Can Technology Save Us?
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How can technology save us? It can't, but it can provide a great way to change the world. Technology has definitely come a long way. From doing ordinary things like sending an email to living on Mars, to doing very special things like giving birth to a child, and much more. In today's world, there are almost too many things to be accomplished, and technology has made all of them possible. Can technology save us? The answer is a resounding "Yes". But, how can we? To answer that question, let's first go over some of the things that are now possible with the help of computers. Computers are now so advanced that we can read, write, and even type an e-mail! Could you imagine sending a text message or email from a computer? No problem. In fact, cell phone even sends and receives emails. Things were not as easy then, but today, that's nothing. Computers are now so powerful that they are now capable of doing anything we wish to do. Why do we have to be limited to typing on a keyboard? These powerful computers could print out documents and even play games, just like a game console! Technology is not limited to just books and newspapers anymore either. We now have computers that can create personalized ads and even create a professional web page for us. You can create your own business and could even work remotely from anywhere in the world with this amazing tool. Music too has come a long way. Today, we can literally upload songs from our computers and play them anytime we want! There is no need to worry about the MP3 player anymore. Now, your computer will store your music files for you. You don't even have to leave your home for that! Ever thought about meeting someone online? With the technology available today, it doesn't get any easier than this. Just imagine sitting down and getting to know each other face to face, without having to worry about all of the problems that might arise. Technology is not only a big reason for the advancement of our lives, but it has also expanded our senses. Imagine how powerful music would be if it wasn't affected by the distortion of a record player. Imagine hearing a sizzling drum beat from a portable drum set, and music would be as alive as it is now. Technology can change your life, but it can also change the way that technology can be used to change the world. There are several technological innovations happening every day. They are changing the way that we live, the way that we think, and the way that we interact with others. Technology has made everything possible. It can give us new ways to solve problems, and it can also change the way that we communicate.
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greenhubscitech · 9 years
#TechnologyForUs Provides Help for Those in Need http://scitechnews.co.uk/renewable-energy/technologyforus-provides-help-for-those-in-need/ - SciTech News - #RenewableEnergy
#TechnologyForUs Provides Help for Those in Need
There are a lot of worthy causes out there, and sometimes it feels like they’re all clamoring for attention. People want to do good things but how can we decide what cause to support? And when does a cause become more than a television commercial or a radio ad or a newspaper photograph? When does what’s wrong in the world become something that you need to fix? Sometimes you may want to close your eyes and hold your hands over your ears so that you don’t have to see or hear all the heartache in the world. Donating to a cause that makes a difference isn’t just a matter of opening up your wallet. It also means listening to your heart.#TechnologyForUs is an initiative that finds ways to help a wide range of causes that benefit people and organizations needing your assistance. By using an ambassadorial approach, the organization engages companies, start-ups, and individuals in improving the socio-economic prosperity of at-risk communities. Their Gofundme crowdfunding campaign is seeking to raise $50,000 so that donations can provide direct assistance to the homeless, to school students, to teachers, and to families. Organized by Philip Edie, this crowdfunding endeavor offers something for everyone who wants to make a difference in a world where too many people feel that because they can’t cure the entire problem, there’s nothing that they can do. But that’s not true.Let’s start with children. Everyone has a computer, of course . . . not. Children in low-income families don’t always have computers and printers at home, so when there’s as assignment requiring Internet research or typed papers, they’re dependent on public access computers at public libraries. But what happens when the library is closed for the evening and the assignment isn’t finished? That child risks receiving a failing or low grade. The student may be just as bright as another child, but without the necessary technology to complete the assignment, grades often fail to match a child’s potential. #TechnologyForUs sees the problem, and attracts