#Tag thingy
elderwisp · 2 days
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On Repeat - an oc tag
rules are pretty simple, pick as many (or as little) oc's as you'd like and find a song that you relate to them the most! feel free to mention why too! o and tag some more ppl too! that would be cool! i tag: @goldenwaves @acidheaddd @dejasenti99 @earthmoonz @moonfromearth @stinkrascal @matchalovertrait @lynzishell @sirianasims @vicciouxs @gvaudoiin-tricou @smulie @living-undead @pralinesims @lucidicer @literalite @nepotisim @mattodore @madebycoffee @daniigh0ul @changingplumbob @yukikocloud @cinamun @moonwoodhollow @youredreamingofroo @acuar-io @raiiny-bay
deep dive below ⇣
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Frances Dubois:
Something about the whimsical instrumentals backed up with the haunting vocals almost reminds me of someone stuck in a loop. There's repetition in the chorus that solidifies that feeling. I also like the juxtaposition of the French lyrics, like the second singer is aware and has a desire to change. When I think of Frances, I envision someone in limbo and part of that is the inability to make a decision. She finds herself stuck, in a way, her anxiety makes the decision for her because doing nothing is something. Whilst Icarus has helped nudge her into making decisions such as aiding her in graduating, speaking to Atlas, and supporting her in her audition. there's still this internal desire to make that move on her own. The first time we see her do that is when she decides to kiss Icarus, which in a way, pushed her back into her loop as it didn't end well. As of current events, she's avoided him since.
↬ sometimes - mattyeux and princess chelsea
Daniella Álvarez:
This song to me encapsulates someone who has had to be independent at a very young age. The beginning opens with spoken lyrics, "She asked me who's taking care of me, I said, 'I take care of me'" and whilst incredibly empowering, there's always that question of how did we get here? Dan is the eldest of two younger siblings. In fact, there's quite the age gap between her siblings and if we look at Valeria, she also looks just as youthful. Dan is the product of an unplanned pregnancy as well as a bit of a narcissistic mother. The disorderly environment in which she's been given, learning to be a caretaker of her siblings and the constant pressure of success has lead her to have self-sufficient character. Whenever I think about her dynamic with her friends, I'm reminded of this scene, and she's the glue that is trying to hold the chaos together.
↬ taken care of - suzi wu
Kai Castillo:
Christ this song is so good. The instrumentals backed up by the vocals, feels a bit somber. Throughout Tessellate, Kai hides behind the fact that he has these feelings towards Atlas and they've started to bubble over into jealousy as Atlas's relationship grows with Kai's sister, Taryn. I also love that there are a lot of comparisons here to Lucifer Morningstar and religious elements. Kai's relationship with his religion is somewhat of a paradox as he is a closeted gay man to his parents, his sister and church. In fact, he does a lot of things that would bring quite a bit disapproval. He's unforthcoming, somewhat suspicious because his secrets have given him a reason to be. His story is of one that falls from grace.
↬ i am the antichrist to you - kishi bashi
Atlas Dubois:
While Paul Julian Banks narrates a song about struggling with addiction, I noticed there's a bit of a different beat in comparison to the rest of Interpol's songs. The tempo is much slower, as if exhaustion has set in and we're barely moving along. When we meet Atlas, it's at the beginning of a fresh start, not really knowing what has happened prior. Slowly throughout, we pull back minor details that entail his complex struggles with addiction. What initially started out as a bit of fun, became all consuming, allowing any given opportunity to be a reason why he should use. The bridge of this song also discuss the contrast between himself and his partner discovering his addiction for the first time. There's also a change in his tone during that that I find to be so neat! It does remind me a bit of his relationship with Taryn. I do know that addiction lasts a lifetime, and that love doesn't solve it all, but I also know that right support is the most important.
↬ rest my chemistry - interpol
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mooneater0-0 · 1 month
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A wacky laundry day
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I also offer a tiny Mariella :3
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ae--r-a · 2 months
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tagged by @elderwisp, ty you so much much ♥ comic or concept of what love is (i think, i kinda forgot but took screenshot of what I remembered)
Saoirse and Caspian
love is:
spending time together in the kitchen
reading his favourite book while he soaks in the tub and only getting in once the water is almost cold
dressing up and spending a romantic evening at home sharing a bowl of pasta and getting stupid drunk ♥♥♥
i'm going to tagg, @autumnserenade, @capptrash, @flovoid, @madfeary, @gamyrmaiden and anyone else who really wants to do this.
