lizablix · 18 days
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for more of me: https://linktr.ee/LizaBlix
Just me, a beautiful Asian girl, soaking up the city atmosphere and loving every second. With a smile that's as bright as the city lights and a spirit that's as free as the urban wind, I'm here making memories one street at a time. Who else loves the city's energy?
Stunning Asian beauty owning the city scene
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starzpsychics · 6 months
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I am strong, beautiful, and endlessly creative. In this moment, I am enough. Embrace your individuality and radiate your light. You are loved, special, and more than enough, just as you are.
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alithealien93 · 11 months
🌌 Ali's Cosmic Chronicles: Celebrating August - A Vibrant Soul and Social Butterfly
📝 Entry: Embracing Authenticity and Radiating Connection
🌸 Greetings, Tumblrverse! Ali the Alien here, ready to illuminate the celestial brilliance of one of our most captivating system members: August. Today, we gather to celebrate their remarkable presence and the beautiful connections they foster within our cosmic tapestry. Join me on this journey as we explore the vibrant soul of August.
🌟 August: A Prism of Gender Fluidity August, like a splendid prism, gracefully dances between the facets of their gender identity. They embody the essence of fluidity, embracing a spectrum of expressions and using any and all pronouns. Their very being is a radiant celebration of authenticity and the limitless possibilities of self-expression.
💜 A Vision of Charismatic Mystery Imagine a being with striking features reminiscent of Sebastian from Black Butler. August captivates with their long black hair and impeccable style, dressed in a refined butler suit. Their piercing violet eyes hold depths of mystery, drawing you into their enigmatic aura. A harmonious blend of elegance and strength, August commands attention wherever they go.
🌹 The Social Butterfly August possesses an innate social nature, despite their recent weariness. Their ability to deeply connect with others is a testament to their genuine interest in people's lives and stories. A true empath, August creates a safe and welcoming space for others to share and be heard. Their presence ignites a vibrant energy, fostering warmth, understanding, and a sense of belonging.
🌌 A Hidden Connection While we respect privacy and keep the details obscured, it's worth mentioning that August shares a significant connection with an individual outside of our system. Their bond adds an extra layer of depth and love to August's journey, a reminder of the transformative power of genuine affection and the beauty of connection.
💖 Love Knows No Bounds In matters of the heart, August knows no boundaries within our system. They have fallen deeply in love with another system member, a rare and cherished occurrence. If you have captured August's heart, consider yourself blessed. Treasure their love as a precious cosmic gift, for their affection is a celestial beacon that radiates infinite warmth and adoration.
🌈 Let's Celebrate August Raise your virtual glasses, dear Tumblr community, and join me in celebrating the vibrant soul that is August. Their presence infuses our lives with color, encourages deep connections, and reminds us to embrace the ever-evolving tapestry of our identities. May we cherish and support one another in our journey toward authenticity, love, and personal growth.
Stay tuned for more captivating tales from our extraordinary system as we continue to explore the cosmic wonders within. Until then, keep shining brightly and spreading love throughout the galaxies.
With infinite wonder and admiration, Ali the Alien 💫❤️
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captainseamech · 6 months
*gently shoves the hot king at u*
​Ma'am you know how he reacts with monarchs but hey I'm not complaining hand him over
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prettycdds · 6 months
Hello! 🏠 (i'm curious 👀)
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{{ Hello !! Of course, and I'm totally looking forward to interacting! I'm going to only go off of your most active muses right now, and I'm most familiar with Magnifico ( and kinda Hades ), if that's ok ! Though do know that I'm happy to interact with any muses I'm not familiar with, OCs included, you just might have to reach out first if you have an idea! }}
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Lady Eboshi !
{{ Interesting enough... I could see Lady Eboshi interacting with both Magnifico and Hades. She is both a madly driven industrialist-- specifically dealing with iron and forging-- and someone who simply wants sanctuary for her people. She houses the sick and the abused, though her methods are the exact opposite of the magic king, and could both be an old friend he's run into on his past travels or... someone that's been hired to kill a "god", or any other magic beast, as she's famed for being able to do. And its not beneath her to make deals with Hades if it benefits her people in the moment. Though it should be noted-- she's naturally competitive with over-confident men lol }}
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Fujimoto !