donors who can help provide the solution. Are you one of those donors?What about teachers? Do you know that many school budgets don’t provide enough funds for the supplies that students need? Very often, teachers buy those supplies out of their own incomes so that their students don’t go without. #TechnologyForUs is looking for benefactors who can help provide funds for the crayons, paper, art supplies, and other items that they use to provide a balanced education for the children in their classrooms. Can you support teachers who support their students?A lot of families struggle to make ends meet. Some families have given up on the ends ever meeting at all because the odds are stacked against them. It’s not Apple iPhone upgrades, Starbucks lattes and golf outings for these families; instead, it’s trying to make a minimum-wage paycheck cover child care and car repairs, healthy meals that include fresh fruits and vegetables at least some of the time, and medicine when kids get colds. Desperate families often succumb to financial solutions that prey upon their economic livelihoods; with #TechnologyForUs help, there’s a way out for these victims. Can you be part of that way out?Homelessness is a basic problem. But finding a place to live isn’t an easy solution. Acting alone, an individual can’t change the fate of a homeless person who may want to lead a productive life but doesn’t know where to start. Acting collectively, donors can alter the destiny of the homeless in a community by meeting their needs and directing them to a destination that lifts them up. Can you help find the homeless find their way home?Are you ready to be an ambassador? #TechnologyForUs has plenty of opportunities to put the goodness of your heart, combined with the generosity of your gift, to very good use. About #TechnologyForUs#TechnologyForUs (http://www.gofundme.com/fd7kno) is an initiative to improve socio-economic prosperity for residents of at-risk communities by investing in individuals, start-ups, and seasoned companies with innovative ideas and products. By employing an ambassadorial approach that assists in the development and implementation of problem-solving measures, positive outreach that benefits the economic wellbeing of the community is promoted to sustainable levels. Projects include assistance for families overwhelmed by predatory financial burdens; assisting schoolteachers by purchasing supplies for their students; access to computer technology for children from low-income families; and providing opportunities for the homeless to live productive lives.
Philip Edie #Technologyforus
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Can Technology Change Us?
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The problem with our technology is that it is not growing with us. Is the technology going to change the world and make it a better place? Are we going to have to face another global warming, an environmental disaster or perhaps a terrorist attack? This is only the beginning of the problems. We are not just talking about computers and the Internet; we are talking about the ocean, the air and the atmosphere. And there is no sign of it going away. With all the pollution we are creating, what are we going to do to mitigate the environmental damage in the future? What are we going to do to protect the oceans from being totally destroyed? Will we allow another big earthquake to kill off thousands of us? Will we allow a global disaster or nuclear war to destroy the atmosphere? Will we allow another ice age to happen? Will we allow another mass extinction to occur? These are just some of the questions that need to be answered in order to get a grip on the issue of global warming. Now technology is able to solve these problems, but is it the right thing to do or is it another technological cure in a bottle? I'm not saying that this is the best way of solving the problems, but what we need to do is step back and ask ourselves if this is really the best way to solve these problems. Do we really want to lose the earth for a few hundred years so that we can save ourselves. How are we going to be able to live without these things that we use every day? A digital video camera does not lie, asmuch as technology has developed it has also grown with us. It is now up to us to stop it and decide what we want to do next. Computers were made to solve a problem, now they are made to take over the world, its time we took action and took control of the world. Not only computers are taking over the world but most of the appliances used in our homes and offices today are also designed to have an effect on the environment. What is the difference between a TV, laptop and a computer and why are we all so dependent on our cell phones? Are we going to replace a cell phone with a satellite and lose our cell phone? We must determine if this is the technological solution or if it is part of the problem. Are we making it or are we really trying to solve the problem?
Will Technology Change Us?
