dbphantom · 10 months
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gh0stswh0re · 2 years
"you are freezing, soldier"
warnings: f! reader, vague descriptions of physical pain/discomfort, simon's being mean (for like one line), surprisingly no sexual tension, just pure fluff, 700+ words
a/n: a late night dribble which definitely deserves a part two (otherwise it's not gonna be hoe december) is this super melodramatic or am i just insanely sleep deprived??
a dull ache set in your stiffened muscles, as your eyes swelled with tears and you bit down on the inside of your numb cheek – yet somehow, you've never felt this warm before. in all honesty, it must have been the adrenaline or maybe the fact you've been walking for hours now.
it was only getting colder and colder – the cruel wind grew harsher, sharper to the point where it felt like it was shaving the periosteum off your bones. the sun's been distant throughout the day – the rays of light barely visible, deafened by the bold, grey clouds.
you missed it – the sun's bright brilliance painting the horizon in dark shades of red and orange. the snow, once a subject of your affection, now felt bitter and sorrowful, covering the green grass – fuck, you missed that too, but not nearly as much as the fire; the playful dancing of the colorful flames, and the creaking sounds of the burning wood, masked by loud laughter filling the room. you enjoyed it, even though most of the time jokes were made at your expense – the guys liked teasing you, provoking reactions and messing around with you. especially after simon would stand up for you, defending you – "that ain't nice, give her a break"
you wiped softly at your eyes, quietly sniffling as the air hitched in your throat – it was barely what? 2 am? maybe just close to midnight? didn't really matter – time didn't make any difference now; all those pleasant thoughts, all the times you took for granted now barely felt like memories, distant at the back of your mind-
"cut the shit – we ain't lost, alright?" the exhaustion in his voice was visible, as he let out an irritated huff – he was being harsh and cruel again. "-'m sorry, sir, didn't mean to" he stopped dead in his tracks, making you jump as you nearly bumped into him. "don't know what gave you the idea-" the way he looked at you made your skin crawl, or maybe that was just the goosebumps starting to rise as the response to the chilly, snow-kissed air. "- but i'm not letting anything bad happen to you" you wanted to nod, to maybe even just say something, but seeing him walk towards you paralyzed you in place; leaving you too overwhelmed to move as hundreds of questions prowled through your mind, the ache in your belly growing, what was he about to do- his hand slid underneath your jacket, the back of his palm carefully brushing against the bare skin of your neck. "you are freezing, soldier" empathy and concern favored his words – well, as much as he allowed it or maybe as much as he couldn't mask it – at least not anymore.
he took the backpack you've given him - forced him to carry somewhere after the second hour of your shared adventure – throwing it off his shoulder onto the ground. sitting down on it, he leaned his back against a fallen log "c'mere" his tone was soft – well, softer, at least – and you walked over, sitting down on his lap, avoiding direct eye contact.
"don't – i'm ain't giving you my jacket" that's the side of simon you knew best – him telling jokes in his usual, serious and staid voice and rarely anybody laughing - most people never catch up to the fact that what he said was, indeed, a joke.
"humble yourself - it's not like i wanted it" you always smiled back at him though, and always made sure to keep your voice at just the right amount of bitchy - which you knew would piss him off.
"probably smells, too" now you were just hiding the slight tremble in your words, as the warmth – both internal and external – seeped deeper into you. you started blushing, as palpitations sneaked into the rhythm of your heart's beating. resting your head on his chest, you felt him stiffen for a moment – purely out of instinct – right before he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you even closer. one hand caressed your face, as his thumb swept over the single tear rolling down your cheek "-'s gonna be alright, sweet thing, yeah?" you nodded, bringing your own hand to your face in an attempt to stop yourself from bawling against his chest. "i promise"
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thepeonysbackup · 4 months
"Just one round.."
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Alastor x Human!Reader
Summary: Part two of your soul binding deal with the radio demon. Will it truly only be once?
Warnings ⚠️: Continued short smut, tentacles, T in V, sloppy Oral🤤, vibrating canes💕, degradation♡~.
Request: Yes/No
By: @emmihara
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"So, it's a deal then?" The Demon delightedly chuckled at your honesty, your neediness, your want.. His eyes trailed down your wrapped body, his shadowy tentacles doing their work to overstimulate your haughty mound of pulsing want; labia being teased by merely the tips of two of them, your slick juices dribbling down the inner part of your thigh while you lulled your head to and fro, eyes opening and closing as the sensations tingled and pricked your mind with a whimper. "Nngh♡~ Oh, please-" your voice shook, trembling noises exiting you as he began to walk around, circling you like a vulture does its already killed prey, waiting, watching your moves like a predator. "Ss- S'not– Not f-fair.. Agh- Oh God, fuck- Come onnn!!♡" You blubbered, big thick tears welling in your closed eyes as the appendages, "Now now, we've only just started, and we did agree on a singular round, didn't we?" The red deer like demon smugly hummed, stopping right across from you at your legs, standing between them while tapping his cane on the ground once. "Now, Satan-pray-tell what in the seven circles I may do to you for this time we have with one another. But, first and foremost -" He adjusted his bow tie, twirling his cane as he bowed forward properly. "Alastor, my Darling, the name is Alastor, I wish I could say it's a pleasure to meet you, but.. You and your disgusting needs are the reason I'm even here, how entertaining you'll be, or at least I hope." He laughed, introducing himself as a deal maker and an overlord in the realm of hell. Though you weren't paying attention, because when he had bowed, he leaned his weight on the mic of his cane that was pressed lazily against your clit at the near top of your dripping heat. The attention had your mind buzzing just as the tip was half-hazardly shifted in place to press firmly now, the amount of pressure building up making you rut against his cane, crying out evermore like the whole you were. "Aw, aren't you just the most pathetic little thing? Not even able to speak, and why, this down here is positively salivating for some attention!" He noted the way your pussy throbbed, walls clutching around nothingness as he lifted the cane from off you so he could dip down to your level as the tentacles resurfaced and began to climb back up your legs to your dripping hole. Alastor discarded his cane, rolling the lip of his sleeves up to his elbows as his hands gripped harshly at your hips to adjust them towards him better.
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He was so tall, so tall that even with him crouched to your level, it seemed he still towered you by a mile. A mile to far that you were hanging upside down just for him to attach his lips to your own but not before he had used his claws to slowly spread your lady lips apart, either thumb of his hand pulling apart before he lolled his tongue from its heated cavern to plunge deep into your hole, curling into your G-spot perfectly enough to drawl a needy moan from your lips. The wetness of your body, the flow of neediness from your sopping entrance, wracked you to Tuesday. You were a mess, noises inaudible to yourself as they continued, a tightening feeling coiling in your belly as your soul was being eaten from your weeping core. "Please -" He hushed you from below, static becoming louder and louder as you whined for him and writhed at his touch, at his lips, at his thrusts. Never had you believed a tongue could feel so good, nor be able to bring you to this brink. "All in good time dear, patience is key." Your whimper made him grin wider, hole clenching around his tongue tightly as his saliva dripped down his chin. Or was it your love juices..? You couldn't tell, and apparently, neither could he because his hesitance made your hips jut forward against him, gaining a groan from his lips as he disconnected from your core with a pop. "How disgusting.. Such vulgar entertainment you are, my dear.. I'd almost consider keeping you if it hadn't been so easy.." A growl left him at this, hand moving from you to command his tendrils, which coiled and tightened and tugged at your soft human flesh.
"Ahn-!!" You tried to contain yourself, a high-pitched squeal leaving you as your body flipped, turning you to where you were hovering above the sigil with your rear rose into the air. "But since.." His hand gripped your cheeks, claws digging into your face as he cranned your head up to make you look at him. "I'm feeling rather generous," Al's eyes glowed, brighter, red pupils blowing out in delight as you shivered at his words. "I'll allow this once.. I'll let them take care of you." He finished, hand throwing you away from him as he let his shadows do all his work.
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The long appendages thrusted harshly into you, one breaching past your lips down your throat as two worked behind you to slam you back and forth from the sheer force of each thrust of every one, the rest of them pooled around you, touching you, edging you closer and closer as you gagged hard, eyes rolling back as your release came so quickly that it honestly disappointed yourself as you hung there limply in the air, the tendrils still going as you blubbered with teary eyes over to the Demon who'd taken a seat on your sofa to enjoy your show, he seemed so enveloped to the point of which his eyes were narrowed intently and he was leaning forward, weight put onto his cane as his forearm rested lazily. His gaze watched as they continued to rake in and out of your now abused tunnels. You had taken so much already, yet so little in all this time. Every bead of sweat, every line, every crease, everything now belonged to him to enjoy, to him to enrapture himself with, for him to do with as he pleased. Just one round, was it? He felt like you needed... So.. Much.. More..
"Very.. Entertaining.. My Dear..~♡"
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ashotofeuphoria · 3 years
As I Hold You
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Pairing: Firefighter! Jongho x Injured! Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: character death (not member or reader), ANGST, car accident, blood, injury, fire, v brief description of a dead body, trauma, potential miscarriage (hinted at), let me know if i missed anything!
Authors Note: First fic! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy!
You don't remember the impact. The sound of metal crushing, of horns blaring, and tires screeching. Everything just went black.
You had been out running errands all day with your younger brother, Gabriel. You needed to pick up some more supplies for your baby who was soon to arrive. Your first baby shower was scheduled for this upcoming weekend. While you knew that your family and friends would support you and buy you most everything you needed for your baby; you still wanted to buy cute outfits and toys in the anticipation of their arrival.
Your final stop was a new boutique that opened across town, and your younger brother was eager to chauffeur you. He knew that you were a little scared of what the future held and wanted to ease any stress he could, by doing little acts of service for you.
You were living with your family and would remain there throughout your first year of motherhood. You hadn't meant to become pregnant. In fact, you were rather scared of the idea of children and pregnancy. But accidents happen, as they tend to, and your (ex)boyfriend ended up knocking you up.
It was an amicable split when you broke up. You both knew it wouldn't last, and children don't fix broken relationships. He did agree to support you the best he can and you're thankful for that much. It's overwhelming honestly, having the amount of support from everyone that you do. One thing is for sure, this baby will be so loved.
Your brother walked you out to the car, all the bags in his hands, opened the door for you and helped you in. You were only about 4 months along, so you just barely had a visible bump on your small figure. But he held your hand and helped you step into the car regardless. He shut the door and ran around to the driver's side before opening the door and hopping in.
"Thank you for driving me today, buddy. I know you have other things you could be doing," you said as he started the car.
