mercurypilgrim · 8 months
Ven for 1. ?
1. Think of your three closest friends - would you have sex with any of them? Have you already?
Ven grins, bouncing his leg.
"Ohh, I like this question!" He says, a little too loud. "Well, Malavai is already one of my best friends and I married him. We definitely have sex. We have great sex."
He seems utterly happy to inform you of this.
"I definitely thought about what it would be like to sleep with Vette, but we never did anything. Wrong timing, and all that.
Lana and Theron... I would love to spend some naked time with Lana, I bet we could have some great fun." He sighs, wistful.
"Theron... well, suffice to say that he walked around the base a bit shell-shocked for a few days. He couldn't look Malavai in the eye.
I think Mal and I blew his mind a bit, among other things." He laughs, shameless.
He pauses for a moment, thinking.
"Wait, that was more than three. Does Malavai count if I married him?"
He flaps a hand.
"Whatever. You get a free one."
He looks at you, devilish.
"Say, if we become friends, we could work on expanding the list." He says, winking at you.
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ay yo guess who doing art out in public again uwu
It Me!!
Featuring two Sith who couldn't give less of a shit about looking Sithy out on a coffee run jfkdlsa (Ven belonging to @mercurypilgrim )
My Links For Art Stuff:
Linktree <- Patreon, Ko-Fi, Commission Forms, Artstation, etc in this link
(commissions are open!! I'm back in the saddle!!)
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haospart · 3 years
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Challenge Fucking Accepted.  I Put A Ven In A Ballgown
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[also clickies for good quality bc tumblr’s gonna fuzz it up a Whole Lot and kick the crispiness down to Zero, and this shit’s CRISPY under all that Tumblr Resolution]
The Customary Links:
Ko-Fi | Commissions | Patreon | Linktree
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@mercurypilgrim‘s Ven’fir wearing… whatever incomprehensible article of clothing tumblr’s ad algorithm was trying to sell everyone recently. because someone had to.
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haospart · 3 years
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Them's is Dangerous Words, because I have got Exactly Zero Chill
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SO. HERE'S A VEN FOR @mercurypilgrim !!
Fjdjdjd thank u for letting me indulge my Art Heart Go Brrr moment on your boy :3 I'm a big big nerd and I love him a whole lot. Was hella fun, 10/10 would draw that fluffy fluffy head again.
[Tumblr's gonna fuck up the quality guaranteed so click that image for it to not look like ass lmfaooo]
Blep, The Customary ‘Lol i’m an artist’ Links:
Ko-Fi | Commissions | Patreon | Linktree
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
How would Ven react to meeting another Mirialan in the Sith Academy?
Ooh, I like this question. ^_^
Since it’s the Academy and he was still a monumental dickhead back then, he would probably fixate on them a little. It would really depend on what they were like! Are they the shy sort, perhaps a slave brought in like the SI was? He would sling an arm over their shoulders and play the guide, albeit a rather overwhelming, mean-spirited one.
If they were aggressive and bloodthirsty? Well, he’s got himself a new target. I’m not sure if he could be described as a bully, but he would definitely target them for all kinds of somewhat cruel shenanigans. He’s never liked the rabid, feral ones. He thinks they’re overcompensating, and nothing entertains him like bringing down those who are all style and no substance. (Ven maintains he’s got both style and substance)
He would be interested in them (and really, in any other Sith alien) as a point of curiosity, but not much more. Perhaps a plaything?
Academy-Ven probably wasn’t someone you would want to meet, especially not if he was bored. :P
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
How would academy Ven'fir take someone joking they can't tell him and Sommin apart?
Baffled, for one!
How could anyone mistake him for anyone else?
He is the Ven’fir Polaris of House Polaris.
Who doesn't know him by sight? There are people who don't immediately know who he is?!
Other than his initial indignant confusion, he would likely compliment Sommin on his stunningly good looks, and attempt to give him a makeover whether he wanted one or not.
He would embrace it, and strut around like the peacock he is, dragging poor Sommin along with him and pretending they could get away with trading places in their classes.
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
I have this image of Ven bring multiple suitcases of stuff when they move into the Fury meanwhile Yon and Vette have each have a duffle bag.
Ven: *directing 2V-R8 to bring his huge amount of crap onto the ship while Yon and Vette watch*
Vette: “...”
Yon: “...”
Vette: “Why does he need-”
Yon: *closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose* “I just... I don’t know.”
