#Victor Orbán
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gregor-samsung · 11 days
" Nel Brasile di Bolsonaro, il ministro dell'Istruzione Ricardo Vélez ha promosso una campagna per modificare i testi di storia allo scopo di presentare un’«immagine piú equilibrata» – cioè piú positiva – del colpo di Stato militare del 1964 che rimosse il governo progressista allora in carica (Bbc 2019). Nel 2011, il partito di Berlusconi propose di condurre un’inchiesta parlamentare sui libri di testo di storia italiana, accusati di fondarsi su forti pregiudizi di sinistra, in particolare riguardo alla Resistenza contro il nazifascismo (Luppino 2011). Secondo un reportage del «New York Times», negli Stati Uniti i testi di storia sono stati alterati a seconda dei diversi climi politici dei singoli Stati, per cui Texas e California, per esempio, non sembrano condividere la stessa storia nazionale (Goldstein 2020). Il presidente dell'Associazione degli insegnanti di storia ungheresi ha dichiarato che l’obiettivo degli interventi del governo sull'istruzione era quello di «creare una versione della storia piú gradita a Orbán» (Kingsley 2018). Anche il presidente russo Vladimir Putin si è impegnato nella (ri)produzione di narrazioni storiche che offrissero un quadro piú unificante della storia del Paese, con una direttiva che ha indotto la Società storica della Russia a produrre 80 pagine di linee guida per la compilazione dei manuali (Baczynska 2013). Gli esempi potrebbero moltiplicarsi all'infinito, ma il messaggio di fondo sarebbe lo stesso: «la conoscenza è una forma di potere», come ha scritto Howard Zinn. "
Marco Armiero, L’era degli scarti. Cronache dal Wasteocene, la discarica globale, traduzione di Maria Lorenza Chiesara, Einaudi (collana Passaggi), 2021. [Libro elettronico]
 [Edizione originale: Wasteocene. Stories from the global dump, Cambridge University Press, 2021]
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szepkerekkocka · 11 months
Et vótmá'?
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O18? Rejtély
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politikapolka · 2 years
Tudta? Orbán Viktor 2 milliárd eurót Iopott el öntől.
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Вы знали? Виктор Орбан украл у вас 2 миллиарда евро.
Did you know? Viktor Orbán has stolen 2 billion euros from you.
Hast Du gewusst? Viktor Orbán hat Ihnen 2 Milliarden Euro gestohlen.
#orbánviktor #viktororban #o1g #Вызнали? #ВикторОрбан #didyouknowfacts #didyouknow
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udunie · 2 months
15 questions meme
I was tagged by the wonderful @sadpearonmars, thank you!
Are you named after anyone?
Yes, I'm named after one of my aunts. Our family has a thing of naming people after family members (my older sis is named after our mom, and if we were born boys we would have been named after our dad and granddad)
When was the last time you cried?
Ugh... I think I cried about an animal video? Those always get to me... Like dodo videos and shit...
Do you have kids?
No, thank god. I have nephews I love, but I'm would be a horrible parent. I'm way too impatient and like my own private space etc too much.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I had a lot of health issues as a kid, so I didn't do any sport, but I did end up doing fencing for a little while when I was 18-ish and I loved it, but the fencing place was too far and I couldn't make it work with school unfortunately.
Do you use sarcasm?
I don't think I use sarcasm? Tho I do like writing sarcastic characters on occasion. I feel like I'm a very... straight forward person? Which probably makes me pretty boring company, but them's the breaks lol
What is the first thing you notice about people?
I... have no idea? I do appreciate pretty eyes on people, but I think my first impressions are usually more about body language??? I have no idea if that makes sense lol
What is your eye color?
Gray-blue, on the darker side. Not very impressive.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Eh... happy endings, maybe??? If I had to chose. Then again, those usually bore me a bit... But mostly because I'm a huge chicken when it comes to blood/gore/etc which is funny, cause I do on occasion write gory stuff, and explore very dark themes. I like them in theory. If I like the idea of a horror movie I will read the plot on wikipedia rather than watch it 🤣
What are your talents?
