#Timothy Chalameow
lemmetreatya · 1 year
Eren bringing home the skrunkliest cat who he lured out of a storm drain with a hamburger and who he has now declared your child in spite of the fact this man can barely take care of himself.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
he’d be so adamant to look after it and everything despite barely being able to have a scheduled sleep routine or eating more than 2 meals a day😭😭 you would go out and try find its mama bc no way was this lil baby doomed to have jaeger as it’s guardian 🤨 but your look was to no avail so eren would think it’s then free real estate to keep it
“I’m naming him Timothy Chalameow.”
You look up from your phone with a perplexed expression, a pause in your google search for a registered cat shelter.
“Timothy Chalameow?” You repeat.
Eren nods as he glances across at his phone propped up on the kitchen window seal which is currently playing a youtube video on how to de-flea kittens at home. He looks back towards the rather soggy kitten and follows the instruction of softly rubbing a ring of washing up liquid around it’s neck.
“Yeah. I’m naming it after that famous actor tha—”
“I know who you’re referencing, Eren. It’s just…why?” You ask.
Turning back towards you, the brunette makes a weird expression, although you know he’s secretly been wanting for you to ask that question the moment he came up with the name.
Picking up the kitten from the shallow bowl of soapy water like a prized possession, Eren softly squeezes the water out from it before hovering it in your direction.
“Just look at the lil guy! He looks exactly like him!”
Taking time to look at the kitten, you made a concerned face as the baby’s head bobbled, it’s eyes seemingly Kubrick wide and pitch black. The fur surrounding it’s head looked even more crazy and einsteinian as the rest of it’s body was matted down and wet.
With a sigh, you looked back in your boyfriend’s direction.
“Eren, I hate to break it to you but you are literally one curl pattern away from being mistaken as Timothy’s twin. Like, if the kitty looks like him then it sure as hell looks like you.”
Rolling his eyes, the man huffed.
“Yeah well i’d call him Eren Jaeger II if I could but i’m saving that name for our first born child.” He says matter-of-factly before dunking the kitten back into the water again.
However, concerning his comment, you decided to entertain him.
“What if our first borns a girl?” You pry.
Eren’s back was to you now as his focus was back on washing the kitten. However, once he registered your words, he made a loud dry laugh.
“Who said Eren Jaeger II was strictly for a boy?”
absolutely laughing now tho because i can imagine eren wouldn’t hesitate to cut up a good pair of socks he still uses to make a makeshift kitty bodice to keep it warm (not even like an old sock or one he wears around the home — he’d use a proper sport Nike or adidas sock. NOT BOTH PAIRS. just one sock)
but i think he’d be great with the kitty! he still isnt able to look after himself for SHIT but mostly because his time is now consumed with spoiling this kitty, he forgets that he needs to look after and feed himself too :”)
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Eren is going to let slip to his family about Timothy but neglects to mention that he's a cat and now they think you've had an actual baby.
Context: —> Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Omlll the way he’d describe him like that’s his LEGIT son shsjdj his family would be so confused too because zeke’s always saying shit to his parents like “you think im a bad son?! well im telling you, one day eren’s gonna come home with a grown child we don’t know about!!” AND NOW LOOK
“Babe! Babe, hi. Hi. Look, I forgot that I was getting a delivery today for Timothy’s shoes. Is it possible if you could just hear out for the delivery person at the front door for me?”
The Jaeger familiy’s ears popped up at the franticness of Eren’s call to you. They were already on high alert seeing as he suddenly pulled away from their somewhat peaceful dinner but this seemed even more concerning than they originally thought.
Pacing the room, Eren held a hand on his head as he seemed to be in current distress.
“You’re not home?! Shit, babe, I really needed those shoes for him. You know how he gets all cold in the night and starts crying and shit. And I know you said he’s gotta learn not to be in the bed with us but I can’t just leave him in his own bed, it’s torture!”
Immediately dropping his fork down, Zeke looked between his parents in shock.
“Oh my God, he’s got a kid.” He whispered.
Carla and Grisha looked towards Zeke with a face of worry. Even they could have deducted that from the information themselves but hearing Zeke say that out loud made them panic just a bit more.
“Yeah but—…” Eren bit his lip as he was momentarily quiet and most probably letting you speak. “No! You can’t say that! That’s our child you’re talking about! How can you expect me to just let him ‘wean it out’, he’s a baby!”
“He’s got a fucking kid!” Zeke whispered even harder. He seemed happy at the prospect of a supposed nephew but anyone could tell that it was in fact elation that his conspiracy theory was proved right.
“Zeke, Shut up!”
Grisha growled, although he seemed invested in the call just as much.
Groaning, Eren flung his hand in the air before letting it slap against his thigh.
“Fine! Fine! Okay! I’ll quickly go home now to intercept it. I’ll see you later okay? Okay. Okay. Love you, bye.”
Ending the call and turning back to his engrossingly concerned family with a sigh, Eren picked up his unfinished plate of food from the table.
“Alright, guys I’m gonna have to go and come back. I gotta go pick something up.”
“What, for your son?” Zeke snickered.
As if light had seeped into his eyes, Eren nodded proudly.