"You know I'd rather spend time with you than do anything else. All I do is read and listen to music in my room, it's not like I do all that much," he chuckled, finding it amusing how appreciative you are of a simple car ride.
"Yeah, alright," you smiled towards him, "Still I know you aren't required to help me out, so thank you. Love you, bubs."
"Love you too, y/n," he said as he glanced towards you with a soft smile.
The car pulled out of the parking lot with the GPS routed 20 minutes down the highway to the boutique. Gabriel took a left out of the neighborhood, and you asked him for the aux.
"Sure," he replied, keeping his eyes on the road but reaching for the cord to hand to you.
You began playing your K-pop playlist, something that's been getting you through the days recently. When you hit shuffle, Love Die Young by Eric Nam started playing. You started to harmonize with the chorus as Gabe pulled the car onto the highway.
"Not this sappy shit, y/n, really?" he giggled as he watched you dramatically act out the song, clutching at your heart as you sing, staring at him with a smile plastered on your face.
"His voice is so smooth I can't help it Gabe," you exclaimed in a sing-songy tone. "So, what do you think I'm gonna have? A boy or girl?" you ask him as the car hits the speed limit and he puts on cruise control.
"Honestly, I think it'll be a little girl. I hope it is at least. We gotta buy so many cute outfits today. I can't wait to help you take care of them. Whatever they may be," he laughed glancing over at you.
"I have this whole idea for their room, I want to do a taupe and mossy green color for the walls. And I think I want a lot of cute pictures of plants and different animals. Ya know, to keep it pretty but neutral, something that can age well with them," you explained to him as he steadily controls the car.
"I think it'll look perfect," he responded. "10 more minutes and we'll be there."
You nodded your head and looked out the window at the greenery. Ideas of outfits and nurseries swimming in your head. You closed your eyes, propped your arm up on the window, and leaned your head against your hand as the car drifted down the highway.
Your eyes jolted open when you suddenly hear Gabe go from a whisper to a shout "fuck, fuCK, FUCK Y/N HANG ON!"
A car had swerved and jumped the median and was driving directly towards you, mere meters away. Showing no signs of stopping, and Gabriel having no real way to swerve to avoid them, he threw an arm in front of you, and you brought your hands up to cover your face, your knees coming up on instinct to protect your belly.
And everything went black.
When you came to, the first thing you noticed was the smell. Metallic, and smoky, like something was burning. Then you felt a searing pain in your head. You struggled to open your eyes but when you did you couldn't believe what you were surrounded by. The airbags had deployed, but there was blood splattered across the car. You could tell smoke was rising out of the engine, but you couldn't see much else through the cracked windshield.
You look to your left and see Gabriel covered in blood, eyes closed. And you immediately feared the worst.
"Gabe! GABE!" you reached over to shake him, to hold onto his cheek and try and get him to face you. To open his eyes. To do anything. Your ears are ringing, and you can feel your eyes stinging when he won't respond. Your hands are desperately grabbing at his shirt, and hair, willing for him to wake up, for him to be okay.
"Gabe," your voice barely bubbling out of your throat as sobs begin to overtake your body. "Gabe, please, please, wake up. please, you can't, no, please, Gabe, bubs, you're okay, we're okay, please," the sobs wrack your body as you gasp for air between each word. Tears are streaming down your face and suddenly your focus is on your hands, and you see they're covered in blood.
You hold your hands in front of you and stare at them in horror when your vision redirects to your legs. You're crushed in the car. Your legs trapped under the dashboard. Your hearing is slowly coming back as you hear sirens somewhere in the distance, but from what direction you were unaware.
You remember a car had hit you head on when it crossed into your lane going well over the speed limit. As you glance out of the passenger window to see what happened to the other car (and if you're even still on the highway) you're met with a ghastly picture of your face in the side view mirror. Your forehead has been deeply cut, and blood is dripping thickly down your forehead and has mixed with the tears falling down your cheeks.
You cough when you begin to inhale smoke. Your vision blurring, your head falls back onto your headrest as you pass out.
As you come to, a faint knocking sound begins to grow louder, until you can hear a man yelling "Ma'am! Ma'am! Can you hear me! You gotta wake up! Ma'am!"
You cough the smoke out of your lungs, your head throbs from the movement and you wince in pain. You're brought back to the situation you've found yourself in and remember Gabe is next to you. You look over to him and the feelings become overwhelming again, as you stare at what you can only assume is his dead body.
As a sob erupts from your throat, you look out your window at the man who was calling for you, and are met with desperate, soft brown eyes staring at you through a helmet and face guard. He's a firefighter dressed in full gear. He yells something to you, trying to overpower the other noises happening on the busy highway but you can't connect the sounds with words in your brain. You can only stare at him in confusion, tears falling faster down your cheeks, your breathing uneven.
You see him reach for the handle of the car door and try and open it mumbling a quick "fuck!" in frustration. You're trapped in this car, and he needs to find a way to get both of you out before the whole car goes up in flames.
"Get the jaws! The doors are jammed!" He yells at the team of firefighters surrounding the car and the truck.
He looks back down to you and says as clearly and reassuringly as he can, "Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay, we're gonna get you out of there, okay?"
You begin to nod your head in response when a knock is heard at your brother's window. You whip your head around and see stars for a moment. When your sight clears you see a taller man in uniform shouting to your brother, who isn't responding. Your voice is small and cracks as you try and tell the man outside "he can't, he's not-" and you feel your chest become tight once more.
You hear the man at your window begin talking to you.
"Ma'am, please try and stay still. We must make sure your head is okay. Alright? Please don't move too much. Can you do that for me?" he politely asks you, empathizing with your situation.
You meekly nod your head. Your eyes are stinging. You don't know if it's the smoke or the tears, but it's probably both. As you focus on the man in front of you, you hear the man near your brother begin yelling at his team about the window and needing to check Gabriel's vitals. The man in front of you can tell you're not paying attention, so he speaks up.
"Yunho is going to break the glass to check the man next to you, okay? Just look at me, don't look away from me, okay? My name's Jongho. Just look at me, okay? What's your name?" Jongho asks you to keep you preoccupied and focused on him.
"Y/N," you try and get out of your throat. It's so dry and scratchy your voice isn't much higher than a whisper.
"Okay, y/n. Listen to me, you'll be okay. I'm going to get you out, okay? Who is that in the car with you?"
"M-my brother, Gabe, but he, I-I don't thin-nk," you choke out as you stare at Jongho, unable to say the words. That Gabe is dead. But you don't want him to be. You don't want it to be true. You look down at your door, suddenly feeling very claustrophobic, unable to breathe. You hear glass shatter. As you begin to turn your head, Jongho raises his voice, keeping your focus on him.
"Your brother? Yunho is going to check on him and make sure everything is okay." you hear him say.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Yunho calls out from the driver window. "Try not to breathe the smoke in, Jongho is gonna break your window to get to you, I'm going to take your brothers vitals and make sure he's doing okay. We're going to get you out of here as quickly as possible, okay?"
You glance towards him and nod your head, finding your eyes drawn to the way he checks for a pulse on Gabe, his slender fingers dancing on his throat, his wrist, anywhere he could find a heartbeat. And seeing the increasing worry on Yunho's face does nothing to reassure you. You see his eyes widen, and yours follow. He leans back and yells over to the team, "There's a pulse. It's faint, we need to get him airlifted asap! San, I need you over here!"
While you're fixated on Gabe's pale and limp figure, you hear glass shatter next to you followed by a warm hand turning your cheek towards him. You involuntarily gasp and sputter at the influx of fresh air.
"Deep breaths for me, Y/n. Please look at me." he gently demands. You look into his eyes as he shines a flashlight above them checking your pupils. He can see how bloodshot your eyes are from crying, and he glances over at your brother, then back at you. "Hey, it'll be okay, we're here now. Just look at me, don't look at him. You're okay. Everyone is here to protect you." he rushes out.
His hand rests under your chin as he uses two callused fingers to check your pulse. Then he gently tilts your head to each side to inspect the gash on your forehead as quickly as possible. He glances down your body to check your arms, and torso seeing they're mainly just bruised, when his eyes land on your bump.
His eyes widen as he asks you urgently, "Y/n are you expecting? Are you carrying a child?"
You hadn't even thought about your child. You had been so distraught over your brother; you didn't even consider the health or wellbeing of your unborn baby. Your heart rate rapidly increases as panic begins to set in.
"y-yes I am, I'm 4 months. I-I'm, do you think, are they? god please don't tell me-" you start blubbering as all the possibilities begin to tumble through your head.
Before he can reassure you, he checks down the rest of your body and sees your legs are trapped under the dashboard. And that even when the door is off you won't be able to get yourself out of the car. Jongho defaults to reassurance as he really can't even begin to answer the questions you're asking him, "I-it's okay. Everything is okay. Let's get you out of this car."
Smoke is becoming thicker around the front of the car, and you watch as it blows around Jongho's figure, flooding out the highway from where you sit. Tensions are growing higher as the crew knows there isn't much longer before the car is gone. Four men are teamed together and grab the Jaws of Life from the truck as they begin walking toward your car. Setting up on your brothers side you begin to hear metal cracking and snapping as the four men work to pry the car open with the heavy machinery. You're itching in your skin wishing to jump up and run now that you're trapped, and Jongho can tell. He has his hand braced at the back of your neck, keeping it steady, as you once again begin to panic; he rubs circles on your arm, and pushes your hair back from your sticky forehead and out of your eyes.
You can hear the Jaws stop and in the reflection of the side view mirror you can see Gabe's lifeless body being pulled from the car, his body pale and bright red from blood, blue and purple littering his figure. He's placed on a gurney and run towards the truck where someone begins CPR.
You redirect your eyes to meet Jongho's, whose eyes are looking deeply at you searching for any sign of pain or discomfort, any sudden changes in your condition. "Is he going to be okay? He has to be okay. Please tell me they can fix him." you plead with Jongho, who looks at you with nothing but the heaviest of hearts.
"We're going to do our best. I promise you we will do everything we can. But right now, we need to get you out of here too." he explains. "I'm going to go bring the Jaws over this way and we are going to get you two out of here," he asserts, gesturing at your bump. "I need you to stay still just like you have been, okay? You're doing so great. Keep your arms as close to your body as you can, and don't look at the window in case anything splinters. Do you understand me?" he asks you.
"Please don't leave me. P-please don't, don't go. Please stay." you sob as you realize you'll be left alone in your wrecked car.
