#Team S.A.A.S
smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Made in the USA - Ralph Anderson x Reader (The Outsider)
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Author’s Note: So... Whilst I’m not watching for the first few weeks (for reasons you may know!) I am jumping on in and giving you some Ralph Anderson content anyways!
Side Note - all you book readers will know who Samuels is. If you’re not a book reader... I believe Samuels is now... Hayes?* Not that I’m annoyed or anything...
* I don’t know for sure if he’s the same, but I’m assuming Disclaimer: Characters are all Stephen Kings / The Outsider characters/plot not mine / One again set in my little AU. (That means more Renee)
Premise: The temperature has been rising steadily for weeks, and it finally hits breaking point literally  you and Ralph both have cases to work, but given the circumstances you don’t really care. And for once, neither does he...
Words: 4345
Warnings: Fluff / Some banter about affairs and eloping. /this one really does contain book spoilers and therefore I'd imagine show spoilers. 
______ You run around open doors like a gentleman Tell me girl every day you're my everything 'Cause that's the way you like to do it That's the way you like Just a little West Coast, and a bit of sunshine Hair blowing in the wind, losing track of time Just you and I, just you and I You’re always reading my mind like a letter When I'm cold, you're there like a sweater 'Cause that's the way we like to do it That's the way we like And never ever let the world get the best of you Every night we're apart, I'm still next to you 'Cause that's the way I like to do it That's the way I like No matter how far we go, I want the whole world to know I want you bad, and I wont have it any other way No matter what the people say, I know that we'll never break 'Cause our love was made, made in the USA
It was hot. A little too hot. Okay, a lot too hot. You were glad you hadn’t had to go straight to a scene. The heat had been building like this for weeks, but at this point you didn’t want to touch anything metal, and tarmac was out of the question. It made trying to get into your car interesting.
And Ralph didn’t really do much other than stand on the porch watching you like you were insane. “Y/N... just... get in the car.” “It’s hot-!” “Yeah...” He shielded his eyes from the sun as he looked up, “I know...” “Well I’m trying not to burn my hand!” He sighed, and sauntered over to the car “Please, it’s not that hot-!” You supposed he could say what he liked, he hadn’t just leant against the car trying to fish the keys out of his pocket and touched it with his forearm, that’d made you snap back with a gasp enough – and no more! Ralph reached out and touched the car like it was nothing- “AGH!”
 It made you jump, “Oh my god-! See!” But then he was just laughing “It’s fine.” He opened it for you, “Now go on. I’ll see you later.” You tipped your head, biting your lips together concerned; “Just be careful okay-!?” “I’ll be fine.” He leant on your car door watching you hop in “Don’t flirt with the DA too much.” You sucked your breath between your teeth; “Oh... babe, no promises!” He eyed you for just a moment “...Just remember who’s in charge here.” “Yes, Detective Anderson. I will.”
 Luckily the innovation, and frankly blessing, that was air conditioning was available both in your car and in the DAs office. And the short walk from one to the other wasn’t enough to get you complaining again. “Lovely weather we’re having!” Samuels grinned, holding his arms out for a hug which you gladly excepted; “Uh. Yeahhhh - if you don’t have to stand out in it working-!” “Oh, please. Working-!? Do you actually do anything or do you just stare at Ralph all day?” You scoffed and jabbed him in the chest with your folder “He’s the one telling me not to flirt with you-!” “Well I suppose It might not help your case, or it might! Want to elope into the hot summer sunshine and never be seen again?” He smirked gently, with just the right tilt of his head. “Well it seems like a lot better idea than working in it-!” “AHA-! I’m telling the detective-!” “Oh yeah, just get me in more trouble-!” He took the folder from you gently “Now, come on... what have you got for me today?”
You both sat in the office discussing the case in great detail. What you had to say, what you shouldn’t say – his route of questioning, the usual sort of thing Samuels called you over here to discuss. To be honest even when he didn’t call you you liked calling in on him. He used to joke that yours weren’t his only cases, but you liked being around him. He gave you as much flirtatious banter as Ralph did but it was just different, in the best way. If you had to put up with both Ralph and Yune regularly sometimes having Samuels in your corner was a Godsend. Of course, it was Yune that had started Ralph off on the flirting thing. Oh god, will you two get a room-!?... Y/N, in front of your partner, really-!? The four of you were really like a house on fire when together, and you enjoyed that… maybe it was an age thing? As a detective you were sure you were supposed to figure that out, but it made sense, Samuels and you were closer than your partner and his friend were.
