#Tomura dies 4-5 to 10-5 chapters later he's here again
buttercupshands · 1 month
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I did not sketch this one in the park nor is it canon
but I've been thinking about this one for a long time
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oh, and here's Dabi yelling stuff because I was thinking about spoilers for this chapter again
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thequietmanno1 · 6 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 94, Replies Part 1
1) “Nut anyway, let’s not think about it now, let us focus on Vigilantes, in what I assume it’s gonna be the end of the arc, since Hoodie fucked off and Pillowman finally showed up. Oh this is gonna be good, mayhaps that means we’re actually gonna fucking get back to the plot. So, jump in, on Chapter 94: The underground masquerade case”-The plot’s back on track and, no spoilers, but I do consider what comes next to be a step up from everything that’s come prior. 2) “With knuckles and capman discussing how lovely the police picnic was while everybody died inside the building.”- They’ll have more time to chat and catch up on the other side, now they’re both dead. 3) “Nearly every villains? huh? he dealt with all of them, the ones that were out of the building that is, and dear FUCK what is that dog in the corner left what the fuck is that thing”- I think it’s meant to be a statue of the Budda with All Might’s face on it. They didn’t really capture his likeness, in my opinion. 4) “wait what injured people?
What damaged buildings and rubble?!
The villains only managed to kill fatgum and then he immediately showed up, they didn’t even got to attack anyone?! All might, I’m pretty sure you’re committing insurance fraud”- Well, to be fair, even if these villains didn’t get to attack anybody to damage the surroundings, there’s probably a few injured civilians All Might could zip around town and a few damaged buildings from prior villain/heroes battles he could fix up whilst he was here. Just because he fixed the problem he arrived to solve doesn’t meant there wasn’t unrelated ones he had the opportunity to do something about as well.
5) “And thus Dakimakuraman returns to his eternal slumber, but he shall return one day, when the people of Earth need him once again…”-  I am very certain that unless he has a sensor alarm to tell him when he’s getting close to ground, All Might has crash-landed face-first into something several times performing this sleeping technique.
6) “Now, how the fuck you even became a pro hero like that? Your quirk is all about your weight and body fat, how did you even got to become a pro hero without any of those? Tell me, how?”- It’s a mystery, like why Furuhashi thought this was a good spot to stick a flashback filler arc in. 7) “Ah, so that’s what the doom onomatopoeia meant, not just the general sense of how this manga is gonna end, it actually was about the Halls of Evil, where hoodie is throwing a temper-tantrum because his mom didn’t let he keep playing”- He’s just like his little “brother” Tomura. AFO should really work on his parenting tactics. 8) “Oh, Dad for One is putting his parental powers to good use it seems. He pulled the ‘ol reliable “because I said no””-  In both his parenting and his plans (which often overlap) AFO is a bit of a control freak. When he says things are going to happen a certain way, they will, and if he’s gotta be a bit forceful to get them on-track, that’s something he’s ok with. 9) “Yeah, the super regeneration he displayed there was far from perfect, and yet, it could come in hand if someone tried to smash your head in, don’t you think?”- I’m just….gonna have to overlook the regeneration thing because of how much of a plot hole it would be. I’ll just say that it’s semi-regeneration and not actual healing, and that way I won’t go insane.
CREEPYFYING”- Honestly? Still tame compared to Horikoshi’s work. I’m kinda numb to whatever this series throws at us, because the main stories gets far more gruesome.
11) “And thus Hoodie got banned to the shadow realm, where he wouldn’t leave for the next, what, 7 years? I don’t even remember how long we established the timeline to be, but that’s irrelevant, no more battle royal for that boy”- I’ll be honest, where exactly these events fit in the timeline is very unclear to me, and given how odd they make later actions and interactions look, I really don’t try to fit it in anything but a vague “X years ago” scale.
12) “So overclock is a rare quirk huh? One that you can’t find just anywhere and would make a huge difference in a fight?
Now I wonder if even using it didn’t help you against All might… or if this was before you started cloning quirks and McBee got the only copy of it
please tell me you didn’t fucking gave McBee the only copy of it”- Either Nomura does indeed have the only genuine copy, or the other High-Ends have a downplayed variant added to each of them, allowing their brains better processing power to handle their multiple abilities in a fight, but not to super-speed levels.
13) “Oh, so the police is just… gonna let you go? Like that? Well, should’ve seen this coming, Knuckles probably told them to let a witness walk away without giving a testimony.”- I’m starting to think these are actors wearing police uniforms rather than the genuine article. 14) “OH? IS THAT SO KNUCKLES? THE COPS CAN PAY HER FOR ENGAGING IN AN ILLEGAL UNDERGROUND FIGHTING RING AND THEN USE HER PRO-HERO TRAINING TO FIGHT AGAINST A VILLAIN AS A VIGILANTE? REALLY?