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Will technology change us? The answer to this question is a resounding yes. We use the tools of technology every day, and most people would not think twice about it. So, is the digital age changing our lives? I don't think so. Technology will definitely help us live longer, it will help us do things we can't do without a computer, but you cannot make the human race the same without destroying a lot of hard work and talent. Do we really need computers to teach algebra? The use of computers to communicate or teach math to young children is just as useful as a traditional classroom. It is difficult to see how we can change the human civilization through technology without permanently altering it. Think about it, we have technological advances which are beginning to damage our environment and culture in a negative way. If you look at the history of technology, humans have always discovered new ways to destroy their environment and cultural identities. Why should we be any different? To think that we can use technological advances for positive change would be foolish. The real question is, if there are negative impacts from today's technology, what can we do to protect ourselves? Let's face the reality that it is now or never. Technology has to be a force for good or it will become the source of our downfall. "We are the only species on earth that, having discovered a means of raising living beings to a stage where they may eat other living beings, has failed to utilize this knowledge for its own benefit." -- John Kenneth Galbraith So, it all boils down to history. If we cannot change history, what can we do? There are some people who think we should turn back the clock. Think about it. What are the things that made people care so much about technology? A society that can create a technological society that will serve it well in the future is a society which will be able to determine its own future, or choose to control that future for a brief period of time. A society which can choose the right kind of civilization based on that desire is the one which can save itself from destruction. In addition, some are concerned about the environmental impact of technological advances. Is it possible to develop these innovations without causing damage to our environment? Technology is not a threat to our environment, it is the one thing that can preserve and protect our environment. How do we get from here to there, where we have developed a technological society that protects and preserves our environment and culture? The fundamental answer is to be able to develop a truly free-market-based economy where the people are able to have the resources they need to prosper and develop their own technologies. We must be careful not to fall into the trap of developing a technological society which does not allow for the free exchange of ideas. Freedom of ideas is something which all societies must maintain.
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Can Technology End Us?
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What if technology ends us? It may seem far-fetched, but we need to think about the future for a moment. What is the point of living in this world if our children will never get to know our parents or grandparents? Many people have warned that this is already the technological society we live in. The world is becoming smaller and more isolating. There are so many people in the world that it is difficult to get to know them, even if you did try to interact with them. If a technology comes along that is intended to eliminate humans from the equation, would it be too much to ask for people to understand what that technology was all about? The common belief is that personal computers would eliminate our need for transportation. One could simply access the Internet from the comfort of his home and take advantage of the fact that he has the same number of possessions as the one who made the purchase. That person could control his computer and its actions from the comfort of his own home. The electronic lock on the door would make it impossible for someone to open the door while the other was away from home. This would eliminate the lock pick exercise that so many people find so thrilling. A person could now sit back and enjoy his freedom, without being bothered by others. The same technology, in the form of the internet, would also eliminate the need for such activities as surfing the net. Since every person can look up information about anything they desire to know aboutwhat the big deal is it to have access to this information? Think about it for a moment. When you do find something you want to know, you can simply log onto the web and you are done. The personal computer was touted as the wave of the future. We live in a society where new technology can come along at any time, and the possibilities for change are endless. In spite of this, we seem to be losing our innocence and the ability to apply this technology to our lives in a beneficial way. We can not seem to see what we are losing when we lose the ability to surf the web, to do research, and to make purchases at the store, etc. I found an interesting article in the June issue of the magazine CQ Roll Call. It is titled "The Abduction of the Digital World." This article talks about the possibility of technology eliminating us from the equation, completely. While no one seems to be sure exactly what this will mean for the future, some possibilities include: There are computer scientists who will agree with this description. They say that there is no turning back to the old days, but they believe that the age of computers is at an end. They argue that information will no longer flow in and out of us the way it used to. They say that it will simply be all there is, with computers trying to predict what we will want to know and serve us. Others say that this is no different than the decline of other technologies such as televisions and radio use. They argue that the more that we rely on these technologies, the less we use them, and the fewer of us there will be who really get to experience the benefits of using them. I would think, however, that some people will continue to enjoy their television viewing, because of the convenience that they offer, as well as the fact that it allows you to see an array of programs that otherwise might not be available to you. Computer uses and computer programming are used daily. There will surely be others that use it more, as people get older. I am not sure who will prevail, but either way, it seems that if this turns out to be true, it could spell a drastic change for the majority of us.
Will Technology End Us?