According to my coworkers, my secret superpower is being able to slice up a loaf of bread with a bread knife evenly enough that it looks like it was sliced by a machine :D
I do like making art - like crochet and watercolors, but I'm not really good at either.
Where were you born?
Budapest. Recently known as eastern europe's crusty asshole filled with the putrid shit that is Victor Orbán
What are your hobbies?
I would say writing, if I wasn't aware of the painfully long time it's been since I typed out anything meaningful... I've been playing a lot of stardew valley, but that hardly counts.
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a cat called Misu who is currently playing loaf next to me.
How tall are you?
162 cm, that would be about... 5 feet 4 inches? I think?
Dream job/career?
I have a pretty okay office job right now that I'd been doing for like... 15 years. It's not my 'calling' or anything but it pays the bills and gets me to talk to people. I have no idea what my dream job would be... Of course, I would love to say being a full time writer, but let's be honest, I don't think I have the self-discipline for it, sadly.
And I'm tagging... @laughingcatwrites and @gemstonewriter803! (only if you want to, of course!)
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March 10, 2023
Heather Cox Richardson
At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last weekend, Daily Wire host Michael Knowles said that “for the good of society…transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely—the whole preposterous ideology, at every level.” He worded his statement in such a way that it would inevitably create outrage that he could then angrily refute by insisting that “eradicating transgenderism” was not the same thing as eradicating transgender people. This sort of word game is a well-known right-wing tactic for garnering media attention.
Make no mistake: this attack on transgender people represents a deadly attack on the fundamental principle of American democracy, the idea that all people are created equal.
CPAC and its representatives have become increasingly close to Hungarian president Victor Orbán as he has asserted autocratic power in his own country. Orbán has explicitly rejected the liberal democracy that his country used to enjoy, saying that its emphasis on multiculturalism weakens national cultures while its insistence on human equality undermines traditional society by recognizing that women and LGBTQ people have the same rights as straight white men. The age of liberal democracy is over, he says, and a new age has begun.
In place of equality, Orbán advocates what he calls “illiberal democracy” or “Christian democracy.” “Christian democracy is, by definition, not liberal,” he said in July 2018; “it is, if you like, illiberal. And we can specifically say this in connection with a few important issues—say, three great issues. Liberal democracy is in favor of multiculturalism, while Christian democracy gives priority to Christian culture; this is an illiberal concept. Liberal democracy is pro-immigration, while Christian democracy is anti-immigration; this is again a genuinely illiberal concept. And liberal democracy sides with adaptable family models, while Christian democracy rests on the foundations of the Christian family model; once more, this is an illiberal concept.”
Orbán has focused on LBGTQ rights as a danger to “Western civilization.” Arguing the need to protect children, his party has made it impossible for transgender people to change their gender identification on legal documents and made it illegal to share with minors any content that can be interpreted as promoting an LBGTQ lifestyle. After Orbán put allies in charge of Hungarian universities, his government banned public funding for gender studies courses. According to his chief of staff: “The Hungarian government is of the clear view that people are born either men or women.”
As the opening speaker at CPAC in Texas last August, Orbán called for the establishment of a global right wing to continue to work together to destroy liberal democracy and establish Christian democracy.
The American right wing has heard the call, openly embracing Orbán’s principles. Vox senior correspondent Zack Beauchamp, who is a crackerjack analyst of right-wing political ideology both in the U.S. and abroad, noted in 2021 the rise of right-wing ideologues who saw themselves as the vanguard of a “post-liberal order.”
Beauchamp explained that these ideologues reject American democracy. They argue that “religious liberty, limited government, ‘the inviolability of private institutions (e.g., corporations),’ academic freedom, constitutional originalism, free markets, and free speech”—all central tenets of democracy—have created “liberal totalitarianism” that has destroyed “all institutions that were originally responsible for fostering human virtue: family, ennobling friendship, community, university, polity, church.”