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skibasyndrome · 1 month
WIP appreciation
Add a line of your current WIP and tag someone else to do the same 🖋️
Thank you so much @margotdanslebois for tagging me! 💜💜💜 I know I just recently posted something, but I never get sick of posting snippets tbh 👀 and some recent conversations about the potential of more toxic, twisted wilmon fics have really inspired me to continue working on that angsty, messy, revenge-through-hookups kinda fic that I've had in the drafts for a while, so yeah...... Have Simon and Wille going Through It (TM) (I'm sorry?)
One hand tangled in Simon’s hair, the other carting along his back like he’s trying to get more of Simon, like they’re not already flush, as close as they can possibly get. There’s nowhere else for Simon to go, all he can do is meet Wilhelm’s movements. “Is it like this?” Wilhelm gasps out nonsensically, rubbing his nose along the side of Simon’s head. Simon just pulls out of his grasp to look at him, stills his own movements, firmly plants his knees into the mattress on the sides of Wilhelm’s thighs to stop him. “What do you mean?” he asks, almost irritated at himself for being so out of breath already. Wilhelm seemingly doesn’t care, his own chest is heaving rapidly with the accelerated breaths, his mouth hanging open as he looks up at Simon, so earnest and open that it hits Simon like a punch to the stomach. He's so gone already, hair messed up and sweat catching on his brow. “With him,” Wilhelm rasps out. Simon thinks there’s a crack in his voice, but he can’t be sure. “Is it like this when you fuck him?”
Anyways, I hope I'm not annoying anyone by tagging them again so soon, feel free to ignore, but I (very much no pressure) tag @unfortunate17 (please show the world YOUR messy wilmon if you feel like it), @pagegirlintraining, @bigalockwood, @hergrandplan, @wilmonsfolklore, @earlgrey-lateatnight @toffeelemon, @simons-purplehoodie & @oneofthosebells
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mason-cipher · 2 months
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hopping on the tag game train
go to your pinterest boards (if you don't have pinterest just find a meme) and find a meme in one of your boards that best describes you.
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im tagging @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @aylin-hijabi @queenpiranhadon @iam1withthepeggy @labaguetteisdabest @tam-shade-song @therealsophieelizabethfoster @someonewhogotanaccount @bookishirishdancer @newyorktimesbestsellerr @an-j8 @lillibethnougatesquirethe3rd @shelfthe-reader @itadori-yujiii @hijabi-desi-bookworm and @queenie-blackthorn
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wolfiemcwolferson · 1 month
Helllllooooo, I was tagged by @duquesademiel and also @vicsy and I feel a bit deranged but here we go.
1. How many works do you have on ao3
I have 73 fics up on my f1 ao3 account.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
Please do not judge me for this, god, oh my god - 1,331,441
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I currently write for F1.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well we can settle down (Maxiel)
I remember when I met you just before September (Carlando)
so take it from me (Carlando)
I will wait for you at the end love (Maxiel)
I feel your body call on me (Piarles)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do not respond to comments and it makes me feel really horribly guilty. To be honest, I did not do it when I first joined the fandom because I was overwhelmed and then I wanted to and it was too long and I think one of the things I want to do is start...responding to comments...I just never know what to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think it's this Carlando. But you just have to read it. Trust me.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don't think I can answer that because I am a certified happy ending writer. I have a few fics that I desperately want to write that I won't because they're not happy endings, but if I have to pick...it's got to be the Blue Neighbourhood series. That's a complete circle ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no one has ever left me explicit hate on my fics. some of y'all get wild in my inbox which is why I don't have anon on
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Uh. I don't know how to answer that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not a big fan of crossovers <- Vicsy is right
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No and I made a Wattpad account after Briony had one of her Maxiel fics posted to there for the second time and now I religiously check because I am deranged
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge - wait, once Sol said for exam practice she was translating bits of my fic and I had a little cry about it but it's not posted anywhere.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
HAVE I EVER. I genuinely have too many to individually tag, but I have written with @river-ocean in the past and I am currently posting the Alphabet Dating Season fic with @chaesonghwas and @duquesademiel - and we all know that Sol and I are always always always writing fic together. I have something in the works with someone else and I think it's a secret, so I won't say anything about that. And then @miamierre and I are literally putting the finishing touches on the promised insane fic we cooked up together and I cannot wait for you all to see it. This is the year of collabs for me and I'm loving it tbh
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Despite the stats on my fics
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a fic for an old fandom that is languishing away and I feel guilty about it because it was good
