#Surgical Lights Market
oliverreigns · 3 months
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vijayananth · 3 months
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mrx17022004 · 1 year
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crocsforgeckos · 2 years
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He's a striped hyena with technologically developed eyes. In this au it pretty much has the same concepts of beastars but some characters may have in built technology like sunder, tarn and chromedome. I think the basic idea of the story is that carnivores and herbivores are only able to do specific things, like functionism but based on different species. Sunder would probably be a prison therapist/psychologist bcuz being a hyena he'd be able to incapacitate any aggressive inmates; but bcuz he's a carnivore and working in a prison there are plenty of cameras to keep an eye on him and prisoners, but mostly him.
Every other therapist who doesn't work in a special area are all herbivores, like rung and froid.
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shashi2310 · 2 months
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bishtmeenakshi · 8 months
Brightening Spaces: Exploring the Applications of LED Lighting in France
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Discover how LED lighting is transforming spaces in France. Explore the France lighting market, the outdoor area lighting market size, and the impact of LED technology on the indoor lighting market. Brighten your understanding of lighting trends in France.
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kunalp1234 · 9 months
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dd9054807 · 2 years
The major driving factor for the surgical lights Tube Market
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mrunalnerkarblog · 2 years
Surgical lighting system is an integral component during surgeries to provide illumination that assists the surgeons to view surgical site. There are several types of surgical lights available in the market such as ceiling mounted, mobile surgical lights, surgical headlights, and wall mounted surgical lights.
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markettrend24 · 2 years
Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2030
Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights Market Growth, Overview with Detailed Analysis 2022-2030
The Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights Market research report 2022-2030 provides an in-depth analysis of the changing trends, opportunities, and challenges influencing the growth over the next decade. The study includes a detailed summary of each market along with data related to demand, supply and distribution. The report examines Ceiling-mounted Surgical Lights market growth strategies adopted by…
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mrx17022004 · 1 year
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aj802694 · 2 years
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sseomtada · 3 months
being [ruben dias]
your move to Manchester signifies a triumph - the result of nearly a decade of relentless, hard work. However, your sweet victory is quickly turned sour when you reencounter the person you once deeply loved.
a/n: remade secretly only to be back on my bs...here's to praying for me to finish this fic? | 1/??? | 4191 words
This weather was nothing short of an utter atrocity.
It was the kind of bone-chilling freeze that overpowered even your skin's ability to raise its own flesh. Every ounce of energy repurposed instead to turn that evolutionary feature inwards. A futile effort, at least in your case. Even back home in Amadora, you suffered from genetic lack of internal warmth.
Miserable environment aside, the move would be worth it. Everything that you’ve done for the past few years - nearly a decade of sleep deprivation, being the brunt bearer of power trips and clinging to the slimmest sliver of rarely presented opportunities - had led to this.
Not the brutalist view spanning the length of your new floor to ceiling living room windows, but what it signified. Growth. The expansion of your firm here, in Manchester.
“Estou exausta…”
You pulled your eyes from the endless clouds to see your right hand, Aki, draped limply over the last of your boxes.
“Careful.” You bent to rip open the tape sealing the one near your feet.
“Oh, sorry.” She blew her overgrown bangs up to no avail. “Am I crushing your precious CB2 ceramics?”
“Actually, you’re slowly sinking onto my very sharp surgical steel kitchen knives.” The box cutter in your hand gestured vaguely to the label beneath her hips.
Aki’s yelp echoed off through the empty loft as she sprang from the impending mockup of a medieval torture method. Your laughter joined in when she grimaced and muttered something threatening to the thick cardboard that remained dent free.
“Thanks for helping me with all this.” You exhaled. “I owe you.”
“We’re even when you think about it.” She fetched a box opener of her own.
Your eyes widened. There was never a moment in your lifelong friendship when she didn’t take up on an IOU card. Not even when she purposefully served a suspension for knocking the lights out of a girl who blew gum into your hair in the fifth grade.