"I'll be right here. Remember stay still and close your eyes." he reminds you as he drops his hands from you and gives his team room to operate on the car door.
You sob quietly to yourself. You can't believe this is happening. How Gabe could be here one second and now he's gone. The image of his pale bloody face is burned into the back of your eyelids as you squeeze them tightly shut. You hear the metal of the car frame crunching and cracking once again, as all four men yell commands and directions at each other. Your sobs are uncontrollable as you wish it had been you and not your brother. You wish with all your heart that you could've taken his place.
The door hits the asphalt and almost instantly you hear Jongho next to you, "It's okay. I'm here. I'm right here. I never left." He notices how black the smoke has gotten and decides to check your legs to see if he can carry you out before the rest of the car is disassembled.
"Can you feel your legs?" he urgently asks you.
You nod your head as you cough so hard that you gag.
"shit-" Jongho mumbles under his breath, looking all over your figure and the car, knowing he must move now or never. With his mind moving a million miles a second, he makes the decision that your legs are likely not broken and brings out a blade from his pocket to saw your seat belt off you. You watch as the sweat beads down his forehead and across his dimpled cheeks as he grits his teeth.
Jongho puts his arms under yours, pulling you into his chest, getting your upper body mostly out of the car. When your legs are more visible, he puts one arm under your back and the other under your knees and lifts. You slide out from under the dashboard and with your neck cradled by his bicep and forearm he jogs you away from the car towards the firetruck. He gets five strides in when you hear the explosion. You peek past his arm to see your car engulfed in flames. You can feel the heat on your face, and the sound has left your ears ringing once more.
The team must've anticipated the event as hoses immediately start spraying to drown the car fire. Jongho gets behind the firetruck away from the fire and sets you down making sure you are stable, with no further injuries from his manhandling. He gently places a hand on your bump and hopes against everything that this baby is okay. Just as he's about to stand to find his captain and report your status he feels your hands fist into his uniform jacket holding onto him.
"please don't leave me. please don't leave. d-don't go." you hiccup as you stare pleadingly up at him. With the way you're gripping onto him, he knows there's no way he can walk away from you right now. Instead, he stands up and grabs a clean towel from just inside the truck and begins to tenderly wipe the blood and tears off your face, avoiding the gash on your forehead.
He doesn't have the heart to tell you that Gabe didn't make it, his body covered with a sheet on the other side of the truck. He also doesn't know how to explain that if Gabe hadn't reached over to protect you, he might've been in less critical condition. That he died protecting you. So, for now he wipes away the grime; and, after seeing you shaking, unbuttons his thick uniform jacket so he can hug you; until the paramedics arrive and will inevitably pull you away from him. You don't hesitate to wrap your small arms around his waist, and he holds you, pressing your head against his chest where you can hear his steady heartbeat.
"It's okay, y/n, it's going to be okay. You're okay. I'm here. I've got you." he repeats it like a mantra, over and over, convincing he thinks, both you and himself.
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julemmaes · 3 years
Honey - part three
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre roommates au
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A/N: famous last words: I can finish this is in two hours. six hours laters and I feel like I’ve been beaten up by a gang of bigass old faes if you know what I mean.
IT CONTAINS SMUT, not suited for readers under 18
Please be kind I fucking hate my smut, if it’s disgusting just don’t comment on it cause I could hit my head on the wall several times
Word count: 7,519
Aelin's scream was like a stab to the brain, "Get up you nasty little bitch!"
"Ace! Why don't you try with sweet Ellie?" retorted Lysandra.
Elide didn't even have the strength to open her eyes or move from the fetal position she was in, curled up with a pillow pushed so hard against her belly that she wouldn't have been surprised if it had somehow damaged her internal organs, "Please leave."
The two didn't seem to hear her.
"Sweet?" Aelin huffed, "But you did see her last night, right?"
Elide opened one eye, seeing that they had both sat down at the end of the bed. She felt the cracks tugging at her eyelid and grunted, pressing her face into the pillow. She wanted to die. And she wanted Manon to come and free her from those two supposed friends who she knew were about to remind her of her misadventures.
"Except for what happened before we left," Aelin winked, placing a hand on her foot. Elide withdrew it, not wanting to feel physical touch of any kind at that moment. "I would have been willing to break up with Rowan so I could get between Kyllian and you, honestly."
Elide grunted again, her voice muffled by the pillow. "I'm begging you girls, you need to get out before I throw up again."
And it was true, she would throw up if they didn't stop talking. Plus, Elide didn't care in the slightest what the drunk her had done. She hated her so much.
Lysandra giggled and she felt it as she climbed between the covers until she was settled next to her on the pillows, "Between her and Lorcan though, no?"
The cry of disgust that erupted from Aelin and the all too loud laugh from the other didn't make Elide register the words right away, but as soon as she realised what they had said, her stomach began to twist and turn, and not like when Lorcan accidentally brushed her hand or when he put his hand on her thigh during movie nights. Oh no.
With a movement she didn't know she had the physical skills to make, she shifted the covers off her body and launched herself into the hallway, slamming her hand against the bathroom door and throwing herself to the floor in front of the toilet before the highly concentrated alcoholic contents in her stomach spilled onto the floor.
As she vomited and Lysandra tied up her hair, massaging her back, Elide felt her heart break slowly. She wanted to turn around, to ask Aelin what had happened, or maybe not. She groaned as another gag shook her body and her eyes filled with tears once more as she puked what could only be alcohol.
"How do you still have stuff in your stomach?" muttered Aelin from outside the bathroom door.
Elide didn't blame her, vomit was disgusting and she was particularly sensitive to the sound of gagging. The only reason Lysandra wasn't the least bit uncomfortable was her younger sister Evangeline, who she had practically raised without anyone's help. Whatever came out of a person's body, their friend had already seen it in all shapes and colours.
Elide cursed herself for thinking such a thing while she was bent over the toilet throwing up, because it pushed her over the edge one more time and a sob wracked her body, "Fuck-" she managed to mutter between spits.
"I thought you weren't going to barf any more after last night," Lys said, continuing to rub her back.
"True," Aelin mumbled a little louder, "did you keep drinking after?"
Elide managed to turn her head towards the door, seeing that her friend was sitting on the floor just outside the bathroom. She grimaced as a gust of air that smelled like vomit reached her nose, "After what?"
"You and Lorcan left after you threw up," Lys explained to her. Elide didn't bother turning towards her, she didn't have the energy, "And you threw up so much Ellie, everywhere. It's weird that you have anything else to reject."
It wasn't weird at all considering the only thing Elide remembered was the amounts of alcohol she had ingested. She'd started just before seven with straight tequila, desperate to see how indifferent people were to the biggest catastrophic problems in human history, and everyone knew she couldn't handle alcohol even in small amounts. But Elide was also known to be the type who could drink for hours without ever feeling sick, if she now found herself bent over the toilet the next morning, it meant she had gone too far.
"I don't remember anything."
"It's okay, don't worry about it," Aelin said and Elide felt a shiver run through her body at the hint of mischief in her voice. She braced herself mentally to hear how much she'd actually whored out the night before, "We're here to fix the memory loss."
Lysandra made a disgusted noise as Elide flushed the toilet and the water stirred underneath them, but she patted her shoulders and pulled herself up, "You need to take a shower first though. Because you smell like death."
"Geez, thanks," Elide murmured as she began to undress.
The grin that appeared on Aelin's face made her hands freeze around the hem of her shirt. The other arched an eyebrow, looking into her eyes, "What? Lorcan is the only one you can flash?"
Elide closed her eyes, bringing her hands to her face and then let go a scream of frustration.
Oh, god.
"I remember..." Elide scoffed, running her hands through her hair. When her fingers reached the tips, she was horrified to find they were encrusted with what was surely vomit from the night before. "Fuck."
Lysandra snickered beside her, "Why were you so drunk that you didn't realise what you were doing so damn early?"
Elide looked at her, and although she knew the question was only asked to tease her more, there was a note of concern in her tone. Her shoulders sagged a little and she shook her head, starting to undress undisturbed, "I set out to research a few things and the world is a shitty place and there was nothing I could do in the immediate future to save us all so I got drunk."
"Sounds like alcoholism," Aelin joked.
Both Lysandra and Elide laughed, "If you knew what I found out you'd get drunk too," the latter added.
"Send everything my way." the blonde winked at her, and then they went out, leaving her alone to wash away the sins of the night before and letting her mind travel. And Elide's mind travelled far too much as she racked her brains to remember Lorcan's reactions to a naked her.
After her friends had told her everything that had happened the night before. From her taking her clothes off in front of her best friend, to him getting stuck in their bathroom and calling Aelin for help, to her dancing with Kyllian specifically to make her roommate jealous - or so the drunk her seemed to have justified her actions - to Fenrys saving her from what was sure to end up being just casual sex that would only widen the gap between her and Lorcan.
Gap that apparently wasn't as pronounced as she thought.
Aelin and Lysandra had told her about the way he had pushed his way through the crowd and joined Elide on the dance floor. The way they had danced to one of their favourite songs until they had been on the verge of kissing.
Elide had never been so relieved to know that she'd thrown up on someone. And that her plan to attract Lorcan had worked.
She was cooking now, thinking about how bad it would have been for her to find out they'd kissed without having even the slightest recollection of it happening, when the front door opened and the boy who was the object of her dreams walked into the kitchen.
He stopped in the doorway, looking at her with the most emotionless face Elide had ever seen him wear.
"Hello, handsome." she murmured, continuing to cook.
Lorcan stood still in the threshold for a while without saying anything, as if to sort the situation out. Then, without taking his eyes off what she was doing, he took off his jacket and shoes and walked into the kitchen, "How are you feeling?"
Elide had her back to him as she washed some tomatoes, "Just a bit of a headache. I threw up again when I woke up, but other than that I'm fine."
"Did you drink some water? Had breakfast?" he asked her.
Elide shook her head looking at him, "I woke up after noon, Aelin and Lysandra came over." then frowned, "I think it's their fault I threw up."
Lorcan chuckled, "Sure, absolutely." then he gathered his hair into a messy bun and Elide focused on the way the muscles of his biceps tensed every time he pulled on the elastic, "It's not the alcoholic coma from last night at all."
Elide gathered some courage and taking a deep breath, said, "About last night-"
"We don't have to talk about it," Lorcan immediately interrupted her.
She looked up at him, trying not to show any emotion, trying to read his on that sculptural face that remained impassive. Then, seeing the way he was looking at her, she came to a conclusion.
