#Things to doin Marrakesh
10cities10years · 1 year
Marrakesh, Morocco
What you should do, see, and eat in Marrakesh. Or do other things. I'm not your boss. #VisitMarrakech
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yourluxegirlthings · 5 years
2019: Luxe 10 This October
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1. Le Casablanca Hotel. Casablanca, Morocco.
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2. Olive-stuffed Leg of Lamb
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3. Sidecar
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4. Scoop (2002)
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5. AREA NYC, Ready to Wear Fall 2019/Spring 2020
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6. The Morning Show, Apple TV+
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7. 222 Fifth Gabrielle Dinnerware
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8. Trend watch: Gucci Velvet Cape
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9. Muse: Naomi Watts
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10. Luxe Tune: Doin’ Time, Lana Del Rey
Trick or Luxe Treat? Don’t worry, friends, we do things our own way here. Consider October’s list your break from the Halloween-fest blowing up your dashboard this month. 
Marrakesh has been a top travel destination these past years, but Casablanca will be ‘the place’ in 2020. The country’s largest city is a port known for its bazaars, street vendors, and palatial hotels. Stay at LE CASABLANCA for its tremendous dining options, instagram-worthy interior, and the lushest green areas you have ever seen. The city even inspired one of the greatest Hollywood Classic films of all time. Bring the Bogart to your Bergman, and live like a legend. 
Or, let your palette do the travelling and serve this OLIVE-STUFFED LEG OF LAMB at your next dinner party, courtesy of bonappetit.com. Pro tip: serve it on 222 FIFTH’S exotic-inspired dinnerware. You’ll score major hostess points. 
Lamb sure goes down well with a SIDECAR... because we’re old school and classy like that. Cognac is a grape-based brandy from the region of Cognac, France. The recipe calls for: 2 ounces of Cognac; 1 ounce of lemon juice; and ½ ounce of syrup. It’s that easy. 
AREA NYC introduced one of most buzzed about collections at Fashion Week this year, and we still haven’t recovered. If clothes could be decadent...
No matter your opinion on Woody Allen, it’s hard to deny that his movies are charming and delightful. Since you’ve probably watched every Halloween film a million times by now, try SCOOP. Allen, along with Scarlett Johansson and Hugh Jackman have dynamic chemistry in this quirky comedy. It’s also refreshing to see a surprise ending done right. 
Don’t forget to catch the premiere of Apple TV+’s THE MORNING SHOW on November 1. Even though it’s still one month away, we’re all going to need time to prepare for Jennifer Aniston’s television return. Ayyy the anticipation! Steve Carrell and Reese Witherspoon are two more reasons to watch. 
Capes are back in, people! You might feel unsure about the hefty price tag of this Velvet GUCCI CAPE, but a couple of Sidecars will have you pressing “buy” faster than you can say Alessandro Michele. 
Everyone was talking about NAOMI WATTS on the Emmy’s red carpet. She slayed in Dior Haute Couture. You know what, a highly publicized divorce has never looked better. Not only is she a powerhouse on the screen, but Naomi is one of the most consistently featured ladies on every annual best-dressed list. Our favourite look of hers has to be that canary Gucci gown at the 2015 Golden Globes. Channel your inner Naomi this month, that’s the what’s watts. 
(Err...sorry...that was bad.)
Finally, October’s luxe tune comes to us courtesy of Lana Del Rey. DOIN’ TIME is just plain chill. We realize that life gets super busy right around October, and in reality, very few of us can find the time (and money) to fly to Casablanca, or cook a lamb from scratch. Whatever you need to do, prioritize self care this month. That’s our mantra: NEVER LOSE YOUR CHILL. And, if you’re ever in need of a little help, this song might just get you there. 
XX YourLuxeGirlThings.
*Note: we do not take credit for the photos, or are paid for promoting the products featured on this blog. Please support the businesses, people and artists featured. Links have been provided where possible.
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cksmart-world · 3 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
June 15, 2021
You may not have noticed, but we're in a crisis. No, it's not guns. It's not abortion, or housing or climate. It's the birthrate, stupid. In the 1950s, the fertility rate was 3.5 births per woman in the United States. Today, it's 1.6. That will spell disaster in so many ways in coming decades, although we will have a better chance of getting to Angel's Landing in Zion on a holiday. But listen, empirical data reveal a parallel decline in the sales of Jell-O. It's true. As everyone knows by now, Utahns eat more Jell-O than anyone else in the entire world. On the Jello-O 100th anniversary in 1997, Kraft designated Utah as the official galaxy-wide Capital of Green Jell-O. And get this, Utah's birthrate is still about 2.0. According to the Deseret News, Sen. Mike Lee even has “Jell-O Wednesdays” at his D.C. office, which could explain... well, never mind. There may be any number of reasons for the birthrate decline, although experts believe video games are one culprit. And let's face it, we have too many options of entertainment. After binge-watching “Army Of The Dead” on Netflix, folks are just too beat to get in on. So here's the simple and obvious answer: We all must eat more Jell-O if we want to save human kind. And there's a bonus — you just might get laid.