“I mean, you brought me along with you to open Bana. Full executive package, no less.” Aki beamed and then sneered upon unboxing her newfound arch nemeses.
That was true. Since she was the company’s Head of Finance, her immigration to Manchester was completed covered. Housing located right across the hallway, a brand new car of choice and an increase in salary to accommodate for the higher price of living wasn't the worst package to receive.
It didn’t feel like much of a repayment for her efforts when all things were considered. Bana wouldn’t be close to what it was today if it wasn’t for her. Any business was only as successful as how well they manage their finances, an aspect that she can solely and proudly take credit for.
Not to mention that you both would be extremely busy while trying to fully establish this new branch. If anything, she at least deserved the building’s penthouse suite for the headaches bound to come throughout this journey.
“So…is that a pass on the 1982 Bruno Giacosa?” You dangled the proverbial carrot.
Aki didn’t miss a beat, “Don’t be ridiculous.”
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Getting ready for your first day at the office never felt this good.
Perhaps it was due to the fact that your first ever job was, understandably, anxiety inducing. Being an intern for a well-known marketing firm wasn’t known to be a glamorous position - the multitude of reasons for that not stopping at being a coffee gopher.
After climbing the ladder to a mid-level position within your previous company, it became painfully obvious that the older leaders had no intention of making room for you soon. To eradicate any dreams of that from your mind, they even outright said it.
That led to your next go at a first day, the start of your own consultancy which would then go on to become Bana. Even though you had established your presence in the marketing world and had a few loyal clients, no amount of seminars you’d attended or books you’d read could’ve prepared you for the monster of a task you’d taken on.
This time felt different. There was always going to be an element of nervousness when stepping into a new venture. Even though this was a new branch on a tree you knew well, there was a lot to learn about operating in a new country and little time to do so.
What you had now, however, allowed you to convert that nervous energy into excitement. Experience, establishment and esteem. Those things among the equally as important trustworthy team behind you left you more confident than anything else that this could potentially only be the beginning.
“There better be a good reason why you’ve got me out early on a morning like this.” Aki’s poor facial muscles have yet to relax since the move it seemed. This time their scrunch was due to storm clouds looming in the distance.
“I think our very lovely AD has something exciting to share.” You nodded to give her the go ahead.
“Ladies, as you know I’ve been working on getting us an in with a certain business through my various sources and I’m happy to report that Bana was among the firms selected to pitch.” Cindy could barely contain her excitement.
Her optimism was infectious and part of the reason you recruited her. Another reason for bringing her into the fold to establish the new office was the insane network she had.
The blonde Londoner was in a similar predicament to you when you were starting out not long aog. Even hungrier, if you admitted it. Her former employer didn’t see the potential she clearly possessed, so you had no problem poaching her from them.
“And do we finally get to know the name of this state secret level business?” Aki leaned forward.
“Nike!” Cindy couldn't hold back any longer.
Even your face dropped at that. Not in the way that one’s expression would if they just found out that they’d been rejected from their dream school. It was something akin to finding out you’d won a fucking Oscar.
Among the celebratory cheers and shimmies, you thanked Cindy greatly for her hard work. And although it was a moment of uncontainable joy, the wheels had already began to turn in your mind.
There was absolutely no room for error if you wanted this pitch to be chosen. Being a newer firm undoubtably going up against major competition, Bana’s proposal had to be more than just that.
It had to be a statement. One that said you were not only a major player in this field, but that you also were to be seen as a direct rival.
You got to delegating tasks quickly. The sooner you got the bare bones of the pitch down, the quicker you could work on perfecting it. Aki was on budgeting as always - pricing presentation materials, researching and pricing the estimated budget for the product rollout for Nike.
Cindy was mostly on recon regarding the target audience. The product being launched was a new pair of their iconic AirMax, so you anticipated her using historical data as a guideline.
You’d have to do a fair bit of research yourself - getting into market research, the brand’s positioning and messaging - all while putting your firm’s spin on where you think Nike is hoping to go with this launch.