She arched an eyebrow, plastering a grin on her face, "Does this mean you didn't like my tits?"
Lorcan turned red in the face before stuttering, "No. I mean, yes! No, fuck. Shit... I don't know."
Elide chuckled and began to dress their salad, "You've never seen a pair of tits before?" she asked knowing full well how untrue that was.
When she had moved into the flat, both she and he had had their own wild nights out where they brought home a different partner every weekend. On one occasion, Elide had been stunned when she came out of her room and bumped into a girl she had spent the night with a few weeks earlier. The girl had only bid her good morning, winking, before returning to Lorcan's room.
"No, it's not that," he muttered, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"So surely you'll have other samples to compare my boobs to and you'll be able to tell me if they're above average," she continued, prolonging this gentle torture.
He sat down, both elbows resting on the table, and rested his chin on his clasped hands. He looked into her eyes for a few seconds, then whispered, "What are you doing?"
"I'm making our lunch," she replied innocently.
She heard him breathe through his nose, "Why are we talking about your tits, I meant?"
"Uh," she smiled, casting him another quick glance, "I didn't think you were so grossed out that you can't even handle a conversation about them."
The frown on his face went deeper and deeper. He remained silent for so long that Elide thought he would never say anything again, that she would never get his thoughts on her breasts, but when she served the salad, sitting down in front of him, he finally spoke.
"It's not that," he repeated, looking away, "they're very nice. Balanced." he began to eat undisturbed and Elide grimaced in amusement, finding a way to keep the conversation going.
"Balanced? What are they? An economic system?"
Lorcan clenched his jaw, setting his fork down on his plate and looking into her face again. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, that she was risking losing her sanity, but she had to know, had to-
"They're perfect and, maybe they are because they're attached to you, but they're probably the most beautiful tits I've ever seen."
Elide's brain shut down. And he seemed to realise it too because the shadow of a smile began to form on his lips.
Lorcan leaned forward on the table and her eyes snapped to his arms. Fingers flexing, interlocking, caught her attention completely. She returned her gaze to his, feeling her body heat up as he resumed speaking. "If I'm going to be completely honest... If you want the details, Elide," the way he said her name made her most intimate part clench around nothing, "I've never seen such nice, small nipples and that pink?" he shut his eyes, moaning as he brought one of the tomatoes to his mouth and wrapped his lips around the fork.
Elide swallowed the mouthful that had been in her mouth for over a minute and nearly choked when he opened his eyes again and they were darker than normal if that was possible.
She looked away, too many feelings building up inside her, but crossed her legs, trying to relieve some of the tension there.
"Wasn't that enough, Ellie?" he asked in a rough voice, biting into an olive, making sure she saw the way his lips closed around it.
She swallowed again, "No, it was fine..." she cleared her throat when it came out too weak, "Thanks for the feedback."
Lorcan let go a throaty chuckle, "The pleasure is all mine."
Like every Sunday evening, the whole group had gathered at the twins' house. And that night everyone was there, although Vaughan and Vesta, along with Aedion and Sorrel, had gone out into the back yard a few hours ago and had not yet returned. Elide suspected they'd taken to smoking.
Those left in the house were playing one of the most popular games, "I feel like."
The game had no real objective, other than to embarrass people or get them to confess to extreme or obscene sexual acts. It was simply a matter of drawing a card, reading what it said and giving it to the person you thought had done the closest thing to what was described on the card. The only real rule was that you had to tell the whole story of what happened if the card you were handed told the truth.
Quite often the game would be interrupted because one of the two sides of the various couples would cheat, change the rules and instead of passing it on to the appropriate person, they would pass it on to their partner as an invitation to lock themselves in the first spare room they could find to experiment with what was asked by the game.
The cards could range from as basic things as "I feel like your first time was in a public restroom." to as a bit more hardcore as "I feel like you got fisted in the woods."
And in that moment, Elide had a strong feeling that Rowan and Aelin would soon be going home.
"Oh my fucking god," Rowan muttered as he read the words on the card, turning red from head to toe. He looked up at Aelin, swallowing and making his adam's apple bob, "Where do you even find these games?"
Elide giggled beside him, "There's a girl on the internet who updates the cards every month and puts them up for sale, we take turns to see who has to buy them each time."
"Oh god," he said shaking his head. When he slid the card in Aelin's direction, the girl leaned towards him to leave a soft kiss on his lips and when they broke away they were both smiling. Aelin read what was written on the card and for a second it seemed like the colour drained from her face, but then she blinked and cleared her throat, looking at Rowan with wide eyes.
"Maybe we should go away. To try it out." she murmured, so quietly that only those on the couch with them heard her.
Elide looked up at the boy next to her, or rather, behind her, to see if he was listening, but he seemed lost in thought. He had been absentmindedly stroking her arm since they had settled there, and Elide didn't think she had ever been so relaxed in her life.
She and Lorcan were sitting at one end of the sofa, opposite to Rowan and Aelin, her between his legs and with her back against his chest. Every time one of them laughed, their bodies moved closer together and now she had her head resting on the part of his chest between his neck and shoulder.
She was home.
Fenrys and Connall, across the living room, sitting on the floor, booed.
"You can't pass them all on to her!" complained Lysandra.
Aelin didn't even look at her as she spoke, her eyes always fixed on Rowan's, as if they were having a telepathic conversation, "Lys, shut up."
Her friend gasped, bringing a hand to her mouth.
"I say we vote to kick them out of the room," Asterin said, in exactly the same position she was in, but between her boyfriend's legs. Half the people in the room raised their hands to the sky, making Aelin roll her eyes.
Fenrys nodded, always ready to back Asterin up in whatever situation they were in, "It's starting to smell like Rowaelin in here."
Lorcan chuckled behind her, knocking her forward. And as the others lost themselves in the chatter, Elide shifted her gaze to Manon, who sat in the armchair next to the couch, one hand in Dorian's hair, who sat with his head resting on the armrest.
Her friend's bright eyes sparkled with malice as she arched an eyebrow and gestured to the boy she was practically sitting on. Elide felt her cheeks blush, but smiled naively at her, pretending not to know what she was alluding to. Manon smiled back.
Elide had never spoken openly to her about Lorcan, not in that way at least, but she knew Manon knew - in fact, now that she thought about it, she had never had to do that with anyone. Everyone had been rather quick to catch on that. Everyone except Lorcan.
The hand on her arm stopped, clinging completely against her skin and Elide had to force herself not to look at him, but then he lowered himself onto her and whispered in her ear, "Ellie."
She turned her head just enough to look at him and his lips brushed her cheek, so briefly that she thought she had imagined it. Lorcan had pulled back and was now looking into her eyes, "Your turn."
She blinked and turned towards the others, only realising at that moment that all eyes were on them. She felt her face burn, but she nodded, putting a hand on Lorcan's knee and pushing herself forward, rubbing her ass on the crotch of his trousers. She'd been doing this all night, all night teasing him, just as he was teasing her, brushing the side of the breasts from time to time.
And each time, Lorcan would burst into a coughing fit and move further back, which only gave Elide a chance to grind even harder against him in an attempt to regain the comfortable position they were in before.
As she settled back into her seat, she met Fenrys' gaze, who had a shit-eating grin on his face. She lowered her eyes to the maroon card in her hands quickly, shimming her hips between his legs. Lorcan's hands ended on her shoulders and she looked up at him, batting her eyelids like a fawn.
"Stop moving around so much," he grumbled.
She smiled gently and then took up reading. She hadn't touched alcohol that night, for obvious reasons, but she still found it hard to understand what was written there when Lorcan's fingers began to draw imaginary lines across her bare skin.
"I feel like..." she whispered, her eyes going wide. She looked across the sofa at Rowan.
The friend gave her a chuckle, "I told you they seemed a bit extreme."
I feel like you performed a titjob on someone while being eaten out.
Before she could realise what she was doing, she said, "Can I give myself the card or...?"
Dorian turned a quizzical look on her, "You know you have to-"
Fenrys shrieked something unintelligible, but that stopped Dorian. Manon above them clenched her hands into fists, her eyes half-closed at the sudden commotion, "I haven't killed you yet just because-"
"Yeah yeah, just because of Asterin, I get it," Fenrys replied moving a hand midair, his gaze never leaving Elide's, who in a moment of clarity realised what Dorian was about to say. What the blond said only served to confirm her fear, "But Elide just confessed to doing whatever is written on it and I want to know every detail."
She felt Lorcan stiffen behind her and then Elide realised something else entirely. He must have read what was written on the card.
"So?" pressed Aelin, leaning over Rowan and snatching the card from Elide's hands. She opened her mouth wide with an amused expression, then put on a pout, looking at her boyfriend, "These are the things I sometimes wish you'd be a little more open about."
Rowan arched an eyebrow, reading the card in turn, "We can do those two things at the same time and without anyone else having to see you naked."
Lysandra, next to them, picked up the card, "Oh, Aedion and I did that too. Although it was a normal blowjob, no titty job." she exclaimed happily.
One thing that pleased Elide greatly was the fact that no one in that room would judge her for what she did in the bedroom and who she did it with. Also because there was a high probability that they had done it too.
And slowly the card was passed among all the members of their group and when it reached Fenrys and Asterin, the girl winked at Elide, murmuring a sensual, "I've never done it, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt." Fenrys winked behind her, intertwining their hands. Asterin's smile only grew wider, before she added, "You have our numbers."
Elide blushed, but smiled anyway, nodding.
Everyone began to talk about the various possibilities, as they did during every turn, and the card finally passed from Dorian and Manon and the two exchanged only a glance before giving the card to Lorcan.
Lorcan who was taking deep breaths one after the other and had his eyes closed. Elide had never seen him so focused in her life. She noticed the way he contracted and relaxed his jaw repeatedly and frowned.
Was he alright?
She ran a finger over his thigh to get his attention, tracing a line from his knee to where his leg touched her hip and Lorcan let go a shuddering breath, opening his eyes slightly and tightening his grip on her shoulders, "I don't think you should do that." his voice so hoarse and deep that Elide felt her stomach knot. She didn't understand what he was referring to.
And then she felt it.
Hard and... thick against her ass.
She opened her eyes wide, pointing them at him, and held her breath. She had to stop herself from opening her mouth in surprise, but she couldn't stop herself when her hips pushed against Lorcan's now obvious erection.
Elide had never been so happy to hear Fenrys' laughter as she was at that moment, because if it hadn't been for the sudden noise, the moans that escaped them both would have been heard all too well and neither of them would have been able to look at anyone else in the room for the rest of their lives.
