#Valerie Castillo
rookieoneil · 3 months
Roselyn noticing the one post I’m making a joke about Eric in🤣😭
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
Seeing Eric and Roselyn interact in this episode really makes me want Dani and Dave to interact in LA even more. 😭
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mrrwsoup · 10 months
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crime circus
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aweirdsoup · 11 months
tag dump, pt.9 — characters
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Miami Vice S1E19: The Home Invaders
Vice helps Sonny's mentor investigate a rash of violent robberies.
A heavy, methodical, paranoid episode* with a surprisingly non-devastating ending and a lot of Castillo doing very serious detective work-- The Home Invaders is another Vice classic, and also a great Crockett & Castillo episode
The Squad is roped into a robbery case in the middle of the night (Gina seems bright-eyed and bushy-tailed-- the rest of them are in various states of decay); a series of homes have been broken into and their residents not only robbed but violently assaulted
There's no Tubbs in this episode, which is explained by an offhand comment from Trudy-- he's in New York "sipping champagne with Valerie," which bothers the hell out of me, because last time we saw her she was going to jail for murder. Next time we see her we learn Sonny pulled some strings to get her exonerated (which... okay. Fine. I don't actually buy it, for a number of reasons, but I do understand why you'd want to get Pam Grier back), but at this point it just seems like a major oversight, like they forgot how the last Val episode ended
When the squad is pulled in to help, we learn that Sonny's old mentor is leading the investigation. Sonny is thrilled to see him and clearly still is harboring a bit of hero worship. Martin is significantly less impressed, looking through the files from the robbery department and asking, essentially: okay, but do you actually have any... clues? This becomes a running theme, and Sonny has to navigate a My Parents Are Divorced situation because of it-- his mentor doesn't actually seem to be doing a very good job with the investigation, but Castillo-- who is incapable of tact on this topic-- is his current boss, and someone he has developed a lot of loyalty to.
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Trans Flag Sonny
The episode involves scenes where the robbers are doing the robbery (with faces hidden, violent and unknowable and terrifying), which are really well done and raise the tension and stakes to genuinely uncomfortable levels. However, there are also scenes where they show the robbers plotting, and to be honest I think the episode would've been better without those. This episode is by no means a treatise on the nature of criminality, so by turning them from almost a force of nature into "a couple of chuckling guys talking about money," it just makes them... less scary? (And I think there's a sense early on that Sonny's mentor might be corrupt-- once we meet the titular home invaders, it becomes fairly clear that he's not involved in the crime, he's just phoning it in. I think that extra bit of tension could've been really good!)
This is such a good Castillo episode, partially because it really establishes the dichotomy of how good he is at his job vs. how weird he is and how iffy his social skills are. Castillo will solve the case! But he will absolutely not make eye contact with anyone as he does so. The moment where he and Sonny sit in the car and Castillo just... literally does not move for about a minute is fantastic, and there's another scene that's all cuts between Sonny out pounding the pavement and Castillo... reading. Reading every file ever. Endlessly reading files forever. That is just so emblematic of their two characters. I swear at one point he drinks a random drink he finds on the bar-- he is odd! Insanely competent, but odd.
Sonny realizes Castillo is right, but he does not want to be his babysitter-- he spends a lot of this episode sighing and furrowing his brow and trying to apologize to Malone (his mentor) even though he is actually suspicious of his ability to run this case-- Sonny is very charming, but he actually does not have the emotional wherewithal or bandwidth to play go-between for those two. (There is a scene where Sonny and Marty both ask Malone a bunch of initially gentle and then increasingly dire questions and Malone just..... stops making eye contact, too.)
Gina is sent to the hairdressers to investigate a possible link between victims, and has a really well-done sequence where she is carefully watching everyone in the salon (to the tune of Sheila E.'s The Glamorous Life-- which I always think is a Vanity song, and then I always think about the fact that Prince wanted to name Vanity "Vagina"). It's not only a well-shot and choreographed sequence, but also one where Gina mirrors both Sonny and Castillo-- it's an episode with a lot of watching and looking, and the three of them all get a really lovely opportunity to show off their actual detective skills. Sonny watches the streets and looks for clues there, Castillo watches the actions of the robbery division and looks for clues in files, and Gina watches people, looking for behavioral hints that could help them get to the heart of the case.
Trudy is not given much to do in this one, which is a bummer, because she is also super-extra hot this week. Otherwise it's also a really good "the whole team working together" episode, too.
I do like this episode but there's a bit of mean-spiritedness towards both the sex workers that help them narrow down their suspects and the older woman who is a potential victim-- it's all a little too victim-blamey and ha-ha-women-are-frivolous for my tastes.
So, Sonny has a number of "person I have hero worship feelings about" episodes, and every other one ends with that person being swallowed up by the job and either dying or letting the system turn them bad. Malone, on the other hand, makes amends with Castillo, realizes and admits he's been phoning it in, decides to retire because of that, tells Sonny what he's doing and why, and then goes and eats lunch with Vice Squad. He's the only person in the whole series who shows Sonny that sometimes you need to say goodbye, and gives him an example of what it looks like when you do it on your own terms. Given the ending of the series, Malone may in fact be the true hero of Miami Vice-- he literally says to Sonny "let me show you when it's time for you to put your gun on the shelf," and when the time comes, Sonny also manages to walk away.
Also Castillo/Malone remarriage for the sake of their son arc?
