psyclownsis · 6 years
What is date night like for Harley and some of her bfs & gfs?
dc says that date night with joker always involves killing people and i am here to tell you that’s FAKE. date night with joker only SOMETIMES involves killing people. other things include:
getting super dolled up and going out to a fancy restaurant (the iceberg is a good one because oswald always treats his guests right and he knows the kind of stuff clowns like... of course, this hinges on oswald not wanting to throttle them both at the time)
going on a shopping spree (they may or may not pay for anything with money that may or may not be theirs)
going to amusement mile!!!!!
honestly they’ll do just about any typical date thing as long as they can get through the date without everyone making a big scene and ruining their fun because they’re “certified nutjobs” or “wanted criminals” or “oh god it’s the joker run before he kills us all”
she likes to take ivy to natural history museums and botanical gardens and stuff because, while plants may not be harley’s jam, they are certainly her girlfriend’s jam, and watching ivy get totally engrossed in plant stuff is something harley will never get tired of
harley and ivy will also go to fancy restaurants, have spa dates, go to the movies, etc., but ivy prefers to do stuff that doesn’t involve being around a lot of people
breaking into a museum and stealing a priceless artifact? of course
they go to pet stores/animal shelters and give cuddles to all the cuddly animals and while this is a totally self-serving act they also are socializing the animals so the people in charge like, can’t technically get mad at them for it, so between that and being notorious supercriminals they pretty much get off scott free (and maybe with a new kitten!)
black mask:
fancy dinners but probably at his penthouse or mansion or whatever idk where roman lives other than the steel mill
fancy parties for rich people in gotham (he complains about how much he hates everyone and then they get into secret discussions about gruesome ways he should kill them)
idk he’s black mask he doesn’t strike me as a very date-savvy type of guy lmao
john bishop:
restaurants that were recommended to him or “jessica” but within 5 minutes they realize it’s either awful and cheap or way too fancy and it’s awkward but they make a good effort to be not awkward
walks in the park where bishop probably points out all the sketchy people so he doesn’t have to deal with Feelings(TM) and she’s like “has anyone told you that you have serious problems dealing with Feelings(TM)”
she keeps vague tabs on him via the gcpd and if he gets beat up she’ll stop by his apartment like hey i brought you some beer want to get drunk while i put ice packs on you
do his court-mandated therapy sessions count as a date for the purposes of this discussion? yes. yes they do
harley going out and doing some supervillain nonsense, bishop almost arresting her, harley almost letting him
harley as a supervillain being very flirtatious, even more flirtatious than usual, super jumbo extra deluxe flirtatious, bishop getting a migraine because of it
idk what happens after she turns herself in to arkham and he probably finds out that he was dating harley quinn the whole time but that’s a whole big can of worms in and of itself so let’s not go there
doesn’t do dates very well because he’s a homebody and also a serial murderer who is constantly anxious about getting found out (smh)
that said there are probably a lot of rinkydink county fairs/town festivals/etc. that go on nearby so she drags him out to those and they win stuffed animals for each other and share milkshakes and it’s cute as fuck
drive-in movies
*cecil baldwin vc* going to the diner and ordering a slice of pie!
going on walks around all the random undeveloped fields along the old highway and probably saying gross shit like “dang it’s beautiful here, if i ever get killed by a creepy truck driver this is where i’d want him to leave my body” “i’ll keep that in mind”
cleaning up said murder
being questioned by the police and denying any involvement in said murder
having total psychotic breakdowns and trying to kill each other
they’re not technically gfs yet but listen. liSTEN
she’s not above plagiarizing catwoman’s deal and stealing random stuff just so the silver lining chases her across the city and then when she finally catches up they can say a lot of double entendres and maybe make weird mask-wearing love on a rooftop where neighbors can probably see them
strength contests w/ arm-wrestling and carnival games
“hey babe what’s up i brought nail polish and face masks” “harley you can’t keep breaking into my house like this”
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Answering some general asks! Thank you for the love and support <3
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
are u comfy writing fics with a trans reader in them?? nothing like this was in ur rules so i wanted to ask before requesting
Hello darling! This is a really good question. The short answer is that I am okay with writing for a trans reader, but it really depends on the actual request. By that I mean if it’s focussing heavily on issues that I haven’t experienced or know much about, it can be really hard for me to write something that feels genuine which is something I like to do. I never want to make light of serious topics or offend or insult anyone by writing something I clearly have no business writing.
I hope this kind of answers your question and I’m totally up for discussing it if you wanna hit up my chat <3
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
Connor is actually hurting me with his cuteness ;-; Send help
Connor glances at KC who is has her head on the desk, unmoving. “She may already be dead and unable to help.” He smiles pleasantly.
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
okay as long as I'm spamming your inbox (sorry about that btw) I just gotta say, Detroit is the first game to fuckin. romantically frustrate in a long ass time. I don't want to fuck the robots, I just wanna hold their hands and tell them it'll be okay. I'd rather just be a robofucker gdi HELP -detroit anon
Its the worst feeling and SAME. I don’t know if you’ve noticed how affected I am by the feels that suddenly hit me in the fucking face, but good god. Also I’ve always been a robofucker sooooooooooooooooooo  I DUNNO WHAT TO TELL YOU. WELCOME TO THE CLUB OR SOMETHING.
malina4ka said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
I’m glad you liked the fluff darling!! <3 I hope it was cosy enough <3
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
I was just scrolling through the DBH tag to find someone who shares the same amount of love that I have for a precious smol bean that needs to be protected aka Connor and let me tell you that you are a blessing! AH I LOVE YOU
I LOV EYOU TOO! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STOPPING BY TO SEND THIS AMAZING MESSAGE AND SHARE THE CONNOR LOVE. I’ve seen that some people are mad that people love Connor so much? I’m not exactly sure why, but I mean, I love Markus and Kara too, but we can have our own faves, I dunno. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
I'm in between fandoms right now so I came to read your Devil May Cry writings because that's what I do when I'm in between lol And I come here and see Connor, and... well, I always joked that once androids of that level were a thing I was going to fall in love with one, so I guess this is just natural progression. Kudos to you for being the unwitting matchmaker 😂😂😂
OMG thank you for coming back to ready my DMC stuff!! I do hope the rumor about DMCV is TRUE. I need more DMC in my life, there is never enough. I will always love my devil boissss <3 Also androids will become the bane of everyone’s existence, especially if they’re CUTE and FRIEND-SHAPED like Connor. Hahahahah
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
I gotta say, your characterisation of Connor feels super spot on :0 Absolutely love your fics! 
O M F G thank you SO MUCH that’s such a huge compliment. Characterisation is something I always try to get right because how else can I make my reader inserts feel genuine. Like, I want it to feel like the character adores you, so I need to write how they would show affection for you, and for that to happen I have to get the character right. Ya dig? ANYWAY. THANK YOU FOR YOUR POSITIVE FEEDBACK. ITS MEANS SO MUCH TO ME!!! !!!!!! !! <3
Anonymous said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
more connor please thank u for existing 
Ohh thank YOU for existing. I love you so much, thank you for sending in this ask. I will write more Connor fo SHO.
panicnowandrun said to luvleekaotix-imagines:
That Connor imagine was so cute!!! Would you be willing to do a part 2? Like where Connor deviates for her or something? Idk there just isn't a lot out there for him yet and you did so well! (Sorry if this is weird, it's 3am and I can't sleep lol)
I’ll definitely write more Connor stuff and I shall see if I can figure out something for your request, although I think most of my fics will be based on Connor already being a deviant or coming to terms with it or something. Maybe I’ll figure something out for when he’s still instruction-bound. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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