scp-torment · 9 months
Fear Alone
The two doctors stood side by side in the tiny room, facing the locked door on the other side of the one they had just entered through. The elder of the two quietly flipped through a number of pages in a leather-bound journal, while the younger anxiously adjusted and readjusted and made sure not to lock his knees. The light here seemed brighter, the younger might have noted, the air thick with something foreboding, had his mind not been racing through the millions of scenarios that might await him on the other side of the door. He had tried at conversation with the elder doctor earlier, but his nervousness had broken through and his voice had cracked, and the other man had raised an eyebrow and returned to his notes.
Baptism of the Wandering Jew by Johnny the Son
Veronica Fitzroy looked at herself in the mirror, and realized two things: One, that she had been extremely lucky for the past two or so years, and Two, that today was the day her luck ran out. Veronica was stranded in the middle of nowhere, with only the late doctor's (ill-fitting) clothes on her back and about $150 in pocket change. She had no friends, no family, no home, and no source of income. Compounding this problem was the fact that she was a fugitive test-subject to a shadow fascist organization hellbent on stamping out the slightest threat to normalcy, and basically had to run as far away from this shithole as possible before they got wise to her escape. Finally, on top of it all, she was about to come off a 17-year hormone bender without any balls to bring her down lightly. Fucking perfect.
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scp-torment · 9 months
Fear Alone
The two doctors stood side by side in the tiny room, facing the locked door on the other side of the one they had just entered through. The elder of the two quietly flipped through a number of pages in a leather-bound journal, while the younger anxiously adjusted and readjusted and made sure not to lock his knees. The light here seemed brighter, the younger might have noted, the air thick with something foreboding, had his mind not been racing through the millions of scenarios that might await him on the other side of the door. He had tried at conversation with the elder doctor earlier, but his nervousness had broken through and his voice had cracked, and the other man had raised an eyebrow and returned to his notes.
Duke 'Till Dawn
Foreword by O5-2: On █-██-████, an investigation was launched into the continued viability of SCP-083. Several factors were taken into account, such as the relative danger involved in sustained containment and cost-benefit of the costly procurement of virgin blood on a regular basis. In conclusion, a unanimous decision to terminate SCP-083 was made amongst the O5, and handed down to Site 19 administrators. After researching the difficulties involved in terminating a regenerating, superhuman, and potential Keter object, the termination was set in motion. The man chosen for the task was an old standby, a man of great experience and expertise in the elimination of humanoid SCP objects of great destructive potential. Known for his clean, almost surgical method, he was quickly approved to carry out the termination. Unfortunately, he was not available. Despite urging from peers and subordinates, Dr. ████████ Kondraki was chosen to perform the termination. After giving himself the proper clearance and approval to do so through a loophole he had found in relevant regulations, O5 grudgingly accepted his self-appointment. O5-8* assuaged the board’s fears with Dr. Kondraki’s impressive credentials, and claimed that given such an important responsibility, he might finally take his position seriously. *It should be noted here that O5-8 was a new appointment, and had not been present for the previous disciplinary actions involving the senior doctor.
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