#Unikitty AU
Chibi husbands😠🪦
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1st pic: after the finale of the show
2nd: 2-3 years later
3rd: They are now
4th: They are now too, but they're in work clothes lol
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askthechronoverse · 1 month
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Are you looking for some Unikitty! fanfiction that isn't purely about shipping?
Are you looking for some Lego Movie fanfiction that gives Rex Dangervest a redemption arc?
Are you a fan of long fics with an overarching mystery and multigenerational plotlines?
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In the Chronoverse, a post TLM 2 Rex is pulled from non-existing by Doctor Fox during one of her experiments. He mostly wants to just vibe and avoid talking about his feelings but things work differently in the Unikingdom, especially when Unikitty wants to be his friend. On top of that, not even Unikitty knows all the secrets of the kingdom Queen Wa'nabi gave her...
Want a taste? I'm including the first three paragraphs of Everything Moves under the cut below the links for the four fics. Like what you read? There are links to each fic below.
The latest fic, Days of Oblivion, updates every Friday.
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When night fell on the Unikingdom, it didn't actually hit that hard. The lights of the Princess's main city were too bright and too dominant to make nighttime have any weight. It was one of the things that made the people there feel safe, what drove people to move from the other Systarian planets and even the main hub of Syspocalypstar, despite the destruction occasionally wrought by the Princess and her friends and the close proximity to the oppressive feeling Frowntown. It was unusual for clouds to settle in and moreso for a large lightning storm to roll in, causing the population to bunker into their homes until the storm passes.
It was in this unusual weather that a dark clad figure fell from the sky. He was a shadow at first, barely seen in the clouds. Soon, the form gained color and definition until he hit the ground, his body cradled by the plants in the garden of the Princess's castle. His overgrown hair covered the harsh features of his unshaven face, a face that hid boyish charm under the pain of ages. The clothes he wore were fire damaged and torn from the storm that began the sluggish process of clearing to what the people of the Unikingdom were accustomed to. The rain washed soot and dirt from the strange man's surprisingly undamaged body.
It wasn't until around mid-day the next day before the sleeping man was found in the blueberry bushes and before the man stirred from his exhausted slumber. Dark eyes fluttered open to meet… a floating one by three brick. The man bellowed in surprise in time with the brick, who's yelling sounded more enthusiastic, given the circumstances. The man tried to back further into the bushes, but seemed to be stopped by either the dense branches or an unseen injury. The grey brick was soon close to the weather worn face of the stranger, expression returning to a resting disinterest.
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cyph0r · 5 months
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happy birthday jacob‼️
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basicallysalad · 9 months
Hey, I'm actually ecstatic u drew my oc!
From now on, if I ask to do someslthing with the au's, can u draw my oc plz?
Of course‼️🪱
Here's a joy doodle.
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theweirdgaymer · 2 months
about my human unikitty au
yeah, Frown’s technically a zombie in this.
the fire at the birthday killed him (he protected Brock from it)
however Master Doom didn’t want Frown to die before he became a full doom lord, so she revived Frown, however his skin turned pale, his hair turned black and his brown eyes got darker.
Frown is horribly traumatised by this and so isolates himself from everyone except the doom lords and Brock.
he doesn’t exit his room a lot until he turned 11.
but he has to rely on his powers to keep him alive and growing, otherwise he’ll revert back to his corpse self.
(Yes Master Big Frown will be having a horrifying design because why not)
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katzdxd · 2 months
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unikitty fandom I hope you realize that just because I'm super busy with school does NOT mean you are safe from my insanity
anyways first time drawing the au I made that has plagued my brain for the last year if I actually get off my ass you might start seeing this a LOT
also cool color palette heheeheheeheh
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erin-epica-art · 2 months
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Contest entry that I did for @feelthekenergy's AU, @askthechronoverse! Figured I'd post it here, too.
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iceemoondemon · 11 months
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Here's a redo of Bai He from her 2022 design i did back in December
And thanks to my bestie Eris ( @aikatrazattack ) for giving me the idea to give Bai He short hair.
-15 years old
-Bisexual (She/They)
-She gain the powers from the Lady Bone Demon by drinking her blood from a potion bottle (That explains the zebra hair-)
-She became friends with Unikitty after the whole fiasco with her being possessed, and attacking MK and their crew.