It was needless to say that the midnight oil would be burning. You set up a co-working space in the conference room to make communication seamless in brainstorming and building. This was the energy you missed so much, and a more sentimental reason behind your expansion.
Back home in Amadora, Bana was a well oiled machine. With a strong staff beside you, the hands on aspects of marketing were placed on the back burner by your own doing. In order for your employees to grow, you had to let them lead projects of their own and you trusted them to do so.
Now, you were back to inhaling concerning amounts of dry erase marker fumes and getting carpal tunnel from extensive mood boarding. That along with a side of meal deliveries and an equally as hard-working coffee machine made the long hours seemingly fly by.
“I’m so tapped, I need to power down for the day.” Aki stretched her back dramatically.
“Feel free to head out too, Cindy. Get some well deserved rest.” You took a moment of your own to release tension in your neck. “I’m good here for the next few hours.”
She was visibly grateful to be given the go ahead to clock out. From past experiences, you were able to sympathize all too well. You also made a mental note to have a conversation with her regarding working hours. There was never going to be an obligation of staying behind under your watch.
Cindy and Aki neatly organized materials for their return in the morning while you made your way to your office to continue outlining. With all of the research required collected, all you had to do at this point was place the information into their allocated areas.
There were three short raps at your door before you called her in.
“Still being here wasn’t exactly what I meant by rest, Cindy.” You chuckled, not looking away from your monitors.
“I’m on my way out now! Just wanted to bring you over the client mailing list I got from my source a minute ago.” She slid a USB drive onto your desk.
Your brows raised appreciatively, “Thank you, really. I mean it when I say that your presence here is essential and invaluable.”
Cindy waved a hand, her head shaking in time.
“I’m just happy to be helpful. See you tomorrow!”
You bid her goodbye and immediately got to taking a look at the information she left behind. It would be very useful in filling in some gaps you needed to flush out ideas that would attract the goal audience for the new product.
Influencers, Performing Artists, YouTubers…Athletes.
The last of those categories was obviously a given considering the brand. It also wasn’t the first time you’d come across that group in your line of work. This time though, seeing the label suddenly formed a knot in your stomach.
You were brought back to all of the avoidance in the aftermath - everyone in your life completely air-gapping the football world from your path. They did that to protect you, a gesture you still couldn’t bring yourself to thank them for verbally.
The mouse beneath your hot palm slowly shifted as you moved the cursor to click and expand the list. That knot grew to the size of a boulder. It squeezed your insides painfully within and forced a broken little noise past your lips.
One look at the name Ruben Dias was all it took to rattle you to your core.
o passado
At the age of seven, you moved to Portugal.
There wasn’t much you missed about your hometown, or even remembered for that matter. All you knew was that you were eerily calm for a child whose entire life up until that point had been uprooted. It was possible that your serene state of mind came from your mom.
She was all you had in the world. There was virtually no relationship had with her family - the only photograph you ever had with your grandparents was at your christening.
When it came to your dad, she put it as kindly as she could for a kid. You were smart enough to read the inference in her tone and the look on her face in the handful of moments he was brought up. He wasn’t in your life because he didn’t want to be.
Yet still, none of that made you sad or shaped you into a person defined by traumas. You intended to live the life that your mother encouraged you to. Be a kid, climb trees and get dirty, make friends along the way.
And that was just what you did. The first of them being the girl in your class that waved you over to the empty seat beside hers when you transferred. My name’s Akenna, but I hate it so I make everyone call me Aki instead.
She was the only person other than your mom who made you feel safe enough to confide in, just as easy to talk to as it was to listen to her wild recounts of her own life story.
Aki quickly became a regular in your home and you in hers. The giggles and secrets held in the various forts sprawling from your living room to bedroom would stay under lock and key until long after you both passed.
The next person you met would be the one who arguably shaped you the most. Loud shouts and tussling with a ball in the neighborhood park with his siblings was where you met Ruben. His tattered football rolled to your feet that touched the ground after you’d leapt from the swings.
