scp-torment · 8 months
And your winner is…
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We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five
(Final poll results here)
A great story that kicks off a great canon, this story is now the official unofficial best tale. At least it will be as long as it's remembered. I highly recommend checking out the full series, it's a good read.
Now, analytics, anyone?
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* = numbers not guaranteed to be perfect. This was done with math, maybe to be replaced in the future with exact numbers.
Since this was just a mini bracket, there's not actually much going on here! Aside from the fact that the average amount of votes only ever went *down* from round one, which is definitely unusual. Most of the big numbers happen in round one.
Some notable matches though:
All Alone On A Friday Night VS Incident report 239-B had the highest total votes, for all rounds. It also had the highest individual votes.
Which is funny, because All Alone On A Friday Night was immediately beaten the next round with the lowest amount of votes all round.
It didn't have the lowest individual votes though. That privilege(?) goes to The Generally Uncomfortable Laboratory Adolescents Group VS Working Dogs match, with favor (or at least, the lack thereof) falling to TGULAG.
The most decisive match was The Lamest Story Never Told VS Portraits of Your Father. Sorry I out such a big match so early on. By my math, Lamest story won by only one vote! So don't feel bad if you were rooting for PoYF, it was close!
Meanwhile the least decisive match was the very first one, We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five VS Miroir Fumant. We need to talk won by nearly 17 votes, which in this tiny tournament, is a lot!
And that's all. Full bracket and first matches for the second tournament will come… eventually
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scp-torment · 8 months
We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five
"Can I smoke?" This time the receptionist narrows her eyes at Marion. "No," she says. "You— No, you can't smoke anywhere on Site 200. Just because it's an administration building doesn't mean we don't have lungs. Or labor law." Marion notices the exasperation on the young woman's face. "I've asked you that before, haven't I?" "Twice in the last quarter-hour," the receptionist says. "You must really need a smoke." She's genuinely puzzled at the repeated question, and she's doing a bad job of concealing her puzzlement. "You think this is like Memento, don't you?" Marion offers, charitably. "You think I have no long-term memory, and if I stay in one place for too long I forget why I'm there." The receptionist is only just old enough to remember that film. "I… guess?" Marion smiles sympathetically and shakes her head. It's nothing so simple.
The world was burning.
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scp-torment · 8 months
going as fast as i can to READ all these stories and then pick which is my favorite... im so behind on my reading
Well luckily for you that's why we have such things like this post with all the tales in the currently running mini bracket, and this post with all SCPs from the original tournament!
Soon (ish, few days) I'll put up a new directory with all the SCPs that will be in the second tournament and their stories.
(For that 2nd link with all SCPs, you have to open each reblog as the original to have the Propaganda tags work, but links to the main site will still work fine)
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scp-torment · 8 months
hyped to see yesterday fight 55, my two favorite tales
Fight fight fight!
I'm also so glad I don't vote on any of my own polls to avoid bias or throwing it. I honestly don't know how I would've choose for this upcoming one
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scp-torment · 8 months
The world was burning.
Working Dogs
They say you can't deprogram attack dogs.
Whatever you train into them stays in the forever.
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scp-torment · 8 months
We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five
"Can I smoke?" This time the receptionist narrows her eyes at Marion. "No," she says. "You— No, you can't smoke anywhere on Site 200. Just because it's an administration building doesn't mean we don't have lungs. Or labor law." Marion notices the exasperation on the young woman's face. "I've asked you that before, haven't I?" "Twice in the last quarter-hour," the receptionist says. "You must really need a smoke." She's genuinely puzzled at the repeated question, and she's doing a bad job of concealing her puzzlement. "You think this is like Memento, don't you?" Marion offers, charitably. "You think I have no long-term memory, and if I stay in one place for too long I forget why I'm there." The receptionist is only just old enough to remember that film. "I… guess?" Marion smiles sympathetically and shakes her head. It's nothing so simple.
