#That's the thing I just eat stuff that doesn't upset my tummy and people are like 'oh you're dieting???'
goatmilksoda · 1 year
Some people will see you eat something moderately resembling something healthy and go "omg why are you dieting?? You're so thin!!!"
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lycheeejuice · 4 months
Got any Dan Heng hcs? I’d love to hear them! :)
Dan Heng is my favorite character in Star Rail so I definitely have a lot to say about him! It's no mystery that Dan Heng often forgets to eat throughout the day because he's so preoccupied with updating the data bank constantly. I imagine he gets frequent cramps from hunger pangs whenever he hasn't eaten for a few hours. However, he's also the type to snack mindlessly without realizing it- He's so immersed in whatever he's working on that he'll stuff himself on accident. He seems like the type to stay up late with a cup of coffee too, he doesn't like leaving things unfinished so he keeps himself awake when there's work to be done. One cup turns into two, then four...and so on. It leaves him with an upset gurgling belly which he'll often try to soothe by pressing inwards with his fingers, hoping to find the best spot to relieve the tension. His dragon form definitely comes with a larger appetite, he'll eat larger portions of food, ask if you're going to finish your own, and even go for seconds. Dan Heng often doesn't even notice this little habit but when he does it troubles him because he's left with a very full belly and is constantly stuffing himself to the limit even after he's already full...call it primal instinct. He's got a pretty quiet stomach most of the time, though when it's upset or he's been without food for too long it can be fairly noisy if you're standing nearby. It's a bit embarrassing for him but, if he's alone however, he's one of those people who talks to it in hopes of getting it to calm down. Usually, he'll rest a hand on his gut with a prompt, "Quiet." and continue with what he's working on. Dan Heng is always unconsciously rubbing his belly whenever it's empty or produces a particularly loud growl, sometimes he'll even startle himself if he's extremely focused.
I just love Dan Heng...he's so fun to write tummy content for, hope you all enjoy these!
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grumpy-gurgles · 2 months
I did a drabble with a fandom I'm in, that being Twisted Wonderland. I have never written for this fandom before, I'm scared shitless that someone might recognize my OC's name and call my ass out, and I'm slightly less terrified of this being horrendously out of character.
You can ask more about my OC but like. I probably won't be fully name dropping him for the sake of exposure, and I'll keep this out of the main tags as much as possible. Safety precautions. If my legitimate main gets exposed outside of this tummy stuff, I will end it all /hj
Drabble under the cut
OC x Az.ul As.hengrotto, made this in like a half hour so it's bad fyi I just Had A Thought it's 1am I already regret this-
Valentin is notorious for overworking. Whether it be his schoolwork, his alchemy work, inventing things.. he's always difficult to get settled down. He only seems to legitimately take a break at the times he has to, which is when he's sleeping, or when he's in too much pain to do so.
This, however, doesn't apply with hunger whatsoever.
His stomach doesn't have a clock anymore. He eats when he thinks it's a good time to, which doesn't end up often. And it's usually quick things that he can get through the next assignment or gadget for, and then leave his belly grumbling for more. And due to the quiet, almost shadow-esque nature he has among peers, nobody would really notice. Even if his stomach was loud, it'd probably be ignored or put onto someone else.
However, there's an exception to this. Usually one exception, sometimes three. Valentin's fellow dorm members in Octavinelle, specifically(on most occasions,) Azul.
Azul seemed to have a similar issue with overworking. That's how the two ended up bonding, though initially begrudgingly on Valentin's end of things. And Azul had very quickly caught onto the fact that Valentin doesn't have the healthiest habits with eating, because of how often his stomach kept betraying him whenever there was food around.
As a food sensitive person himself, Azul found himself having an issue with that. He initially thought of some contract that would rope Valentin into a proper eating schedule, instead of forcing him to work at the Monstro Lounge on top of everything else. But that wouldn't happen; Valentin wouldn't touch a contract, barely even the Lounge or the VIP room, with a 10 foot pole. He was smart enough to keep his grades up, and he was guarded enough to where Valentin seemingly had no problems! He definitely had problems, but exploiting those for the sake of getting the guy to have a solid meal in his belly also sounded bad. Because that wasn't a good move at all, especially since Valentin would probably try and punch him if he did that. Sevens, he's hard to handle. No wonder he's like a shadow in comparison to many other students. Dealing with this was a difficult task.
