#TW zombie apocolyps
kikoqueenofrats · 4 years
TW Zombie apocalypse and everything that comes with it!!
Did I say this was gonna be a three parter?...yeah no it's now a multi parter...depending on how long completing the mission gets-
Anyways on with the story!!!
Infiltrating The Airship
The CCC have asked for Lights help in tracking down Henry. But instead of helping the CCC to contain Henry...they decide to use Henry to help them defeat the Darks.
So they kidnap him and send him off with one of their more successful squads. Rupert Price, Hubert Gailforce and Charles Calvin.
Hubert informs Henry of his mission. Either kill the leader of the Darks Reginald Copperbottom...or take down the entire airship. His reward for doing so is a place in the Lights camp...automatic safety from the CCC who have been hunting him down ever since his escape.
Henry can get the lightning quick larcenist ending "normally"...however instead of being caught by the helicopter they just let him drop with the safe...
The Pure Blooded Thief ending doesn't fit this AU because the Toppats Airship doesn't house any valuable jewels...because they care more about their own peoples survival.
The Relentless Bounty Hunter ending is gone through normally until you get to the last part. Instead of giving up his leadership Reginald tries to inform Henry about the Lights corrupt ways...begging him to reconsider his choice...telling him that it isn't worth it and that the light will probably just kick him out as soon as he puts one foot out of line....
Henry doesn't listen to Regs pleads and shoots him through the head...a now half infected RHM bursts through the door, distracting the other members enough for Henry to get back to the helicopter before they could stop him.
Henry is now apart of the Light group...
I renamed Rapidly Promoted Executive to The New Member because it suited the ending better.
So instead of shooting Reg Henry takes him up on his offer...RHM bursts through the door just after the dummies are thrown. He immediately calms down once he sees Reg is safe before succumbing to his injuries. Henry helps save RHM, who now needs cybernetics to replace his broken body.
Henry is now apart of the Darks.
I renamed Government Supported Private Investigator to The Freed since the name fits the ending better.
Instead of trying to find incriminating information in the base Henry and Charles are rigging the place to blow. Charles is guiding Henry towards the engine room, by taking out the main engine the whole place will go down.
The ending starts off normally until Henry gets to the vents (All he did was knock the guard out), whilst Henry was waiting for Charles to hack into the airships system they start talking.
Eventually Henry finds out how Charles really feels about the lights...he thinks they're power hungry dictators who only have their best interest in mind...the minority could all die for all they cared. Charles wanted out...but knew death would await anyone who even tried to defy the rulers, Rupert feels the same way.
After revealing this Charles was awaiting the fight that would most likely break out between Rupert and Hubert once their superior heard of their traitorous thoughts.
But it never happened since Hubert also felt the Government was corrupt.
They all decide to divert from their current mission and leave the Lights side for good.
Whilst Henry was making his way out of the airship he spots Dave Panpa locked up in a cell, after freeing him they both leave the airship together.
Henry is not wandering alone anymore...plus they got a helicopter so that's neat-
Alright guys!!! Next up Fleeing the Complex!
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light-n-dark-au · 4 years
TW Zombie apocalypse and everything that comes with it
Alrighty! I'm moving the lore posts over here now, Hope you guys don't mind-
Fleeing The Complex
Depending on which ending you got in Infiltrating The Airship you can end up in three different starting scenarios!
Ruthless Bounty Hunter (RBH)
Henry stays under the Lights protection for a few months, staying with Charles since he didn't really have anywhere else to stay and Charles offered his place.
Before Charles and Rupert managed to rope Henry into their small rebellion against the misinformation the light government was spreading.(This is why they changed) Charles had become infected whilst out hunting for supplies with Rupert, but before Charles could convince Rupert to end him a Grey appeared and convinced them both to have Charles take the CCC's medicine. It saved his life, they've been planning some sort of escape/rebellion ever since.
They tried to spread their word discreetly at first but as their numbers grew they began to get cocky and tried a full on "peaceful" march...it didn't end well-
People began rioting and the Disciplinary squad had to get involved, Rupert was killed in the chaos and both Charles and Henry were arrested.
The Light government are planning on executing Charles along with the other members they managed to arrest as an example...Henry was going to be sent to the CCC.
The New Member (TNM)
A Toppat double agent (Ellie) was discovered and imprisoned by the Lights so Reg ordered Henry and a group of Darks to go rescue her. The mission didn't go too well and Henry was captured...the rest were killed.
The Lights were planning on selling poor Henry back to the CCC.
The Freed (TF)
After finding out they had been betrayed the Lights began hunting Henry and his small group down.
They put a bounty on his head that no one could refuse...even a few Greys were going after the group.
Whilst running away from a group of Light scavengers Dave tripped over a root, before anyone could do anything one of the Lights was pointing a gun at Dave's head.
They demanded for Henry to be passed over or they would kill poor Dave.
So Henry willingly allowed himself to be captured...much to the dismay of his new friends/family.
Ellie is a double agent working to recruit new members into Darks ranks from the "doubters" of the Lights side.
She managed to keep a low profile for a while, until she was caught after trying to recruit a generals daughter.
The Wall is Lights most secure building. It's mostly used to hold Lights most dangerous "criminals" but it also holds important supplies like food and ammo.
The Light's city's have taken up most of America... So the food bank Henry tried to steal from was for a small town...The Wall brings supplies to Light's largest city-
Convict Allies/Ghost Inmate
RBH: Charles is the one who gives Henry the leg up during this timeline.