Your phone buzzing snapped you out of the conversation: “That your detective?” “I’d assume so...” you picked it up, “Yeah.” “You gonna tell him we’re eloping or should I?” “Oh, just make him wait until I don’t come home later...” He tsk’d, with a smile; “You’re a cruel one!” “Why tell him-!? He’ll have his blue lights on and catch up before we leave the city limits! That or tell me good riddance!” That made Samuels throw his head back laughing; “Oh god-! Yeah. That’s Ralph.” You narrowed your eyes and checked the message; ‘How’s our DA?’ ‘Good! How’s the office? x’ ‘Oh! You’re not gonna like this.’ ‘Like what-!?’ ‘Just hurry back! Or don’t. You’ve been there hours what are you doing!?’ ‘Eloping! 😉 x’ You put your phone down with a smirk and received three buzzes in the space of a few seconds – even Samuels looked at it with raised eyebrows; “What did you say-!?” “Oh, nothing much!”
 Satisfied that the case was in order, you drove back to the station gently humming to the radio.  So much so you’d forgotten about the three texts Ralph had sent until you got there: ‘I KNEW IT!’ ‘Don’t bother coming back!’ ‘I’m keeping the kid! You don’t deserve her!’ That only had you laughing more as you pulled into the parking lot. And then you frowned. Every single door to the place was wide open, “Oh dear.” That couldn’t be good. As you shut your engine off Ralph sauntered out of one and learn against the door frame, unimpressed look on his face, and checked his watch (and he wondered where you got it from…): “Oh-! I see you decided to return the case before you eloped-!? How thoughtful!” “Shut up! You think I could deal with a DA the rest of my life?! I get enough with you-!” He folded his arms, and squinted; “That was a rather backhanded compliment!” “You deserve it for that stunt this morning-!” So Ralph got unceremoniously hit with the folder too. You looked to all the open doors, concerned; “What happened here-!?” He held his arm out to present the building to you, “Step inside! And you will find out!” You understood exactly why all the doors were opened the second you walked in and he heat hit you. It was like a sauna. Outside was bad but at least there was a breeze! Ralph clapped you on the back, and his body heat in proximity didn’t help none. “Air cons bust.” You turned to him with a glare “And you called me BACK!?”
 You received a disapproving cough from the other side of the office every time you undid another button on your shirt.
Every single fan that any of you left in the office could find, was on. But you were suffering. It was alright for him; Ralph would work through this no matter what – such was the man that he was. But you were now sweaty and uncomfortable and sticking to your chair; “I can’t work like this—!” You groaned, leaning back in your chair as you received yet another glance, “Any more buttons and you’re gonna be reprimanded.” “You’ve seen me in less-!” “This is a work environment, Detective!” “Ralph—!” You whined placing your arms to your forehead, “This is awful! I should have stayed with Samuels-!” He scoffed “Then why didn’t you!?” You sighed, eyes flicking to him “Because I am hopelessly in love with you.” He stared at you for a minute and the only sound became the buzz of the fans and the wall clock. Before he smiled, and it was a sweet smile. The kind Ralph didn’t give you whilst working. He pointed his pencil at you accusingly; “Don’t make me come over there and kiss you!!!”
 In reality you’d been there less than an hour when Ralph finally threw his pen down, where it clattered across his desk, and stood up. “This is unbearable. Even I can’t work like this!” That was that then, if the usual last man standing was deciding to surrender too. He gave a sigh before he started with purpose towards the door, “I’m sending everyone home!” “Oh?” You folded your arms “Big man on campus today?” If Ralph could send everyone home that meant he was the most senior official in the building. But instead of just answering you he slammed his hands onto your desk with a smirk. Your heart leapt - since when did Ralph ever look at you like that? “Yup, you’re damn right.”
