heaven-said · 3 days
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" WILL YOU TWO PLEASE-- " Father, if he may, can he have a clone too? He would hate to subject them to this madness, but he could really use the help--
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letsstaytuned · 22 days
Closed starter for @themosthatedbeingg and @hells-musing-along
The next morning, five minutes to 9, Charlie sent each of her parents a separate text explaining she would be late. It was really the same text message to each of them.
<Hey! I’m running a bit behind. I’m soooo sorry! Sit down without me the reservation is under Morningstar. Order a mimosa for me please!>
<I’ll be there soon!>
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micsmasmuses · 13 days
A plotted starer for @themosthatedbeingg ft. Adam.
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They had picked a spot away from everyone else, just the two of them as Adam and Lucifer laid under a shady tree by the lake. The taller male looking the angel over for a moment before he shifts rolling on his side to give the angel a mischievous smile.
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“So tell me, what on your mind angel? It is just me and you out here” he chuckles moving closer. One hand landing beside Lucifer’s head as he looks down at him.
“Or did you just want me all to yourself today?” He teased leaning in.
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voxiiferous · 2 months
@themosthatedbeingg | Reform on multiple fronts
The idea had been Hellaina’s, after half a dozen days of increasingly frustrated sparking regarding well… everything about the bureaucracy in Hell, that he just get make an appointment with the King to suggest some reforms. She had phrased it more akin to ‘and present him your binder of ‘suggestions”, air quotes included. So he had. He’d expected a months long fair, or a ‘sorry but…’, instead he’d been told he could come in two days.
Which leads him to the current moment, all his ideas colour coded and printed off in an easy to navigate binder, being led through halls by veiled servants who are, quite frankly, creepy. They sort of remind him of the Sleep Paralysis Demons Belphegor sent to pick up the last batch of cellphones bound for Sloth.
It’s not what he expected, which was a bustling palace.
He pushes open the door he’s led to, knocking as he does. “Pardon me, your Majesty, I have a meeting to see you?”
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radiomurdeer · 2 months
@themosthatedbeingg continued from (x) Lucifer blinked slowly , did this asshole just —- yep he did. Oh he’s lucky he’s technically under his daughter’s protection . Although he had to admit , this simmering rivalry/annoyance/ fondness??? He was feeling for the other was a lot better then the usual numbness that held him. Still if they were going after low hanging fruit the Drake king could play that game . Even if he was above all these sinners he was still the Devil after all. “Indeed some do however I notice most of them don’t freeze like a deer in the headlights in the middle of a fight— how did that little battle between Adam and You go again by the way?~” He smirked, fangs exposed . “It was pretty easy for me .. barely left a scratch “
If that was how he wanted to play...
"Of course it's easy for a Johnny-come-lately," Alastor said examining his claws as if they were more fascinating. As if they were more important than the King of Hell. Each word came out with a lazy arrogance. Bored. Whether or not he actually was, was irrelevant. It's the same tactic he liked to use with Vox, or anyone he thought it might get a reaction from. "You've certainly made quite a habit of arriving after all the real work is done! Charlie, the hotel, the battle. I'm sensing a bit of a theme here."
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therxtking · 9 days
Of ALL of the long term moots, how do you think each of them would be at Gordon's birthday rager?
Aw shit dog that's a LOT of muses and most of which I haven't really interacted with- some are newer but I can see going. uhh here we go:
@hxnger-unbcund Gluttony is actually here because he's a good friend and cares about Gordon. And he's also pumped as fuck for the food. And apparently he probably knows the most people here. But he's not allowed in the kitchen and he's arguing with Zoviary for being a party pooper. He does not great on the mechanical bull. Greed is here because what are all these demons congregating in these caves for? He's disappointed it's a birthday party for a rat but he'll stay because it's an awesome party and he doesn't see much of those. Envy is here for the same reasons as Greed.
@xaallo Xaallo is here because birthday rager and they're kinda almost maybe friends? Adraka told him to go be supportive. Initially he and Glutt hang out and laugh and catch up, and then spar a bit and break a table. So now he's sitting at the counter having a good chat and eating Gordon's Himalayan salt out of the shaker and asking where that baby went. Eventually he comes into the kitchen and helps cook. But he's far from comfortable with the two demons in there as well. Does either really good or really bad on the mechanical bull and keeps doing it until he beats everyone's scores. He never does. Kjoll is here because birthday rager and someone sexy who's stroked his ego in the past is here~ was GOING to be an exotic male dancer popping out of the cake but he didn't want to miss the rest of the party and is snooping around their house trying on their jewelry, scent marking their things and bed, and trying to antagonize Zoviary into chasing him to Gordon's bedroom and he's very mad at Okaal for being a 'party pooper'. Okaal doesn't know who's birthday this is or why he's here but he's assuming it's to keep Kjoll in line and tell him to behave himself and not fuck someone on their hosts bed. He's a good sport and tries the mechanical bull, and does alright!