But then Azul had his lightbulb moment; ask him out to a little cafe thing! Not on a date or anything, just something to take his mind off it all. Maybe a contract would come later, if Valentin had more trust. He just had to ease the boy into it!
Azul had to drag Valentin to the first time they did this. Shockingly, Valentin let him, instead he chose to keep insulting him. But nothing that was really a sore spot for Azul, like his weaknesses, insecurities, or weight.
"You're an asshole," was one of the frequent phrases that Valentin muttered as his stomach snarled at him from the smell of various food places. But that day was the first day that Azul had heard Valentin's stomach being content and full, instead of upset and practically starved. Valentin was quite embarrassed about how loud his belly was as it digested the coffee and pastry he put in there, but only let that show when they were away from people.
It was the first time, that Azul was aware of, that Valentin had let someone in his brain for a bit. And it felt good, knowing that it was him.
This continued for a few more times, before the Leech twins were intrigued by their boss suddenly putting a solid chunk of attention into this guy. They joined in a couple of times, but usually they left it all alone.
So whenever Valentin starts with his horrendous schedule again, of only eating to get by with a grumbly stomach on too many occasions, Azul is there. It was initially going to be some manipulation tactic, maybe. But maybe it was more of a flirtation tactic the longer it continued for the both of them.
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aching-tummies · 1 month
True Ache: Time Delay
Experienced another 'true stomach ache' last night. The kind where my stomach aches seemingly for no reason. Like…it wasn't over-full or urging me to use the washroom or entirely hungry--it started to ache without a known direct cause.
So…last night was the end of three back-to-back-to-back full-day shifts for me at work--we're talking 8-9 hours of paid labour + 3 hours (total) of transit-stuff per day. Normally, it's hit-or-miss whether or not I'm hungry at the end of such shifts. Lunch breaks are usually scheduled for 2PM or so and I don't get home until 9PM if I am lucky (closer to 10PM if the bus fails to cooperate). I know, 7-8ish hours without a proper meal seems like I'd be starving when I get home…but after 12 hours of being on my feet all I really want to do is shower and sleep until the next one. Coming off of 3 consecutive days of this nonsense means I'm wiped and on the brink of just keeling over and sleeping on the long walk home from the bus stop (20-40 minute walk depending on direction and whether or not detours are necessary 'cuz some shady character is following me or someone decides it's the right time for a massive construction project tearing up sidewalks).
I was wiped last night. I'd thought ahead and had grabbed coffee from work for the road--knowing that without it I'd be dead on my feet for the way home. I was wary of having coffee so late at night, but more worried about falling asleep on the bus or halfway home vs. worried about being too wired for bed.
When I got home, it was to find my housemates/family cooking a huge dinner. That's what it looked like on the surface, but once things got to the table the truth came out. The three couldn't decide on what to put together for dinner and we needed to make room in the fridge 'cuz there's too many forgotten leftovers in there. One person made a gigantic wok full of re-fried fried noodles (combining the 'leftovers' fried noodles from 3 different tupperwares in the fridge), another insisted that fried noodles in Chinese restaurants are often paired with congee and they decided that they'd clear the pesky frozen chicken carcasses from the freezer via tossing them all into a pot of congee (3 carcasses into the pot -_- normally, we only use the one). The last guy decided that he wasn't a fan of noodles and congee so he decided to bake a frozen pizza + the entire contents of a bag of frozen takoyaki I had been saving as a treat (I usually only make myself 3-5 at a time so a single bag of the stuff last me a month or three).
All three of them were beyond pissed off at the massive amount of food they'd generated and the fact that everyone had cooked 'meal-sized' portions for everybody rather than side-dish portions for everybody. There was no way any of it was going to fit in the fridge because they'd all cooked too damned much. So what I walked home to was 3 people livid about the food situation and shoving 3 entire portions of what they'd put together at me and snapping at me to eat it all 'cuz there was no room for leftovers. They all got mad at me when I suggested that we'd have to throw a lot out if we couldn't store it 'cuz I wasn't up for eating a full plate, much less three with my body as exhausted as it was.