But of course, once he’d gathered everyone in your little space, to tell them to clear out of the office until and engineer swung by and fixed everything, in typical Ralph fashion he martyred himself to stay behind and continue the work. He still wants to be the last man standing, then! And you weren’t having that. “Go. We both have a car, go home. Or go see Samuels again, if you feel you need to be in an office...” “And leave you behind? I don’t think so!” “Why are you so damn stubborn!” Well he shouldn’t have made so many comments about flirting with the DA, or you probably would take him up on heading back there, all your work was currently on that case. “I’m not leaving my partner here alone. And you should know I wouldn’t.” You narrowed your eyes, jumping at the opportunity to give him a taste of his own medicine; “Unless you’re eloping!?” “Oh yeah!” His voice was purely sarcastic and his face deadpan; “with the other lover I clearly have SO much time for-!” You tutted “You’ll break Reneé’s heart!” “If you didn’t break it before hand with your fancy DA-!” You gasped “Uncalled for!” “Necessary!!!” That only made you pout, and Ralph strained “Aw, c-c’mon... That’s unfair...” The embrace he offered you was loose, for obvious reasons, but the sentiment still held as he kissed your forehead; “I love you...”
 You were now just content to suffer in silence - and didn’t look up from your work. You also didn’t look at the clock, and any time you crossed the room it was to look at the case board and then stroll back to your file again. Ralph wasn’t on the case that you were dealing with with Samuels but he liked to help out and offer advice on occasion.
He was dealing with his own right now though, and his silence said as such. But Ralph was always quiet. A good foil to you, you would imagine. Every so often Samuels would ping you questions or updates, but you were glad that it seemed so quiet on such a hot day. “You know,” Ralph eventually mused “isn’t it funny how much quieter you suddenly get when we’re the only ones left here.” You glanced up at him slowly, but instead of retaliating, like you knew he might want you to, you simply smiled.
But, Ralph continued his musings. Folding his current worksheet over. But he knew what your silence meant I will suffer with you. Or for you. “...You know, and I don’t even say this personally, professionally... you might be the greatest partner that I could ever have hoped to have.” That just made you blush, and look back to your work, “...What makes you say that?” “I just know you’re good for me.” He looked to the open door for a moment, twisting his pen between his fingers “...I get to learn a lot from you. I get to teach you a lot of things. We’re as opposite as we are similar. It just... works right? Surprisingly well.” You always did wonder if one of the reasons that your wish to transfer up here was accepted, was because they realised that you needed someone who would settle you down. One of Ralph’s favourite things to tell you was ‘curb your enthusiasm’. To which you would usually wittily reply.
But not today “It does work. But also as more than just a partnership...” you leant on your hand to stare at him “...I guess it’s all equal parts right? I know when you’re my partner, my senior, but also when you’re my lover...” Ralph dropped his gaze back to you, and once again he made your heart skip. “Hm. Important distinctions. It’s as important to think about the fact that I will probably never get a partner like you again. So, whilst I have you here... I should probably give you everything I have to offer in the field.” You narrowed your eyes, suddenly too suspicious of his choice of words; “Where did that come from.” “I’m not daft enough to think you’re not eventually going to get promoted out of here. I think if I prepare myself now... then I might just be ready when it happens.” You stood, one swift movement and shook your head, “That’s it.” “W-What is-!?” You crossed the room with purpose, and he leant back as you rounded his desk and kissed him. It wasn’t harsh, it was still loving and tender but it was still hard. And something he needed right now. You pulled back, and his frown was almost of bewilderment. “There. Happy? You made me get up and kiss you!” He grinned, like he’d won, “Oh yeah, I’m happy.”
Work continued with Ralph letting you take short breaks every so often. But the rising heat of the day only made it more unbearable and he had spent the last 15 minutes standing in the open door way staring at the parking lot. “Alright...” He crossed the room, with as much purpose as before and tapped your arm, “Get up. Come on, we can’t stay in here.” “Well- where are you going!?” “There’s one shady spot in the pilot, go sit over there I’ll join you in a minute.” “R-Ralph-!” But all you heard was his hurried footsteps, making you sigh gently. You pocketed your phone and went to stand by the door yourself. He was right, there was one shaded area. You glanced back to wait for him, but when after a few minutes he still didn’t appear, you decided it was better to wait for him where he’d told you to, or else get chided for that too.
 5 minutes later, when you felt a lot better for sitting in the shade with a nice breeze, Ralph sidled across the parking lot with something in his hands. You were trying to find the case file under his arm that would denote that he was still asking you to work outside, but he was suspiciously void of one. When he reached your side and sat down, you realised he was carrying with him your favourite ice cream; “Knew we had some.” You were still looking for his case file, “Stop it. We’re taking a well-earned break - and!-” he tapped the tub with a spoon before handing you one, “I think we earned this too!” “Any reason you picked my favourite?” You could already feel the beginning of a big smile, “Just the first one I placed my hands on. And home made too-!” He tapped the label. Yeah right, it hadn’t taken him a good 15 minutes more to just grab a tub of ice cream and some spoons. But you didn’t say that, instead you sat back on your hands with a tiny smirk; “Is it because you love me?” He sighed gently “Oh... probably...”