*Re: the home invasion plot and sense of paranoia-- there's a bunch of S3 episodes that basically are just Dick Wolf saying "hey, what if we redo the plot of a S1 episode but worse and with more police brutality," but there's another paranoid home invasion episode in S3 (Shadow in the Dark) that is so good it almost makes The Home Invaders seem a little tame by comparison. It's probably the only "plot retread" episode I actually like just a smidge better than the "original." Nonetheless, this is still a great episode.
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queseraone · 4 months
Who are 5 guest actors that you would love to see return to the show? (Doesn’t matter how big or small their roles were in the first place)
Oh fun! This was actually pretty easy, because between the characters who have been killed off (and thus can't really return) and Nolan's former love interests (no thank you), there's not that many to choose from...
Kojo (Macklin the dog) - I know, I know, it's hard to film with animals, yadda yadda yadda, but please let us see this good boy again in season 6. Just one appearance?? PRETTY PLEASE??
Genny Bradford (Peyton List) - They moved her character back to Los Angeles, so it would be damn shame to not see her again! I loved seeing her interacting with both Tim and Lucy (and Tim and Lucy together), so I really hope she'll be back around soon.
Percy West (Michael Beech) - He had such a commanding presence, his friendship with Grey was really nice, and the extra layer to the LAPD he brought was so interesting. Do I want him around all the time? Absolutely not. But to have him pop up on occasion in the aftermath of a case (say, Tim's shooting in 5x19 for example) would be great!
Pete Nolan (Pete Davidson) - This may be a controversial choice, but I personally find him hilarious in small doses. He's such a great foil for John Nolan, and I think that's why I enjoy it whenever he shows up—he knocks Nolan off-balance! I know Nolan is the main character, but frankly it's boring to see everything be so easy for him, and you can always count on Pete to throw a wrench into things.
Abigail (Madeleine Coghlan) - It was cool to see her interacting with both Tim and Lucy when she was on her ride-along with Tim and Nolan, and I would just love to see her back one day, ideally as a rookie herself? She was fun! (At minimum I'd love to see her - and Henry - back for Nolan's wedding, but I'm not holding my breath!)
Honorable Mentions:
Rosalind Dyer (Annie Wersching) - Sadly we all know this one can't happen, but she was hands-down the most interesting baddie, and thus one of the greatest guest stars, so I just can't exclude her from this list.
Valerie Castillo (Rosalind Sánchez) - Listen, I'm just such a sucker for guest stars that are connected to cast members (spouses, former co-stars, etc.—I'm looking at you, mini Castle and Firefly reunions) and so for that reason alone I'd love to have her back. The reason she didn't make the top 5 is I'm not entirely sure what they would do with her character, but if it happens, I'm here for it.
Vanessa Chen (Lauren Tom) - She only gets an honorable mention because I fucking hate her... but I would love to see some kind of follow-up to her previous appearances. And I'm weirdly conflicted about what I want to have happen with her. I would love to see Lucy tell her mother off, to shove her happiness and success in her face... but I would also like to see some kind of resolution there too?
Did I miss anyone??? Do you disagree with me? Who would you add?
Hit me with more fun questions! 😊
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Saturday everyone. I always forget Eric’s wife had a spot on the show. Every time I get to this episode its a reminder. Also fair warning he’s gonna make me extra feral in this one. He is in a suit and yummy street clothes in this episode. Gimme gimme all day. I blame Eric for all my reactions in this ep for how he looks haha This is also a shorter review like last time but good stuff in it none the less. Off we go.
2x16 The Overnight
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We start off with our lovely ship at American Idol auditions. A guy is getting arrested giving out meth smoothies. Lucy has to go back for his backpack. As she does she gets roped into an audition because it has his audition sticker. I’m surprised there wasn’t a gif set of her singing. It's such a good scene. I did my quick made one above with my phone. But a really good set should be produced. We get to hear Melissa’s wonderful voice again. It's in a much better context this time. Not a soul crushing and depressing way. She chooses a song from Aretha Franklin. 'I never loved a man'. She CRUSHES it.
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I hope she gets another opportunity to showcase her voice in the future. The ending of this cold open cracks me up so much. The judges are impressed by her audition. Ready to give her that coveted golden ticket. Lucy hears Tim’s voice and bolts LOL Him bringing her back to reality. Their 'No no no' is so damn funny as she runs towards Tim. I love it so much. Tim having no idea what just happened. Thinking she's just running behind for no reason. Such a great cold open.
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I love this scene for quite a few reasons. First and most importantly we get Tim Bradford in a suit. Sweet baby James. What a visual to start off the episode with. I need more this is my life. He should go to court more often. Honestly should be illegal to be that damn fine. *fans self* Second I find it very sexy he donates blood so often. I mean of course he does. To quote Lucy. Most Tim Bradford thing I've ever heard heh Tim as a person is just so friggin attractive.
Lastly I adore Nyla giving him a hard time. Doesn't waste a second before calling him a machine LOL Tim's face in that third gif is too cute. He's commending her shot and only shakes his head. How far Tim and Nyla have come. Reached a playful joking stage I love it. You know Lucy is enjoying someone else giving Tim crap. The proud wifey smirk of hers when he gets tossed his ball. I love them.
