#Tommy also good at squash but Finn beat him one day so he’ll never play again
divinekangaroo · 9 months
Peaky blinders modern high school sports AU:
Arthur - everything track and field. Throws a mean javelin. Could be good at more but is too competitive for team sports, fights his own teammates for the ball
Tommy - nothing. Absolutely nothing. Smoking under the stacks or behind the toilet block. Teachers sometimes talk him into umpiring the football so he won’t fail a unit, then he’s absolutely fucking brutal like it’s a game of Tommy Shelby vs both football teams
John - generically good at all team sports, nearly always first pick. Always takes on too many sports commitments and juggling clashes. Prefers football
Finn - squash and badminton. Stays indoors.
Ada - tennis. Likes the way it’s like a verbal tactical battle with a single opponent. Not good at doubles because can’t teamwork with her partner. (Ada in a white short tennis dress. At least one brother makes an effort to go every time she plays and glares at the crowd)
Lizzie - cross country running. Practices in the streets. Wears earbuds and ignores catcalls. If the uniform requires short shorts and sleeves, always wears full length Lycra leggings and long sleeves under
Alfie - lurking under the bleachers with Tommy. Will also umpire if pressed but takes sides and has no shame in it. Used to do rugby and wrestle until he was banned and expelled due to an Incident in the Locker Room
Esme - lurking with Tommy and Alfie behind the toilet block because she’s nearly always pregnant.
May - chief competitive cheerleader, organiser, fundraiser, etc
Grace - excellent at anything involving a bat and a ball, amazing pitcher, has knocked people out with a softball and no one sure if she meant it (her aim’s too good to miss?) or an accident (she’s too perfect to be malicious). Tommy watches the dynamic with interest
Michael - touch rugby. *only* touch. Mum worries too much otherwise. Uniform always immaculate
Jessie - netball, goal defence or centre
Linda - netball, goal attack or wing attack
Freddie - look, teachers keep trying and he keeps trying but the lanky dude’s so uncoordinated he’s dangerous and they let him sit out. He refuses to join the gang behind the toilet block so sits somewhere and sulks and sometimes Tommy comes over and passes him over a durry. Always at Ada’s matches and gives her detailed commentary on what she could’ve done better afterwards.
Gina - competitive ballroom. She’s teaching Michael
Sabini - 100% crazy arsehole PE Teacher vibes. No one understands him. Is he Australian? Is he Italian? Is he English? Is he Czechoslovakian? No one knows. Nearly gets into a fistfight with Tommy trying to force him to participate until administration intervenes
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