#TTTE OC Scarlet
hazel-of-sodor · 8 months
Day 7-Fire
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 7-Refreshment
Emily groaned as she pulled into the siding. The snack shop's siding overlooked the river, with Kirk Ronan Harbor in the distance. Scarlet smirked at her sister, "Tourist season is easy? You're just out of shape?" 
Emily glared at her little sister.
On the other side of Scarlet, Molly laughed quietly at the sibling's bickering.
"If you must know," the emerald engine said, "they added four more coaches to my train."
A waitress came out on roller skates, bringing Scarlet her drink, a pink lemonade, and Molly a coconut slushie before taking Emily's order.
"Coffee, light cream, and sugar if you please."
As the waitress rolled off, Scarlet shook her head, "I don't know how you can drink coffee in this heat."
Emily snorted, "We run off of steam. Everything they make here is cooler than our boilers...except the "Molly" wings."
Both sisters looked over to where the yellow 4-4-0 was innocently sipping her slushie.
"They're not that bad," she finally said.
"They made Henry cry last week," Emily said dryly.
"He's a sensitive engine?" Molly offered weakly. "Besides, Thomas can eat them."
 "Caomhnóir has the Lady's protection," Scarlett snorted.
"And more bravery than sense," Emily interjected.
"Gordon ate them?"
Emily snickered, "Molly you really should know Gordon's poker face by now, he ran the water tower at Kellstrope dry after he left."
The yellow engine sagged sadly.
As the waitress brought her coffee, Emily suddenly had a wonderful, awful idea.
"Say, Scarlet hasn't tried them has she?"
Her sister shot a betrayed/panicked look at her before swinging to meet Molly's large hopeful eyes.
Emily smirked as she sipped her coffee.
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brhater · 2 years
Ttte oc: Lucy NWR #27
Lucy is a Gresley k1 (later k2) built in 1911 for the GNR and numbered 1636 at Doncaster. She as very old connections to the NWR as she was a loaner engine send to the NWR in 1916 to help with war time traffic she was one of the few loaners that was not sent back asap for bad behaviour but because she was recalled to the GNR as they had need for and where not willing to sell her to the NWR. But during her time on Sodor she made a very important connection this being that she took an older sister like role for Thomas who was at this time still very much in need of some more permanent presences in his life that where willing to help him but more on that some other time. After she left Sodor she bounced around the GNR, LNER and BR where she lasted until early 1960 when she was supposed to be withdrawn from service but instead was transferred to the NWR on orders from sir topham Hart 2 who heard of her from his father who kept tabs on her in hope of having her join the fleet when she became available. She arrived back in may 1960 where she was assigned Tidmouth MPD for mainline mixed traffic work where she has stayed at ever since. With the operational history over time for her character: her name gives a short view on her behaviour being the workmens version of calling her lucifer as she can be aright old devil a least verbally with people who annoy her with a very foul mouth to boot but this is only when she is annoyed other times she is a very kind and but mischievous engine most of these traits have also been picked up by Thomas much to everyone’s displeasure.
Trivia/meta facts
1. Thomas is in my AU a j50/1.
2. Lucy was inspired by @mean-scarlet-deceiver OC Linda who’s role is a pretty nice one
Let me know if you enjoyed this as I have more HC stuff to share
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hazel-of-sodor · 7 months
Guardian Ch.7 What We Leave Behind and Ch.8 Epilogue
Other Stories
Ch.7 What we leave behind.
Samantha didn't wake until the following day, much to her alarm. Stephen had just rolled his eyes and pointed out there wasn't much she could do until Thomas was repaired. So she spent the morning sitting on the end of one of Thomas's water tanks, content to listen to Nicole trade barbs with Thomas from her perch on the other tank as they watched the workmen finish Emerald. While Samantha had been asleep, her cab had been fitted and a tender brought for her. The workmen were fitting on her side rods, and expected to test her once the rods were fit and she was painted. Emily was parked in front of her and the two sisters were happily chatting. The workmen had easily repaired Emily's buffers from their exposure, but had found it necessary to replace Thomas's buffer beam and part of his running board outright. Workmen were painting the new metal to match the old. Thomas had also convinced the painters to put lining on the front of his side tanks and on top of his splashers. Which Nicole was gleefully teasing him about.