{{ Another studio ghibli guy for Magnifico, Ponyo's dad! Grumpy sea wizard and wife-guy husband of the literal ocean itself lmao. He's an extremely powerful wizard, specifically in magic dealing with the sea, and him running into Magnifico will either... annoy him beyond reason or restore his faith in humanity-- the odds fluctuate rapidly depending on how their interaction goes lmao. Though its also possible he might arrive at Magnifico's door angry if he casts any spells that disrupt the ocean's natural way. }}
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Tiana !
{{ I realize that I am biased and just want to write her lol-- but! If you don't mind ignoring the time period difference.... I just want you to think how funny it will be when Tiana is with King Magnifico at like- a ball and it just dons on her with shocking clarity that a few months ago she was a waitress and today she is standing in front of a magic king pretending she has any idea what the proper etiquette is or how to talk politics. sdfhgkdsk }}
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Lord Shen !
{{ Lord Shen..... I don't know, in my mind I'm just like "two crazy monarch characters" haha-- As you can see I do have a human faceclaim for him and also I have a verse where he is both currently in exile ( wandering around ) and one where he is currenly the king but the events of Kung Fu Panda 2 hasn't happened-- basically he's still the king and nothing's happened to him. So it should be easier to have any muse interact if you would like ! }}
Of course if there's a muse you like that i haven't listed here that never means you can't write with them too!
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multiicolor · 1 year
D I B S (we may not interact as much as i'd like but... wuv u 🥺👉👈)
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HNGHGNHGG MOOOOOON I WUV U TOO 🥺🥺🥺   i honesty dont mind too much that we dont write much together ( even tho i’d really love to fix that JHBDSF ) bc we can just vibe together and scream and i LOVE that for us <333
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cflight · 2 years
ik we mentioned them together a lil bit & i'm curious so? ♥ *gently sets this down for pandora & runs away*
Send me a ♥ and I’ll fill out | tenatively accepting
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If we kissed?
  [x] Quickie.   [] Tongue.   [x] Softly bite your lip.   [] We wouldn’t.   [] Long and meaningful.   [] Let’s hit up the bedroom.   [] You remember last time?   [] Awkward…   [] Lol no.
Would I go out with you?
  [x] Yes, definitely.   [] No.   [] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.   [x] Maybe.   [] Nope, you’re like family.   [] You’re cute, but probably not.   [] Just simply not my type.   [] If I knew you better.   [] Already did.   [] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be…
  [] Hugging each other.   [x] Just chilling.   [x] Holding hands.   [] Kissing.   [x] Acting dumb.   [] Normal picture.   [] You holding me from behind.
You are…
  [] Cute/Pretty.   [] Good looking.   [] Sexy.   [x] All of the above
You + me + room = …
  [x] Movies.   [x] Cuddling.   [x] Hanging out.   [x] Kissing.   [x] Playing games.   [x] Everything.   [] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should…
  [x] Hit me up.   [] Be mine.   [] Marry me.   [] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.   [] be studying
If we got married, I’d…
  [] Divorce you.   [] Make kids.   [] Take your money and bounce.   [] Smash every day.   [] I would cheat on you.   [x] Be faithful.   [] Kill you in your sleep   [] We wouldn’t
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stardustedstories · 6 months
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@vibrantsouled clicked the ❤️ for a starter!
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Van and Tab had been following various leads about what might have happened to her father for a while now, but they were no closer to discovering what had happened. Their latest tip felt more like a scavenger hunt than an actual lead, but they had to chase it down, to see if anything would come of it, or if it was just another dead end.
They parked the van, taking a deep breath, letting it out slowly to ground herself. Van had been on edge, her nerves slowly fraying. She knew she needed to rest, needed to slow down, but if this panned out, it would be the first real lead they'd had in a while.
She got out of the van, cautiously approaching a young woman that matched the description they'd been given. Van had left her shotgun in the van, but she almost always had at least one knife somewhere on her person, and today was no different. She just hoped she didn't have to use it.