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The global challenges posed by rapid change will only grow more profound in the future, as the technology advancements that will enable these technological advances, many with unforeseen consequences, will continue to develop. Will the rapid evolution of new technologies, together with the resulting disruptions to society and employment, reverse the progress of recent years, or will we endure the consequences of the latest technologies for several decades into the future? Many will say that there is little doubt about the potential threat that these technologies present, but we will never be able to answer the question definitively. Indeed, what may appear to be an imminent threat to human civilization is actually a product of the forward momentum of development. Just as each of these new technologies is a product of modern scientific discovery, and advances in scientific understanding, so too are all of the other technologies that are being developed by humans. It is impossible to predict what the future will bring, or how things will unfold, but the fact remains that no one can determine the future, either. The recent forward momentum in scientific advancement and technology development, which have created unprecedented advances in many fields of science and technology, has also placed the exploration of the future in our grasp. Yet, there is a very real possibility that many people will find themselves increasingly out of work as a result of our technological advances, as the more rapid improvements in our technology lead to an increased demand for human labor and higher prices for raw materials. There are rising numbers of unemployed people who have not gone through a recession, but rather are struggling because of the continuing inability of the economy to maintain employment. In other words, there are millions of people who are simply left unemployed. As technology continues to advance, it is possible that the future will be radically different from the past, or perhaps will simply be unchanged. What will come to pass, however, is that the advances in technology will continue to evolve in ways that will alter the very nature of society, leaving little hope for the survival of our species. Perhaps the greatest threat to humanity, therefore, is that the rate of technological development that is occurring today, and will continue to occur, are outpacing the ability of our civilization to adapt to it. Much of this is due to the tremendous pace at which the products of our scientific discovery are making their way into the marketplace, but technology also poses a major challenge to the very foundations of our current civilization. For instance, there is a growing concern that the present pace of technological advancement is bringing about the loss of life, by such means as cancer, brain damage, heart disease, and the like. Some of the most intriguing developments in technology have been in the area of biotechnology, with the development of new drugs that are designed to increase life expectancy, combat cancer, decrease the risk of Alzheimer's, and so on. However, it is not yet clear whether or not such new drugs will eventually prove to be safe and effective. This raises the question: will we be able to adapt to our present pace of technological advancement, or will this pace eventually result in a pandemic that wipes out the human race? Will the present pace of technological development eventually result in a pandemic, with new diseases are emerging on an ever-increasing scale, or will humans just be victims of nature's own biological processes? Is the likelihood of a World War, possibly a nuclear World War, overhyped? We do not know the answers to these questions, but, we do know that no matter what the answers are, they will determine the future of mankind. At least we know that there will be plenty of time to consider all of these questions in the future.
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Can Technology Replace Us?
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Are you one of the many people asking the question, "Can technology replace us?" Not only are you right, but this question is a serious concern because our society is moving more toward a future where technology can and will replace human ability and capabilities. Technology has always been around us. It's the same way that people used to build cars by hand, or animals by hand, or farm animals by hand. Technology is getting better, faster, and better at doing all of these things. Of course, it's not fair to say that technology is completely replacing us. It's also important to remember that human beings have always lived in this world. In fact, technology has come a long way over the past few hundred years. For example, even though we live in an information age, we still use the old methods of communication, such as writing and talking. At the same time, we use technology to play board games, play music, watch television, read books, or whatever else our culture finds fun. It's evident that technology has been around for a very long time. At some point, these inventions may start doing away with human society. When that happens, we might have to look for other ways to communicate and interact with each other. One of the things that technology can do is change how we think about one another. We can't all communicate, think, or do many of the things that people did thousands of years ago. For example, many of the businesses that exist today were started by people who wanted to connect with other people. This includes bookstores, Internet sites, and online businesses. You can see why some people have the fear that computers are taking over human society, and they aren't alone. Just like with television and the movie industry, technology is becoming popular all over the world. In fact, it's going to be the primary source of information for many years to come. Today, you can find all of your favorite websites, from places such as Google to Wikipedia. Although these computers are pretty amazing, they still don't replace human beings. The best thing to do is to continue to improve the computers we have. Many companies make their computers. They will sell you a computer that is designed to keep up with your internet experience, or they'll provide you with machines that you need to stay current. There are quite a few different types of computers available, and most of them will do a decent job of keeping up with your internet needs. If you want to save money, you might think about using free software for your computer. Free software is great because it's easy to use, and it's easy to modify. You'll still have to take care of your computer, but it won't cost you a penny to do so. If you're thinking about buying a new computer, don't be afraid to ask a salesperson for advice on how to buy a computer that will work for you. You want to buy a computer that will provide you with good results. You should probably know where you're going to be working so that you can get a computer that will be compatible with your current workplace.
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Will Technology Replace Us?
