#They dealt with the kin super early and scrambled for any conflict including a random wildfire
bonefall · 1 year
important question about alderheart. does needletail still adopt him as her nervous wreck introvert friend
I'm unfortunately not sure. I can't preserve everything about canon AVoS. In order to make it the Kin-centric arc I always feel like it should have been, a lot of the Alder/Twig related stuff has to go to Bramblestar's Thorns.
I am infinitely more interested in Needletail's friendship with Sleek, how she aids and abettes The Kin, her relationship with her mom that Berryheart was also a supporter, how Violetshine deals with her death, etc
So her and Alder are probably going to be less friendly than in canon, more like allies who mutually feel like the separation of the twins was crummy.
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