With a weak kick, you returned it. Ruben shook his head in disapproval before he shot it right back at you. Try that again, with the left this time. You didn’t know if it was anger at being challenged by some random kid or genuine hidden talent, but when you hit the ball with your instep, it flew powerfully and directly into his own.
She’s on my team!
Inseparable wasn’t a strong enough word to describe you two. After finding out that you lived only one house down, he would come to your school to walk with you back home. On many of those occasions, Aki was there too. Your mom would be waiting with snacks and a warning, don’t play too long out in the sun, patifes.
Somewhere and somehow along the years, you and Ruben had become so close that it seemed you two were dating. Ivan jokingly asked one day as you were sharing a vanilla ice cream cone, ew, are you boyfriend and girlfriend? Ruben grabbed your hand, laced your fingers with his, and simply said, yes.
And that was that.
As for when you began to realize you loved him, that was harder to pinpoint. Maybe it came once you began to notice how helpful he was to you and your mom.
Ruben was always willing to lend a hand with repairs around your house, even if it meant searching up how-to videos when he thought you weren’t paying attention. Or how he’d go out of his way to walk your mom home when she worked night shifts.
Aki often griped and rolled her eyes at how you two were making her feel like a third wheel. Those complaints were always quickly followed with rebuttals that she’d spent a grand total of fifteen days as a single girl since she was thirteen.
Just make sure my maid of honor dress isn’t fugly at your wedding.
It was all but a given that marriage was pending in the future for you two. Ruben never had eyes for any other girl and you…God, you were terribly devoted to him. Even your posters of Justin Bieber found themselves catching dust in the closet, replaced by a collage of photos you and Ruben had taken together over time.
Five years saw graduations, proms, college acceptances and many, many firsts experienced together. His arms were the only man’s you’d ever laughed in, cried in, slept in. His eyes were the only one’s you saw when you closed your own. His lips were the only thing you wanted to taste on the good and bad days, and everything in between.
So, what happened on September 15th 2017?
To this day, you still had no answers to the why behind that question. Nor could you allow yourself to wrack your brain for them any longer should you want to hold onto your sanity.
As for what. Simply put, it was the worst day of your entire life to date.
On the eve of his debut for Benfica’s first team, an event he’d dreamt of and worked so hard for, one that become just as significant to you by extension, Ruben broke up with you. Over the phone, no less - which added humiliation onto a violent erupting volcano of destructive emotions.
Cold turkey, brutal, cruel. It’s over, don’t contact me, I don’t love you anymore.
There were no warning signs, no moments in retrospect left unturned during your spiral, that could’ve possibly made what you read true. You initially thought it was some sick joke. Maybe one of his teammates had taken his phone. Or perhaps there was some girl that wanted him and was jealous that he was yours, so she decided to play dirty.
It was none of that or the million other scenarios you came up with on you walk over to his home. You came to learn that it was, in fact, not a joke. Ruben meant it when he said he was done with you.
He made that painfully clear as he looked at you standing under the faint glow of the lantern on his front porch through the window. Those eyes you once dreamt of fondly seemingly someone else’s as he drew the curtain and shut off the light.
You don’t recall much of time that passed in the months following that night. Every now and then you’d get flashes - Aki crawling in and out of the bed you temporarily became one with, your mom scooping you up to help you bathe and wash your hair.
It was better that way, you think. A blessing in disguise to not be able to clearly recall the most devastating period of your existence.
When your memory resumed, it always picked up at the same place. You siting with Aki on the steps of an abandoned subway station in total silence.
In your mind, you were there with him years ago when the line was still functioning. The rush of the train brought wind along that rose your hair like lightning was about to strike. Ruben grinned toothily as he smoothed it back, tilting your face upwards.
He said I’d always be home when I was with him. Where am I supposed to go now?
The silence returned even louder following the question that neither of you had the answer to.
Instead, you sat there in it with your best friend and shed the last tears you ever would over Ruben Dias.
o presente
Seven years was a long time.
It came with two college degrees, laser focus and an ability to compartmentalize so strongly that it would terrify artificial intelligence.