The head painter walked over to Emerald, and waited patiently for the sisters to notice her. "Alright Emerald, we need you to choose what livery you want, if you don't want to be the same as Emily we have plenty of others to choose from."
"I don't have to stay green?" 
"They can paint you any color you want, "Emily assured her.
"Can I be Midland red with gold lining?" Emerald asked hesitantly.
"How did I know," Emily said wryly. 
Emerald blushed as Emily chuckled.
"Emerald always loved to watch the singles on the Midland," Emily explained to the bemused painter.
"There's nothing wrong with admiring another engine's paint," Emerald said quickly.
"Yes, because it was only the paint that had your attention," Emily teased.
"Either way you'll fit in," Emily said "two of them work on our branch and Dawn still wears that livery. Even if your name won't quite fit anymore" she said amusedly.
It took the rest of the day for Thomas to be fixed to Victor and Stephen's satisfactions. During that time Emerald had been painted in her chosen colors and had chosen a new name to match, Scarlett.
"All of our sisters and brothers had names starting with e and I hated it, " She'd explained. "Too many of our names sounded similar. Scarlett means my name still matches my paint, while sounding completely different."
Thomas was loaded onto a flatbed and shunted behind James to be taken back to Knapford with his evening goods, much to the red engines annoyance. James complained that Thomas was too heavy, while Thomas cheekily said he had gotten lazy and needed the exercise. The two could still be heard bickering as they left the yard.
Samantha and Nicole were watching them leave when the sound of gravel crunching alerted them to Stephen joining them.
"You know I've known those two my entire life," the young Hatt mused, "and still I can never tell if they like each other or annoy each other more."
Nicole snorted in dry amusement.
Samantha went to ask Stephen a question but hesitated, only for Stephen to notice anyway.
"Go ahead, I'm sure you have plenty of questions after your engine's latest misadventure."
Samantha hesitated for a second more, then , "You didn't seem surprised when we pulled her in. Is this something that happens often on the North Western?"
"More than the other regions, " Stephen said softly, " we're the last safe haven for unwanted engines, and somehow the spirits know that. It's still rare for most crews to encounter, but...."
   "But our engine is in the middle of it all," Samantha guessed.
Stephen was quiet for a long moment. "Not all phantoms are benevolent, back when I was a child, I was playing at Tidmouth one evening when one found me Just as the sunset. I'd tagged along with my grandfather that day to see the engines and my friends at Tidmouth. I was playing hide and seek with some of the local children in the unused sidings when it found me. The spirit of an engine that had been sent away by my grandfather, it blamed him for its fate and wanted revenge. Had Thomas not sensed its presence and put himself between us..." Stephen trailed off.
Nicole frowned, "He can sense them?"
"Yes and a good thing too. It had just backed me into an alleyway when Thomas arrived. The engine tried to go through him to get to me, but he held firm. It ended up knocking him off the rails and onto his side, but then Gordon arrived, having heard Thomas whistling for help. Phantom or not, few engines are a match for an angry Gresley. Afterwards, Grandfather took me aside and explained about Thomas and his role with those engines who can't pass on."
Stephen hesitated, obviously conflicted whether to tell them more.
"Is this why he introduced himself to Scarlet as Caomhnóir?" Samantha asked quietly.
Stephen’s gaze snapped to her quickly, his steely gaze assessing both of them, before saying bluntly, " I'm surprised he already trusted you enough to let you hear that, you've only been his crew for...." He shook his head, "never mind that."
He paused, "Robert informed you of the hidden engines?"
"He said that Thomas helped our other engines hide others from scrap."
Stephen snorted, looking down at the rails in front of them, " More like they helped him. While my family is rightfully proud of the engines we've saved, the number pales in comparison to the number our engines did, and he's the one in charge. I can't prove it and don't want to, plausible deniability and all that, but he's been hiding engines around the Island longer than my family has run the line. I expect he'll start taking you to check on some of them soon."
"So he doesn't trust us yet, not really," Nicole said dejectedly.
