fanaticarmagazin · 1 year
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melodyfellows · 2 years
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Fantastic times, extraordinary people, a magical meeting yesterday and music is definitely in the air. I’m honored to be considered. Coming up on 6 flags. I’m truly walking on sunshine, just without the waves. I miss the waves so that could be! Coming up on the Grapevine now. #peaceout #melodyfellows #musc #the5 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf166XGvTnPEoXNCvUtZd53aH9RRqQ8MhVazdU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cboeck-webdesign · 10 months
Successful people read books - reading as the key to success
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Successful people read books and not just a little, Elon Musk for example, reads more than 60 books a month, Warren Buffett recommends reading 500 pages a day, and Bill Gates has a ritual of reading books every night. It is one of the secrets of success and habits of many entrepreneurs to integrate reading into their daily routine. I also started devouring books when I was 17. At that time my laptop was broken and I had only my favorite book so far the diary of Ellen Rimbauer. It was pretty boring without a laptop and I thought about what I would like to do and so the local library came to my mind, where I borrowed books about the Titanic first. So I started reading 10-20 pages every evening and have kept it up to this day, browsing books every evening. How do busy people like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffet manage to read a lot? They all read a lot and, above all, regularly. In addition, many successful people have mastered the technique of speed reading. They can absorb a lot of information while reading and they take notes on what they read. This is also my tip, create a notebook for each topic and work with colors.
Successful people read a lot
Billionaires like Elon Musk and Warren Buffet read several hours a day. Steve Jobs has read books on technology his entire life and Bill Gates has a ritual of reading reference books and biographies before bed. On average, successful people read more than 50 books a year. When Elon Musk was asked where he got his knowledge of rocket technology, he replied I read a lot. His reading didn't just include technical books, however, but also novels such as Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Benjamin Franklin - An American Life, among others.   Take notes while reading and work with several notebooks in parallel.
  What is the 5-hour rule?
A rule that is over 300 years old comes from Benjamin Franklin. It simply states that you should devote 1 hour per day to reading and continuing your education. For those who don't know, Benjamin Franklin was a co-founder of the United States. Billionaires like Bill Gates and Elon Musk adhere to this rule. Even Warren Buffett is said to read up to six hours a day. That's extreme, of course, and many people often don't find the time or the inclination to do so in their daily lives. It's enough to set a small goal for yourself when reading. You don't have to be Bill Gates or Elon Musk to benefit from this strategy. The important thing is to plan exactly what you want to read, set goals, and put together a reading list.  
What are the benefits of reading?
1. reading trains our brain and motivates it to perform at its best With a good book we train our soft skills and communication. Reading can even strengthen empathy and help us to empathize with the other person.  
2. reading gives you new ideas
And reading gives you new ideas and makes you creative. When I read a good book, I'm usually bursting with ideas for new blog articles or videos. That's how I got the idea to write my own book, that's also how I got inspired for my first novel.  
3. reading can enrich your life
Under According to a study by Yale University even prolong. According to this study, the lifespan of people who read a lot is 17% longer. Reading gives you the great advantage of expanding your knowledge and educating yourself in any field. For example, you can also improve your lifestyle through health books.      
4. reading reduces stress
  Reading stimulates the imagination and exercises the power of imagination. Under the right conditions, reading can reduce stress and be relaxing. However, I have found that reading too much can make you lose interest or, in the worst case, make you not want to read at all. And of course it depends on what you read, a horror novel or a book about esotericism is probably less relaxing than a romance novel. A technical book is of course more exhausting to read than fiction.  