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
Honey I summoned a demon - Prompts (Prompt 2)
Prompt 1
2. “I regret to inform you, that, for once, I had nothing to do with this.”
Ven'fir folds his arms.
Yon looks at him.
Ven’fir looks right back.
Malavai glares at them both.
Yon might be a (sometimes literally) smoking hot demon lord, but Ven works in fashion. He knows no fear, and not even Yon's glare will break him. If he can work his own brand of magic with only his trusty kit and a grim faced model while the designers are shrieking backstage, he can handle a gimlet eyed stare from a demon.
There's something buzzing behind his left eye and it feels sort of like magic but he's not entirely sure why it would be behind his eye, of all places.
Yon seems frustrated, and mutters something in a lyrical, harsh sounding language Ven’fir assumes is ‘Hellspeak' or something equally D&D sounding. Whatever it is, it sounds rude.
“Stop trying to whammy me.” Ven warns him, realising what the funny tickle is. “Malavai says I don’t have a brain to whammy, which is why it doesn’t work.”
It's more like he can’t concentrate on a command long enough for it to actually sink in, or so Ven thinks. Whatever the reason, it annoys Yon and that makes it so, so worth it.
Malavai, bless him, is fuming and Ven knows that it’s best not to voice how much he likes it when his cheeks flush pink and his eyes narrow. Malavai has the kind of anger than would make snow shiver and a glare that could put dragons to shame when he’s annoyed enough to deploy it.
Vera The Curtain Twitcher, as Ven’fir calls her in his head, is unconscious between the three of them, sprawled out on the kitchen tiles like a particularly unpleasant rug.
The ferret that is her familiar is squeaking at them, and it dug it’s little teeth into Ven’fir’s leg earlier before he launched it towards the dishwasher.
“What,” Malavai begins with devastating civility, “Happened?”
Yon gives Ven the stink eye, although it looks like he’s having to suppress a smile.
“I regret to inform you, that, for once, I had nothing to do with this.” He says to Malavai, all smooth and slick. He nudges Vera with a toe and the ferret chatters at him. Yon glances at it and it backs away, fur on end.
Neat trick.
Malavai turns his frosty look on Ven, who plasters on a grin.
“So, funny story-“ he begins, and Malavai’s expression crumples into exasperation.
“Ven,” he admonishes, and Malavai is the only person in the world that can get away with telling Ven off in any capacity whatsoever. “At this rate we’re not going to have any neighbours left. I’m trying not to get kicked out of the coven in my first week.”
He’s stressed, and it shows. His collar is very slightly crooked and he’s got dark circles under his eyes, half hidden by his glasses.
Ven musters his puppy eyes.
“Babe, she was trying to whammy me.”
Malavai blinks, and Yon raises an eyebrow with the poise of a silver screen belle.
“She was?”
Ven nods, folding his arms.
“She knocked on the door and when I invited her in for tea and a biscuit, she chanted something and tried to whammy me.” He said, a little miffed at this. How rude.
“Stop calling it that.” Malavai requests tiredly, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “So, she tried to listen to your thoughts?”
“Did she hear the sea?” Yon asks snidely, and Ven glares at him. Yon might be three feet nothing of hotness and hotness, but Ven doesn’t take that lying down.
“I dunno what it was,” he admitted, “But it was one of those mind trick whatsits. I can feel it, like my brain is itchy.”
Malavai glances down at Vera, crumpled on the floor. There’s blood seeping from a wound on her head. The ferret is keeping away from Yon, and Ven decides that it’s a smart move. The demon is looking like he’d like to see what it tastes like with barbeque sauce.
“What did you do?” Malavai asks, suspicious even as he inspects the body with an air of a vaguely disinterested forensic technician.
Ven grins, mean.
“I punched her in the face.”
Malavai looks up at him, startled.
“You- you did?”
Yon’s other eyebrow joins the first near his hairline.
“A witch was casting spells on you so you punched her in the face?” he asks, tone flat.
Ven nods.
Finally, they’re getting it.
“Yeah. Broke her nose, I think.”
Malavai stares at Vera, who has been the bane of their public life since they moved into the cul-de-sac. She was always watching, always gossiping. They had been surprised that she had been a witch, although it now made sense where she got her gossip from if she was invading minds.
He tilts his head, and Ven has always found that habit to be endearing.
“Yon,” Malavai begins, hesitant. “How much space is there in that plot at the end of the garden?”