Whatever threatened to upend you at the sight of his name was snatched up and contained to be dealt with sometime in the future. You didn’t put literal blood, sweat and tears into your career to let one old wound derail it at such a pivotal moment.
With the same vigor you scrapped up to move on with your life, you poured every ounce of energy you had into absolutely nailing your pitch. Five all nighters, thirty six edits and ten complete run throughs later resulted in Bana being chosen as the firm to brand the newest AirMax.
“I always knew you were a genius, but this project was just,” Aki kissed the air as she took the next left to drive back to your shared building.
“Team effort, Aks.” You mumbled.
The thing about throwing yourself entirely into one project was that when the hard work was done, all the was left was the shit you were avoiding. You could feel it there, gnawing at the back of your head like a mice on a fresh piece of cheese.
“What if we watched an old coming of age movie like we used to on nights like this? Pop out some wine, get in our pj’s…real wild stuff.” She nudged your elbow with hers.
You casted a fond glance at her. Aki would never come outright and say it, but it was her way of checking in with you. The client mailing list was no secret to her since she needed it for the budgeting, so there was no way she missed him being on there.
The mice grew hungrier. Throughout all of your breakdowns and pain, she held all of hers in unselfishly and arguably stupidly. You weren’t the only one who lost someone important to you on that night.
“We do that after product launches. The deal has only just been sealed.” A smile was managed to form on your end.
“Ah…best not jinx it then, huh?” Aki blew a raspberry.
In order to keep her worries at bay this time, something you silently promised to do ever since your senses had returned, you squeezed her arm and doubled down.
“Besides, I haven’t had a proper night’s sleep in nearly three weeks. I think I’ll just go for a short run, take a shower and hibernate.”
She nodded, liking the sound of that plan. You would’ve felt proud of your disarming skills had you not known the real reason for her shoulders relaxing. She was looking forward to having the next two days off more than anyone else.
“Don’t forget to text me when you get back.” Aki stuck out her pinky.
“Always.” You locked yours in tight.
The repetitive beat of your feet meeting the ground had the ability to still your mind nearly as much as pouring yourself into your work did. Left, right, left, right, left. When you added in the accompanying swing of your arms, the constant reminder to keep your breath in control and music that made you feel like you could punch a hole through a wall - you were nothing short of a machine.
It was one of the healthier coping mechanism you’d clung to back home. Every day, you’d take to the streets of the new neighborhood you moved to and then to the track at you university.
You’d gotten so good at it that you were scouted to run for the school’s team. Going pro was never a part of your plan, though. You only accepted the offer because it came with a free ride.
A drop of water hit your face, but it was cold.
Your treads slowed a bit as your eyes turned skyward. The clouds illuminated against a murky purplish background with the warning of distant lightning approaching. You refocused and pumped your legs faster. Fucking Manchester.
In between your songs transitioning, you heard a faint rumble. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, the sound distorted by the headphones muffling your ears playing tricks that twisted the noise to sound partially human.
Whether it was or not, you weren’t trying to stick around to find out. It was late at night and the weather was going to get hellish soon.
From the corner of your eye, you spotted a shadow ripping behind the streetlights - closing in on yours with each meter. Lactic acid built painfully in your muscles as you pushed even harder, breath control thrown to the wind.
It was gaining on you while rain began to fully fall.
Within a matter of seconds, which is all you had, you came to a decision. You were too exhausted from sleep deprivation and being nearly an hour into your run to beat whoever was chasing after you. The only option you had now was to steel your nerves and use the keys in your pocket as a last line of defense.
Your right hand blindly reached down and was met with lint. Terror hadn’t been felt until that very moment. A thousand and one scenarios raced through your mind with you reaching for the ones that would allow you to leave this situation at least narrowly unscathed.
The one you got a firm grip on using the element of surprise to hopefully distract them from whatever intentions they had for an instant. You took one last deep breath before spinning around swiftly and throwing out a fist.