5. the best investment in your own education
By reading guidebooks and non-fiction books, you can educate yourself cheaply and easily. Thus, the investment in books is one of the best ever. You invest in yourself and your continuing education. This is not only useful for your soft skills, but can also be good for your career. In addition, you promote your general education and learn to understand the world better. Especially through biographies and novels you can better put yourself in the shoes of others. And of course you have so also interesting conversation material and show that you something. The knowledge can also help you to have interesting conversation material in small talk.   My tip: use audiobooks apps like Bookbeats My tip for those who don't like to read, take a closer look at the app Audible and Bookbeats. Especially Bookbeat offers you the possibility to choose from a variety of audiobooks and listen to them for free. For €9.99 per month, you can enjoy audiobooks from all subject areas. I think this is a great addition to books, but I still remain loyal to the books. Of course, you can still order classic audio books on Amazon and listen to them via MP3 and CD player. It's definitely entertaining and something different than a TV evening.   Summary - Successful people read books Successful people read books and acquire much of their knowledge through books. Reading educates, trains your imagination and can even help you relax. Investing in books is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. I love to educate myself through books, good novels are for entertainment of course and if you are not a bookworm, you should definitely try audiobooks. Successful people apply the 5 hour rule when reading, which simply states that they invest 1 hour in their education and reading and this can have a positive impact on your life too, try it out.   Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Twitter Follow me on LinkedIn Exclusive content only on Snapchat Subscribe to my newsletter Read the full article
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fierceawakening · 1 year
Thinking about the whole way there is a moral panic rn about “pedophilia” and that while I don’t believe in most of it even I am afraid to wonder aloud what proper sex Ed should be for people too young to consent to sex
Like obvi they should know what the parts are, how they work, And That unfortunately diseases like to live on those parts even when they’re too fragile to live on other parts. But like, stuff about how sexuality WORKS.
I had the vague sense I was probably gay from a young age and the5 was okay, but I also have the much less vague sense I was probably sadomasochistic, too, and there was absolutely nothing in popular culture to tell me that didn’t make me horrible and evil. I literally asked a shrink to lock me up once as I was unsure I could keep to celibacy, and surely that meant 8d do harm. I think I was seventeen?
People need information, and sometimes the information people need is explicit. Not because grooming is okay, but because kids don’t fantasize on some exact developmental timeline of milestones, and if you wait to give them information until the milestone is hit, they can invent a hell of a lot of “surely this means I’m inherently evil and should maybe die?” while you’re waiting.
Do I hit post. DO I HIT POST
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weeewooobitsfallout · 3 months
see, the idea of doing the5 different quests that involve me clearing out the Vim! Pop factory is enticing, but also
Extra big scary green basement man
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Scary… I wasn’t going for any of the5* and had 1 page worth of pity so I thought it’d be ok and gkakcka hhhhh 😭😭😭😭
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forexpropfirms · 1 month
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Alpha Capital Group
Funded next
My Funded FX
Blue Guardian
City Traders Imperium
Funding Pips
Goat Funded Trader
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worlddrugday · 2 months
CND67: High-level Segment plenary meeting 5.
Watch the CND67: High-level Segment plenary meeting 5!
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) conducts a mid-term review to assess implementation of all international drug policy commitments in 2024. A 2-day high-level segment (14-15 March 2024) for the midterm review is followed by the5-day regular session (18-22 March 2024).
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ragocars · 5 months
The New BMW 5 Series 🔥🔥
#new #bmw #5series #bmw5 #bmw5series
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fanaticarmagazin · 1 year
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courtier-forex · 8 months
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financestrats · 11 months
the funded trader: A Comprehensive Guide to Profitable Trading
the funded trader Introduction: The Emergence of Funded Trading Programs
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To begin with, let us explore the concept of funded trading, the funded trader which refers to a financial arrangement where experienced traders are provided with the necessary capital to execute trades on behalf of funding firms. This innovative approach has gained This the funded trader guide to funded trading covers all you need to know about the topic in simple language. We will walk you through the various sections, discussing the basics of funded trading and how to choose the right program, plan winning strategies, and manage risk. We hope the insights, recommendations, and tips in this guide will help you succeed in funded trading and make a positive impact on the economy.
Moreover, the funded trader the advantages and risks associated with funded
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trading is essential for anyone considering this path. On one hand, funded trading can empower individuals to earn substantial profits, improve their trading skills, and access resources typically reserved for institutional traders. On the other hand, potential drawbacks may include strict performance Financially-supported trader, increased pressure to deliver results, and a lack of control over the trading environment. In the following sections, we shall delve deeper into these aspects, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of funded trading programs.