Lorcan swallowed, breathing through his nostrils, and his gaze fell to her lips. Her eyes did the same and she didn't care that they were among everyone and would have everyone's eyes on them if they did exactly what Elide was thinking, because his lips parted slightly and he whispered her name and she was lost.
Without thinking about it for another second, Elide turned just enough to have her face directly in front of his and closed her eyes, feeling his lips brush hers. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding, "Lorcan,"
And then she kissed him, and it was exactly as she had always dreamed it would be, as his lips moved with hers and they tasted and breathed from each other. A sound that Elide had never made in her life rose up her throat as Lorcan shifted and with a sharp movement of his hips turned her fully towards him and now she was on her knees in front of him, both of them breathing heavily as they looked into each other's eyes.
Someone coughed in the room and she heard Aelin whisper a weak "fucking finally", but Elide didn't give a shit.
She placed her hands on Lorcan's face, tilting his head back so she could reach him better. The second his hands landed on her hips, their lips collided again in a fierce kiss and his tongue found its way into her mouth.
The first touch of their tongues was like having a thousand fireworks explode in her mouth.
"Okay, it's time to join the others," Manon murmured.
Elide heard Fenrys mutter, "Please not on the couch, there are guest rooms upstairs."
Lorcan pulled away from her just enough to see what was going on around them and her hands slid around his neck, ending in his hair as she admired the line of his cheekbones and the way his lashes caressed his skin every time he closed his eyes.
God, he was beautiful.
"Which one can we use?" asked Lorcan as he looked at Fenrys.
Elide's eyes went wide, causing him to turn towards her. She ran a thumb over his lower lip, smirking, "So sure of yourself."
Without missing a beat, Lorcan mimicked her grin and squeezed her hips, "You don't want to?"
Elide smiled, turning towards her friends, stopping to look at Fenrys, "The second on the left right?"
When the owner of the house winked at her, nodding, she stood up, pulling Lorcan with her, who had a confused look on his face, "Why do you know that?"
She had the decency to blush, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the stairs, "You don't want to know."
Lysandra burst out laughing as everyone resumed their seats on the floor or the couch, "You really don't."
Elide tugged at him more insistently, not looking at Lorcan's reaction to those words. She just wanted to get to the room and lock herself in with him.
When she felt his hand settle on her hip and slide down to her ass cheek, where he paused to give it a squeeze, she almost turned and slammed him against the wall just so she could continue kissing him how she needed to.
They arrived in front of the door and she stopped with her fingers on the handle, once inside there would be no stopping. There would be no point of return.
His fingers brushed her cheek and she turned to face him, who now wore a ravenous, excited look, but Elide could see the concern and hesitation in taking the next step, "We don't have to do anything, Ellie."
She nodded, because she knew that was the case, but squeezed his hand to emphasize what he said, "But I want to."
"Good thing, cause the thought of you fucking those two gave me some ideas."
She grinned, placing a hand on his chest, "I wasn't the one doing the titty work, but we can always try."
Lorcan groaned softly at the knowledge of Elide licking another girl and then pushed the door open, backing in and taking his-
Whatever Elide was at that moment to him, it wasn't important.
The only thing that was important was his lips on hers.
The difference in height wasn't making it easy for him, and when he leaned down even further, never breaking the kiss, to run his hands under her knees and pull her up, Elide seemed to understand that right away and, pulling away just enough to jump into his arms, they found themselves on each other in seconds.
Lorcan bit her lower lip, making her moan, and when he moved to her jaw, nipping lightly at her skin, Elide threw her head back, pushing her hips against his and drawing a groan from both of them.
He immediately took the opportunity to latch his lips onto the smooth, quivering skin of her neck, feeling the bed behind his knees and sitting up, letting her straddle him. His hands moved up her legs, caressing her inner thighs, but never really getting close to where she needed him most.
Elide began to grope his chest, grazing the skin of his arms, but never staying in one spot, until Lorcan began to suck at the bare skin between her neck and shoulder and she nudged him slightly.
He quickly pulled away, panting, "What?"
There were too many layers. Keeping her eyes fixed on his, Elide lowered her hands to the hem of her shirt and slipped it off in one swift movement. She smiled smugly when she could finally see Lorcan's reaction to her bare tits.
His eyes were slightly wider than usual and his pupils so dilated that Elide realised that she had never noticed that Lorcan's eye colour was not black, but just a very dark brown. When he looked at her, the words died in her throat.
"I love it when you don't wear a bra," he murmured, reaching up to her and brushing her lips with his, "But I love even more the way you shiver every time I do this."
Elide didn't have a chance to dwell on the way he'd said love, because without her noticing, his hands had found their place on her waist and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out in pleasure when he brushed the sides of her breasts with his thumbs.
He pushed himself further against her, brushing his lips over her ear, "When we're alone and you don't have to hold back, I want you to scream my name." and then he moved quickly, leaving only a light kiss on her shoulder before his lips closed around a sensitive nipple.
With the first sweep of his tongue around the hard bead, Elide whimpered, pushing her hips down against his and making him moan into her chest. She brought her hands into his hair, clenching and pulling each time his teeth bit or scraped the sensitive skin around the nipple.
When he seemed to want to move on to the other breast, Elide shook her head, pulling his hair back to its roots and forcing her mouth against his, making him grunt. She had to feel him.
"Lorcan," she breathed, between kisses, "I need to touch you."
One of her hands slipped between the two of them, palming him through the sweatpants that did little to hide Lorcan's huge boner. He moaned against her chin, "Fuck."
They pulled apart again and when he had stripped off his shirt, Elide didn't waste a moment and pressed her bare chest against his, causing him to fall back onto the mattress.
Lorcan had other ideas though, because in one smooth motion she found herself lying on her back, his gentle weight pressing her against the covers and his bright smile lighting up his face. He left a kiss on her nose, on her lips and then down to the split in the middle of her breasts and her eyes rolled back in her head as a flashback from two nights before appeared in her head, of Lorcan doing the same thing with his eyes as they danced.
"Can I take these off?" he asked her, once he reached her hips where he was leaving kisses light as feathers.
Elide was breathing raggedly, but nodded when she understood he was talking about her leggings. Still keeping her eyes closed, she lifted her hips off the mattress, closing her fists around the covers as her bottoms disappeared along with her socks and the cold air hit her bare skin.
Now only the thin fabric of her black panties separated her from achieving what she wanted.
That and Lorcan's slacks.
"Ellie." she heard him as he came back on top of her, one knee between her legs to keep his balance. She licked her lip, opening her eyes and keeping her gaze fixed on him, on that perfect face.
"Do you have a condom?" she asked in a whisper, as if afraid the answer would be no. She had them, but they were downstairs, in her purse, and she had no desire to leave the room right then.
Lorcan arched an eyebrow, "I'm not having sex with you tonight, Elide."
She frowned, folding her arms under her and propping herself up on her elbows, "What does that mean?"
"That I'm not completely sober," he said, leaning his head towards her chest, keeping his eyes fixed in hers, "And the first time it'll be inside you," he murmured in a rougher voice, placing a light kiss on the nipple he hadn't licked before, "I want it to be at a time when I'm lucid and can remember all the noises and moans you make." and then he gave the same attention to her other breast, pushing her against the mattress one more time, until Elide was a squirming mess under him and deemed his treatment sufficient.
"Now I'm going to slip these off," Lorcan murmured, grazing a finger along the hem of her panties, and Elide shuddered, "and touch you. Here." the same finger slid across her covered folds, starting at her clit and following her slit to her entrance. "Already so wet for me."
Elide thrashed on the bed, moaning softly as he applied a little more pressure, "Stop teasing, we'll have time for that when we get home." she managed to toss out between shaky breaths.
"Understood ma'am." he taunted, grabbing the edges of the thing and pulling it down. The sound that burst from him was completely animalistic and threatened to make Elide come before he even really touched her. "So beautiful." he said, kneeling in front of her.
Lorcan's hands wrapped around her ankles and he pushed her legs up, placing her feet on the edge of the bed, until she was left with her knees bent and her pussy at his full disposal. Elide risked looking down between her legs and her eyes locked into his as he lowered himself onto her and smiled.
The way her chest rose and fell made her tits bounce and Lorcan seemed to appreciate it, but he didn't seem to be planning to do anything. Elide tipped her head back, whispering in a weak voice, "Do something, please."
He laughed and her muscles flexed, clenching around nothing. It was at that moment that she felt him, his breath on the most sensitive part of her body. "I'm going to make you cum so fast you won't have time to count to a hundred."
Lorcan's fingers came off her ankles and went to part her lips, making her feel the warm air of his breathe even more. He parted them until he was satisfied and Elide lowered her gaze just as his tongue made contact with her throbbing core. A rush of pleasure coursed through her body, making her legs tremble, "Lor," she moaned.
"Mh, El," he closed his lips around her clit, pressing his tongue against the pearl over and over, until Elide repeated his name like a prayer, "So good. You taste so good."
Her hands ended up in his hair again, pushing his face against her sex, seeking more. She began to move her hips, following the strokes of his mouth on her, but one of Lorcan's arms slithered around her pelvis and pinned her to the bed, lapping her juices as with his thumb he reached to massage her clit with such precision that Elide knew that whatever she would do on her own in the future, she would never be able to match how he was making her feel.
Elide cried out in pleasure, bringing a hand to her mouth as she felt his tongue thrust into her and an all too familiar warmth build up in the pit of her stomach.
She brought one hand up to massage the nipple he had only kissed and made a choked sound, her hips jerking upwards.
Lorcan moaned against her, a new sound, different from any he'd made so far, and Elide couldn't help herself. She pulled herself up onto her elbows, continuing to touch herself as he kept sending jolts of pleasure with every thrust of his tongue and every caress of his thumb, and the sight of him eating her out would have been enough to push her over the edge, but the hand wrapped around his thick, throbbing cock pumping relentlessly was the thing that made her eyes roll back and explode as the rope inside her snapped. Her legs gave out, falling over the edge of the bed and finding their place on Lorcan's shoulders.
Her mouth gaped open in a silent scream as her whole body trembled in pleasure as wave after wave surged through her and her back arched so wide she broke away from the bed.
Lorcan didn't stop touching her, but he pulled his mouth away from her, still massaging her clit until Elide was too sensitive and with a groan she tightened a hand around his wrist to push him away. She heard him grunt and then moan, but she didn't have the strength to lower her gaze to what she knew very well was a cumming Lorcan.