Duke 'Till Dawn
Foreword by O5-2: On █-██-████, an investigation was launched into the continued viability of SCP-083. Several factors were taken into account, such as the relative danger involved in sustained containment and cost-benefit of the costly procurement of virgin blood on a regular basis. In conclusion, a unanimous decision to terminate SCP-083 was made amongst the O5, and handed down to Site 19 administrators. After researching the difficulties involved in terminating a regenerating, superhuman, and potential Keter object, the termination was set in motion. The man chosen for the task was an old standby, a man of great experience and expertise in the elimination of humanoid SCP objects of great destructive potential. Known for his clean, almost surgical method, he was quickly approved to carry out the termination. Unfortunately, he was not available. Despite urging from peers and subordinates, Dr. ████████ Kondraki was chosen to perform the termination. After giving himself the proper clearance and approval to do so through a loophole he had found in relevant regulations, O5 grudgingly accepted his self-appointment. O5-8* assuaged the board’s fears with Dr. Kondraki’s impressive credentials, and claimed that given such an important responsibility, he might finally take his position seriously. *It should be noted here that O5-8 was a new appointment, and had not been present for the previous disciplinary actions involving the senior doctor.
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scp-torment · 8 months
Wow that was a surprise lowering votes. I guess I won't post them at 5 pm UTC anymore. Next set of polls will go up tomorrow around 11 pm UTC. And I'll properly announce them and all, since I'm not sure why the vote counts went from 30-40 to 20~
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scp-torment · 8 months
Did scp-3998 make it in?
3998 did not, no. Just because there was no submissions for it. But you're welcome to send in its summary as an ask and I can post it as an honorable mention!
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scp-torment · 8 months
The Generally Uncomfortable Laboratory Adolescents Group
SCP-3009-C, formerly known as Stacey Lee, was not having a great day. Admittedly, she didn’t have a lot of good days in the past year. Finding out at the tender age of 15 that you had a sentient snapchat account claiming to be you (and who honestly seemed more like “you” than you were) before being locked up by a shadowy organization to protect “normalcy” puts a real damper on your sense of self and mental health.
Working Dogs
They say you can't deprogram attack dogs.
Whatever you train into them stays in the forever.
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scp-torment · 8 months
Fear Alone
The two doctors stood side by side in the tiny room, facing the locked door on the other side of the one they had just entered through. The elder of the two quietly flipped through a number of pages in a leather-bound journal, while the younger anxiously adjusted and readjusted and made sure not to lock his knees. The light here seemed brighter, the younger might have noted, the air thick with something foreboding, had his mind not been racing through the millions of scenarios that might await him on the other side of the door. He had tried at conversation with the elder doctor earlier, but his nervousness had broken through and his voice had cracked, and the other man had raised an eyebrow and returned to his notes.
Duke 'Till Dawn
Foreword by O5-2: On █-██-████, an investigation was launched into the continued viability of SCP-083. Several factors were taken into account, such as the relative danger involved in sustained containment and cost-benefit of the costly procurement of virgin blood on a regular basis. In conclusion, a unanimous decision to terminate SCP-083 was made amongst the O5, and handed down to Site 19 administrators. After researching the difficulties involved in terminating a regenerating, superhuman, and potential Keter object, the termination was set in motion. The man chosen for the task was an old standby, a man of great experience and expertise in the elimination of humanoid SCP objects of great destructive potential. Known for his clean, almost surgical method, he was quickly approved to carry out the termination. Unfortunately, he was not available. Despite urging from peers and subordinates, Dr. ████████ Kondraki was chosen to perform the termination. After giving himself the proper clearance and approval to do so through a loophole he had found in relevant regulations, O5 grudgingly accepted his self-appointment. O5-8* assuaged the board’s fears with Dr. Kondraki’s impressive credentials, and claimed that given such an important responsibility, he might finally take his position seriously. *It should be noted here that O5-8 was a new appointment, and had not been present for the previous disciplinary actions involving the senior doctor.
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scp-torment · 8 months
All Alone On A Friday Night
"Hey, c'mon, the spot's open, yeah?" She looked around the table for someone to back her up, but Adams didn't look up from her phone and Jackie just looked very slightly tired, which was rare for her. "I don't care if it's open, I don't want you here," Iris pressed. A sudden groan came from Adams, drawing Stacey and Anne's attention. "My god, Iris, don't you like anyone?" She moaned.
The world was burning.