Understanding Funded Trading
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First and foremost, it is vital to establish a clear definition of funded trading. In essence, funded trading entails a collaborative arrangement wherein experienced traders are supplied with the necessary capital by funding firms to participate in trading activities. The profits generated are subsequently shared between the trader and the firm, providing a mutually beneficial partnership.
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Moving on, it is important to recognize the various types of funded trading programs available in the market. These programs can differ in terms of the financial instruments traded, the funding structure, and the specific requirements for the traders involved . Some common examples include equity trading programs, forex trading programs, and futures trading programs, each with its own unique set of features designed to cater to the needs of diverse traders.
Lastly, a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and potential drawbacks of engaging in funded
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trading is crucial for making informed decisions. Among the numerous benefits are the ability to access substantial capital, the funded trader hone trading skills, and operate on a level playing field with large-scale institutional traders. Nevertheless, there are also some unfavorable aspects to consider, such as stringent performance targets, ongoing pressure to yield results, and diminished autonomy within the trading environment. As we delve further into this topic, it is important to maintain a balanced perspective, carefully weighing these pros and cons in order to determine whether funded trading aligns with one's individual goals and preferences.
Opting for the Ideal Funded Trading Program
To begin with, several factors warrant consideration when determining the most suitable funded trading program. These elements involve aspects such as the program's reputation, ease of entry, offered resources, profit split percentages, and trader support. Carefully evaluating these factors will ensure that your chosen program aligns well with your objectives and capabilities.the funded trader
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Subsequently, it is useful to acquaint oneself with the popular funded trading programs on the market. A myriad of options exist, each tailored to specific trading needs, including renowned programs such as TopstepTrader, OneUp Trader, and The5%ers, to name a few. Comparing these programs will facilitate a better understanding of which may be the ideal fit for your individual trading goals.
Lastly, ascertaining the true value of funded trading program
offerings is vital to maximize potential success. This involves comparing the various offers in terms of fees, account growth potential, trading conditions, and risk management guidelines. By conducting a thorough evaluation, you can set yourself up for long-term productivity and growth within the funded trading realm.
Tactics for Achieving Funded Trading Success
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Firstly, emphasizing the significance of trading education and mentorship is crucial for funded trading accomplishment. Engaging with knowledgeable mentors and participating in quality educational courses can greatly enhance your trading expertise, equipping you with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the financial markets.the funded trader Furthermore, devising a solid trading plan paired with a robust risk management strategy is indispensable. This entails defining clear trading objectives, setting entry and exit points, and determining appropriate risk tolerance levels. A well-structured trading approach not only minimizes losses but also helps maintain emotional balance during inevitable market fluctuations.
Embarking on the Funded Trader Journey
Initially, beginning your journey as a funded trader entails familiarizing oneself with the program requirements, refining trading skills, and selecting the most suitable program to match your individual goals. Investing time and effort into research and personal growth lays the foundation for long-term success in this field. Subsequently, excelling in the evaluation phase is a crucial milestone on the funded trader journey. By adhering to the program's trading guidelines, maintaining discipline, and showcasing profitable trading performance, you heighten your chances of advancing beyond the evaluation stage.
Lastly, as you progress to the funded stage,
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scaling up and managing your funded trading account effectively involves adjusting to increased capital, refining your risk management strategy, and continuously reviewing your trading performance. By embracing these changes, you set the stage for sustainable growth and success in funded trading.
Mitigating Risk in Funded Trading
First and foremost, grasping essential risk management principles is vital for funded traders. This entails understanding key concepts such as position sizing, stop-loss orders, and risk-to-reward ratios, which contribute significantly to minimizing potential losses and preserving capital. Furthermore, employing tools and techniques for effective risk management is indispensable. These include leveraging technical analysis, stress-testing strategies, and utilizing risk management software to monitor and adjust your trades as necessary.