They see the government institutions that defend these democratic tenets as part of a totalitarian system designed to destroy national virtue. If this were truly the case (it is not), it would be an act of heroism to try to destroy those systems altogether. Right-wing attacks on the FBI, the Department of Justice, and even the government itself over the arrest of January 6th rioters who they insist were peaceful tourists shore up the idea that the FBI and DOJ are part of a government determined to crush Trump supporters. That ideology invites those who believe it to continue to attack our government.
Knowles’s statement last week that transgenderism must be eradicated from public life was not simply an attack on transgender individuals, although it was certainly that. Tapping into the anti-LGBTQ sentiment that Orbán and those like him have used to win voters, the statement was a crucial salvo in the attempt to destroy American democracy and replace it with Christian nationalism.
But there is a very simple answer to the radical right’s attack on LGBTQ people that also answers their rejection of democracy. It is an answer that history has proved again and again.
Once you give up the principle of equality, you have given up the whole game. You have admitted the principle that people are unequal, and that some people are better than others. Once you have replaced the principle of equality with the idea that humans are unequal, you have stamped your approval on the idea of rulers and subjects. At that point, all you can do is to hope that no one in power decides that you belong in the lesser group.
In 1858, Abraham Lincoln, then a candidate for the Senate, warned that arguments limiting American equality to white men and excluding black Americans were the same arguments “that kings have made for enslaving the people in all ages of the world…. Turn in whatever way you will—whether it come from the mouth of a King, an excuse for enslaving the people of his country, or from the mouth of men of one race as a reason for enslaving the men of another race, it is all the same old serpent.”
Either people—men, in his day—were equal, or they were not. Lincoln went on: “I should like to know if taking this old Declaration of Independence, which declares that all men are equal upon principle and making exceptions to it…where will it stop?”
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abr · 6 months
Com’è possibile che a dettare un cambiamento in corsa dello stato di diritto (costituzionale e penale) in Spagna (...) sia un ricercato da sei anni dalla magistratura (...)? Carles Puigdemont, che vive tuttora protetto in Belgio come europarlamentare? E come mai la stessa Europa istituzionale non perde giorno, invece, per attaccare con ogni mezzo un premier democraticamente eletto per quattro volte come l’ungherese Victor Orbán? Come mai il primo Paese dell’Unione – la Germania – si è spinto ai limiti dell’interferenza nel recente voto in Polonia pur di veder disarcionato un altro leader “sgradito” come il conservatore Mateusz Morawiecki? Come mai la crociata contro i sovranismi tollera e cavalca un iper-sovranismo come il separatismo catalano? Infine: come mai nelle ore in cui sembra trionfare la Spagna “democratica” il cofondatore di Vox Alejo Vidal-Qadras – formazione di estrema destra – è stato vittima di una sparatoria per strada, e la notizia viene archiviata con toni frettolosi? PS: com’è possibile che questo avvenga quando il Portogallo ha scoperto che il suo premier (socialista come il vicino Sánchez) è sospetto di gravi fatti corruttivi?
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thehalfwaypost · 2 years
Authoritarians Are Parasites On Human Civilization
If it's so “smart,” “efficient” and “streamlined” like authoritarians say, why doesn't anyone want it?? Humanity has advanced far enough that now in the 21st Century we have one metric for governance: do the people want it? Prove it with fair elections.
Ukraine voted for Zelensky and democracy, not Russian kleptocracy. So now Russia is burning Ukraine to the ground and committing genocide until Putin, who rigs his own elections to get “elected,” can finally pretend the Ukrainians will consent to annexation.
Hong Kongers didn’t want to be forced into China’s authoritarianism, so China moved in and arrested all the political opposition and protesters, and now their elections are “patriots-only.”
Victor Orbán in Hungary still went through the performance of an election despite giving his opponent, literally, 5 minutes of air-time on state-funded media throughout the entire campaign.
