#Super Robot Wars OG
tokimeki167 · 6 months
Dairaioh is relishing himself
CW: Giant Robot Valveplug (censored)
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weirdunclegamer · 1 year
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More SUPAH ROBOT WAHS OG bay-beeeeee!  Always a good day when I get to build another of Banpresto’s OG machines, and here we have their most infamous; the Huckebein!   Okay technically the Mk-II but who cares.  Famously Banpresto actually got legally leaned on by Sunrise, the owners of Gundam, for the huckie designs being too close to the gundams and Banpresto actually had all the hucks destroyed in the fiction of their story, replaced with new mechs that weren’t as close to gundams.  But that tension has clearly... cleared up, over the years, as the hucks have returned in SRW games, and... well this model kit!
I was worried at first that the huckie might actually just be a HG gundam, and therefore not in scale with its OG model kit siblings (the Altiesen, Gespenst, and Cybuster so far), but while it IS the smallest of the kits so far, it is bigger then a standard HG gundam and doesn’t look out of scale to its brethren.
I feel like a broken record these days talking about how great Bandai’s modern kits are but... they just ARE, holy smokes, they so geeewwwd.  It’s solid, it’s color accurate, it’s poseable, it looks great!  I dunno what more to tell people, if you like the design, and you like the building hobby, just get it!  What I have to say about older kits and non-Bandai stuff is likely to be the only truly meaningful critique I can give at this point.
Well okay and the RG GaoGaiGar cuz I was very disappointed with how many issues that guy has...
More shots under the cut!
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kingofjuglans · 1 year
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cosmikaizer · 2 years
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Gyarusione, a darkskin and inverted palette of the Valsione with a bit of redesigning to fit the new palette.
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reversemoon255 · 1 year
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Saying nothing of its final quality, this is probably the scummiest release for a model I have ever seen. So, R-1 and R-Gun were both standard, mass produced releases, sold together (remember this, it'll be important later). Now, you'd think with that being the case, and their sizes, that R-2 and R-3 would both be separate mass releases, but they weren't. They were instead both a massively expensive P-Bandai release. And to top it off, many of its effect parts, alternate hands, and accessories came in another additional P-Bandai set, which also came with R-Gun's railgun parts. And SR-X only uses R-Gun with the railgun parts. So if you want an accurate R-Gun to go with your SR-X, you also need that third set, and you will own R-Gun at this point since it comes with R-1.
So to summarize, R-1 and R-Gun were a mass release, R-2 and R-3 were a P-Bandai release, and completed R-Gun is a different P-Bandai release. Really scummy way of draining someone's pockets.
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R-1: The most standard robot of the set, it has a decent accessory pool, storage for all of its weapons on its person, and a vehicle mode. The additional joints in the shoulder parts allow for a wide range of movement that isn't impeded by anything transformation/combination related (in fact, it may be improved). The jet mode is sadly not that great (I'm pretty sure I've gotten the arms crossed every time I've transformed it), but I appreciate its inclusion.
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R-2 Powered: For such a bulky bot, R-2 has pretty decent posability. While its legs are strange to work with at first because of all its transformation parts, they do have good range. The additional Powered armor parts also don't get in the way or impede movement or balance much at all. It's probably my favorite of the set.
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R-3 Powered: It's so strange that most of R-3's accessories are for its base form. R-3 without its Powered upgrade is very simple to construct, but decently posable, if a little tricky at the hips, whereas the Powered parts are the most complicated part of the entire build.
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R-Gun: R-Gun is very similar to R-1 in that it's a very posable with a lot of accessories and has a transformation to it. Unlike R-1, it's transformation is a lot more solid and doesn't require you to take it apart (apart from the railguns). I understand why those two were packaged together, even if the non-inclusion of the railguns still rubs me the wrong way.
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SR-X: And the reason we're all here: the SR-X. It is literally the largest model kit I have ever built, standing around 14in/35cm. Despite being an enormous combination, it is extremely solid. I'm able to pick it up and move it around without the fear of it falling apart. It's also very posable, with multiple joints in the shoulders, two waist joints, very good ankles, and many more.