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I would say no, probably not, but will technology replace us? Let's look at the pros and cons of this idea: With all the technological progress humans have made over the years, it seems difficult to believe we'll be left behind. I'm not convinced that the next big thing is going to come along in a few decades. Indeed, there are reasons to be worried about whether or not the next big thing will happen. Consider: Oil prices. Right now, oil prices have plummeted due to lack of demand for our oil, as well as other natural resources we depend on for our economy. I worry that it will make it harder for us to replace our current oil needs with new technologies, like alternative fuels, electric cars, and biofuels. That would increase our dependence on foreign oil and cause inflation to spike up. Wars. Technology can certainly improve our lives. But if we aren't able to rely on it to give us a hand in our conflicts, then it can backfire. Perhaps we will see some type of civil war in the US, due to global warming and its effects. Sleep Patterns. It seems that the trends in society, especially health care, and food consumption, reflect our broader socio-economic state. Maybe things will continue to get worse as a result of those trends. You might even see a rise in obesity and poor diet, which is an indicator of a lack of healthy eating habits. School Attendance. As more children grow up in single-parent families, with low income, it becomes harder for them to get into college, so more of them drop out. This leads to high dropout rates in middle and high school. And once they don't enter the job market, they are more likely to get fired. Quality of Life. People want to work and live in a healthy and peaceful environment. We go out to eat, get jobs done in less time, and do everything else in less time. If we are forced to buy gas-guzzling SUVs, can afford to sit on a lazy sofa and watch television, or even think about doing those things, then we won't have much time to do the things we really want to do. Employees. As more people who work outside the home feel the pressure to work outside the home, it affects how they feel about their jobs. It becomes more like one big battle of wills, one that won't allow them to enjoy the benefits of being the boss. Some employees quit or find themselves demoted or laid off. Society. If we are forced to sacrifice the quality of life for the sake of energy conservation, then the younger generations will tend to resent the older generations who put them through school. Perhaps they will start to emulate their parents and become homemakers and "take the economy into their own hands" through farming, nature, or higher education. I'm not saying we will do this, but you can bet that it will happen. Society, eventually. Will technology be able to be used to solve societal problems? What would civilization look like if all energy came from renewable sources, like wind and solar power? Regardless of the answers, we need to ask the question. If our society uses these things to supplement our current energy resources, what will be the effect?
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Can Technology Save Us?
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How can technology save us? It can't, but it can provide a great way to change the world. Technology has definitely come a long way. From doing ordinary things like sending an email to living on Mars, to doing very special things like giving birth to a child, and much more. In today's world, there are almost too many things to be accomplished, and technology has made all of them possible. Can technology save us? The answer is a resounding "Yes". But, how can we? To answer that question, let's first go over some of the things that are now possible with the help of computers. Computers are now so advanced that we can read, write, and even type an e-mail! Could you imagine sending a text message or email from a computer? No problem. In fact, cell phone even sends and receives emails. Things were not as easy then, but today, that's nothing. Computers are now so powerful that they are now capable of doing anything we wish to do. Why do we have to be limited to typing on a keyboard? These powerful computers could print out documents and even play games, just like a game console! Technology is not limited to just books and newspapers anymore either. We now have computers that can create personalized ads and even create a professional web page for us. You can create your own business and could even work remotely from anywhere in the world with this amazing tool. Music too has come a long way. Today, we can literally upload songs from our computers and play them anytime we want! There is no need to worry about the MP3 player anymore. Now, your computer will store your music files for you. You don't even have to leave your home for that! Ever thought about meeting someone online? With the technology available today, it doesn't get any easier than this. Just imagine sitting down and getting to know each other face to face, without having to worry about all of the problems that might arise. Technology is not only a big reason for the advancement of our lives, but it has also expanded our senses. Imagine how powerful music would be if it wasn't affected by the distortion of a record player. Imagine hearing a sizzling drum beat from a portable drum set, and music would be as alive as it is now. Technology can change your life, but it can also change the way that technology can be used to change the world. There are several technological innovations happening every day. They are changing the way that we live, the way that we think, and the way that we interact with others. Technology has made everything possible. It can give us new ways to solve problems, and it can also change the way that we communicate. Read the full article
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