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Lucy is running the front desk since Tim is off at court. She meets a reporter Valerie Castillo from the Herald asking for public arrest reports. She is looking for a scoop on recent robberies at 5 star hotels. Asking if Lucy has heard about them? Lucy says no. Valerie goes on to say she is trying to get away from Hollywood stories. Do something more impactful. So she can be taken seriously as a journalist. Lucy being her empathetic self wants to help her out. Lets her know the reports she’s looking at don’t have enough info. Tells her she wants CAD reports instead. Valerie asks what those are?
Tim comes striding in with the answer. Looking like sex on a stick in that suit. Good lord he can wear the hell out of that thing. Look at that fit on him. Thank you to his tailor. *chef's kiss* But I digress…Tim is clearly not a fan of this woman and what she is asking of Lucy. His cop gut going off and not liking this interaction at all. Tim instantly distrusts her and doesn't hide it.
Does crack me up they wrote Ros in as a character he can’t stand LOL I’m sure they had fun with this. Tim clearly doesn’t like the media especially her paper. Says her paper has a bias against cops. She bites back ‘Like the bias you have against me?’ She’s not wrong ha Tim says that's cute but isn't buying what she's selling.
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Tim tells Lucy to get those reports back from her ASAP. That they’re gonna hit the streets as soon as he’s changed. Ooh lord the way he unbuttons his jacket and barks out his instructions on the move. Mercy. It shouldn't be that hot and yet here I am always a puddle. Ever the model just as much walking away as he came in. My god he's attractive haha It's truly not fair. Valerie says Tim shouldn't talk to her like that. Lucy is bemused by this statement.
Says he's her T.O. and its just his style with a smile on her face. (We all know she loves his style heh) I do love how this scene finishes out. Valerie saying ‘If ass is a style...but he sure can wear a suit’. Indeed madam indeed. Then proceeds to watch him leave LOL Checking out her own husband as he exits the scene haha Cracks me up. He does look damn fine in that suit. I can not blame her.
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Tim instantly tries to steer Lucy away from Valerie. Telling her she’s bad news. Saying reporters always have an agenda. Lucy tries to be snarky and replies 'To get truth? Sounds Horrible.' Tim continues on despite her snark and says they aren’t to be trusted. Lucy being her sunshine self wants to see the good in Valerie. That she’s doing this to help the victims of these robberies. Tim thinks she’s being naive with this woman. Lucy battles back he just doesn’t trust anyone. Well that’s not true. He most definitely trusts you Lucy. With his life. But she has earned it ten fold out of him which is why she has it.
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I’m with Tim on this one.(No surprise there I know ) That trust is something to be earned. I am the same way. It’s not something I just hand out like candy either. You have to prove to me you are worthy of that trust. Once you're in you're gold but you have to earn it first. He knows how trusting Lucy is and he doesn't want her to get burned by this person. This is his way of watching her back and trying to protect her from a potential disaster. Lucy doesn't heed his warning and it shows in her sassy face she gives him above. Lucy is so sure she is the right one in this situation. Like she is humoring him by listening.
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They get a report of this idiot trying to use his snake to get out of paying for his car repairs. He pulls it out as a threat and It backfires pretty badly. As he waves the snake it bites him... (Like I said an idiot) I adore Lucy taking command of this situation. Also her heart for any living creature. I’m not a snake girl myself but I do love her taking the snake's side over this guy’s haha
This is our marriage scene of the episode. Tim says EMTs won’t step foot in here till the snake is neutralized. Tim says he’ll flush it out and kill it. Lucy is against this plan and tells Tim he can’t kill it. Their banter in this scene is primo. He is sassy right back asking what are they gonna do? Snuggle it? LOL Lucy ignores his sassy jab as she hops down and decides to do something herself. Tim isn't a fan of this plan since the snake is venomous.
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Tim looks very concerned as he watches her. The way he raises his gun ready to destroy this thing if it goes after her. I love his face as she talks to the snake. Calling it by it's name, telling it she isn't going to hurt it haha He is wondering what she’s going to do with this thing. Then is impressed af when she traps the snake in a tire. What a bad ass moment for her. Snake whisperer can now go on her list of skills on the job ha Lucy proudly walks back to him with the best reply ‘Not his fault his owner is an idiot.' LOL I love this.
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Valerie catches Lucy on the way out for the night. Claims she got her story about a Murphy scam. Rich men hiring sex workers then the sex worker has a partner. They rob and steal from them. The victim can’t report the crime without copping to their own. Says she came by to thank Lucy with a drink. (Mmhmm....)
Lucy is hesitant and says she shouldn’t…. You know that cop gut of hers is telling her it's wrong. Valerie asks 'Is it cause Tim wouldn't approve?' Lucy looks behind her like she can sense Tim’s disapproval from afar. Valarie sweetens the pot telling her she can be her inside person. Lucy concedes and decides to go. This can only end badly Lucy….
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They make it to the hotel and Lucy quickly realizes they’re not there for a just a drink. Valerie has tracked one of the women who’s been scamming these men. Lucy is upset and feels betrayed. Says she can’t arrest people on her own. She’s a rookie. Valerie notices the man being scammed is a big time movie producer. Says this will get her a killer story and her a high profile arrest. You can see the regret written all over Lucy’s face.
Lucy tells Valerie she is texting Tim. I love this. She knows she’s in over her head at this point. So she is going to reach for her lifeline. Tells Valerie as such letting her know she could get fired as a rookie. That she needs a senior officer on scene. Also she really needs him to rein this in TBH. This has gotten way out of hand and needs Tim to come help her.
