speci-society · 3 months
So i went to matt's blog to look at that original terrible explanation post bc i remember seeing he added a lame backpedaling addition to his comment abt the hammer car post after he saw how many people were clowning on him for it, but then i saw this under it which is potentially even worse???
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(Static added to differentiate between my text and matt screenshot)
Like. Matt. MATT. You've BEEN THRU THIS before buddy you ALREADY made this mistake of making a claim about how egregious avery behaved ("names so explicit i can't post them here without a mature tag"), attaching absolutely no proof, and then when you do decide to give proof its the most lukewarm run of the mill everyday typical tumblr content out there. Like. Suggestive sideblog urls??? (Sarcasm) Oooh time to dust off the ol horny jail baseball bats from 2021 and keep digging that hole youre in matt. Not to mention he posted said proof not to his own blog on his own website on the post he's edited many many many times to add shit to it, but on an entirely different website for the purpose of continuing to harass the same woman
And i know that either way, after he said what he said in the above screenshot, posting or not posting those blog names wouldve been a bad idea. Dont post them, and youve made a baseless claim that makes you look like more of a liar (which he is imo but.), do post them and you've maliciously outed her other blogs and made yourself look like more of a transmisogynist (again, i dont have much faith that he isnt). But like. 2 things abt that.
1. He managed to do both of those at the same time by posting some parts on tumblr and the other parts in a twitter reply
2. He couldve avoided having to do either IF HE DIDNT MENTION THEM AT ALL!!!!! BC CLEARLY HE DIDNT NEED TO!!!!!! WHERE AM I IN CRAZY TOWN?????
Just digging the hole further and further and further, after he made i think 2 and maybe more apology posts and HAS SEEMINGLY DELETED THEM NOW. COME THE FUCK ONNNNN MAN
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