If Henry leaves them both then the ending will play out normally...however afterwards he finds out that Charles had been executed. Unknowingly to him however Ellie manages to escape, swearing revenge on the man who left his allie to die.
However if Henry pulls them both up (He cannot leave Ellie behind...even if he tried Charles would pull her up instead, because he's nice? Idk-)
The ending plays out normally until after the end...where Ellie offers a place in Darks ranks, Henry refuses of course because he knows for a fact the group would kill him on sight after what he did to Reg but allows Charles to leave with Ellie.
Charles doesn't really want to leave his friend behind so he also denies her offer.
Ellie then decides to travel with them...she still wants to help the "doubters" trapped within the Lights walls...the other two agree to this and they begin their self assigned mission.
TNM: Leaving Ellie behind results in a fail ("Remember your mission...Jerk-")
Convict Allies ends with the duo being picked up by the Toppats after escaping on their motorcycle.
TF: Ghost Inmate plays out normally until Henry gets to the end...turns out Henrys group is coming to rescue him as he can see a helicopter in the distance, Henry uses the dingy to get to them.
Convict Allies plays out in a similar manor. During the riot a damaged helicopter is seen flying over the field and crash landing into a nearby forest.
After escaping on the motorcycle they drive over. Luckily most of the group is relatively unharmed, the most serious injury was Charles concussion...however Hubert didn't make it.
After getting shot down by a guy with a gun Charles prepared the others for an emergency landing. The others strapped in, but Charles was having trouble with strapping himself in, so Hubert went to help him with it, but couldn't get himself strapped in before impact...
The group bury the general before moving on...
Presumed Dead
RBH: Henry runs off suddenly... Leaving Charles behind. The ending plays out normally.
However behind the scenes, Charles and Ellie use the distraction Henrys escape caused to escape themselves...Charles isn't too pleased at being left behind...
TNM: Auto fail ("Do.Not.Leave.Ellie.Behind.")
TF: The ending plays out normally until the car chase scene, Henry spots a familiar looking helicopter crash landing into the forest next to him.
The ending continues and after Henry pulls himself over the ledge...he goes to check on his friends...
Meanwhile the guards are going over to check on the other crashed vehicle, Rupert noticed the guards coming for them and got the others to leave without burying Hubert...he rigged the helicopter to blow in order to make sure the guards didn't follow them...unfortunately this worked on Henry as well...and he believed his friends were dead-
As they believed him to be dead-
RBH: Auto fail!
Charles is executed and Henry is given back to the CCC, The option is renamed "Give Up" during this timeline- ("Well...that was smart")
TNM: Option unavailable
TF: The ending plays out normally... However since there were three gun trained men on the aircraft Rupert manages to take out the rocket launcher guy...so the correct option is switched-
The Sacrificed/Betrayed
RBH: :)
TNM: Henry uses the laser cutter to first free Ellie who is convineintly in the cell next to him, before cutting into the floor below.
The ending plays out normally after this until Henry is riding his scooter towards the airship.
Reg only manages to grab Henrys hand and Henry has to grab Ellie's, Reg states that he can't hold onto them both so Henry has to choose who lives.....
For The Sacrificed ending Henry pulls Ellie onto the edge of the platform Reg is standing on before his hand slips out of Regs and Henry falls into the ocean.
For The Betrayed ending Henry let's Ellie's hand slip out of his...Reg believes it to be an accident, or that Ellie sacrificed herself for Henry...but she knows the truth...HE let her fall-
TF: option unavailable
Whooo boi that was a long one!!!
Though I do have a lot of endings to play with now-
Onto Completing The Mission!!!
(Also If you have any ideas for uh...the different endings plz tell me, my creative juices are running out- I will give you credit for em! Honest!)
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kikoqueenofrats · 4 years
Zombie apocalypse/Horror trigger warning!!!
Stay safe guys!!
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I can't believe I actually finished this challenge!! Thank you everyone for being there every step of the way!!
Especially @flawnle and @krisdrawsdanganronpa who were always liking my posts almost as soon as they came out...I have got to do something to thank those two-
And also @ask-dead-rhm-au for probably being the only person in my internet history to constantly keep in touch with me! (Might draw their AU some day as thanks)
Finally I'd like to thank @swan-swanno @jolibedoodles @samthecookielord and @officialdavepanpa for just being awesome creators!
And I'll thank all of you again. I hope to make more art and meet more people like these in the future!
Love for all!!!
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kikoqueenofrats · 4 years
TW Zombie apocalypse and everything that comes with it!! (Like body horror and blood!)
Right now- before continuing on with the storyline I decided to explain what the fungus can do to a human body...with accompanying drawings of course.
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This is the final form.
People call these things bogs and they are a husk of what they once were. Only truly knowing two things...hunt and spread.
Both Lights and Darks are taught to kill these things on sight.
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If you look like this in the Lights camp they will kill you, no questions asked. They don't think there is a cure...so once you are infected that's it...game over.
Dark are more sympathetic since at this stage the host is still human. You will be put into some sort of isolation however, to prevent the fungi's spread as much as possible.
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If the fungus gets too bad the person is put into intensive care. (Dark)
Light don't let it get this bad...they kill the host as soon as they are infected.
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The CCC have made something to help your immune system fight off the fungus...so it really depends on how strong that is whether or not you actually survive it or not.
The physical contact helps because the fungus is strengthened by negative emotions...having loved ones there helps weaken it.
Doing both is a sure fire way of surviving the infection.
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These last pictures sum it up pretty well.
You can not enter the Light camp if you have a visible fungus scar...they believe anyone with a fungus scar is evil-
I think that's it...Happy Halloween everyone!!
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