She was breathing hard, one hand on her stomach to rest and the other still clasped around his.
Every now and then her body was shaken by a spasm, but she managed to calm down after a few minutes and close her aching legs. She rolled onto her side, letting go of his wrist.
Lorcan was also breathless and kept his forehead pressed against the edge of the bed.
Elide felt a tinge of pain tingle through her heart. She pulled herself up just enough to look into his face, "Lor?"
She reached out a hand towards him, placing it on his shoulder, at which he raised his head and looked at her with bright eyes and an open mouth, "Are you alright?"
She nodded, smiling at him and falling back into the now unmade blankets, "Never been better."
He chuckled deeply, moving from his position on the floor and causing at least two joints in his legs to crack.
The moment Elide saw he'd managed to get at least halfway out of his trousers, her throat went dry. And her brain forgot how to talk when she noticed he wasn't wearing boxers. Elide knew Lorcan often went commando, but seeing it with her own eyes was a different story. Seeing him, was a completely different thing from feeling him against her.
She swallowed. She'd intended to scold him for taking all the fun out of both of them by touching himself, but maybe Elide had overestimated her abilities, because the idea of having to give Lorcan a blowjob when his dick was like this-
"If you keep looking at me like that I'm not sure I can keep the promise I made to myself," he murmured in a serious voice.
Elide looked up at his face and sighed as she saw his eyes as dark as before, just moments before he pulled off his clothes completely and lay down beside her on the other side of the bed.
It didn't take her even half a second to wrap herself around him and press her body against Lorcan's side as he draped an arm around her shoulders.
His fingertips began to trace idle lines on her shoulder as he had done only half an hour before on the couch in front of everyone.
A satisfied and surprised laugh came out of her. Lorcan put his hand under her chin and when she looked up at him he had an equally satisfied smile on his lips. He pushed her head towards his, causing their mouths to collide in a brief kiss that was chaste in comparison to what they had just done and when they broke away, Elide frowned, "I didn't like you touching yourself without giving me a chance to enjoy this in turn."
The corner of Lorcan's mouth turned up, "Sorry honey, but seeing you naked like that on the bed for me has been my dream for a little too long and I was sure I would have come in zero time if I had let you touch me. It would have been embarrassing." he whispered, caressing her cheek.
Elide tried to suppress a smile, failing miserably. She decided to tease him a little, "I thought I heard you say you lasted long in bed, didn't you?"
He chuckled, "You know it's hard to rely on stamina when the girl in question is you."
At those words she felt a particularly strong surge of affection for the boy who had given her one of the most intense orgasms she had ever received and she pushed herself closer against him, making her bare breasts feel against his skin.
Lorcan turned slightly towards her, looking into her face.
He looked so relaxed.
She knew he was.
But there was something that didn't allow her to be one hundred percent.
She fixed her eyes on his, placing a hand on his chest, over his heart. The hand Lorcan had held behind his head until now came to rest on hers, squeezing her fingers tight.
Elide took a shuddering breath, "Now what?"
Lorcan suppressed a yawn, "I guess it's not a problem if we stay here and sleep-"
"No, I'm saying," she interrupted him, looking away, "what do we do now? You and I." then, realizing that question couldn't have been more vague, she closed her eyes, mustering courage, "What are we now?"
"Whatever you want us to be, Ellie," he said softly, starting to stroke her hand, "But I want one thing to be clear. And I'd like you to look at me while I say it."
Elide opened her eyes, lifting her chin slightly so she could see him better, and gave him a small smile, which he immediately returned.
"What is it?"
Lorcan's gaze moved to her lips, before returning to her eyes, "I like you, Elide."
She stopped breathing.
"I really like you and whatever you decide to do with me, I'll respect that, but I also want to say that if you don't want anything exclusive, then this will have been a one night stand and won't happen again."
Although she also wanted exactly the same things, hearing him say them made her chest hurt, because the prospect of not being able to have him again so soon after just finally finding him hurt.
She cleared her throat, nodding, "I like you too." she whispered, noticing his eyes widen a little, "And I don't want you going with any other girls besides me if we decide to continue with this." Lorcan nodded, agreeing with her, then continued, "If you don't want a relationship right away, I can understand that, but know that I do." she felt herself blush as she finally admitted the truth out loud, looking away, "And I know our situation isn't the best with being roommates and all-"
"Our situation is perfect," Lorcan corrected her, moving a strand of hair out of her face.
She looked at him again, seeing him smile.
"Ellie, you're my best friend. The person who knows me the most out of all the people I consider important. We already live together, we won't have to fight over who to stay at every night. We won't have to go on any awkward first dates and the sex seems phenomenal to me," a lump formed in her throat as she tried to keep her breathing regular, but found it difficult when he smiled at her more broadly, "I waited months for you to see that the playlists were all declarations and hoped that after Friday night something would change. For once I won."
Elide figured he was talking about what had happened at the club, but if she was going to be completely honest... "I was the one who showed you my tits twice, letting you know I wanted something more. Don't take all the credit."
Lorcan burst out laughing and it sounded more scratchy than usual, "I'm sorry, you're right."
He kissed her again and again, and held her close as he ran his fingers through her hair and murmured the words to a love song, and before long she fell asleep in his arms, making Lorcan the happiest man in the world.
tog tag list (if you wanna be added or removed, just send an ask or dm me)
@maastrash @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @ladywitchling @thegoddessofyou @ghostlyrose2 @claralady @anne-reads @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @letstakethedawn @simping4bookboisngrls @post-it-notes33 @booksstorm @nalgenewhore @queen-of-demons-and-hell @miserablemusings @lanyjoy-13 @vasudharaghavan @cupcakey00 @bri-loves-sunflowers @queen-of-glass @the-regal-warrior​
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Little Klaus (1)
In which Klaus is somehow deaged and the siblings take advantage of this. Also Ben's alive BC fuck you he ain't dead in my books.
When Klaus woke up he didn't notice anything different. He didn't feel different, look different or act different.
So why is it that when he went downstairs to line up for lunch (as usual) there were five strange adults in the living room?
This lead Klaus to where he was now, backed against the door he entered by and staring at the adults, who seemed to be staring at him.
"W-who are you people?" He said, cursing himself mentally for stuttering over the first word, "What are you doing here?"
"Is anyone else seeing a baby Klaus?" The Asian man muttered, eyes flicking disbelievingly between the other adults and Klaus's own.
Klaus stepped back again, "H-how do you know my name?! Where's my siblings!?" Panic had begun to rise in his chest, and he slowly started to open the door behind him, inch by agonizing inch.
"What are we supposed to do?" A man clad in leather asked, ignoring Klaus's questions, "He clearly has no clue what's going on!"
"Klaus," a smaller woman asked, getting down onto her knees (not that it was necessary, Klaus was sure he wasn't that much shorter than her), "we aren't here to hurt you, I promise. Can you tell me what year it is?"
Green eyes flicking from each adult with panic, he answered hesitantly, "2001, why?"
A rush of hushed whispers filled the room at his answer, but Klaus had finally opened the door to an amount he could slip out of and he wasn't planning on overstaying his welcome. The 12 year old flew out of the room, taking off his clunky shoes as he ran (they were slowing him down) and running barefooted throughout the mansion.
"Come on," he muttered, panicked tears pricking at his eyes, "the others have to be somewhere!"
Hearing the yells of the adults behind him only made him panic more, and he ran over the polished wooden floors, skidding and slipping as he went but never once staying in the same place for a second. As he was heading towards the bedrooms (he was sure if his siblings were anywhere they'd be there, heading down for breakfast) he ran straight into Five. The two collided and fell to the ground, rubbing their heads before clocking each existence. Five's brow furrowed in confusion before Klaus grabbed him and shoved him into the ex-junkies room, and he shoved a chair against the door in a pitiful attempt at a barricade. Still confused, Five spoke up.
Klaus's face crumpled, and he flung himself at the 13 year old (who to be frank didn't look much different at 12). "Five," he breathed out in a panicked voice, "I-I can't find the others! Diego and Vanya, even Luther is missing! And dad isn't anywhere to be found! All I found were five adults downstairs, and I don't know who they are. I'm so glad you're ok!" His eyes had filled with tears and he buried his face into Five's neck.
"Klaus," Five asked gently, putting his arms awkwardly around the pre-teen, "W-what year is it?"
"2001, but what does it have to do with anything?"
***le time skip before this gets super long***
"So, let me get this straight," Klaus stated, "The year is 2019, these people are obviously our siblings judging by the tattoos and what I'm assuming is Vanya's lack of one, and you are in the body of a 13 year old because you travelled forward in time to prevent the apocalypse and it did some weird doolally kinda space stuff and left you like that?"
Raising his eyebrows at the choice of words, Five simply said, "Yes."
"Huh. Ok. Then why am I twelve instead of..." He paused to count on his fingers, "30? Holy hell!" His eyes widened comically, "You guys are really really old!"
Laughing gently, Ben responded, "We don't know Klaus."
"I should assume that it's something to do with the space-time continuum being messed up," Five murmured absently to himself, "but with the timeline being as fragile as it is right now I am exceedingly reluctant to mess about with it some more."
"Wait," Klaus cried, "Are you saying that I'm gonna be stuck as the youngest sibling now??!!"
"Oh, this is priceless!" Diego crowed, a large grin on his face, "Who'd have thought large beansprout Klaus would end up being the baby?"
"Oi!" The pre-teen shouted, pouting, "I'm not a baby at all!"
"You sure look like one," the leather clad man teased, and Allison huffed out a laugh, thwacking him on the head.
"Behave, you idiot," she admonished, "it's gotta be scary being stuck in that situation. It could just as easily be you."
"So," Five started, "if Klaus is going to be stuck like this for the moment, unless it doesn't wear off in which case it's permanent, I think we should try and let him get to know us and start to live a normal life."
"TRUTH OR DARE!" Klaus screamed in excitement, already running to the living room to plop himself on a couch, "SCHNELL SCHNELL!"
***another time skip Yeet***
Eventually everyone was sat in the living room (Five and Luther may have needed a little bit of coaching to get them there) and Klaus grinned widely in glee.
"Youngest to oldest, so me then Five, then in numerical order we can go Vanya, Ben, Allison, Diego and Luther!" He crowed in excitement, before turning to Five (who was quietly drinking his coffee).
"Five, truth or dare?"
Thinking for a moment, Five responded, "Dare."
"I dare you..." Klaus pondered, before pouting cutely, "I can't think of anything."
