,” she dismisses him.
“No,” he insists, shaking his head, “you really haven’t got it. I meant what I said about us being special.”
“Ivar,” she holds up her hand, “Firstly, I’m pissed that you are here. My children are home and I made it clear there was to be zero crossover. Secondly, I just don’t have the mental capacity for this. I cannot deal with your feelings as well as mine, as well as theirs. I’m responsible for their emotional health, I’m still helping them through the pain I caused when I threw that wanker out, plus all the other raging hormones flying through them. I have an ex who has the emotional intelligence of a slug. I just can’t deal with another person's feelings right now. That’s what was so amazing about our situation. No strings, no feelings, just sex. Fabulous sex.” She lets out a small, almost hysterical burst of laughter but then goes quiet for a moment before meeting his gaze. “We let it get weird, Ivar. We got too close. I’m going to cut it off now.” 
“No, don’t do that.” Ivar doesn’t bother to hide the pleading tone in his voice. “We can go back to how it was, it doesn’t have to be weird. I need you. Nobody else has made me feel as good as you do.” 
“Well, I’m not a commodity for your pleasure, Ivar. Goodbye.” 
She closes the door and heads into her kitchen to see her eldest sitting at the island bench, eating a bowl of cereal. 
“Good time at your dads, kiddo?”
A shrug gives nothing away. 
“I thought I did a good job lying to dad about your boyfriend, eh mum?” 
She chokes on thin air. “What? He’s not my boyfriend! Jesus MJ, what makes you think that?”
“Mum.�� She is levelled by the teenager's disdainful stare. “I’ve seen your camera roll. You’ve got about fifty pictures of the pair of you. I showed Decks as well. It would be cute if you weren’t my Mum. Also, I’ve seen him walking out of our road loads on Sundays, and the chair in the shower, he has those leg things. Really not that hard to work out.”
“MJ, why did you show Decks?!” She scowls as MJ giggles at the indignant squeak she lets out. “He isn’t my boyfriend. I’m sorry you saw pictures, I’ve tried desperately to keep you away from that. You are too young and I don’t want you to feel weird because of your dad–”
“Mum. I’m 14 in two months. I’m not a baby. Decks didn't care at all. Also, I love Dad but even I know he was a rubbish husband. You should be happy. It’s been a long while since you were. You aren’t as good an actress as you think you are.”
“Baby…” Her eyes mist over. 
MJ finishes the cereal and gets up. “God, Mum. Buck up. Don’t cry, it’s cringe.” She gathers her things and walks toward the stairs.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” She shouts after her. 
She cleans up the kitchen and retreats to her bedroom, popping her head into the kids' rooms to say goodnight on the way. 
She crawls into her bed and curls up on her side and starts to process the weekend. Did she do the wrong thing by talking to him in the club? Did she overreact? She doesn’t think she did, she didn’t make a scene, didn’t flounce out of the club in a piss. She just expected a modicum of respect from the man she's been sleeping with for months, and if he thinks that’s unreasonable then that’s on him. 
She feels a sting of annoyance when she thinks about him turning up on her door on a Sunday evening, knowing that that time of the week is totally out of bounds to him. She huffs out a laugh of derision remembering his words. “Special to him.” Fucking liar.
Her phone beeps and his name is on her screen. 
When I said that no one makes me feel as good as you I didn’t mean the sex. It’s more than that. So much more. 
She doesn’t reply. She just plugs her phone in to charge and turns her back to sleep. 
Chapter 5
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scullz1013 · 11 months
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My first visit to Philadelphia
It has been such a long time since I've blogged I feel like I have forgotton how to use Tumblr.
Anyway, I am in Philadelphia for the first time for the Premier League Summer series and I am I have been very touristy so far. I arrived yesterday afternoon and knowing that Fridays after 5pm are "pay what you like" at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, I decided to use that as a way to try to stay awake as long as possible.
I really wanted to see their collection of armour, I know they have a lot of Milanese stuff which is always beautiful. Unfortunatly the gallery was closed for renovation but I was thankful that a few pieces of armour and some weapons were on display, including a Viking sword from 850!