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Tim arrives and Lucy thanks him for coming. (Like he wasn’t going to come and bail his girl out.) Doesn’t even have to say I told you so. This entire moment is doing it for him really. Lucy doesn’t fight or deny the hot water she is in. Not even a little. Just says ‘I’m in trouble aren’t I?’ His sexy Mm-hmm will do just fine for her. You know she’s just so relieved he's there to get her out of this. To save her from herself in this moment. The way she looks at him like he is her saving grace. Makes my heart happy. Doesn't even care she is in trouble just relieved he is there. So much said in such a small scene.
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He looks sinfully handsome in that denim jacket *oh my lord.* Valerie says she’ll write a story about Tim if he punishes Lucy for this. Lucy panics and tells her not to do that. Tim isn’t phased at all by her intimidation of a story. The cocky way he walks into the room. Takes control of the situation. Says the cup against the wall trick doesn’t work. You know Lucy is rooting him on while he does this. Tim makes a joke about there being an app for that. Valerie believes him cause he walks in so confident and says that so damn smoothly. She can't help but reply 'Really?'
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The way he says ‘No’ to her LMAO I'm dying. He is having a little fun in this moment messing with her. I love this man so much. Why is he so damn attractive in this moment? I actually know why ha. He's protecting Lucy and trying to do damage control at the same time. Also by taking control back from Valerie, by putting this situation back in his court. Tim calls in backup to help them if the accomplice even shows up. Tells Valerie she’ll be far away from the action if it comes to that. Not gonna let her get her story after potentially endangering Lucy for it.
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The accomplice ends up arriving and Valerie has a ‘See’ look on her face. Thinking she is validated in all she's done to this point. Getting to watch Tim in action and in street clothes? Don’t mind if I do. They’re about to go after the guy when they notice Valerie is missing. She’s gone out on the balcony to get a photo. Clearly back tracking on her 'Killer Story' that'll get her taken seriously for a paparazzi shot instead.
She ends up getting her shot on the balcony but slips and Tim has to rescue her. She is refusing to let go of her phone as she hangs on to the railing. Lucy tells her to let the damn thing go. The guy sees them rescue her and takes off. Tim gets her up and takes off after the guy. Leaving Lucy with Valerie while he does so. This is the last we see of our handsome hero him in this ep sadly. The accomplice ends up getting arrested by a grumpy and tired Lopez in the lobby of the hotel LOL
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Lucy’s SL wraps up with Valerie signing her statement. I love Lucy telling her like it is. Letting her know how wrong it was to take advantage like she did. Lucy is inclined to trust people and it bit her in the ass this time. (What he was trying to protect her from.) Unfortunately for her Tim was right on this one. She did have an agenda. Tim didn’t rub it in her face but also didn’t say she wasn’t in trouble for it haha Lucy has a mic drop moment with her. Telling her instead of going for the serious story she sold her on she went for the cheap shot. Gets up and walks away from her. Boom. Once again not a ton to content but still enough goodies ❤️
That wraps up 2x16 for our ship. Thanks as always to you all for your likes/comments and reblogs. Forever appreciate them. Can't believe we're almost done with S2. 6 left to review in this one.
Side notes- Non Chenford
Always enjoy Nyla’s SL’s. When I first watched this ep wanted her to her back with Donovan. But glad she didn't much better fit with James but we’ll meet him later down the road.
Wopez engagement ❤️ They so cute. I love them. Happy for Angela and Wes.
See you all in 2x17 :)
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versuasiva · 1 month
llegó la noche puntual y elegante, tus hermosos ojos brillantes, azules como el mar y profundos como la marea,
llegaste muy lento y seguro, you say me: sorry, good night, do you speaking english? i say, yes!
todo fue rápido en términos morales y lento en los sentimentales,
your smile, your eyes, your body, my weakness.
el caballero de las mil noches, apareció, a rescatarme de un castillo que se incendiaba en silencio.
tu cabello rubio como el oro, ese tesoro que no buscaba pero se impregnó en mi, como un primer apellido.
esa primera noche nos alumbraban las estrellas y las velas, tu y yo, saltando al abismo infinito de incertidumbre.
tanto esperamos superar esos 1,500km y en ese momento absolutamente todo, valió la pena.
tu cuerpo, tu abdomen, tu nariz, tus brazos, y yo, observando cada centrímeto de ti, un regalo que dios talló a la perfección para mi,
entre gemidos musicales y largas, largas, charlas, nos perdimos en el edén, gracias a ti, mi inglés subió de nivel, y así..
desgastados, muertos del placer que nos embarga, dijiste “oh valerie, you are the woman of my dreams, inexplicably unique, beautiful” y eso fue suficiente.
y cuando dices: “speak to me in spanish, for you I'd learn any language”
no tengo una respuesta a la altura, pero mis acciones te encantan.
vine de recorrer un bosque frondoso, donde la lluvia eran lágrimas y el sol artificial, sin darte cuenta, liberaste, la vida de una mujer condenada al dolor, una viajera en el tiempo, irrepetible.
las diferencias culturales solo nos unen, la pasión selló el contrato.
tus amigos lo dicen “perfect couple”, tienen razón y en este momento de ser mi mejor versión, no tenía espacio en mi agenda pero hoy olvidé el candado y realmente, no me apetece abrirla por un buen rato.