Financially-supported trader embracing the psychology of Trading client with allocated capital
approach to funded trading. By appraising emotions and biases, fostering a rational mindset, and nurturing patience, you fortify your ability to make calculated decisions and effectively navigate market turbulence.
Navigating Legal and Regulatory Fund-provided trader
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Managing risks is critical if you want to do well in funded trading. Learn about essential risk management ideas like position sizing, stop-loss orders, and risk-to-reward ratios to protect yourself from big losses. You can also use tools like technical analysis, strategy tests, and software to help manage risks.
Finally, adeptly managing taxes and Trader with external funding
trader is a vital component of sustained success in this arena. Familiarizing yourself with applicable tax laws, maintaining accurate financial records, and seeking professional advice when necessary can greatly facilitate the smooth financial operation of your funded trading venture. `Investopedia: Funded Trader Explained`.
Conclusion: Funded Trading as an Equalizing Force in the Economy
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- Impact of funded trading on individual traders, institutions, and the broader economy - The future outlook of funded trading in a constantly evolving economic landscape - Closing thoughts and advice for aspiring funded traders Lastly, make sure to understand the laws and regulations that apply to funded trading. This will help you avoid legal problems and follow the right rules. Also, be aware of the rules set by your funded trading program and manage your taxes and finances properly. By following these easy-to-understand guidelines, you'll be well on your way to becoming a successful funded trader. Enjoy your journey, and best of luck! "Gain deeper insights and data on market analysis." Read the full article
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msdroppinit · 1 year
Transcripts with Time Stamps... lol A courtesy reminder to let you0:09know that it's now March 2022 you only0:13got a couple months to go before I will0:16take over as of the Queen the Empress of0:20that soul0:21a dimension not only of Sight and Sound0:23but of Mind a journey into a wondrous0:26land whose boundaries are that of0:28imagination your next stop0:29[Music]0:31okay explore yourself are exiled0:34yourself and the World castle and within0:37our court will be in our court but I say0:40again we have David Michael0:43hi David she wants prayers of protection0:46and to be able to return to Ethiopia and0:48she's a singer and taking her songs down0:51they want her to stop that but she's0:53she's going to sing Jesus Loves Me wait0:57until you hear her yes yes1:00um1:01my songs are constantly being taken down1:04and I feel like it's like building a1:07tower and someone keep tearing it down1:09so I'm asking you to meet our enemy yes1:13I'm asking you to pray that it starts1:18the talent lyrically we're not even good1:22for gamma lyrics then you understand me1:25put foreign1:37when Milan May slap you with a pad1:42[ __ ] your mercy runs like mad1:47Mr fellow the blood clot man1:57Top Line but you wear wedding band2:03full problems2:06them shoveling imma feel so sat there2:10because you know what I'm married2:12is this like glasses2:15um that's on a class either that's an2:17attack2:19that is attack [ __ ]2:23Dr batch you're warning saying Dr [ __ ]2:27my mind2:28doctor [ __ ]2:44I'm playing with him [ __ ]2:56[Music]2:58[Applause]2:59[Music]3:06yo you know what3:11yeah3:12you see when I listen to the devil3:15foreign3:21supposed to put the bridge I gotta shave3:24down your real teeth they say when I3:27smile I remind them of Bach3:43between you and I3:46um during the two weeks without teeth3:50I'm spitting the lyrics3:53Superstars4:05[Music]4:14Destiny she's 19. Destiny Destiny all if4:18you're rude to me it's mentally4:21physically and spiritually abused touch4:24up you ever sit there until they look at4:27a 19 year old or bigger and Anita is the4:31same words that you use to me someone4:33said that message oh that first class4:37from Russia4:39marry you know semester oh4:47mess it up that's how she talks about my4:50daughter4:51because4:57I give birth to him5:03one of my big shoes cause I'm gonna [ __ ]5:05you up God knows but first I want the5:08world to see5:16I think it's time for me to do that so I5:19gotta go in the studio my mom could have5:22prayed for you it's better you've had my5:24mom pray for you she's so wise she's so5:26blessed she's so she's so I don't even5:29know she's literally a goddess in my5:31eyes5:34you see from the way I see you speak to5:37Destiny I said no this little girl need5:40help I should love my mother I