#Tragic Mythos Prime AU
cattyanon 3 months
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Oh I suppose I can share.
So technically it's the Sonic of No Place that's the siren. Although now I'm considering exploring something where Sonic becomes the siren cause why not... His name is Spindrift (which i researched a bunch of water related words for the coolest sounding thing) backstory is that during a giant storm he fell off the Angel's Voyage and in a stroke of 'luck' he comes in contact with a magical gem (i'm still not sure if I want it to be the Paradox Prism itself or just something made up) that turns him into a mermaid. And no, mermaid wasn't a typo- but there's an explanation! >:)
Anyways, after the initial freak out he's like "I gotta find some way to reverse this!!" And although he tries to be careful about who he asks for help since he knows people can be assholes his plan goes awry. You see the plan was for him to hang out kinda close to a random docking place and then when a ship takes off he'd tail it for a little while and eavesdrop in order to figure out if they're good people. Unfortunately he wasn't being as sneaky as he thought and word got around of a mermaid being spotted in the area. As you can probably guess, this doesn't end well for him and he ends up captured by bad people and put onto a black market.
He goes through the wringer and is passed around/sold many times and despite trying to cling onto hope, one day he breaks. I don't have anything specific on what happens but one day he hits his limit and he SCREAMS at the top of his lungs in a mix pain, sadness, and anger. And the scream is abnormally loud. So loud it shatters all and any glass around him and ends up rupturing the eardrums of anyone too close.
If you guessed that means he went from being a mermaid to being a siren- you're correct! I even made some lore about it~
So basically when a mermaid gets consumed by hatred they turn into a siren. It's a very rare occurrence though, so there's not that many sirens in the world. Sirens are shunned by mermaids and despite their reasons for becoming one (like Spindrift was basically tortured) they're banished from anywhere mermaids reside.
There's a few main difference between mermaids and sirens besides the obvious siren powers gained upon transforming. Here's a list:
Can breathe above water for longer periods of time. This is how Spindrift managed to drag himself back into the ocean without suffocating to death. It was a really close call though.
They have claws.
More prone to anger.
Carnivores instead of omnivores.
Maybe a slightly longer lifespan...?
Anyways, Spindrift no longer trusts anyone else. Least of all blindly. In fact he actively hates what he (eventually) refers to as surface dwellers. After finding somewhere pretty secluded (which ends up being the Devil's Lighthouse) he settles down and makes the area his home. But sadly there are pirates greedy and daring enough to try and get to whatever treasures may lie in that area... and Spindrift hates trespassers.
After at least a few boat sinkings, somebody manages to survive and spreads the word about how there's a siren guarding the Devil's Lighthouse. Spindrift earns the nickname Rupture and, upon learning of said nickname, eventually embraces it. He loves the looks of terror upon people's already terrified faces when he reveals/confirms his nickname. It brings him a sick sense of pleasure that derives from the torture he endured at the hands of pirates. It was like payback.
When Dread first tries to get to the Devil's Lighthouse, he doesn't get enough of a good look at Rupture to to think he's Spindrift. Combine that with the fact that Spindrift was kindhearted and should be dead and the thought never even crosses his mind.
Then Sonic Prime happens... and boy is everybody in for a shock. And a bit of whiplash at the sight of Sonic. :p
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cattyanon 3 months
THIS JUST IN: All my Sonic variants for my Tragic Mythos Prime AU have trust issues!!~
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cattyanon 3 months
He is finally here!!!
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Textless version under the cut, with a bit of lore about what he's wearing:
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The thing about what Rupture is wearing is that it's all to replace what he used to wear before being captured. It's why some of the scars don't line up with the rips and tears in his outfit.
What he's wearing is also pretty similar in color to how he looked before. I imagine that with all the pirates in No Place he was bound to loot some corpses with very similar clothes to what he had eventually.
Also something bittersweet I wanna point out is that the cloth on his tail was specifically taken because it reminded him of Sails in terms of color. A small reminder of his little brother...
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cattyanon 3 months
Tbh I need to rename the AU that Spindrift/Rupture is in at some point cause I've also got some Sonic variants for New Yoke and Boscage Maze, although they aren't nearly as developed as Spindrift.
The theme of the Sonic variants in this AU is essentially mythical creatures with tragic backstories. Like for Boscage Maze I'm thinking some kind of fairy and for New Yoke I'm going with an electricity elemental that the Chaos Council uses as a backup/additional power source. For the latter's backstory, aka the only other Sonic variant I have any lore for, he was the Chaos Council's first source of power before finding the much more powerful Paradox Prism shard. He then becomes their backup generator when the shard is stolen by Nine.
I haven't thought too much about either of these guys tbh (especially the Boscage Maze variant) but since I've revealed the AU I may as well start thinking about the other 2 variants as well. And I'll also need to think about some Shadow variants since I've been planning on having a Shadow variant appear in No Place. Specifically as that one Captain Shadow pirate outfit. I don't know if I'll have a theme to them but I do have lore that I've been thinking on for Captain Shadow shortly after I brought up this AU but who knows if that'll stick.
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cattyanon 3 months
do you have any art of Rapture/Spindrift
also when I saw his name was spindrift my first thought was "the obscure Mario 64 enemy?!" XD
Yes but I'd have to dig through a bunch of stuff to find the 1 paper with the drawing on it... soooo I'll probably just make a new drawing.
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