Stephen barked a short laugh," Robert was his driver for over fifty years, the one who drove Thomas to Sodor in the first place, and he didn't know where they all were. Thomas himself is the only soul who knows where they all are, even the other engines can only guess. By all accounts Thomas saw my grandfather as a father figure, but it was only when the man had mere weeks to live, that Thomas revealed that he'd saved the coffeepots he'd built.  Thomas firmly believes that no one else can reveal them all if nobody else knows in the first place. The fact he revealed that name to you means he already trusts you more than most crews who have worked with him."
"Why is a name so important?" Samantha asked in confusion.
"At some point something noticed your engine's efforts, and gave him the name as well as a solemn duty to guard those he saved as best he could. All engines recognize the name and help him where they can, but ultimately it is his fate and duty."
"The Lady."
Samantha and Nicole started laughing only to realize Stephen was completely serious.
"But Lady is only an old folktale! A myth made up by engines to explain bad luck!" Nicole spluttered.
"I've been a man of the church my whole life," Stephen said quietly, " but I assure you she's real. Whether she's an angel, the first engine to pass on, or something else entirely made by God to protect his metal children, I cannot say. She is their guardian of justice, luck, and virtue and Thomas is her chosen servant. She may send him or she may act through him, but he will always answer her call."
Samantha suddenly remembered Thomas's eyes and lamps glowing gold. "That's how he knew Scarlett could be saved."
"Mostly likely." Stephen turned to walk away but paused. "This will not be the last time you find something unknown while working with him but remember this, he takes his duty to you as seriously as his duty to other engines, and there's a reason she chose him to be Caomhnóir. Try to get some more rest before you return to Ffarquhar in the morning."
"What does it mean?" Nicole asked.   
Stephen looked towards the setting sun, "Guardian, Caomhnóir means Guardian."
Ch.8 Epilogue
Several months had passed and Scarlett had happily settled into her new home on the Kirk-ronan branch with Emily. It was a cool October night as Thomas raced along the coastal route of the Little Western Branch with a goods train, covering for Duck, who was undergoing overhaul.
Once again Thomas tensed, a sudden tautness in the running board alerting the crew to something wrong. This time when Thomas began to apply the brakes, Samantha worked with him to quickly stop the train. As they came to a stop, a deep puffing sound was heard, echoing off the cliffs around them.
The specter soon came into view puffing around the bend ahead of them before rolling to a stop with a physical clank as it gently buffered up to Thomas. The engine was massive, the same size and a similar shape as Gordon. But with eight smaller driving wheels. It was solid in a way Scarlett hadn't been, and it was clear it had been scrapped, as the cuts still glowed molten red, and flames still licked along its body.
"Dry rails and smooth running my friend, you have journeyed a long way to be here tonight."
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hazel-of-sodor · 7 months
Guardian Master Post
Ch.1 A Cold Winter's Night
Ch.2 The Phantom
Ch.3 A Midnight Run
Ch.4 Leave Me Not
Ch.5 Awakening
Ch.6 Memories
Ch.7 What We leave Behind and Ch.8 Epilogue
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hazel-of-sodor · 7 months
Day 29-Rise Above
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 29-Out of Service
Rise Above
Henry had almost missed her. He was tired, and more than ready to begin the long trip back to Sodor. The news he was being diverted south and would have to make the climb up the infamous incline had only further exhausted him. She sat on the out-of-use siding, her black paint faded to a dull worn gray. It had been decades since he last saw her, long before his rebuild, but he recognized her nonetheless.
He stopped beside the LBSCR B4, wondering idly if she was the last of her class, and what to say to her.
"Hello Linda." He settled for.
The 4-4-0 looked up in confusion at the Black 5 before her, before her mouth twisted into a smirk, "I know they said I'd go crazy in the sidings but I didn't think it would happen this fast.
Henry scowled at her, "You weren't exactly sane to start with."
She barked out a genuine laugh, "Fair enough Jumbo. Nobody on the North Western was sane."
He went to snap back, but then he thought about it.
 "Fair enough," He grumbled
She smirked at him, "What's wrong Jumbo? Don't tell me you're not happy to see me after all this time?"
