kon-kon-kon-kon · 2 years
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myosotis-secunda · 6 months
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viejospellejos · 4 months
La UFC se separa de la USADA (o agencia antidopaje).
¿Tendrá algo que ver esto de McGregor?
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Luchadores en diciembre de 2024 vs luchadores en enero de 2025
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theanticool · 8 months
Wanted to ask ur opinion on the ufc officaily cutting ties with USADA so Conor is allowed to fight at the beginning of the year
Lol. You’ve seen him on the salads. You’ve seen him on the steaks. Now you’re going to see him on the juice.
Dana realized after the Hunt lawsuit he can’t be legally incriminated for juicing and found another price to cut. It’s so nakedly corrupt and stupid. I don’t like usada and honestly juicing isn’t one of my big issues with the sport but bending on a long held principle because one guy, no matter how popular and profitable, can’t stop using T is fucking hilarious. If I’m a fighter who had to get off TRT back in the day or had to sit out 2-4 years because my ADHD meds were banned, I’d be pissed.
Worth mentioning that the UFC includes USADA with their “fighter expenses” part of their revenue so the percentage that “goes to the fighters” is actually going to go down.
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angel-desilusionado15 · 4 months
Que feo sentimiento cuando sentis que solo te usaron...
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eeveestrations · 1 year
Hop like a bunny!
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lunita-aa · 6 months
Nunca nadie me ha amado realmente, nunca jamás nadie se ha interesado en mi más allá de algo sexual, fui el desahogo sexual de muchos pero jamás el amor de nadie...
Duele ser usada, deseada pero jamás ser la persona que piensas antes de dormir
Jamás he sido amada realmente, solo usada y reemplazada
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un-invierno-eterno · 1 year
Taylor Swift es la vocera de las weonas que nos botaron como un cochino cardigan usado que estuvo bajo la cama de alguien✨️
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cagesidepress · 1 year
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USADA Says No Meeting with McGregor Booked, Conor Blasts Anti-Doping Org
Read the full story on cagesidepress.com
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kon-kon-kon-kon · 2 years
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niflower · 1 year
Dai voce conhece uma pessoa, ela te acha incrivel, faz planos com voce, te faz sentir especial, ate que um dia voce se depara com a ilusão, ele te machucou, e não foi só 1x. Foram varias vezes e em todas voce foi compreensiva, ate voce começar a reagir e a partir dai, voce se torna a pior pessoa do mundo pra ela, voce se torna a culpada pelos erros dele só pela forma que voce reagiu. E agora se ver obrigada a ver ele dizer aos 4 ventos, como voce não serve pra se relacionar com ninguém. VOCÉ É INAMORAVEL, e eu to começando a acreditar nisso.
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readonline · 21 days
Anyway, heres a rundown of the very basics on PEDs. There are three MAIN categories of PEDs nowadays. Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids (AAS), Peptides, and SARMs. Below is a summary of each kind, and below all of that, is some other basic info/FAQ about ALL PED use. AAS: most AAS are derivatives of testosterone. They have Anabolic effects (growing tissue, usually muscle), and Androgenic effects (masculinizing). Most have a well known ratio of anabolic:androgenic effects, with testosterone being 1:1, and AAS like winstrol being 25:1. In the context of BJJ, AAS is most often used to enhance recovery, so that athletes can train more often. Some have super specific effects. Take Deca for example. Deca is well known for its ability to reduce joint pain, promote recovery, and enhance cardio. If you took another AAS like Trebolone, you'd experience joint pain, and you'd get winded walking up the stairs, BUT you'd gain muscle and burn fat like never before. Not all AAS are created equal. Some have little-to-no side effects (anavar in low doses), some have huge side effects. Most are actually pretty safe when taken correctly, and when bloodwork is monitored. You can take a basic AAS like testosterone, and nobody but yourself would necessarily even notice. Effects can be subtle on the outside, but massive to the person taking them. If someone is taking AAS other than testosterone, they are almost certainly ALSO taking Testosterone, since AAS use suppresses natural T production. PEPTIDES: more commonly used PEDs nowadays usually come in the form of peptides, since they don't have the "steroid" label attached, and they're usually very easy to buy online. Common peptides in BJJ include Human Growth Hormone, BPC-157, and GH releasing hormones like Ipamorelin, sermorelin, or tesamorelin. Growth hormone is one of the most commonly used PEDs in BJJ and MMA. It is hard to test for (more so easy to pass a test), and has little side effects. It does not make you grow muscle. The most common dosages are around 4ius/day for GREATLY enhanced recovery. Dosages bodybuilders take to grow muscle are usually 10-12ius/day, in conjunction with many AAS that have a synergistic effect. If someone was using growth hormone regularly, you would have literally no idea. All side effects are invisible from an outside perspective (numbness in fingers, daytime lethargy). That person, however, would have insanely increased recovery, and would be able to train hard multiple times a day every day, and barring injury, continue this pattern for the long term. SARMS: Selective Androgenic Receptor Modulators, change the way our bodies are able to use the hormones we do have inside of us. They almost always have fairly significant side effects, including suppressing endogenous Testosterone production, which makes them indadvisable for the most part. SARM use is usually more prominent in low level athletics (high school/college sports), one of many reasons for which is that SARMS are usually taken orally, so the barrier for use is much lower than buying injection supplies and pinning weekly/daily.