“Yeah! It’s for Timothy. He’s literally like, the quietest and best baby anyone could ask for I’m genuinely so blessed to have him as a son.”
Eren was almost about to go into a soft rant but there was a bang at the table that stopped him in his wake.
“Why didn’t you tell us you had a son?!” Carla burst out, clearly the most distressed of them all.
With a blank expression, Eren had to think for two seconds before he could answer her. He hadn’t a clue what got her so worked up.
“Oh, well I’ve been meaning to tell you lot but I guess it slipped my mind.”
“Slipped your mind?!” Grisha yelped in reply.
“Uh…Okay, you guys are acting weird but I’ve gotta go but I’ll be back in a bit.”
Already making his way into the kitchen, the rest of the Jaeger’s looked between each other in shock. However, Zeke only found this more amusing.
“Ah, I told you guys I was the better son.”
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Timothy Callameow being such a quiet kitty in contrast to his very loud daddy. His meows sound like a little squeak toy, but everything he says is worth listening to.
Timothy Chalameow Chronicles
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
YOURE SO RIGHT!! timothy wont say much in general because hes such a good lil baby i genuinely dont think he’ll meow much. most of the time its just lil squeaks and clicks!! oh but when hes angry angry?? he’ll let the world know 😭😭
It wasn’t every day Eren came to distract you.
No, it was most hours at the least, but even when he did, nowadays it was to show you the neo-developments in the youngest Jaeger protégé — Timothy Chalameow.
Today, it looks like it was about finding his voice.
Bursting through the bedroom door, Eren demanded your attention.
“Babe! Babe!”
You had no choice but to slowly turn around in your chair at his arrival.
“Yeeeees?” You said with sa(r)c(astic)charine tone.
“Timothy’s gonna be a star!”
Eren holds the small kitten in your direction. His belly and legs dangled as Eren held him protectively from underneath his tiny arms.
Upon seeing you, the baby meowed but at that you frowned.
Since when did he meow unprovoked?!
“What exactly about him makes you think he has star like quality?” You ask as your eyes flick towards Eren’s face.
“He sings!”
“Sings?” You clarify.
You looked back towards Timothy who had on a too big wooly tulip hat which drooped pass his eyes. His legs slightly kicking as they swung in the air.
“Exactly, sings! Watch this!”
Eren cleared his throat before he began to sing a nursery rhyme-esque song off key.
“If you’re daddy’s lil helper say meow!”
“Meow!” Timothy replied.
You raised your eyebrow at the reaction. Eren gave you a brief face of excitement before carrying on.
“If you’re daddy’s favourite child say meow!”
“If you’re daddy’s spoilt baby and your meal times rather shady, if you’re Timmo Chalameow, say meow!”
Timothy ended off with a rather elongated cry, one which would have made you laugh had you not figured out why Timothy was in such a singing and convincingly annoyed mood.
“Wait! Eren, when was the last time you actually fed him?!”
There was a short pause as you could see the brunette mentally calculate the possibility. As the penny finally dropped, Eren gasped aloud.
Instantly, Eren ran out the room at top speed, his footing thundering throughout the house at the prospects that he’d forgotten his one job as a new parent.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Carla and Grisha trying to process that their youngest son is a father and why the hell he would keep the baby a secret up until now. Meanwhile Zeke's like "with a name like Timothy and Eren's looks, that kid's already starting life from the bottom"
Context —>: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Because Grisha and Carla would actually, like, be concerned????? Like okay YAY! Grandchildren!! but they never imagined it like this?? They’re not traditional parents so they weren’t demanding that Eren had to tick every box and be settled down, married, with a secure job, have his life together or be able to look after himself — BUT HE IS NONE OF THOSE THINGS RN SO THEYRE JUST CONCERNED FOR THE BABIES WELL BEING 😭😭
meanwhile zeke is absolutely having a HELLUVA ball with this because damn!! who new victory would taste so sweet and come in the form of eren’s own demise
When Eren had arrived back at the family home, he wasn’t sure what he was going to expect. In fact, he wasn’t expecting anything but it’s when he entered the abode with absolute chaos ensuing, he was perplexed.
As soon as Eren opened the door, Carla crossed the hallway with her phone in hand, the usual crackle of a conference call sounding as she seemed to be complaining to her friends back home and in distress. Which, wasn’t an unusual sight, but it’s when she spotted Eren in the doorway and pointed at him with a pained expression, that he was confused.
“Eren! I want to see my Grandchild! You can’t keep him from me!”
Eren didn’t even have time to react. On impulse, Grisha somehow came out from the other room, his face also in mild distress.
“Carla, not now. We said we’d do this as a family.” He soothingly said to her, although soon after, threw Eren a dirty look.
Not knowing how to react, Eren only shrugged at his father, mouthing a ‘what did I do?!’ but he got no answer. Grisha only ushered Carla into the living room and slammed the door after him.
Which was quite surprising because Eren didn’t even know that the living room door could shut. That shit was always open.
Heading into the direction of the kitchen, Eren pursued where most of the noise was coming from, seeing as loud music was being played in there — something that would never usually happen concerning Carla absolutely hated too much noise after a certain time.