should5:42give it our mother with soul respect5:44Destiny pick up yourself5:50confused and I I partner look how you5:53need help Destiny you need it I mean I5:57need my blood clot Health we're just5:59terrible awful on a man function and a6:02malfunction6:04it is a public abuse I always say6:09America6:12and our child that little girl needs6:15help you can if you ever ever come for6:18internet come abuse my kids6:20and and not even inside either you6:23understand what I mean Amari you are6:26troubled and you need help so even6:28though you're entertaining the world are6:30you comfortable I'm gonna sing the song6:32that Drew me to Christ as a child and6:39I have to return to that stage as a6:41child right now6:44to ask him please Daddy help me out of6:47this situation6:54yeah just like that7:01Jesus loves me this I know7:06for the Bible tells me so7:12little ones to him belong7:17they are so weak buddy yeah on a disturb7:21and a disturbing wicked wicked week is7:27it you understand America cannot speak7:30to the child like that and then come for7:32contest I mean so the children are the7:35future that's a young Young Generation7:37dear you understand me and regardless of7:40your child Destiny is like a crook if7:44you sit down and take up back when7:47somebody come to you and tell you that7:49you need help you are troubled you're 197:52you're scared a little girl from Hurley7:54so when you command on my data I only7:57can't forgive you are married you7:58understand me I don't need help man8:00you're rude or I'm married you really8:03think you're gonna come attack my8:04parents to you should have never did8:07you've been crossed the line I don't8:08[ __ ] with you you do ABIA does it look8:10like I I I8:13um do anything other than Christ8:16you want to talk about a living daughter8:18worry about your dead daughter8:21worry about worry about the mistakes you8:23made to cause her to be in that8:25situation8:26be talking about my mom and using my8:28name to defend that how are you going to8:31use my name to diss my own mother who8:33burst me I mean said crazy8:35never leave it our grandpa must tell I8:39promote see me you understand me8:42yeah man I'm already rude9:13okay it's her talent to do her vocal I9:16was never given a fair shot at first9:19they flew her down they flew her Down To9:22Jamaica way ahead of me they gave her9:24the music in advance they traveling off9:27three planes she had all the time to9:30rest she had time to practice with the9:33band you understand she had the trailer9:35load of people and everything I had9:37nothing but God on my side straight up9:40and then you have the chief to say I9:43could take my [ __ ] children9:45and they hear me tell you nobody can9:48take Metron it's no comparison to nobody9:53is a [ __ ] winner AlanEnglish (auto-generated)
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cboeck-webdesign · 1 year
Successful people read books - reading as the key to success
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Successful people read books and not just a little, Elon Musk for example, reads more than 60 books a month, Warren Buffett recommends reading 500 pages a day, and Bill Gates has a ritual of reading books every night. It is one of the secrets of success and habits of many entrepreneurs to integrate reading into their daily routine. I also started devouring books when I was 17. At that time my laptop was broken and I had only my favorite book so far the diary of Ellen Rimbauer. It was pretty boring without a laptop and I thought about what I would like to do and so the local library came to my mind, where I borrowed books about the Titanic first. So I started reading 10-20 pages every evening and have kept it up to this day, browsing books every evening. How do busy people like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffet manage to read a lot? They all read a lot and, above all, regularly. In addition, many successful people have mastered the technique of speed reading. They can absorb a lot of information while reading and they take notes on what they read. This is also my tip, create a notebook for each topic and work with colors.
Successful people read a lot
Billionaires like Elon Musk and Warren Buffet read several hours a day. Steve Jobs has read books on technology his entire life and Bill Gates has a ritual of reading reference books and biographies before bed. On average, successful people read more than 50 books a year. When Elon Musk was asked where he got his knowledge of rocket technology, he replied I read a lot. His reading didn't just include technical books, however, but also novels such as Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Benjamin Franklin - An American Life, among others.   Take notes while reading and work with several notebooks in parallel.