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folkl0r · 4 months
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PRIVATE + EXCLUSIVE , FRIENDS ONLY MULTIMUSE . this blog will be a very low activity and heavily plot based place where i can write and develop pre-established plots with my friends. rules and extended muse list can be found on my old carrd. current muses can be found under the cut, but all former muses are available by request. KT + twenty nine + minors / personals DNI.
this multi-muse blog is private and very selective with low to moderate activity and will be heavily plot and dynamic based. if you don't interact ic or ooc, i will softblock.
plotted interactions are preferred. romantic ships will require plotting and ongoing ooc interactions as well as ic interactions. familial and platonic ships are just as important.
i will be using basic formatting on this blog. threads will be small text with bold and italics for emphasis. if you want me to change/simplify my text for any reason, just ask. i prefer to write longer length replies.
muses are from various media, some that contain mature themes i will tag everything with the #TRIGGER CW format, but if i miss something, please send a dm so i can fix it. there may be sexual themes present on this blog but nothing will be explicitly written.
don’t be a dick! in character drama is fun, but keep it between our muses. if you unfollow me, please soft block. i will not interact with anyone that writes problematic themes or uses problematic or deceased fcs.
graphics belong to me unless stated otherwise. not affiliated with any of the media, characters or faceclaims represented on this blog. all content is my own creative property so do not use my lore without permission.
alex claremont diaz. rwrb, bridgerton. taylor zakhar perez fc.
andrés cordero. tsitp oc. maxi iglesias fc.
anthony bridgerton. bridgerton. jonathan bailey fc.
*ben de vaillant. bridgerton, modern royalty. damian hardung fc.
conrad fisher. tsitp. christopher briney fc.
*drusilla elmsworth. bridgerton oc. alisha boe fc.
evie grimhilde. bridgerton, modern royalty. sofia carson fc.
harry bingham. tvd, the society. alex fitzalan fc.
*indira petrova. bridgerton oc. aubri ibrag fc.
*josephine "posey" lovelace. bridgerton oc. kristine froseth fc.
*julian lovelace. bridgerton oc. will higginson fc.
kieran night. original demon lore. maxence danet-fauvel fc.
luna castillo. original familiar lore. sofia carson fc.
neil josten. all for the game. froy gutierrez fc.
rebekah mikaelson. tvd, bridgerton. claire holt fc.
rosalie hale. twilight, bridgerton. simay barlas fc.
sophie beckett. bridgerton. courtney eaton fc.
tris prior. divergent, thg. daisy edgar-jones fc.
violet bridgerton. bridgerton. ruth gemmell / rose williams fc.
allie hayes. off campus. scarlett leithold fc.
andrew minyard. all for the game. conor doherty fc.
campbell riley. tvd, grey's. abigail cowen fc.
daniel le domas. ready or not, bridgerton. adam brody fc.
dean di laurentis. off campus. matthew noszka fc.
elena gilbert. tvd, grey's. nina dobrev fc.
feyre archeron. acotar. simay barlas fc.
garrett graham. off campus. felix mallard fc.
grace le domas. ready or not, bridgerton. samara weaving fc.
hope mikaelson. legacies. danielle rose russell fc.
isaac lahey. teen wolf, tvd. daniel sharman fc.
jeremy gilbert. tvd. froy gutierrez fc.
john tucker. off campus. ken bek fc.
josie saltzman. legacies. kaylee kaneshiro fc.
liv parker. tvd. penelope mitchell fc.
lizzie saltzman. legacies. jenny boyd fc.
samantha larusso. cobra kai. mary mouser fc.
steve harrington. stranger things. joe keery fc.
steven conklin. tsitp. sean kaufman fc.
summer di laurentis. off campus. madelyn cline fc.
tyler lockwood. tvd. michael trevino fc.
valerie tulle. tvd. elizabeth blackmore fc.
REQUEST MUSES (plotting required!)
alex karev. grey's. justin chambers fc.
azriel of velaris. acotar. berk cankat fc.
cassian. acotar. alperen duymaz fc.
demetri alexopoulos. cobra kai. gianni decenzo fc.
jasper diggs. original character. hugh dancy fc.
jean moreau. all for the game. archie renaux fc.
landon kirby. legacies. aria shahgasemi fc.
lexie grey. grey's. chyler leigh fc.
luke patterson. jatp. charlie gillespie fc.
mat hatter. original character. alex fitzalan fc.
nell crain. thohh. alycia debnam carey fc.
robby keene. cobra kai. tanner buchanon fc.
scarlet graves. original character. sandra bullock fc.
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brandnulife · 9 months
Riverdale Characters Who Should've Appeared in the Final Season
Alan Mayberry
Anthony Topaz
Arthur Adams
Ms. Appleyard
Bernardo Bixby
Britta Beach
Brooke Rivers
Mrs. Burble
Charles Smith
Chief Russell
Chuck Clayton
Coach Clayton
Commandant Carter
Darla Dickenson
Diana Whitley
Dodger Dickenson
Donna Sweett
Dreyfus Starkweather
Elio Grande
Eric Jackson
FP, Glady and Jellybean Jones
Farmer McGinty
Ginger Lopez
Hermosa Lodge
Holden Honey
Howard Taylor
Janet Weiss
Jeffery and George Augustine
Jillian Drake
KO Kelly
Katy Keene
Laurie Lake
Lerman Logan
Loudres Luna
Louis Cypher
Marsha Lin
Marty Mantle
Moose and Marcus Mason
Malcolm Moore
Melody Valentine
Minerva Marble
Mad Dog
Mrs. Mulwray
Ms. Wright
Nana Topaz
Nancy Woods
Nick, Simone and Xander St. Clair
Oscar Castillo
Paul Sowerberry
Peaches 'N Cream
Penny Peabody
Ricky DeSantos
Sabrina Spellman
Samm Pansky
Sherry Winters
Sierra McCoy
Sister Woodhouse
Sweet Pea
Tina Patel
Trev Brown
Valerie Brown
Xandra Cabot
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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elcastillodevalerie · 5 months
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takeoffphilippines · 9 months
The Official 21 Lovely Candidates Who Made It to the Final Screening of MCWPh
Last July 16, 2023, at Platform Events Place (Newport World Resorts), 21 candidates from different parts of the country were chosen during the final screening of Miss CosmoWorld Philippines (MCWPh) 2023.