Ever wonder what El Presidente is doing at his Mar-A-Lago Florida fortress. The staff here at Smart Bomb has come into possession of a recent “Donald's Daily Reminder” that sheds light on His New Life:
*Get those bastards to find my presidential slippers.
*Crash that wedding luncheon today and tell them the election was stolen from me in the worst travesty in history. Then toast myself, dance with the bride and sneak a feel.
*Get those bastards to make sure I have enough Diet Coke on the golf cart.
*Tell Mark Meadows that if he doesn't shut that bitch Liz Cheney up that he'll he never walk again without a limp.
*Plan a rally in Georgia and make sure the crowd is big — so tell them they'll get free stuff. Then tear into that shithead governor and secretary of state who couldn't find the votes I wanted to win — because I did win, damn it.
*Get someone like Matt Gaetz to tell the Fake News that we weren't spying on the slimebag House Democrats who were trying to impeach the 45th president — me, Donald J. Trump. So what if we got their phone records. Screw 'em.
*Crash the memorial service for that guy, whoever, and remind the mourners that I am still their president and only I can save democracy. Then toast to myself.
*Get Ivanka to tell Allen Weisselberg that if he flips on me about all the tax shit we pulled in New York, that he'll have to relocate to friggin' Guatemala.
*Get those bastards to put bigger presidential logos on my golf shirts and where are my goddamn slippers — the ones that say 'President For Life,' for christsakes.
It's time to double down on the important issues facing Utah and the nation — stuff like “Critical Race Theory” and invisible sanctuaries for the 2nd Amendment. Now it is true the Utah Legislature tackled both of these critical issues in a special session recently. But the brain trust at the Utah Republican Central Committee knew it wasn't nearly enough because to win you got to scare people. So, last weekend they went head-on after reverse racism and the continuing effort of Mothers Against Democracy to take away the 400 million firearms now in private ownership. The leftists say that critical race theory would have us recognize that racism is a daily fact of life for many men, women and children and we should be aware of how it became entrenched in our political and legal systems. But Republicans know it's just a ploy to teach white kids they have no rhythm and can't jump. And as for the sanctuaries — it's the only thing to keep Democrats from taking our guns and melting them down into craven idols of Nancy Pelosi. Democrats keep crowing about infrastructure and insist that all Americans should have access to healthcare and education. No wonder they can't win elections — that requires boogeymen and Republicans have lots of 'em.
Post script — That about does it for another hot, baked week here in Zion where we're short on water and fire season is just beginning. The reservoirs are low and there's no rain in the forecast, but priorities are priorities, and we must keep the golf courses green. Did you know that Utah boasts 140 golf courses — 13 of them are in and around St. George, where 100-degree days are not out of the ordinary. Just another reason why we need that 140-mile Lake Powell to St. George pipeline. Oops. Don't look now but the Lake Powell reservoir also is at record lows — 35 percent of capacity. The pipeline is estimated to cost $1 billion (right). But what if they build it and there's no water in Lake Powell? Here's a better idea — a pipeline from the Mississippi. Problem solved. The Columbia Climate School estimates that 30 to 60 percent of urban fresh water goes to lawns and gardens. Planners, of course, take into account the water shortage when they approve thousands of new housing units — well, not exactly. But Gov. Spencer Cox may have a solution — pray for rain. You gotta better idea? Well, we could have a building moratorium. But that would slow growth — totally out of the question. Better call the Rain Maker or Get Gephardt or, well, pray.  
Well, Wilson, what do you and the guys in the band have for us as we stare into the abyss of the Great Drought and Bad Karma seeping from coast to coast. Maybe it's time for a little escape so we can clear our heads and get some perspective:
Sweeping cobwebs from the edges of my mind Had to get away to see what we could find Hope the days that lie ahead Bring us back to where they've led Listen not to what's been said to you Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express They're taking me to Marrakesh All aboard the train, all aboard the train I've been saving all my money just to take you there I smell the garden in your hair Take the train from Casablanca going south Blowing smoke rings from the corners of my mouth Colored cottons hang in the air Charming cobras in the square Striped djellebas we can wear at home Well, let me hear you now Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express They're taking me to Marrakesh
All on board
(Marrakesh Express — Crosby, Still & Nash)
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