YOU KNOW, SOMETHING TELLS ME YOU DIDN’T EVEN TOLD THEM TO LET HER GO, THEY JUST DIDN’T BOTHER TO TALK TO HER.”- There’s such a thing as going too far in showing police incompetency. By now, I’m thinking that All Might did all that extra pro bono aid before jetting off because he knew nothing would be done otherwise. 15) “WAIT
C'MON MAN”- ….I…. I’m not certain, but based on her attitude and posing there, along with showing Rappa her actual face, I think that was Mirko’s version of flirting with him. I kinda want to see how that disaster would go. 16) “Bye byeee Mirko~
now please can we end this nightmare and go back to Koichi?”- Wish granted. We’ll even blow up the guy running the flashback to ensure there’s no more interference! 17) “Yeah, we need to squish them once and for all, completely destroy the head I’d say. That’s the only way we’ll be sure they’ll be gone.”- But we’ve also got to keep in mind to burn the body afterwards, just to make sure the remnants don’t get up and start moving again on their own… @thelreads
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makeste · 5 years
Oh right, I forgot to ask now that you finished the Yakuza/Overhaul arc but on a scale from Endeavor to All For One, where does Overhaul fit on the bad dad scale?
somehow this very simple ask which could have been answered in like three sentences turned into my definitive ranking of the top ten Known Dads in BnHA. I’m not sure how either. but here we go
(spoilers in this post up to chapter 165!)
10. Overhaul
dad score - [unknown] [the scale broke when we tried to measure him]
is asked to care for his boss’s granddaughter; proceeds to torture her for profit
constantly tells her that she’s cursed and all the bad things that he does are somehow her fault
doesn’t even bother to give this kid some fucking shoes
keeps killing her babysitters
I know I already said it, but it really can’t be stressed enough, this guy routinely disassembled her limbs on a molecular level, causing her excruciating pain and trauma, for the sake of trying to make himself the new drug-dealing kingpin of the underworld. he is sooo bad you guys
9. All for One
dad score - 11/100
is super creepy and manipulative and purposely brainwashed Tomura into hating All Might through a series of meticulously calculated encounters
decided the best way to help Tomura reach his full potential would be to step out of his life and get himself arrested
hasn’t even seen his other son, Izuku, since he was a baby! what a fucking deadbeat smdh
but on the other hand, he does seem supportive and indulgent towards Tomura and gives him lots of praise and encouragement
8. Endeavor
dad score - 39/100
abused his kid
abused his kid’s mom, in front of his kid
you wouldn’t even know it, but he actually has other kids, whom he never seems to acknowledge or pay even the slightest attention to whatsoever!
only had kids in the first place so he could raise his kids to beat All Might. has no problem telling this to said kids and even to All Might’s own face
having said that, the only reason his score isn’t in the negatives is because as of chapter 165, it seems like maybe? possibly? he just might be trying for the first time ever. or like. trying to try. if you can count showing up to Shouto’s supplemental course to shout “SHOOOOOOOOOOUUUUTOOOOOOOOO” at him from the stands as trying. but like, I feel like he is attempting to be encouraging. it doesn’t mean he’s not still a piece of shit, but if the guy is trying to be better then, like, it’s better than him not trying, you know?