16. What are your writing strengths?
I write fast.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I suffer from "can't shut up" and sometimes my fics don't need to be a long fic.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am so so so nervous about it. everything that I write I double and triple check and I still get it wrong a lot of the time. I think it's fine and people should do whatever the fuck they want.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter because of course
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This answer literally changes every single day. Today it's the sugarbaby fic that I wrote for Phoebe because I am very very proud of that fic and I think if you hold it against the stuff I was writing two years ago, you really see how far I've come as a writer.
Everyone tagged in this that hasn't already done it should do it, but I'm also going to tag @gaynfl
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melusine0811 · 3 months
💗🌷🌼 ✨This is the you are amazing award. Send it to ten bloggers you think are wonderful or just take a moment to bask in your own awesomeness! ✨ 🌼🌷💗
Well fine, since so many of you don't accept asks, I'm calling you out anyway. Thank you for being my friends and for making me feel so damned safe and seen.
@ladycallie @charlierieka14 @elialys @thrice-owns-my-ass, @meep-m33p, @lastbluetardis, @lizann5869, @tenroseforeverandever @thebeesknees2713, @wormlsynt, @flopykitty, @bluespitfyre, @nico-demons, @verumtee, @xamiipholia, @thirdeyeblue, @nerdyninja13@consultingsnowqueen, @tardisinateapot, @benty67, @hanluvr
Well that's more than ten but I don't care. Hugs to all of you.
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o0corruptedghoul0o · 3 months
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picrew + quiz
thank you for the tag @kuroashims!
freaking bob the builder... fml
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yeah... I can see why lol
I tag @sikoi @unimay-chan @theosconfessions @tenyrasims @salemssimblr @agena87 @blvckentropy @elderwisp @saruin @stargazer-sims @fl0pera @aniraklova @occultradio @alisasour @rottengurlz @xldkx and everyone else who sees this because I probably forgot some to tag, sorry I only slept for like three hours and my brain is pudding
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treason-and-plot · 4 months
I was tagged by @anamoon63, thank you very much!
💓Favourite Three Ships
From left to right: Evelyn and Jake by @gaiahypothesims, Kelly and Dale by @anamoon63, and Wade and Maia by @mysimsloveaffair
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🎧Last Song
🎬Last Movie
We watched The Kitchen last night, it was really good and the music was brilliant too.
📖 Currently Reading
How to Eat a Tire in a Year by David Sedaris
🌶️ Craving
This hot humid weather always makes me crave beer
👯‍♀️Relationship status
In a de facto relationship
🪷Last thing I googled
SkyscraperCity forums- I wanted to see if anyone from my area loathed a new highrise as much as I did. Turns out it is universally hated!
💫Current Obsession
The Sims 3 lost sets blog:
I would like to tag @justanothersimsblog @windermeresimblr @wannabecatwriter @hancyan @angelgnome @plumbobharbor and @lalunebleue. Cheers, dears!
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scullys-scalpel · 11 months
I was tagged by @randomfoggytiger thank you for the tag:)
Last song: listening to The Sky is Broken by Moby rn on my lunch break (all things feels)
Currently watching: I just finished s4 of What We Do in The Shadows ( awaiting s5!!) But I am currently rewatching Battlestar Galactica bc I just watch the same 5 shows over and over.
Current reading: just fan fiction at the moment
Current obsession: mango fruit jerky by Soley and That's it bars (they count as a serving of fruit right?) I am also highly engulfed in all things What We Do in The Shadows
Tagging: @teenie-xf @divine-feminine-etc @notnotafangirl @whovianelle @sculien @perpetually-weirdening @magical-hag
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lizziethereader · 26 days
My top 10 most-read authors
I was tagged by @bibliophilecats to share my 10(ish) most-read authors, thank you! This is always fun, because it changes every couple of years and so I wouldn't even be able to say without looking it up....
Thanks to storygraph for making this so easy! Here's my graph:
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I'm pretty sure there's multiple 10-book authors after that, but those are the one it shows.