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The panel of judges, led by Ms. Meiji Cruz, Miss CosmoWorld 2022 and the chairperson and franchise holder of Miss CosmoWorld Philippines 2023, chose seventeen beauties during the actual physical screening, and an additional four from the provinces who passed the online screening. The girls are now more than eager to start their journey for the national title and eventually grab the chance to win a Php1 million cash prize and wear a crown to be designed by Manny Halasan worth Php2 million. And more importantly, she will have the utmost opportunity to represent our country in the Miss CosmoWorld 2023 to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, later this year, and will win US$100,000.00.         
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The official candidates and the places they represent are, namely, Aliya Clemena Rahman Khan Rohilla (Albay), Amanda-Kay Rhodes (Makati City), Angelli Mae Lim Garcia (Mandaue City, Cebu), Anis Fatima Natividad Azees (Ilocos Sur), Carmella Joy Fontanilla Cuaresma (Aurora Province), Elda Louise Aznar (Davao del Sur), Gezza Ilagan Avila (Quezon Province), Jasmine Orquico Omay (Surigao del Sur), Lara Melissa Gaffud (Santiago City, Isabela), Larsine Grace Orain Jensen (Bohol), Lianne Elizabeth Tabirara Duque (Laguna), Lienel Pena Navidad (Albay), Maribelle Castillo Manalili (Zambales), Mary Josephine Paaske (Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu), Rian Maclyn Ledesma Dela Cruz (Malolos City, Bulacan), Roella Frias Solis (Calumpit, Bulacan), Samantha Dana G. Bug-os (Occidental Mindoro), Sheryl Patalinhog Velez (Mandaluyong City), Thanamae Rojas Cahilig (Minglanilla, Cebu), Valerie Mae Guillermo (Santa Ignacia, Tarlac), and Vivian Vargas Hernandez (Quezon City).
As part of their incessant quest for a transformative and empowered beauty queen, MCWP has lined up a series of workshops and personality development seminars to equip the ladies with a significant change in their lives. From August 9 to August 12, 2023, these activities were made at the KF Camp training center: “How Money Will Work for You” (Financial Literacy Class conducted by Arma Avendano Bacar); “Cultivating Poise and Social Graces (A Masterclass in Visual Poise and Social Graces by Ning Corteza); “Your Best Face Forward” (Makeup Techniques Workshop by Gio Flores); “The Queenly Moves” (Pasarela Training by Rodgil Flores Kuya Enan and Ms. Meiji Cruz); and, “Celebrating You” (A Life Dynamics Workshop on Communication and Confidence by Dr. Jace Chiong).
In the succeeding weeks, more activities and pre-pageant events will be unveiled to celebrate beauty and women empowerment. The candidates will be attending some provincial festivals and visiting historical sites to unleash the improved self of Filipino womanhood and inclusivity. Event director and organizer Rodgil Flores of Kagandahang Flores (KF) Camp is the national director of MCWP. (MBL).
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atletasudando · 1 year
Lina Licona y Natalia Linares brillaron en el Interclubes de Colombia
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Informe: Víctor Zapata / Fecodatle La medallista en el salto en largo del Mundial Junior 2022 en Cali, Natalia Linares, se mostró en muy buena forma en el Campeonato Interclubes/Intermunicipios de Colombia, cuyas etapas finales se cumplieron este sábado 1 y domingo 2 de abril en el complejo El Salitre, en Bogotá. Linares venció en salto en largo con 6.58 metros (viento desfavorable de 0.8ms). La otra actuación relevante le correspondió a una velocista en ascenso, Lina Ester Licona. Tras escoltar a su compañera de entrenamientos Evelis Aguilar sobre 400 metros, ahora registró 22.88 en su eliminatoria de los 200 metros llanos (viento de 0.3 ms), quedando apenas a tres centésimas de la plusmarca nacional que Felipa Palacios mantiene desde 2005. En la final, Licona marcó 23.13, seguida por la juvenil Melany Bolaños con 23.55 (habría marcado 23.31 en las eliminatorias). En el comienzo de estas etapas finales se habían realizado las pruebas de marcha en pista sobre 20 mil metros para los mayores y 10 mil metros para la u20. En la categoría absoluta, Jorge Armando Ruiz fue el vencedor en 1:30:08.8, mientras que Lucy Alejandra Mendoza ganó en damas con 1:43:38.9 Pero entre las marcas principales de los hombres también estuvieron las de velocidad, en este caso sobre 200 metros, donde tanto el vencedor Oscar Baltán (20.82) y su escolta Neiker Abello (20.91) corrieron por debajo de los 21 segundos. En la prueba extra, el ecuatoriano Anderson Marquinez marcó 21.35. Y también se destacó Geiner Moreno con sus 16.22 metros en salto triple. Otros ganadores entre los hombres fueron Miguel Angel Cifuentes en 800 con 1:52.72, Raúl Hernán Mena en 400 metros vallas con 52.29, Bryan Smit Robledo en salto en alto con 2.10 (la misma marca que Gilmar Correa) y el juvenil Juan David Montaño en disco con 50.53. En damas se vio otro registro importante con Valeria Cabezas en los 400 metros vallas 56.72. Lina Marixa Pantoja fue la dueña de las pruebas de fondo con 17:42.96 en 5.000 y 36:20.53 en 10.000. Y también ganaron la juvenil Valery Arce en triple con 12.77, Katerine Ibarbo-Castillo en garrocha con 4.10 y Yerli del Carmen Mesa con 53.27 en disco. Read the full article
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petrosolgas · 1 year
Energia solar é o setor da indústria que mais emprega mulheres
À medida que a energia solar é cada vez mais adotada em Porto Rico para suprir suas necessidades energéticas, a indústria tem testemunhado um aumento no número de mulheres ocupando cargos de liderança. No início deste mês, durante a celebração do Dia Internacional da Mulher, a Associação de Armazenamento e Energia Solar (SESA) de Porto Rico homenageou cinco mulheres que lideram na indústria de energia solar do país.