but he’s still terrible
7. Kurogiri
dad score - 60/100
Tomura’s Actual Dad
is calm, rational, polite, and a respected doctor of medicine (probably) (idk you guys I just still get that vibe)
took Tomura and all the other kids on a character-building trip to Villain Island in an omake from chapter 149 which I consider to be canon
there’s nothing more dadlike than taking your kids camping and trying to teach them how to survive in the wilderness
taught Tomura how to get along with others
always seems to have his back, which is real important you guys
6. Gran Torino
dad score - 70/100
not the best score but a C is still respectable. mostly it’s just cuz he was out of the picture for so long. although we’ve since found out that Toshinori by his own admission had a habit of pushing away people who cared about him, so that may have had something to do with it
cares a lot about Toshinori even though he’s shit at showing it
made him into a man by beating the shit out of him until he got super strong
was right there in the thick of things with Toshinori during both of his fights against All for One. he straight up risked his life to back him up against the strongest villain alive
took it in stride when he found out he had a grandson that he’d never met, and took him under his wing as well and raised him for like three whole days and taught him how to use a microwave
5. Ochako’s Dad
dad score - 80/100
I probably should have given him a higher score, honestly. he seems really sweet. he’s probably a better dad than Bakugou’s Dad tbh, but Bakudad gets the edge just for the much steeper difficulty level. because let’s be honest, there’s a biiiig difference between raising a sweet baby angel like young Ochako, and raising a sentient roman candle with a potty mouth
but he works so hard to make ends meet, and somehow he and his wife managed to scrimp and save enough to send Ochako to U.A. because they wanted her to follow her dreams and they want the best for her
and they’ve always been so supportive of her on like the three occasions we’ve seen them in flashbacks or talking to her over the phone or visiting her after the sports festival
look at this thumbs up though
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tell me that’s not the most dad thing you’ve ever seen in your fucking life
4. Bakugou’s Dad
dad score - 82/100
has like two lines in the entire series, but
as previously mentioned, raised Bakugou Katsuki and somehow survived to tell the tale. so honestly he probably deserves some kind of medal
also, since we know virtually nothing about him other than what was in the omake profile from volume 11, I’ve been imagining him as being kind of like Calvin’s Dad from Calvin and Hobbes
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so he gets bonus points for that positive association
really there’s no reason for him to be this high up tbh except that I firmly believe he’s a great dad and I’m just waiting for canon to prove me right. I’ll be right here waiting, manga
3. RockLockRock
dad score - 90/100
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he’s awesome
also, look. being a hero is inherently dangerous. you never know where you’re going to get called to next, and any mission could end up being your last. injuries and trauma go hand-in-hand with the job. most of the hero characters we’ve seen don’t have families, and I have to assume that’s not a coincidence. so to me, all of this means that if a hero character actually does go through with starting a family, it means they wanted that family more than anything, and you can bet they freaking love the shit out of said family. I have no doubt that RLR is and will continue to be an amazing dad
plus his kid is just too damn cute
2. Aizawa
dad score - 95/100
first of all, if this was a ranking of Hottest BnHA Dads, you better believe he’d be at the very top and it would be no contest
he has 20 kids and somehow he’s able to handle each and every one of them
risked his life to save the kids barely two weeks into the school year with no hesitation, even though he nearly died
did the same thing again barely two months later. this time thankfully without the nearly dying
has the total respect and trust of each and every kid in his class. and considering the personalities of some of them, that’s no small feat
specifically, it says a lot that even Bakugou doesn’t give him any lip and always listens to him without complaint and is even polite
speaking of Bakugou, he defended him to that Jerk Reporter during the Hideout Raid arc and proved that he understands his students better than anyone
isn’t afraid to deal out strict discipline when the situation calls for it, but it’s always for the students’ own good
isn’t above trolling the shit out of his kids on occasion when he feels like it
is good with kids of all ages and not just teenagers, as evidenced by how good he also was with Kouta during the forest invasion arc
lastly, as we saw in chapter 136, he has an untold repertoire of secret dad moves just waiting to be unleashed, such as (a) crouching down to a seated Deku’s eye level, and (b) gently punching him in the chest while affectionately calling him by a nickname. who knows what other moves this man has in reserve. I for one can’t wait to see more
1. All Might
dad score - 96/100
indisputable best dad. A+. although even he didn’t get a perfect score, because nobody is perfect and there’s always room for improvement
always knows exactly what to say. despite constantly seeming to stress about it. probably he only stresses because he cares so much and he’s worried about doing things exactly right
loving father to the two most difficult children in the whole series, Midoriya “which bones did you break this time” Izuku, and Bakugou “like I said, anyone who even attempts to parent this child automatically deserves a medal” Katsuki
this man literally got down on his hands and knees and begged Deku’s mom to let him try to be the Best Dad Ever to her child. he loves him so fucking much
gives THE best dad hugs
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I need more All Might hugs
honorable mentions: 
Nighteye (I forgot about him until after I had already made the list and was too lazy to go back and insert him in his rightful place at number 3. 92/100. loses points for FUCKING DYING AND MAKING ME CRY)
Fat Gum (same deal as Nighteye in that I forgot about him. 75/100. he’s loving and jolly and gives out free candy, but he let Kirishima get all beat up. BE MORE CAREFUL NEXT TIME)
Vlad King (haven’t seen his dad skills in action much, but according to his profile he’s nicer to his kids than Aizawa is. okay but DID HE NEARLY MAKE THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE FOR THEM though. because Aizawa did. 85/100)
Present Mic (not a dad. is at best a Weird Uncle. 70/100)
Jirou’s Dad (I forgot about him too lol. he’s a wacky dad who likes to rock and roll! he tried to be a Stern Dad to impress All Might and Aizawa but failed miserably. took his wife’s last name!! so secure in his own masculinity. wants his daughter to live her best life and follow her passions. 93/100. he’s fucking great)
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