A man in a baseball cap dodged the punch to his credit, albeit not very ideal for you. His balance, however, was in your favor. He slipped on the slick sidewalk and landed flat on his back with a pained groan.
You were the last thing you should’ve been given that you’d been granted an escape - frozen. On your behalf, you would’ve been halfway down the street and barreling towards your building had it not been for the wide eyes staring up at you.
Those eyes…Ruben’s.
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hardlysticks · 2 days
The Sea Breeze Carries Unknown Secrets
Chapter 1
You can’t remember much of last night, you remember waking up and seeing two creatures in the ocean. Clearly it was a dream, being back in this town brought back the ideas of the creatures that your grandfather had warned you about.
Besides that weird dream and the splashes near the rocks, everything had been fairly normal. You spend your days venturing into town and reliving parts of your childhood summers that you could remember; that cute little cafe that always served tasty treats, or maybe the little antique shop where your grandfather had bought you a little model sailboat. It was all surprisingly still here.
It brought you a sense of comfort to see that everything was still the same, which meant that those you had met when you were younger still remembered you.
“Oh darling! It’s been so long since we last saw you!”
An older woman broke you from your thoughts as she brought her hands up to pinch at the apple of your cheeks.
You couldn’t help but smile at the affection and her words, you remember the older woman, she was one who would feed you stories of the sea while always leaving a seat open for you and your grandfather open at her restaurant.
“I know I know, college and my career really kept me away from visiting. But I’ve moved into papa’s old home” you mentioned to her.
You weren’t that young kid who would run around town and listen to whatever story you could get your hands on, you were now in your mid thirties and had stepped your foot into the world of publishing and writing books.
“That’s wonderful! We really have missed seeing you around. Now if you ever need a little something to eat then you know where to find me” she gave you a quick pat on the cheek before she had wandered off back to her restaurant.
As the older woman wandered off you pulled your phone out of your pocket to look at the list you made for yourself, even if you finished unpacking you still had stuff left to do. Such as grocery shopping.
With your phone in hand you made your way to the small market that the town called a grocery store, staring down at your grocery list you meandered down the aisles grabbing the food that would sustain you in your new houses.
The fruit and vegetables always seemed to be more ripe and colorful in the coastal town, you don’t remember seeing such a juicy mango in the city. Staring at the display of vegetables in front of you, it distracts you from the feeling of being watched. Coal brown eyes that followed every little bit of your movement, but staying out of your sight.
Your mind played it off as someone not recognizing you in a town of close knit people, with a shake of your head you moved to wander down the bakery aisle instead.
With your gaze focused on your grocery list you managed to walk into a wall, though when you glanced up from the list you noticed that it was in fact not a wall…. And instead a wall of muscle.
“Oh!- oh I’m so sorry! I really should have focused on where I’m going-“ you stuttered out as you started at the behemoth of a man.
The man, now that you got a better look, was around 6’2 and built like a brick house. A black surgical mask covered the lower half of his face, if you squinted just slightly you could see a display of light freckles that dusted his face, and then there was the dark brown eyes but you could have sworn under the fluorescent light it turned to an amber like color.
“It’s fine” a gruff voice interrupted you from your thoughts, the thick Manchester accent definitely matched this giant of a man. The man held a basket filled with summer vegetables and what seemed like tea boxes.
“Right um… still I should pay better attention” you added, before offering your name towards him. The man raised an eyebrow; staring down at your form before letting out another grunt.
“M’names simon” he replied, a tinge of hesitancy lining his voice, all while his eyes held a sort of amusement. With a smile you gave him a nod and glanced down at your almost full basket, you had gotten what you came here for.
“Well… it’s nice to meet you Simon. But I must be off now. I hope to see you around” you offered him with a smile before heading off to the cashier. The line went by fast and you were able to pay for all the necessities you needed for the next few days.
The walk home was nice, the cool sea breeze cools you down from the summer sun all while letting your hair wisp against your face. It was far better than the smog filled air you had learned to live with in the city.