Em comemoração à data, a diretora-executiva da associação, Laura Castillo, afirmou: “a SESA reconhece e honra as mulheres que estão liderando o caminho em prol do avanço da energia solar”. Castillo, defensora porto-riquenha da energia renovável e cofundadora da SESA, trabalha incansavelmente desde seus dias na universidade em prol da sustentabilidade. Desde 2018, a associação sem fins lucrativos tem promovido políticas e legislações que visam apoiar o setor de energia solar e armazenamento de energia na ilha.
De acordo com dados divulgados pela Associação de Indústrias de Energia Solar (SEIA), controladora da SESA, as mulheres representam agora 30% da força de trabalho total do setor solar nos EUA, um aumento em relação aos 19% registrados há uma década. Esse número é significativamente mais alto do que a proporção de mulheres empregadas em outros setores de energia e em indústrias importantes, como manufatura e construção.
Karla Zambrana, gerente geral da Sunnova Energy, é uma dessas mulheres. Ela liderou uma equipe que vendeu e instalou mais de 45.000 sistemas de energia solar em Porto Rico. Durante os furacões Maria e Fiona, terremotos e a pandemia de COVID-19, Zambrana trabalhou incansavelmente para aumentar as vendas e instalações mensais, liderando as operações da empresa. Desenvolve, analisa, atualiza e implementa planos estratégicos de negócios para vendas, operações e metas de serviço, além de gerenciar orçamentos, resultados e recursos.
Abrangência em todo o setor de energia solar
Karla Zambrana, gerente geral da Sunnova Energy, tem uma ampla experiência profissional que inclui quase uma década na Cemex Porto Rico e na indústria de construção em geral. Com um forte foco em resultados, é uma líder de equipe com habilidades em planejamento estratégico, gerenciamento de projetos, melhoria de processos e detalhamento de informações do projeto. Zambrana também tem experiência em diferentes áreas, incluindo vendas, operações, marketing e assuntos governamentais. Ela é bacharel em engenharia civil e possui MBA em gestão de engenharia, ambos pela Universidade Politécnica de Porto Rico.
Valerie Aldamuy, gerente geral da Prosolar em Porto Rico, tem mais de 16 anos de experiência na indústria de energia solar e foi fundamental em equipes de gerenciamento e vendas de grandes empresas. Também lançou sua própria empresa de energia solar, adicionando a instalação de equipamentos ao seu conjunto de habilidades.
Aldamuy assumiu o desafio de construir as operações locais da Prosolar do zero e sob sua liderança, a filial da Prosolar em Porto Rico se tornou a maior e de mais rápido crescimento da empresa, gerando mais de 100 empregos em menos de dois anos. Aldamuy é apaixonada pela indústria solar e é uma líder comprometida com o crescimento e as mudanças da indústria, acreditando que a energia solar é a solução para os desafios energéticos da ilha.
Naomi Betancourt, gerente de projetos de desenvolvimento na Infinigen Renewables, é uma profissional experiente que tem desempenhado papéis importantes na empresa ao longo de nove anos. Ela esteve envolvida ou prestou suporte às fases de desenvolvimento, construção e operação de vários projetos da Infinigen.
Com formação em engenharia industrial pela Universidade de Porto Rico em Mayagüez, Betancourt é uma das poucas profissionais da indústria solar em Porto Rico com experiência que abrange todo o ciclo de negócios solares em escala de utilidade, desde a análise de contratos em estudos de pré-desenvolvimento até licenças durante o desenvolvimento e logística durante a construção. É responsável pela implementação e execução das políticas internas e externas de governança social e ambiental (ESG) da Infinigen e frequentemente representa a empresa em reuniões do setor, sendo muito respeitada pelos associados e colegas do setor.
Guia completo
Vale a pena instalar energia solar?
Financiamento energia solar? O que é?
Quanto custa energia solar?
Sistema de energia off grid.
O post Energia solar é o setor da indústria que mais emprega mulheres apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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This is a re-post/archiving of a twitter thread from Oct 16, 2021, edited slightly for clarity.