-She built a mansion for the Spider Crew as an apology gift, and home to make up for what she's done to them, and she willing called it The Phantom Spiderweb Mansion.
-Her favorite music: Mostly songs inspired by either Kuromi, or Hello Kitty-
-She has a pet Cat named Kuro Kitty
-Her room is on the second floor of the Phantom Spider Mansion, and it consist of all things black, white, and blue, and a lot of spooky, but cute decorations, and furniture.
-She's a HUGE Sanrio fan, and she was one since she was an elementary school student.
-She had to cut her hair short because she didn't want anyone mistaking her as Lady Bones
-She loves fancy dresses, and thanks to Bluebelle, she got inspired to wear one herself.
-Her favorite desserts are Macaroons, Flans, and Mini cakes.
-Her eyes glow, and her hair turns white when she's using her magic, angry, or ready to attack.
-Treats Macaque like an uncle
-She does NOT want to associate with The Mayor anymore, because of what he did, she cut him out of her life.
-Bai He found out she was bisexual when she was 12
Those are the headcanons i came up with!~
Hope ya like em : D
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miumiumanzo · 1 year
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Needin' my human hawkofox fix
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bestfrownsforever · 1 month
Happy 6th anniversary!
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Mermaid!Frock AU
It's a little late, but I'm in time.
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This is not exactly Master Jacob AU, but it is related to its because of the non-canon crossover (the same thing with my Unicaravan AU which I will also talk about later).
The idea of AU with them and not only was conceived even before the finale of the show, but I often abandoned it and eventually forgot it for a long time. And yet, there was a different ending, but it also came down to the Master Frown's good departure and victory over Doom Lords. Not to mention that they can transform into humans. But I will work on this later, if you appreciate the idea.
I can no longer remember what kind of mermaids they were, because I imagined the plot of that AU only in my head. But when I remembered the third full-length of the Little Mermaid, I understood. This is it! Perfect dynamics (if anything, I don't ship Marina and Benjamin, I just love their relationship dynamics)
A manatee is almost PERFECT for Brock, despite the fact that usually mermaids, similar to manatees, are not made. But who cares if we saw these beautiful mermaids in the show itself. Brock's skin is shiny and has lots of folds.
It was more difficult with Master Frown, but I decided to improvise and make it so that he wears black, his tail is black, but his skin is yellow. Metal spikes are added as a reference for Rainbow Race episode and the form of Master Big Frown.
Anyway, merm versions of themselves, but separately
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askthechronoverse · 2 months
Since we have a few new Lego people popping up and I need to get back into the groove of this:
Like this post. I will send you a question at least once a week. It could be literally anything, but I like to focus on lore. All I ask is if you take part for you to also once a week maybe look at the likes on this post and choose a few blogs to send an ask to.
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cyph0r · 2 months
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o yea more au stuff
u right its them 🥰
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kattycityau · 7 months
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Strikerz-Katty As Rayman
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doomlordsbutfunni · 10 months
So another silly headcanon :D, Actually this turned into more of something for my au with the doomlords
These bishes related
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idk lol, ever since I saw the “super love” song and saw that guy, I’ve always thought they looked somewhat similar to Master Malice. I thinks it’s mainly the horns that are just pulling me in but the eyes and the teeth are also kind of similar(?)
I’m still making backstories and stuff for my au with the doomlords but I’ll just say people in this Lego world can live for a long time. But the main reason Malice’s great grandfather is alive is because they are a demon (like said in the song), so they’re kind of magical and stuff 🤷‍♀️ so technically malice is part demon- IDK I will make a family chart or something but I don’t wanna make all these characters and stuff rn 😭😭😭
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I’m going to call the great grandfather “Gigi” (FOR NOW) because gg can be short for great grandfather and it sounds like Gigi, idk. Anyway Gigi was around a lot when Malice was a kid so they have a close bond.
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I also headcanon that Gigi can change their size to how they would like, they usually are tall to come off as scary, but can shrink down to make tasks easier for them (like straight up having a normal eye to eye conversation)
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theweirdgaymer · 2 months
side Unikitty AU!
Dr. Fox tries to find a way to stop Frown’s latest scheme but it goes wrong and regresses Frown and Brock back to their kid bodies. (but they still have the mindset of adults)
Brock doesn’t mind but Frown hates it.
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