@apexulansis Zoviary is here because Kjoll made him and he's not liking the loud riotous social function. But Gordon gave him a job to distract him and it's to keep Gluttony and Kjoll OUT of the kitchen so he's obviously doing his job right and pointing a gun at Glutt. Adraka is here because it sounded like fun and they felt bad for Gordon. And Xaallo needs to be a good friend. He tries the mechanical bull and actually does okay and has a great time at the party. Drags Xaa out to dance several times.
@skxrbrand Skarbrand doesn't know why the fuck he's here, probably followed Khazaan cause he thought he was trying to escape also what is he doing with all that stuff? He is judging everyone harshly and being aggressive, so Ira takes him outside to go fight somewhere. Kha'xanzyr thought he was boing left out of destroying the rat kingdom and is more than disappointed. He warns Gordon not to keep company with such dangerous creatures and expresses surprise the rat made it to twenty one. He leaves shortly. Khazaan has a whole brewing set up in the living room and is making concoctions to kill God. Petting Runic and telling the chefs they're using too much sugar, more blood, use more brains, they're filling and really good for you. Burn it more.
@velvetwarfare Betty is here for booze, dancing, Gordon's tiddies, and to party hard. Sitting at the counter tasting snacks, cuddling Glutt and teasing people, making fun of Gordon for being a baby. Between party and drinking games of course. And partially taking over the DJ booth. Does pretty well on the mechanical bull.
@heliinx Heliinx is here because everyone seems to be breaking into his home and surely he still adores her riiight? She's telling him to poison the food so he and her can eat everyone and loot them. She's punted out of the kitchen. Seeing Khazaan she hides a lot, but sneaks lots of food and trashes the home looking through and looting his things. Which Qhi'zhek stops.
@warhammer-fantasy-muses Qhi'zhek is here because he's a good friend, dammit. He's having a great time talking with him and Daz in the kitchen and helping make enough food for the uninvited guests. He's also keeping an eye on Kjoll, Zoviary, and especially Heliinx. Ikit is also here because he's a good supportive friend! He's loving the party, too. Not helpful in the kitchen but he loves helping Khazaan make the most lethal abominations known to alcoholism. Did not last one second on the mechanical bull.
@themosthatedbeingg Lucifer showed up dressed all nice for his new bestie with a nice gift. And very quickly ends up escalating the bullshittery of the small group of ragers in the living room. He hasn't been to a wild party in some time and he's having so much fun! He's just one of the guys! He uses his magic to help decorate. Did not last five seconds on the mechanical bull.
@onlywrath Satan arrived to be supportive of Gordon also he's not over him. He brought decorations, games, and a sick sound system to add to the DJ station. And a fucking mechanical bull of course. He's happy to meet Gordon's mother, too! He also has the highest score on the mechanical bull and no one can touch that score. No matter how hard Xaallo tries.
@vehxmence Daz is here because he was probably part of the instigation board for the surprise bash. He's in the kitchen with Gordon learning recipes and being a nuisance. Anything to see those ears shiver and that annoyed scowl on their face. And maybe he's taking an interest in their hobbbies and wants to be close to them for softer more genuine reasons... Him and Qhi hit it off as well and talk about how adorable Gordon is. He also loves that Gordon's choosing to stay in the kitchen with him rather than go party with the others. Azriel is here because he's met the rat once or twice and if Daz gets to go so does he. Az is play wrestling with Ira and chatting up the rest of the party. And eating everything he can get his hands on. And shaking Heliinx upside down to give up what she's trying to steal.
@kingbcwser (I've been following you awhile I guess?) Bowser heard surprise birthday rager and didn't care if he was invited. He's dancing and fist pumping to the music, playing music (He brought a band and DJ setup) playing drinking games, him and Betty hit it off smashingly. He bothers Gordon a bit because it's only polite to pay homage to the birthday boy also he's making all the delicious food. Did very badly on the mechanical bull but he's having a blast anyway. Threatens to take over Gordon's kingdom. Doesn't care if he breaks stuff. He's Khaz's new friend. Gordon dislikes him and doesn't know who invited them. Or who they are.
@serpentofslaanesh Lyss is here because many objects of their attention are here. They're chasing and hounding Heliinx and enjoying the party. And also snooping around in all of Gordon's things. Especially the shiny and pretty things. And trying to bother Gordon but they aren't allowed in the kitchen so they play games and get shitfaced with everyone else.
@oflostinfound Hax is here because they and Gordon bonded over nice pants, and they are not missing out on some big ass birthday bash. Does not do well at all on the mechanical bull.
@shiningsilverarmor Eos is here because it's her sweet little rat kings big birthday! She's not gonna let him go unappreciated! She has lots of fun dancing but scolds several other guests for being too rowdy and breaking his things.