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
In the Shared apprenticeship au, are Yon and Ven sharing a ship too? The Fury isn’t that big. I feel bad for anyone trapped in hyperspace with them.
I imagine that Baras would make them share, if only because he’s the kind of sadist that would think forcing them into close quarters would be funny. There would be a lot of bickering, probably some hair pulling and maybe some Force tripping, but they would eventually learn how to co-exist without murdering each other.
Sometimes, they’re still tempted.
The companions would have to get used to them, and would probably find them amusing until they realised that no, this noise isn’t going to stop.
They would all learn various coping mechanisms to deal with them when they’re sniping at one another, or when a sparring match has gotten out of hand.
Vette turns her music up loud.
Jaesa meditates so deeply she’s not even on their plane of reality any more.
Pierce stuffs his ears.
Quinn hides wherever is furthest away from them, and turns his ‘Learn Droid in Sixteen Easy Steps!’ spacecast up to maximum volume.
Broonmark just ignores it.
The fact that there is only one room for commanding officers, with only one bed, is likely the cause of the first blow up.
It’s one of many, many more.
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
If Ven was in the same universe as Overseer Sar how would he interact with him? If Sar had trained him would Ven have hit on him? If they were the same age it would be funny.
Ven would likely take great pleasure in needling the explosive Overseer to get a reaction out of him. Which Sar would, I assume, try very hard not to give him. He would respect Sar a great deal though, even if he might not admit it to his face.
Ven’fir can be a supremely irritating individual when the mood takes him (often), and having someone able to take what he dishes out and able to lock horns with would be very entertaining. On one hand, Sar is very dangerous. On the other hand, he’s ever so fun to poke.
(Besides, dodging a furious pint-size terror is great cardio!)
If Sar had trained Ven, well of course he would have hit on him, especially back then. ;) 
Ven was young, horny and rich, so he would think nothing of trying it with one of his teachers, at least when he bothered to turn up to class. (It’s worked before, sadly)
The list of things Ven wouldn’t hit on can probably be named on one hand, and Overseer Sar is most definitely not on that list.
Sadly, I can’t see Overseer Sar having any kind of patience for Ven’s shenanigans. :’)
Now if they were the same age... Well, I can’t think of two people more likely to get into a slap fight every time they saw each-other. 
“He’s mine.”
“Actually, he’s mine.”
“I tracked him here, I’m killing him.”
“Well, I had to kill his bodyguards!”
“Then it’s my turn with the murder!”
“That’s not fair!”
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And on and on.
Basically, Ven would take great pride in being the irritant he is, until Yon gets a good hit in and Ven almost gets his ass handed to him by a man who probably comes up to about his elbow. Someone gets mad about his hair and then it’s on.
The resulting brawl would level city blocks. :’)
@darkshadeless , Overseer Sar is Ven’s favourite little rage-ball. ^_^ How do you think they would interact?
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
Honey I Summoned A Demon
When Ven plays around with sidewalk chalk and magic circles, no one expects it to actually work.
@darkshadeless and myself are doing a collab for this funky modern magic AU, and it’s gotten so big it needed a place to put it all. So! It’s now over on Ao3 as well as Tumblr, so you can read all the parts in one place! You can also read how it started off, because that’s included too. 
We have a prompt list and will be posting alternately as we go through it.
Hope you all enjoy! ^_^
To Ao3
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
Sith in suits? XD Bet a certain Captain wouldn't be able to keep his eyes off a certain Mirialan ;)
I think Malavai would have a thing for seeing Ven in a suit. His usual attire is his armour or his his casual wear around the ship, which is often just leggings and fluffy socks, considering his crippling allergy to shirts.
Seeing him all dressed up, slick and put together, would really do things to Malavai.
Ven would have to watch out, lest they never make it to their destination. ;)
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
In the rival au why is Yon the Wrath and Ven gets Baras’s seat? How was that decided?
When choosing a Wrath and given Yon and Ven, the Emperor would pick Yon.
Yon is steadfast, serious, powerful and everything the Wrath should be. He takes the role seriously, and breathes duty.
Ven... isn’t that.
He’s not the perfect Sith and doesn’t pretend otherwise. He’s loud, cheerful, weird, and irreverent. In FTS he makes a brilliant if unconventional Wrath, but Valkorion wouldn’t have known that he would step up like he did. Yon is a safe bet and honestly, simply fits the role better than Ven does.
Also, Yon is human.
Ven is not.
In the Empire, that makes a difference.