I mostly looked at their European collection which seemed to have a heavy ecclesiastical focus, lots of stained glass and bits of old buildings that have been lugged across the atlantic. The lady at the front desk reccomended I see Rubens' painting of Prometheus getting his liver eaten by an eagle and, while certainly not a cheery painting, I did like it a lot.
When I left I went out via the Rocky steps and statue. I have never actually seen the movies, but it seemed rude not to and of course some bloke was actually running up the steps as well.
I also explored the immediate area where I am staying - there is a lot of cool street art and murals nearby and the building next door is a trade union headquarters which makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Today I went to the National Jewish Museum. I walked there via Chinatown (one of the biggest and busiest I have been to in the last few years). The museum is free and focuses specifically on the Jewish American experience and because of that focus I felt that I really learned a lot. I particularly enjoyed the section about Jewish pioneers going out west on their waggons in the 1800s and the section about the civil rights movements of the 20th century.
After a break for some lunch and a bit of planning for the next few days I took a walk up to the City Hall building which is one of the biggest I have ever seen. I really enjoyed it until I walked into the central courtyard which, though lovely, reminded me very strongly of the courtyard of the building I work in at home which slightly dampened my holiday mood. There were also loads of Chelsea fans milling around there ahead of their game against Brighton - all the more reason to move swiftly on. I went to Rittenhouse Square which is a park surrounded by cool old buildings and fancy shops and restaurants. My favourite thing was the frog sculpture, aptly named "Giant Frog".
I got sushi for dinner on the way home and now I am resting my aching feet ready for game day tomorrow. I am very much enjoying Philly so far.
EDIT: It looks like you can no longer caption pictures on Tumblr - I had added what I thought were captions to the image descriptions but you can't see them on the post, so:
Image 1: The trade union building next door to me is named after this guy
Image 3: The building opposite me has an entire mural wall
Image 4: The lifts at PMA were pretty impressive
Image 7: The view from the steps
Image 12: The Jewish Museum's street art contribution
Image 14: City Hall (stock photo) It was too big for me to get a photo without something obstructing the view and / or not getting it all in. Such an impressive building!
Image 15: Benjamin Franklin: Craftsman - huge sculpture near City Hall.
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schoolofghoul · 2 years
Tobias Forge- Hard Rock Pa Export interview for SVT
Tobias was interviewed for the documentary about the success of Swedish metal and rock abroad. This is an English translation of the first 10 minutes of episode four, where Tobias discusses how he used the experience of playing in other bands such as Repugnant and Subvision to form Ghost. 
TF- "Before we play, we usually play a 15-minute choral arrangement to keep the audience calm. Much like the ginger for sushi.  You should clear the palette, not have a rock in your head. The next time you hear rock. It's us playing. I don't listen to that in there. Then it's only AC/DC, Judas and stuff that gets me fired up.  Right before, you drive on "It's a long way to the top." Also as a stretch: "Remember this is what you asked for." I get a reminder of why I'm here in the first place. I have been drawing scenes in my sleep since I was a child. Now it's real."
(Scene of Ghost playing Square Hammer)
SVT- "The Curtain rises on the final episode about the hard rock that put Sweden on the map and a time when cool riffs are not enough to reach a large audience. The journey out into the world can now also go via tank... Viking ship, or why not with a pope's hat on his head? The 1990s is the time when many of our biggest Swedish bands turned up their concepts and stage shows to the max whether the background is dark ideology or pure gimmick. The ones who took it the farthest are Ghost.
With the slightly forbidden crossover satanic image and hit choruses have become loved both by metal fans and in the fine salons. Under the hat and behind the make-up is the brain behind the project and this episode's protagonist, Tobias Forge."
TF- "I wanted to create a character, a band, who was bigger and cooler than me."
(Tobias playing 'Premature Burial' at a 2003 show in Gothenburg)
SVT- "Although he sketched large stage constructions even as a child, the road to Ghost has not been smooth. Tobias Forge has sampled lots of bands and styles."