You sat together in relative silence, leaving the cases back in the station you created a good amount of your own small talk whilst attempting (and succeeding in) finishing a whole tub of ice cream together. You liked to discuss the shows you were watching that he wasn’t into, but liked hearing second hand accounts of from you – and the book you were currently reading. Just as he liked to tell you about interesting documentaries he’d watched, or all the places he’d been. If he brought up cases – Ralph liked telling you about plainly absurd ones he’d been a part of when he’d just started out. Those always made you laugh so hard that you got stitches, and always made you ultimately glad you’d never been through any of them yourself. Though you had your fair share of stories from your previous jurisdiction that made him cringe when you mentioned them; “Oh god, please no!” Eventually your head found his shoulder, and your arms wound around his. Sure, it was still pretty hot out, but the breeze and the shade were both lending a helping hand. And more than anything you wanted to be this close to him. For a short period he petted your hair gently, and you closed your eyes with a smile. You knew this man well enough to know that the only reason you were out here eating ice-cream and not working hard was you. Ralph had done this for you, to cool you down. You knew he would have suffered in silence all alone all afternoon had you not stayed. So you were grateful that in doing this for your benefit, he was taking a well-deserved break too.
“I’ll pick her up, tonight.” You lifted your head from Ralph’s shoulder at his sudden quiet musing; “You sure?” “Mmm. You stayed. Least I can do.” “…That doesn’t sound suspicious at all.” He chuckled, “I just like seeing her face light up when she leaves school and runs to the gate, is that alright?” “Runs to you. Is what you mean.” “…You gotta understand that too, right?” You ran a hand through his hair, “Aw… You’re just such a softie.” “Eh. I’m getting old.” His grin was bashful, “Naw. You’re getting just perfect.” There was silence for a few minutes more before he gave a tentative look back to the open station doors; “Should we be working on cases right now?” “Not in this heat no.” and you were determined to keep it that way. “...I’m tempted to agree with you...” “But?” You couldn’t believe you suggested he go on with the sentence “But we should be? So let’s go back in?” “No...” Ralph lay his head back on yours, with a gentle smile that you would obviously think he’d ask you to get back to it, “That was it. That’s all I had to say.”
 Eventually an engineer rolled into the parking lot, and you had to cover your mouth to stop you from cracking up at Ralph’s nonsensical string of What took you so long!?!??! But you only waited until after the engineer had finished. “I say forget about today and let’s go home...” Ralph stacked some files under his arm; “Let’s just make sure everything is locked.” “Mmhm!” You agreed and then trailed him through the station to shut every door and window once again. Glad that the air con was thriving once more.
Then he walked you to your car and opened the door for you again, like a true gentleman, even though he hardly needed to. Before walking over to his own. You knew Ralph though, and those files made their way into his back seat. You sighed, and drove your car around the lot to his, winding your window down; “Hey! Detective!” Ralph laughed and strolled across the lot to you; “Yes?” “Professional advice.” You nodded back to his car, “I’m all ears, Detective.” “If you take all your work home with you, you’re gonna miss out on two very important things...” “I know that.” He crossed his arms and leant on your car, “But I also know - and this is my professional advice - there’s nothing better than talking work through with people who see things a little different to you. Makes me worry less, get a new perspective. Sometimes, I just might need their help.” You sat back with a thoughtful expression: “Huh. I guess sometimes they might need yours too.” “Well, you got it. How about you? Suppose you got a good DA at home that knows his stuff.” You opened your mouth in shock; “Oh my god! I can’t believe-!” “-Here’s some more professional advice…” Ralph leant forward and caught your lips with his, stopping your rebuke to his comment in its tracks. Then you quite forgot what you were saying; “...ice cream.” “...Huh?” “You had, a little bit of ice cream.” He brushed his thumb over your lips and you’ll couldn’t help but part them with a gentle sigh against his soft touch. “Oh.” “- As I was saying. Professional advice, tell that man of yours not to work so hard.” You gave a shrug, and a makes sense face, even though your stare was measured; “If he’s gonna heed my advice I will.” “Mm...” He tipped his head, kissing you once more before straightening “...if you keep reminding him of the important things, one day he just might.” Ralph stepped back and raised his hand in a wave, “See you back at home, Y/N!”