And with the accessory set, it's able to replicate, I believe, every finisher is has in the game. Giant sword, using R-Gun, glowy fists, leg missiles, goofy eye beams, its jump kick. You can even remove the front portion of the eye beam and place it on a pair of included glasses if you're feeling particularly sporty that day.
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It does require a few adapters in the torso, and in the hips if you don't use the stronger replacement ones (which I did), but it was overall a very fun build, and putting it together was an interesting process in and of itself.
The Bad: In total, across all 3 releases, and including shipping, I spent around $500 on this set. And while I think this is a great model kit, I would never recommend someone drop that on this thing. I think maybe you could get away with half that? But not half a grand.
It doesn't help that there's technically a better, easier to obtain option. There was a release from RIOBOT last year that's a bit more expensive (around $650?), but does all the same stuff and a bit more, comes preassembled, is made of higher quality materials, etc. If you were going to go for this, I'd say just save up a bit more and get that one. (Although, looking at its specs, this one might be ever so slightly taller O_O)
The Details: I went pretty easy on this one (it is massive, afterall). I did some basic panel lining and used the included stickers. There were a few left over for R-3 when I finished that I still don't know where they go...
Overall, the SR-X is a ridiculous model kit on many levels, including its price tag, but other than that one I'd say they're all positives. I can't recommend it, but if you have a lot of money burning a hole in your pocket, there are worse things to spend it on. Just maybe don't buy them all at once.
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robussy-liker · 16 days
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Two Cunty Robots!!
Full ver is in my pixiv!
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tastycitrus · 11 months
throwback to SRW V when Ange wrecked Embryo's shit and then when he had the audacity to question why she rejected him (read: refused to submit to his creepy ass), pretty much every female character in the group verbally tore him a new one
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twitterinsider · 3 months
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eway · 6 months
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drsunshaine · 1 year
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Of course, precious best boy Üso gets to be the first ace :) (quickly followed by Amuro and Kamille)
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steelajeeg · 2 years
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Riobot SRX
- from Super Robot Wars OG
- by Sen-Ti-Nel
T-Link, engage!
Tronium Engine, maximum output!
Z.O. Sword!
The massive combination of R-1, R-2, and R3. A feat of engineering, and a perfect example of late 90s robot design. It's just incredible.
Ever since the first Super Robot Wars game I played, I loved the SRX. Not only is it a big towering love letter to Super Robots, but it's also a walking homage to the Banpresto logo. There's a certain silly appeal to that alone, even if the robot itself isn't wasn't so good looking.
But it is, and seeing it in this form - a massive combination of 3 equally impressive chogokin robots - makes every bit of design and engineering even more striking.
It takes a while to get it all together, and there are parts that can be a little frustrating (the helmet is something we'll need to discuss at some point) but if you take the time to really learn how it combines, and how it moves, it's an endlessly satisfying piece.
The sheer size of this guy alone makes it a little harder to photograph - but it cuts quite a silhouette on a shelf. Just gorgeous.
And there's so much more to show off, expect a part 2 soon. We haven't even touched on the black light effects.
What a toy.
Pictures barely due it justice.
[Instagram link for this post]
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weirdunclegamer · 8 months
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Plays "Gong" on repeat
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dzbanatello · 11 months
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My box of happiness came in the mail today
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lilyblackdrawside · 10 months
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pitagain · 1 year
#365DaysOfVGM Day 155:
Orchestral Army (Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier [2008])
Back to a much simpler description, let’s waste no time here! This sounds precisely like most people would imagine it to, based off the name and context of it being a boss theme; lots of focus on more “graceful” instruments such as the Piano and long Strings, and when you put that on top of a melancholy melody with electronic sounds and Techno Drums to keep it energetic enough as a battle theme, you get a versatile composition that’s able to fit many different scenarios in such a short runtime!
(Length before loop: Nearly 1.5 minutes)
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kurhl · 7 months
Robôs, correria, raios e explosões, na versão OG.
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