Leftovers always do a number on my stomach--particularly the miscellaneous, 2-4 day old mix of noodles one person threw together hit-or-miss whether or not it beats a hasty exit or if it decides to linger and cause problems in my tummy for however long. Congee has always upset my stomach. It's mostly liquid so I guess my tummy doesn't know what to do with it and it always goes through me like it's in a NASCAR race or something. Frozen pizza is pretty filling and the kind we have often upsets my stomach (frozen and then baked peppers on pizza tend to do that). Takoyaki is great…but there's a reason I keep portions under 5 pieces--because it's pretty filling. Most of what I was given ended up making its way into my tummy over the course of two hours. My stomach was already feeling a bit off from the dairy from the coffee I'd drank on the way home.
I ate what I could last night before retreating to my room. I guess my guts were just as exhausted as the rest of me because it chose not to hang on to dinner and let most of it go. By around 1AM, I was alone and trying to sleep. My stomach was starting to twinge with hunger--but it was all being drowned out by an ache coursing through my intestines. There wasn't enough from dinner left inside of me to send me to the washroom but it was like the usual upset-ache that would have accompanied backed-up guts had lingered with a time-delay to keep me up all night.
I laid in bed for a couple of hours, rubbing and prodding at my stomach in hopes of quelling the aches. Stethoscope didn't catch many gurgles, but what I heard told me that my guts were pretty upset despite not having enough physically present to upset them. It was like the aches and upset were a delayed reaction--stuff already left my system, but it left before my guts could generate the accompanying indigestion. My upper stomach--around my ribs--was twinging with hunger pangs, but my intestines were cramping up with indigestion. I guess it was mostly gas in there because it didn't feel like there were solids or liquids enough being pushed along anywhere. Honestly, I felt like a game of "Labyrinth"--that old game where there's a maze and a (usually)steel ball and one has to tilt the entire thing to guide the ball through the maze? I was tossing and turning quite a bit and the air in my intestines was moving about in every direction in my intestines.
I ended up dozing off some time around 5PM. Had about 4 hours of sleep. Woke up to a sharp ache in my guts and lots of sickly gurgles. I've burped exactly once in the 2-3 hours I've been awake. I never burp, at least, not audibly. This one was audible--sharp-sounding…and actually sounded like a belch. It was small, as far as belches go though. Like 1/4th of a handful of air decided to escape violently. My tummy is gurgling--it's still upset. There's lots of gas bubbles squirming around in my guts--trying to find the exit to the maze. My tummy is hurting but not in a way that urges me to the washroom. Hunger pangs are a little stronger than they were last night, but the upset is still winning.
Honestly, last night I was craving some more caring, gentle touches to my tum. My imagined lover was the caring sort trying to soothe my upset tummy enough for sleep. The idea of a sadistic lover intent on prodding my guts to a bigger ache is tempting though. I may post an RP-Starter inspired by this. See what bites.
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
I still have Thoughts on Volume 2, but I think it's time to start Volume 3. Maybe the Volume 2 thoughts will sort themselves out better in the meantime.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
TriMax Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 3, Chapters 1-3 below.
TriMax Volume 3 Covers
Eyyyy! It's blonde Milly!
I kinda miss Meryl's long hair....
His life as a what?!?!
Whyyyy is Vash getting punched on the alternative version of the cover?? Hasn't this boy been through enough pain???
LOL, Milly eating the food from Meryl's chopsticks.
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I just wanna point out that the kanji all over the alternate front cover just says "meat" over and over again. Sasha Braus would be proud.
Nooooo, send the puppet guy awaaaaaaay! No more puppet guy! *cries*
Yes, the puppet guy bothers me more than the otherworldly horror on the bottom of the back cover. And more than Legato, who is arguably also a puppet guy.
I'm a lot less sure about all the untranslated Japanese on the alternate back cover, but it looks like Wolfwood is saying something about meat, and the text bubble on the bottom left just says, "Meeeeeeeaaaaaat."
LOL, tiny poorly drawn penis on the giant monster-guy.