“See you soon-!” You blew him a kiss, and closed your window again as you drove away. You glanced to the case file on the seat next to you, well he wasn’t the only one who was taking things home, you guessed. But at least yours was going to court! And you did have to know what you were saying for ‘your’ DA. *** It was quite some time later that the front door opened to a chime of; “We’re home!!!” You were leant against the counter catching up on today’s news, an all too familiar scene these days. You pushed yourself back from the counter in time for Renee to come racing around the corner and into your arms; “Hey, sweetie, how was school?” “School was good, mommy.” You picked her up, and she was beaming “How was work?” “Hot. Actually. But, Ralph, gentleman that he is, sent us all home.” You heard Ralph laugh from the corridor, “You decided to stay!!” “Cuz I love you!” “I figured!” “You’re back later than usual!” Renee giggled “Ralph took me for Ice cream-!” You gasped “Ice cream!?!” He rounded the corner “Oh. Yeah! It was still pretty ridiculous outside. Thought our little lady deserved some.” You tilted your head curiously to one side; “And you didn’t invite me?!” Although you were only being playful, you knew Ralph likes having father/daughter time with her, and you found it absolutely adorable that he would want to take her for ice-cream after school. Ralph probably wanted to make sure that Renee didn’t miss out as much as anything else. “Well, you weren’t around and you’re supposed to be studying for court.” “Yeah. Okay…” You shook your head at him, amused. “Mommy, you can come next time!” You chuckled, placing her back to the floor, and running your fingers through her hair – “Well, thank you – sweetheart. Who could possibly resist such an invitation?” Ralph shook his head, with a smile “God, come here!” The next thing you knew you were wrapped in his arms and covered in kisses.
*** When the day finally began to cool off, it was already late into the evening. And you were still practicing all your notes, sure, Samuels had yet to get the court date, but he worked quick – and you had to be prepared for this. By the time you’d decided to give up it was already approaching 11:30pm and you knew that, since he’d disappeared from your side, Ralph would be tucked away in his little corner of the house still up doing his own case work.  Time to go remind him that bed was also a thing. He didn’t even look up as he addressed you when you entered the back room fifteen minutes later; “Your case made the papers again! Did you see?” “I did. He’s good at that…” You glanced over the files, but it wouldn’t have taken a genius to figure out exactly what they were. Cold Cases. “Oh, he definitely likes ya. That DA. I never get in-!” “If you’re trying to suggest that I only get in the papers because of Samuels...” “That’s exactly what I’m suggesting, Ms.Andersson.” Though he was smiling You indicated to his folders; “The last time you went high profile...” “Yeah. well.” “It’s only 200 words in the corner, Ralph.” “200 words that you and I both noticed.” Well, you supposed he had a point. You eyed the files open in front of him again and tipped your head, eyebrows threading, concerned. You nodded to them; “…Don’t you ever get tired of doing this?” “What?” “…Looking through cold cases like there is something else there.” “No end to the universe.” He muttered, “Huh?” “No end to the universe.” Ralph repeated louder, raising his head slowly. “…What if we missed something because we didn’t even think of that possibility?” “…Ralph…” you placed his mug of cocoa down and slid onto the desk, taking his hand in yours, “Sometimes it’s not going to be monsters. You know that too, right? Stop looking for them just because you’ve dealt with one.” “But what if-” “What if they aren’t? Baby, what if they are just cold cases…?” “You didn’t see what I saw, Y/N… You’d never want to be involved in something like that again if you were. You’d never want something like that to happen…” “Ralph…” you sighed gently, “Whether I was there or not, I still believed you when you told me… Why shouldn’t other monsters exist and be capable of such things.” But you placed your hand over the case files “But, babe, you gotta stop obsessing. Because we both know that won’t solve anything… Also, there’s a bed upstairs that’s missing two bodies… I say we aughta rectify that!” The smile you had raised from him faded just as quick. He sat back, in silence for a good few moments, blue eyes looking between yours for answers he wished you had; “Then let me ask you this…” Ralph paused again, before taking a breath; “Why do you believe me, you never told me that?” “You said it yourself…” you gave a gentle smile, bringing his hands to your lips, “No end to the universe.”
Thank you for reading! 😘
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