He glared at her continued use of the nickname. "You don't exactly bring up happy memories."
She paused, a hurt look on her face, "I never treated you any differently from anyone else."
Henry snorted, "Does that matter when you insult everyone?...well everyone but Thomas."
The 4-4-0 hesitated "How is..."
Henry sighed, 'of course.'
"You're favorite little gremlin has a branchline of his own. If you asked him it's the most important part of the railway."
"Of course it is, they gave it to him after all." She said fondly.
Henry tried not to feel bitter, Linda and Thomas had just clicked, and he knew the tank engine considered the 4-4-0 his big sister.
"And how have you been Jumbo?"
Henry blinked, as he was interrupted in his musings. 
Linda rolled her eyes, "How are you?" We were hardly close back then, but we were shedmates?" She looked over his new form slowly, "you look far better than when I last saw you."
"My firebox was too small like you said," he admitted, "they tried me on Welsh coal, but then I had an accident in 34..."
"Hatt had you rebuilt," she said, unable to hide her envy.
"At Crewe... Gordon as well a few years later."
Linda laughed, "Oh I bet the great tosser hated that."
Henry chuffed a small laugh, "he was less than thrilled."
She smiled sharply, "He's gonna hate that you told me."
"That alone makes it worth it."
"He's still that bad?" She chuckled disbelievingly.
"No," Henry admitted. "He's much better now... but he's still Gordon."
"I can imagine," she said, amusement still coloring her tone.
She considered Henry seriously, "It was good seeing you big green." She said genuinely. "I'd thought I'd never see any of you again "
"I enjoyed seeing you again more than I expected."
"It probably helps you're finally whole and strong and I'm in an out-of-use siding." She said dryly.
Henry didn't reply.
She sighed, "Will you do me a favor, Henry?"
Henry raised an eyebrow at her use of his actual name, "go ahead."
"Will you tell Thomas I'm proud of him?"
"Of...of course." 
"Thanks, big green... It looks like your train is ready."
Sure enough, the final cars were being shunted into his goods train back to Sodor.
"See you, Big Green."
"Goodbye, Linda."
He rolled forward, his thoughts whirling. He finally stopped with a sigh, 'Blast it all, I can't leave her.'
The yard manager walked up, "Is everything alright No.3? Your train is ready."
Before his crew could respond Henry spoke, "I'm looking for my banker."
"Your banker?"
Henry raised an eyebrow, channeling as much of Gordon into the expression as he could, "Surely you weren't thinking of sending me up the incline with over 50 trucks without a banker."
"Oh well, you see..."
"You do realize if my train was to stall on the incline, it would delay the traffic for the entire region."
"Yes, but we don't have any engines to spare!" The yard manager blurted out.
Henry's driver thankfully understood and leaned out of the cab, "What about the B4 in the siding?"
The manager blinked, "the 4-4-0? Her fires not even lit!"
"But she could have steam by the time we hit the hill?"
The manager nodded, "Aye...she could. If you can find someone to crew her you can use her, you can send her back with the next train back this way."
Henry's relief crew soon had her fire lit as Henry backed down to couple up to her.
"Big Green?" She said in bewilderment.
"You're helping me up the incline."
"I see you've finally lost what little sense you had?"
Younger Henry would have grit his teeth, thirty years on Sodor meant he just rolled his eyes, "Just hush and come along, I'm not putting up with the little pest moping because you're gone again."
Linda smiled, "Oh big green, you do care." She teased.
"To my great regret," both knew he didn't mean it as he set off with his train and his former shedmate in tow.
A/N: Linda is @mean-scarlet-deceiver's OC, who I have been given permission to use in my AU. This is not their canon ending for her in their 'Quiet Little Island Railway' Au, merely what happens to her in my AU.
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hazel-of-sodor · 2 years
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I hit 100 Followers on twitter! To celebrate, I made a poster of every engine I've made so far. Linda (75) is  @mean-scarlet-deceiver ‘s OC, Daphne belongs to @joezworld, and credit to itstrainboy on twitter for not only creating Isabella, but the video that led me to the TTTE Fandom. Thank you everyone!
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