Chapter 1: Reservoir Dogs
Awww, look at everyone being deceptively happy! Even Kuroneko's making an appearance! (Also, yes, this is Wolfwood's happy face.)
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I love how calm Vash looks here despite everything. Wolfwood, on the other hand, seems to have some different thoughts. But... he's actually onto something. That level of calmness despite everything is and should be terrifying. (I colored it because Vash is so pretty.) (Also, I legit forgot the smudge on his face was blood until I started coloring this.)
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Pretty sure this guy is giving Wolfwood major tit window envy.
Heh, the real reason Wolfwood is swearing is because everything Vash has told him is messing with his head. What would normally be a point-and-shoot choice for him has suddenly become complicated with Thoughts.
Not sure what happened here. Something exploded... and... Wolfwood threw up??
Well, that cleared some stuff up for WW. Though I get the idea this guy can eat a LOT of lead before it gives him an upset tummy.
LOL, "Takin' out his hands is like disarmin' him." I'm not sure if the pun works in Japanese, but it's funny in English.
No no no no no! Put Puppetman BACK WHERE HE CAME FROM!!!
I don't even mind his horrible body-moosh-horror abomination as much as I mind Puppetman himself. (I know he's "Puppet Master," but he doesn't deserve enough of my respect for that.)
Is... the abomination trying to do a video game cheat code on Vash?
Shoot all the things, Vash! I dunno what you're shooting, but as long as you do, that's what matters!
Cool guy pose.
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Awww, sad Vash. When this battle is over, someone needs to give him the biggest of hugs. He's earned it. He needs it.
WTF, bat wings??? From where?!
Oooh, creepy comparison shot of Vash plus Knives. I approve.
Dude. Now the creepy guy is digging trenches in his own face with his own hand. While wearing gloves. What the hell. Please get rid of him.
Untainted material?! Make him your puppet?!? Where's Wolfwood with his murder-cross? I need some murder to happen here.
Oh, he's in a hole.
"Yer name might remain, even long after ya die... but yer ideals join ya in the grave." I love this line. It reminds me of a favorite of mine from Mass Effect's Samara: "Only your actions will be remembered. May you choose them well."
I like how, all throughout this scene, Wolfwood's got the Punisher on a little leash like it's a boogie board or something.
Holy crap, the girls are here, too??? This is not a safe place for the girls. Or for anyone, really. But particularly people without some sort of superhuman something going for them.
Saved, by terrified toma causing delays!
Chapter 2: Cement
Legato, you freaking dork. Glad you're enjoying being carried everywhere in your weird coffin-iron maiden thing.
Heheheheheheh. Wolfwood the traitor. <3 you, Wolfie....
LOL, Wolfwood's absolute casualness at this accusation is beautiful.
Dude. Ninelives needs some dental work pronto.
For as much as he resents certain aspects of his life, Wolfwood really seems to revel in certain kinds of carnage. He's nothing but focus and falling bullets in this fight.
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One must wonder, does the Punisher ever run out of ammo? Does Wolfwood even know that machine guns are best used in short bursts, or is he just that good at "pray and spray"?
Ninelives clearly ate ALL his vegetables as a kid. WW's looking a bit worried.
RIP Wolfwood's ribcage.
And the Punisher is so far away, too....
Ha! Pocket Pistol!
I just wanna say that despite this guy having a cat-like name, Ninelives is a disgrace to cats everywhere. He's nothing like a cat and that's not a compliment.
You know... using a big-ass industrial factory-type door to keep out the giant murder monster is a pretty good plan at this moment.
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LOL, Wolfwood, you cheeky bastard.
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I dunno if taunting Ninelives is a great plan, even if he's missing an arm. Congrats on finishing your disarming procedure, though, Wolfie!
Or is he the dumbass who dove right in and is now torn apart in this place...?
I don't have any idea why this chapter is called Cement. Like, usually I can make some sort of connection, but this one is lost on me.
Chapter 3: No Escape
Wait wait wait. Did that disembodied arm just CRAWL ACROSS THE ROOM AND OPEN THE DOOR?!?! Gods, someone kill it with fire, please.
This is just... so Wolfwood. You do you, my lovely foul-mouthed murder-friend.
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I feel like Vash heard all that and is mad because Wolfwood is trying to kill someone again.