  What is the 5-hour rule?
A rule that is over 300 years old comes from Benjamin Franklin. It simply states that you should devote 1 hour per day to reading and continuing your education. For those who don't know, Benjamin Franklin was a co-founder of the United States. Billionaires like Bill Gates and Elon Musk adhere to this rule. Even Warren Buffett is said to read up to six hours a day. That's extreme, of course, and many people often don't find the time or the inclination to do so in their daily lives. It's enough to set a small goal for yourself when reading. You don't have to be Bill Gates or Elon Musk to benefit from this strategy. The important thing is to plan exactly what you want to read, set goals, and put together a reading list.  
What are the benefits of reading?
1. reading trains our brain and motivates it to perform at its best With a good book we train our soft skills and communication. Reading can even strengthen empathy and help us to empathize with the other person.  
2. reading gives you new ideas
And reading gives you new ideas and makes you creative. When I read a good book, I'm usually bursting with ideas for new blog articles or videos. That's how I got the idea to write my own book, that's also how I got inspired for my first novel.  
3. reading can enrich your life
Under According to a study by Yale University even prolong. According to this study, the lifespan of people who read a lot is 17% longer. Reading gives you the great advantage of expanding your knowledge and educating yourself in any field. For example, you can also improve your lifestyle through health books.      
4. reading reduces stress
  Reading stimulates the imagination and exercises the power of imagination. Under the right conditions, reading can reduce stress and be relaxing. However, I have found that reading too much can make you lose interest or, in the worst case, make you not want to read at all. And of course it depends on what you read, a horror novel or a book about esotericism is probably less relaxing than a romance novel. A technical book is of course more exhausting to read than fiction.  
5. the best investment in your own education
By reading guidebooks and non-fiction books, you can educate yourself cheaply and easily. Thus, the investment in books is one of the best ever. You invest in yourself and your continuing education. This is not only useful for your soft skills, but can also be good for your career. In addition, you promote your general education and learn to understand the world better. Especially through biographies and novels you can better put yourself in the shoes of others. And of course you have so also interesting conversation material and show that you something. The knowledge can also help you to have interesting conversation material in small talk.   My tip: use audiobooks apps like Bookbeats My tip for those who don't like to read, take a closer look at the app Audible and Bookbeats. Especially Bookbeat offers you the possibility to choose from a variety of audiobooks and listen to them for free. For €9.99 per month, you can enjoy audiobooks from all subject areas. I think this is a great addition to books, but I still remain loyal to the books. Of course, you can still order classic audio books on Amazon and listen to them via MP3 and CD player. It's definitely entertaining and something different than a TV evening.   Summary - Successful people read books Successful people read books and acquire much of their knowledge through books. Reading educates, trains your imagination and can even help you relax. Investing in books is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. I love to educate myself through books, good novels are for entertainment of course and if you are not a bookworm, you should definitely try audiobooks. Successful people apply the 5 hour rule when reading, which simply states that they invest 1 hour in their education and reading and this can have a positive impact on your life too, try it out.   Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Twitter Follow me on LinkedIn Exclusive content only on Snapchat Subscribe to my newsletter Read the full article
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themiyak123hashtye · 1 year
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unique-idea-blog · 1 year
Bangkok Top 5 places to visit in 2023 Bangkok | Top 5 Must Visit Places In Bangkok
Here is a video on the5 best places to visit in Bangkok. Bangkok has emerged as one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. Since everyone is welcomed here with a smile, Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and Thailand is known as the land of smiles. There are many idyllic islands to choose from in Bangkok. It is the ideal location to take advantage of the chance to experience a different culture and warm sunshine. These best Bangkok destination places will make your trip memorable. We also answered where to visit Bangkok and why. We also mentioned Bangkok's best places to visit that you will never forget. Watch here
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