(Clip of Subvision playing at Mondo, 2005)
"For example it could sound like this"
(Repugnant song, Hungry of the Damned plays)
TF- "That's me. Glow-eyed. Nothing went well. It didn't work. Just in line with most of what I've done up until Ghost. I was doing something that was quite unpopular at the time. I lost the spark. What's next? Well it will be like this. "
(Subvision song, Killing Floor plays)
SVT- "After the death metal, he puts on a striped sweater and plays pop rock with Subvision."
(Clip of Subvision playing at Monzo, 2006)
"There will also be sleaze rock as a guitarist in Crashdiet, but a few years before they are allowed to make records and music videos. The only time Tobias gets at least a little taste of success, then that's it with this."
  (Clip of Onkel Kankel, 2002)
"The step from gender rock to Madison Square Garden can seem endless, but precisely on the short tour with Onkel Kankel a seed is planted for Ghost. What is relevant to Ghost is the secrecy. It was amazing. For a very long time, no one knew who Onkel Kankel was.
But for now, Tobias Forge is mostly involuntarily secretive. In the mid-2000s, he will become a father and moves to Linkoping. There it could have been goodbye to the rock dream and hello, Svensson life. One evening he lands on the sofa and starts playing guitar."
TF- "It actually started with me writing a riff. Jokingly. If you look at Subvision, Repugnant and Onkel Kankel. This song was a mix of all of them at the same time and in my head I heard the sound of something that sounded much more. I recorded it and then I had like a blah text in Swedish. It was called 'Satan's night', Okay. It's Satan's night. It's Satan's night tonight. Tonight, tonight, is it you?
By March 2008. I had written two more songs. Then we made a demo recording."
SVT- "Was Satan's Night gone then?"
TF- "No it became 'Stand by him'.
The chorus is the same: It's Satan's night, it's Satan's night"
(Ghost- Stand by Him plays)
SVT- "It may have started as a joke, but in 'The Night of Satan" Tobias finds both gold and oil. Now it's not just ideas for songs that pop up, but a whole concept where he may not even need to be seen"
TF- "I like that this was something I could watch myself. I didn't have to dirty the picture with me in it. It's not selfish. I didn't fit into the grandiose picture I see others and which I hoped to achieve. You could stand outside and look like when you dressed up as a child."
SVT- "Together with the gunslinger Gurra, the songs begin to take shape. The question is, who will sing? "
TF- “We were missing the most central figure, the front figure. What kind of person is it? Tall and thin or the opposite?"
(Candlemass- Bewitched plays)
SVT- "If you want the opposite of tall and thin, then who better to ask then Messiah Marcolin from Tobias's favourite Swedish band, Candlemass?"
TF- "I've loved Candlemass since I was eight years old."
SVT- "Was he intended as a singer?"
TF- "Yes"
SVT- "You asked him?"
TF- "He did not want to. He was busy and during the work I had already sung to finish the songs. for every ton you take it becomes more difficult to get a person in there. "
SVT- "Despite a singer who prefers to remain anonymous. is it possible to find an audience thanks to the wonders of technology. Myspace, today forgotten and completely erased from the internet is in the 00s the most important platform for unknown bands. It's on Myspace that Tobias starts his guerilla launch of Ghost."
TF- "We went into a band that was aesthetically close to what Ghost was then we just clicked on their friends and ' friend, friend, friend!' Most answered yes. "
SVT "Ghost gathers many digital friends and when songs are posted, March 12, 2010 then all the information that exists is a log. "
TF- "It didn't matter if people liked the music first, so we weren't seen as a gimmick band. which is ironic... but then and there it felt important that the music would be allowed to stand on it's own. It couldn't be cleaner. It was just a matter of sending it out, closing the computer and waiting. The next time you went on Myspace, it had already happened."
 (Clip of Secular Haze video)
SVT- "In the spring of 2010, Ghost becomes an internet phenonmenon in the metal world and soon it will be time to change into a papal suit. We return to Ghost, but first a new band and concept."
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