Gods, why did Nightow have to make Vash SO PRETTY in this arc??
Ew, Ninelives is gross. He's just gross. Puppetman is creepy. Ninelives is gross.
He's called Ninelives. Maybe you just have to kill him nine times....
Uhhhh... Ninelives has EYES in his belly?? PEOPLE IN HIS BELLY?!?! LIVING BELLY PEOPLE?!?!?!?!
For some reason, Wolfwood cocking the Punisher here amuses me. (The sound effect is "ga-kin".)
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Scenes like this make me kinda glad this isn't in color. Then again, I got through Attack on Titan, Chainsaw Man, and Hellsing Ultimate despite all the guts and stuff, so *shrug*.
SO. MANY. GOOD. VASH PANELS. Ugh, I just want to pour them on pancakes and eat them all up.
Ugh, Vash knows as soon as he sees them. He has no choice but to know. The situation means there's no way it could be any different. But part of him would still hesitate.
Also, the baby pulling a gun is REALLY darkly hilarious.
This whole business is really mucking with Vash's instincts, and Puppetman knows it. Can we please throw Puppetman into Mount Doom now???
Wait, who's Emilio??
Ugh, I have to call it here for the night. I just want to get past this. I want Vash to get past this.
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Please rant about more stuff! I absolutely love listening to what different people's headcanons and stuff are!! /gen /pos (only if you want to tho-)
I- D-Did you just ask me to rant about more stuff? About my hcs??? What jewel would you like on your wedding ring?/p /j now once again here's a mix of some tickle and non tickle stuff!!! Sorry this took awhile to respond too but I kept adding onto it so- Also warning- Like one swear-
- C!Tommy gets frequent stomach aches. It isn't anything bad since nothing else happens during them just an upset tummy! But during these stomach aches Tommy likes to lay down with his friends, preferably outside! The grass feels nice to him. Ranboo and Tubbo do it the most often and Wilbur sometimes does it but Tommy gets a bit embarassed asking him too so Wilbur's learned the signs of when Tommy's not feeling well. "Why don't we lay down toms hm?"
- When cc!Tubbo gets headaches, More Often then not Tommy will use one of those weird massage things that go on your head on Tubbo, but it always ends up tickling him. "Wahahit TOHOHMMMY- NOHOHO-"
- Between me and you Tubbo is a squealer, he won't ever admit it but if you tickle him when he's not focused he squeals- Its actually adorable
- C!Tubbo makes sound effects while eating- He literally does "num num num". He never noticed it but he says it helps him eat faster (C!Tommy tried it once because he was very curious. He was very embarrassed when Ranboo walked in on him)
Favorite hc - Tubbo loves giving nibbles, it's not even cause it's a good technique he just likes the idea of being able to bite people and get away with it. When he first told Tommy that, Tommy looked at him with his mouth open before- "What the fuck?"
- I talked about the tickle fight between cc!Tubbo and c!Tubbo but what about Tommy and Ranboo? Well between cc!Ranboo and c!Ranboo they would probably stop halfway to go tickle cc!Tubbo but without that cc!Ranboo would win!... Nah I'm kidding c!Ranboo would, have you seen his tail???? Cc!Ranboo would crumble.
- Now between the Tommy's? I don't actually know.. I think it depends on whoever figures out faster they have the same tickle spots because one of the Tommy's will figure it out and go for the others sides then the other will crumble-
- you wanna know a technique that kills Tubbo? Of course you do- Surprisingly c!Tubbo is weak against baby talk, it literally kills him. c!Tommy was the one to find this out and he makes sure to do it whenever Tubbo's being annoying- "Awww Tubbo arwen't you twhe cutest!!" Or he uses the voice- you know like the one where he first found shroud?? But more menacing- Tubbo will have all the fight melt out of him when someone does that
- The Bench trio are all provoking little crapheads but all of that drains when around Wilbur- they know he won't hesitate to tickle them anywhere, anytime. He does it on vlogs, on lives, during serious lore- Actually scratch that. Everyone knows not to try and provoke Wilbur because if he finds out you are, he will tickle you to pieces.