Ben leaned over and whispered into his ear, and Klaus perked up significantly, "I dare you to sit in Allison's lap for the rest of the game!"
Unable to stay mad at the seance's adorable excitement, Five grumbled good-naturedly as Allison pulled him into her lap. Five quickly turned to Ben, eager to get the attention off himself.
"Ben, truth or dare?"
"I'm gonna be boring and go with truth."
"You never know what music's on the radio now, so I have to ask, what is it that you're always listening to in your headphones?"
Laughing shyly, Ben answered, "It's... It's Kpop. Korean pop. I don't know how I got into it, I think big you introduced me to it Klaus," he laughed, getting the youngest's attention.
"Really, who's my favourite groups?"
"Well, you thirst over Jungkook from BTS," Ben teased, watching Klaus turn crimson, "but your favourite groups at the moment are BLACKPINK and Hellovenus."
"Can you show me them after we're done?"
"Sure." Ben turned to Vanya, "I think Five just wanted to ask me that question and forgot the order haha, so Vanya truth or dare?"
"Hmm... Dare."
"I dare you to pick an outfit out of big Klaus's wardrobe and wear it all day!"
Laughing incredulously, Vanya made her way to Klaus's bedroom. 5 minutes later, she came down in a pair of tight leather shorts, mesh top with a loose crop top (with the word GAY in pink on black) over the top of it, and a bright pink feather boa. "Look at this madness!" She laughed in delight, shimmying over to Klaus who was giggling non-stop. She took the feather boa off and hooked it around his skinny torso, and Klaus burst into belly laughter as she shimmied it closer towards her.
"Vanya," he laughed, "Stop it! It tickles!!"
"Oh does it really?" She smiled, "Couldn't tell, truly!"
While trying to escape the feather boa, Klaus hadn't noticed Diego sneaking up behind him and lifting him up.
"You seriously thought we'd forget how ticklish little you was? Shame on you Klaus!" The leather clad man laughed as Klaus kicked his bare feet.
"No, please don't tickle me!" He giggled nervously as Vanya stepped towards him, wiggling her fingers menacingly.
"Sorry, what's that? I couldn't make it out between the giggles," she teased, and as Klaus opened his mouth to speak again she started tickling his armpits.
Klaus instantly began giggling, kicking his legs in the air in a weak protest against the tickling. He had always been weak and frail against his siblings, the slightly too skinny one, the one who was sensitive. His protesting was half hearted as his mouth spewed out bubbly giggles.
"Nohohoho fair! Vanyahahahaha plehehehehease!!!"
"It has been too long since we tickled him," Allison laughed, Five still on her lap. The teen was looking at the scene in front of him, a rare fond smile on his face.
"Why don't you join in?" Diego laughed, "Luther take the baby from me."
At Allison's squeal of delight, Luther grabbed the kid by the wrists, sitting the underweight preteen across his lap (image BC this is a strange thing to describe???)
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He grabbed the boys skinny wrists and carefully lifted them over his head, pinning them with one large hand against the couch. Knowing he was completely exposed, Klaus just laid there, bursting out into squeaky giggles as Allison went straight for his sides.
"So cute~~" The woman cooed as Klaus helplessly kicked his little feet, struggling to pull down his arms.
"Allisohohohon!! Stahahahahap!"
"Oh no, sweetheart, we're only just beginning!" She grinned, and lifted his shirt up. Klaus began to giggle apprehensively, chanting no's under his breath.
"Oh yes," Allison grinned teasingly, "I remember squeaky toy Klaus, don't the rest of you?"
A manicured nail poked the inside of Klaus's bellybutton, and he let out a squeak. His face flushed red at the adoring coos from his siblings, but he didn't have time to retaliate because Allison lightly scribbled her fingers across his flat stomach, causing him to burst once more into giggly laughter. Eventually, when the woman was done and Luther let him go, Klaus curled up in her lap, giggling cutely as she lightly rubbed his stomach.
"That feel good, Klaus?"
A sleepy nod confirmed her statement, and Allison grinned widely.
"There's not long left, baby, wanna see the game through?"
The final three finally took their turn. Allison had chosen truth, and was told to pick the current cutest UA member (Klaus was an easy win), Luther chose dare and was dared to hang upside down on the railing reciting the entirety of Eminem's Rap God while Klaus was dared to have his bellybutton (his well-known weakest spot) tickled for five minutes non stop. However, at the end of the game, with a giggly little baby Klaus still snuggling into her lap ready to fall asleep, Allison was excited to see how long this would last.
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afuerterosa · 3 years
Lydia Danell Stone
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|Checking my wrist, eyeing the thread that barely held together there I knew it was going to be any day now. I hadn't taken it off since @AFuerteRosa had tied it on my arm and worry had already taken up residence in my gut at the uncertainty of the last few days but if I knew anything, it was that fate would not get me this far only to take you from me now. Granted you weren't exactly human. You had been gifted certain abilities and skills, such as myself, that had carried you so far in this life, your purpose prior to me was laced up tight until the day I walked down that street. Mama Stone had told me the stories of Boston and how she almost lost him, how at the last minute Papa had called a second midwife in. A regular human hospital had been out in their case too and while Papa could soothe her heart from breaking, taking on a majority of her pain, there was something entirely different about this kind.
As I would come to find out, there were some pains you could protect a person from but others you could not. “Hijo de mi luz.” I could hear my mama like she was still here. The cadence in which her voice carried the name she would call us when we were kids had a way of wrapping us up in that blanket of warm comfort whenever we were scared. And while the memory was one of joy, that feeling of something horrible possibly happening or going wrong never went away fully. Not until it was over and Papa knew Mama Stone was okay, that Boston was going to be okay.
The percentage of death in mothers during childbirth didn't discriminate because you helped finalize one's passage to the other side. We all had a number, some were just called home sooner rather than later and while some comforts were bestowed upon us, there was still a chance that destiny could fuck it all up.
One bad decision could snowball from there and then you're left with the pieces trying to fit them back together into this new normal. Running my fingers through my hair, I blew out a calming breath trying to center myself long enough to get us through this next part, thinking about the first time I took your hand.
You had been so timid, so shy and not so trusting of me until that light from the street lamp burst, pitching us both into that same darkness. In that moment, I knew it was going to be okay.
That no matter what, we were going to be okay and just like with the lyrics from our song, we waited for that hint of a spark. It was that very second all hesitation left your body and you slipped your hand in mine, taking that chance. It felt like it was always meant to be this way.
And as with the natural progression of things, we found ourselves here. We were about to have a baby.
Suddenly, I was transported back, the memories of us always played on my personal station of repeat, however the present song playing was definitely a new release as I watched @AFuerteRosa make that face to keep from swearing. Again.|
Cara Mia, I already called and they are on their way. |We had everyone on standby and I wasn't taking any chances. No matter how much I channeled to soothe, something else was fueling our little nina and it wasn't the habaneros you had with breakfast.|
•I had read about Braxton Hicks in that What to Expect When You're Expecting book. I also had researched everything under the moon about what to expect. To the point where you had taken my phone from me on a few occasions and "jokingly" threatened to disable Google from my phone.
Some women described it as strong period cramps. I could handle that. The word strong though. That was a tricky one. What wasn't bad to one might be earth shattering to another. Luckily, I had a high pain tolerance.
When that first Braxton Hicks contraction set in, I knew what it was immediately. I even boasted to you that all my research had been a good thing. Because now I was prepared. They were only mildly annoying, and passed pretty quickly. This, however, was not mildly annoying. This was MUCHO annoying. It felt like our little jalapeno was attempting to break free of my womb directly through my stomach. Unfortunately, I was now on another of those before mentioned time outs because I Googled...again. And under normal circumstances, I might have laughed at the images that popped up from the movies of aliens and other clearly fake things bursting from women's bellies. Today, was not a normal day and instead it sent me into a round of tears.
But now, whatever it was had let up. I think? Putting my hand on my belly, I did a check in. Everything felt normal. Or as normal as you could feel when you're doing your best impression of an overstuffed Walrus. My bras didn't fit. Under boob sweat did nothing for feeling sexy. My feet looked like tamales. Then there was the sharp pains down there. Sitting comfortably was out. Because just as she had run out of room, so had I. Shaking my head with a sigh I mumbled• Definitely not normal... •Refocusing, I attempted another check in. Si, everything felt similar to how it had been last night. Before she attempted to rip free of my belly. Offering you a smile, I spoke a little louder this time for you to hear• Maybe they don't need to come after all. •running my hand over mybelly and still smiling• I think it was just a... •On cue she did it again. This time I gripped the back of the couch with a sharp gasp that cut off my sentence as I whimpered out• Ay yi yi. No more habaneros.
Take my hand. |Having said that, I didn't wait for you to loosen your grip on the couch. The cushion, hell the whole damn thing could be replaced but you and our daughter could not.
One palm was flat against your belly, guiding over the thin soft material of your dress, pressing just enough to feel our baby kick against my hand as if to let me know "Hey! I'm still in here but I want the fuck out!" while my other took yours and laced our fingers together. No amount of smooth talk I did toward our little girl was working and the more she ignored my voice when I asked her to take it easy, the more uneasy I got in return.| Did you want to try a bath? I could even turn on the jets for us. She likes it, remember?
|Your face instantly fell, turning into the poster child of guilt and when you offered me that sheepish grin through gritted teeth, I couldn't help the words that left my lips next.| Or maybe you liked it and just told me that seeing how we have practically lived in the tub the last month. |Trying to make light of it now was probably not the greatest idea considering when you tried to give me that signature laugh of yours it quickly took a sharp turn into dark corners. In other words, major labor pains had hit their stride in this race.
The small bouts of rebound from the recovery of them seemed to go from long periods to short ones fast and when I finally saw those tears spring to your eyes again, that was it. My decision was made and we were getting up.| I'll carry you, Cara Mia. Bed or tub?
•Me and my expressive face. It seemed to have gotten worse during this experience. Because as soon as you mentioned the bath, I gave myself away. And I couldn’t help but give a guilty laugh when you pointed it out. Only laughing was not something our little jalapeño appreciated at this moment. Maybe it was the tightening of my muscles when I did it? The slight jiggle of my stomach? Before I could think much more on that I was crying out• Dios mio! Period cramps, mi culo. Que locos. •My grip on your hand like a vice, and I probably left some nail marks too. But this… Another wave of nope was trying to rip through my lower abdomen and hoohah. I didn’t even register your question when you scooped me up• I changed my mind, mi amor. I don’t wanna do this anymore.