@hannah-the-small Gritt and Clem are both here because the rat seemed cool, they heard rager, and supposedly no one else here will know them. And he's royalty. They can take some small things that'd sell for a pretty penny and lots of food. And get shitfaced. Neither of them try the mechanical bull and spend most of the party staying out from underfoot of others. Dancing on a table and drinking their lives away.
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grandma-susan · 5 days
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Her brows were raised, a touch impressed by his gusto and self awareness
"Wow. Look at you. You're rearing to go. Don't fuck it up if she does."
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hells-musing-along · 17 days
@themosthatedbeingg sent ⌛( OwO ) --- Original Meme: send ⌛ for my muse to hold their weapon to yours’ head or throat.
Lilith could feel her body move on its own while her mind felt disconnected, almost drifting into the darkness of her mind. She could feel her mouth and body move, yet she doesn't recall willing it to do so.
Something was wrong. Something was in control.
"Wakey Wakey"
The voice pronounced each syllable singsong-style, but rather than being playful, it dripped with malice. Lilith perched above Lucifer's resting form, a knife in hand the tip trailing across his chest, creating erratic patterns.
"I have to say... Lilith's body feels marvelous compared to yours. It doesn't have any of that silly angelic blood in it. It's so much easier to breathe in here.... to control."
Roo was here.
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heaven-said · 2 months
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" Oh but WHY, Lucifer..? I think it shaves many years off your appearance. The fishnet shirt alone makes you look approximately... 16 years old? "
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letsstaytuned · 2 months
Reference to this post here X.
There was a soft knock on Lucifer's bedroom door at the hotel. Charlie didn't wait for him to answer, being worried about him, so she opened the door slightly.
"Dad...?" she peeked in, holding a tray with some pastries on it.
It had been a couple hours since she overheard the conversation between her father and mother and she knew it had probably been hard for him. She didn't want him falling into despair.
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infernal-feminae · 17 days
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@themosthatedbeingg said: -sends Stella some flowers and a letter asking how her and Octavia are holding up and if they require anything of him- (for Stella )
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Stella smirks down at the flowers and letter. Already writing her response. She makes sure to inform Lucifer that she and Octavia are holding up the best they can but she deeply appreciates the thoughtful gesture. She makes sure to add that she hopes it's not too bold of her to inquire if he should like to come to her manor so they catch up over tea and to thank him again for his continued kindness towards them. Of course, she completely understands if his busy schedule won't allow it.
And then, she hands the letter off to a servant and off back to his palace it goes.
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hannah-the-small · 17 days
“Gritt ! Hey do you wanna go out for lunch ? “
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The... King wanted to go out for lunch? Huh... "Uh, sure. Anywhere you thinking of?"
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radiomurdeer · 27 days
@themosthatedbeingg has been victim of a radionapping
A radio lay scattered in pieces on a table. Not one of Alastor's usual ones. This was colored with faded white, gold and red. Tacky as the man who owned it, but that wasn't the radio's fault so Alastor didn't hold it against it. There's something relaxing about taking it apart, cleaning each piece carefully to see what the damage was. It's an old thing, the outside clean but interior coated in dust and broken wiring and tubes. Shattered inside like it had fallen from a great height, no matter how the exterior seemed undamaged. It can't even pick up Alastor's frequencies, and he's not sure if that's because it's Heaven-made or due to the damage.
The eyes of the sun turned his way, and Alastor had no time to even get a word out before all his defenses were burnt away; Alastor was powerful but he was still only a Sinner, and a relatively young one at that no matter what Deals he'd made. The shadows fled in the presence of an angry King of Hell at his doorstep. The best he could do was plead his case, if he got the chance to get a word in edgewise. It wasn't as if he could fight back anyway; he'd waited too long exhausting all other options, this was a last ditch attempt to get him in a position to fix the throbbing, festering wound on his torso. So he stood as firm as he could, pretending he was unbothered by the the weight of Lucifer's wrath; on the physical plane he stood firm even as the stag on the airwaves was forced to bend.
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unhinged-greed · 28 days
@themosthatedbeingg said; -throws paper airplanes at him-
First five papercraft planes hits the target, but Mammon was growing more annoyed each time.
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"For the love of hell an' everything tha' is unholy, STOP!"
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micsmasmuses · 2 months
@themosthatedbeingg liked for a Fizz starter.
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The imp looks up as the doors open. Head tilting curiously as he realizes who it is. Why was the king of hell here? Was he here for Oz?
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“Your highness? It’s nice to see you but Ozzie is out at the moment.”
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daedaluscried · 2 months
" I am not calling you Daddy. Or father. Or anything like that. " Cain sniffed, crossing his arms over his chest, " And honestly, it's better for the both of us that way. "
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