- this man knows ALL the techniques. Raspberries, Nibbles, Tracing. You name it he knows it! He doesn't have a favorite technique but does have favorite teases. Tickle monster teases are his favorite- "You better keep running~ or else the big bad tickle monster might catch up to youuu~!!"
- Ranboo says L alot while tickling- "Not here? Why? Is it because of this spot? The spot that my skittering fingers are going near? Ohh.. Okay I guess I'll move over here- just kidding im going for your melt spot- L"
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
hey bbgs it's me back again with a request
period headcanons for trans kings shirabu and yamagata ?? my period just started and i am suffering. hard.
anyways yeah just give me your thoughts
I'VE GOT YOU BABES good thing I just changed my pf theme to red, huh? ✋️💀
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- Yamagata's are the absolute WORST
- Shirabu's are pretty intense. But Yamagata's? Fully convinced that his period is gonna kill him one day
- They both wanna DIE it's just a fact
- Yamagata is starring at the clock, WAITING for the 6 hour mark to hit so he can take another painkiller cuz let's be honest, those things wear out at like 5 hours, 30 minutes
- They run out of products? They don't need to worry, not one bit
- Why?
- Because they either, borrow from each other
- Or two, send their respective boyfriends to the store (who have their sizes AND favorite brands MEMORIZED and WRITTEN in their notes. They're top tier men)
- They sit down, eat pizza, and suffer together cuz that's what real friends do ✋️😔
- They watch movies and huddle under blankets
- When everyone else is being irritating, they go to each other. They just really don't feel like dealing with people who don't understand
- They use heating pads for their stomachs and they are SO COMFY
- Just plug them bad boys into the wall and you are SET
- From personal experience 💀
- They're not exactly criers..? Well Yamagata kinda is. But Shirabu? If he's gonna cry it's gonna be silent and privately
- Practice is HELL
- Idk if anyone reading this has been to sports practice while you're on your period but leMME TELL YOU ABOUT THIS SHIT-
- GOD you are DYING
- You're hot, you're sweating, and if you wear a pad it's rubbing up against your sweaty thighs and may rub them raw. Like it is TROUBLESOME
- Wow, natural hate crimes, am I right?
- Now for a little bit of shippy stuff 🤭 nothing like fluffy stuff on shark week, ya know?
- Kawanishi ABSOLUTELY lays his head on Yamagata's stomach during his period. The slight pressure helps, plus his tummy is warm from the heating pad
- Semi and Reon surround Shirabu on his week because it keeps him warm. And idk what it is about being warm on the week, but it's just nice
- Yamagata's mood swings are pretty intense. During the first few times, Kawanishi is TERRIFIED that he'll make one wrong move and Yamagata will get upset ✋️😭
- ReonSemi have mastered the art over some time 💀 that in no way means they're perfect. They (*cough cough* SEMI *cough cough*) still set Shirabu off from time to time. (And it's not fun at ALL)
- Them being trans, I'm not completely sure whether they'd change in the locker room or just in the bathroom normally. But during their week they DEFINITELY change in the bathroom.
- Sets off a lot of body dysmorphia problems. Good thing they have each other to cry about it to 😪🤧
- Ok,, but Shirabu stuck in the bathroom, NO PRODUCT
- He asks Yamagata for one but the mf doesn't have any either ✋️😭
- It's one of three things
- He 1) Sprints to the closest convenient store 😪
- 2) Throws some money at one of his TEAMMATES and makes THEM run to the store
- Or 3) runs around asking girl students for product ✋️😭
- Shirabu gets his products in the end thanks to local super senior Yamagata 😪
- Before practices (especially practice matches) they usual take a painkiller in advance so that by the time practice comes it would have kicked in
- Shirabu probably reads a lot during his period. He doesn't feel like sitting at his desk he usually studies at, nor does he feel like studying at all. So he likes to just read, watch TV, or play on his phone
- Yamagata just lazes around, stuffing his face and watching whatever. (That's ok, he deserves it. Plus I do the same thing)
- Yamagata's go to "I'm dying" outfit is black sweats and a t-shirt/hoodie
- Shirabu's is some comfy shorts and a t-shirt/sweater/hoodie
- KawaGata usually orders a fuck ton of food and by the end they have a buffet. They eat it happily cuz damn periods suck and Kawanishi wants to see his boyfriend happy
- ReonSemi probably over worry 💀
- "Are you ok?" "Are you comfortable?" "Do you need something? Some painkillers? Some water? Anything?" "You know we'll get you Anything right-" "YES. I AM FINE."