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scp-torment · 8 months
We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five
"Can I smoke?" This time the receptionist narrows her eyes at Marion. "No," she says. "You— No, you can't smoke anywhere on Site 200. Just because it's an administration building doesn't mean we don't have lungs. Or labor law." Marion notices the exasperation on the young woman's face. "I've asked you that before, haven't I?" "Twice in the last quarter-hour," the receptionist says. "You must really need a smoke." She's genuinely puzzled at the repeated question, and she's doing a bad job of concealing her puzzlement. "You think this is like Memento, don't you?" Marion offers, charitably. "You think I have no long-term memory, and if I stay in one place for too long I forget why I'm there." The receptionist is only just old enough to remember that film. "I… guess?" Marion smiles sympathetically and shakes her head. It's nothing so simple.
The Lamest Story Never Told
"Nobody's that unlucky. It's impossible."
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scp-torment · 8 months
Little under one hour until the first round of polls end! Get your votes in now!
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scp-torment · 8 months
Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki
My analysis of the situation has led me to the conclusion that SCP-239 is an unacceptable containment and security risk. Although several proposals have been made re: using her for containing other SCPs, the example of SCP-953 and others must serve as a stark reminder of the risks of overestimating the Foundation's ability to control SCPs with reality-altering powers. I would therefore like to make the following proposal: a dagger will be constructed of SCP-148, capable of penetrating SCP-239's otherwise invincible skin. This weapon will be used to terminate SCP-239 while she is asleep and her powers are neutralized. Because of the danger of SCP-239 awakening and resisting termination, it is my recommendation that the selected operative carry SCP-668 as well, in order to minimize complications. One of the dangers of this procedure is the possibility that SCP-239 will awaken and perceive the operative as a friend or "good person," thus changing reality to match. It is for this reason that I would like to volunteer to carry out the procedure personally. A review of my personnel file should indicate that my [DATA EXPUNGED] should allow me to carry out the operation even after a reality shift of this nature. - Clef
All Alone On A Friday Night
"Hey, c'mon, the spot's open, yeah?" She looked around the table for someone to back her up, but Adams didn't look up from her phone and Jackie just looked very slightly tired, which was rare for her. "I don't care if it's open, I don't want you here," Iris pressed. A sudden groan came from Adams, drawing Stacey and Anne's attention. "My god, Iris, don't you like anyone?" She moaned.
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scp-torment · 8 months
Da Capo al Fine
On her fifth birthday, Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir looked down at the cake that her foster mother had baked for her and wished that her real parents had never died.
Working Dogs
They say you can't deprogram attack dogs.
Whatever you train into them stays in the forever.
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scp-torment · 8 months
The world was burning.
And So The Crows Laughed
There comes the King and his crowd, His subjects turned against him, taking his crown. The cheering comes with flames of hate, Burning and raging, bring the palace down.
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scp-torment · 8 months
The Young Man
Nobody could like Corporal Lawrence. That's not to say that nobody tried, or that he was somehow unfriendly, merely that he was one of those few that seemed to be “wired” differently. However, in the trenches of World War I, normalcy was at best a relative term, and one that had minimal relation of life, such as it was. Lawrence fought, listened to orders, and didn't disrupt the other soldiers, and that was all that was required. So what if people felt increasingly uncomfortable around him? In a place where the flesh rotting off your bones while you were still alive was the base-line of concern, a little personality conflict ranked several levels below a paper cut. Lawrence, for his part, dealt with it as he always had. That is to say, remained totally unaware of the avoidance. The same way a man blind from birth cannot mourn the memory of color, Corporal Lawrence couldn't bemoan a lack of company. He was quiet, as he had nobody to talk to, and still, as he had nothing to do for long stretches of time. The enemy trench, less than a mile away, had gone silent for several days, letting boredom and nervousness sink in even more than normal…coupled with the unease that seemed to radiate off of Lawrence like heat waves.
The Generally Uncomfortable Laboratory Adolescents Group
SCP-3009-C, formerly known as Stacey Lee, was not having a great day. Admittedly, she didn’t have a lot of good days in the past year. Finding out at the tender age of 15 that you had a sentient snapchat account claiming to be you (and who honestly seemed more like “you” than you were) before being locked up by a shadowy organization to protect “normalcy” puts a real damper on your sense of self and mental health.
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