I think that Ven wouldn’t even spare a thought to ‘maybe I should be Wrath’. It simply doesn’t occur to him because in his mind, Yon is perfect. He’s everything the Empire needs to fill a role that was once described as ‘the closest thing the Empire has to a heart’.
He’s happy to step up to the seat and support Yon from it, expecting that the two of them would stay a team and take the Empire by storm.
What do you think, @darkshadeless ? 
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
Ven'fir notices Malavai having a difficult time.
Ven’fir glanced up when he heard Vette raise her voice.
She was standing there by one of the terminals, her hands clenched at her sides and glaring a hole into the side of the Major's head.
“It doesn’t matter, Quinn.” She ground out, her lekku curling in irritation.
The Major didn’t look at her.
“It does.” He said sharply, and it sounded like he was grinding his teeth.
Ven’fir looked at him.
He was so tense he moved like a droid, his limbs robotic and stiff.
His shoulders were hunched and tight, and his expression was pinched as he typed.
A bad feeling tingled in Ven’fir’s belly, and he brushed the Force over the Major and almost recoiled.
The spike of emotion was painful.
That swirling, jagged typhoon of feeling was suffocating and dark. It was the feeling of too much too much too much that he had felt on Quinn before.
It was like dragging his hand over broken glass.
He got up, padding over carefully.
As he approached them, he heard Vette snap something.
“You're insufferable.” She bit out, “Can’t you try not being so pedantic? What is wrong with you?”
Quinn’s hands skittered over the panel, and he all but snarled at her, his eyes wide and manic.
He looked tired.
Ven hurried up.
“Vette!” he greeted with a plastered-on grin. “Would you be a dear and link in with Theron about those dampeners? I need to borrow the Major.”
Taken aback, she threw a last furious look at Quinn before turning on her heel and marching away.
Quinn stared after her, before turning blue eyes on Ven’fir.
Ven’fir’s smile turned softer.
“Bad day?” he asked, sympathetic. It was the wrong thing to say.
Quinn's nostrils flared for a moment and his mouth twisted into something ugly, even as his hands shook.
“It is when nothing is right.” He ground out, turning back to the console. “I need to correct these models.”
“Why?” Ven’fir asked, peering at them. “These are last week’s ones; we don’t need them.”
“They're wrong.”
His fingers jabbed at the lit keys.
Ven’fir was surer than ever he knew what this was.
“Mal?” he asked softly, keeping his voice level. “Leave them for tomorrow. You're exhausted and your shift ended... an hour ago.”
Black gloves hands shook.
“I need to work.”
His gentle question threw the soldier off and he glared as through Ven’fir was trying to outsmart him.
“There's so much to do.”
Ven nodded, smiling in what he hoped was a kind way.
“And it will be here tomorrow.” He soothed, desperately sympathetic. “You're having an anxiety attack, Mal.”
Malavai blinked.
“I- oh.”
Anxiety attacks weren’t always shaking and loss of breath. They weren’t always hyperventilation and digging nails into palms.
Sometimes there were bouts of irritability or annoyance, obsessive behaviour, hypersensitivity to disarray and chaos.
Some were hyperfixation on certain tasks or nit-picking at tiny things.
It had been a long time since Ven’fir had needed to intervene like this, and he made his heart hurt.
“Come on, let's take a datapad and go and sit for a bit in our room, yeah?”
Seeing Malavai’s refusal on his lips, he quickly spoke again.
“I said you can bring the work with you, yeah? It'll be there when you want it.”
Malavai swallowed thickly, and did so.
He stood, form wound so tight it had to hurt, his shoulders and arms held tense. His face, exhausted and washed out, was blank and manic.
Ven’fir brushed his fingertips over Malavai's elbow to get him walking.
He followed like a droid, hands clenching and unclenching at his side.
Ven’fir led him back to their rooms and, the moment the door was closed, led him over to the low sofa.
He gently pulled him down to sit on it, and guided him in for a hug.
Malavai melted into it.
“I'm sorry.” He heard him whisper, even as he shook. “I'm sorry.”
Ven’fir rubbed soothing circles onto his back.
It had taken him a long time and a lot of messing up to learn how to handle these situations.
“It's alright,” he murmured. “No harm done. It's not your fault.”
Malavai buried his nose in the crook of Ven’fir’s neck.
“It's embarrassing.” He whispered, coming down off his shakes and manic focus.
Ven’fir gave him a little squeeze. He knew hugs were often hit or miss with an anxiety ridden Malavai, but this seemed to be working so far.