- They're trying their best ✋️💀
- It's ok if they're suffering, because at least they can suffer together by crying on the couch with a bag of chips 😪
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btch3sluvme · 2 years
Can I get a jjba match up!:)
I want a male character
Ima girl and I go by Ayumi
So basically how I look physically , I wear bangs on my face and have a pony tail on the side with all my hair going down but sometimes I like having two buns or two pig tails cause I like looking cute. Im asian , 5,2. Black long hair , I like to wear scrunchies or hair bows and I like girly dresses , skirts and crop tops. Im have social anxiety , its very hard for me to make friends cause it scares me , Im artistic(I like to draw and sketch) and I like anime.
I like eatting candy and I like stuff toys so I guess you can say I am a bit childish.
Im a bit chubby cause I like eatting but its not noticable
Im introverted and Im not interested in talking to most people cause I find them boring but I have a close friend group , Im usually stand off-ish with people but if we are close I make a lot of dirty jokes and im very playful and light hearted but again half the time I will be introverted. I like deep conversations , talking about feelings and philosophical things and Im self conscious of how I look and im insecure but I dont tell anyone unless we are close. I like deep emotional connections , Im an INFP
I really like physical affection , I like PDA.
I'm idealistic and I day dream a lot about romance and etc but Im not a hopeless romantic.
I have an inner world in my mind.
I like helping my close friends out.
I don't like small talk.
I want to make friends but my anxiety is a lot
I get jealous of others a lot and I need to be nurtured
I want someone to focus on me than other people and don't forget im there when im around people cause in groups Im quiet.
I want someone to care about me and nurture my feelings a lot and I like feeling valued.
I make very lewd jokes and I make some other jokes others may laugh at or find me weird
I really like positive people because I look up to them and I think their cool but I want someone with emotional depth to talk about deep inner emotions
I can also tell when someones upset or sad simply because I can based off of body language.
I like being there for others even though sometimes I dont know what to do , im very emotionally nurturing , I like spending time with people I love a lot.
I also live in a fantasy world in my mind and I love music and I like making people see me as attractive or act playful and bubbly cause it boosts my self esteem and makes me feel hot
Sometimes I can be too quiet but it depends on my mood , I dislike most people cause I view them as "Normal"
People think im shy when really i just dont feel the need to interact
And i think i have the perfect man for u!
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Johnny Joestar ⭐💙
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(don't ask abt the image just, appreciate)
C'mom you guys are made to each other!!
Gyro will constantly annoy you by telling you that you are soul mates from the same ring of hell or shit like that
you guys will often find yourselfs talking to each other about the meaning of life late at night and then just cuddling till sleep
Due to his reputation as a womanizer, you might think that he doesn't want anything serious, but deep down his biggest priority is to have a deep and serious connection with his partner.
And I can easily imagine the two of you just lying on the floor in your dorm just listening to music and relaxing while there's a big party outside and u both are just not in the mood for partying
Gyro makes one of his classic puns? You both are just: ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ ( then u look at each other and start laughing)
About your body type? He does'nt care at all, you're perfect for him with a six pack, with a tummy, plus size, what is the point? Our bodies are temporary
If you two are in the middle of his circle of friends (HP, Diego, Gyro etc) and you can't interact because everyone is talking at the same time, he probably will stop the conversation to introduce you to them
And i feel like he would ask you do sketch Tusk just to spend more time w you
"Don't worry i have all the time in the world to love you"
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Im so so sorry it took so long! I was busy and tired.... And lazy, im really sorry but i hope u like It!
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
I bet Catch Otto is the type of person who eats when he gets upset or stressed. Idk why, but him being an emotional snacker is so cute to me. I just wanna bake him cookies when he’s upset and cuddle him and rub his tummy when he’s feeling insecure. Also, I bet he has a big ole sweet tooth and he should be able to enjoy himself without feeling guilty or self conscious. 🥲
DJSJSJSJSJ anon, you get me 😭😭🙏🏻 I too want to cuddle the doc and rub his tummy like a great big dog.