Hold on tight, baby.. |Where the fuck were they? Just as I was going to curse them to high heavens, I was swatted back down from the top by Mama Stone herself, when the cell in my pocket went off. The text alerting us that our midwife and company had arrived came through just as we reached the special room I had set up. Opting to help you sit on the bed for a moment, I was trying to be careful with my words as I punched the code to get in, to let them inside. Starting the bath was next and as I took my place right back before you, I tried my bestto use my gift to sooth you both, placing a kiss to your forehead when I do.| They are on their way inside and soon this will be all over. I promise you. Just breathe..
|It even sounded cliché and I don't know, shitty maybe? Just breathe but in that moment my eyes were pleading, begging you to understand that I was doing everything within my power that I knew to do to keep you safe, healthy but most of all, alive.|
•I tried that breathing thing you see everyone do. But all it did was make me lightheaded. So that went out the window. Instead I opted for a series of whimpers and colorful words in both languages as I watched you begin filling the tub. And when you returned to stand in front of me I reached out and gripped the front of your shirt tightly. You weren’t getting away again any time soon. Not if I could help it. Shaking my head at your words, I was ready to tell you again I didn’t want to do this anymore. But the look in your eyes caused me to stop• Do you think they can knock me out? I don’t have to be awake for this right? That lady on the news gave birth in a coma.
I don't think that's how this works. |Actually, I was almost sure of it. The death grip that you had on my shirt was no match for the series of kicks our daughter gave you just then. Barely up on the bed, my arms circled around you to keep you steady even as I heard the shuffle of feet behind us.| Baby, I'm not going anywhere but I have to move in order for them to look at you. |I kissed your forehead again, reassuring you that I wasn't leaving and held our laced fingers up to prove my point.| I promise to hold your hand the whole time. I haven't broken a promise to you yet and I'm not starting tonight. So these lovely people are going to make sure of that. Isn't that right? |I looked at the audience that now surrounded us, sealing my fate with them all or rather theirs with us when my gaze reinforced my words pointedly at each one before turning back to you. With a collective "Oh yes! Absolutely!" officially behind us now, our personalized medical team got underway, checking your vitals and prepping you for possible delivery. And just like with the movies, it was like time stood still for only us the second your water broke. There was you and me, holding hands while the whirlwind of chaos ensued around us with machines beeping and daggers for scalpels being tossed in the air and caught. A signal from my brain that this was really about to happen when our first of two midwifes called out to direct you to give one good push..|
|11.52 pm.. That was the time @AFuerteRosa brought our little girl into the world. The night of the 13th had its highs and lows but I had managed to soothe some of the pain just not all. And chaos be damned, our daughter wasn't taking no for an answer in making her appearance known. There was a time or five where I was sure my hand wasn't going to make it out alive by the death grip you had on it.
Remembering that pain from my arm being nearly ripped from its socket, I grinned thinking I would take that pain ten times over again if it meant I would be sitting here with you today. Watching you with our baby left me completely speechless at times and others, all I could do was grin ear to ear when she would start to coo.
The phrase a kid at Christmas came to mind then and if anybody was holding that title, it was me right now. I had already been fighting the reenactment of the Lion King. That desire to hold our daughter to the sky and demand that our kingdom bow before her had been great but with a light chuckle, I knew that was me being biased. Quietly opening the door to the room now, I entered with the box I had picked up during one of our numerous store trips. The boutiques and shops along the strip were no match for either of us when it came to decorating for our Lydia's arrival. With the plush Lulu The Lamb being no exception, I spoke low just to be sure as my feet carried me swiftly to you. Grinning wider when I see @AFuerteRosa holding our little one to her chest.| You want me to take her?
•I had never been so thankful for my ability to heal quickly than I was now. It had been a handy thing when a target was extra spunky. Or that time I had been captured. But now, when an entire being had made its way into the world by way of my hoohah, I was thanking all that was holy that I would not be like the women on the baby shows I had been watching the last few months. It also made up for the fact that I didn't have any of the interventions available to me that regular human women did at the hospital.
Luckily, I had you by my side. My own personal pain killer. I shuddered to even try to guess how much worse it might've been without you there. And as if on cue, my thoughts seemed to summon you to the room. My whole face lighting up with a bright smile when I spotted you. That stuffed lamb in your hands earning a soft laugh that had Lydia commenting in baby noises• Si. She needs to spend some time with her Papa too.
|Setting the box down immediately and off to the side, I was quick to grab up Lulu and the soft plush blanket to match, placing them both on the bed beside you.| I don't know if you'll get her back once I take her, Cara Mia.
|I had been teasing just a bit as I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it too. Having read about the skin to skin contact further solidifying the bond between father and child, I gave you a wink first before slipping into the king size bed with you, offering a tender kiss to the top of her head after placing a meaningful one to your lips. Carefully taking Lydia when you hand her over and cradling her to my chest now.| You did you so good with her, baby. You really did. You feeling good?
•Hormones were definitely raging. Because you taking off your shirt already had a lot of thoughts going through my mind that I had to suppress. Meeting your lips with a happy hum, I lifted her carefully from my chest and handed her over before turning on my side to face you. My smile so wide it almost made my cheeks hurt as I watch you with our little Lydia• Thank you, mi amor. I feel pretty good right now.
|Making faces at our little one was a first for me too. So many firsts I thought as I bumped her cute little nose with my own, whispering to her.| I promise to always protect you, mija. Sometimes that's not always going to be how you like it but it will be because your Mamá and I love you so very much. |Glancing over to you when I hear that familiar sniffle, I lean in to kiss away your tears, happy ones that they were and enjoy this time with you snuggled up with our baby.|
My heart is so full because of you. Both of you. My stomach on the other hand..|Just then, Lydia started to put up a fuss and I let out a chuckle.| Apparently, she is hungry again. Would you like something, Cara Mia? |I had the fridge stocked with anything we could want preparing for not just Lydia but @MindYourPanties and @LaLolaDelores too.|
•Watching you with our little nina had my heart swelling and tears filling my eyes. Just when I thought I couldn’t possibly fall any deeper in love with you, here we were. Laughing at myself when you kiss my tears away• You are already such a good papa. •Smiles as I continue to watch you. Only faltering when she starts to fuss• Oh, pobrecita. Tienes hambre? •Moves to sit up before finally answering your question• I could eat too. Si.
Si, she is. |Giving Lydia another huge grin and a kiss to her forehead before gently handing her over, I watched to make sure you were comfortable with her before grabbing up the soft blanket to cover around you both.| You can have anything you want. What sounds good? |Already feeling reluctant to leave you, I laughed more to myself with a shake of my head. I was just going to the kitchen not into town.| Name the first three things that come to mind. |Opting to leave my shirt off, I slide out of bed and head for the door, opening it as I waited to see what was on the menu for tonight and looked over my shoulder back to you.| I will be bringing back some dessert I know that. So main course only please. |grins|
•Takes Lydia from you and gets us situated, smiling at you when you put the blanked over us• Hmm… •My mind going blank now that I don’t have her inside me to call the shots• I think my mind went blank. •cracks up• Rice? •nods slowly• Si. I want Spanish rice. Wait, it’s Tuesday isn’t it? Tacos. I want tacos and rice.
For two more hours or so.. |Smirks when I pause right outside the door and turn back, poking my head back into the room to see you loving on our baby girl once more.| That was two things. What is the third? Throw something random in there. |laughs|
•brushes my fingers over Lydia’s head, humming softly before looking up at you in the doorway again• Um… •chews my bottom lip• Garlic bread. •laughs at the look on your face and shrugs a shoulder• It sounds good.
Garlic bread. |Laughing, I give a salute with a wink and head off for the kitchen. Taking a moment to check on the furry kids before I do. Gizmo hadn't left your side for most the day but there were others that had been acquired in the short time we had been here. Once I made those rounds, letting everyone out and back in, my sights finally landed on the industrial size fridge I had put in. Our family had grown into a family of five overnight with my brother's arrival and as I set the oven on to cook and got to work on the rice first, my thoughts drifted to the fact that they were really here. The story of their courtship was something even Papá would have been proud of I thought as I assembled the tacos next while the garlic bread finished baking. Finally plating up once it was all done and I loaded it up on a tray for us to enjoy together. My final destination for the night, our bedroom.| I hope this is to your liking, Cara Mia. |Grins proudly at the spread I sit out for you after I entered the room, seeing our Lydia fast asleep.| Has she been out long?
•Once you left the room, I went back to humming to our little nina. The song I was humming oddly familiar as I wracked my brain to try and figure out where I had heard it from. It was Gizmo who reminded me when he nuzzled her little leg• You are just like Lady in that Disney movie… •pauses mid sentence and laughs• That’s it. Amor, you’re not the only one channeling that movie it seems. •laughs a little more before Lydia lets out a cranky fuss and I hush myself, beginning to rock her gently and hum again until she falls asleep, and looking up at you with a smile when you re-enter the room• She just drifted off. She has a full belly, a dry booty, and we had our own little Disney moment. •laughs softly as I carefully climb from the bed and lay her down in the bassinet•
She seems to be adjusting well to the sleep schedule so far. |Speaking of which, I gestured you closer before grabbing up your hand, pulling you over to sit beside me so we could dig into our food.| I suppose I might have jinxed us then so maybe we should eat while we can. |Chuckles low, trying not to wake the baby while she sleeps and I slide the plate with the rice on it before you. Grabbing up a taco for myself from the other.| Just in case she does wake up.
•my eyes going wide when you say that before laughing when you say exactly what I was thinking• Si. Don’t jinx it. •slides back into the bed next to you, pulling the plate into my lap• I am starving. •scoops some of the rice up then pauses, turning to look at you with a wide smile• Thank you, amor. For making this so I can still eat good food instead of just some cereal or something.
You're not just feeding yourself but the baby too. |Takes another bite of my taco, finishing it off with another bite soon after and I wipe my mouth with a napkin.| Some cereal can be good for dessert but not the main course. No matter what others might think. |laughs again, grabbing up a bite of rice this time then promptly chowing down on another taco, dipping it into the sauce first.|
•It was as if time froze at that moment, my mind capturing every detail of this moment. My handsome husband eating in the bed next to me, enjoying the feast he had just spoiled me with. Our first baby, Gizmo, dutifully watching everything at the foot of the bed. And our sweet little nina fast asleep in her bassinet. My heart was so full. And I was grateful for everything that had happened in my life up until this point. The good and the bad. Because it all brought me to this perfect moment in time that I wouldn't trade for the world•
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