Donald Trump has so severely radicalized his MAGA base with delusional conspiracies against democracy that the overwhelming evidence that he lost the election is considered proof of victory and a call for joining an insurrection. As Bill Maher recently described it, “Heads we win, tails we coup.”
It’s ironic that everywhere authoritarians take over, they still pretend to have elections because they desperately crave the legitimacy that real democracy would give them, even as they dismantle every democratic institution and political norm. All around the world, the people vote for democracy, liberal government, and freedom, but it gets stolen from them by authoritarians who cannot actually win freely and fairly. So tyrants wreck their open societies to install autocratic, psychopath governments and militantly protect their fragile egos by forcing everyone to mindlessly brown-nose their every thought and action. But deep down they remain always debilitatingly aware they do not have a mandate, and stole the power they have.
Authoritarians are parasites on human civilization, and thankfully the omnipresent paranoia and absurd incompetence that accompanies the authoritarian mindset’s dependence on yes-men sooner or later always self-destructs their own surrealist regimes. Further reading: https://dashmacintyre.medium.com/the-authoritarian-paradox-d0d54eb6fc32
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korrektheiten · 21 days
Aus dem belagerten Tagungssaal: David Engels berichtet von der NatCon
Tichy:»Alljährlich findet die NatCon statt, die National Conservatism Conference, in der Konservative aus ganz Europa zusammenkommen. Normalerweise ein ruhiges Ereignis, wurde sie dieses Jahr durch die Polizei fast verhindert. Der Bürgermeister Brüssels hatte ein Veranstaltungsverbot ausgesprochen. Als Redner wurden Nigel Farage, Victor Orbán, Eric Zemmour und andere erwartet. Die Polizei lockerte ihre Absperrungen erst, nachdem Der Beitrag Aus dem belagerten Tagungssaal: David Engels berichtet von der NatCon erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/T5bXmX «
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everyendeavor · 2 months
If you held any concerns about Victor Orbán’s recent visit to the United States, you MUST READ this short newsletter from Heather Cox Richardson. It details Orbán’s visit to the Heritage Foundation, a far-right-wing think tank in Washington, D.C., which he chose to visit after going to Mar-a-lago to visit Trump, over making any contact with the current administration.
The Heritage Foundation is the research arm which is behind their list of Federal and Supreme Court Judge candidates that Senator Mitch McConnell and previous POTUS, Donald Trump, used to seed the Judiciary with “approved“ candidates to further the Heritage agenda. The above newsletter details the gist of their Foundation’s right-wing, autocratic agenda and its link to Viktor Orbán’s current regime in Hungary. This agenda is chilling and already in motion in the U.S.. Please read these details about The Heritage Foundation in order to become informed and begin your work to overcome immediately this abomination to freedom and government chosen by the people. Once the Heritage agenda is fully in place (it is further in process than you might believe), your grandchildren are doomed to live in very dark times. ###
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gaiaitaliacom · 5 months
Orbán blocca gli aiuti a Kiev al grido di niente soldi all’Ungheria niente fondi all’Ucraina
Victor Orbán ha posto il veto sui fondi all’Ucraina bloccando così la revisione del bilancio pluriennale dell’Unione europea che prevedeva (e prevede) anche lo stanziamento di 50 miliardi per l’Ucraina fino al 2027. Avendo permesso che a Bruxelles si desse il via libera all’apertura dei negoziati d’adesione con Kiev, ora il presidente ungherese (l’Ungheria sarà presidente di turno dell’UE da…
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r0n1e · 5 months
Após ser comprado com dinheiro Victor Orbán se abstém e a UE dá luz verde a adesão da Ucrânia
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kragnir · 6 months
Hungary should be ejected from the EU. But, not only that. It must also be removed from NATO. Let this shithole join mafia land's various organizations. We'll see how happy the country would be with that.
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menemennpastirma · 1 year
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Die Mutter ist eine Frau, der Vater ist ein Mann – und lasst unsere Kinder in Ruhe. Punkt. Ende der Diskussion.
