#Tim uwu-ifications brings with it about who is allowed to be a victim and who isnt
mintacle · 1 year
If I see another “Jason tried to kill Tim in the Titans Tower!!11!!111!!!!” take I’m gonna lose it.
1) He did NOT try to kill Tim. If he had wanted to, he would have.
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2) no matter how DC artist draw Jason, don’t forget he’s a 19 y/o fighting a 16 y/o. This is something between an angry teenage fistfight over who has the bigger one and two deeply damaged boys blaming each other for things neither of them are responsible for. 
And for the love of god stop demonizing Jason for fighting a younger opponent when that is literally what all of Robin’s opponents do. Yes, every Robin is just a child fighting adults, either put up with the suspense of disbelief, or if you’re gonna extend sympathy to one of the Robins for having been brutalized by an adult, then maybe that should be fucking Jason who was actually killed by the Joker and not “little helpless Timmy”.
You’re doing both characters a disservice by portraying them like that.
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