There he found Zeke absolutely within his element.
“I literally left for like ten minutes to go get a parcel, what the fuck is going on with Ma and Dad?!” Eren says as he places his keys on top of the table.
Turning round in shock, Zeke smiled widely as he welcomed Eren into the kitchen.
“Oh— There he is! Father of the year! You didn’t make the cut for Son of the Year though! That shit goes to MEEEEE!”
The blonde male hollered upwards before sauntering over towards the fridge to take out two bottle of beers, sloshing both of them open.
“The fuck, Zeke?” Eren said with a short laugh. He couldn’t find it in him to be mad at his brother. He didn’t understand what he was talking about but at least he didn’t seem hostile.
As the blonde sat on top of the countertop, something he wouldn’t dare do unless he was Son of the Year, Zeke gestured his head in Eren’s direction.
“Don’t sweat it, Champ! But hey, talk me through it.” Zeke hands him one of the beers. “Of all names in the entire world, why would you name him Timothy?”
Taking the bottle and instantly swigging from it, Eren mundanely shrugged as he waited for his drink to swallow down. He was always up to talk about his new bundle.
“Funny you say that actually because that’s exactly what Y/N said. But we agreed that we’d call the next kid after me.”
Zeke nodded in understanding.
“Right, right.”
Eren carried on.
“Timothy was honestly just within the spur of the moment. We really weren’t prepared for him or anything.”
With a reality show gasp, Zeke comically covered a hand over his mouth before uncovering it and lowering his voice.
“No way. Timothys an accident?!”
Rustled at Zeke’s use of harsh language, Eren lightly punches the side of his brother’s stomach.
“Yo, don’t call him that, he isn’t an accident! He’s a very beautiful blessing to us and has brought immense joy into our lives! Like okay, we didn’t expect him or plan for it but life surprises you like that.”
Zeke chuckled loudly.
“I—pft, yeah sure. Whatever rocks your goat.”
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Can't wait to see Zeke's smugness crash and burn when Eren brings lil bb Timothy over all decked out in his teensy Adidas kitten sweater. And he actually has the NERVE to be like "of course he's a cat, what did you think I meant?🤨"
Context —>: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
And what’s even worse is that eren genuinely doesnt believe everyone thought it was a real kid. like in his head there is absolutely no way anyone could have thought he meant an actual REAL baby 😭😭 now he thinks they’re playing a prank on him because he’s so confused how no one clocked on
“What the fuck?” Bellowed Zeke.
Eren looks at his suddeny-turnt-panel-board family all looking up at him from the couch, their expressions entirely different than to what he thought they would in seeing Timothy.
Tentatively, he adjusts the see-through bubble backpack he currently sported on his chest. Currently, Timothy Chalameow was asleep.
“What?” Eren addressed towards his brother, concerning he was the only one who had spoken first in the last five minutes.
Wagging his finger towards his backpack, Zeke had on a crazy expression.
“You’re telling me this is the Timothy you’ve been talking about? Your child?”
The frown lines that poked at Eren’s head came back to haunt him. He wasn’t understanding what was going on, especially with how fed up his parents looked. Carla’s face was buried in her hands and Grisha couldn’t look him in the eyes.
“Yeah? I told you this.” Eren took the backpack off and set it on the ground. “Why are you so surprised?”
Zeke got up in sudden shock before standing over his currently crouched brother.
“No. No, Eren, No. No, you told me, you told all of us, that you had a child. A fucking baby. You never mentioned it was a kitten you plucked off the street.”
Now protectively holding Timothy in his arms, Eren had on a defensive face as he aimlessly scratched just behind his baby’s neck. He would have gone for his head but he didn’t want to take off his Etsy custom made wooly hat.
“Well, he is my child. I call him my baby, yeah but surely you didn’t think I was talking about a human baby?”
At that, both Carla and Grisha let out a joint sigh and Zeke agitatingly rubbed at his face but Eren was still confused on why his family could even presume he was talking about an actual kid.
“Yes. Yes, we did think you were talking about a human baby Eren because you talked about it exactly like one.” Zeke said as he turned around to pace the room.
“You even dress it like one.” Grisha mumbled. He was relieved it wasn’t an actual child yet so confused why this cat wore an adidas sock and sported socks on it’s feet.
Standing up with Timothy in his arms, Eren looked between his family with his face written in perplexity.
“Okay, now I’m confused. If you lot really did think it was a baby, why are you not relieved? It seems like you’re more disappointed at the fact that it’s not a real life baby.”
“I dunno, Eren. It just… it didn’t seem unlike something you’d do. Sorry.”
Getting up and excusing himself from the room, Grisha gingerly delivered those words. He gave Timothy one sideways glance before shaking his head and making his way out.
Eren looked towards his mother who had her mouth covered with her hand, her eyes widely blown as she looked away from Eren and Timothy. With a sigh, Eren rolled his eyes before quickly planting a kiss on Timothy’s head. The kitten only yawned in response.
“I can’t believe you people thought it was a real human baby. Damn, like you think so lowly of me.” He says obnoxiously.
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