- Victor Orbán
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mariacallous · 2 years
Orbán’s election campaign relied on four key assertions, and these should serve as warning lights to other European member states where populists are in the ascendency – such as Italy, where Orban’s ally, Giorgia Meloni, has emerged as the victor in a race-to-the-bottom electoral campaign.
First, the opposition would pull Hungary into the war and even conscript Hungarian civilians to fight in Ukraine. Second, the Hungarian opposition would take away “13th” month pensions – in which the government pays an additional month’s pension entitlement each year. Third, the Hungarian opposition secretly conspired with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to interfere in Hungary’s elections. Fourth, if the opposition won, children would be exposed to dangerous gender reassignment surgery. A referendum held by the government on the day of the election included the leading question: “Do you support promoting sex-change surgeries for children?”
These four attack lines, despite having no connection to reality, won the election. Though the opposition tried to refute them, they stuck. Before this April’s election, 86% of Hungarian voters had heard that “the main opposition candidate would send troops to Ukraine”, 79% heard that the leftist opposition would take away the 13th-month pension and 67% that the left supports sex-change surgeries, according to research by the Dimenzió Media Foundation. 60% of those heard about the opposition’s “plans” to conscript Hungarians and send them to war also believed that these statements were factual - and accepted these lines as fact.
To understand how this became possible, we should borrow the concept of “informational autocracy,” (or “spin dictatorship”), as described by Sergei Guriyev and Daniel Treisman. Orbán’s regime fits neatly into the concept.
First, an informational autocracy refrains from using violence and direct repression against its opponents. Independent journalists are not jailed, nor are NGOs formally banned, even though their phones might be tapped. Second, the regime efficiently mimics most of the institutions of democracy, creating a façade that leaves international observers concluding that elections were “free but unfair”. Third, the regime’s narratives, while lacking support among highly educated elites are so deeply embedded among less educated and less privileged groups that it can safely rely on their support
This system relies on “hardware” and “software”. From a hardware perspective, it depends on the most centralised and controlled media system within the EU. The second Orbán government, which took power in 2010, gave rise to a government-organized media empire in which more than 500 regional and local outlets all echo the same centrally crafted messages. In 2019, Reporters Without Borders said it found in Hungary “a degree of media control unprecedented in an EU member state”.
On the software side, fake news and conspiracy theories are rife. Hungarian pro-Fidesz media outlets frequently propagate Kremlin lines on the war in Ukraine, and push false stories on issues like migration, the influence of the international financier George Soros, NATO and the United States, and the so-called Western "liberal elite".
Fidesz uses these talking points to mobilise its political base and to divide the Hungarian nation into two camps: a “patriotic” side represented solely by Fidesz, and an “unpatriotic” camp serving foreign interests, which is portrayed by government politicians as “fake news factories”.
The Orbán government manipulates the population through centrally controlled disinformation that is flooding through television, radio, print media and Facebook. Its rhetoric is made up of easy-to-understand, unified messages selected from the results of surveys conducted by pro-government think tanks. In short: the Hungarian ruling party’s disinformation campaign employs 21st-century methods to spread simplified narratives akin to 20th-century-style propaganda.
Europe’s leaders should take note of the informational aspects of Orbán’s rule, and support free and independent media. Since centralisation in Hungary has also been adopted by other countries in the region, its remedies might also be needed elsewhere, too. The European Media Act can be an important step in the right direction. But most importantly, Western countries should be aware of Orban’s international impact.
In the last few years, Orbán’s post-truth regime has exported its tactics. It gives a helping hand to like-minded "illiberals" in the Western Balkans (such as Serbia, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Republika Srpska) with media, political consultancy, diplomatic support and money, but also to the populist right in Italy, the United States, Brazil, France and elsewhere. Orbán has become a teacher of spin dictatorship – and Western democratic politicians should do their best to contain his influence. The more resources Orbán has, the more important his role as a “spin spoiler” can be.
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