Know what I haven't done for a while? Waxed philosophical about Miami Vice.
I'm currently stuck in traffic bad enough that people have turned off their cars and are chilling outside, so here goes.
So we have a houseguest who actually ASKED to be subjected to Vice, and Dan immediately suggested we watch Bushido, because let's face it, he's a Castillo Guy, and the "Vice Squad's Lieutenant is a Weird Weeb" episodes are some of his favorites. 
I expressed some hesitation— Bushido is an episode that is very slowly paced (purposefully) and works best when you know the characters and know what the stakes are. We watched it anyway, and it didn't really land the way it should've (although the guest appreciated the Battlestar Galactica connections).
(Traffic cleared. In line for donuts now.) I tried to explain the fact that while Vice is technically an episodic show, it's a precursor to arc based shows in the ways it handles all the characters and their *emotional* arcs— case in point, in Bushido Sonny and Rico both seem *happy.* Castillo earnestly smiles for the first time in the show, and we learn the depths to which duty and honor matter to him (and yet, how much actual RULES really do not— his own code of honor supersedes the law even if he finds ways to pay lip service to it.)
This got me thinking about how Season Two of Miami Vice telegraphs an enormous amount about the characters' eventual arcs and the decisions they'll make throughout the series; practically half of S2 is episodes about Sonny Parallels crashing and burning and how that predicts his own eventual crash. Of course, those are the OBVIOUS things the show tells us about its cast. The thing I find fascinating about S2 is that a LOT of information is broadcast through music and images rather than the script, and Vice expects you to be smart enough to pick up on this and how it will come to fruition later in the series. So much of who Sonny and Rico are isn't spoken, and a lot of the things they say and do later in the series make a lot more sense if you pay attention to music and visual cues early on.
(Gonna drive again, will finish this thought in a bit…)
This, on top of a friend on the Vice Discord asking for a listing of all the music in Vice got me thinking (aloud) about the music in S1&2, and Dan mentioned there were 14 licensed songs in Prodigal Son alone. That reminded me that a few weeks back I'd had a revelation: I had realized something about You Belong to the City, a song specifically written specifically for Vice (I.E., it's a significant piece of music thematically and lyrically), and which plays in Prodigal Son over a sequence of Sonny being distraught in NYC at night. 
I wrote about Prodigal Son last year (2020) and didn't mention that sequence at all except to talk about the weird aggressive roller skater who chases Sonny on a darkened road. At the time, I frankly thought it was a song that was chosen for its sound more than its lyrics, because the lyrics don't really fit with what we're seeing on screen.
The song starts playing about halfway through the first Prodigal Son episode, right after Tubbs reunites with Valerie and leaves Sonny alone in a city he doesn't know and doesn't have any connection to. I've mentioned before that I think, as the opener for S2, Prodigal Son is very much about home and belonging. And the thing is: Sonny doesn't belong in New York. The end of the episode confirms that, at least at that point in the series, it isn't really home for Tubbs either.
Sonny's a Southern Boy, most at home on a boat. You could argue there's some kind of ominous irony in the first 1/2 of the chorus:
Cause you belong to the city You belong to the night Living in a river of darkness Beneath the neon light
But it's not objectively TRUE.
When you start picking apart the rest of the lyrics:
You can feel it Starting all over again The moon comes up And the music calls You're getting tired of Staring at the same four walls
It really starts to fall apart. Sonny isn't *tired* of anything, he didn't choose to go out wandering or to be in the city at all, Tubbs just left him alone to be with his ex-girlfriend. This isn't wanderlust, like the song implies, it's aimlessness. The second half of the chorus and the second verse make it clear that this isn't an accident.
You were born in the city Concrete under your feet It's in your moves It's in your blood You're a man of the street
This... isn't a song about Sonny Crockett. 
You Belong to the City *is about Rico.*
The second verse says:
When you said goodbye You were on the run Trying to get away From the things you've done Now you're back again And you're feeling strange So much has happened But nothing has changed
These are exactly the circumstances Rico is in in this episode—he's the titular Prodigal Son, returned home after a long time to discover things are in some ways exactly as they were, and yet he doesn't fit anymore. It doesn't describe Sonny— Sonny isn't "back," he didn't leave NY "on the run." Rico did!
So, why, then, is a song about Rico playing when Sonny is wandering the city alone? 
Because the idea that Rico *belongs here in NYC* is Sonny's driving fear at this point in the episode. From his perspective, he's been abandoned. He's unmoored. (And I think this is what leaves his guard so far down with Maggie. He is painfully lonely at the best of times throughout the series; alone in NY he's bereft. First port in a storm and all that.) That the episode ends with Take Me Home is a repudiation of that fear—especially considering the more-or-less-overt flirting that occurs when they meet again.
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Why is any of this important? Because Vice is a series that often takes Show Don't Tell as far as you can go without becoming French New Wave: Now on TV! I argued last year that Prodigal Son intended for a savvy audience to read Sonny as bisexual; the seemingly incongruous lyrical use of You Belong to the City both confirms that and adds the extra wrinkle that *Tubbs needs to be considered in that equation.* 
Which is to say: the first episode of Season Two decides to make a statement about where the season is going, and that statement is that *the relationship between Sonny and Rico is import\ant and vital and that they both have a concept of home that involves each other.* Considering where the rest of the series goes, that makes the eventual unraveling of their relationship as Sonny falls apart just about the closest thing the  series has to a full overarching plot. 
(and I'm done)
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