"Excuse me," she called as she approached, "Are you…..Emmy?" they asked, doing their best to keep calm. She didn't want to spook the other young woman, after all.
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storiedhistories · 7 months
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Send me a ⭐ and I’ll tell you muses I want to throw your way! // Pretty much always accepting, tbh!
@vibrantsouled asked: ⭐ quietly just…. places this in here & runs away
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Excuse me while I just....pick this up and run after you!
The very first idea I had was any supernatural-related muses could run into Van! She's something of a paranormal investigator, so interacting with F.naf characters, Emmy, or Pandora would be right up her alley! For a variety of reasons. ^^
For that matter, I have a few characters that could pretty easily interact with Emmy or just about any of your OCs! Aster is capable of fitting into pretty much anything, so I usually try to throw him at people, and Percy would be another very interesting one to have interact with her, considering his history with vampires (long story short: it wasn't a good history).
Luz would probably want to interact with Asha, definitely! And I've got a boatload of other O.wl H.ouse characters that I could toss her way, too! The possibilities are endless!
I could toss any of my mythology muses or P.JO muses at Aphrodite or Zeus, especially K.ratos! And if you're chill with kids, I have a P.JO verse for Riftan Calypse where he's a child of Aphrodite, which could be interesting!
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glamchicken · 1 year
🫂 Freddy givin his friend a hug.... 🥺
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  send 🫂 to hug my muse for no reason  /  accepting !!
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  awh, chica is always happy to get a hug from her friends!!   and she happily returns it, doing her best to wrap her arms around his big frame. hugs from freddy were always the best!
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universalcarnival · 2 years
🍓 strawbebby...
Man I feel like I've known you foreeeever. How long have we remained friends? Whatever it is, I'm so fucking thankful I've known you for them all. I mean to reach out to you more but I know shit has been wild on your side lately.
But man I love you and the fact you're still around. You're so goddamn strong and I admire you for that, and you got some goddamn killer writing to boot! Every muse I've interacted with so far has been an absolute pleasure learning about and sending the occasional ask for. I can't wait for more stuff in the future. Love you girl 💙
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ableplay · 7 months
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0:00 ─〇───── 0:00 ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Stickin' With You (Gabby's Dollhouse) - Batley & Crayon.
Chili Dog Hands by Robert Benfer - Happy.
Jamie by Starfucker - Casen.
Slide into the Void by The Stupendium - Percy.
Have You Got It in You? by Imogen Heap - Conficker.
Tagged by: No one
Tagging: @vendettavalor, @plasticsouled, @vibrantsouled, @fairestmusesofthemall, and anyone else who might be interested!
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captainseamech · 4 months
@vibrantsouled replied:
little princess says PET PET!!
​             A small chuckle left the knight as he grabbed Carolina from the improvised steptool, getting himself on one knee to allow her to reach his head once she was safely set on the floor. “Should’ve asked me to kneel beforehand, princess.”
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iamartilleryllc · 4 years
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Don’t Tilt The Crown Bitch I’m Too Smooooootthhh I’m Not In The Mooooood Got Steak, Hoe Got Beef? @IAMARTILLERY #GRATATATA #SMOOTH #IAMARTILLERY #GOODTIMES #VIBES #THURSDAY #ZEISHALYN #VIBRANTSOUL #FULLOFSMILES (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAwaZBFASYZ/?igshid=1swmmoz73ja7w
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multiicolor · 2 years
  dnjfksd ok im less busy now so!! happy day of the dead!! time for her tag dump <3
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  LA MUERTE  from  THE BOOK OF LI.FE  /  canon adjacent.
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cflight · 2 years
@vibrantsouled cont
“A sexy skeleton nurse would be an interestin’ costume combination.” Ekira nodded, giving Pandora a pleasant smile. “Even if y’are a witch, why not have some fun in mixin’ it up a bit? Heck, I’m dressed as a bard all days of th’ year— who says I couldn’t dress up as a… a… a sexy bard?”
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