Town wasn’t all too far from your seaside cottage, a long gravel road welcomed you back to your cottage. Carefully balancing your bags of groceries in your arms you tried to reach back towards your pocket to retrieve your key to open your door. As you stopped at your porch you noticed something blocking your way.
Fish… dead fish
As you took a closer look at the fish you noticed it was a small arrangement of cod and grouper… how the hell did they make their way to your porch from the seaside? With a groan you stepped around them and brought your groceries inside, trying to plan on how to deal with the fish.
Eventually the only thing that came to mind was… throwing the dead fish back in the sea. Your lip curled up in slight disgust as you picked up the dead fish and tossed them back into the sea, mumbling to yourself about how gross that was.
A pair of sapphire eyes watched from past the rocks on the coastline, squinting with confusion as they watched you toss the fish away.
Authors note!- y’all I’m so sorry school kicked my ass with exams but I should now be regularly posting each weekend! And also next chapter reader will do some interacting with someone special 👀
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mail-me-a-snail · 6 months
i love seeing ur posts about your ocs it feels like seeing posts from a mutual about a different fandom. pls give us an Information about one of them, use this ask as an excuse to talk about something that has been rotating in your brain for a while, literally anything
(thank u for sending this in! autism blast.)
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u all know i am so fuckign ill about the eroticism of the machine.
i think it's very important to me for y'all to know that vance's internal systems look like the inside of a server tower.
like he has these long, thick red cables that are braided together in a v clean and orderly fashion, which are held in place by black clamps; different sockets and plugs that line his steel spine and link up to the cyberdeck itself; little white lights blinking intermittently, almost sleepy in their rhythms; black wires running around his body and his pulmonary implants, connecting everything to everything else.
a majority of his wires are linked up to his cyberdeck + his cooling system (ie his pulmonary implants and his realskinn vents). once he starts to overclock his deck—something he only does out of desperation—his mechanical lungs kick in and force him to cool down. it'd be a very strange sensation, i think, having your natural breathing pattern forced into another, different march, simply because the machine part of you had it do so.
i say it often but he's full of genetically modified blood, or something blood adjacent.
(arasaka kept it as close as possible to the real thing so as not to trigger any cyberpsychotic self-dehumanization in vance—a line they were already a few moments away from crossing at any given time).
his implants are all encased in sac-like filaments. if you opened him up and got the blood out of the way, it'd look as though his "organs" are vacuum packed in this thin white sheet. it's not that the machine parts would get damaged if they were to be soaked in blood; in fact, the filaments are more like filters. they breathe when he breathes.
the blood is more than just for his mental health (and mine admittedly)! it keeps his organs at a certain temperature at all times, so he runs very warm on the daily.
to return to vances plugs for a second—vik is the only ripper he will ever trust with his organs. so vik has to be extremely careful not to unplug the wrong thing. it's trial and fucking error though when vance has unique implants that aren't on public record or EVEN ON THE BLACK MARKET.
vance is the only one besides 'saka who'd ever know what part is what. he's had to plug things back in and switch them around as needed himself during some of his field ops outside of nc/the nusa, away from his arasaka ripper.
he can feel every plug and unplug, too, by the way. just the same as someone were to touch his braided, red wires; run their fingers up and down the filaments encasing his mechanical organs; wiggle a plug back and forth trying to pry it out, or perhaps trying to put it back in its place.
i think you could do some real damage to vance if you got the surgical tools to crack him open. i think he'd feel every single bit of it. every wire cut and plug taken out and little by little, losing more and more of himself...
...but the machine's a little too beautiful for senseless torture.
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bishtmeenakshi · 8 months
How Will Energy-Efficient LED Lighting Impact China's Future?
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The future of China's lighting industry size will be significantly influenced by the growth of the LED lighting market and the expanding outdoor lighting market size. The shift towards energy-efficient LED lighting is a key factor propelling this transformation. The eco-friendly and cost-effective nature of LED lighting is driving its adoption, shaping the future landscape of China's lighting industry and contributing to substantial market growth.
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