As for the rest, honestly, I could see it. The doc is pretty tall and broad, even if we ignore the dad bod aspect for a second, so I could see him being that person that has like a lil something in his pockets or bag to munch on now and then.
But at the same time, idk how to feel bc like that's mid key maybe eating disorder type stuff DNSNSJSJSJ. Although idk I mean snacking for comfort is actually super common apparently, and that's just from seeing the people in my own life, so... as long as it's in moderation I suppose and not like a PROBLEM problem it's ok? We all comfort snack now and then lol 🤷🏼‍♀️😅
The doc definitely has a sweet tooth tho and I will FIGHT tooth and nail on that front 😭😭✋🏻 I kind of feel like he's a really great cook tbh but he chooses not to bake, only bc he knows he's going to go buck wild on anything he makes with his stress eating 🥴
If you bake stuff for him tho... Maybe he can learn to have a balance 👀 You know, since it's limited supply and all, he doesn't want to go through the whole thing in a day 😅😅
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moonbeamoclock · 3 years
Hange Zoë being gross but it gets worse the more you read this 🤎🤎🤎
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Trigger Warnings: im so sorry, Hange being gross, shit talk, butt stuff?, gross habits,
a/n: listen i don't even know what to say for myself....you asked and you shall receive @ntitled 🤎
doesn’t shave, tries to convince you not to shave but if you insist will help you out….including down there
listen i headcanon them as non-binary (obviously) so i feel like they wouldn’t be into the traditional acts of ‘hygiene’ like shaving
yeah…that includes down there 👇
they’re a clean person so it’s not a hygienic concern for them
they are very comfortable with their body and is also very comfortable with yours
tried to educate you on the benefits of not shaving and letting go of the unrealistic standards that society has placed on people in this generation
but if you still decide that you still want to keep up with those habits to whatever degree you want they will absolutely support you
especially by helping you shave/reach the areas that you can’t reach…
yeah they’d shave your ass for and they’d love it
unrelated but they eat hella ass
mushes all their food together + in weird combinations because “it’s all going to the same place anyways”
no no no no
because they’d put all of their food in a bowl no matter what it is
just mix it all up in that bowl and shovel it into their little raccoon mouth
“it’s just fuel what’s it matter what it looks like, it all looks the same when it comes out”
it looks disgusting eating anything with them and is actual torture
-5/10 i don’t recommend it
they would hate fancy restaurants for this exact reason
hange sitting in the bathroom with you as you shit
lounging on the couch with them as they’re telling you about their lab that day
as someone with tummy issues, i am all too familiar with that feeling of dread when your stomach starts cramping a little while after you finished eating
"I'm sorry, can we pause this conversation I just have to go to the bathroom" you eventually interrupt
"oh, but i was in the middle of telling you about the shark we got to dissect todaty!" they whined
"I'll be fast i promise" you say as you stand up and make your way over to the bathroom down the hall
unaware that they are silently following behind you
you turn to close the door and they're right behind you trying yo shuffle their way into the bathroom with you
"no Hange I'm like going to the bathroom...wait in the living room."
"why? whats the difference? if i don't finish what i was saying I'll probably forget it so let me sit on the sink while you go to the bathroom."
👁👁 < that's you
listen i get poop shy so it would be so awkward for a moment because they'd be talking about the respiratory system of a juvenile great white and you're just sat there like 👀
yeah are worried about the smell or maybe even the sound yeah so am i
but hange doesn't care bc they're a scientist that's just a thing that happens
about halfway through your....experience(?) "this is a very interesting step that we've decided to take in our relationship huh?"
"yeah but you're still hot even when you're stinking up my bathroom so,"
takes pictures of their poop mostly to track of their regular stuff like that(will try and take pictures of yours lol)
again, babes is a scientist
they have a group chat with a bunch of their fellow gross lab friends where they all send pictures of their …..emissions so they can analyze them
yeah i said it they 🗣ANALYZE 🗣THEIR 🗣SHIT🗣
this group chat is strictly for observing what the effect your diet has on your bathroom habits
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