Sometimes, when everything was hypersensitive and too much, physical touch was not encouraged.
They sat like that for a long time, just listening to each other breathe.
Talking was usually something that made Malavai feel worse, so comfortable silence it was.
“I don’t want to let you down. I need to be stronger than this.” Came the whisper from his shoulder, muffled and thick with emotion. “I'm not good enough, but I want to be.”
He pulled back slightly, and his eyes were shining.
“I promise I’ll be better.” He assured so passionately that it broke Ven’fir’s heart. “I'll work harder, I promise.”
Ven’fir struggled to find the words.
“Oh, Malavai.” he breathed, “You're don’t need to do any of that. You're brilliant as you are.”
Malavai didn’t believe him. Ven’fir could tell.
Ven’fir kissed him, sweet and soft.
“I love you.” He breathed, “It's your ridiculous brain talking, you know that.”
That was a risky thing to say, but it also gave Malavai an escape clause, which he took.
“My brain is ridiculous? That rich, coming from you.”
Ven’fir huffed out a laugh, and kissed him again.
“Not all of us have a brain faster than most computers.” He teased, and watched Malavai's form lose some of that painful tension.
“I think mine has a virus,” the Imperial said dryly, staying close. “Considering it doesn’t work right.”
Ven’fir shrugged, smiling. “You're working on it. You're fine.”
MMalavi blew out a breath, exhaling long and slow and shaking.
“I... I am, aren’t I? I’m fine.”
Ven’fir brushed his fingers over Malavai's gloved hand, and the officer grabbed him and held on tight.
“I hate this.” He said quietly, glancing up at Ven’fir. He looked so tired.
The faint web of scarring on the side of his face made him look worn, and the dark circles under his eyes gave him a grim look that didn’t suit him.
Ven’fir’s belly curled with affection and sympathy.
“I know you do.” He sighed. “Come on, let's have a quick nap.”
Malavai frowned.
“The work-"
“Will be done better when you're awake and not about to fall over.” Ven’fir assured him, meeting his anxiety driven thoughts in the middle. Malavai knew he was right. The work would be done to a higher standard when he was awake.
Slowly, Malavai nodded.
“I- okay.”
They undressed in silence before climbing into bed and curling closer to one another. Malavai clung to him, and Ven’fir held him close.
“I think we should talk to Master Vol again. Maybe book in another session.” He murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his lover’s temple.
Malavai shifted.
“I didn’t realise I had gotten that bad.” He whispered, and he sounded so small that Ven’fir wanted to cry.
“I hate seeing you hurt,” he replied, honest. “Even if it's by your own stupid brain.”
He felt Malavai smile against his shoulder.
“Hey, watch it.” He murmured with a small smile, before nodding. He shifted, awkward. “I like him. He doesn’t make me feel embarrassed.”
Ven’fir’s heart swelled at that.
“Good. We'll deal with that later, though.”
“Need to say sorry to Vette.” Malavai mumbled, already on his way to sleep.
Ven’fir gave him an affectionate squeeze.
“She'll understand,” he assured. “Now, sleep.”
A small snore told him that Malavai was already under, and he smiled to himself.
To Ao3
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
In the Ven Yon rival au, would Ven still get with Quinn if he had something romanctic ish with Yon?
It’s difficult to say!
Ven wouldn’t have an issue with a polyamorous relationship at all, as long as any partners were also fine with it.
Depending on who he fell for first, he would be quite careful after he realised that his feelings about the other.
Quinn would have more reservations, I think.
I actually don’t think he would be completely against the idea, but would require a lot of convincing.
It takes a lot for him to consider a relationship with Ven in FTS canon, although that would perhaps have something to do with the events leading up to it.
It’s possible that he would accept Ven having another lover, but he would need a lot of reassurance that he wasn’t playing second fiddle and that he wasn’t just a plaything.
There could be some resentment there, if it wasn’t dealt with.
If he was convinced, I think there would be a lot of awkwardness that would need to be dispelled on his part, since assuming that he doesn’t know Yon as well as he does Ven, he would feel a lot of pressure to serve him as a good Imperial should, but also the urge to make sure that he wasn’t being used.
Of course, that would be different if he and Yon knew each other well!
Ven would just keep asking about threesomes, and probably getting smacked for it. He would have a lot of dirty fantasies and he absolutely would not be able to keep to himself. :P
What do you think, @darkshadeless ?
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