#This is why winter is the superior month. Birds shut the hell up
ode-on-a-grecian-butt · 3 months
Me at the song birds that were being too damn loud at 5 in the morning
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obviouslyelementary · 4 years
A High School Life - Chapter 2
Relationships: Creativitwins; Anxceit friendship; Logicality friendship.
Chapter 2 - Second First Day
Oh, first day of classes after the wonderful winter break! It felt like a breath of fresh air coming through his window into his nose, filling up his lungs and making him feel light and beautiful. The sun was making this winter morning slightly more manageable, with the sun shining bright on the sky, the breeze slightly cold on his skin, making him shiver and appreciate the robe he was wrapping around himself, warm and fuzzy, his feet finding their way into his little slippers, just so he could rise out of bed and make his way to the bathroom. But before, of course, opening the curtains and windows wide and letting all that morning goodness make its way inside his room, his skin being warmed up by the sun, hair floating with the wind. A beautiful winter morning, chill and sweet, perfect for going back to school.
Well, it was perfect, until his annoying mess of a brother put on his god damned punk screamo music as loud as he possibly could.
Roman groaned to himself as those loud bangs and pows made their way into his ears and he looked over at his brother's window, next to his own, seeing the glass and curtains closed. God, their walls were thick, but not that thick! He growled and pulled away before he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He could still hear the birds, feel the freshness of the green grass, everything was fine... his brother would not ruin his d-
"ROMAN!" he heard the scream, before there were a bunch of punches on his door. Oh that was it. Roman wrapped his robe tight around his waist and walked to his door, unlocking it and being met with the ugly face of his gross twin.
"WHAT?!" he yelled back, angrily, and Remus gave him a suave smirk. God he was the worst.
"Can I get your hair gel? Mine ended last night."
Roman stared at him angrily, at his smirk and his wiggling eyebrows, and his shitty ass makeup. He, unlike Roman, was already changed into his usual clothes, filled with rips, spikes and disgusting neon green. It was horrendous. The... song was also ringing louder now in Roman's ears since both of their doors were opened, and seriously he wanted to rip his brother's head off.
"You... Stay right here. You are not getting inside my room" he said angrily and turned around, heading into his bathroom to retrieve the hair gel. Yes, they were rich, they had each one their own room and bathroom, and they had the money to buy whatever they wanted, but that didn’t stop Remus for not only asking for, but also stealing a bunch of Roman's stuff, from makeup to deodorant, and even clothes and more... personal stuff.
Ugh, Remus was horrible.
After a moment looking for the gel, he found one that was a bit older but not bad. Not because he wouldn't give a new one to Remus (not that he would ever admit that), but because he had learned to appreciate his curls in the last months and hadn't used gel for a while. He sighed, turning around to go back to his door, when he saw that not only Remus was inside his bedroom, as he had requested against, but he was jumping on his bed.
Yeah, that was it.
"Or what? You're gonna sing me out of it?"
The screams would have been heard by all neighbors if they had any. Luckily, they didn't, and their parents always left home before they did, so they just kept yelling and fighting until they began to run late for school. Remus sure didn't care but Roman did, since his new objective was to turn into a 'good boy', so he had to be perfect.
And besides, Logan was probably already waiting for him next to the bus stop. So he needed to hurry.
 Virgil was... not excited for school, to say the least. He hadn't been able to sleep very well the night prior, due to knowing that in the next morning he would be back to school again, and sure maybe it wasn't so bad but he still wasn't fond of the thought of getting inside a classroom filled with people, closed in all sides, having to share the same air with everyone for around two hours before he could leave and breathe again.
None of those thoughts brought him too much comfort, and not even thinking about Remus and Dee was helping too much.
First of all, Virgil was not a bad guy. He wasn't. He did... fine in school subjects, he wasn't rude to people unless they deserved it, the teachers all found him quiet but he didn't disrespect their class or caused any trouble, and he surely didn't manipulate people into doing what he wanted on propose. Sure, he was friends with the two most troublesome boys at school but he wasn't so bad, and he was determined to prove he could be someone who just walks by unnoticed like the middle grounders were. He didn’t want to be good, he just didn't want to be bad, and that was a hard fee. Why? Because he was friends with the two most troublesome kids in school.
Dee and Remus weren't bad on their own. Many times they had protected Virgil as one of their own, made sure he was safe and feeling calm, but they also demanded too much of him. He hated having to pretend to be rude around people they didn't like, he hated not being able to watch classes because it was 'skip class time', and all those little things they made him do were turning out to be too much.
He wanted his own life, his own choices, his own path, and thus he wanted to become friends with other people. But that was hard too. He was anxious, nervous, insecure, and he wasn't good at breaking the ice around people he didn't know. So hopefully something... something good would happen.