I can't believe Thomas Hardy is second!!!
some are surprises, because while I knew I read some of their books, I wasn't aware it's been that many
while I like all the authors here, some of my favorites are not represented (because they just don't write as much)
I also wouldn't say Brandon Sanderson is my favorite author, he just writes a lot (and I enjoy the books well enough to want to read them all)
I'm leaving this as an open tag for anyone who wants to do it! Let me know if we have any in common!
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frubeto · 2 months
Out of context lines
The Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context
tagged by @kathastrophen :) thanks
and theres really no better wip for this than my current one. i cant even pick just one bit. theyre all fun out of context...
„Scha-hatz?“ Boerne lehnte sich mit dem Oberkörper in die Tür, hielt sich am Rahmen fest. Thiel zog hörbar die Luft ein. „Würdest du bitte meiner reizenden Ex-Frau erklären, warum ich sie heute Abend nicht zur Gala des fragwürdigsten Geschäftsmannes Münsters begleiten kann?“ „Wir haben eine Reservierung beim Italiener um 8“, antwortete er ohne zu zögern.
tagging uhhh whoever wants to do this, feel free, idk
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skibasyndrome · 1 month
WIP Appreciation
Thank you sooo much for the tag @earlgrey-lateatnight! 💜 I shared some just last week BUT! I had a real intense writing bout the other day (I got so immersed that I almost forgot about the fact that I need to leave for uni, lmao) and as a result I now have some more to share :)
This is from the next chapter of All this Shit is new to me
“We don't have to do this, Wille, I'm sorry,” he says and his voice is so fucking gentle it almost distracts Wille from his frustration at himself. Almost. He throws an arm over his face and groans. “No, fuck,” he starts and there's shifting on the other line. He catches himself wondering what Simon looks like right now, wondering whether he's also lying on his back, wondering what he's wearing, how much he's wearing and fuck. Fuck does he want to do this, of course, why can't he just get a hint. “I, I'm sorry, fuck, I wanna do this, sorry for being weird,” he spills, tacking on another groan at the end. “I wanna… talk about what we could've done.”
I'm gonna (no pressure) tag @iwouldnevergetintofanfic @omar-rudeberg @piebingo @gulliblelemon @royalwilmon & anyone else who'd like to share a snippet: there you go, consider yourself tagged as well! 💜
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rosesradio · 12 hours
Five Comfort Characters
tagged by @haven-of-dusk thanks for tagging me !
in no particular order
ej caswell
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leo valdez (art by viria)
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anne shirley-cuthbert
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peter parker
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connor rk800
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tagging: whoever wants to be tagged ! :-)
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jdeanmorgan · 10 months
wip wednesday
i was tagged by @rewritetheending (thank you!)
here is a snippet from prison fic
"This might be crazy, Shan, but" Eddie looks away from her. "What if we tell people the baby's mine?" "Eddie." Shannon sits up, sitting criss-cross next to him, her knee pressing into his thigh as she stares at him, her eyes wide. "What the fuck are you saying? "I'm saying," Eddie grabs her hand, and squeezes. "I'm saying I'm fucking terrified but. I'll be their dad. I'll have this baby with you." “Eddie, I can’t let you do that.” Shannon pulls away from him, forcibly putting space between them. “This isn’t just helping out a best friend, Eds, this is a fucking baby. A lifetime commitment. No. I can’t let you do that for me.” “Shannon.” Eddie moves closer, gets up on his knees and frames her face with his hands, forcing her to look him in the eye. “I’m serious. You want to be a lawyer, you’re meant to be a lawyer. You’ve been talking about it since I’ve met you. It’s all you’ve ever wanted. Me? I don’t fucking know what I want to do with my life. I can be a dad. Maybe that’s my purpose.” He knows he’s making promises he’s not even sure he can keep. He’s fucking scared. But he knows it in his bones. He wants to do this. And maybe he’s being impulsive, and rash, but it feels right, and if his future self ends up hating himself for this, then, fuck it all, Eddie’s doing it anyway. “I love you, Shannon.” Eddie gives her a peck to the corner of her mouth and drags her into his arms. She returns the hug as she starts sobbing. He kisses the top of her head. “Let me do this. Put my name on their birth certificate. I’ll raise them with you.”
i shall tag: @useramor @wh0re-behavi0r @alkaysani @tawaifeddiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @folk-fae @wolfnprey @alyxmastershipper @transbuck
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