Clearing up some misconceptions about PED use. : r/bjj
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defensefilms · 8 months
The UFC Plans To Leave USADA Drug Testing Program
"This Could Be The Return Of The Roid Monkeys"
Some serious nonsense appears to be afoot here as the UFC announced that they would be leaving USADA and would not use them as a drug testing agency starting in January of 2024.
The main source of tension here between USADA and the UFC, is that the UFC really want Conor McGregor back in the octagon and that means they need him to be cleared by thier trusted drug testing agency, USADA.
The problem with that, is that if you've seen pictures of Conor lately, you know that there's something way off about the guy.
There is no drug testing agency worth it's needles, that can give any kind of clearance to Conor and after reportedly recieving a sample, USADA and the UFC have chosen to part ways.
Dana has since done what he usually does and appeared on some of the major platforms to spin the narrative as something that is completely USADA's fault, and this time Dana may actually get what he wants.
You have to understand that there are many layers in the public discussion as it relates to USADA.
UFC fighters for the most part, hate dealing with USADA, they hate the rules around year-round testing, they hate actually interacting with the people doing the testing and ultimately, don't trust that USADA have succeeded in making the sport safer.
Then there is the contingent of UFC fans that are dumb enough to think that an unregulated sport, with no limits on use of performance enhancing drugs would be better.
These fans are the biggest idiots in the MMA content creation space because they ignore how much the UFC had to go through in order to legitimize the sport in the eyes of both the Nevada and New York State Athletic Commissions.
But worse than any fans and content creators, is the apparent willingness on the part of Chael Sonnen to sell his audience the idea that USADA should have "played ball with Conor".
I'm not shocked by Chael doing this, I have long since stopped regarding him as an honest and credible voice even if I do write about him when writing about MMA. The point is, dude is a shill and I won't tolerate a dishonest person just because thier funny.
The combination of all these differing sentiments towards USADA have all given Dana White just enough leeway to sell the idea that leaving USADA is a good thing, and worse yet, some are floating the idea that the UFC should operate as it's own drug testing agency.
It's obvious what the dumb fans want, the problem is because Dana has exerted so much control over MMA in the media, he could possibly give them what they want, which is an unsanctioned, unregulated combat sport.
I have written quite a few blogs about how Dana White and the UFC simply have too much power in the sport, and effectively reversing the regulations around drug testing will prove to be the culmination of this unfettered power, and the only people risking anything are the fighters.
Essentially we have already seen what the UFC was trying to do because they are trying to usher in the return of the roid monkeys.
Dana wants to bring back Brock Lensar and a few of his multi-million dollar favorites, even at the cost of the sport's legitimacy, and because of how uneducted audiences are, and his own control over the media, he's going to pull this off.
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un-alma-rota-cb · 10 months
Me siento tan triste estos días y sin ánimos de nada.
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oceanstriology · 11 months
Da lá o número da tua amiga
Abre os olhos miúda
Não há cá nada na tuga
Quando algo novo aparece buga
Ainda existe pra onde dar fuga
O que a tua amiga quer é deixar te confusa
Sem a mesma capacidade de ser como tu uma musa
Pretende que desperdices a tua vida por ela
Os filtros dela não são só na tela
Não posso chama-la de falsa
Tavlez seja o seu instinto de sobrevivência
Solidão tem um rabo naquelas calças
Esquece o amor e segue a ciência
Nasceste para mais, até para mais do que eu
Infelizmente a nome Guerra me impede de ser Romeu
Foge Julieta até a tua familía te esqueceu
Se me safar vou ter contigo
Se me matarem terei o teu coração como abrigo
Tenho muita coisa para te explicar
Mas só vendo pra acreditar
No entanto não vás atrás disso
Começa de novo, esquece me a mim e esse vicio.
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