After he convinced himself to get up, Virgil made his bag and left his room, heading down the street towards school. He lived close enough that he didn't have to take the bus, but the walking over there still took fifteen minutes. And, Dee lived exactly in the middle of the way between his house and the school, so seeing him was a routine now.
And as Virgil predicted, Dee was there, in front of his own house, waiting for Virgil to come closer.
"Hey Virg" he said, smirking widely as he took his place next to Virgil. Dee was quite the scary fellow, always portraying a superior smirk and wearing questionable clothes (although Virgil could say the same about himself), usually too formal for a high school scenario. And the scar...
Virgil always tried to be open and understanding about other people, their personalities and their peculiarities that made them their own person. Virgil himself had some scars of his past, some that he showed and others that he wasn't still comfortable with sharing the story. But Dee... Dee wore his scar with so much pride. Like it was his favorite feature about himself. It made Virgil uneasy, every single time he saw it after a long time without looking at him. His brain almost created a version of Dee where the scar was nowhere to be seen, and he looked softer, sweeter... but that wasn't the true him. The scar fit him, Virgil concluded.
"Hey D" he said, pulling his bag closer to his shoulders, tense and hunched over as he usually was. "How was vacation?"
"Oh you know, the same as usual" he shrugged, and turned to face Virgil. He could feel his eyes on his skin despite not looking back. "What about you?"
"They were fine... any plans for this new year that is starting?" he asked, although he didn't want to know. Dee knew he didn't want to know, but he chuckled and said it anyway.
"I didn't give up on my objectives from last year... but now I actually have a target" Dee said, and the way he did so made Virgil feel a shiver on his spine. When he looked up, Dee's yellow eye was staring back at him, half of his smirk making the vision much more terrifying. "I won't tell you just yet... my plan will begin soon."
Virgil wanted to stop him, he wanted to tell him to quit it, but what courage did he have? None. Absolutely none. So he drifted his eyes back down to the floor and nodded.
"Alright... Tell me when you're ready..."
"No Virgil... I will tell you when you are ready."
 Logan woke up with his alarm, as usual. He turned around on the bed and hit it to shut it off, rubbing his eyes and reaching for the glasses he had left on his nightstand. After retrieving it, he pushed it on his face and turned on his lamp, looking around at his room and smiling. It was so cozy in there, and he couldn't help himself to telling the stars of the constellations he had glued on his ceiling. He loved space.
After a moment of contemplation he rose from the bed, stretching and yawning as he pushed his feet into his slippers so they wouldn't touch the cold ground. He walked to the bathroom, doing all his needs, brushing his teeth and washing his face, before he walked back out and chose some clothes for his day. A dark blue button up shirt and jeans, as usual. He smiled to himself and began changing, or more precisely, removing his pajamas, when he heard a sound coming from his window.
He stared at it for a moment before he walked over, pushing the curtains and opening the windows wide so the sun could come inside and he could check what was making a noise.
When he looked forward, he saw another pair of windows opened right in front of his own, and two wide eyes and blushing cheeks met his glance.
"H-hey Lo! Sorry, I didn't know you were changing!"
Logan had to hold back the urge to roll his eyes, although when he thought of that he had already rolled his eyes. He stared at Patton, who was looking right at him, smiling brightly like he always did, and shook his head.
"Yeah. I'm changing."
So, there was something no one knew at school. Patton was the good, perfect boy, friend of all and example of humanity, and Logan... well, Logan was his childhood best friend.
Yeah... no one knew about that, because since Patton was one year older, they started school at different times and their friendship somewhat broke down a little. They also never studied in the same school until high school, and by the time they met again, Logan was way more reserved and friends with Roman, and he didn't want his reputation to be related to Patton in any way, shape or form. To be honest, Logan was quite jealous of him, although not jealous enough to not treat him as a friend whenever they were alone.
Patton was aware that Logan wanted nothing to do with him when they were in public, being at school or at the mall or anything like that where they could be seen by people from school. But at their houses, which were in a very suburban place, away from school, Logan didn't mind pushing those boundaries away to have a chat with his childhood best friend.
"I didn't know you turned out to be so hot" Patton said, in a weird flirty joke way, and Logan rolled his eyes again, smiling when he heard Patton giggle. "I mean.. you're looking good Lo! Congrats!"
"Um thanks... I'm going to finish dressing up and then we talk" he said, walking back to where his clothes were, not minding leaving the window open. When he finished changing, he went back to the window, getting there just in time to see Patton waving to a bunch of birds that showed up in the sky.
When Patton looked down he blushed, and Logan raised an eyebrow at him.
"Awnnnn don't look at me like that" Patton whined, pouting, and Logan shook his head while fixing his glasses.
"You will never change..."
"I mean why change when everything is good?"
"Whatever. I have to go eat breakfast and wait for Roman at the bus stop. See you at school Patton."
Patton's eyes glistened in happiness and waved.
"See you at school Logan!"
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