#The one from Revelation of the Daleks is my fave
bakerdoc · 1 year
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Sixie's Cat Pin Collection
Today I spent most of my morning compiling photos / screencaps of all the different cat pins the Sixth Doctor has worn. I regret nothing.
White Cat with Black Stripes (The Twin Dilemma, Attack of the Cybermen, Vengeance on Varos)
All Black Cat, Variety #1 (The Mark of the Rani, Timelash)
Pure White Cat (The Two Doctors)
Cutesy Kitty (Revelation of the Daleks)
All Black Cat, Variety #2 (Trial of a Time Lord - The Mysterious Planet)
Black and White Patterned Cat (Trial of a Time Lord - Court Room Scenes, Mindwarp, The Ultimate Foe)
Tiger (Trial of a Time Lord - Terror of the Vervoids)
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hollowslantern · 5 months
how did you enjoy the sensorites episodes? also what were ur fave serials from s1 now that youre heading into s2 :)
the sensorites were quite fun unfortunately there were a lot of high pitch noises which gave me a headache :(... but I liked Susan's role in it #PSYCHICGIRLSWAG and the sensorites themselves OH holy shit there's a dalek coming out of the water. sorry my television. the sensorites themselves were neat & made an interesting alien species ALSOOO apparently they were an inspiration for the ood and were said to be from the same star system. maybe they're cousins....
i think that my favorite s1 serial was probably The Daleks or The Edge of Destruction.. The Daleks because I think it's so fun to see them for the first time and compare their original storyline where they were meant to just be one off aliens with the iconic antagonists they would later become. the doctor does not even know he's face to face with his worst enemies... point and laugh 🫵🤣 and edge of destruction cause not only was it a fun little tense mystery story with a bit of an amongus feel to it but it also has one of the most important revelations everrrrrr which is that the tardis is an alive animal. and she loves you
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